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Sitransf FUE 950

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© Siemens AG 2018

Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator

■ Overview ■ Application
The SITRANS FUE950 is able to handle 3 kinds of applications,
means energy calculation in:
• District heating applications
• Chilled water applications
• Combined cooling/heating applications
Energy metering in heating, hot water applications
(code "A" and "B")


SITRANS FUE950 is a universal thermal energy calculator, which Heat

meets the requirements EN 1434 and has the MID and PTB K7.2
approval for energy metering with the media water.
SITRANS FUE950 has been developed for the SITRANS FUS380/ Energy metering in cooling, chilled water applications
FUE380 and alternatively MAG 5000/6000 or FST020. SITRANS (code "C" and "D")
FUE950 is modular in construction and can by order be fitted with
optional modules depending on the application. The FUE950 sup-
ports none of the SITRANS FX, FC products and only some of the s


FUS clamp-on products.

■ Benefits
Basic functions
• Prepared for heating, cooling measurement
• Approval for MID for heat metering and PTB K7.2 for cooling V1
• High-accuracy thermal energy metering, meets EN1434 re-
• Measured temperature range -20 … +190 °C (-4 … +374 °F)
• Instantaneous values for energy/volume flow Energy metering in combined cooling/heating applications
• Battery or mains powered (code "E" and "F")
• Battery version with battery lifetime of typically up to 10 years
• Optical data interface s


• Real date and time

• Auto-detection of 2-wire or 4-wire temperature sensors
Cooling 7+
Additional functions
• Individual tariff functions 7&
• Advanced functions for cooling/heating applications or the
• Memory for 24 periods (months, weeks, days)
• Data logger function
• Expandable functionality with 2 optional plug and play add-on
• Communication over M-Bus, RS 485 or RS 232
Add-on modules
• Plug-in module with 2 extra pulse inputs
• Plug-in module with 2 pulse outputs
• Plug-in module with combination of input and output pulses
• Plug-in module for M-Bus communication
• Plug-in module for RS 232 or RS 485 communication
• Plug-in module with 2 passive current outputs (4 ... 20 mA)

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
Data logger memory (LOG)
■ Design
The LOG of the calculator is stored every 24 hours with all cumu-
SITRANS FUE950 has an easy-read 8-digit LCD display with as- lative values in the EEPROM. The storage frequency can be se-
sociated pictograms for the various functions. As the display has lected from various storage intervals (5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60
been made for several applications, some figures/symbols not minutes or the default setting of 24 hours). The data which are
used for normal district heating applications will be shown. stored in the LOG could be read out using a software tool and
SITRANS FUE950 has a push button for simple operation and can be used for evaluations.
provides user-friendly control via the various display menu Extract of possible LOG settings
loops. The display will always be configured for the application
chosen, and for the selected display settings. Storage Values Number of Recording
interval data records period
The integrator has an IP54 plastic housing and is designed for
3 wall or panel mounting. The housing comes with prepared rub-
ber gaskets cable entries for fast and easy installation.
5 minutes
15 minutes
• Error status
• Overload time tem-
36.6 hours
110 hours
Operation menu loop structure 1 hour • Overload time flow 440 18.3 days
24 hours • Forward temperature 440 440 days
The FUE950 display has six menu loops and the menus are num-
(default setting) • Return temperature
bered in the display from 1 to 6. Some display menus consist of
two values (to maximum seven) that are shown alternately at 4- • Date and time
• Energy
second intervals. • Tariff energy 1
The main menu loop no. 1 with the current data, e.g. for energy, • Tariff energy 2
volume, flow rate and temperature, is preprogrammed as default • Tariff definition 1
• Tariff definition 2
setting. • Volume
In the combined heating/cooling configuration the menu loop no. • Error day counter
5 (tariff menu loop) will be activated additionally.
Maximal Values
Display and output pulses The integrator creates max. values for power and flow rate
Units: MWh, GJ, Gcal, MBtu, m3, gal, m3/h, GPM, °C, °F and kW; based on consumption time, which are stored in the EEPROM.
all decimal points are statically (the unit "gal" is shown with factor The integration intervals are adjustable to 6, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
x 100). and 24h. Default setting is 60 minutes.
The display unit and the last fractional digit are typical used for Tariff/Accounting date function
the pulse outputs.
The calculator includes two independent memories in which the
accumulated energy at two programmable tariff dates are
■ Function stored.
Technical principle • Last accounting date
• Last but one accounting date
Calculation of energy is based on the following formula:
Energy = Volume x (THot - TCold) x Kfactor (Ti) Values stored
3 • Energy
Volume: Volume [m ] of a given amount of volume pulses
• Volume
THot: Measured temperature in the hot line • Tariff counter 1
TCold: Measured temperature in the cold line • Tariff counter 2
Kfactor (Ti): Thermal coefficient of media enthalpy and heat • Pulse counter 1
content • Pulse counter 2
The energy calculation is made by a counter and depends on • Date
temperature difference, pulse input frequency and legal require-
ments. The integrator offers two optional tariff memories for monitoring
plant load states. Here it concerns threshold value tariffs. Exten-
The calculator always carries out at least one energy calculation sive tariff conditions make it possible to adapt the calculator in-
every 2 seconds. If the connected flowmeter has not sent dividually to the required customer-specific applications.
enough pulses the energy calculation and flow indication is also
based on the 8 seconds value. Both tariffs are separately configurable and independent from
each other. Energy or time can be measured alternatively per
Data memory tariff register dependent on the tariff mode adjusted in each
The FUE950 has a history memory of 24 periods (months,
weeks, days). The following values are stored monthly, weekly or With the "time triggered tariff function" the switch-on time and the
daily in the EEPROM on the programmed day of 1…31 (via soft- switch-off time are adjustable independent from each other for
ware tool). each day of the week in steps of 15 minutes.
• Date/Time • Volume
• Energy • Error day counter
• Tariff energy 1 • Maximum monthly flow rate
• Tariff energy 2 • Maximum monthly power
• Tariff definition 1 • Date of maximum monthly flow rate
• Tariff definition 2 • Date of maximum monthly power
• Pulse counter input 1 • Pulse counter input 2
• Operation hours

