Surfaces and Interfaces: Ratnesh Kumar Sharma, Randip Kumar Das, Shiv Ranjan Kumar
Surfaces and Interfaces: Ratnesh Kumar Sharma, Randip Kumar Das, Shiv Ranjan Kumar
Surfaces and Interfaces: Ratnesh Kumar Sharma, Randip Kumar Das, Shiv Ranjan Kumar
Keywords: In the present study, Fe alloy Fe-Cr-Ti-Mo-C-Si based coatings were deposited on 316L stainless steel substrate
Fe alloy using High Velocity Oxygen fuel coating. The microstructure analysis of powder and coated samples, adhesion
Chromium pull off strength, micro-hardness, and erosion wear resistance properties of the coatings were investigated. The
effect of adding chromium on the properties of coating has been studied. The finding of results indicated that the
hardness of the coating was much more i.e. approx. 239.78 % of hardness of substrate 316L stainless steel
Erosion wear material. Further, increase in 5 wt. % of chromium in the Fe based coating increased the hardness by 24.8%. The
adhesion pull off strength of coating material was increased by 70 % with the addition of 5 wt. % chromium. The
erosion wear rate of coating and substrate material was decreased with the increase in chromium content and
increased with the increase in impact velocity. However, in case of impingement angle, the erosion wear rate was
increased with the increase in impingement angle from 0 to 60◦ but later decreased at 90◦ . The study shows that
the addition of chromium in Fe-based coating can enhance hardness, adhesion pull off strength and wear
resistance properties.
1. Introduction better hardness, low porosity, low oxides content, high adhesion
(>70MPa) and high compression stress in coating [18]. Apart from the
The synthesis of layer of alloy i.e. coating has attracted lot of selection of appropriate fabrication technique, there are other important
researcher for the development of material with superior mechanical, factors affecting performance of materials such as decrease in grain size
physical and chemical properties. Fe alloy based coating material ex and increase in weight percentage of individual material being added
hibits better mechanical properties, chemical properties, magnetic [19–21]. According to Zohdi et al. [22], the corrosion behavior of Fe
properties and tribological properties. In this regards, Fe alloys based alloy based material was increased with the increase in Niobium (Nb)
coating materials have shown enormous potential in wide range of ap content (0-4 wt. %). They concluded that addition of Nb and Cr in Fe
plications such as petrochemical, aerospace, ocean, and electronic alloy based coating materials could make it excellent biomaterial as
communications. [1–4]. Chromium are generally added to the Fe based compared to Ti-6Al-4V. Yao et al. observed that Fe59Cr12Nb5B20Si4
alloy to enhance the corrosion resistance properties of material at low fabricated by HVOF-sprayed coating indicated better thermal resistance
cost [5]. Different types of Fe-based alloys have been used to fabricate along with good resistance and found promising application in vehicle
coatings by various coating preparation processes such as atmospheric engine [23]. Also, Fe based coating showed good corrosion and wear
plasma spraying, high-velocity air-fuel spraying (HVAF), subsonic flame resistance with the addition of boron content and found suitable for
spraying, high-velocity oxy-fuel spraying (HVOF), laser cladding, and underground applications such as storage of spent nuclear fuels [24].
detonation gun spraying [6–10]. However, in most of the recent appli Increase in Chromium content forms an impenetrable oxide layer
cations, Fe-based coatings were fabricated using high-velocity oxygen which adheres on the metallic surface. Due to this chromium based Fe
fuel (HVOF) process and exhibited high resistance to corrosion and alloy are heat and corrosion resistance [25]. Therefore, Fe alloy based
wear, high hardness, good bonding strength [11–16]. The major coatings have been developed to improve the heat resistance, wear
advantage of HVOF process for the fabrication of material is its high resistance and corrosion resistance of boiler, gas turbines, blade of hy
cooling rate of 107-1010 K/s [17]. The advantage of HVOF also includes draulic turbine, and to improve hardened surface [26]. Also,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.R. Kumar).
Received 29 August 2020; Received in revised form 31 October 2020; Accepted 12 November 2020
Available online 19 November 2020
2468-0230/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
Fig 2. XRD diagram of FeMoCSiTiCr powder and FeMoCSiTiCr coating prepared by HVOF thermal spraying.
65-4899) with the characteristic peak (110), (200) and (211) at peak was increased with the improvement in the sharpness of the peak.
2θ values 44.26, 64.54 and 81.93 respectively. In the coatings structure, the presence of oxide phase was less than the
(2) Hexagonal structure was assigned to Fe2Ti (PDF No.: 01-072- powders. The sharp peak with high intensity in the coating showed the
9630) and characteristic peak (301) and (205) at 2θ values enhancement in the Crystalline behavior. This phenomenon was
68.91 and 76.15 respectively. attributed to rapid cooling attained by the particles in the molten state
(3) Tetragonal structure was assigned to Fe-Cr (PDF No.: 00-005- during flattening solidification stage as compared with the gas atom
0708) and characteristic peak (002) and (542) at 2θ values izing processing [28,29].
