3 The Geopolitics of Tourism in Romania

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Knowledge Horizons - Economics

Volume 9, No. 2, pp. 68–71, © 2017 Pro Universitaria

“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University

Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Volume 9 , No. 2, pp. 68-71
P-ISSN: 2069-0932, E-ISSN: 2066-1061
© 2017 Pro Universitaria



Professional trainer / evaluator of professional competence in tourism, Technological Information Center – IRECSON CEDES Research-
Development, E-mail [email protected]

Abstract While we can debate about the geopolitics of a country, region, problem or situation, etc., then why not Key words:
discuss about tourism in a particular country, which is at some point amid internal or external geopolitical analysis,
‘’rivalries’’. There are numerous examples, but why not also talking about Romania as a ‘’tourist rivalries, tourism,
destination’’ on the same terms or parameters!? .... The historical, economic and political features of geopolitics of tourism,
Romania as well as its positioning in a ,, geopolitical tectonically active’’ area confirms its status of middle class,
European country with geopolitical and geostrategic importance, but also with an inefficient using of geopolitical stake,
tourism potential. We are in the middle of regional ‘’stakes’’, we have internal and external ‘’rivalries’’ tourism heritage,
with the neighboring countries, but also lack of good economic or political relations with a negative safety analysis,
impact on the increasingly uncertain context! specific safety
The concept of ‘’ Geopolitics of Tourism’’, dated from the 1980’s, is a global geopolitical trend of thought from standards, safety
which we can draw a number of factors that make correct use of tools and methods of the geopolitical analysis environment,
in specific cases from a country, for a national or regional issue with impact on tourism as a stake in the competencies in
future. The subject should be treated as the geopolitics of the ‘’mass tourism of the middle class’’, which is tourism.
fundamentally different from a classical geopolitical analysis. Tourism is no longer just a leisure activity or a JEL Codes:
dynamic social phenomenon in expansion, but it has become an axis of credibility and also a geopolitical L 83
stake, which cannot be underestimated. The used parameters of geopolitical analysis are based on:
country, land surface, relief, population, settlements, economy, politics, influence factors and last but
not least, national tourism (as a priority economic branch), but generally, they are moved towards
internal geopolitical issues, specific to the country.
The ultimate goal of the geopolitical and safety analysis is to identify the vulnerabilities and measures to
counter potential risks, actually the development of specific safety standards and also creating new skills in
tourism. A safe environment for investments, staff or infrastructure ensures the performance of national
tourism, but also a good image of the country. The Geopolitics of Tourism in Romania, as a first approach,
aims at the implementation of an analysis of geopolitical situations, adapted and grafted to the existing national
tourism heritage, without being considered, necessarily, a ’’reference work’’, but only a start in the field.

Tourism as a social and economic phenomenon on involving components of the geographical environment
a global scale was individualized towards the end of and more recently also the geopolitical ones. One of
20th century, becoming an object of interdisciplinary the socio-historical characteristics of today’s world is
study, including of Geography, a discipline of spatial that tourism has evolved from a quasi-daily activity to
and chronological correlations and connections, an industry and then to a social need. So, tourism is the
Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Volume 9, No. 2, pp. 68–71, © 2017 Pro Universitaria

first among global economic activities: over 10% of the

planet's income and more than 200 million employees, Most experts from any corner of the world are
more than 1.2 billion tourists in 2016 and with certain focused on the issues of internal geopolitics (which also
perspectives of dynamic development, Europe being includes tourism), specific to the country of affiliation or
the most wanted destination worldwide. origin. It is therefore necessary a geopolitical analysis
of Romania’s situation, as discreet ‚‚actor’’ in the global
Geopolitics had a progress which largely has been tourist circuit, since the causes of Romanian tourism
determined by the development of knowledge in social decline, are to be (re)found in the regional power
and human disciplines as well as by the philosophical rivalries, existing or potential, not only the internal
and political views that dominated at some point the ones. Tourism, as a vector or victim of the shock of
scientific, academic, political, diplomatic world, the civilizations is already considered a geopolitical theater.
public opinion and exceptionally, since the beginning of
the 21st century, affecting the tourism industry, leading If we do a SWOT analysis of Romania's
thus the links between tourism and geopolitics. geopolitical characteristics, we will find that we meet
Tourism, as a veritable precursor of globalization, is significant classification ‚‚criteria’’ or ‚‚standards’’ among
listed among the most important economic and social European countries with geopolitical and geostrategic
phenomena of the 21st century, and is marked by importance. So we have all the advantages to discuss
geopolitical influences. about a SWOT analysis of Romania, (and) from a
Globalization, the increase of international geopolitical perspective, not only as a tourist
migration flows (mobility), including the tourist one, has destination! We have strengths but also weaknesses,
also developed a new type of capitalism. If we can opportunities but also threats that can multiply
discuss about the geopolitics of a country, region, progressively! We have real internal and external
problem or situation, why not also discussing about the threats, or conjugated, unexpected threats, that we do
tourism in a particular country, region or why not, on the not acknowledge or we treat them shallowly, according
same terms or parameters, about Romania!? to the jest: ,,this cannot happen to us…!’’.