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
The following tariff limit types of the tariff function are possible: Pulse input module
(This example applies to the display at 1 fractional digits after
comma) Two pulse inputs are available. The pulse value and the unit is
configurable for energy, water, gas or electrical meter by param-
Type Description Limit Limit eterization software. Data are separate cumulated in different
resolution registers and are also stored on the two accounting day's (Tariff
dT Temperature difference 1 ... 190 °C 1 °C registers).
-dT Negative temperature difference 1 ... 190 °C 1 °C Combined Pulse Input/Output module
TR Return temperature (low) 1 ... 190 °C 1 °C Two pulse inputs combined with one pulse output are available
TV Forward temperature (high) 1 ... 190 °C 1 °C on one module. The pulse inputs are configurable with value and
the unit by parameterization software.

P Power 10 ... 2 500 kW 10 kW
The pulse output is also programmable using the parameteriza-
Q Flow 1 ... 255 m3/h 1 m3/h
tion software.
FE "Theoretically forward energy" with
return temperature of 0 °C Pulse output
Z "Time triggered" counting energy The calculator provides levels for two optional external pulse
E "External" counting energy outputs, which can be freely programmed using the parameter-
ization software tool.
Error handling and memory Default setting is one pulse which occurs per change in the least
Events such as changes and faults are stored in a non-volatile significant digit in the display with the unit and resolution selec-
memory with a capacity of up to 127 entries. The following ted by the device ordering.
events are recorded: Possible pulse output values
• Checksum error • Energy (default setting)
• Temperature measurement error • Volume (default setting)
• Error hours • Tariff energy 1
• Start and end of test mode • Tariff energy 2
If SITRANS FUE950 records an error, this will be automatically in- • Tariff condition 1, limit switch
dicated by a "alarm symbol" on the display.
• Tariff condition 2, limit switch
To protect the reading data, all the relevant data are saved in a • Energy error
non-volatile memory (EEPROM). This memory saves the mea-
sured values, device parameters and types of error at regular in- • Volume error
tervals. • Volume with specific resolution (0.1, 1.0, 10 or 100)
The following events are recorded: • Energy with specific resolution (0.1, 1.0, 10 or 100)
• Temperature sensor error Combined current output module
• Swapped hot and cold temperature sensors Optional module with 2 passive 4 ... 20 mA outputs.
• Battery low warning
Possible output values:
• Power supply failure
• Power (default setting for output #1)
• Optical communication warning
• Flow (default setting for output #2)
• RAM checksum error
• Hot, cold or difference temperature
Outputs/Inputs/Communication The settings can be configured by parameterization software.
Communication interfaces: The current output module occupies both ports, means no other
plug-in module will possible to plug in.
SITRANS FUE950 is fitted with an optical infra-red send/receive
port in accordance with EN1434/IEC 61107, protocol standard, Module combinations
EN 1434/EN 60870-3 (M-Bus protocol).
The calculator has a group of extension modules for communi-
A specific optical head with a permanent magnet (IrDA-adapter) cation and another group of extension modules for additional
in accordance with EN 1434 can be used for readout data or functionality. These modules are available first selected within
communication with the parameterization software. the calculator, or for retrofitting in the field.
2 ports for optionally plug-in modules One single function module as well as one single communication
module out of following modules is selectable.
The calculator features 2 ports for the plug-in modules.
Function modules:
One slot is for the function modules and the other for the com-
munication modules. • Pulse input module, 2 inputs
• Pulse output module, 2 outputs
Communication modules
• Combined pulse module 2 inputs, 1 output
The following communication modules are available as options:
• Combined current output module, 2 x passive 4 ... 20 mA
RS 232 module, RS 485 module and M-Bus module. The RS 232
(occupies both ports)
and RS 485 communication modules are serial interfaces and
permit data exchange with the calculator. For this purpose a Communication modules:
special data cable is necessary. • M-Bus (M-Bus protocol according EN 1434-3)
The M-Bus module is a serial interface for communication with • RS 232 (M-Bus protocol according EN 1434-3)
external devices (M-Bus Master/Centre). According to the
• RS 485 (M-Bus protocol according EN 1434-3)
M-Bus structure a number of calculators can be connected to a
control centre.

