Salt - The Truth - The Silent Killer

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By: Rachel Jackson

The body needs sodium, sodium
photosynthesized from a plant source.
Inorganic sodium, sodium chloride cannot be
properly absorbed by the body. The body is
composed of organic minerals and needs 19+
organic minerals to thrive.
Mostly all salts on the market are
made out of sodium chloride, it is
in nearly all processed foods to
preserve the shelf life. Imagine
how these salts can preserve the
cells in the body and stick to the
artery lining. Mostly all salts are
cooked at about 1200° under high
pressure, cracking the crystalline
structure. This leaves only one
compound, sodium chloride. This
high heat process kills the salt,
making 82 out of 84 minerals
unusable & dead. Only 7% of salt
production goes into food
products and the other 93% goes
to industry for explosives, chlorine
gas, soda, fertilizers, and plastics.
Sea salt is the same as table salt
because it is refined of nearly all
essential minerals.
It’s not only what the
manufacturers take
out during the refining
process; it’s what they
add to it. The additives
are bleaches and anti-
caking agents, such as
calcium phosphate
monabasic, sodium
aluminosilicate, and
aluminium calcium

A lot of websites have stated that salt

prevents dehydration, organic sodium is
what can help us maintain hydration.
Inorganic salts drive out water and
dehydrate the body, prematurely aging it.
Another thing that is said is that salt
contains trace minerals, these minerals
are cooked out and dead. Pink salt is pink
because it contains iron oxide (rust).
Mostly all pink salt comes from mines in
Pakistan. Celtic salt is grey because it
contains clay and dirt from being
harvested. Sea salt is still sodium chloride.
Most refined salts contain aluminum,
bleach & ferrocyanide(synthetic blue
fertilizer). Salts have a burning effect on
the organs and tissues. Naturally
occurring salt is not white. Table salt is
bleached, the iodine in this salt is also
cooked out. The body needs iodine for a
healthy functioning thyroid.

After table salt is made and
cooked, the natural iodine is
gone. This leads to thyroid and
metabolic issues.

Sodium chloride is found in tap

water and many processed
foods, any labeled 'salt.'
The salt needed for our bodies is
sodium(Na) not
sodium + chloride. (NaCl)

Sodium is naturally
sodium chloride (NaCl) is not.

This unnatural salt is a

preservative and preserves our
bodies. Table salt is bleached, it is
not naturally white.
Sodium is necessary to the body for
optimum health, and it is
responsible for:
maintaining fluid balance,
regulating the circulatory system,
and normalizing nerve propagation
The human body needs an estimated
200 mg of organic sodium daily to
carry on these essential functions.
Every time we eat or drink
these inorganic minerals and
chemicals whether it is from
canned foods, ketchup,
mustard, soft drinks, frozen
foods, or seasonings with high
salt concentrations, our kidney
and liver have to neutralize

That’s the last thing we need.

Structed water (H3O2) is the
key to all bodily functions,
found in pure fruit and
vegetable juices.
If you buy mineral
supplements or food
fortified with minerals, 9
times out of 10 you will be
doing just that… and
eating metallic minerals
that your body does not
understand and struggles
to absorb. In fact, if the
levels of metallic minerals
are high enough they can
be toxic. Plants are
supposed to digest metallic
minerals, not us.
Did you know metallic minerals
are photosynthesized by plants to
become water soluble minerals?
These are the minerals that both
animals and humans can safely
assimilate. Minerals bought in
stores are mainly metallic and
Mostly all processed foods if they
include salt (even vegan foods)
are fortified with inorganic,
metallic, vitamins and minerals:
Food such as pasteurized fruit
juices, nut milks/milk
alternatives, breakfast cereals,
bread, salt, yogurt. Anything
containing salt is most likely
fortified with added aluminum
salts or anti caking agents since
there are no regulations on this.
Anything labeled sea salt just
means the salt was derived from
the sea at one point. That doesn’t
mean nothing was added to it.
Oxalates: Oxalic acid,
Salt, & Kidney Stones

Oxalates bind or chelate

to specific micronutrients
such as calcium,
magnesium, and iron in
the intestinal tract.
Oxalates binding with
calcium and the
consumption of inorganic
minerals and vitamins
has half a million
Americans in the hospital
annually with kidney

Mostly all kidney stones

consist of inorganic
calcium chloride aka
SALT added to food
during manufacturing or
calcium oxalate,
crystalized oxalate acid
bonded to calcium. The
prevelance of kidney
stones increased from
3.8% in the 70’s to 8.8%
in the 2000’s. Acids
become enhanced when
cooking. This is why I
love fruits, and I always
return to the fruit jungle.
Fruits are perfectly
designed in nature for
the body.
When you have a salt craving
your body is craving naturally
occurring sodium so try beets or
celery as they are the vegetables
with the highest naturally
occurring sodium concentration.

