Nepal and The "Urban Resilience Utopia"

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Chapter 2

Nepal and the “Urban Resilience Utopia”

Johannes Anhorn

Abstract The normative concept of a resilient city is afflicted by the technocratic

thinking that a desired—hence resilient—state of an urban area might be a)
explicitly identifiable and b) uncertainties around it are controllable. Western
principles of projectable future(s) and orderly reality, as well as (pre-) defined cause
and effect chains, contribute to this overestimation. Based on the “vulnerable” status
quo, resilience measures are suggested which often focus on one sector of the urban
multi-cosmos and are trying to fix symptoms of said vulnerable state. This is
particularly true for cities and urban areas in the global south. Oversimplified
implementation strategies on “how to become resilient” fall short on the complexity
of the urban risk landscape and leave those at risk in limbo. This ‘Urban Resilience
Utopia’ poses a threat to the core of the resilience agenda as a transformative power.
This chapter reaches out to the social resilience “capacities” concept and translates
it into guiding questions for planning DRR development interventions. Key char-
acteristics of the adaptive governance concept are used to evaluate the practicability
of those questions using examples from Nepal. This chapter might be considered a
plea for a thorough “rewind” of expectations once we try to practically opera-
tionalize resilience and for a critical self-assessment and thoroughgoing process of
developing a common language among those involved in building resilience.

Keywords Institutional Transformation  Nepal  Resilience  Utopia

Urban Risk Development

2.1 The ‘Urban Resilience Utopia’

The normative concept of a resilient city is afflicted by the technocratic thinking that
a desired—hence resilient—state of an urban area might be (a) explicitly identifiable
and (b) uncertainties around it are controllable. Western principles of projectable

J. Anhorn (&)
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 13

A. Fekete and F. Fiedrich (eds.), Urban Disaster Resilience and Security,
The Urban Book Series,
14 J. Anhorn

future(s) and orderly reality, as well as (pre-) defined cause and effect chains con-
tribute to this overestimation. Based on the “vulnerable” status quo, resilience
measures are suggested which often focus on one sector of the urban multi-cosmos
and are trying to fix symptoms of said vulnerable state (cf. Carpenter and Gunderson
2001). Often these measures are not embedded into a broader integrative institutional
learning mechanism. Many urban areas at risk of disasters are left alone with an
externally defined terminology around “urban resilience” and respective external
intervention mechanisms are dominating the local development agenda. This is
particularly true for cities and urban areas in the global south where today’s
dependencies on and interpretative authority of the so-called “developed world” are
expressed in terms of unequal financial transfer mechanisms, development aid, and
emergency funds. Oversimplified implementation strategies on “how to become
resilient” fall short on the complexity of the urban risk landscape and leave those at
risk in limbo. I term this, the “Urban Resilience Utopia,” to express the
short-sightedness of those working on a day-to-day basis with the term resilience,
without having made sure their counterparts share a common understanding and to
express the difficulties in a complex urban environment, to find such a common
understanding. Both pose a threat to the core of the resilience agenda as a trans-
formative power. It is also contradictious to the unpredictable nature and unknown
cascading effects of some of the events those areas are aiming to become resilient for.
As the aim of this book is to narrow down resilience from an all-encompassing
concept to applied ways of disaster resilience operationalization, which impairs the
credibility of the multifaceted resilience concept, this chapter reaches out to the
social resilience “capacities” concept of Keck and Sakdapolrak (2013) and trans-
lates it into guiding questions for planning DRR development interventions.
Secondly, key characteristics of the adaptive governance concept (e.g. Djalante
et al. 2011; Folke et al. 2005) are used to evaluate the practicability of those
questions using examples from Nepal.
This chapter might be considered a plea for a thorough “rewind” of expectations
once we try to practically operationalize resilience. Often decision-makers but also
scientists go like a bull at the gate, missing the opportunity to call for people where
they (under)stand. Paving the way for joint action.
Therefore, this chapter first tries to approach what have become core elements of
the resilience understanding and formulating them into practical assessment ques-
tions; second, those will be evaluated against the concept of Adaptive Governance
(Djalante et al. 2011; Folke et al. 2005; Folke 2006), with its four principles:
polycentric and multi-layered institutions, participation and collaboration,
self-organization and networks, as well as learning and innovation. Last but not
least, the case study of Nepal will be used to identify current challenges for the
country processing toward resilience. Finally, closing the chapter with a plea for
critical self-assessment and thoroughgoing process of developing a common lan-
guage among those involved in building resilience.
2 Nepal and the “Urban Resilience Utopia” 15