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator

■ Integration User interface (always included)

Display 8-digit LCD display with associ-
SITRANS FUE950 is a multi-purpose energy calculator for media ated pictograms/symbols
water which meets the requirements of EN 1434. Further, the en-
ergy calculator has been specially developed to process volume Units MWh, GJ, Gcal, MBtu, m3, m3/h,
GPM, gal, °C, °F, kW, MBtu/h
pulses from SITRANS FUS380/FUE380 or alternatively (gal is shown with factor x 100)
MAG 5000/6000 or FST020 transmitter.
Totalizer value range 99 999 999 or 9 999 999.9 (0 and
1 digit after comma). Display dig-
■ Technical specifications its: Flow in 6 digits; Volume,
power and energy in 8 digits
Approval MID approved in accordance with
energy meter EN 1434 and PTB Values Power, energy, volume, flow rate,

3 K7.2 (German national cooling

approval) Push button
Single push button for the menu
Approved temperature range controlling
• Heating 0 ... 180 ºC (32 ... 356 °F) Optical interface ZVEI optical interface with M-Bus
IrDA interface protocol as per EN 1434, connec-
• Cooling 0 ... 105 °C (32 ... 221 °F) tion via separate IrDA-adapter
Absolute temperature range -20 ... +190 °C (-4 ... -374 °F) baud rate: 300 or 2400

Differential temperature Rated operation conditions

• Heating 3 ... 177 K (starting at 0.1 K) Enclosure IP54 in accordance with IEC 529

• Cooling 3 ... 102 K Material

Measuring accuracy Meets requirements of EN 1434 • Housing C Lexan 141R (or similar); colors:
Typically max.  (0.5 + 3K/) [%] light gray (top part) and black
of measured value (bottom part)

Measuring rates • Pipe/wall fitting PA 6.6 GF25 (or similar)

• Battery type D-cell Volume: 1 s, temperature: 4 s • Other plastic parts ABS Cycolac GPM500 (or similar)

• Mains versions Volume: 1/8 s, temperature: 2 s • Gaskets Neoprene and rubber cable
bushings: EPDM 50
Flow range Depends on pulse input value
(IN0), see "Selection and Order- • Rubber cable bushings EPDM 50
ing data". Temperature
Power range value Depends on pulse input value as • Ambient 5 ... 55 °C (41 … 131 °F)
• Storage -25 ... +70 °C (-13 … +158 °F)
Pulse input Max power [kW] Relative ambient humidity < 93 %
(l/P or gal/P) Environment class
1 15 000 • Mechanic class M1/M2
2.5 15 000 • Electromagnetic class E1/E2 (MID) or C (DIN EN 1434)
5 15 000 Temperature input
10 150 000 (always included)
25 150 000 Function The temperature sensors must be
50 150 000 connected to terminals 1-5 and
6-2 (TH) and 3-7 and 8-4 (TC)
100 1 500 000 depending on cable type (2-wire
250 *) 1 500 000 or 4-wire).
500 *) 1 500 000 Temperature range -20 ... 190 °C (-4 … 374 °F) for TH
1 000 *) 15 000 000 Absolute measuring range and TC

*) not available for gal/pulse Temperature difference Start 0.1 K, min. 3 K, max. 177 K
Measurement cut-off 0.125 K
16-bit digital resolution AD con-
Typical accuracy of FUE950 verter
Display resolution TH and TC: 0.1 K , T: 0.1 K
Max. error

Sensor types Pt100 or Pt500 as 2-wire or 4-

wire; Standard is Pt500.
EN 1434 Sensor cable length: up to 10 m
1.0 (according EN 1434 and MID-
type approval).
0.5 Sensor connection 4-wire or 2-wire; auto detection of
connection version
Flow input (IN0)
-0.5 (always included)

Function Used as standard for flow input of
the external flowmeter. The input
-1.5 is marked as 10 (+ Flow Pulse),
11 (- Gnd) on the terminal strip.
-2.0 Note: The pulse input value selec-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 tion must be the same as the
∆Θ pulse output setting of the flow-

