Robert Allan Ltd. Corporate Brochure

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Vancouver, BC V6J 1H3


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Our Company
Robert Allan Ltd. is Canada’s most senior
consulting Naval Architectural firm. The
company has earned an international repu-
tation for innovative, successful designs for a
wide range of working vessels of all types and
has been a leader in creating cost-efficient
solutions for the marine transportation
industry. Our experience includes designs for
hundreds of vessels of almost all types, from
small fishing boats to ocean-going ferries. We
provide independent professional marine
consulting and design services to a worldwide
client base, supported by the latest in com- qualified Professional Engineers, Naval Ar- involved in day to day operations, and in an
puter-aided design technology. chitects, Marine Engineers, Technologists and advisory role to the new Owners.
Designers handle a wide variety of projects
The business was founded in 1930 when for clients around the world. From 2008 to 2015 Ken Harford P.Eng, who
Robert Allan commenced private practice in has been a key figure in the company since
Vancouver as a Consulting Naval Architect. In 2008, reflecting the continued growth of the 1988, served as the Company President,
He was responsible for numerous enduring business, the company was restructured to a successfully managing the transition from a
designs produced for the growing British culture of employee ownership with ten of family enterprise into an Employee-owned
Columbia fishing fleet and coastal ferry Robert Allan Ltd.’s core group of senior business. He is succeeded by Mike Fitzpatrick
services, among others. The firm’s reputation employees becoming shareholders in the firm. who has been a vital and driving force in the
was also enhanced by the design of the notable Rob Allan moved into the new role of Executive company’s growth for the past decade since
and enduring ocean-going motor yachts Chairman of the Board, and remains actively joining the firm in 2003.
Meander and Fifer.

In 1945, Robert F. Allan joined his father in the

practice. The growing business was instru-
mental in the development of specialized tugs
and barges for the burgeoning forestry and
mining industries along the B.C. coast, and
for many unique craft for Canada’s northland.
Incorporated as Robert Allan Ltd. in 1962, the
Company continued to grow and achieved
international recognition for the high standards
and performance of its many unique and
specialized designs.

