Musharakah and Murabaha.
Musharakah and Murabaha.
Musharakah and Murabaha.
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………….13
Islamic financing is the practise of raising funds in accordance with Sharia, or Islamic law. It
also applies to the kinds of investments that are allowed under this legal framework. Islamic
finance should be thought of as a one-of-a-kind approach to socially responsible investing (L.
Ross, 2020). Even though Islamic finance dates to the seventh century, it has only been
formalised since the late 1960s. The enormous oil riches fuelled renewed interest in and
demand for Sharia-compliant goods and practises, which accelerated the process. In modern
times, Islamic principles are followed by more than 300 banks and 250 mutual funds around
the world. Islamic banks' wealth increased from $200 billion in 2000 to close to $3 trillion in
2016. The rising economies of Muslim countries are primarily responsible for this expansion
(especially those that have benefited from the rising price of oil).
To understand Islamic banking, it is essential that we understand what Islamic principle are.
Islamic banking concepts are drawn from the Qur'an, Islam's central religious book. All
transactions in Islamic banking shall adhere to shariah, Islam's legal code (based on the
Qur'an's teachings). Fiqh al-muamalat refers to the laws that regulate commercial transactions
in Islamic banking. At the same time, Islamic finance strictly prohibits the act of riba (usury)
and gharar (ambiguity or deception). Any kind of speculation or gambling, referred to as
maisir in Shariah, is strictly prohibited. Taking interest on loans is also prohibited by Shariah.
Therefore, in order to earn money without the typical practice of charging interest, Islamic
banks use equity participation systems. This equity participation system is quite different
from the interest on loan system as when a bank lends money to a corporation, the company
can repay the loan without interest in exchange for a share of the company's earnings. The
bank would not prosper if the company defaults or does not make a profit.
Islamic Banking In Malaysia started when the Perbadanan Wang Simpanan Bakal-Bakal Haji
(PWSBH) was incorporated in September 1963. PWSBH was established as a way for
Muslims to save money for their Hajj (Mecca pilgrimage). PWSBH and Pejabat Urusan Haji
merged in 1969 to form Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji (now known as Lembaga Tabung
Haji (Wikipedia contributors, 2020). In 1983, Malaysia's first Islamic bank was launched.
The Islamic Banking Scheme, which was established in 1993, permitted commercial banks,
merchant banks, and finance firms to provide Islamic banking products and services (IBS).
Introduction of Musharakah
Type of Musharakah
There are 2 more types of Shirkat-ul-milk which are Shirkat-ul-Ain and Shirkat-ul-
Shirkat-ul-Amwal means all the partners will invest some of the capital into a
commercial enterprise.
ii. Shirkat-ul-Aamal (Partnership in services)
This partnership can also be called Shirkat-ut-taqabbul, Shirkat-us-sanai or
Shirkat-ul-abdan. All the partners will jointly undertake to provide some services
to their customers and the fees collected from them are allocated to them
according to agreed ratio.
iii. Shirkat-ul-wujooh (Partnership in goodwill)
The partners have no investment at all in this type of partnership. They borrowed
the capital with goodwill to buy goods at a deferred price and sell them on the
spot. The profit that earned will distributed between the partners at an agreed
The three type of Shirkat-ul-Amwal can be further divided into two types, which are
Shirkat-Al-Mufawada (Capital & labour at par) and Shirkat-ul-Ainan (Muhammad,
Management Musharakah
The principle of musharakah is that every partner has the right to participate in its
management as well as work towards it. However, the partners can agree to the conditions of
management by one of them and the other partners are not allowed to work for musharakah.
The sleeping partner only be entitled to the profit within the scope of his investment and the
ratio of the profit allocated to him should not exceed the ratio of his investment. However, if
all of the partners agree to work for the joint venture, each partner should be regarded as
another person’s agent in all business matter and any work done by any one of them in the
normal business process shall be deemed to be authorized by all partners (Muhammad, 2002).
Diminishing Musharakah
accept the assistance of funding from other party. The financier’s share is divided into
multiple units and the customers will usually purchase the units of financier’s shares
periodically, therefore, increases his share until the customers has purchased all the units of
the financier to make him the sole owner of the asset. In this form of partnership, all of the
partners are co-owners of each part of joint property or asset on a pro-rata basis and a partner
cannot claim a specific part of the property or asset or leave the other parts to other partners
(Weebly, 2021).
