HMU Pediatric Final Exam (2021-22)
HMU Pediatric Final Exam (2021-22)
HMU Pediatric Final Exam (2021-22)
Pediatric Theory
Final Exam
Prepared by:
Sarwar Sarkawt, Bakr Manaf, Ali Azzam, Jwan Ali, Emad Hasan, Hakar Saman
*NOTE: Each question is not a carbon copy of the actual ones present in the final. They are a rough
view of them and at times, just the general idea of the question.
**NOTE: Answers are coloured in red with italic green coloured for ones that are too unclear.
***NOTE: Every answer is just an overall opinion and are by no means the actual correct answers, so
please take the answers with a grain of salt.
Single Best Answer Questions:
1. Which one of the following is not regarded as child abuse?
a. Emotional
b. Medical
c. Transportation
d. Physical
e. Educational
2. You are called to the delivery of a 39-week infant, with no known maternal
complications of pregnancy. Meconium was noted at the time of delivery.
You arrive in the delivery room ∼1 minute after birth and find the infant is
on a warmer, apneic, and being vigorously stimulated by nursing staff. The
HR is noted to be less than 100 bpm. Of the following, which is the most
appropriate next step to improve the patient’s heart rate?
a. Continue vigorous stimulation of the patient
b. Deep-suction the posterior pharynx
c. Provide positive-pressure ventilation via bag-mask ventilation
d. Intubate the patient
e. Obtain umbilical access and administer intravenous epinephrine
3. … The initial redistribution of blood in Asphyxia is to which organs?
a. …
b. Heart, Brain, Intestines
c. Heart, Brain, Adrenal Glands
d. Heart, Brain, Kidney
e. …
4. A child was born at-term at 10am to a healthy mother, with an APGAR score
of 1, in the 1 minute, and 4, at 5 minutes. The mother started breast-feeding
within one hour of delivery and at 1pm, the child had developed convulsion.
What is the most common cause of convulsion in day-1 neonate?
a. …
b. Asphyxia
c. Hypoglycaemia
d. Hypocalcaemia
5. A 3-year-old child was brought to the pediatrician by their stepmother for a
complaint of leg pain. An x-ray showed a spiral fracture of the femur. There
was also a previous femur fracture in the other leg. What is the cause?
a. Child Abuse
b. …
c. Rickets
d. Legg-Calves-Perthe Disease
6. Which one is false regarding sexual abuse?
a. Sexual abuse is under report
b. Usually, the caregivers or the parents are the not the perpetrators
c. Boys are more likely to admit sexual abuse
d. Perpetrator is usually someone related
7. Which one of the following is not a complication of an Infant of Diabetic
Mother (IODM)?
a. Hyperglycemic convulsion
b. Birth injury
c. Erbs palsy
8. Which one of the following is not a complication of cold injury?
a. Hyperglycemia
b. Pulmonary hemorrhage at autopsy
c. Flushed face
d. Cold to touch and reluctant to feed
9. An infant who could move his head to follow an object. He could not sit on
his own. He smiled when prodded. His head was raised 45 degrees. He could
coo. What is the child’s developmental age?
a. 1 month
b. 3 months
c. 6 months
d. 9 months
e. 12 months
10.A child ingested their grandparents acetaminophen pills. Which of the
following is the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in this case?
a. Gastric Bleeding
b. …
c. Hepatic Injury
d. …
e. …
11.A child was brought to the pediatrics clinic by their parents. The child was
complaining from symmetrical short stature. 5-months old and was at <5%
for the Height, Weight, and Head Circumference. At birth, the child was
LBW (1000g). The child was a planned pregnancy with the mother have
good prenatal care. On examination and history, the patient had normal
finding. On the 30th week, the mother got into a road traffic accident and
entered premature labour. What is the most likely of his low weight?
a. Short Bowel Syndrome
b. Chromosomal anomalies
c. Congenital Hypothyroidism
d. Normal growth of prematurity
12.A 13-year-old female was brought to the pediatrics consultation ward by her
parents who were worried that she was “falling behind” in her growth. She
had not yet developed secondary sexual characteristics, she had broad chest,
low posterior hair-line. What is the next step in management?
