The Teaching Profession

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Name: Jerrylyn Alegre

Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD

Lesson 1: The Concept of Teaching as a Profession
Let’s begin
A. ♥ Teaching as an Art
- Demonstrates ways in which the teacher may use creative
ways to present the material so it is fun and interesting for his
or her students.
Example Situation:
- My teacher in English subject use her own interpretations,
experiences, and perspectives teaching us which reflect her
own self-expression.
♥ Teaching as a Science
- Demonstrates ways in which the teacher may employ a more
logical approach to deliver the material to the students.
Example Situation:
- Teachers collect data by observing to see if the learning is
taking place and how the students can best learn.
♥ Teaching as a Craft
- Teaching is also a craft-profession because teachers possess
specialized techniques in applying the rules governing the
application of the theories of knowledge and the psychology
of learning and teaching.
Example Situation:
- Teachers combine the science of learning and the art of
teaching through their creativity and talent. They study
theories of human development, learning, pedagogy,
classroom management, communication, and relationships,
among others, in order to connect meaningfully with the
♥ Teaching as your Vocation
- Teaching, therefore, is a profession for which God utilizes a
teacher to touch lives. Teachers are summoned to teach
because they have a strong inclination in partaking in the total
formation and transformation of young people. It is a
self- giving or self-emptying enterprise, allowing them
to partake in the development of humanity.
Example Situation:
- Teachers teach with passion because they believed that it’s
their calling. This commitment remains inspiring and
fulfilling thereby making teaching truly a vocation. Despite
the numerous challenges and stresses as well as low salary of
the teaching profession, their love for teaching motivates them
and make them stay in their career.
♥ Teaching as your Mission
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
- Teaching is your mission means it is the task entrusted to you
in this world. Every teacher has its own unique mission,
purpose, or objective that they need to accomplish. We are
expected to contribute to the betterment of this world in your
own unique way.
Example Situation:
- All teachers has a mission to teach students what they have to
teach. As a future educator, I have also a mission to study
harder an someday teach my future students more knowledge
and inspire them.
♥ Teaching as a Profession
- Teaching as a profession means educating individuals and
shaping through positive encouragement how they are able to
understand topics presented to them and able to relate back
what you are attempting to teach them with a sense of
confidence and enthusiasm attached to what they have
Example Situation:
- Teaching is a noble profession which comes with so much
responsibility and duty towards students. Teachers keep
working to boost the confidence of students and direct them in
the right direction. They dedicated all their life in empowering
their students and making them a better and successful human
being in their life.

We’re On Our Way!

1. How did you come-up with the definition of teaching as vocation, mission,
and profession?
- I came up with the definition of teaching as vocation, mission,
and profession by the way of understanding and
comprehending all of the lessons and topics discussed in this
2. What are the learning insights you have gained from the lesson?
- I learned that teaching is not just a profession or just a work to
earn money. Teaching has many forms. It can be an art, a
science, a craft, vocation, mission, and profession.

How Far Have We Gone?

