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7 - Emi Practical

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Measurements and Instrumentation (22333)


and Amplitude Measurement

Practical No. 7: Use of CR0 for Frequency

Practical Significance tool for deployrient of electronic

is the most versatile
The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope for m e a s u r e amplitude
CRO have been used
cireuit and system used in industry. will help you to use
waveform. This practical
as well as it is used to observe
to measure amplitude and frequency.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

knowledge to solve broad
Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics eng1neering
based Electronics engineering related problems.
to the
perform experiments and practices
Experiments and practice: Plan to
results to solve broad-based Electronics engineering problems.
tools with
Apply relevant Electronics technologies and
Engineering tools:
understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to the following skills for the industry
in process and manufacturing
competency Maintain electronic automated system
i. Use measuring instrument.
ii. Measure accurately using an analog meter.
ii. Select the instrument as per required range.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Use the relevant instrument to measure specified parameters.

Practical Outcome
Use CRO to measure amplitude and frequency of the given input signal.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

Follow safe practices.
Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
Maintain tools and equipment.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

The CRO used to display amplitude as a function of time. The intensity of bean1 on
CRO depends on the moments of an electron beam which is being bommbarded on a

screen coated with a fluorescent material to produce a visual spot.

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education
asuremellls dild I

NICasuremen, Lss3)

I A Prnetica
iealset-up/Cireuit diagram/Work
Work s

a) Sample
and frequency
Measurements Situation
y-gainis set at 2Vian
The total
ffom peakheight
of the
tap12.8 trough
V is 64 cm
The time is
ms/cm base sd at 05
=T=145 occupies

690 Hz x102 s

b) Actual Circuit/ Experimental set up used in laboratory

un ction H
heneratoY CRo




IX Resources Required

S. No. Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity

Dual Channel, 0-20Mhz, I No.
2 No.
2. Function Generator 0-3Mhz,0-20Vp-p

X Precautions to be Followed
1. Ensure proper earthing to the equipnment.
2. Ensure the power switch is in "off condition initially.
3. Ensure that the Power Supply switch is in off condition.
Ensure proper settings of range of analog meter beforc use.

XI Procedure
1The continuity of the connecting wires should be tested first.
2 The frequency of the signal generator should be varied such that steady waveform
is formed.
3 The vertical height i.e. peak-to-peak height is measured When this peak-to-peak
height is multiplied by volt/div, we get the peak-to-peak voltage
The horizontal length between two successive peaks is noted, multiplied by the
time base(m) i.e. sec/div , we get the time-period(T).The reciprocal of the time-
period(1/T) gives the frequency(f). This can be verified with the frequency
measured by the multi-meter.

XII Resources Used

S. No. | Name of Resource Broad Specifications Qty Remarks

Make Details (If any)


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

. gnal.senersdio...sheuld.k.k.ais.d.Such.ha...stsady.saut
..a..s...tom.ed.Verticak.sigsfis..measure.d.k.uke... *

.s.pak.ropkak..besht.is...nu.l.ki..t.d.ky tLdhiwg.eat.
btd.u..S.esSiMG..elss. ...h.ots.dmuLkxplird.bg.ime.base
..Lhe.YR.Iprocal..at.p.ei.e... qukta. fr.guncy.

Maharashtra state Board of Technical 42

Instrumentation (223 3)

V/Observationsa n d Calcul. and Calculations (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
10: V o l t a g e m e a s u r e m e n t


No. of vertical Y gain (Voltagel Measured voltage

divisions Division) =AxB
Sr. No

(A) (B) (volts)

Sv 22Sv
2 2
5 SV
3 S SV
S g5V

Table 2: Frequeney
Measured Measured
No. of horizontal X gain
divisions for one (Time
Time frequency
Sr. = 1/T
complefe cycle Division) T AxB
(A) (B) (Herts)

o 2m | 12o MS 8.33 k
6 6
o mS 1a-oS 1o k
3 2
2 0 S
lo4MS 6k
SmS 0o MS
XV Results
. . A . w E . hr.aut2wt.us.ltag.c. Akn.kf.an...LR.o..
************ **°**********

above obtained results)

nerpretation of Results (Give meaning of the
a s . . u e s t a g k . . . g . K . . t**************°**°°***°****.*


*********** **


of results).
XVII Co (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation
H O . g s d

Ons, l o . . g . : . n p . i t u e e . d . s . f e . . a k . e y s .