Other alternatives for adding salt

to food would be celery seed, kelp
flakes and Atlantic Dulse flakes
for naturally occurring iodine and
sodium that can be absorbed by
the body.
The Standard American Diet
takes in an estimated 4,000
mg to 10,000 mg of inorganic
sodium per day. The human
body needs 200-300 mg of
organic sodium per day. That
is sodium from fruits,
vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
In most processed snacks
there is up to 1,000 mg of
inorganic sodium. The
Standard American diet
contains more inorganic
sodium than any other diet. It
is full of processed 'foods'
that have a ton of added salt.
Sodium Chloride is a
protoplasmic poison.
Pink, black, rock, grey,
Colima, Himalayan,
artisan, Hawaiian,
kosher, Sel gris, fleur de
sel, truffle, lava, salts
are no less harmful than
any other salt other than
that they may not have
aluminum anti-caking
agents added to them.
They do not contain any
“healthful minerals”
because the body cannot
assimilate inorganic
You can’t always tell when
salt is added to foods because
it is masked with anti-caking
agents, msg, ‘natural’ flavor
and sugar to mask the taste.
Food labels may be labeled
with ‘sea salt’ which means it
may be used to refer to salt
that came from an existing
sea.. so not only is it
calcifying but it could be
mixed with many other
additives even labeled ‘sea
Since we need
organic sodium,
not sodium
chloride (the
chemical term for
salt), we need to
know the
between naturally
occurring organic
salt in food versus
sodium chloride.
Most of America is overweight,
statistics show that 65% or more
of Americans are overweight.

Not all of that weight comes from

excess fat.
A lot of the time the excess weight
is caused by overconsumption of
inorganic salts.
The salts cause water retention
issues in the body because the
kidneys and liver can’t process
these high amounts of inorganic
sodium so it gets dumped into the
tissues and held there with water
in the body.
Inorganic salt is poison to the
human body and anyone that has
felt the burning sensation after
getting salt in their eyes or a wound
can resonate with this. Sodium
chloride is used today to preserve
food. Salts preserve the body and
turn it to stone, driving water out of
each cell. Excessive salt can lead to
edema because when we eat salt, it
increases the hydrostatic pressure
due to expanding the intravascular
volume and it reduces plasma
osmotic pressure.

Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease is

plaque build up in the coronary
arteries. We have never been
exposed to so much salt. Salt is used
to melt the ice and snow off roads.
Symptoms of overconsumption of salt
may be but aren't limited to:
sudden numbness in the arms or
legs, dizziness, unsteadiness, or loss
of vision. Think about this, many
people are needing eyeglasses at
younger ages, salt can alter your
vision. Salt gets stored in our tissues
and considering our brain is like a
muscle, this salt can without a doubt
affect our vision and thinking abilities.
This year some 200,000
Americans will drown- not
in the ocean, streams or
pools but in their own
bodily fluid. The cause of
this is congestive heart
failure, as big of a killer as
cancer. The accumulation of
excess water in the body is
not due to “diseased
hearts.” — It is due to salt

- J.D Ratcliff
Millions of people have already lost the
power of thinking because of the
damage done by sodium chloride.

Why do most corporations require

employees to retire at 65? Most people
have hardening of the arteries and
brain by this age. These salts harden the
arteries, veins, and capillaries that
supply the brain with blood.

It causes deterioration of the kidneys,

liver, heart, eliminative organs, and
other vital organs of the body.

Hardening of the arteries and blood

vessels started the day you were born
from taking in inorganic minerals and

That is why it is so important not to fuel

this fire with more inorganic salts or
chemicals such as table salt (sodium
chloride, NaCl). Sea salt is no better.
While it may be hard at first to
cut these inorganic minerals
such as table salt from your
diet, your taste buds will
recover from this salt

You will discover the taste of

true health from the organic
fruits and vegetables that
contain mineral salts designed
for the body.
You will finally enjoy the true
taste of the living foods from
the earth. To prevent
premature aging, high blood
pressure, brain fog,
osteoporosis, arthritis, clogged
arteries, kidney stones and
gallstones, water retention,
and chronic dehydration,
avoid processed salts at all