2.2 Disaster Resilience

From the first introduction of the term resilience in the field of ecology and the
prominent writing of Holling (1973) till its multifaceted understanding today the
term has undergone several adaptations, changes, and reinterpretations. This hap-
pened in almost all academic disciplines, following different scholars. During its
adaptation to the field of natural hazard and disaster risk reduction/
management (DRR/DRM), the difficulties of finding a common language among
scholars and lately in the communication to practitioners have been a major chal-
lenge. The opinions vary on whether we are closer to or even further away from
finding a common language among these players than before. The resilience con-
cept is still challenged by what Fekete et al. (2014) call conceptual “haze.” A useful
discussion and attempt to clarify the meaning of the term in the field of DRR/DRM
can be found in Béné et al. (2012) and Alexander (2013).
Despite the ongoing debates about the newest felicitous achievements, a few
characteristics often built the core of more specific and complex resilience defini-
tions (see e.g. Brand and Jax 2007; Folke et al. 2010, 2014; Lorenz 2013; Manyena
2006): a multilevel-system-based approach which is dynamic in nature encom-
passing resistivity, absorption, and recovery; and which acts “as an integrating
narrative or discourse” (Béné et al. 2012, p. 12).
Certainly, there are challenges to the all integrating aspect of resilience: First,
there are pitfalls to attempts to bridge the natural versus social scientist gorge. The
contributions from Cannon and Müller-Mahn (2010) as well as Pelling and
Manuel-Navarrete (2011) highlight one of the essential risks in oversimplified
bridging attempts: to neglect power relations and therefore depoliticize social
structures which are indeed important to be considered.
A second pitfall is best seen once the concept is transferred from an academic
discursive exercise to practical implementation, where controversial measures are
abundant. Davoudi (2012) calls it a “slippery concept” in order to express the
difficulties to subsume different practical utilizations of the concept. For example,
development projects leading to improved resilience on the one level, while
reducing it on the next higher level or solving short-term vulnerable states, but
opposing long-term resilience goals. Or as Walker and Salt put it “(o)ptimizing for
one form of resilience can reduce other forms of resilience” (2012, p. 121).
Keck and Sakdapolrak (2013) put together three main capacities in order to
understand social resilience comprehensively, namely coping-, adaptive-, and
transformative capacities. The criteria to give explicit meaning to these terms are on
the one hand “temporal scope” and “degree of change,” and on the other hand
“response to risks” and “outcomes.” They use these four criteria as a matrix to
categorize the three capacities’ nature and distinguish various existing concepts.
If this is translated to a more practical-oriented approach, the criteria might be
understood as a guiding system of building resilience measures and useful in order
to develop and implement resilience interventions. If done so, the temporal scope
defines the anticipated operating range from very short-term interventions to
16 J. Anhorn