Termination of Musharakah
1. Each of the partner has the rights to terminate the musharakah at any time after
sending the notice of this effect to his partner, thereby bringing musharakah to an end.
In this case, if the musharakah asset is in the form of cash, all assets will be
distributed pro-rata between the partners. However, if the assets have not been
liquidated, the partners can reach an agreement on the liquidation of the assets or their
distribution or division among partners.
2. If either party dies during musharakah’s currency, the musharakah’s contract with him
will be terminated. In this case, his heirs can choose to draw the decreased share from
the business or continue with the musharakah contract.
3. If either partner becomes insane or otherwise becomes incapable to conduct
commercial transactions, the musharakah will be terminated.
If either one partner wishes to terminate the musharakah but other partner or partners
wishes to continue the business, this can be achieved by mutual agreement. The partner
who want to operate the business can purchase the shares of partners who want to
terminate their partnership, because the termination of musharakah with one partner does
not mean that musharakah can be terminated between other partners. However, the share
price of the leaving partner must be determined by mutual agreement. If there is a dispute
on the share valuation and the partners have not reached the agreed price, the leaving
partner can compel other partner to liquidate or on the distribution of the assets
themselves (Termination of Musharakah, 2021).
Difference between Interest Based Financing and Musharakah
Murabaha is a type of contract, specifically a sales contract between a bank and a customer
for the selling of merchandise at a price plus an agreed-upon profit margin for the bank. The
deal calls for the bank to buy goods and then resell them to the customer at an agreed-upon
markup. In most cases, repayment is done in instalments.
Merchandise or goods
Sighah: Offer(Ijab) and Acceptance (Qabul)
Suppliers of Goods
Islamic Bank
2. Contracting parties
The seller is responsible for delivering the goods requested by the customer, and the
buyer is required to pay for the product bought in accordance with the terms of the
arrangement. In this case, all parties must be mature, fair, and capable of being kept
1. Promise Stage
Client and bank sign an agreement to enter into Murabahah.
Bank Client
Master Financing Agreement
2. Agency Stage
Client appointed as agent to purchase goods on bank’s behalf. Bank gives money to
client for purchase of goods.
Bank Client
Agency Agreement
3. Acquiring Possession
Client purchases goods on bank’s behalf and takes their possession.
Transfer of the Risk
4. Execution
Client makes an offer to purchase the goods from bank. Client pays agreed price to
bank according to an agreed schedule. usually on a deferred payment basis (Bai
Bank Client
• Payment of Murabahah Price
o Bank (Creditor) and Client (Debtor)
2. Rollover in Murabahah
Rollover in Murabahah is not allowed since each Murabahah transaction is for the
purchase of a particular asset. A new Murabahah can only be executed for the
purchase of new assets.
Goods must exist at the time of execution of Murabaha. Murabaha cannot be done in
all commodities, paying utility bills, wages, overhead expenses, etc.
6. Purchase Evidence
The customer required submit asset purchase evidence along with Offer &
Acceptance. The purchase evidence must confirm that the asset purchase took place
after the agency agreement.
Murabahah can be used to finance asset that is valuable according to the Shariah. It mainly
uses for the import finance, export finance, house finance, car finance, and working capital
In conclusion, Islamic banking is quite distinct from the regular banking system but also has
its benefits. First and foremost, Islamic banking is much safer as any purchases that help
illegal businesses practices that are banned in Islam are prohibited by Shariah principles.
Secondly, there is a misconception that Islamic banking is only for Muslims and this is not
the case. Islamic Banking, while based on Shari'a values, is not limited to Muslims and is
open to non-Muslims as well (Advantages Of Islamic Banking, n.d.). Other than that, Islamic
banking is also fairer as the foundation of the Islamic Banking model is based on a profit-
sharing principle, whereby the risk is shared by the bank and the customer. The traditional
banking system is dependent on interest rates on money deposits at a predetermined rate.
Since the payment and collection of interest is forbidden under Shariah Law, Muslims avoid
banking. Financial inclusion, on the other hand, may be encouraged by Islamic banking,
resulting in a greater pool of savings in the local and global economy. And finally, Islamic
promotes and accelerates overall economic development. In order to draw more funds from
its depositors, each bank in the Islamic banking industry will invest in promising business
projects and attempt to outperform its competitors. This will result in a strong return on
investment for both the bank and the depositors in the long run. This is unlikely in a
commercial bank, where depositors receive pre-determined interest rates on their deposits.
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