Drink structured water or fruit

and vegetable juice with
naturally occurring salts to
dissolve the damage done by
sodium chloride.
You can break the salt addiction by
seeing this inorganic salt for what it is.
When you go to the grocery store and see
these tasty-looking processed salty foods,
think about the damage it does to your
cells, organs, and tissues. It out drives
water. Think about how much this can
shorten the lifespan and age the body
prematurely. There are delicious
alternatives such as seaweed salt and
celery salt. A few organic foods that have
high amounts of natural sodium are
celery, swiss chard, spinach, beet greens,
kale, figs, and sesame seeds.
How calcified are you? Test
the joints in your body, do
your knees crack when you
squat? Are you feeling pretty
stiff? How flexible are your
feet? Is your body flexible or
full of pain and stiffness?
Try eliminating these toxic
poisons from your life.
The truth is right here in front
of us. "Mort-on Salt."
Morte means 'death' in
Portuguese. Mort or Mors
means 'death' in Latin. What
is said about a corpse?
'Rigor Mortis' meaning dead
and stiff.
“Millions of the human race
have lived healthfully, and died
of a good ripe old age, without
employing it at all;
furthermore, hundreds of
thousands of human beings
now live in the enjoyment of
good health, who have never
used salt either as a food or a

— from Trall, “Hydropathic

Encyclopedia,” Vol. I, Page 886




Tabasco Brand, 'Brain

claiming to cure

headaches &
Sodium acts as an enzyme
inhibitor that is why the Gerson
Therapy Protocol with Max
Gerson says to avoid all salts,
even sea salt.

Gerson therapy was a successful way in

curing and treating disease including
some so called incurable diseases that
Dr. Gerson was poisoned and his
unfinished book was stolen. He survived
and was nursed back to health, rewriting
his book for the following two years. He
finished his book but was then poisoned
again which took his life. You can find
Gerson Therapy practices in Europe and
Mexico but it is banned in the US.
There is a huge deception
taking place because there is
no discussion on whether the
minerals are organic or
inorganic, it usually just says
"sodium, iron, zinc"... etc. The
inorganic minerals are dead
and unusable by the body.

How do salts control the

brains sleep cycle?

According to Professor

Nedergaard, the level of salts in

the brain plays a critical role in

whether we are asleep or
awake. This discovery might be
of great importance to research
on psychiatric diseases such as
schizophrenia and convulsive
fits from lack of sleep as well as
confusion. The brain uses
something as simple as
changing the level of salts to
control whether we are sleeping
or awake.
(Reference for research article
on last page)
"The great majority of human beings
eat no salt. In all central Africa there is
no salt at all, and the millions of central
Africa never taste salt. When America
discovered by Columbus, the great
number of Indians who people this
country at that time ate no salt, and up
to within a very short time, salt has not
been used by the North American
Indians. A friend of mine who kept a
store out in the Indian Territory for
some twenty years preceding the civil
war told me that at that time the
Indians ate no salt, never used it, any of
them, and they never did use it until
they were gradually accustomed to use
it by using the government rations of
salt pork and salt beef."

-Dr. John Kellogg

"Pharmacology texts clearly list
the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic properties of
sodium chloride, confirming its
use as a drug and a poison. As
with all other drugs, adverse
effects of sodium chloride use
are listed in medical books.
Sodium chloride’s retention and
excretion by the body places a
large strain on kidneys and other
organs, damaging tissue and
raising blood pressure as the
body retains water in
extracellular tissue to dilute

-Dr. Ron Brown

Chronic heart failure is often a result of
the left ventricle of the heart giving out
from forcing against the resistance of
high blood pressure in the arteries due
to increased blood plasma volume from
sodium intake. It is likely that artery
elasticity in younger people who
consume salt helps prevent high blood
pressure as their arteries dilate to
compensate for extra plasma volume.
However, as arteries lose elasticity with
age, increased plasma volume from salt
intake raises blood pressure. According
to the INTERSALT study, the Yanomami
tribe of Brazil consume no salt, and
their blood pressure averages only
95/61 mmHg, which does not rise with
- Dr. Ron Brown

It is commonly believed among healthcare

professionals that children suffering from cystic
fibrous have a genetic defect that requires
treatment with large daily doses of sodium
chloride to replace the large quantity of sodium
expectorated in mucous by the children’s lungs.
It never occurs to these professionals that their
sodium chloride treatment may be worse than
the disease. For example, it may be that sodium
chloride poisons the body and acts as an
epigenetic factor which stimulates the genetic
sodium defect and generates the copious
expectorant in cystic fibrous as the body
attempts to rid itself of this poison. Like many
other drugs that induce lung disease, salt intake
is strongly linked to asthma. Saline solutions
administered to patients often have adverse
effects including pneumonia, pulmonary edema,
increased blood pressure, higher pulse and
respiratory rate, vomiting, anxiety, and acute
cardiac failure. By contrast, natural coconut
water containing balanced amounts of sodium
and other electrolytes does not have these
adverse effects when administered
intravenously in emergency cases.
-Dr. Ron Brown
The Body Fat Guide
Organic minerals were
once living, or are living
and can bring life to cells.
These contain carbon, often
carbohydrate. Their
electrons spin clockwise,
just like those of the
human body. Additionally,
these cells can form an
ionic bond with the body
and can easily break down
into materials to help with
bodily function, such as
tissue repair. Inorganic
minerals do not.
Minerals do not work in
isolation. When they are
extracted from their natural
sources, the other co-existing
vitamins, minerals, enzymes,
etc., are not also extracted.
Even if they were, the process
of laboratory extraction
destroys any vital benefits
that may have been associated
with the minerals.