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
Pulse value 1 ... 1 000 l/pulse or 1 ... 100 Possible pulse output selection • Energy
gal/pulse, selection by corre- (default setting for 'Out1')
sponding Order code. Will be • Volume
shown at the device label (default setting for 'Out2')
Pulse frequency  100 Hz (200 Hz) • Tariff energy 1
Pulse ON-time  3 ms • Tariff energy 2
Pulse OFF-time  2 ms • Tariff condition 1 (limit switch)
Type Active pulse input • Tariff condition 2 (limit switch)
• Energy error
Terminal voltage 3.6 V DC (supplied internally by
FUE950) • Volume error
Flowmeter installation place The flowmeter installation place
can be in the hot line or cold line
• Volume with specific display res-
olution (or with factor 0, 1, 10 or
100 thereof)
("forward or return pipe") selected
by corresponding Order code. • Energy with specific display
The "installation place" will be resolution (or factor 0.1 thereof)
shown at the device display and
Pulse input
Function Add-on module for two additional
Connected cable Max. 10 m (shielded cables are
counters. The pulse input 1 is
highly recommended) marked as I1, 'gnd' and the input
Ports for option modules 2 as I2, 'gnd' on the terminal strip
and indicated in the display as
Type The calculator features 2 ports for separate registers IN1 and IN2
optional plug-in modules. and can also be transferred via
Function modules (Port 1 or 2) • Pulse input module, 2 inputs the communication modules.
(In1, In2) Type Passive "open collector" pulse
• Pulse output module, 2 outputs inputs, outputs not potential iso-
(Out1, Out2) lated to each other, data are sep-
• Combination module of 2 inputs arate cumulated in different
(In1, In2) and 1 output (Out1) registers and are also stored on
the two accounting day's.
Current output module (Port 1) 2 passive 4 ... 20 mA (#1, #2)
(occupies both port 1 and 2) Pulse value Pulse value and the unit are con-
figurable for energy, water, gas or
Communication modules M-Bus, RS 232 or RS 485 (M-Bus electrical meter by a software tool
(Port 1 or 2) protocol, according EN 1434-3) Default: Pulse input 0.1 m3 or
1 gal (if unit 'gal' is ordered with
Pulse output the Z-option "L05")
Function The module contains connections Pulse frequency  8 Hz
for 2 pulse outputs, which can be
programmed as desired using a Pulse length  10 ms
software tool. The pulse outputs
are marked as standard as O1, External voltage supply 3 V DC (supplied internally by
'gnd' and O2, 'gnd' on the termi- FUE950)
nal strip and Out1 respectively Current based on Ri = 2.2 M
Out2 in the display.
Cable length < 10 m connection limit
Type Passive "open collector" pulse
output, outputs potential isolated Current output module
to each other Function The module contains connections
Pulse value Last significant digits of the dis- for 2 passive current outputs,
play (unit/pulse), selection by cor- which can be programmed indi-
responding Order code and vidually using the software tool.
setting can be read via display The outputs are marked „#1" and
menu, settings changeable via „#2" with corresponding polarity
software tool „+" and „-" on the terminal strip.
The module will be connected on
Pulse output 1
port 1 only, but both ports are
• Pulse frequency  4 Hz occupied by the module.
• Pulse width 125 ms ± 10 % Terminal voltage External supply: 10 … 30 V DC
(passive output)
• Pulse duration 125 ms ± 10 %
Signal range 4 … 20 mA; 4 mA = 0 value and
• Pulse break 125 ms -10 % 20 mA = default maximum values
Pulse output 2 (for #1: Power in kW and for #2:
Flow with the max. values and
• Pulse frequency  100 Hz, depending on the selected unit).
selected pulse length
• Ratio Pulse duration/pulse break ~1:1 For power it is the max. selectable
Pulse length 5, 10, 50, 100 ms (default: 5 ms) value x 100 000 the last digit of
display (e. g. 20 mA = 10 000 kW
External voltage supply 3 … 30 V DC (1 digit res.) or 100 000 kW
Current  20 mA with a residual voltage of (0 digit res).
 0.5 V For flow it is the max. selectable
value x 10 000 the last digit of
display (e. g. 20 mA = 1 000.0
m3/h (1 digit res.) or 10 000 m3/h
(0 digit res.).

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
Load Max. 800  Power consumption
Upper limit Up to 20.5 mA (exceed causes 230 V and 24 V versions Typical current appr. 0.15 VA
the error current value)
3.6 V D-cell battery Typical battery lifetime 10 years
Signal on alarm Errors are indicated with 3.5 mA under normal conditions (no add-
or 22.6 mA (programmable, on modules, max. 40 °C ambient
default: 3.5 mA) temperature)
Output values Power, flow, temperature (config- Supply data Internal voltage 3.6 V by the bat-
uring via software tool; default: for tery or plug-in power supply mod-
#1: Power and for #2: Flow) ule
M-Bus output Battery, 3.6 V type (option) 3.6 V lithium D-cell, battery lifetime
typically 16 years with inde-
3 Type The optional M-Bus plug-in mod-
ule is a serial interface for com-
munication with external devices 230 V AC module (option)
pendently powered flowmeter
Plug-in module for 230 V AC
(M-Bus Repeater) (195 ... 253 V AC), 50/60 Hz (incl.
battery backup)
Protocol M-Bus according EN 1434-3
24 V AC module (option) Plug-in module for 24 V AC
Connection The connection is not polarity- (12 ... 30 V AC) (incl. battery
conscious and is electrically iso- backup)
lated, connection of 2 x max.
2.5 mm2 wires, 300 or 2400 baud Battery backup (option) Only with mains supply modules
(auto baud detection), current by internal 3.0 V lithium battery
drawn: one M-Bus load. (type CR 2032)
M-Bus address: Displayed values, date and time
Each port has its own primary are still updated, but the measur-
M-Bus address (Prim1 = the last ing functions have stopped,
two digits of the serial number; including the flow rate measure-
Prim2 = 0). The secondary ment. Communication via optional
address is unique for each calcu- modules M-Bus, RS 485, RS 232
lator and is factory-set to equal or optical interface is maintained,
the serial number. affecting the backup battery life-
RS 232 output
Type The optional module RS 232 is a
serial interface for data transmis- The parameterization software based on the M-Bus is a conve-
sion with external devices, e.g. nient tool for handling the calculator. It runs on Windows and is
PC; baud rate: 300 or 2400. The
module contains a 3-pole terminal
used for configuration of the calculator functionality, reading out
strip with terminals marked 62 different memories, printing out calculator logs. For further de-
(TX), 63 (RX) and 64 (GND). For tails please contact your local Siemens representative.
this purpose a special data cable
is necessary.
A specific optical head with a permanent magnet in
(IrDA adapter with bluetooth) accordance with EN 1434 can be
Protocol M-Bus according EN 1434-3 used for programming/altering programming of readout data,
Connection The module contains a 3-pole ter- configuration data, etc. The reader head can also be used to
minal strip with terminals marked change measuring data.
62, 63, 64 (max. 2.5 mm2); Con-
nected cable length: max 10 m;
For communication with a PC a
■ Dimensional drawings
special adapter cable is required
(Article No. A5E02611774).
54.7 (2.15)

