Submitted by
Eric Yuan
(CEO of zoom communication)
After earning his master's degree, Yuan lived in Beijing, and attended a training
program in Japan for four months. Inspired by Bill Gates, who spoke in Japan in
1995, he moved to Silicon Valley in 1997 to join the tech boom. At the time,
Yuan spoke very little English, and applied nine times before being granted a
visa to the United States.
Yuan married his girlfriend Sherry at age 22, while he was a master's student
at China University of Mining and Technology in Beijing. They have three
children. Yuan and his family live in Santa Clara, California. In 2007, Yuan
became a naturalized US citizen.
Yuan chose the middle name "S." after Subrah Iyar, cofounder of WebEx.
Eric Yuan considered BILL GATES as his mentor as he was influenced by his
training program which he attended in Beijing during the 1995.
a) Meaning of Leadership: Talk about the Leader’s intent, personal
responsibility and integrity, followers, influence over others, purpose
and being a change agent?
Meaning of leadership:
Talk about the leader’s intent, personal responsibility and integrity, followers,
influence over others, purpose and being a change agent
Leader’s Intend:
Back when he still lived in China, Yuan and his girlfriend were enrolled in two
different colleges that were separated by a 10-hour train ride, according
to Fortune. The two later got married.
"I was only able to see her twice a year and it took more than 10 hours to get
there by train," Yuan told Forbes in 2017. "I was young then — 18 or 19 years
old — and I thought it would be fantastic if in the future there was a device
where I could just click a button and see her and talk to her."
Eric said he often asks his employees if they’re happy. If so, he encourages
coming into the office. If not, he sees no need for them to come in. He’d rather
them stay home and work on their own happiness.
When asked how he brings happiness to his customers, Eric noted that to truly
win the customers' heart, you have to start with trust. Zoom aims to keep
everything open and transparent between them and their customers. Yuan added
that he wants to treat every Zoom user as an extended family member of the
company. Focusing on them is they key to great communication
Eric said it himself. Zoom has made his life infinitely better. He rarely travels
and has more time to spend working on his happiness, keeping true to his work
smarter not harder attitude. Yuan says he only travels for business twice a year.
Zoom has teams in China, Japan, Kansas City, Austria, and Europe making it
super easy and efficient to hold video meetings with international teams instead
of having to travel.
Diversity encourager:
To be a successful entrepreneur he should be humble in nature where in which
he should give all the employees equal opportunity to succeed in the form and
have an environment pleased to the employee.
He said that in the early day’s engineers were the ones responsible for closing
deals and that “we did not have a product manager, we did not have QA, we only
had engineers. Whenever we received a customer cancellation email, I
personally replied back.
He mentioned in a separate interview that Zoom did not hire Marketing or Sales
people until the Company achieved over $1 million in Monthly Recurring
Revenue (MRR). A phenomenal effort. Before that moment, everything was
simply left to the engineers to do including closing sales.
Little did Yuan know that a months-long trip to Japan from his native China
would transform his life forever. It was during this time that he attended a
keynote speech given by Bill Gates in 1995 about the future of the internet. “I
realized the internet was going to change everything and that I had better
embrace it as early as possible. I told my wife that I should figure out a way to
get to the U.S. and join the first wave of the internet revolution.” Although that
was his plan, he got declined eight times. “I did not give up,” Yuan recalls.
“After nine times trying to attain my visa, I got it. Looking back, it is more of a
practice of my perseverance.”
Chapter 2
2. Take risks:
Eric might not have been sure about how Zoom would turn out, but what he did
know that his time at WebEx was up. He told me, “Every day I’d talk to my
customers at WebEx and they’d tell me how unhappy they were with our
service. This was a terrible way to spend my days, it weighed heavily on my
heart.” It made his next move that much clearer: “I wanted to spend my days
delivering happiness, and I knew I had to take charge of my own destiny to do
3. Run lean:
For starters, Yuan was a solo founder, and he saw this to be a huge advantage,
especially in the early days. He told me: “Being a solo founder allows you to
move quickly -- when you’re going up against massive, entrenched competitors,
you need to maximize speed and agility. Having just one person at the top
allows for faster decision making.”