The changing of inorganic matter into

organic matter takes place principally in
the green leaves of the plant by means of
photosynthesis. Only by the presence of
chlorophyll is the plant able to utilize the
inorganic carbon molecule and convert it
with hydrogen and oxygen into the
organic combinations of starch and sugar.
Ultimately, the plant combines nitrogen
and other mineral elements from the soil
into more complex organic combinations.
Only the chlorophyll-bearing plants have
the ability to assimilate iron, calcium and
other minerals from the soil and to use
the resulting combinations to construct
“There has been a lot of talk lately about
salt, even among rawfood gurus. It seems
everyone is promoting one “healthy salt”
or another—Miracle Salt, Celtic Sea Salt,
and Himalayan Crystal Salt, to name a
few. Unfortunately, I don’t see anyone
telling the truth about salt. Rather, they
regurgitate the “facts” from the
company’s marketing literature, in spite
of copious scientific research to the

The more salt we consume, the more we

destroy and deteriorate our cells.”
-Dr. Timothy Trader, NMD, PhD

“Salt is not a food, even in

small amounts. …Stop
putting acidic dirt into your

-Dr. Timothy Trader, NMD,

The sodium and chloride in table
salt are physically bonded in such a
way that our digestive system and
our liver cannot break them down.
Thus our bodies cannot access the
sodium or the chlorine. The body’s
only option is to attempt to
eliminate the unusable substance.
The portion that is excreted exits
the body as sodium chloride, which
is evidence that the body does not
break down and use this compound.
-Dr. Timothy Trader, NMD, PhD

It is said that salt is in the blood. It has existed

in human blood only since we started eating it—

some hundred years ago, according to

historians. A few hundred years is a relatively

short time in human history; for 99% of the time

humans have inhabited the planet, we thrived

without salt. Our intake of salt has doubled in

the last 50 years. Anthropology has found no

sodium-chloride deposits in early bones of

human remains, though you can find it in most

anyone of western civilization today. Once

humans began cooking food and discarding the

water in which they cooked it—along with most

of its minerals and nutrients—we were left

craving minerals.
Salt irritates our taste buds, actually killing
many cells on the tongue. The effect is much
like burning or scraping some skin off our
hands in pursuit of a more sensitive touch.
On the Oregon State University Student
Health Services Web site, we find this quote:
“Unlike the sweet sensation we are born to
appreciate, salt sensation is acquired. Only
through ‘practice’ consuming salty foods do
people develop a taste for it.” Others claim
that salt aids digestion. In reality, salt inhibits
absorption through intestinal membranes.
Albuminuria, a presence of protein in the
urine, occurs when all of the components of
blood are expeditiously possessed by the
kidneys, taking out needed nutrients in the
blood with the poisons. This disturbs water
balance in the body causing dehydration,
causing low gastric juices which affect
-Dr. Timothy Trader
All sodium chloride ingested by the
body is either already in an aqueous
state or is quickly converted to an
aqueous state in the body’s fluids. But
how will the body manage to avoid
having the oppositely charged chloride
ions follow along wherever sodium ions
are needed in the body, like in the
nervous system? How can the body
neutralize and remove the chloride ions
from the ingested aqueous sodium
chloride without having access to an
industrial strength electrical current, as
in electrolysis which also releases
poisonous chlorine gas? It can’t! And
that explains why ingested sodium
chloride is useless to the body as a

-Dr. Ron Brown

Sodium stabilizes water balance

in the body, plays an intricate

role in nervous system function,

and is a component of several

chemicals in the body, such as

gastric juices. Natural sodium

occurs in many vegetables,

including lettuce, tomatoes, and

celery, dulse flakes, etc.

References & Resources:


The Body Fat Guide by Ron Brown

Water, The Shocking Truth by Paul Braggs
Max Gerson with Gerson Therapy Protocol
prohibits salt
The Battle Creek Idea by Dr. John Kellogg
Hal Beller M.D, Philosophy of Health
The Salt Conspiracy by Victoria Bidwell

Other sources and doctors:

Andrew Norton Webber
J.D Ratcliff
Dr. J. G Drew

Salt & Sleep science article:

If you feel called, share this valuable

information with others. For updates
and more information checkout the
@Harvesting_Health page or
@HaltSaltHealth to download this

For my favorite raw vegan, salt-free

recipes check out my ebook:

To order fresh raw vegan cinnamon

rolls, shipped to your door, click here:

- Rachel Jackson

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