RS 485 output
Function The optional RS 485 module is a
serial interface for data transmis-
sion with external devices, e.g.
PC; baud rate: 2400. The module
contains a 4-pole terminal strip
with terminals marked D+, D-, 150 (5.90)
Vcc and GND.
Protocol M-Bus protocol according
EN 1434-3
Connection Terminals D+ and D-; electrically
isolated; 2400 baud only.
99 (3.90)

An external supply of 12 V DC
± 5 V (<5 W) is needed for the
module (terminals Vcc and GND).
The module terminals are max. for
2.5 mm2 wires. Connected cable
length: max. 10 m
SITRANS FUE950, dimensions in mm (inch)

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator

■ Technical specifications
Temperature sensor pairs:
2-wire Pt500
Pt500 2-wire temperature sensor pair (EN 1434)
Measuring insert Pt500 temperature sensor,
EN 60751, tolerance class B,
Pairing Paired to EN 1434
(10 ... 130 °C/14 ... 266 ºF)
Media temperature
Response time T0.5
0...150 °C (32 ... 302 ºF)
See sensor pocket specifications
Medium Typically heating water
Pressure rating See sensor pocket specifications
Wall mounting Protection IP65
Pipe material AISI 304Ti/1.4303
) Dimension  6 mm
x .3 Sensor tube length 50 mm

Cable length Up to 10 m (32.8 ft), fixed con-

nected silicon cable, 2 connec-
tion wire terminals, terminal
sleeves to DIN 46228
4) 4-wire Pt500

Pt500 4-wire temperature sensor pair (with MID and PTB K7.2


 Measuring insert Pt500 temperature sensor,
  EN 60751, tolerance class to
4x ISO 751 Class B; 4-wire
) Pairing Matched paired according to
EN 1434 at 10, 75 and 140 °C
(50, 167 and 284 °F)
Panel mounting, dimensions in mm (inch)
Type approval MID (DE-06-MI004-PTB011) and
PTB K7.2 (PTB 22.77/09.01).
Only to be mounted with related
Pt500 temperature sensor pairs sensor pockets according to the
type approvals.
■ Application Media temperature 0...150 °C (32 ... 302 °F)
The temperature sensor set is designed for use with the Permissible temp. pair range for T
Siemens energy calculator type SITRANS FUE950 for measure- • Heating 3 ... 150 K
ment of the energy consumption in a district heating or cooling
net. • Cooling 3 ... 85 K
Medium Approved for heating/cooling
Temperature sensors are one of the integral components of ev- water
ery thermal energy meter in heating or cooling applications.
They are used for determining temperature changes in fluids Protection IP65
due to energy taken from or supplied to the loop. The tempera- Environment
ture is thus measured by mounting temperature sensors up-
stream and downstream from the point where the exchange in • Mechanic class M3
the thermal energy of the system is. • Electromagnetic class E1 (MID)
To ensure an accurate measurement of the temperature differ- Pressure rating See sensor pocket specifications
ence according to MID (EN 1434) or PTB K7.2 the sensors are Material
delivered as matched pairs.
• Protective tube Stainless steel AISI 304Ti/1.4571
By selection with the corresponding Order code the Pt500 sen- (or similar), diameter of protec-
sor pair sets can be delivered with heating approval or with ap- tive tube: 6 mm
provals for combined heating/cooling applications. • Connector cable Silicon cable, 4 connection wire
terminals, terminal sleeves to
DIN 46228
Sensor tube length 140 or 230 mm
(5.51 or 9.06 inch)
Cable length 5 m (16.4 ft), fixed connected

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Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
Sensor pockets
Pt500 4-wire temperature sensor pair (with MID and PTB K7.2 approval)
Stainless steel sensor pocket (for 4-wire Pt500 types only - standard)
Media temperature 0 ... 150 °C (32 ... 302 ºF)

Approval Approved only together with 4-wire sensors

Medium Approved for heating/cooling water; up to max.
5 m/s flow velocity
Pressure rating PN 40 140/230 (55.1/90.6) 5000 (1969)