In 1973, Robert G. (Rob) Allan joined the family

tradition, and in 1981 succeeded his father as
President, leading the company into a new
generation of computer-based design tech-
nology, with a variety of distinctive designs for
modern high-performance ship-assist and
escort tugs, icebreakers, government service
vessels, and high speed craft. Robert Allan
Ltd. was a leader in introducing CAD technol-
ogy into the ship design office in Canada. The
company has continued to grow and has es-
tablished itself as an international leader in
commercial workboat design. A staff of highly
Ship Design • Propulsion control and automation expertise to perform analytical studies for a
Robert Allan Ltd. has an experienced, profes- system wide variety of marine-related activities.
sional staff of Naval Architects and Engineers • Resistance and propulsion Examples of such consulting services include:
capable of handling almost any type of ship • Shafting system design • Computational fluid dynamics
design, but the company is best known for • Construction or repair cost estimates
tackling the innovative and unusual design Our firm has the expertise and analytical tools • Finite element analysis
problem. Starting by working with our clients to efficiently deal with any of the above • Hull structures analysis
to develop a clearly defined statement of subjects. The capability exists to develop • Icebreaking performance prediction
operational requirements, design drawings customized analytical tools for most special- • Propeller optimization studies
and specifications are prepared to suit the ized problems. • Resistance and propulsion
client’s specific vessel and construction re- • Ship model testing and trials
quirements and budget. The scope of services Marine Consulting Services • Ship-berthing analysis
offered ranges from concept outlines, through Robert Allan Ltd. undertakes commissions • Stability analysis
complete design documentation for contract for a broad range of marine consulting activ- • Transportation system economic studies
bidding and Classification Society approval, ities, involving virtually every aspect of ship • Tug escort and towing force analysis
to construction working drawings. Use of the design, construction management, vessel • Vessel cost analysis
latest in CADD facilities expedites and maintenance and operation. Services are • Vessel motions and seakeeping studies
improves the accuracy of every aspect of the provided to a worldwide client base of ship • Vessel operational models
ship design process. owners, shipyards, government agencies, • Vessel surveys and valuations
consultants and legal firms. We have the
Marine Engineering
Robert Allan Ltd. offers professional consult-
ing services in a wide range of marine engi-
neering topics. Fully qualified, experienced
staff are supported by a network of profes-
sional associates in specialized disciplines,
and by extensive in-house computing facilities.
Marine Engineering analysis services are
offered in a wide range of subjects, including:
• Electrical systems
• Machinery life cycle costs
• Machinery systems evaluation and
• Noise and vibration control
• Propeller design and performance
Since the earliest days of Robert Allan Ltd. ART: Advanced Rotortugs®: triple Z-drive tugs RApide: Shallow draft river pushboats for
the tugboat has been the mainstay of our for ship-handling, terminal and offshore barge transportation systems
design work. As the coast of British Columbia support and escort duties. Depending on the
is served almost exclusively by tug and barge application, may incorporate the unique RApport: Compact ASD tugs for ship-han-
for all major cargo transportation, we have RAstar sponsoned hull form dling duties
been closely linked with the development of
a wide range of tug types for coastal and ocean AVT: Advanced Voith Tractor Tugs: RAscal: Line-handling tugs with ASD propul-
towing as well as for ship-handling. This basic Voith-Schneider propelled tugs with the sion
experience is at the root of the worldwide unique RAstar sponsoned hull form
reputation in the field of tug design that we RASalvor: Ocean-going Salvage/Rescue tugs
now enjoy. Robert Allan Ltd.’s tug designs are AZT: Advanced Z-drive Tractor Tug for
today widely accepted internationally as ship-handling, terminal support, offshore and RAstar: High-performance escort/terminal
the benchmark for performance in the escort duties support tugs with ASD propulsion and
fields of ship-assist, tanker escort, and featuring the unique sponsoned hull form
offshore support service. Our portfolio BRAtt: The unique “micro tug” for Z-drive developed exclusively for this application
contains many hundreds of different training and light harbor yarding duties
tug designs. We continually invest RAVE: The Robert Allan Voith Escort tug
in privately funded research into RAmpage: Offshore/terminal concept featuring VSP drives in a unique
ways to improve tug towing, escort support/anchor-handling tugs longitudinal configuration. Ideal for ship-han-
and seakeeping performance. dling and escort in constrained areas
RAmparts: The multi-purpose
As tugs are required to support harbour/coastal towing/ship-han- RAzer: High-performance flush-deck
many different missions, a complete dling ASD tug ship-handling/terminal support/escort tugs
family of tug design alternatives have with ASD propulsion
been developed to address a wide
arrange of functions and op- TundRA: Ice-breaking series ASD tugs for
erational environments. ship-handling/terminal support or escort
The major of these design duties
series and their primary
applications are as follows: Z-Tech®: The unique configuration of ASD
tugs developed for most efficient ship-han-
dling in high-capacity port operations.

The following sub-sections highlight some of

the critical design features of several of the
above series.
RAstar Series
The RAstar Escort/Terminal Support Tug
designation is reserved for a unique series of
very high-performance ASD tugs, designed
with a sponsoned hull form, which has been
proven in both model and full-scale testing to
provide significantly enhanced escort towing
and seakeeping performance in comparison
to more conventional hull shapes. The escort
forces are enhanced by the effects of the
sponson as well as the foil-shaped escort skeg
fitted. Roll motions and accelerations are less
than half those of comparable sized “standard”
tug hulls. These tugs will typically be
high-powered, and are intended for use in
weather and sea-exposed areas such as many
new LNG terminals where a high standard of
sea-keeping is required.