a. Abdominal Ultrasound
b. Bone-age radiograph
c. Chromosomal Abnormalities
d. …
e. Give growth hormone for their short stature
13.A child with hypotonia and delayed development, macroglossia and simian
crease. What is the best confirmatory Test?
a. FISH Test
b. …
c. …
d. Karyotope Analysis
e. Aneurysm
14.A 14-year-old boy was at the 99th centile for his height. He had lens
dislocation and, when asked to, he could bring his arms behind his back and
make his elbows touch Which of the following is the most common cause of
mortality in this patient?
a. Coarctation of Aorta
b. Dilatation of the Aorta
c. High-Arched Aorta
d. …
15.All of the following is a management of Bronchiolitis, EXCEPT:
a. Bronchodilator
b. Hydration
c. Airway Suctioning
16.An unvaccinated 7-year-old with 3-days hx of URTI. Presented with high
fever, inability to talk and inspiration Stridor and cyanosis. Which of the
following is the next step in management?
a. Racemic Epinephrine
b. Intubation
c. Antibiotics
d. Oxygenation
17.A child has a second attack of cough that occurs suddenly at night and was
not preceded by upper respiratory tract infection. Which of the following is
the diagnosis?
a. Laryngobronchitis
b. Acute Epiglotitis
c. Bronchiolites
d. Spasmodic Croup
18.What is the most common cause of non-infectious Stridor in infancy?
a. Acute Epiglotitis
b. Laryngeal web
c. Laryngeomalacia
d. …
e. Subglottic Stenosis
19.What is the most common atypical cause of pneumonia in a child older than
5 years?
a. Staphylococcus Aureus
b. Haemophilius Influenza
c. …
d. Mycoplasmas Pneumonia
e. Streptococcal Pneumonia
20.When oxygen is given and PaO2 is not correct, then which of the following
conditions growth this finding?
a. Pyloric Stenosis
b. Cystic Fibrosis
c. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
21.A neonate born with respiratory surfactant deficiency for 3 days was
admitted to the ICU. After that, he developed tachypnea, hypoxia, and etc…
Chest X-ray showed some??? … Which of the following is the best
recommended treatment?
a. Gentamycin
b. Ampicillin + Gentamycin
c. Vancomycin + Amikicin
d. …
e. Ampicillin
22.A 16-month-old infant with 2-3 time upper and lower limb jerky movement
during sleep only. He had no symptoms while awake and on neurological
examination, he was normal. What is the most likely explanation for his
a. Benign Sleep Myoclonus
b. Myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
c. …
23.A patient with a Hemi-convulsive seizure that lasted for 5 minutes, then after
2 months another attack of convulsion occurred. He had delayed
development on motor examination. Which of the following is true?
a. It needs genetic sodium channel study
b. Nonfebrile status epilepticus is uncommon
c. Most cases respond to single anti convulsive
24.All of the following are risk factors for recurrence of febrile seizures,
a. Complex Febrile Seizure
b. Early Age of Onset (< 18 months)
c. Short period of fever before seizure
d. Low temperature before seizure
e. Family History of Febrile Seizure
25.Which of the following is not a side-effect of carbamazepine?
a. Double Vision
b. Dizziness
c. Hypernatraemia
d. Nystagmus
26.A 9-year-old child diagnosed with generalized tonic-clonic epilepsy was
taking phenobarbital as treatment. He had had leg pain and bowing of leg.