Length Face-to-face length 120/135 and 210/225 mm

(4.72"/5.23" and 8.27"/8.86") Pt500 4-wire temperature sensor, dimensions in mm (inch)

3 External diameter
Internal diameter
Protective tube 8/11 mm (0.32"/0.43")
Protective tube 6 mm (0.24")
Stainless steel sensor pocket (for 2-wire Pt500 types only)
Pipe connection Thread G 1/2" (with sealing screw for sensor)
Length L1 (mm) 92 127 168 223
Material Protective tube AISI 316Ti/1.4571 (or similar)
L (mm) 82 117 155 210
Use • Use with related 4-wire Pt500 sensors only
(according type approval)
• For flow velocities up to 5 m/s
• Recommended to install with welded sleeve L1
(according to EU standard)

Ø 8 (0.32)
Stainless steel sensor pocket (for 2-wire Pt500 types only - some
only available as spare part)
Media temperature 0 ... 180 °C (32 ... 356 ºF)
Medium Approved for heating water L

Response time T0.5 Typically 13 s at 0.4 m/s without pasta

Sensor pocket (for 2-wire Pt500 types only), stainless steel, dimensions
Typically 5 s at 0.4 m/s with pasta in mm (inch)
Pressure rating PN 25
Length L1 (mm) 92 127 168 223
Stainless steel sensor pocket (for 4-wire Pt500 types only)
L (mm) 82 117 155 210
Material Stainless steel: AISI 316Ti/1.4571
Use For 2-wire Pt500 types only 135/225

Brass sensor pocket (for 2-wire Pt500 types only - some only avail-

able as spare part)


Media temperature 0 ... 150 °C (32 ... 302 ºF)

Medium Approved for heating water
Response time T0.5 Typically 9 s at 0.4 m/s without pasta 120/210
Typically 5 s at 0.4 m/s with pasta (4.72/8.27)

Pressure rating PN 16
Stainless steel sensor pocket, dimensions in mm (inch)
Length L1 (mm) 47 92 127
L (mm) 40 82 117
Brass sensor pocket (for 2-wire Pt500 types only)
Material Brass: CuZn40Pb2 (Ms58)
Length L1 (mm) 47 92 127
Use For 2-wire Pt500 types only
L (mm) 40 82 117

■ Dimensional drawings L1

Pt500 2-wire temperature sensor pair (EN 1434) G½

Ø 8 (0.32)

Cable length 2, 3, 5 or 10 m ('C' at the dimensional drawing)


50 (1.97) C Sensor pocket, brass (for 2-wire Pt500 types only), dimensions in mm

Pt500 2-wire temperature sensor, dimensions in mm (inch)

3/322 Siemens FI 01 · 2018

© Siemens AG 2018

Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Energy calculator SITRANS FUE950, MID or PTB K7.2 custody transfer approved 7 ME 3 4 8 0 - 77 777 - 7777 777

Click on the Article No. for the online configuration in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
Flow input setting (IN0)
The pulse input value selection must be the same as the pulse output setting of the selected flowmeter.
To get optimal function and performance the pulse value must be selected as low as possible according
to the maximum flow rate.
The following calculation formula can be used for determining the lowest pulse value at a pulse length of
5 ms: L/pulse > Qmax (m3/h)/360.
For example Qmax = 300 m3/h; L/pulse > 300/360; L/pulse > 0.83; therefore the pulse value must be
1 l/pulse.
Pulse input
in l/pulse
Flow limit
Qmax in m3/h
Flow limit Qmax
in GPM *) 3
or in gal/pulse (with option L05)
(with option
1 360 6 000 2A
2.5 900 15 000 2B
5 1 800 30 000 2C
10 3 600 60 000 3A
25 9 000 150 000 3B
50 18 000 300 000 3C
100 36 000 600 000 4A
250 90 000 - 4B
500 180 000 - 4C
1 000 360 000 - 5A
*) GPM = Gallons per minute
Calculator application/Flowmeter installation place
For heating, flowmeter in return pipe (cold pipe), typical standard A
For heating, flowmeter in forward pipe (hot pipe) B
For cooling, media water, flowmeter in forward pipe (cold pipe) C
For cooling, media water, flowmeter in return pipe (hot pipe) D
For combined cooling/heating, flowmeter in forward pipe (hot pipe as heating) E
(MID conformity declaration for heating)
For combined cooling/heating, flowmeter in return pipe (cold pipe as heating) F
(MID conformity declaration for heating)
Temperature sensor type
Pt500 setup, no sensor pair included (standard) 0
Pt500 setup and Pt500 sensor pair (6/140 mm), 4-wire with 5 m connection cable, 6 mm sensor diameter 3
and 140 mm sensor length. MID approved DE-06-MI004-PTB011, PTB approved 22.77/09.01, incl. factory
test report (mentioned approvals are only valid if temp. sensors are used with the applicable temperature
sensor pockets).
Pt500 setup and Pt500 sensor pair (6/230 mm), 4-wire with 5 m connection cable, 6 mm sensor diameter 4
and 230 mm sensor length. MID approved DE-06-MI004-PTB011, PTB approved 22.77/09.01, incl. factory
test report (mentioned approvals are only valid if temp. sensors are used with the applicable temperature
sensor pockets).
Pt100 setup, no sensor pair included 5
Pt 500 setup and PT500 sensor pair (6/50 mm), 2-wire type incl. 5 m cable, 6 mm sensor diameter and 6
50 mm length, with MID approval (only for use with the applicable temperature sensor pockets)
Pt 500 setup and PT500 sensor pair (6/50 mm), 2-wire type incl. 10 m cable, 6 mm sensor diameter and 7
50 mm length, with MID approval (only for use with the applicable temperature sensor pockets)
Temperature sensor pocket sets: (for 6 mm sensor diameter)
No pockets (standard) 0
Brass pockets for 6 mm 2-wire sensors, length 82/92 mm, G½ inch, max. PN 16 (2 pcs.) 2
Stainless steel pocket, 120/135 mm length for 6 mm sensor diameter, max. PN 40 and max. 5 m/s 5
(2 pcs. for 140 mm 4-wire sensors above)
Stainless steel pockets for 6 mm 2-wire sensors, length 117/127 mm, G½ inch, max. PN 25 (2 pcs.) 6
Stainless steel pocket, 210/225 mm length for 6 mm sensor diameter, max. PN 40 and max 5 m/s 7
(2 pcs. for 230 mm 4-wire sensors above)
Stainless steel pockets for 6 mm 2-wire sensors, length 155/168 mm, G½ inch, max. PN 25 (2 pcs.) 8
Voltage supply
Battery 3.6 V DC (Litium D-cell type) (standard) 1
Mains power module for 230 V AC supply (incl. back-up battery) 2
Mains power module for 24 V AC supply (incl. back-up battery) 3
No power supply module (power supply ordering separate) 4