1. False
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

Lesson 2 : The Philosophy of Education

Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
Let’s begin
Idealism Realism Pragmatism Existentialism Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism Reconstructionis
- the aim of - the aim is to - The ultimate - to train - For - to conserve - finds ultimate - to change
education understand purpose is the students to Perennialists, social values such purpose in the society so as to
is to objective reality creation of a develop their the aim of as respect for learners and build a new social
discover through "the new social own unique education is to authority, how they are order that
and diligent and order. understanding of ensure that perseverance, taught to responds to the
develop unsparing - focus on life. students nationalism, etc. manage the needs of the
each scrutiny of all creating acquire changes they people
Aims of
individual's observable opportunities understandings encounter in - aims to guide
Education abilities data." for self- about the great their lives learners in
and full direction and ideas of understanding
moral self Western social issues
excellence actualization. civilization.
in order to
better serve
- Teaching - The teacher - Teaching - Teachers focus - they define - teacher have the - provide - catalysts of
methods organizes and method focus on creating the content of basic experiences that social change
focus on presents content on hands-on opportunities for what the responsibility to are active and - developing
handling systematically problem self-direction learners are mediate between not passive programs for
ideas within a solving, and self- expected to the adult world - act as a guide social, cultural,
through discipline, experimenting, actualization learn and and the world of or facilitator political,
lecture, demonstrating and projects, control their youngsters. economic, and
discussion, use of criteria often having entire learning Teacher are environmental
Role of
and in making students work experiences considered the change
Teachers Socratic decisions. in groups. “curator” of
dialogue Teaching knowledge
- guide the methods focus
student on mastery of
towards facts and basic
utmost skills through
possible demonstration
perfection and recitation.
- The - student must - student should - student must - student - Learners as - individuals - active
student is a also apply their confront others’ become empty vessels to who are capable participants in the
passive demonstrate the knowledge to view to clarify recipients of be filled up with of experiencing, learning process
receptor, ability to think real situations his or her own pre-given information and thinking, and
Role of who has to critically and through knowledge -the to be disciplined exploring their
Students gain the scientifically, experimental classics or in the tested and lives and the
knowledge using inquiry ideas of great proven techniques world they are
transferred observation and thinkers of and approaches of living in
by the experimentation humanity the past
- The - The Realist - Curriculum - Related to - asserts that - teaches the - flexible and - The curriculum,
curricular curriculum should bring the education, the the Great 3R’s(reading, integrated study in this sense, is
emphasis is emphasizes the disciplines subject matter Books or the writing,’rithmetic) of academic not devoid of the
subject subject matter together to of existentialist Classics are to younger subjects social issues of
matter of of the physical focus on classrooms valuable generations addressing the society. Social
mind: world, solving should be a repositories of needs and sciences and
literature, particularly problems in an matter of knowledge and experiences of social research
Curriculu history, science and interdisciplinary personal choice. wisdom the learners method as well as
m Features philosophy, mathematics. way problem based
and - should be curriculum
religion. scientifically constitute the
approached, core of the social
standardized, reconstructionist
and distinct- curriculum
discipline based
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
B. Personal Educational Philosophy
“My Philosophy of Education”
1. I believed that the effective ways of managing my learners
are to have them kind words of praise, encouragement, and
appreciating their efforts which will then boost their self-
esteem and self-motivation.
2. I teach with confidence and enthusiasm for I believe that
with this I would be able to effectively teach my students.

We’re On Our Way!

1. How did you complete the comparison matrix? What are the important
learning insights you have known and known further?
- I completed the comparison matrix through reading and
studying this lesson comprehensively. I learned that there are
various kinds of educational philosophies and each of them
focuses on the nature of reality.

2. What are the challenges in creating/developing your own philosophy of

- In creating/developing my own philosophy of education, it is
hard for me to create one especially when you only had a little
experience teaching, that is when I was a grade 10 student. I
don’t have ideas on how subjects should be taught and how I
would be able to effectively teach them. But after I’ve red the
philosophy of education I start appreciating the teaching
profession and made my own philosophy of education.

How Far Have We Gone?

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD

Lesson 3 : The Foundational Principles of Morality

Let’s begin!
A. Graphic Organizer

Moral and Ethical Sense in Teaching

No. Essential Value Importance in Teaching

Integrity is important in teaching

because it can offer you peace of
1 Integrity mind knowing that you believe in
doing the right thing, and always try
to act consistently with those beliefs.
Respect is important in teaching
because it encourages students to
2 Respect
portray their own ideas by creating
an open, comfortable environment.
Fair and equitable education is the
key to unlocking lifelong
opportunities for children living in
3 Fairness poverty. It provides them with the
opportunity to learn, graduate, and
pursue a good life with jobs to
sustain themselves and grow.
It is important in teaching because
students become better learners,
develop better understanding of
4 Empathy
concepts, read others more
accurately, and show better social
Teaching students to have courage in
the classroom not only increases
engagement and academic
5 Courage
achievement, but it also helps
students learn how to handle
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
B. Reflection Note
My favorite teacher My NOT so favorite teacher
Unforgettable Unforgettable
Ethical/Moral Unethical
experience experience
characteristics characteristics
with him/her with him/her
During my junior Encouragement and My not so favorite Disregard for justice
high school days, my respect teacher in high school and equality
adviser in 7th grade Ms. was my English
Guimary gave me teacher. She had a
words of wisdom favoritism in our class.
because she believes in She only had
me and in my conversation with my
potential. She saw me two classmate and if
everyday growing and there’s a competition
gaining knowledge and in our school my
she always boost my teacher always choose
self confidence. her favorite students.

We’re On Our Way!

1. How did you complete your graphic organizer?
- I completed my graphic organizer through recalling my past
experiences in high school with my favorite and not so
favorite teacher.

2. Did you personally experience those situations with your favorite/not so

favorite teacher? What are the challenges encountered in doing activity B?
- All I wrote was true based on my experience as a high school
student. In doing this activity it’s hard because you have to
give negative characteristics of one of your teacher in high
school. But I love my teacher and I’m always thankful to

How Far Have We Gone?