He was known for poor and irregular check-up. What would you consider in
the next visit?
a. Serum Vitamin D
b. …
c. …
d. Consider stopping the drug and change it
e. Increase the dose the drug …
27.Child had bloody Diarrhoea for 3 days and later today he developed
convulsions. What is the most likely causative agent?
a. Adenovirus
b. E. Coli
c. Salmonella
d. Shigella
28.Child had Diarrhoea, sunken eyes, lethargic, skin turgor was delayed but less
than 2 seconds. How do you manage this patient?
a. Admission to hospital and IV
b. 5
c. 75mL/kg IV for 4 hours
d. Give zinc
e. Home management
29.A child that after weaning developed watery Diarrhoea and was suspected of
celiac disease. What is the initial step in management/diagnosis?
a. Serum IgA anti-endomysial
b. Serum IgA + IgG Tissue Transglutanimase
c. Serum IgA + IgA Tissue Transglutanimase
30.A girl with bloody Diarrhoea for 9 months with post-prandial peri-umbilical
abdominal pain. She had fever and weight loss. What is the cause of her
a. Chronic Appendicitis
b. Chronic Pancreatitis
c. Coeiliac Disease
d. Crohn’s Disease
31.18-month infant presented with frequent bowel movement that contain
undigested food. Otherwise, the child is active and healthy. What is the most
likely Diagnosis?
a. Chronic nonspecific diarrhea
b. Celiac disease
c. Cow-Milk Allergy
32.A mother gave birth to a healthy term neonate and then was tested positive
for HBsAg. What is the next step done for the child?
a. …
b. Test for HBeAg in the mother.
c. …
d. Immunization by HB vaccine and Immunoglobulin.
e. HB antibody was transferred trans-placentally from the mother.
33.A 2-week-old newborn with prolonged jaundice. He had an umbilical hernia.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Hypothyroidism
b. Crigler-Najjar
c. …
34.A pregnant mother has an older 2-year-old son who has cytomegalovirus is
now worried about her pregnancy. What do you tell the mother regarding
this case?
a. The mother has developed antibodies that pass to the fetus
b. Isolate the fetus from the child
c. Terminate the pregnancy
35. (It was an extremely clears case of Diabetic Ketoacidosis) There was
Ketone (+++). What is the most likely cause?
a. …
b. …
c. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
36.A breast-feeding mother got active TB. Which one is true?
a. TB is contraindication for breastfeeding
b. Stop the breastfeeding temporarily for 2 weeks, take the
medication and then reassume it
c. Continue breast feeding
37.A child whose only been fed with goat milk… Which of the following
findings is expected to be found?
a. MCV increase
b. Serum B12 elevated
c. Serum Folate elevated
38.An 8-year-old diagnosed with type-1-diabetes; the parent complained of him
being non-complaint on his treatment. He would skip his insulin doses and
would eat sweets.
a. Urine Ketone and Serum Ketone
b. …
c. HbA1C
d. …
e. …
39.A 7-month-old on exclusive breastfeeding with infrequent bowel motion low
urine output… What is the most probable cause?
a. …
b. …
c. Due to overfeeding.
d. Inadequate milk-intake
e. Infantile colic
40.Which of the following is false regarding vitamin A therapy?
a. Given at 100 000 – 200 000 IU
b. It is given for at least 2 days
c. Decrease mortality and morbidity
d. Give it to close contacts and family members
41.Major cause of neonatal mortality in full-term newborn is
a. Respiratory distress syndrome
b. Necrotizing enterocolitis
c. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
d. Congenital anomalies
e. Intraventricular hemorrhage
42.Vomiting in the neonatal period is usually due to
a. Pyloric stenosis
b. Milk allergy
c. Overfeeding
d. Stress ulcer
e. In inborn error of metabolism birth
43.Which one of the following is among the new Ballard score?
a. Lanugo
b. Subcutaneous fat
c. Plantar reflex
d. Scalp hair
44.A 23 weeks GA child was delivered by C/S. Which one is a common
complication after delivery?
a. Apnea
b. Hemorrhage
c. Pneumothorax
d. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia \
e. Hypoglycemia
45.Mother who had premature rupture of membranes and gave birth at 23 weeks
of gestation. Which of the following is the most likely complication of full
premature rupture of membrane?
a. Infection
b. Congenital Heart Disease
c. Interventricular Haemorrhage
d. Renal Damage
e. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
46.A child that was fed only rice-water by her vegan parent. She was apathic
and lethargic and with bilateral leg edema. What is another symptom you
may find?
a. Hepatomegaly
b. Irritability
c. Loss of suckling pad
d. Simian Facies
e. …
47.(An unknown case, sorry) Which of the following meta… changes are
expected in this case?
a. Metabolic Alkalosis
b. Hypocalcaemia
c. Hypokalaemia
d. Hypophosphatemia
48.(A case of bloody diarrhoea and a lot of investigations indicative of HUS.)