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© Siemens AG 2018

Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Order code
Energy calculator SITRANS FUE950, MID or PTB K7.2 custody transfer approved 7 ME 3 4 8 0 - 77 777 - 7777 777

Option modules
No module (standard) A
1 module (communication module)
M-Bus module B
RS 232 module (M-Bus protocol) C
RS 485 module (M-Bus protocol) D
1 module (function module)

Pulse output, 2x output (Out1 "Energy" and Out2 "Volume") E
Pulse input, 2x input (In1 and In2) F
Pulse out-/input combination, 2x input and 1x output G
Combination of 2 modules (communication and function module)
M-Bus module and Pulse output, 2x output (Out1 "Energy" and Out2 "Volume") H
M-Bus module and Pulse input, 2x input (In1 and In2) J
M-Bus module and Pulse out/-input combination, 2x input and 1x output K
RS 232 module (M-Bus) and Pulse output, 2x output (Out1 "Energy" and Out2 "Volume") L
RS 232 module (M-Bus) and Pulse input, 2x input (In1 and In2) M
RS 232 module (M-Bus) and Pulse out/-input combination, 2x input and 1x output N
RS 485 module (M-Bus) and Pulse output, 2x output (Out1 "Energy" and Out2 "Volume") P
RS 485 module (M-Bus) and Pulse input, 2x input (In1 and In2) Q
RS 485 module (M-Bus) and Pulse out/-input combination, 2x input and 1x output R
Combination current output module, 2x passive 4 ... 20 mA (Out 1 "Power", Out 2 "Flow") S
(occupies both module Ports 1 and 2)
Display units and resolutions
MWh & kW, m3, m3/h in 2 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures C
MWh & kW, m3, m3/h in 1 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures D
MWh & kW, m3, m3/h in 0 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures E
GJ & kW, m3, m3/h in 2digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures H
GJ & kW, m3, m3/h in 1 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures J
GJ & kW, m3, m3/h in 0 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures K
Gcal & kW, m3, m3/h in 2 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures M
Gcal & kW, m3, m3/h in 1 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures N
Gcal & kW, m3, m3/h - in 0 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures P
MBTU & MBTU/h, m3, m3/h in 2 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures Q
MBTU & MBTU/h, m3, m3/h in 1 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures R
MBTU & MBTU/h, m3, m3/h - in 0 digit resolution; Temperature: no decimal figures S
Without type approval mark, neutral label (standard)) 0
With MID type approval mark (only for heating combinations, selection "A, B, E and F") 1
With MID approval mark and first MID verfication (only for heating, selection A, B, E and F") 2
Cooling approval mark, German national cooling approval according PTB-TR-K7.2 (only for cooling and 7
media water, selection "C and D")
Cooling approval mark, German national cooling approval according PTB-TR-K7.2 and first verification 8
(only for cooling and media water, selection "C and D")
Further designs
Please add "-Z" to Article No. and specify Order code
Including factory test report (certificate) of FUE950 ALWAYS INCLUDED
Cooling, setup for non water
Water/glycol setting for media type "Tyfocor LS (R)" (only with neutral label, no verification and approval) C02
Optional settings/programming
Tariff function settings (specify in clear text, up to max. 20 characters) D02
Pulse output setting of option module (specify in clear text, up to max. 20 characters) D06
Pulse input setting of option module (specify in clear text, up to max. 20 characters) D08
Pulse input setting of 4 ... 20 mA option module (please specify 20 mA related type and value in clear text, D10
up to max. 20 characters)
Special display units
Flow in 'GPM' and Volume in 'gal' (x100) (digits/resolution as selected above, only with 0 digit resolution) L05
Temperature in deg. F (digit resolution as selected above) L31