'**********************************°**°**°********"***************************°*** o**s

wNetom.. ***************e***e*************************************** ******************** ...

**** *****

rashtra state Board
of Technical Education
Electronic Mcasurcments and Instrumentation (22333)

XVII Practical Related Questions

1. State adjustment process needed for measurement of frequency with CRO
2. State adjustment process needed for measurement of voltage with CRO.
3. State maximum and minimum value of frequency measured with CRO
State maximum and minimum value of voltage measured with CRO.
5. State method of Current measurement using CRRO.
6. State the method to Measure unknown frequency using Z input
(Space for answers)

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ps.Te...s ***** *..


.nSseen...aitkas...chsPpy...ang.y ..apsude..
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E...han...ns.a. s..naa. mplets...Gg..ea.. **************

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N esshoizastal..se...ats.d.multipl.
R.sKi.en...e....t.. h . P e r i b d . . . t h e . .ha...a..Se...sesh..


a.mplsy.cosulak...he..g.....yclss... psa..SS..H. ****°****************"



Attesh.a....hs...th..s.stor.te....lest.co.. i..s.m..meke.su
ha..Sisex...pee...oting...shou.d.....q.sa. ater.ter
pe2sx..tpuw.... strem.t..tak...h.s....alus....rsst.ane.d ****

p.ku.nto...aams...au. .Salculats.hs.. ment. * * * * * * * * * *.

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****°**** * **
** .Reitance... ****** *

..Tsi.m.pl.es.....te...m.easue..gnal..to..s r baidon
e.. e..had....ahs....cillacspe...Stam.. measwe...the..Mel
aama.s yindhe.Zgayelage..g

Maharashtra state Board of Technical
ualhaqe signal t be give bby
Readung s a the
Veytical contbal
he me reg en is genexelly pinted on
the ape itsel loo^ Hz Zops Can. mea SWe an-
thing p o loo/nAz_prcisedy
'he amount o f e l e c t n c patenttalbet
tyo Dointin a circut I t s meaSur dKrem
p e a s to peak_a mplitu de. s h i c n _ m e a s r c th abso.
ute d PPerea ce betaegn the maxi muim pain
siiaa pk maimum poin E ofthe s1'gnal. The sepe
display s exatly he_max mum mihm um ltage
heSgnal ecieue d
Measurements and Instrumentation (22333)
Electronic -

iuts....deiat.i.tis.9...1he....c.Sci.l!e.sCo.P.c...g.9ex....m..g gths.. ge
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Vextisa..aizanta... Sondarala.9one..ste.d..Sa.that.h.s...played
macik..he....ko...dS.. leax....sta...Nam. .measwements
.he.Cet.e.NHisa..ne.. s...has..hs..mad.e.s.si's ions
XIX References/ Suggestions for further reading
1Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Experiments, Maheshwari, L.K.;
Anand, M.M.S., New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi; ISBN:
2. Electrorics Component Handbook; Jones, Thomas H., Reston
Publishing, Resto,
Virginia, USA, ISBN: 978087909222
3. https://youtube

XX Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1. Handling of the instruments. %
2. Making connection of instrument. 20 %
3. Measuring value using suitable instrument 20 %
4. Working in team 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
5. Calculate theoretical values of given meter 10 %
6. Interpretation of result 05 %
7. Conclusions 055%
8. Practical related questions 15%
9. Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %
Names of Student Team Members
1. Harish. deshi..
3. .. ***

Marks Obtained Dated signature of

Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra state
s Board ofTechnical Education A5

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