RF Major Updates
RF Major Updates
RF Major Updates
The total level cap will increase to 80 for all Players. Animus will also be capped at 80.
The quest chain for Unlock Quests has been simplified. Players who reach these levels
will now need to speak to their RACEMANAGER to complete this Quest. Additional
rewards will be given for completion of these quests.
3. MAU Update
MAU will be getting a few changes to make them move viable for end game content.
A. Increased Defense
MAU at all levels of play will have increased Defense to physical attacks. In addition,
their MAX HP will increase slightly.
Exp gained inside MAU will be reduced from 60% -> 50% of what they would get outside
of their MAU.
Sympathy Charms will be removed from the game, and (NEW) Communion Crystals will
be added.
Communion Crystals will be an item that can be equipped in the Ammunition slot of
Summoners and Specialists. They will have 500 charges when purchased. These items
will increase the Damage of Animus by a 5/10/50% of the User's Force Damage.
Lesser and Regular Communion Crystals will be sold at the Force NPC, while Greater
Communion Crystals will be available for 300 Gold Points (+ tax rate)from Gold Pig NPC.
There will be 4 new Siege Kits, 2 for Launchers and 2 for FlameThrowers. These Siege
Kits will be available for 300 Gold Points (+ tax rate) from Gold Pig NPC. Level
requirement for these new Siege Kits will be 30.
Siege Kits will also have increased range, with Sniper Siege Kits having a larger range
than regular Siege Kits.
A new series of Daily Quests will be available to players over Level 40. Daily Quests
will give money, exp pots, and Reward Chests!
These daily quests will be available once every 24 hours from the HERO NPC. Players
will need to go to a specific place and obtain 10 parts from Herodian Machines.
[Warning] Sometimes when a machine is destroyed, the parts will be damaged, and
cannot be used to complete the quest. You may need to kill more than 10 in order to
complete this quest.
The Captured Keeper NPC will ask for items and give rewards once every 24 hours. If
you need to turn in more than one item to complete this quest, you may need to talk to
this NPC multiple times.
Doing Daily Quests will give reward boxes, which contain teleport scrolls, ores, and
Completing the above daily quests when you are ~Level 70 will not earn Exp Potion
rewards. Instead, players will receive a Daily Quest Token. These can be combined at
the HERO NPC for reward items:
Level 55 Archon Armor can be purchased at the HERO NPC. All normal type weapons,
armors, and shields available at NPCs will have their purchase costs (and sell costs)
9. NPC Changes
Several NPC Vendors will be removed or combined with other NPCs.
New Projectile Vendor in HQ will sell 500 Ammunition (similar to Ether NPC)
Several Map Glitch locations have been fixed. (i.e Novazan, Bio Lab, Ether, Crag Mine,
Battle Dungeon)
These prices are intentionally set high, but will be marked down significantly during
sale events.
12. Contribution Points for Level 70+
Players who are Level 70+ will be able to earn Contribution Points. 6000 Points will be
available for players at Level 80.
Jade of Abundance will now increase Exp gained by 2x, instead of 1x.
14. Guild / Guild Master Bonus Reduced
Ability Bonus from Guild Master Rank will be decreased, based on Level of Guild.
View attachment 5227
Win: 200
Draw: 50
Loss: 10
Monsters found in the Volcanic Cauldron and Sette Desert maps will have reduced
Damage, Armor, and HP have been reduced to encourage newer players
We have changed the way to acquire experience value for Korah racial animus
experience acquisition as follows.
After the summoning of character and animus before the update ,
There was a difficulty in fostering Animus.
In case of Animus, monster level and -10 ~ +10 monster level when hunting
Animus experience gained, but the character has not gained experience.
Conversely, if a character has a melee, the character experience value is obtainable,
Summoned animus experience was not available.
If you can explain easily, the problem is that the characters and animus can not get
experience at the same time.
There was some difficulty in fostering Animus.
Today we have changed the way that animus and character acquire experience at the
same time.
However, there are some differences in the level conditions in which the player and
the animus can gain experience.
1. When the level of the animus is between the level of the monster (-10 to +10 level)
Even if a player gets hit, Animus can also gain experience.
※ Even if the player does not acquire the experience value because the player is
struck by the level difference between the monster and the player,
Animus can gain experience if experience is level of available range.
2. If the player's level is between the level of the monster and the level (-3 to +10)
Even if the animus is hit, the player can also gain experience.
※ Even if you do not get the experience value of the animation itself because of the
level difference between monster and animus,
The player can gain experience if the experience value is at the level of the available
In other words, the player can acquire experience points from the monster (-3 to +10
Experience can be obtained from Monsters (-10 ~ +10 level).
If you give a little more explanation, the experience level of animus level is different
from the level of character level experience,
In the case of the hit experience and the Matter experience,
Differences in the amount of experience gained from character and animus can vary.
Example: When a character hunts after recalling an animus and Animus gives more
damage than a character
Animus takes a little more experience than you can get from a monster.
In addition, experience buffs for abundant jade and experience items possessed by
the character in the case of Animus do not apply.
1) Ianna and Animus were able to obtain experience points during healing, but the
characters can not gain experience. (Same as existing)
2) Pamon Animus was also able to acquire experience points when he acted,
It is impossible to acquire character experience. (Same as existing)
3) In case of Hecate and Isis, who can blow, if Animus hit the party with party
You can earn party bonus experience points, and you can earn party bonus
experience even if the party member is mangas.