long-term social transformation programs and will most likely be defined by the
budged timeline. The degree of change denotes the profoundness of the required
measures and can be expressed as the distance of the intervention mechanism to
current practice (actual performance to target performance), while the response to
risk criteria defines whether measures are mainly aiming to “fix deficits” (ex-post)
or if a certain change is anticipated by “necessity” (ex-ante). Finally yet impor-
tantly, the outcome criteria reflect the vision of what is desired to be achieved with
the respective resilience intervention. As the authors already pointed out in their
explanations, elements of social relation and networks structures, institutions and
power relations, and knowledge and discourses determine “under what conditions
[…] the three dimensions of social resilience mutually enforce each other [..] And in
what case might one capacity undermine another [..]” (Keck and Sakdapolrak 2013,
p. 13).
The commonly used and widely accepted definition of resilience from the United
Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction reads “the ability of a
system, community, or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate
to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner,
including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures
and functions” (UNISDR 2009) and does not include the transformational aspect.
Yet, there have been missed opportunities to adopt or change the widely quoted
definition. For example, the post-2015 Sendai Framework for DRR (United Nations
2015) includes references to the concept of resilience, but still uses the old defi-
nition. This is considered a critical shortcoming by the author as the transforma-
tional character embraces the future beyond “building back better.” An older
concept that resurfaced in the Sendai Framework but does not include the proactive
forward thinking necessary before building back is even necessary.
Another line of thought descends from various concepts (cf. adaptive manage-
ment, comanagement, collaborative governance of environmental problems) sub-
sumed as “adaptive governance” by Dietz et al. (2003) and Folke et al. (2005).
Djalante et al. (2011), identifies four common principles of adaptive governance
theories useful to discuss preconditions for managing resilience to natural hazards.
Namely “polycentric and multilayered institutions, participation and collaboration,
self-organization and networks, and learning and innovation” (2011, p. 1). The
authors establish the links in-between the academic debates on environmental and
natural resource governance in order to “highlight potential similarities and dif-
ferences between Adaptive Governance (AG) and DRR and their discussion of
designing adaptive governance systems that build resilience” (2011, p. 1). As
resilience is used in various contexts (cf. Djalante and Thomalla 2011), it might be
the appropriate choice to bridge the interdisciplinary gaps. The four principles will
later serve to measure existing challenges of Nepal’s resilience efforts together with
the previously identified capacity criteria.
Polycentric and multilayered institutions in the AG comprehension provide the
setup for redundant but accountable organizational units, which are able to continue
their public service even if disrupted by a major disaster event. The challenge
remaining is to balance the power relation between different level agencies and
2 Nepal and the “Urban Resilience Utopia” 17

governments while providing reciprocal access to their resources (2011, p. 4).

Meanwhile, Participation and collaboration allows to pool knowledge and favor-
ably influences the capacity to deal with external shocks and conflicts (cf. Heikkila
and Gerlak 2005; Holley 2010; Margerum 2008; Pahl-Wostl 2009). However, there
are manifold challenges during this balancing act of getting relevant stakeholders to
the table, maintaining participation, and coming up with agreed upon shared
solutions, e.g., organizational, cultural, or procedural. Some studies also highlight
the positive effect of external institutions “to opening a way to successful collab-
oration by creating the necessary incentives” (in Djalante et al. 2011, p. 6; cf.
Raymond 2006; Roux et al. 2007; Tompkins et al. 2008). Self-organization and
networks are to some extent providing the fertile soil for sharing experiences,
learning, and mutual understanding. It is important to acknowledge, however, that
networks often evolve spontaneous during or after disasters. Again, especially when
it comes to sharing of supposedly limited or critical resources, coordination beyond
formal mandates are rare (read e.g., Freeman and Farber (2005) on the
“Modularity” concept). They mention as main obstacles: obstructing institutional
cultures together with limited human and financial resources. Proposing “pro-
grammatic funding across issues and agencies” as one solution (2005, p. 901f).
Learning and innovation embodies the binding element between the three previous
mentioned principles, as a general positive inclination toward new approaches and
the will to modify current behavior is required to successfully collaborate in mul-
tilayered, interconnected institutions. While organizational learning allows for
enhancing resilience (Berkes and Folke 2002; Folke et al. 2005), it also provides the
flexibility to “keep up with change and uncertainty in complex adaptive systems”
(Djalante et al. 2011, p. 8; cf. Carpenter and Gunderson 2001).
Individually, those principles of AG seem easy to understand and to modify in
order to enhance those preconditions of resilience. From a practical point of view,
the challenge is to balance their characteristics and quality: All of them have
individual “tipping points,” where from a managerial point of view, better/more
becomes worse and vice versa. As each of those principles follows certain
cost-benefit paths, their interrelations need to be carefully monitored. For example,
polycentric and multilayered institutions lead to higher transaction costs for
decision-making processes and hence are challenged by time constraints during
rapid-onset hazards. The broader the decision-making base is, the higher the
complexities associated and hence solutions might fall short and doomed to become
the lowest common denominator, contradicting the innovation principle by not
taking the risk of something new. Likewise, learning and innovation require a
strong culture of (self-) reflexive behavior embedded in norms and values which
might personally and/or societally/politically not been aided in the respective
The AG principles might serve as an explanation why certain resilience mea-
sures fall short once they are maturing and are implemented. Hence, they provide
hints to the processes and factors behind the resilience criteria. The logic would be
that limited participation and little inter-institutional cooperation result in
short-sighted outcome criteria with restricted chances to be implemented.
18 J. Anhorn