For over 25 years, geopolitics has prevailed in We have an enviable physical geography, an
Western Europe and especially in France, which has exceptional human and economic geography
not only tradition and a famous school but also ways overlapping with a geography of tourism, but we have
and means to make it known, enabling access to also a military geography perfectly overlapped with the
everybody, regardless of geographical place of traditional geography, which creates not only
residence, nation, age, religion or other reasons, to advantages but also vulnerabilities.
participate in this new and trendy way of global and
geopolitical thinking. We are in the middle of a regional ‚‚stake’’
from a geopolitical and geostrategic point of view, with
The initiative of Yves Lacoste from the 1980s an uncertain impact not only on tourism but also on the
was to create a flow of global geopolitical thinking, future of Romania, as a country. It is said maliciously,
which uses the proper tools and methods of the yet with a hint of truth, that we are surrounded by
geopolitical analysis, in specific cases, in a country or ,,unfriendly’’neighbors. The geopolitical analysis of
for a national, regional or local problem. So, the tourism in Romania will highlight the internal but also
thorough knowledge of the issues allows the effective external ,,rivalries’’, with the ‚‚friendly’’ and neighbouring
intervention upon the factors that have created countries with whom we do not have (anymore)
‚‚rivalries on a territory or a particular problem’’, commercial or mutual tourist relations, that is
contributing to conflict resolution and elimination of any normal! How Romanian tourism will evolve in such
risk or vulnerabilities. Now, in the 21st century, the circumstances and in relation to its surroundings, but
academic traditional geopolitics has become an applied also in the new geopolitical and geostrategic
geopolitics that relies mainly on geographical reasons, conditions?
following different levels of analysis, but taking into
consideration the conflicting representations upon a Romanian tourism depends on the
territory and its protagonists. Most of geopolitical performance of the national economy, including of
analysis parameters are identical, only the scale to slandered transnational companies existing in the
which they are used being different, depending on the country. ,, The year 2013 was an excellent year for
country, area, terrain, population, settlements, international tourism, it was one of the few sectors that
economy, politics and other factors, and last but not produced positive news for many economies’’, said
least on the national tourism potential. Taleb Rifai, the General Secretary of WTO. We can find

Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Volume 9, No. 2, pp. 68–71, © 2017 Pro Universitaria

methods and tools which allow the intervention of the smartphones, social networks, etc., are making the circuit
supposed specialized factors and decision- makers in of the world tourist destinations, setting in motion the
order to relaunch the national tourism as a priority whole world. Tourists coming from the middle class are
branch of the national economy, top positioning in those who support the worldwide tourism - they are
European tourism and as a factor of political stability in considered rich in comparison to the living standard of the
the region. visited places - because they have the necessary material
means. We are witnessing therefore a massive
The Geopolitics of Tourism (in Romania), as a ,,provisional migration’’, from north to south, organized
field of study for the first time, is trying to implement and facilitated by the tourism industry, while the reverse
different views and visions on tourism in relation with migration seemed to be ... severely controlled!
the local / regional geopolitical background. So how These macro-scale phenomena have many
tourism causes power rivalries on larger or smaller repercussions, they allow in a superficial manner to know
territories, what are the determining or influential foreign countries, to meet people, populations, behind the
factors, thus, we are attempting their explanation for unknown incorrectly viewed, sometimes laughable, to
different levels of perception. discover other ways of life and other cultures.

Geopolitical and security analyses - contain Many countries from Africa and East and even
necessary information about the situations and entities from Europe still have civil wars or social unrest, they are
of a strategic, operational and tactics importance that out of the opening to the foreign tourists and present
can influence the tourist activity both for individuals and unforeseen risks for those who want to travel. And
business environment. The advice through the Western Europe has become increasingly uncertain due
geopolitical analysis includes, but is not limited to to terrorism. Beyond other risks pursuing the individual,
information and recommendations about the risks from accidentally caught in a local political ,, storm’’, where no
a particular country or destination (identification of one pays attention to him, the responsibility of tour
potential risks and their impact on tourism) but also operators and of the state should be taken into
suggestions for crisis management to ensure the account. So a lesson of geopolitics is strongly
business continuity in tourism and new skills for tourism recommended, before choosing your destination!
professionals in order to provide the tourists’ security.
It has also been found in recent years and reality confirms
that with increasing risks and terrorist threats on tourism CONCLUSION
activities, it has decreased the interest in knowledge,
prevention and training of personnel hired in this sector, But in fact, what is or what should be
regarding the security and safety of tourists. The ultimate (re)present truly the geopolitics of tourism?
goal would be to identify and present effective measures
to detect vulnerabilities and to deal with potential risks, The geopolitics of tourism should be understood
creating new skills in tourism. The resultant of the as a geopolitics of,, macro-scale tourism of the middle
thorough study of geopolitics of tourism and the class’’, which is fundamentally different from a classical
implementation of geopolitical analyses will determine the geopolitical analysis. If we reduce tourism only to
development of safety standards specific to tourism (at international macro-scale tourism of the middle class, we
least minimum to the European level) to help eliminate the can deprive the rigour of the analysis on the issue of links
inherent vulnerabilities and risks on the progress of tourist between tourism and geopolitics, although the models of
activities in countries, regions and tourist destinations analysis are envisioned in an incentive way in specialized
(unstable due to various reasons, at a given time) in order publications, or on different sites dedicated to this
to increase the degree of security and safety of the domain. Therefore, tourism is not only a leisure activity or
individual - tourism consumer – , hotel operators and a dynamic social phenomenon, but has become an axis
professionals accompanying tourists and also of the of credibility and a geopolitical stake that cannot be
business environment. A safe environment for underestimated.
investments, personnel or infrastructure ensures the
business success in tourism and a good image. Therefore, the analytical approach can be done
on a variety of topics covering the most important tourist
Geopolitical analyses can influence the decisions areas in the world, as a geopolitical stake (a term
to expand the tourism activity in new markets, in the increasingly used), illustrating the importance of
context in which tourism is participating for some time also geopolitical analysis at all scales, on possible conflicts
to the world geopolitics of 21st century. Millions of tourists related to tourism, taking into account all forms of tourism,
gathered by Internet through: charters, pocket guides, the types of behaviors and tourists involved in the

Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Volume 9, No. 2, pp. 68–71, © 2017 Pro Universitaria

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