Overview of Assessment in Blasting Performance Analysis in Surface Mines
Overview of Assessment in Blasting Performance Analysis in Surface Mines
Overview of Assessment in Blasting Performance Analysis in Surface Mines
ABSTRACT factors.
Opencast mining is characterised by the Opencast mining is characterised by the
presence of large units of activities such as presence of large units of activities such as
drilling and blasting. Despite the greatest drilling and blasting. Despite the greatest
attempts to bring automation into opencast attempts to bring automation into opencast
mines, blasting continues to be the predominant mines, blasting continues to be the predominant
mode of production. As a result, in order to mode of production. As of now, explosives
reduce the cost of manufacturing, it is necessary account for about 5 percent of direct
to obtain optimum fragmentation from a well manufacturing costs. If the aggregate drilling
planned blasting pattern. Drilling and blasting and blasting costs are included, this figure may
techniques that are properly implemented may reach as high as 30 percent of direct
contribute substantially to profitability; thus, manufacturing costs. As a result, in order to
optimising these parameters is important. reduce the cost of manufacturing, it is necessary
1. INTRODUCTION to obtain optimum fragmentation from a well
Because it creates employment and generates planned blasting pattern. In order to maximise
money, the mining industry is the backbone of economic efficiency in the exploitation of
any nation's economic development. In mining, mineral resources, one of the most difficult
the main aim is to extract the most quantity of issues to solve is rock fragmentation. Large
minerals feasible while also taking into account pieces have a negative impact on the loading and
environmental, economic, and lease limitations, hauling equipment, as well as the frequency with
among other factors. Because of the which large boulders are sorted and secondary
advancement of civilisation, the need for blasting is performed, increasing the overall cost
different minerals has increased tremendously in of the mining operation. Fines are also
order to meet the ever-increasing global demand unwelcome since they imply an excessive
for these minerals. As a result of the improved amount of explosive usage. In order to keep the
productivity, recovery, and safety associated total cost of mining down to an acceptable level,
with opencast mining operations, there has been it is preferable to have a uniform fragment
a considerable uptick in interest and engagement distribution, which means eliminating both fines
in this industry. Production has increased as a and large pieces.
result of the development of large capacity
opencast machines, continuous mining systems Depending on the project, drilling and blasting
with improved design, the development of costs may account for as much as 25 percent of
modern generation explosives and accessories, the overall production cost. Despite this, the
process innovations and the application of planning and execution of a nuclear explosion
information technologies, as well as the are not given the attention they need in our
increased adoption of computerised mine nation. Drilling and blasting techniques that are
planning and control systems, among other properly implemented may make a substantial
contribution to profitability; thus, optimising Optimizing the blast design parameters would
these parameters is important. increase the likelihood of achieving a profitable
2. LITERATURE REVIEW outcome. For this, a study of existing practise
According to Verma (1993), performance rating was performed, followed by surveys completed
of explosives has become a key need as a result before to, during, and immediately after the
of the increasing demand and competitiveness. blasting event. An examination of data followed,
Despite the fact that no such parameter exists for followed by the development of an interpretation
comparing the performance index of the of a model derived from the data. Following
explosives, the strength is the parameter that is that, all of the variables were compared and
most often accessed in tests. To yet, the only adjusted in order to get the best potential result.
method to determine the explosive Using a scientific and systematic approach,
characteristics of a substance is to compare the scientists have found that achieving a high
findings of laboratory tests with those stated by degree of accuracy in blast design may be
the business or maker. Although the ratio must accomplished via experimentation. Equipment
be one, it must be near to one, if not exactly like VOD probes, laser profiling systems, and
equal, owing to a variety of reasons. It is other similar technologies make monitoring less
possible to classify explosives into various complicated, more efficient, and more cost
groups based on their ratio. effective than it was before.
Singh and Dhillon (1996) pointed out that to
Many empirical formulae have been employed optimize the cost in an opencast mine, there is a
over the course of 200 years for the need to optimize the drilling and blasting
determination of appropriate charge size and parameters. Incase of blasting operations; for
other factors for good fragmentation, as noted by optimization of explosives, the first step is to
Biran (1994). However, for maximum blasting optimize the booster cartridges and cast
effectiveness and consistent fragmentation, it is boosters along with column explosives. The
necessary to have a uniform dispersion of booster for initiation of the whole column of the
explosives across the holes. Loaders and explosive must be reduced by experimentation.
hydraulic shovels should have greater throw in It saves a large share of expenditure. By the use
the blasted material heap, and rope shovels and of a total top initiation system instead of a down
loaders should have more heave in the heap. The the hole for bottom initiation reduces the use of
holes should not be deviated from the design in detonating fuse. By use of air decks, the
order to achieve excellent economic blasting. In explosive cost can be saved to some extent. By
order to get access to different details, it is introduction of top-initiation system and non-
necessary to prepare meticulously for the electric initiation the desensitization effect has
employment of site mixed slurry explosives, the been completely eliminated, thus enabling
stemming of holes using mechanical means, and optimum utilization of explosive energy.
the blasting following pilot blasting of holes.