2.3 The Case of Nepal’s Growing Cities

The former “Mountain Kingdom” of Nepal has often been mystified due to its long
secluded history and the magnificent mountain ranges. The capital Kathmandu has
long been praised as a culturally vibrant city with thousands of sacred places,
temples, and people entangled into their day-to-day religious ceremonial lifestyle.
This might from each individuals perspective still be true. However, most recent
travel guides nowadays recommend to leave the capital quickly after seeing the
main attractions like the Hanuman Dhoka with its ancient wooden temples and the
ancient city of Bhaktapur, otherwise risking serious health threats, especially to the
travelers respiratory and digestive systems. Since the Gorkha Earthquake in 2015,
more and more foreigners also seem to be concerned about a potential “big one”
happening (and this time right in Kathmandu), while enjoying their holiday in
densely build-up Thamel.
The apparent necessity of Nepal’s cities to become resilient toward natural
hazards is mainly based on three interconnected facts: first, the countries location in
one of the most active tectonic areas (exposure and structural fragility); second, the
very high population growth (urban-rural disparities and social vulnerability);
third, the decade’s history of failed long-term planning and development efforts
despite enormous investments from foreign governments and other donors (de-
velopment trajectory). “Many people also think that the right time might just have
come.” “Making use of the slowly commencing political stability, after decades of
political unrest, insurgency, and the so-called “People’s War,” which resulted in the
removal of the monarchy and the establishing of a multiparty parliamentary
democratic system in 2006 (Einsiedel et al. 2012; Gersony 2003)”.
As part of the tectonically active Himalayan range, Nepal has one of the highest
levels of earthquake potential (Mosquera-Machado and Dilley 2009). Till today in
western Nepal, the absence of major earthquakes over a long time period has led to
a high rate of stress accumulation and contributed to high-risk exposure (Bilham
et al. 1995; Bilham 2004; Chamlagain and Gautam 2015; Fort 2011;
Mukhopadhyay et al. 2011). The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake did not release enough
of that stress, and scientists do agree that the potential for the next big one is still
immanent (e.g. Bilham 2015). While enough evidence has been collected that a
major earthquake would have devastating effects on the capital Kathmandu (EMI
2010; JICA and MoHA 2002), efforts to countermeasure fall short once the
implementation stage is reached.
Over the last six decades, the population of Nepal has increased more than three
times, from 8.3 million to 26.5 million people (CBS 2003, 2012). Most of that
growth is visible in the intermontane basin of Kathmandu as well as in some
expanding cities in the Tarai lowlands toward Indian. Nepal is the fastest urban-
izing nation in the region (1970s–2010s increase of about 6% annually), but only
17% of the population live in urban areas (Muzzini and Aparicio 2013). Nepal’s
2 Nepal and the “Urban Resilience Utopia” 19

