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Education On The Knowledge of Youth About Youth Care Health Services (PKPR)

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JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health

Volume 2, Nomor 1, Desember 2021

e-ISSN: 2745-7877
p-ISSN: 2746-0851
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31539/josing.v2i1.3023



Andry Sartika1, Oktarianita2, Padila3, Juli Andri4,

Muhammad Bagus Andrianto5
University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu1,2,3,4,5
[email protected]


This study aims to determine the effect of counseling on adolescent knowledge about
Youth Care Health Services (PKPR) at the Bintang Terampil Orphanage, Bengkulu
City. This type of research is quantitative research conducted at the Bintang Terampil
Orphanage, Bengkulu City. The population observed was all 30 adolescents in the
Bintang Skilled Orphanage, Bengkulu City, with a total sampling technique of selecting
samples. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires containing
questions to adolescents about PKPR twice to determine their pretest and posttest
knowledge about PKPR. Information was obtained in the univariate and bivariate test
analysis. The results showed that the average knowledge score before counseling was
8.57, and after counseling was 12.13. Adolescents' knowledge about PKPR before and
after counseling was a mean value of 3.567, a standard deviation of 2.208, with a p-
value of 0.005. In conclusion, there are differences in adolescent knowledge about
PKPR before and after counseling.

Keywords: Adolescent Knowledge, Counseling, PKPR

The high number of injuries in school-age children and adolescents, as shown by
Riskesdas 2018 states that the proportion of adolescents who smoke reaches 5.3%. As
many as 4% of adolescents have consumed alcohol, 58.8% of teenage pregnancies, and
the proportion of lack of physical activity in adolescents. adolescents 10-14 years
64.4%, 15-19 years 49.6%. In addition, nutritional problems also need special attention
from the government and the community, as shown. For children aged 5-12 years, 6.7%
are concise, 16.9% are short, 2.4% are skinny, 6.8% are thin, and 9.2% of adolescents
are obese (Riskesdas, 2018).
Health problems in adolescents certainly require comprehensive and integrated
handling by involving all relevant elements and cross-sectors. The health policy related
to health services for adolescents, as stated in the Minister of Health Regulation
Number 25 of 2014, aims to make adolescents have the ability to behave in a clean and
healthy life, healthy life skills, and good social skills so that adolescents can grow and
develop harmoniously and optimally into quality adolescents (Kemenkes RI, 2018;
Febriawati et al., 2018).
Adolescent Care Health Service (PKPR) is one of the health services intended for
adolescents aged 10-19 years. PKPR aims to improve the knowledge and skills of
adolescents about reproductive health and healthy living behavior and provide quality
health services for adolescents (Kemenkes RI, 2019). The principle of the PKPR

2021. JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health 2 (1) 22-27

program is that teenagers can access health services, accept teenagers, have fun and
maintain confidentiality about teenagers (A’yun & Qomaruddin, 2019).
Rahmah et al. (2020) stated that good knowledge in adolescents significantly
affects adolescents in utilizing PKPR. Information is one of the things that can affect a
person's level of knowledge. The existence of the provision of new information raises a
high interest in something. By getting information, it can help someone to gain new
knowledge. Interest makes a person try and pursue something and, in the end, gain more
profound knowledge (Wijaya & Widjokongko, 2019). Young people need to know that
PKPR services are not just counseling in schools by PKPR Puskesmas officers, but
PKPR services can also be carried out directly at the Puskesmas (Dewi et al., 2020).
Based on the results of an initial survey of children's knowledge about PKPR, it is
known that children have not received complete information about health services,
including health services for adolescents such as the Youth Care Health Service
(PKPR). This research needs to be done as essential information to know the effect of
counseling on adolescent knowledge about PKPR. Later, it can help increase adolescent
knowledge and use PKPR services that are right on target.

This research design is quantitative. This research was carried out at the Bintang
Terampil Orphanage, Bengkulu City, in February-March 2021. The population in the
study was 30 teenagers from the Bintang Terampil Orphanage. Research sample with
Total Sampling. They were collecting data by distributing questionnaires containing
questions to adolescents about PKPR.
Measurements were carried out two times to determine the knowledge of pretest
and posttest of adolescents about PKPR. The questions given were 15 questions about
PKPR with four answer choices; if correct, then given a one and a lousy score of 0.
After the calculation, entered the data tabulation, followed by testing the normality of
the data, it was found that the data was not normally distributed. The Wilcoxon and
Mann Whitney test was carried out to get the p-value.

Univariate Analysis
Table. 1
Characteristics of respondents

Gender Frequency %
Man 21 70
Woman 9 30%
Respondent's age Frequency %
10-14 Year 16 53%
15-19 Year 14 47%

Based on table 1 the characteristics of the respondents above, there are as many as
21 (70%) teenage boys and 9 (30%) teenage girls at the Bintang Terampil Orphanage.
Adolescents aged 10-14 years as many as 16 people (53%) and teenagers aged 15-19
years as many as 14 people (47%).