39.99 and 81.93 respectively.
(4) Tetragonal structure was assigned to SiO2 (PDF No.: 00-004- 3.2. Surface morphology of coating material
0379) with characteristic peak (111), (201), (113), (310) and
(332) at 2θ values 28.07, 38.40, 46.98, 58.38 and 87.77 respec Fig. 3 indicated SEM images of Fe alloys based coating materials with
tively. The presence of such large amounts of TiO2 and SiO2 was different chromium contents from 0 to 10 wt. % to study effect of
striking. It suggested the inclusion of oxidation of the alloy of Si chromium on surface morphology. It can be seen from Fig. 3(a)–(c) that
and Ti. there was presence of pores and voids with micro-globular structure in
(5) Orthorhombic structure was assigned to TiO2 (PDF No.: 00-016- alloys with up to 10 wt. % of Cr. However, increase in the Cr content
0617) with characterize peak (220), (221), (151) and (004) at resulted in disappearance of pores and therefore, more refined surface
2θ values 32.35, 42.33, 55.82 and 73.40 respectively and its can be seen. In this regard, it can be concluded that increase in Cr
uniformity embedded in the amorphous matrix. content transformed the crystal structure from nanocrystalline to
amorphous. Also, as chromium content was increased, the amorphous
However, the XRD of coating material (Fig. 2) also showed the phase progressed into crystalline structure. It clearly showed the pres
presence of Fe2O3 (PDF No.: 00-033-0664) as a new crystalline phase ence of some heterogeneous phases like inter splat regions and unmelted
having Rhombohedral structure with the characteristic peak (211) and particles.
(214) at 2θ values 56.26 and 62.70 respectively. The hybrid structure of Further, elemental distribution of coating material FeMoCSiTiCr-10
both amorphous and nanocrystalline phase played an important role in at a particular point in SEM image of Fig. 4(a) was examined using
affecting the performance of material. EDS mapping and the elemental spectrum are shown in Fig. 4(b). The
Surprisingly after HVOF deposition there were crystalline peak in the elemental spectrum clearly indicated the presence of major elements Fe,
coating are notably less than those in the powder, but the intensity of the Cr, Mo, Si, C and Ti in the coating which was also consistent with the
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
The steady state erosion wear tests were performed to evaluate effect
of each of wear parameter such as impact velocity, impingement angle
and chromium content by keeping other parameter constant on the
erosion behavior of Fe alloy based coating materials.
The effect of varying impact velocity on the erosion wear rate is
depicted on Fig. 8. During the steady state condition, other parameters
such as time of impact, impingement angle erodent discharge were kept
constant at 10 minute, 90◦ , erodent discharge 2 gm/min respectively.
From Fig. 8, it was observed that the erosion wear rate was increased
with the increment in impact velocity. The increase in wear rate with the
Fig. 3. SEM images of FeMoCSiTiCr with (a) 0 wt. % Cr (b) 5 wt. % Cr (c) 10 impact velocity is in consistent with the Hutching et al. which stated that
wt. % Cr. there exists a power relationship between erosion wear rate and impact
velocity [30]. It can be also seen that the erosion wear rate of substrate
powder component. The SEM image of Fig. 4(a) indicated a uniform was much higher than that of coating which was attributed to the much
structure with presence of some solid particles. Fig. 4(b) clearly exam more hardness of coating material as compared to substrate. It was
ined a rich phase of α-Fe and Fe-Cr present in the coating structure. The further revealed that as the chromium content was increased from 0 to
elemental distribution of Fe, C, Cr, Mo, Si and Ti are shown in Fig. 4(c)– 10 wt. %, the erosion wear rate was decreased. Hence, Fe alloy based
(i) respectively. It can be seen that there are uniform distribution of each coating material containing 10 wt. % chromium content has indicated
constituent element in the coating material fabricated over substrate least erosion wear rate. The low wear rate of FeMoCSiTiCr-10 was
sample. attributed to more binding capacity and more micro-hardness of
The effect of varying impingement angle on the erosion wear rate is
3.3. Determination of micro-hardness depicted on Fig. 9. During the steady state condition, other parameters
such as time of impact, impact velocity, and erodent discharge were kept
The Micro-hardness analysis of substrate and Fe alloy based coating constant at 10 minute, 105m/sec, and erodent discharge 2 gm/min
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
Fig. 4. Micro-morphology of FeMoCSiTiCr-10 coating surface (a) elemental spectrum for FeMoCSiTiCr-10, (c) EDS mapping for element Fe, (d) EDS mapping for
element C (e) EDS mapping for element Cr (f) EDS mapping for element Mo, (g), EDS mapping for element Si (h) EDS mapping for element Ti.