urban areas are defined as units of local self-government, based on the Local
Self-Governance Act (HMG 1999) and demarcated according to the number of
people administered by Village Development Committees (VDCs), formerly called
Panchayats. For hilly and mountain areas, this administrative unit of a municipality
is defined as “a population of at least ten thousand and annual source of income of
minimum five hundred thousand rupees […] even if there is no road facility” (HMG
1999, p. 29). While in the Tarai and the Kathmandu Valley “semi-urban area[s]
with a population of at least twenty thousand, and annual source of income of
minimum five million rupees and with electricity, roads, drinking water, commu-
nications, and similar other minimum urban facilities” (HMG 1999, p. 29) are
considered municipalities. Administrative functions are not necessarily decisive
criteria. According to Sharma “political ad hocism” in the nomination process of
these municipalities is apparent (2003, p. 377). Today there are 217 municipalities,
most of them established after 2014 (CBS 2016). Based on the latest national
census in of 2011 a total of 26.5 million inhabitants live in 5.4 million
households (CBS 2012). The urban areas of Nepal comprise of the agglomeration
in the Kathmandu Valley with the capital Kathmandu (Kathmandu Metropolitan
City and Kirtipur Municipality), Patan (Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City), and
Bhaktapur (Bhaktapur Sub-Metropolitan City and Madhyapur Thimi Municipality),
which account for 5.38% of the total population. As there is no strict implemen-
tation of citizen registration, the number of inhabitants in Kathmandu and Lalitpur
alone might be triple that number. Weak or often non-existing infrastructure for
water and electricity supply as well as wastewater and solid waste treatment are
among the greatest challenges for the densely populated areas of the Kathmandu
valley (CHREOD 2012; Muzzini and Aparicio 2013). Groundwater depletion
aggravates the critical water supply situation during the hot dry season, while
long-planned water supply schemes face huge backslashes and/or are unlikely to
meet the increased demand on the long run (The Himalayan Times 2016). Despite
the challenging quality of infrastructure and life in the main capital, mid-size towns
develop even more quickly into hazardous places due to uncontrolled expansion,
influx of modern building material without the necessary knowledge base, and no
stringent implementation of existing regulatory frameworks (Anhorn et al. 2015).
Those challenges are not new to experts, planners, and government officials in
Nepal (e.g. ADPC and MoHA 2011a, b; Basnet et al. 1999; Blaikie 1980;
CHREOD 2012; Dahal 2012; EMI 2010; JICA and MoHA 2002; Muzzini and
Aparicio 2013; Skerry et al. 1991). Nevertheless, despite many well-thought con-
sultancy reports, the big leap forward did not happen (e.g., Bell 2015). Nepal is still
considered one of the poorest countries in the world, actually still ranking among
the least developed countries in the world (The World Bank 2017).
It is not the aim of this chapter to provide an all-encompassing way of addressing
these challenges, but to use the previous resilience capacity criteria differentiating
coping, adapting, and transformation, as well as the principles of AG, to analyze the
case of urban Nepal.
20 J. Anhorn

2.4 From Theory to Practice

The following table associates each of the four criteria proposed by Keck and
Sakdapolrak (2013) with a key question. This will allow evaluating development
intervention towards the chances to enable and foster resilience. The table also
provides additional questions, which might help identifying potential constraints.

Temporal When do interventions become effective?

scope • Do project results foster policy change beyond the decision-makers’ formal
• Do long-term development targets support those interventions?
Degree How much does the current performance derive from the target performance?
of change • Are there certain groups more/exclusively challenged with implementation?
Response How proactive are the intended development measures if it comes to risk
to risk reduction?
• Does the project aim at fixing earlier disastrous outcomes, or at enhancing
mitigation capacities?
Outcome What is the common vision and strategy?
criteria • Does everybody agree on that vision?
• Who will be winners/losers of the strategic interventions?

The following section seeks to shed light on how the urban areas and the country
of Nepal “perform” in terms of resilience efforts using these assessment questions.
The AG principles, on the other hand, might help explaining processes and factors
behind the findings.
This is not a detailed scientific full-scale evaluation exercise, but rather an
attempt to use a specific theoretical lens on personal observations. Likewise, the
author does not claim to be able to see all gradual developments in Nepal, but rather
reflects on five years of (restricted) observations applying a specific frame of
Starting in 2013, a team of scientists including the author conducted
semi-structured interviews with key personnel from NGOs, local government
representatives, and international development organizations in Nepal. The focus
was on effectiveness of development interventions in the field of DRM/DRR as well
as understanding resilience concepts. A self-evaluation scorecard tool was devel-
oped and used to assess risk and resilience based on qualitatively derived infor-
mation at multiple levels (Anhorn et al. 2015). In 2013 and 2015, the same group of
LGU representatives from Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan District was interviewed to
uncover changes in resilience thinking prior to and after the Gorkha Earthquake.
Above-mentioned questions served as guiding questions. The results presented in
the next sections are conclusions and findings based on the statements made by
these sources.
The process of interviewing and discussing resilience concepts with various
stakeholders in Nepal for this research itself can be understood as an (initial) step to
increased participation and collaboration. This becomes clear by the fact that during
2 Nepal and the “Urban Resilience Utopia” 21

