Daily Lesson Log of M7Ge - Iiib-1 (Week One-Day One)
Daily Lesson Log of M7Ge - Iiib-1 (Week One-Day One)
Daily Lesson Log of M7Ge - Iiib-1 (Week One-Day One)
With the use of protractor, determine the measures of the angles marked with
letters and answer the questions that follow:
1.) 2.)
c α β
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new
Figure 1 Figure 2
1.) What are the measures of the following angles: Figure 1: ∡ γ and
∡ c,
Figure 2: ∡ α and∡ β ?
2.) What is the sum of the measures of angles γ and c in figure 1?
3.) How about angles α and β of figure 2?
Possible Answers:
1.) Depends on the actual measurement
2.) 90°
3.) 180°
The teacher explains with the students the process of arriving at the answer in
D. Discussing new concepts Activity. He or She also discusses their observations regarding the sum of the
and practicing new skills measures of the angles in figures 1 & 2. He or She tells them that the sum of
#1 the measures of angles in figure 1 is known as Complementary angles while in
figure 2 is called the supplementary angles.
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher discusses and illustrates the definition of complementary and
and practicing new skills supplementary angles as presented on page 200 of Learner’s Material.
F. Developing mastery By pair, the teacher lets the students answer the following exercise for 7
(leads to formative minutes.
assessment 3)
A. What is the complement of each of the angles whose measures are
1.) 27°
2.) 80°
3.) (33 + x)°
B. What is the supplement of each of the angles whose measures are
1.) 45°
2.) 165°
3.) (157 + y)°
C. Find the measure of each angle.
1.) If ∡ X and ∡ Y are supplementary then, m∡ X + m∡ Y = _______.
2.) If the m∡ O + m∡ P = 90 then, ∡ O and ∡ P are _____________.
Answer Key:
A. 1.) 63°
2.) 10°
3.) (57 – x)°
B. 1.) 135°
2.) 15°
3.) (23 – y)°
C. 1.) 180°
2.) complementary
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
The teacher asks the following questions to the students. (3minutes)
1.) What have helped the group accomplish the task?
2.) How to determine that the two angles are complementary and
H. Making generalizations supplementary?
and abstractions about
the lesson Possible Response:
1.) Cooperation or Teamwork within the members
2.) The two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90°.
The two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180°.
The teacher lets the students answer individually the formative assessment for
5 minutes.
A. Complete the table below: Give the complement and supplement of each
x° 140° 60° y°
Answer Key:
1.) 35° 125°
2.) 19.5° 109.5°
3.) (45 – x) (135 – x) °
B. 1.) x = 40° 2.) y = 30°
Math Teacher