What is the best next step?
a. …
b. …
c. Admit the patient to the hospital and treat the patient as HUS
49.A child with watery Diarrhoea and vomiting for 3 days with decreased ruin
output. He would refuse food and would only take sips of juice. He had
elevated creatinine and blood urea (normal range was given). What is the
first step in management?
a. 20mL/Kg IV fluid Bolus
b. Urinary catheterisation
c. Furosemide
d. Renal biopsy
50.A child who is asymptomatic did a routine investigation that revealed
microcytic anaemia. Haemoglobin electrophoresis reveals HBA1-92%,
HBA2-5.5%, HBF-2.5%. what’s the diagnosis:-
a. Iron deficiency anaemia
b. Beta-thalassemia trait
c. Alpha thalassemia minor
d. Lead poisoning
e. …
51.A patient with Sickle Cell Disease who has left sided hemiparesis. A CT
taken 1 hour later, that was normal. What is the best management?
a. Anticoagulant with Heparin
b. Exchange Transfusion
c. Do CT
52.Which one of the following does not cause hypochromic microcytic anemia?
a. Thalassemia
b. IDA
c. Anemia of chronic diseases
d. Fanconi anemia
e. Lead poisoning
53.All the following are true regarding physiologic anaemia of infancy,
a. It is exaggerated in premature infants
b. The haemoglobin concentration range is between 9-11 g/dL
c. The haemoglobin concentration rarely falls below 10 g/dL in healthy
d. Vitamin E deficiency does not play a role
e. Iron deficiency
54.Which of the following is the cause of the clinical manifestations of MCNS?
a. Increased glomerular permeability
b. Chemical changes of albumin composition
c. Inability to concentrate urine
55.A child with nephrotic syndrome (HSP). The first line management is:
a. Prednisolone 60mg/M2 /day for 4 weeks
b. Prednisolone 3mg/kg/day for 4-6 weeks
c. Dexamethasone
d. Hydrocortisone
56.Which of the following is not used in HSP?
a. Paracetamol
b. IVIG (according to Dr. Fatin)
c. Bed rest
d. Oral Steroid
e. Antiproteinuric agent
57.Which of the following is not in diagnosis of UPJ obstruction?
a. MAG 3 …
b. MRI Renogram
c. Anterograde Perfusion (Whittaker)
58.A 13-year-old boy undergoing intensive chemotherapy for 2 weeks duration.
His 17-year-old sister, who was unvaccinated, was diagnosed with Varicella-
Zoster. How do you manage this brother?
a. Oral Acyclovir in the first 24 hours
b. IV Acyclovir
c. Paracetamol
d. IVIG within 48 hours
59.A 3-year-old Asian boy presented with a fever of 3-days; he had a lump
anterior to the left ear with associated rash. On Lab test, he had 70%
neutrophil, Leukocytosis, CRP was 40 and a few atypical monocytes. What
is the diagnosis?
a. Glandular Fever
b. …
c. Mumps
d. Lymphoma
60.A child with dark red spot that developed suddenly 2 hours ago. The child
had a febrile illness before…
a. Rubella
b. Kawasaki
c. Measles
d. Meningococcal Meningitis
e. Scarlet Fever
61.A child with red eyes that has had fever and rash that started at the back of
the head and spread to the trunk.
a. Rubella
b. Kawasaki
c. Measles
d. Meningococcal Meningitis
e. Scarlet Fever
62.Which one of the following is the best description of varicella rash?
a. Maculopapular rash then clear fluid containing vesicles. Rash are
keep appearing and evolving.