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. C

Lesson 4 : Philippine Professional Stands for Teachers (PPST)

Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
Let’s begin!
A. Research Work
Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST)
Contribution to Effective
Own Definition Strand
Teaching Career
Domain 1: Content Strand 1.2 Research-based This domain encompasses teachers’
Knowledge and Pedagogy knowledge and principles of ability to apply developmentally
Domain 1 recognizes the teaching and learning appropriate and meaningful pedagogy
importance of teachers’ grounded on content knowledge and
mastery of content knowledge current research
and its interconnectedness
within and across curriculum
areas, coupled with a sound
and critical understanding of
the application of theories and
principles of teaching and
Strand 2.3 Management of This domain highlights the need for
Domain 2: Learning classroom structure and teachers to utilize a range of resources
Environment Domain 2 activities and provide intellectually challenging
highlights the role of teachers and stimulating activities to encourage
to provide learning constructive classroom interactions
environments that are safe, geared towards the attainment of high
secure, fair and supportive in standards of learning.
order to promote learner
responsibility and
Strand 3.1
This Domain underscores the importance
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners’ gender, needs,
of teachers’ knowledge and
Learners Domain 3 strengths, interests and
understanding of, as well as respect for,
emphasizes the central role of experiences
learners’ diverse characteristics and
teachers in establishing experiences as inputs to the planning and
learning environments that are design of learning opportunities.
responsive to learner
diversity. Strand 4.1 Planning and
management of teaching and This domain expects teachers to apply
learning process their professional knowledge to plan and
Domain 4: Curriculum design, individually or in collaboration
and Planning Domain 4 with colleagues, well-structured and
addresses teachers’ sequenced lessons.
knowledge of and interaction
with the national and local
curriculum requirements. Strand 5.5 Use of
assessment data to enhance This Domain concerns the use of
teaching and learning assessment data in a variety of ways to
Domain 5: Assessment inform and enhance the teaching and
and Reporting Domain 5 learning process and programs.
relates to processes associated
with a variety of assessment
tools and strategies used by
teachers in monitoring,
evaluating, documenting and
reporting learners’ needs,
progress and achievement.

Strand 6.2 Engagement of

parents and the wider school This domain concerns the importance of
community in the educative teachers’ understanding and fulfilling
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
process their obligations in upholding
Domain 6: Community professional ethics, accountability and
linkages and Professional transparency to promote professional
Engagement Domain 6 and harmonious relationships with
affirms the role of teachers in learners, parents, schools and the wider
establishing school-community community.
partnerships aimed at
enriching the learning
environment, as well as the Strand 7.4 Professional
community’s engagement in reflection and learning to
the educative process. This domain recognizes the importance
improve practice of teachers’ assuming responsibility for
personal growth and professional
Domain 7: Personal development for lifelong learning.
Growth and Professional
Development Domain 7
focuses on teachers’ personal
growth and professional
development. It accentuates
teachers’ proper and high
personal regard for the
profession by maintaining
qualities that uphold the
dignity of teaching such as
caring attitude, respect and
Domains Description Domains Description
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
Domain 1. Social MATRIX
-focuses on the ideal that Domain 1: Content -encompasses teachers’ ability
Regard for teachers serve as positive Knowledge and to apply developmentally
Learning and powerful role models Pedagogy appropriate and meaningful
of the value in the pursuit pedagogy grounded on content
of different efforts to learn. knowledge and current
Domain 2. -focuses on importance of Domain 2: -centers on creating an
Learning providing a social, Learning environment that is learning-
Environment psychological and physical Environment focused and in which teachers
environment within which efficiently manage learner
all students, regardless of behavior in a physical and
their individual differences virtual space.
in learning.
Domain 3. Diversity Domain 3:
-emphasizes the ideal that -It encourages the celebration
of Learners Diversity of
teachers can facilitate the of diversity in the classrooms
learning process even with and the need for teaching
diverse learners, by practices that are differentiated
recognizing and respecting to encourage all learners to be
individual differences and successful citizens in a
by using knowledge about changing local and global
their differences to design environment.
diverse sets of learning
activities to ensure that all
learners can attain the
desired learning goals.
Domain 4. Domain 4:
Curriculum -refers to all elements of Curriculum
the teaching-learning And Planning -encompasses their ability to
process that work in translate curriculum content
convergence to help into learning activities that are
students understand the relevant to learners and based
curricular goals and on the principles of effective
objectives, and to attain teaching and learning.
high standards of learning
Domain 5. defined in the curriculum. Domain 5:
Planning, Assessing Assessment and
& Reporting -focuses on the (1) use of Reporting -concerns the use of assessment
assessment data to plan data in a variety of ways to
and revise teaching- inform and enhance the
learning plans; teaching and learning process
(2) integration of and programs.
assessment procedures in
the plan and
implementation of
activities, and (3)
reporting of the learners’
actual achievement and