Uttarwar and Mozumdar (1996) studied the
As reported by Adhikari and Venkatesh (1995), blast casting technique that utilizes explosive
drilling and blasting costs may account for as energy to fragment the rock mass and cast a long
much as 25% of the total cost of a project's portion of it directly into previously worked out
output depending on the circumstances. As a pits. The technique depends on factors like
consequence, careful attention must be paid to bench height and helps in efficient trajectory of
the preparation and execution of a bomb. thrown rock and so in the height to width ratio.
This technique is most effective with explosives results in hybrid drilling techniques such as
that maximize ratio of heave energy to strain roller-bit rotary drilling and rotary-percussion
energy. Higher powder factor supports the drilling, which are also described below.
technique. Optimal blast-hole diameter and Roller bit rotaries and big percussion drills are
inclination, stemming and decking method used, the devices that are now in the most widespread
the burden to spacing ratio, delay intervals and usage in surface mining, with rotary drills being
initiation practices help in effective blasting. highly preferred. Drilling is carried out in order
to blast away overburden, mineral deposits, coal
Thote and Singh (1997) observed that the seams, and other similar materials in order to
blasting results of fragmentation are influenced reduce the amount of electricity required by
by various factors. For example, rock strength excavators to remove the resources. This also
decreases the fragmentation, it is also affected minimises the wear and strain on the excavators,
by the blastability index, porosity and the improves their life, reduces the amount of time
geological disturbances. In case of required to clear away the materials, and lowers
discontinuities, the shock wave gets reflected the cost of operating. A zig-zag pattern is often
causing higher attenuation at a smaller area. This used for drilling holes in wood. The distance
leads to boulder formation. All these factors between the rows and between the columns is
need a detailed study and in-field experiments to the same length. In order to achieve this spacing
judge the blasting parameters and decide the and depth of holes, certain empirical criteria are
quantity of explosives to be used to avoid followed, which are detailed below (Dey, 1995).
boulder formation or enable good fragmentation.
For hard rock: 1 : 4
3. DRILLING AND BLASTING IN Where 1 = horizontal space, 4 = vertical drill
LARGE OPENCAST MINES depthFor loose material: 1 : 6 ratio
There are two types of rock breakage: rock Percussion Drilling
penetration and rock fragmentation. Rock Percussion drilling penetrates rock by the effects
penetration is the more common kind. Drilling, of successive impacts applied through the bit
cutting, and boring are examples of the former, which is typically of chisel type. The bit/tool
while blasting and other similar operations are rebounds and impacts again after rotating
examples of the latter. All techniques of creating slightly thus every time hammering a new
a directed hole in rock are referred to as "rock surface and also to maintain a circular shape of
penetration," which is the preferred phrase. hole. The stress effective in breaking the rock
There are many different kinds of rock acts essentially in an axial direction and in a
penetration that may be performed based on the pulsating manner. The rotational torque applied
type of energy used, such as mechanical, is not responsible for breakage of rock by the
thermal, fluid, sonic, chemical, and so on. tool. This torque is usually small in magnitude
Naturally, mechanical energy accounts for the and operates during rebound only.
vast majority (about 98 percent) of rock
penetration applications now in use. The transfer Under the action of these impacts the rock is
of mechanical energy to rock may be first elastically deformed with crushing of
accomplished primarily in one of two ways: via surface irregularities. Then main sub-surface
percussive action or through rotational cracks are formed. These are radial cracks from
movement, respectively. Combining the two the edge of the bit. At the edge of the bit a
wedge of the crushed rock is also formed. This thread connected and transmit torque and feed
leads to the formation of rock chips which are pressure to the drilling bit or drilling tool, which
removed by the cleaning action of any is attached at the end of column of the drill rods.
circulating fluid. The sequence is repeated with Rotation of the drill rods is through gearing
succeeding blows and turning of the bit. The two driven by a prime mover at the surface. The
predominant mechanisms in percussion drilling drill bit attacks the rock with energy supplied to
are CRUSHING and CHIPPING. it by a rotating drill rod, while a thrust is applied
to it by a pull down mechanism using upto 65%
Percussion drills generally play a minor role as of the weight of the machine, forcing the bit into
compared with rotary machines in surfacemining the rock. As the rods rotate, the drilling tool/bit
operations. Their application is limited to breaks the rock (by either a ploughing-scrapping
production drilling for small mines, secondary action in soft rock, or a crushing-chipping action
drilling, development work, and wall control in hard rock, or by combination of the two) and
blasting. the cuttings are cleared by pumping water under
pressure or compressed air down the hole
There are two main types of drill mounting. The through the hollow drill rods. The air both cools
smaller machines utilize drifter-type drills the bit and provides a medium for flushing the
placed on self-propelled mountings designed to cuttings from the hole.The water or air, along
tow the required air compressor. Typical hole with the cuttings, comes to the surface through
sizes are in the 63 to 150mm (2.5 to 6 in.) range. the space between the drill rods and the sides of
The larger machines are crawler-mounted and the drill hole.
self contained. Drill towers permit single pass
drilling from 7.6 to 15.2m with hole sizes in the 4. RECENT ADVANCEMENT IN
range of 120 to 229mm. These larger machines DRILLING AND BLASTING
are almost exclusively operated using down the TECHNIQUES
hole hammers. For many years these machines Segregation Blasting:
were exclusively operated using pneumatic In production blasts, in must of the coal mines in
hammers. But in the last 20 years hydraulic India, a thin layer of coal parting (0.5 to 1.2m)
machines have been introduced in the smaller sandwiched between overburden rocks is
size range. generally lost during overburden bench blasting.