RAstar Series tugs are classified according

to their approximate length, e.g. RAstar 3400
(34 metres Length). A range of powers can be
accommodated within each hull size according
to the specific operational needs.
Acceleration (g)
RAmparts Series
The RAmparts Series tugs are well-proven The vessel types are designated by length;
ASD tug designs which have been developed e.g. RAmparts 3000, and there is a range of
into relatively standardized configurations. powers which can be accommodated within
The series has evolved from an initial set of each. Each design is available in a typical
very successful tugs into a broad range of ship-handling configuration, with a modest
adaptable designs for typical harbor and size of skeg, or in an “escort” configuration
near-coastal applications. The designs have with a much deeper skeg for enhanced indirect
been refined to emphasize ease of construc- steering force capability. Clients seeking
tion without sacrificing performance. The superior escort performance however are
RAmparts designs are available in fully recommended to select the RAstar Series.
developed steel part “kits”, using ShipCon-
structor 3D modelling software.
Z-Tech® Series
The award-winning Z-Tech® Series tugs were
initially developed specifically for PSA Marine
of Singapore. The design incorporates the
best handling and operational characteristics
of both Z-drive tractor tugs and Azimuthing
Stern-Drive (ASD) tugs. Z-Tech® tugs are
designed primarily for operation in major ports
and marine terminals. The design of the
Z-Tech® tug emphasizes the safe and capable
operation of ship-handling large ships, par-
ticularly those with extreme flares. The
Z-Tech® design offers true omni-directional
performance; speed and Bollard Pull are
virtually equal ahead and astern.

The most unique feature of the Z-Tech® tug

is the relationship of sheer distribution to the
working deck areas, and the location of the
deckhouse and wheelhouse in relation to the
“working end”. Emphasizing the need to work
in either a push or pull mode under the flared
ends of large container ships and car carriers,
the Z-Tech® has a flat forward sheer, and a
wide, heavily fendered bow. The wheelhouse
is set well aft and inboard, offering excellent
visibility over the entire working deck and to
the sides of the tug, ensuring very low risk of
contact with a ship when working. With the
low bow, the tug is then expected to make
transit or open water voyages running stern-
first in the “tractor mode” (with the drive units
forward). In this configuration, the Z-Tech®
tug then can also function efficiently with only
one winch, located for maximum efficiency
for both ship-handling and towing operations.
To ensure good sea-keeping capability, the
stern has a strong vertical sheer, and is much
more rounded than in a typical tug, presenting
a “sea-going” stern. The underwater hull
however is essentially identical to that of other
ASD tugs designed by Robert Allan Ltd.

The Z-Tech® tugs are classified according to

their Bollard Pull, (e.g. Z-Tech® 6000 (60
tonnes BP) however are adaptable to a range
of powers and engine types in each size.

reddot design
award winner
ART Series
The ART (Advanced Rotortug®) designation
applies to tugs designed by Robert Allan Ltd.
that feature the unique triple drive configura-
tion as originally developed and patented by
Rotortug® (KST) B.V. in The Netherlands. In
2013 Robert Allan Ltd was selected by
Rotor Tug BV to be the exclusive
worldwide designer of all
Rotor Tugs. Featuring
enhanced omni-direc-
tion- al manoeuvrabil-
ity, and the benefits of
a redundant propulsion
machinery configura-
tion, the Rotortug®
concept offers
increased security and
performance for
ship-handling and escort
towing, especially in very
confined harbours.

The Rotortug® concept is now poised

to enter its next phase of development
as the unique triple Z-drive concept
evolves further - as a now well-proven
solution for ship-handling in today’s ever
busier and more constricted ports, and for
use in the most demanding of escort towing
AVT Series
The AVT (Advanced Voith Tractor) designation
applies to Voith-propelled escort tugs designed
by Robert Allan Ltd. for harbour or offshore
terminal operations featuring the unique
sponsoned hull form similar to that used in
the RAstar Series tugs. The AVT tugs are
classed according to length, and can accom-
modate a wide range of powers and other
equipment, according to Owner requirements.

This series of tug has been the subject of

extensive model-testing and full-scale per-
formance verification. The AVT Series tugs
are noted for their exceptional escort perfor-
mance and sea-keeping capability.
BRAtt Series
The BRAtt is an ultra-compact, training or
“small job” tugboat. It has Z-drive propulsion,
a fully operational ship-handling winch, and
all the necessary accoutrements of a fully
functional harbour tug... simply scaled down.
Although conceived and built as a platform
for cost-effective training of Z-drive tug
Masters, the BRAtt also has significant com-
mercial potential as a line-handling or yarding
tug where its compact but powerful capabil-
ities would be a benefit with all the function-
al characteristics of a full-size tug.

AZT Series
The AZT (Advanced Z-drive Tractor) designa-
tion applies to Z-drive-propelled tractor tugs
(drives located forward of amidships),
designed for harbour or offshore terminal
operations. These tugs are classed according
to length, and can accommodate a range of
powers according to operational needs.
RApport Series
The RApport designation is used to denote
an Azimuthing Stern Drive (ASD) Z-drive tug
developed uniquely for harbour and port op-
erations. Compact and manoeuvrable, these
cost-effective high-powered tugs are well
suited to handling today’s larger ships of
almost any type.