63.A 5-year-old child presented with persistent fever, sore throat, red tongue,
unilateral conjunctivitis, anterior cervical lymph node enlargement and
desquamation of the skin. What is the diagnosis?
a. Kawasaki disease
b. Scarlet Fever
c. Diphtheria
d. Acute Tonsillitis
e. Infectious Mononucleosis
64.A 2-month-old with down syndrome had both a systolic and diastolic
murmur and a split S2 sound. His liver was palpable 4cm below costal
margin. The nurse noticed some bluish discolouration around the mouth.
ECG showed a superior QRS in frontal plain axis, counterclockwise
depolarization and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy. His SpO2 was 82% and
Respiratory Rate 60 breaths/mins. What is the most likely cause?
a. Atrial Septal Defect
b. Ventricular Septal Defect
c. Atrioventricular Septal Defect
d. Patent Ductus Arteriosus
e. Coarctation of the Aorta
65.A 2-day-old neonate had marked cyanosis and was a known to have d-TGA.
He had a loud single S2 sound. What is the cause of her loud S2?
a. …
b. …
c. Anteriorly positioned Aorta
d. Pulmonary Atresia
66.A 16-month-old with cyanosis and inconsistent loud pansystolic murmur at
the left sternal border. What is the diagnosis?
a. ASD
b. VSD
c. PDA
d. Tricuspid atresia and small VSD
e. Coarctation of Aorta
67.A pre-term infant born at 23 weeks gestation and who was on ventilation
since birth. The pulses were easily palpable with wide pulse pressure. He had
a continuous murmur. What is the diagnosis?
a. ASD
b. VSD
c. Large PDA
d. Small PDA
e. …
68.What is the management of a child with Poliomyelitis?
a. Admission and…
b. …
c. Bed rest and analgesics
d. …
69.A case diagnosed as GBS by EMG. Which of the following is true regarding
a. Give outpatient home treatment
b. EMG has no role in diagnosis
c. Duration of illness lasts for several days
d. Preceded by Gastroenteritis
70.Which one is the best indicative of Group A Streptococcal infection:-
a. CBC
b. ASO titer
c. Rheumatic fever
d. CRP
71.Which of the following is the most common cause of Sore Throat,
Conjunctivitis and Pharyngitis?
a. Adenovirus
b. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
c. Cytomegalovirus
d. EBV
e. Enterovirus
72.A child was recently diagnosed with ITP and her mother was concerned
about the treatment and prognosis. Which of the following is true?
a. Causes the severest bleeding
b. Oral steroid is the first-line.
c. Platelet infusion
d. IVIG is best course
e. Splenectomy is useful in most case
73.On Lab test, BT was 3 minutes, PT 34 seconds and PTT of 74 second (NR
given). What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Factor XIII deficiency
b. Platelet Dysfunction
c. Factor IX deficiency
d. Factor VII deficiency
e. Factor X deficiency
74.A child was recently diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma. Regarding Non-
Hodgkin Lymphoma, what is the initial complication that you must be aware
of and follow-up for it?
a. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
b. …
c. …
d. Tumour Lysis Syndrome
e. …
75.A mother of child diagnosed with ALL. Which of the following determines
that it is a high risk?
a. Male and hepatosplenomegaly
b. T-cell type
c. Low platelet and anaemia at presentation
d. Long disease duration
76.A child with pallor and not active. With frequent coughing and infection. He
had splenomegaly. He also had central abdominal mass. CBC was normal.
What is the best next action:-
a. Complete blood picture
b. Truecut biopsy of the abdominal mass
c. CBC and BMA and Bone marrow biopsy
d. ESR
e. Antibiotic course
77.A child with Fanconi anaemia. Which of the following is true regarding it?
a. Treated conservatively
b. Malignancy in 30%
c. …
d. Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation
78.A child presented with a tender warm right submandibular mass. That was
about 5cm. What’s the most common microorganism cause?
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Atypical mycobacterium
c. Lymphoma with secondary pyogenic granuloma
d. Cat-scratch disease
e. CMV
79.All of the following are correct regarding anterior abdominal wall defect,
a. Oomphalocele has a higher mortality
b. Gastroschisis has a higher mortality
c. …
d. Oomphalocele has a 100% chance of survival if not associated with
other anomalies.
e. Gastroschisis has an excellent prognosis.
