Database in MYSQL

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A database is a data structure that stores organized information.

Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include

several different fields. For example, a company database may
include tables for products, employees, and financial records.
A database is a systematic collection of data. They support electronic
storage and manipulation of data. Databases make data
Data -Data is the name given to basic facts and entities such as names and
numbers. The main examples of data are weights, prices, costs, numbers of items
sold, employee names, product names, addresses, tax codes, registration marks
Data Information Knowledge Experience Wisdom
In other words, we can say that we have extracted the information about average,
maximum and minimum marks for given student data in
Example of Data processing

Marks obtained by Compute: Average Performance of

students in an marks, Maximum
examination marks, Minimum marks the class

Data Processing Information

1) A database is a representation of some aspect of the real world
also called miniworld. Whenever there are changes in this
miniworld they are also reflected in the database.
2) It is designed, built and populated with data for specific purpose.
3) It can be of any size and complexity.
4) It can be maintained manually or it may be computerized.
1. Data Redundancy: Same information is stored in more than one
file. This would result in wastage of space.
2. Data Inconsistency: If a file is updated then all the files containing
similar information must be updated else it would result in
inconsistency of data.
3. Lack of Data Integration(Capability): As data files are independent,
accessing information out of multiple files becomes very difficult.
A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and
managing databases. A DBMS makes it possible for end users to create, protect, read,
update and delete data in a database.
Application Pragram

DBMS Software

Stored Database &

Its Definition

DBMS environment
1. Defining the Database: It involves specifying the data type of data that will be
stored in the database and also any constraints on that data.
2. Populating the Database: It involves storing the data on some storage
medium that is controlled by DBMS.
3. Manipulating the Database : It involves modifying the database, retrieving data
or querying the database, generating reports from the database etc.
4. Sharing the Database : Allow multiple users to access the database at the
same time.
5. Protecting the Database : It enables protection of the database from software/
hardware failures and unauthorized access.
6. Maintaining the Database: It is easy to adapt to the changing requirements.
Some examples of DBMS are – MySQL, Oracle, DB2,
1. Self-describing Nature of a Database System: DBMS contains not only the
database but also the description of the data that it stores. This description of
data is called metadata. Meta-data is stored in a database catalogue or data
dictionary. It contains the structure of the data and also the constraints that are
imposed on the data.
2. Insulation Between Programs and Data: Since the definition of data is stored
separately in a DBMS, any change in the structure of data would be done in the
catalogue and hence programs which access this data need not be modified.
This property is called Program-Data Independence.
3. Sharing of Data: A multiuser environment allows multiple users to access the
database simultaneously. Thus a DBMS must include concurrency control
software to allow simultaneous access of data in the database without any
inconsistency problems.
1. End Users:-Users who use the database for querying, modifying and generating
reports as per their needs. They are not concerned about the working and
designing of the database. They simply use the DBMS to get their task done.
2. Database Administrator (DBA) :-As the name implies, the DBA administers the
database and the DBMS. The DBA is responsible for authoring access,
monitoring its use, providing technical support, acquiring software and
hardware resources.
3. Application Programmers :-Application programmers write application
programs to interact with the database. These programs are written in high level
languages and SQL to interact with the database.
4. System Analyst:-System analyst determines the requirements of the end users
and then develops specifications to meet these requirements. A system analyst
plays a major role in the database design and all the technical, economic and
feasibility aspects.
1. Reduction in Redundancy: Data in a DBMS is more concise because of the central
repository of data. All the data is stored at one place. There is no repetition of the
same data. This also reduces the cost of storing data on hard disks or other memory
2. Improved Consistency: The chances of data inconsistencies in a database are also
reduced as there is a single copy of data that is accessed or updated by all the users.
3. Improved Availability: Same information is made available to different users. This helps
sharing of information by various users of the database.
4. Improved Security: Though there is improvement in the availability of information to
users, it may also be required to restrict the access to confidential information. By
making use of passwords and controlling users' database access rights, the DBA can
provide security to the database.
5. User Friendly: Using a DBMS, it becomes very easy to access, modify and delete data. It
reduces the dependency of users on computer specialists to perform various data
related operations in a DBMS because of its user friendly interface.
1. High Cost: The cost of implementing a DBMS system is very high. It is also
a very time-consuming process which involves analyzing user
requirements, designing the database specifications, writing application
programs and then also providing training.
2. Security and Recovery Overheads: Unauthorized access to a database can
lead to 4Database Management Applications threat to the individual or
organization depending on the data stored. Also the data must be regularly
backed up to prevent its loss due to fire, earthquakes, etc.
A relational database management system (RDBMS or just RDB) is a
common type of database that stores data in tables, so it can be used
in relation to other stored datasets

Name Employee_ID Ge nder Salary Date_of_Birth

Ne ha Mehta 1121 F 20000 2004/12/20

Mahesh 1125 M 32000 2004/05/25

Muskan 2145 F 15000 2006/02/27

Employee Table
Row-A row is called a Tuple or Record.
Column- A column is called an Attribute or fields.
Table or Relation- A table is called as a Relation.
Domain- The data type of values in each column is called the Domain.
Degree- The number of attributes in a relation is called the Degree of
a relation.
Cardinality-The number of rows in a relation is called the Cardinality
of a relation.
Relation Schema- R is denoted by R (A , A , A …, A ) where R is
The relation name 1 2 3, n and A , A , A ,….A is the list of attributes.
Relation State -is the set of tuples in the relation at a point in time. A
relation state r of relation schema R (A1, A2, ..., An), denoted r(R) is a
set of n-tuples r = {t1, t2,...., tm}, where each n-tuple is an ordered
list of values t = , where vi is in domain of A or is NULL. Here n is the
degree of the relation and m is the cardinality of i the relation.

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