RAscal Series
The RAscal Series are high-performance but
relatively simple line handling tugs, all less
than 24 metres in length. These tugs can be
either Z-drive or twin-screw configuration,
and are identified by their length and propul-
sion type; e.g. RAscal 2000Z (20 metres,
Z-drive), or RAscal 1800TS (18 metres, Twin-
RAVE Series
The RAVE Tug (Robert Allan Ltd. – Voith
Escort) is a new concept jointly developed by
Robert Allan Ltd. and Voith Turbo Marine for
a highly manoeuvrable, high-performance
escort and ship-handling tug. The unique
characteristic of the RAVE concept is the
longitudinal alignment of two Voith drives in
contrast to the more conventional transverse

The RAVE design offers very precise

and improved force generation charac-
teristics, which is necessary not only for
the demands of indirect escort towing, but
also is very important for working in narrow
confined harbour and channel areas. The
RAVE Tug uses the variable pitch character-
istics and the X/Y–logic of two Voith Schneider
Propellers for optimum power allocation and
precise manoeuvring.

The principal advantages of the RAVE Tug The performance and configuration opti-
concept are: mization of the RAVE tug has been actively
• Higher indirect steering forces than • Very quick response to directional documented through an extensive series of
developed by a conventional VSP config- commands model-tests and CFD analysis, sponsored
uration: the use of an active drive unit in • Easy and logical control jointly by the project partners. The RAVE
combination with a small skeg develops • Excellent control capabilities and om- technology can be applied to ANY size of
higher lateral forces compared to a ni-directional thrust characteristics in VSP powered tug, depending upon the
simple foil-shaped larger skeg confined ports, channels and locks application and power requirements.

RAZer Series
The RAZer Series are the latest development
in the evolution of Robert Allan Ltd.’s high
performance ASD Z-drive ship-assist tugs.
These powerful tugs are optimized for every
aspect of ship handling and tanker escort
service, and are not generally recommended
as a style for aft towing. Generous freeboard
ensures a high range of stability and excellent
indirect escort force generating capability. The
superstructure is kept low and well aft to
enable safe working under the flare of ships.
TS Series
The TS designation is used to describe a family
of conventional twin-screw tugs, typically
smaller and simpler ship-assist/harbour tugs
or ones used for construction support or
dredge tending etc. The TS Series tugs are
designated by length and bollard pull: e.g TS

TundRA Series
Canada has a vast Arctic frontier, an east coast learned to make these boats safe and practical
subject to extreme winter conditions, and the to operate in this extreme climate. Every one
Great Lakes which experience severe ice of these vessels is uniquely designed for a
conditions every winter. Robert Allan Ltd. has specific set of operating conditions. The home-
for decades worked with Clients operating in grown Canadian experience has led to many
these cold weather regions and we have ac- subsequent designs for ice-capable vessels
cordingly learned many of the secrets of in other regions of the Polar world. The
designing ice capable vessels which not only TundRA Series vessels are generally denoted
meet the class rules for hull strength etc., but by length only.
which incorporate many of the critical lessons
RAmpage Series
The RAmpage Series of Offshore Support “Z” (for Z-drive) - for those situations where
Tug designs were developed by Robert Allan manoeuvring and positioning control is of
Ltd. to address a defined gap in the market paramount importance as in DP operations,
for high-performance towing and anchor-han- or
dling tugs for critical offshore terminal and
oil-field support duties. Filling a gap between “T” (for Twin-screw) - typically with nozzles
a full Offshore Supply Vessel and a harbour/ and with lateral thrusters, offered for more
coastal tug, in the size range from 45 to 65 conventional applications, especially where
metres, the RAmpage Series tugs are maximum Bollard Pull (BP) is required, and
designed to be hard-working and reliable, long-distance towing is more likely,
able to maintain station in extreme ocean
conditions, with enhanced manoeuvring and and finally by the type of powering system,
sea-keeping capabilities. With compact di- either;
mensions and high power, they are capable
of performing the types of duties expected of “–M” for Diesel-Mechanical, or
vessels at both extremes of the size spectrum “–E” for Diesel-Electric propulsion.
used in this service, namely everything from
ship-handling to ocean towing and bulk cargo Hence a typical RAmpage tug designation
supply, but with an emphasis on anchor-han- would be RAmpage 5000 Z-M for a 50 metre
dling and terminal support/towing and cargo diesel mechanical Z-drive version.
transfer duties.