the first scorecard session in 2013 with representatives from minority groups, city/
district planners, and emergency response teams they had to admit that they never
discussed risk reduction targets and implementation challenges among each others
before. Despite such encouraging effects, simple organizational difficulties (getting
the decision-makers attention and time), as well as more complex issues had to be
dealt with: e.g. having women’s representatives and male decision-makers at the
same table in patriarchic systems. Also, procedural difficulties which include
decision-making and voting mode, representation of minority opinions, etc. There
are no catch-it-all solutions to these challenges, but one important factor to achieve
an open and constructive dialogue was the facilitation by a local NGO which had
managed to be a trustworthy partner for all participating groups for many years
Going back to the first criteria of coping-, adaptation-, and transformational
capacity (temporal scope), looking at the various and long engagements of inter-
national development programs in Nepal, it might be appropriate to say that the
country has long been (mis-)used as a playing field of western development
interventions (cf. Skerry et al. 1991, p. 365). Talking about the four decades of
USAID work in Nepal between 1950s and 1990s Skerry et al. conclude that
“Politicians and government officials were more concerned with the control ele-
ments of Panchayats; they wanted to continue centralized decision-making and
control. […] There have been problems with inconsistent government policies. In
some cases, this was because government adopted a policy because of donor
insistence, not because Nepali officials were convinced of its efficacy. […] The lack
of consistent policies that were implemented reduced the chance of success of many
activities and their sustainability after donor resources ended” (1991, p. 368).
Translating this to the more recent discussions on urban resilience, it is evident that
fluctuant governmental structures do not allow for long-term planning and com-
mitment. To ask for resilience measures beyond the timeframe of a
decision-makers’ legislative/jurisdictive period, embracing the idea of sustainabil-
ity, might be a first step. Now this is particularly difficult, where like in the urban
periphery of Nepal, the whole decision-making process is highly centralised and
political power is outside of Kathmandu almost nonexistent. The connection to
polycentric and multilayered institutions is easily made, incorporating element of
(democratic) participatory and self-organization. All of them being based on a
culture of shared responsibility.
Most resilience interventions propose very incremental degrees of change,
simply because they are embedded into existing structures, use the umbrella of
prevailing socio-cultural institutions and are in general negotiated with the coun-
terparts on “eye-level.” Fundamental changes are not enforceable without altering
present structures, hence asking to what extent the actual performance derives from
the target performance (here: a more resilient condition) helps to understand who
are the beneficiaries and possible victims. By keeping the urbanizing hinterland of
22 J. Anhorn