4. Prioritize customers
Yuan has been vocal about making it to all of his kids’ basketball games and
gymnastics meets. Naturally, I wanted to ask Yuan about how he does it. How
is it possible that someone who runs a multi-billion-dollar company can make it
to every one of his kids’ commitments?
He told “I don’t travel for work very often, maybe one to two times a year. If a
customer or someone else wants to meet with me in person, I say, ‘Let’s Zoom
first. If that’s not good enough then we’ll meet.’ 99 times out of 100, a face-to-
face on Zoom is all that is needed.” With the time saved from doing a Zoom call
instead of traveling, Yuan is able to make time for his kids.
When the company was young, Yuan thought, we are not successful financially
yet, but if we make customers happy the money will come. Now he receives
emails daily from customers who share their positive experiences and how
Zoom has changed their lives. And, the company continues to have one of the
most successful stocks in technology.
4. Your business principles are more important than just managing a team
In the early days, Yuan decided he needed to write down the company's goal for
culture so that everyone would remember it. “It should be catchy, not too many
things, maybe two to three words,” Yuan shares. “As a CEO, you need to think
about your employees. Zoom’s culture is: Deliver happiness. If we are happy,
the customer is happy. It’s a simple formula, and we lead by example.”
ERIC yuan style is based upon coaching style as coaching style is based on high
concern for both relationship and task. so that he could deliver the best service
to his customers and making his customers life even more easier.
Under contingency approach Eric Yuan comes under path goal theory as he
follows the aspect of reward where he understands the need of the customers
and people working there and satisfies them and works accordingly. He
understands the needs of the customers and provides benefits to all the users of
his application zoom. he also increases value of work outcomes for followers.
Chapter 3
1. Although the start-up journey is long and tough, it’s also fun and exciting.
Don’t be afraid to start just go for it!
2. You don’t need to hire the people who are the most qualified on paper; instead
you should hire those with self-motivation and a self-learning mentality.
4. If your employees are not happy, nothing else at your company will go well.
5. Find the investors who want to invest in you, not only in your business.
Prior to the pandemic crisis, we were already growing very fast. However, I
think if you look at the last 12 months, I would say that's hyper growth on many
fronts in terms of usage. We also have a quarterly revenue growth and we
doubled the size of the company. On many fronts I would say, wow, this is
hyper growth.
We would like to make sure we leverage this opportunity to think big. Not only
do we care about existing customers. We also think about what we can do
differently for future innovation because our vision is, we think (someday in the
future) video conferencing like Zoom can deliver a better experience than a
face-to-face meeting. We are not there yet.
I think if we can, imagine a world where you and I have a call. I can give you a
hug. You feel my intimacy. You get a cup of coffee. I can enjoy this remotely,
real-time language AI-based translation. I think if we can get us there, to be the
first vendor to get us there, I think we can maintain that hyper growth. That's
why we need to think about future innovation.
D) What were the values and norms which defined organizational culture
under his leadership?
A lot of work in terms of adding capacity and fixing some small glitches here
and there, not only for our data centre here but all over the world. Right? If we
do not invest in our company culture, I can tell you a lot of employees might
have quit already because it's a huge pressure and you work very hard around
the clock.
That's why when you invest in the company culture, employees realize this is
the best time we should work hard to really help the work. Employees, they do
not complain. They just move forward with all the solutions, with the plan.
That's number one.
Number two is if you do not invest in the culture and given all the workload,
you really cannot hire enough people. We more than doubled the size of the
company last year because of the company culture.
Chapter 4
A) Was there an open or closed communication under his leadership?
Eric Yuan communicated the vision clearly to all subordinates and team
members. He also influenced his followers about his vision.
Eric Yuan use communication to inspire and unite people around a common
sense of purpose and identity.
As Eric Yuan plays a major role in converting the meeting platform of any
company. He used the latest technology for conducting a meeting from
anywhere in the world. His technology was firstly used by few company
around the world. But due to the pandemic the application usage started to
increase more company started using the zoom meets, even educational
institute started to use zoom meet application. This helped Eric Yuan to
penetrate more into the market and target different segment of the markets.