1 Mendelian Genetics Preliminary Activities

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The key takeaways are that the weekly learning plan outlines the objectives, topics, and activities for teaching Mendelian genetics and predicting phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance in grade 8 science.

The topic being discussed in the weekly learning plan is Mendelian genetics and predicting phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance.

The steps involved in Mendelian genetics discussed are solving and predicting Mendelian phenotypic and genotypic expression of traits in monohybrid and dihybrid crosses through discussion, activities, questions, and practice problems.


Quarter: 4 Grade Level: 8

Week: 4 Learning Area: Science

MELCs: Preedict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance. S8LT-IVf-18


1 1.Discuss Mendelian Preliminary activities; Refer to SLMs/LAS

Mendelian Genetics
b. classroom health and safety protocols.

c.Checking of attendance.
2.Solve and
predict d. Quick kumustahan.
Mendelian A. Recall ( Elicit): Ask the learners to explain
phenotypic and what is chromosomal alteration .
expression of Ask them to give some example about some
traits in a abnormalities in human if there's an occurrence
of chromosomal alteration .
cross B.Motivation ( Engage) : Group the learner's
into 3 and let them solve a picture puzzle within
2 minutes.
C.Discussion of Concept (Explore):

Ask the learners to noticed how siblings look

alike or look differently and if from whom they
are resemblance in the family : if it's in their
mother or their father ?

Let them do an activity identifying the traits that

they have and their family by checking the
appropriate box in the matrix.

Ask them to answer the guide questions:

1.Who looks similar to you?

2.Who looks different from you?

D.Developing Mastery ( Explain)

Let the learner's share their answers on the

given activity.

Ask the learner's the following questions:

1.What do you think is the reason why you look

similar or different to your father? to your
mother?to your doing?to your siblings?

2.Do you think it is possible that you can

inherent both of the traits of your parents?

3.What if you only inherent traitsfrom your

mother,does is still possible you still got your
father's traits?

Discuss and clarify concepts.

E.Application and Generalization ( Elaborate)

Ask the learners to analyze the given

situation.And let them solve and predict the
genotype and phenotype of a given cross.

Pink color in peas (Y) is dominant over white

peas (y).A homozygous pink pea plant is crossed
with a homozygous white pea plant. What will
be the genotype and phenotypes of all the
possible offspring?


Learners are task to answer a ten (10 ) item test.


Ask the learner's to have an advance reading on

their learning modules

Preliminary Activies

2 1.Solve and b.Classroom and health safety protocols
c.Checking of attendance
phenotypic and d.Quick kumustahan
expression of
traits in a A.Recall ( Elicit)
dihybrid cross
Ask the learners about the topic being discussed
last meeting.

2.Predict Ask the the following questions:

phenotypic 1.Who is the proponent of Mendelian genetics?
expression of
traits following 2.Define what is genetics.
simple patterns 3.What is monohybrid cross?
of inheritance
B.Motivation( Engage)

Ask learner's to answer the jumble words.Let

them rearrange the words to form a meaningful


Let the students share their answer to the class
via individual recitation.

Discuss concepts.

C.Discussion of concept( Explore)

D.Developing Mastery (Explain)

E.Application and Generalization

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommending Approval by: Approved b Emerlinda
M.Quilbio Ma.Rose Caballero Sheryl R. Arceño Raul N.Discar

Teaching Intern - Science T -III / Cooperating Teacher MT-I/Dept Head Head


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