The RAmpage Series tugs are classified

initially according to their length, then by the
type of propulsion system; eg.

RASalvor Series
The RASalvor Series tugs are a new design
development from Robert Allan Ltd., created
to address the growing worldwide demand
for large and powerful rescue/salvage tugs.
The RASalvor Series tugs are designed to
provide long range towing, anchor-han- dling,
rescue and salvage capabilities. Additional
functions such as fire-fighting, pollution
response, dive support, DP operations, and
standby functions can easily be be

The hull form for this series

has been exten- sively model
tested and refined through CFD
analysis, resulting in a truly
optimized hull to deliver high speed and
excellent sea-keep- ing capability as befits
the role of these tugs.

Designs are currently under development for

tugs for 120-220 tonnes BP, and range from
55-75 metres in length. The first of Class
design is for a 60 metre, 160 tonne BP tug.
RApide Series
For many decades Robert Allan Ltd. has been
designing tugs and barges and other
workboats for the shallow rivers and coastal
waters of Canada’s northland. The expertise
gained in designing robust, reliable and yet
lightweight vessels for this very challenging
environment has led to many opportunities
to offer that experience to projects in other
parts of the globe where similar (if generally
warmer!) conditions exist. The result is a
significant portfolio of very specialized vessels
for extremely shallow draft service, now des-
ignated as the RApide Series. Each vessel is
cusotom-designed to suit the specific appli-
cation and design constraints.
Search & Rescue
Robert Allan Ltd. has designed a diverse group
of dedicated search & rescue (SAR) vessels,
as well many which include SAR as part of
their mission profile (this includes nearly all
of the RAnger Series fire and emergency
response boats. Amongst the dedicated SAR
craft are several classes for the Canadian
Coast Guard, and a wide range of fast RHIB’s
for various well-known manufacturers of
these craft.

Survey &
Robert Allan Ltd. has significant experience
in the design (and conversion design) of
vessels equipped for scientific research and
survey of many types, both large and small,
and for a wide range of applications. These
include hydrographic survey, fisheries
research, seismic survey and oceanographic
research. The following images illustrate a
sample of these diverse and complex vessels.
Ice-class Vessels
With the advent of major oil exploration activity
in the 1970s in the Beaufort Sea, the focus of
shipbuilding in Canada shifted increasingly
towards the Arctic. The rigorous service and
severe environment demand vessels of the
highest standards and quality in design and
construction. Robert Allan Ltd. has designed
numerous tugs, supply vessels, barges and
other specialized craft supporting offshore
exploration in this toughest of environments.
Building on that experience, Robert Allan Ltd.
designs have recently been delivered to
operators in the Caspian Sea and at Sakhalin
Island, as well as new vessels for Canada.
Robert Allan Ltd. has in recent years designed
a significant number of emergency response
vessels for major port cities around the world.
Primarily configured as fireboats, these
platforms also frequently serve as Command
and Control centres or as primary emergency
response vessels for local authorities. These
vessels have a diverse array of configurations
and fire-fighting performance as well as
providing functions such as pollution response
and search and rescue

RAnger Series
Based on the successful operation of
numerous prototype designs, Robert Allan
Ltd. has created the RAnger Series of
fireboats in a range of lengths and Fi-Fi
capacity. These are intended generally to be
used simply as the starting point for each new
fireboat design, in response to each port’s
unique operational needs. The current series
design range from RAnger 2000 – RAnger

The following are examples of Cities or Port

Authorities for which custom fireboats have
been designed by Robert Allan Ltd. in response
to the unique operational needs and perfor-
mance requirements of each client.
When a company has been designing boats
for over 80 years, it is likely that the scope of
activity will, over time, include a wide range
of vessel types. That of course assumes that
the designers have the interest, the initiative
and the talent to tackle the unusual and unique
design challenges that frequently raise their
opportunistic head! Those particular charac-
teristics, however, have always been the
hallmark of the design team at Robert Allan
Ltd; the more unusual the design challenge
the better we like it! ”Standard” is Boring!