Rotary Drilling This may also lead to spontaneous heating
As the name suggests, the boring tools used in besides creating endanger to unauthorized
this method are rotated and they crush, cut or manual pickers. This problem may be sorted by
abrade the rock. The rate of drilling depends on segregation blasting technique, which
▪ Nature of the rock encounters the difference in densities of coal and
▪ Pressure exerted by drilling bits overburden and their impact sensitivity of
and rods different energy level so that when the
composite medium is blasted, coal and
▪ The rpm of the bit overburden are separated and thrown away at
▪ Type of drilling bit different distances.
The simplest form is the hand augur. These are Baby Decking:
attached to rods and rotated by means of a This method is an effective mean to control the
simple cross bar. In this method hollow drill coal damage due to sub-grade drilling in normal
rods of steel or aluminum are used. These are production blasting. In this technique, the total
Only a "balance sheet" of the whole cost of the (ii) Type and depth of
entire range of mining operations can establish if overburden
the very first rock break-up was financially
"optimal," with respect to human safety and
(iii) Wind
other factors set aside. The important controllable variables associated
with the characteristics of groundvibration are
An optimal blast is also linked to the most (Siskind, 1973; Wiss and Linehan, 1978):
efficient use of blasting energy in the rock ▪ Type of explosive
breaking process, reducing the cost of blasting,
▪ Charge per delay
reducing explosive consumption and the use of
explosive energy in blasting, reducing material ▪ Delay interval
throwing and reducing blast vibration. These
▪ Direction of blast
factors contribute to increased safety and
stability of the buildings nearby.
▪ Burden, spacing and
The following parameters are important and specific charge
highly controllable: Diameter and duration of Most of these variables are interrelated. A
the blast holes; type and design of the loads; change in one variable in the operating system
form, condition and development of effective can change the others. The net change in the
faces; the volume of shattered rock accessible to magnitude, frequency and duration of ground
expand; type and dimensions of the pattern of movement is the combined influence of all
blastholes; the sequence and time of the variables rather than anyone of them
initiation and delay. independently. It is of course a very difficult
task to quantify the measures or extent of the
There are three important characteristics of effect of each variable individually. Basic
ground vibration produced by mine blasting. The parameters involved in the process of optimum
amplitude, frequency and duration are the blasting may be classified as follows:
factors to be taken into account. Siskind (1973)
states that variables that affect soil vibration
characteristics may be divided into two
(i) Non-controllable, and
(ii) Controllable
Controllable variables are those, which can be
manipulated or changed by trial and error
depending on the characteristics of ground
vibration. On the other, non-controllable
variables are those, over which the blasting
engineer has no control. Non-controllable
variables are:
(i) General surface
which varies by the powder factor, so the STEP 5: Enter diameter of hole (d (count)),
powder factor is made constant or input data. cost of explosive (c (count)) and number of
The cost of the explosive which is the driving holes required for the required output for case
data, is also to be considered as an input. (nh (count))
STEP 6: Let height of bench (h (count)) is given
As per the optimized models practiced till now; as = d (count)*0.107 Burden (b (count)) =0.4*h
the burden, spacing, height of bench and the (count)
length of the hole can be easily correlated with Length of the hole (l (count)) =2.6*b (count)
the diameter of the drill hole by some derived, Spacing (s (count)) =1.4*b (count)
simple equations. From all the previous data the Fragmentation size (x (count)) =19/ (z^2.5)
charge per hole and the total cost of the Charge per hole (q (count)) = ((2*(b (count)*s
configuration can be calculated. The constants (count)*h (count)) ^0.8) /
used in the equations are derived from the field (100*x (count)))^1.2
data available from some Indian coal mines and Total cost (t (count)) =q (count)*c (count)*nh
some optimization equations already (count)
implemented in coal and metal mines (Sethi and
STEP 7: Is select< (1/t (count)), goto step 8 else
Dey, 2004). The input parameters are those
goto step 9
available explosive data from the coal mines in
STEP 8: Let select=1/t (count), sel=count
STEP 9: Let count=count+1
STEP 10: Is count<=n, goto step 5
The flow chart and the algorithm for
implementation of the optimization STEP 11: The selected option is (sel), and the
methodology areas given below: other constraints are ((d (sel)), (h (sel)), (nh
(sel)), (c (sel)), (b (sel)), (l (sel)), (s (sel)), (x
(sel)), (q (sel)), (t (sel))
STEP 1: Start
STEP 12: Stop.
STEP 2: Input the desired powder factor i.e. (z),
A computer program was written using visual
let (select) =0
basic on .NET platform. A sample presentation
STEP 3: Input number of explosive options
of the input and output parameters are as
available as (n)
presented below:
STEP 4: Let count = 1