The Teaching Profession
The Teaching Profession
The Teaching Profession
Domain 6.
Community Domain 6:
Linkages Community
Linkages and -It concerns the importance of
-focuses on teachers’ Professional
efforts directed at teachers’ understanding and
Engagement fulfilling their obligations in
strengthening the links
between schools and upholding professional ethics,
communities to help in the accountability and transparency
attainment of the to promote professional and
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
Scenario: Ms. Orozco has been having difficulty in her seventh grade
students during cooperative group work. The students are assigned to specific
groups to do certain activities. They know where to go and with whom they will be
working, but she is struggling with the rotation transitions as students prepare to
move from one group to the next. During instruction, Ms. Orozco has no problem
with smooth transitions and uses a variety of strategies (such as a bell, a five-finger
countdown, and a patterned clap) that signal students to finish one task before
starting the next one. When it comes to group transitions, however, she is not as
smooth as in getting students to rotate from one task to the next.
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
What is your solution?
How do you approach the problem of Ms. Orozco? Consider the diversity of her
students (special needs, learning styles, language ability, etc.) when answering this
- Effective transitions are critical for effective classroom management.
Ms. Orozco did well in preparing group task/activity to her students. She used a
variety of strategies such as a bell, a five-finger countdown, and a patterned clap
that saves time during transitions. One of the factor that affects the rotation
transitions was the diversity of each student. Every student is different from one
another. If Ms. Orozco recognized or understand that each student has special
needs, different learning styles, and language ability ,then her class would be
B. Personal Narrative/Reflection
Identify an
Provide an
educational issue in
information you
your school that
Things you have Things you have need for you to
requires solution or
done to address the NOT done to become involved in
anything related to
issue up to this time address the issue this issue and
educational issues
contribute in your
you feel passionately
One of the I addressed this issue I didn’t communicate Students have grown
educational issues in to my teacher and told with my classmates up with digital
our school is financial her that I and some of who don’t have such technology and expect
issues and problem in my classmates lack in technology. We could it to be part of their
technology to some technology like laptop tell our teacher or learning experience.
students. and had financial maybe some of our But what about
problem. Sometimes instructor this issues students who don’t
we couldn’t attend to we faced and maybe have technology?
our online class they will understand. would they cope with
because we had no online classes? I think
money to buy mobile it should be better if
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
data so we had to be teachers would give
determined answering students without
our module so that we technology a hard
will have good copy of their module
grades. so that students won’t
struggle answering
their module.
2. What are the learning insights you have gained from the lesson?
- In this lesson, I’ve learned that teachers play an important role
in classroom and in our community. They can be the
controller, the prompter, the resource, the assessor, the tutor,
and many more. I believe that good teachers are vital to
raising student achievement, that is the quality learning is
contingent upon quality teaching.