respectively. The impingement angle affects the erosion wear rate impingement angle was mainly influenced by micro-cutting erosion
significantly. Fig. 9 indicated that the erosion rate was increased with mechanism but at higher impingement angle, the wear rate mainly de
the increase in impingement angle up to 60◦ after that it slowed down pends upon plastic deformation only. In contrast, it was also reported
for all the substrate and Fe alloy based coating materials with chromium that there was continuous decrease in erosion wear rate of WC-Cr3C2-Ni
content. Therefore, it can be revealed that the maximum erosion wear with the increase in the angle of impact of particles. They suggested that
rate was observed at 60◦ which was consistent with the work by Gautam erosion wear included both ductile erosion and brittle erosion. Brittle
et al. [31] who observed that maximum erosion wear occurred at 60◦ . erosion occurred at low impingement angle involving cutting and
This trend can be attributed to the fact that erosion wear at low ploughing which was related to the hardness of the specimen [32–34]. It
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
is general trend that more the hardness, less is the wear. Further, it was all the coating material except FeMoCSiTiCr-10. The decrease in erosion
also revealed from Fig. 9 that substrate had more erosion wear rate for wear rate was due to plastic deformation only. The continuous increase
different impingement angles than that of Fe based coating material. The in erosion wear rate of FeMoCSiTiCr-10 with the increase in impinge
wear rate also decreased with the increase in chromium content. ment angle from 0-90◦ may be attributed to semi ductile mechanism of
From Fig. 9, it can be revealed that as angle of impingement was erosion [35].
increased in the range of 0-60◦ , even the trend showed up to 75◦
approximately, the erosion wear rate was increased. The increase in 3.6. Microstructure analysis of the steady state erosion wear
erosion wear rate was due to cutting wear phenomena. However, further
increase in impingement angle led to decrease in erosion wear rate for After steady state erosion wear test, the SEM images of Fe based
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
Fig. 8. Variation in erosion wear rate with impact velocity for Fe alloy based
Fig 6. Schematic diagram of adhesion pull off test. coating with varying chromium content.
Fig. 9. Variation in erosion wear rate with impingement angle for Fe alloy
Fig 7. Effect of varying Chromium content on Adhesion Pull off Strength of Fe
based coating with varying chromium content.
based alloy.
relatively greater normal stress and shear stress. Ploughing due to hard
coating material FeMoCSiTiCr-10 for varying impact velocity at 35m/
abrasive particle can be also seen. At last when impingement angle is
sec, 70m/sec and 105m/sec at time of impact 10 minute, impingement
increased from 60◦ to 90◦ as shown in Fig. 10 (f), scratches and craters
angle 90◦ and erodent discharge 2 gm/min were depicted in Fig. 10(a)–
are less than those in Fig. 10 (e).Lips are scarcely seen in this condition
(c) respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 10(a) to (b), at low impact
due to absence of shear stress.
velocity, the worn surface has less crater and grooves. However, From
Fig 10(c), it can be seen that at higher impact velocity, there was
extensive plastic deformation showing deep craters, lips and platelet. 4. Conclusions
Some embedded erodent particles were present on the surface which
indicated the ductile nature of alloy. Therefore, it can be concluded that Fe alloy based coating materials with different chromium content
more plastically deformed surface and more ploughing and micro- were prepared using High Velocity Oxygen Fuel coating. The prepared
cutting led to more surface wear at high impact velocity. samples were characterized for microstructure, mechanical properties
After steady state erosion wear test, the SEM images of Fe based and erosion wear properties. The XRD results showed that crystalline
coating material FeMoCSiTiCr-10 for varying impingement angle 30◦ , peaks were sharper in HVOF coated sample than in uncoated sample. It
60◦ and 90◦ at impact velocity of 105m/sec, time of impact 10 minute, revealed enhancement in crystalline behavior of the coating in the
and erodent discharge 2 gm/min were depicted in Fig. 10(d)–(f) amorphous matrix. Increase in chromium content improved the micro-
respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 10 (d) that at low impact velocity, hardness and adhesion pull off strength of Fe based coating materials.
the scratches and craters are the least shallow due to smaller normal The erosion wear rate of coating material was decreased with the in
stress. Further, when impingement angle was increased from 30◦ to 60◦ crease in chromium content and increased with the increase in impact
as shown in Fig. 10(e), deeper scars, crater and lips are visible due to velocity. However, in case of impingement angle, the erosion wear rate
was increased for the increase in impingement angle from 0 to 60◦ but
R.K. Sharma et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 22 (2021) 100820
Fig. 10. SEM images of Fe based coating material FeMoCSiTiCr-10 for varying impact velocity at (a) 35m/sec, (b) 70m/sec and (c) 105m/sec by keeping time of
impact 10 minute, impingement angle 90◦ and erodent discharge 2 gm/min and varying impingement angles at (d) 30◦ , (e) 60◦ and (f) 90◦ by keeping impact
velocity of 105m/sec, time of impact 10 minute, and erodent discharge 2 gm/min.
later decreased at 90◦ . The erosion wear at an impingement angle of 60◦ - original draft.
was mainly influenced by micro-cutting erosion mechanism by normal
and shear stresses and at impingement angle at 90◦ , the wear rate mainly Declaration of Competing Interest
depends upon plastic deformation only due to normal stress.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Data availability statement interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
The raw/processed data required to reproduce these findings cannot
be shared at this time as the data also forms part of an ongoing study. References
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