2021. JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health 2 (1) 22-27

Table. 2
Knowledge Before and After Giving Counseling

Youth Knowledge Mean SD Min-Maks 95% CI

Pretest 8,57 2,373 4 – 13 7,68-9,45
Post-Test 12,33 1,605 10 – 15 11,73-12,93

Based on table 2 above it is found that the average between knowledge before
being given counseling for adolescents about PKPR with a mean value of 8.57 with a
Standard Deviation of 2.373 knowledge of adolescents about PKPR after being given
health education with a mean value of 12.33 with a standard of 1.605.

Bivariate Analysis
Table. 3
The Effect of Counseling on Adolescent Knowledge

Youth Knowledge Mean SD SE p-Value N

Pretest 0,433
-3,767 2,012 0,000 30
Post-Test 0,293

Based on table 3 the effect of counseling on adolescent knowledge shows that the
mean value of the difference between knowledge before and after counseling with a
mean value of 3.767, a standard deviation of 2.012. The statistical test results obtained a
p-value of 0.000, so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in value
between the first knowledge and the second knowledge.

Before being given counseling, adolescent knowledge about PKPR was that the
mean value was 8.57 with a standard deviation of 2.373. After being given counseling,
adolescents' knowledge about PKPR obtained a mean value of 12.13 with a standard
deviation of 2.013. It can be seen that the mean value of the difference between
knowledge before and after counseling is -3.567, with a standard deviation of 2.208.
The results of statistical tests regarding adolescent knowledge about PKPR obtained a
value of 0.005; it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the first
knowledge and the second knowledge of adolescents about PKPR at the Bintang Skilled
Orphanage in Bengkulu City.
The importance of socialization about PKPR to adolescents significantly affects
the knowledge of adolescents about PKPR. There is an increase in adolescent
knowledge about PKPR after being given counseling. One of the changes in knowledge
and attitudes can be influenced by health education in providing health counseling.
Teenagers get learning and information from the counseling carried out to produce a
Previously, only 30% of adolescents knew the goals and services of the PKPR
program. However, after being given counseling, the knowledge increased, namely that
all of them answered the goals of PKPR correctly and knew the services that existed in
the program, and teenagers knew the existence of PKPR services. Likewise, in
adolescent knowledge about peer counselor duties and counseling goals that were part
of the previous PKPR service, only 43% of adolescents did not answer correctly. After
counseling, adolescent knowledge increased as much as 80% of adolescents answered

2021. JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health 2 (1) 22-27

the tasks and goals of counseling correctly.

Counseling that contains information related to PKPR to adolescents can
influence adolescent knowledge. Adolescents must know that the existence of PKPR is
a forum to overcome adolescent health problems. Health workers carry out health
services in PKPR activities at health centers. PKPR services are in the form of health
checks, counseling, and counseling aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of
adolescents in the prevention of health problems.
Research result Livana et al., (2018) shows that most respondents have better
knowledge than before health education, the p-value = 0.001 (<0.005). The results can
be concluded that there is an increase in public knowledge before and after health
education is carried out. Increased knowledge can be successful because of the learning
process that occurs in a person. Knowledge is a fundamental domain in shaping one's
actions. Research and behavioral experience based on knowledge will be more lasting
than behavior that is not based on knowledge of the control group in future research.
There is an increase in public attitudes before and after health education is carried out.
According to Ayu et al., (2020) the absence of PKPR socialization at the
puskesmas significantly affects adolescents' efforts to implement health. Study
Amieratunnisa & Indarjo (2018) found that communication with youth as program
targets only occurred through a few schools that supported the PKPR program. There
are still many schools that do not support the PKPR program. Rahmah et al. (2020)
stated that good knowledge in adolescents significantly affects adolescents in utilizing
PKPR. The results show that adolescents' knowledge is as much as 41.9% have good
knowledge that utilizes PKPR.
In line with research conducted by Yuniliza (2020) adolescents have high
knowledge of PKPR services in the Padang Laweh Health Center Work Area, as
evidenced by ten questions about adolescent knowledge related to PKPR, while half of
the respondents do not know the PKPR program. Adolescents obtain knowledge in
PKPR through counseling. Counseling aims to provide solutions to the problems that
teenagers are facing.
There needs to be socialization with sectors related to program implementation so
that there is feedback from related parties that support the success of the PKPR program
(Pratiwi et al., 2018). Health promotion is carried out to direct adolescents by providing
knowledge or information to determine the correct behavior choices to improve health
or healthy behavior. The study results also conclude that the formation of behavior is
influenced by adolescents' knowledge, attitudes, and actions (Akaputri et al., 2019).

There is an effect of counseling on adolescent knowledge about PKPR on average
before and after counseling.

Theoretical advice
It is hoped that it can be used as a reference in conducting other health education
in health services to increase the utilization of health services such as the Youth Care
Health Service (PKPR).

2021. JOSING: Journal of Nursing and Health 2 (1) 22-27

Practice Advice
For Research Places
There is counseling at the Bintang Terampil Orphanage for adolescent knowledge
about PKPR so that teenagers can take advantage of PKPR services in the area.

For Further Researchers

It is expected to examine further how the influence of counseling on adolescent
knowledge about PKPR and the use of PKPR programs, quantitative and more
qualitative, to find out more in-depth knowledge of adolescents about PKPR.

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