Nepal effectively cutoff from resources, the exchange of different perspectives and
other forms of participation and collaboration do not happen. In general, resent-
ments against the central government remain an issue and with corruption being a
serious problem, a big transformational leap forward seems to be illusory.
With the onset of the earthquakes of 25 April and 12 May 2015, some reflective
discourses on disaster resilience in Nepal among governmental officials, the public,
scientist, and other patrons came to an abrupt end and were immediately overtaken
by the international aid-delivery mechanisms. The response to risk criteria for
Nepal and the question which phase of the “DRM cycle” should be focused on, was
finally concluded: everything moved to fixing the disastrous outcomes (GoN
2015a). This clearly goes along with a relative short-term perspective and does not
leave room for any more fundamental proposition for institutional change.
A Post-Disaster Needs Assessment was quickly conducted with ambitious expec-
tations in terms of implementation speed (GoN 2015a, b). According to the Prime
Ministers, after generous pledges for recovery and reconstruction were made,
unfortunately “an extended period of economic, social and political challenges
[followed], which directly impacted on the effectiveness of the earthquake response.
With the formal establishment of the National Reconstruction Authority on 25th
December 2015, I signaled the intent of my administration to recover the
momentum of post-earthquake reconstruction” (GoN 2016, p. III).
Despite the (almost historically) ill-fated reasons for the delay of earthquake
response, the consecutive Post-Disaster Recovery Framework (PDRF) launched in
May 2016, contains several connections to resilience. Interestingly there is a whole
chapter on “Recovery Vision and Strategic Objectives”. Hence addressing the
outcome criteria of Keck and Sakdapolrak (2013). The vision is defined along the
five themes: safe structures, social cohesion, access to services, livelihood support,
and capacity building (GoN 2016, p. 4ff). The ambitious objectives stretch the
whole range of resilience measures from short-term restoration interventions to
long-term enhanced governmental services; from investing in participation of the
public to innovative ways of recovery financing. Now the crux is not what is written
in the document itself, but if the Nepalese Government together with all the donor
organizations, NGOs and the civil society succeeds to implement it (and hence
make the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) obsolete again). It is too early
to judge the implementation performance of the NRA, but learning from the past
means also to acknowledge that such magniloquent broad-scale agendas (written
with the help of ‘tireless friends from the international community’ (2016, p. V))
require all efforts to become reality. For now, the first beneficiaries of this new
PDRF have the mandate to “leading and managing the earthquake recovery and
reconstruction programme in a sustainable and planned manner for a safer and more
resilient Nepal” (2016, p. 21). With that stated, the outcome criteria is at least
clearly defined, spanning from restoration to enhancement of future well-being. The
competence of improving governmental accountability during this development
intervention and equally distributing the envisioned benefits among the society is
still questionable and to be demonstrated.
2 Nepal and the “Urban Resilience Utopia” 23

2.5 Plea for a Performance-Based Self-Assessment

Understanding of Resilience

There are various links between the highly relevant principles of resilience in the
AG literature and the resilience-capacities’ promoting criteria. Asking the right
questions to analyze development interventions aiming for increasing urban resi-
lience in regard to their transformative capacity is crucial. This chapter provides a
limited selection of suggestions how to address this. After all, the most important
question to be asked starts right at the beginning of the resilience process: What is
our vision of resilience?
As the aim of this book is to narrow down resilience from an all-encompassing
concept to applied ways of disaster resilience operationalization, which impairs the
credibility of the multi-facetted resilience concept, I suggest to start measuring
resilience by asking this question over and over again—as academics, intervention
managers, donors, and local stakeholders. As written earlier, oversimplified
implementation strategies on “how to become resilient” fall short on the complexity
of the urban risk landscape. This ‘Urban Resilience Utopia’ poses a threat to the
core of the resilience agenda as a transformative power. It seems that practitioners
are more interested in doing something, instead of doing the right thing due to the
perceived complexity. Without asking all those responsible and (!) those affected by
any resilience/development intervention what they want to achieve, the
decision-making will fall short on people’s needs. Hence, the chapter ends with a
plea to use people’s collaborative knowledge and vision as the ultima ratio for
resilience measures as it encompasses the multilayered richness of people’s
ambitions, which is particularly true for the urban sphere.
The continuous process of self-assessing the current resilience performance and
the future envisioned resilience performance along individual values allows us
hopefully to foster the development of institutions and processes along the prin-
ciples of AG and shift from restoring on a short temporal scope to fundamentally
enhancing long-term well-being.


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24 J. Anhorn

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Author Biography

Johannes Anhorn is a geographer and Ph.D. student at the Department of Geography of South
Asia Institute, Heidelberg University. He is working on human–environmental interactions,
focusing on pre- and post-disaster resilience and development in (remote) urban areas of Nepal.
Currently, he is working in the “Mitigation of Georisks” development cooperation project for the
German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Mineral Resources (BGR) in Bandung, Indonesia.

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