Robert Allan Ltd. has designed a wide range
of nav-aids tenders for the Canadian Coast
Guard (CCG). The vessels are as diverse as
the regions that CCG serves, and include
tenders for rivers, for small bays and sounds,
and icebreaking Nav-Aids tenders for the
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.

These include the CCG Isle Class, Type 800

Class, and Type 1050 Class. In addition to
these specific Nav-Aids vessels we have
designed numerous crane-equipped
workboats for similar functions.

Offshore Support (OSV, AHTS, PSV)

(see RAmpage Series tugs)
Robert Allan Ltd. has a long and successful
history of barge design which dates back to
the earliest years of the company. The tug and
barge are the sole means of general and bulk
transportation on the coast of British Columbia
and hence the company has grown up meeting
the challenges of designing barges to handle
all manner of cargoes with various means of
loading and unloading. In the 1960’s the
company was amongst the first in the world
to develop barge designs for long distance
ocean towing and some of the first ocean
towed, multi-barge “drop and swap” type
cargo systems. The company files include
designs for open, covered and
self-unloading barges, including
the first and the vast majority of
the unique self-loading/
self-dumping log barges
unique to the B.C. coast.
Patrol Craft
Robert Allan Ltd. has established a solid
reputation for the design of many high-per-
formance, successful high-speed patrol craft.
These include small patrol craft in both
aluminium and GRP, typically intended for
local police, Coast Guard and harbour patrol
functions. The following describes many of
these vessels.

RAven Series Patrol

The RAven Series Patrol boats had their
origins with a series of successful 18 metre
planing catamarans developed for the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police. These high-speed,
spacious vessels were very successful, and
became the pro- totypes for another series
of larger and more robust patrol craft. The
catamaran platform is ideally suited to a wide
range of patrol functions, providing much more
stability and usable deck space for crew and
operational functions than does a monohull
of equal speed and performance.

RAven Series designs are currently available

in lengths from 15 to 22 metres.

RApier Series Patrol

The RApier Series fast patrol craft desig-
nation is used for a range of fast monohull
patrol craft. Many successful designs exist,
and have become the prototypes for more
standard design series. Arrangements and
powering can be adapted to suit any specific

RApier Series designs, are designated

according to their length, (e.g. RApier
850 – 8.50 metres length) and are currently
available In lengths up to 25 metres.
Ferries come in all shapes and sizes and over
the years there are few varieties of these with
which Robert Allan Ltd has not been involved.
These include ferries for many services,

• Passengers
• Automobiles/Passengers
• Trucks and Trailers
• Rail cars
• Ro-Ro
• Short Sea Shipping services (drop
trailers or Ro-Ro)

The mode of propulsion of these ferries is also

diverse, and ranges from the simplest of cable
or reaction ferries to high-speed multi-hulls
with waterjet propulsion. We have designed
ferries for numerous remote inland and
coastal regions of Canada, for ports in SE Asia,
and for open ocean service.

Robert Allan Ltd. has designed numerous
crewboats over the years, for either coastal
transportation or oilfield support duties. Based
on the best of these designs, Robert Allan Ltd.
has developed a standard series of crewboat
designs, designated as the RAlly Series.

The RAlly Series designs are intended for

oilfield, coastal or offshore support duties.
These robust designs are available in either
aluminium or steel construction, depending
upon speed and duty requirements. The
majority of the designs feature large cargo
Design Types and Series
Fast Patrol Monohulls
BRAtt RApier
RAscal Fast Patrol Catamarans
Dolphin ART Crewboats

RAstar Fireboats

TS Miscellaneous

RApport RAVE

RApide Ice-Class

RAmpage Beaufort

RAmparts RAsalvor

Barges Survey and Research



Nav-Aids Tenders

Search and Rescue


Offshore Support

Robert Allan Ltd. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
It is the policy of this Company to provide equal op-
portunity for all employees and applicants for em-
ployment without regard to race, colour, creed,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin,
citizenship status, age, marital status, disability,
pregnancy, or any other basis prohibit-
ed by provincial or federal law.

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