Title of The Story SHIMEKAWA by Naoko Kumagai
Title of The Story SHIMEKAWA by Naoko Kumagai
Title of The Story SHIMEKAWA by Naoko Kumagai
Who are the main characters? What is the setting of the story?
(both time and place?)
Kazuya September 1998 (Tuesday Morning)
Jiro July 1989
August 1973
Mother Ishikari
What are the important symbols in the story and
Who are the supporting characters? what does each represent?
Aunt Yuko Shimenawa are believed to act as a ward against evil
Yukio Mishima Torii Gates, The Entrance to Shinto Shrines. Perhaps
the most recognizable symbols of Shintoism are the
majestic gates that mark the entrance to Shinto
What is the point of view? Use one sentence to summarize the beggining:
The point of view of the story is Ishikari where Kazuya born and other
Omniscient Third Person. characters were told in the story.
What is the main conflict of the story? Use one sentence to summarize the middle:
The uncle told the mother of Jiro that "You must commit suicide at the
Jiro needs to learn to be a man so he height of your beauty" it is related to
punished Jiro by wrapping a rope Kazuya's death.
around Jiro's body.
Describe the tone of the story: Use one sentence to summarize the end:
"He must eat his dinner properly"
The tone of the story is informal
then Kazuya tied a thick knot on
because the narrator is relaxed
while narrating the story. Jiro's body because he wants to
teach Jiro to be a man.