Domain 6.
Community Domain 6:
Linkages Community
Linkages and -It concerns the importance of
-focuses on teachers’ Professional
efforts directed at teachers’ understanding and
Engagement fulfilling their obligations in
strengthening the links
between schools and upholding professional ethics,
communities to help in the accountability and transparency
attainment of the to promote professional and
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD

We’re On Our Way!

1. How did you complete your explainer table?
- I completed my explainer table through reading in the internet
and researching what needs to be researched.

2. Which one is comprehensible? NCBTS or PPST? Explain your thoughts.

- For me, I think the NCBTS is more comprehensible than
PPST due to the fact that it is more systematic and attainable
in terms of the teaching-learning process. The NCBTS
minimizes confusion about what effective teaching is. It
provides a better guide for all teacher development programs
and projects from the school-level up to the national level.

How Far Have We Gone?

1. C
2. F
3. D
4. E
5. A

Lesson 5 : The 21st Century Teacher: his/her Role in the Classroom

and in the Community
Let’s begin!
A. Vision of the 21st Century Teacher
Task: Improving discipline through lesson management

Scenario: Ms. Orozco has been having difficulty in her seventh grade
students during cooperative group work. The students are assigned to specific
groups to do certain activities. They know where to go and with whom they will be
working, but she is struggling with the rotation transitions as students prepare to
move from one group to the next. During instruction, Ms. Orozco has no problem
with smooth transitions and uses a variety of strategies (such as a bell, a five-finger
countdown, and a patterned clap) that signal students to finish one task before
starting the next one. When it comes to group transitions, however, she is not as
smooth as in getting students to rotate from one task to the next.
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
What is your solution?
How do you approach the problem of Ms. Orozco? Consider the diversity of her
students (special needs, learning styles, language ability, etc.) when answering this
- Effective transitions are critical for effective classroom management.
Ms. Orozco did well in preparing group task/activity to her students. She used a
variety of strategies such as a bell, a five-finger countdown, and a patterned clap
that saves time during transitions. One of the factor that affects the rotation
transitions was the diversity of each student. Every student is different from one
another. If Ms. Orozco recognized or understand that each student has special
needs, different learning styles, and language ability ,then her class would be

B. Personal Narrative/Reflection
Identify an
Provide an
educational issue in
information you
your school that
Things you have Things you have need for you to
requires solution or
done to address the NOT done to become involved in
anything related to
issue up to this time address the issue this issue and
educational issues
contribute in your
you feel passionately
One of the I addressed this issue I didn’t communicate Students have grown
educational issues in to my teacher and told with my classmates up with digital
our school is financial her that I and some of who don’t have such technology and expect
issues and problem in my classmates lack in technology. We could it to be part of their
technology to some technology like laptop tell our teacher or learning experience.
students. and had financial maybe some of our But what about
problem. Sometimes instructor this issues students who don’t
we couldn’t attend to we faced and maybe have technology?
our online class they will understand. would they cope with
because we had no online classes? I think
money to buy mobile it should be better if
Name: Jerrylyn Alegre
Course & Section: BTVTED 2-GFD
data so we had to be teachers would give
determined answering students without
our module so that we technology a hard
will have good copy of their module
grades. so that students won’t
struggle answering
their module.

We’re On Our Way

1. How challenging is it to complete Activity A and B? Which one is difficult
to complete? Why?
- It way more challenging than other activities. I find it hard to
complete the last part of the table which is to provide an
information for me to be involved in the said issues of our
school and how to contribute in my community because I
don’t have courage to face problems and being involved in
school issues. But I want to help others and overcome this

2. What are the learning insights you have gained from the lesson?
- In this lesson, I’ve learned that teachers play an important role
in classroom and in our community. They can be the
controller, the prompter, the resource, the assessor, the tutor,
and many more. I believe that good teachers are vital to
raising student achievement, that is the quality learning is
contingent upon quality teaching.

How Far Have We Gone?

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True

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