Time-Temperature - Transformation Diagram
Time-Temperature - Transformation Diagram
Time-Temperature - Transformation Diagram
• Phase diagram :
– Describes equilibrium microstructural development that is
obtained at extremely sow cooling or heating conditions.
– Provides no information on time to take to form phase and on
shapes, size and distribution of phase → importance of kinetics
• TTT diagram
– For a given alloy composition, the percentage completion of a
given phase transformation on temperature-time axes is
Nucleation And Growth
• For a eutectic reaction :
L (XE) → + at TE
(1) Quench the liquid from Tm to some
lower temperature
(2) Measure the time for solidification, to
go to completion at that temperature
• TTT diagram
– The time required for the liquid to
transform to the eutectic
microstructure is function of time
Description of new phase from melt
• Homogeneous nucleation : occurs within a homogeneous
• Heterogeneous nucleation : nucleation occurs at some structural
imperfection such as foreign surface, and hence with reduced
surface energy
* G*
n s exp( )
495 ℃ 410 ℃
B. Diffusionless Transformations - Martensitic trans.
: When the austenite is quenched to temp. below Ms
→ ’ (martensite)
: Driving force for trans. of austenite → extremely high.
Diffusoin rate is extremely slow.
: instead of the diffusional migration of carbon atoms to produce
separate and Fe3C phases, the matensite transformation involves
the sudden reorientation of C and Fe atoms from the austenite (FCC)
to a body centered tetragonal (bct) solid solution.
1) Diffusionless transformation → no compositional change during
2) The trans. of → ’ starts at Ms temp. and finishes at Mf temp.
3) → ’ (BCT) ;
c/a increases as the carbon content increases.
The Time – Temperature –
Transformation Curve (TTT)
• At slow cooling rates the trajectory
can pass through the Pearlite and
Bainite regions
• Pearlite is formed by slow cooling
– Trajectory passes through Ps
above the nose of the TTT
• Bainite
– Produced by rapid cooling to a
temperature above Ms
– Nose of cooling curve avoided.
• Composition Specific
– Here 0.8% carbon
• At different compositions,
shape is different
• Diffusionless
of FCC to BCT (more
• Lenticular structure
• Very hard & very brittle.
TTT Diagrams
TTT diagram for Hypo-eutectoid steel.
TTT diagram for a hypereutectoid Steel
(1.13 wt% C)
So What’s a CCT Diagram?
Time in region
indicates amount of
Medium Cooling
Cooling Rate, R, is
Change in Temp /
Time °C/s
Fast Cooling