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© Siemens AG 2018

Flow Measurement
SITRANS FUE950 energy calculator

■ Flowmeter SITRANS FUE950 operating instructions, Description Article No.

accessories and spare parts Pt500 4-wire temperature sensor pair, with MID
MI004 and PTB K7.2 approvals and verification (for
Operating instructions related 4-wire sensor pocket types only)
Description Article No. Pt500 sensor pair (6/140 mm), 4-wire with 5 m con- A5E03462872
nection cable, 6 mm sensor diameter and 140 mm
• English A5E03424739
sensor length. MID approved DE-06-MI004-PTB011,
All literature is available to download for free, in a range of languages, at PTB approved 22.77/09.01 (mentioned approvals are
www.siemens.com/processinstrumentation/documentation only valid if temp. sensors are used with the applica-
ble temperature sensor pockets).
PT500 sensor pair (6/230 mm), 4-wire with 5 m con- A5E03462878

Description Article No. nection cable, 6 mm sensor diameter and 230 mm
sensor length. MID approved DE-06-MI004-PTB011,
Infrared optical head (Bluetooth type) for data A5E02611768 PTB approved 22.77/09.01 (mentioned approvals are
acquisition & programming of FUE950 only valid if temp. sensors are used with the applica-
Bracket for SITRANS FUE950 wall mounting (20 pcs.) A5E02611769 ble temperature sensor pockets).
Cable for data acquisition via RS 232 PC/D-sub A5E02611774 FUE950 enclosure (only for 7ME348 versions)
9F/3 wire Bottom part of FUE950 enclosure (1 pc.) A5E03461508
Snap fit for FUE950 enclosure (1 pc.) A5E30461731

Spare parts Pocket for Pt500 temperature sensors (for corres-

ponding 2-wire Pt500 types only, 1pc.)
Description Article No.
Brass pocket 6 mm, G½B x 40 mm (PN 16), 1 pc. A5E02611778
Add-on modules for FUE950 (only for 7ME348 ver-
sions) Brass pocket 6 mm, G½B x 85 mm (PN 16), 1 pc. A5E02611779

Pulse input module (2 inputs) A5E03461432 Brass pocket 6 mm, G½B x 120 mm (PN 16), 1 pc. A5E02611780

Pulse output module (2 outputs) A5E03461436 Stainless steel 6 mm, G½B x 85 mm (PN 25), 1 pc. A5E02611781

Combined pulse in-/output module (2 inputs and A5E03461437 Stainless steel 6 mm, G½B x 120 mm (PN 25), 1 pc. A5E02611783
1 output) Stainless steel 6 mm, G½B x 155 mm (PN 25), 1 pc. A5E02611792
RS 232 module (M-Bus protocol) A5E03461459 Stainless steel 6 mm, G½B x 210 mm (PN 25), 1 pc. A5E02611793
RS 485 module (M-Bus protocol) A5E03461512 Pt500 temperature sensor pair, 2-wire cable, 6 mm
M-Bus module A5E03461516 sensor diameter, with MID/EN-approval (for corres-
sponding 2-wire sensor pocket types only)
Combined current output module, 2 x passive A5E03461583
4 ... 20 mA Cable length:

Connection cable for option modules (types: Pulse, A5E03461585 2m A5E02611794

RS 232/RS 485, M-Bus, mA) (special connection 3m A5E02611795
cable with 2 plugs)
5m A5E02611796
Power supply for FUE950 (only for 7ME348 ver-
sions) 10 m A5E02611798
3.6 V D-cell battery for SITRANS FUE950 A5E03461708
230 V AC supply module (incl. internal fuse T50 mA L A5E03461717 ■ Schematics
250 V and back-up battery) for SITRANS FUE950
24 V AC supply module for SITRANS FUE950, incl. A5E03461719
Electrical connection for SITRANS FUS380/FUE380/FUE950
back-up battery and MAG 5000/6000/FUE950
Pocket for temperature sensors Pt500 (for related
4-wire Pt500 type only, 1 pc.)
Stainless steel pocket (1 pc.), 135 mm length for A5E03462868
6 mm sensor diameter, max. PN 40 and max. 5 m/s
(recommended for 140 mm sensor length).
Stainless steel pocket (1 pc.), 225 mm length for A5E03462870
6 mm sensor diameter, max. PN 40 and max. 5 m/s
(recommended for 230 mm sensor length).
56 +
57 -

The diagram shows the connection between SITRANS FUE950 (terminals

10 and 11) and FUS380/FUE380 and MAG 5000/6000 (terminals 56 and
57). Temperature sensors must be connected to terminals 5 (1) and
6 (2) (TH) and 7 (3) and 8 (4) (TC).
The right flowmeter pulse output value must be equal to the
FUE950 pulse input value and must be checked via the user
menu of the transmitter MAG 5000/6000 or nameplate of FUE380
or FUS380.

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