80.4-day old presents with dark-coloured stool. Which of the following most
likely indicates severe Bowel Ischaemia?
a. Gastric Residual
b. Septic Shock
c. Congestive Heart Failure with PDA
d. Increased Platelet
e. Erythema of the Abdominal Wall
81.Where is the site of Omphalocele?
a. Base of umbilicus
b. Below the umbilicus
c. Above the umbilicus
d. Lateral to the umbilicus
82.Which of the following is the most common site of tracheoesophageal
a. … type (No fistula)
b. Distal type
c. Proximal type
d. Proximal and distal type
e. H type
83.Which of the following does not cause polyhydramnios?
a. Esophageal atresia
b. Diaphragmatic hernia
c. Duodenal atresia
d. Hirschsprung disease
84.Which of the following is diagnostic for Hirschsprung disease?
a. Gold standard is biopsy showing absence of ganglion in myenteric
and submucousal plexus.
b. …
85.What is the most common presentation of Meckel’s Diverticulum?
a. Intestinal obstruction
b. Bleeding
c. Painless profuse bleeding of rectum
d. Diverticulitis
e. All of them
86.Which of the following is the most common site for lobar emphysema?
a. Left upper lobes
b. Right upper lobes
c. Right middle lobes
d. Lower lobes
87.Which of the following is not important in Vitamin D history?
a. …
b. Bowel Motion
c. …
d. Time spent outside
e. …
88.When are prophylactic antibiotic given?
a. …
b. Grade 4 VUR
c. …
d. …
e. …
89.Which one of the following will not occur in a case of iron deficiency
a. Decrease MCH
b. Decrease MCV
c. Transferrin saturation …
d. Increase reticulocyte count
90.(A question about Potter syndrome) …
a. ???
Extended Matching Questions
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months Since milestones vary
D. 12 months widely depending on the
E. 18 months source, these answers are
more likely to be incorrect.
F. 2 years
G.3 years
H.4 years
I. 5 years
For each description below, choose the SINGLE most appropriate
answer from the above list of options. Each option may be used once,
more than once, or not at all.
91.A patient with the ability to draw a correct circle and cross. He could go up
the stair with one foot at a time
a. 4 years
92.A child able to draw scribbles and has started to build towers
a. 18 months
93.A child was able to draw scribbles and straight lines
a. 2 years
A. Clostridium Difficile
B. …
C. Campylobacter Jejuni
D. E. Coli
E. …
F. …
G. …
H. Rotavirus
For each description below, choose the SINGLE most appropriate answer from
the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not
at all.
103. A patient with severe chest infection was admitted and treated with IV
antibiotics for 5 days. He then developed watery diarrhoea.
a. Clostridium Difficile
104. A child with bloody Diarrhoea, Anaemia, thrombocytopenia and elevated
creatinine (NR not given).
a. E. Coli?
105. A child gets watery diarrhoea in the winter months. Several of his
schoolmates at the nursery have developed similar symptoms.
a. Rotavirus
A. Digoxin
B. Furosemide and Enalapril
C. ICD and Propranolol
D. Cardiac transplantation
E. Propranolol
F. Cardiac pacemaker
For each description below, choose the SINGLE most appropriate answer from
the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not
at all.
115. A 6-month-old with poor growth and difficulty feeding and a pansystolic
murmur at the left sternal border. He had a palpable liver 4cm below the
costal margin.
a. Furosemide and Enalapril
116. A 12-year-old boy. On echocardiography he had hypertrophic chambers.
He had syncope and breathlessness after exercise. His older brother died
suddenly at 30-years-old.
a. ICD and propranolol
117. A 2-days old baby presents with breathlessness and poor feeding. On
examination, he has a soft murmur with a single and somewhat loud second
heart sound, a 4-cm liver and her O2 saturation is 65% which does not
improve significantly despite 100% O2 therapy.
a. PGE2