Articulo 4 TPM

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

The Implementation of TPM on Manufacturing

Performance at FMCG Company
Sabjan S.N, Maheshwar Pratap

Both tangible and intangible advantages for equipment and

Abstract: The focus of this paper is to enlighten the commitments employees were acquired after implementing TPM activities.
of Quality Maintenance Pillar of TPM in increasing the product TPM also reduces and controls the variation in a process
quality in a FMCG industry involved in the manufacturing of framework, along with improvement in function and design of
HDPE bottles and coconut oil. QM pillar is a critical activity of the
TPM approach which expects to delight the customer through zero
the equipment/process. TPM as a group activity action builds
defect manufacturing. TPM that is effectively implemented up the propensity for better communication among the different
increases the production efficiency with an ultimate aim of divisions in an organization and at all levels. This improved the
achieving zero losses, zero breakdown and zero defects. The main team work spirit of the organization representatives and in this
aim of QM pillar is to eliminate the non- conformances in a manner building up a healthy and effective workplace.
methodical way and maintain the equipment for high quality Additionally, with the implementation of kaizens, the
products. Activities involved with QM pillar was able to decrease the employees start to contribute completely at all levels so as to
customer complaints and regulatory complaints to zero. The targets improve the effectiveness of the system.
put forward by the QM pillar was effectively achieved by the
industry, the targets included maintaining the customer complaints
at zero, reduce the in process defects by 50% and increase the II. STRUCTURE
production of Total value of goods worth 50 lakhs to one crore The introduction is followed by the Literature Review which
worth SKU.
give details from the research papers that talks about the
Index Terms: TPM, Quality Maintanance pillar implementation of TPM. It is then followed by Methods and
Methodology that talks about the data sources, type of research,
I. INTRODUCTION and type of sampling. This is followed by Analysis that
In the present situation of rivalry, there is a great pressure on the describes about the various techniques used to analyze the data.
manufacturers to diminish producing cost and give new and The next section talks about the results and the final section
quality items in the market all the time. Thus, producers are talks about the implications and limitations.
putting extraordinary accentuation on quality improvement.
Quality control was considered as a major capacity for III. CASE STUDY
accomplishing desired production targets in multi-stage
A case study presented in this paper features the successful
manufacturing systems. Manufacturing companies were
implementation of QM pillar activities in a FMCG industry.
confronting the test of working their manufacturing processes
Quality management is considered to be as a key factor in order
and frameworks with a specific end goal to convey the required
to obtain competitive advantage. Among 8 pillars of TPM,
production rates of high quality products.
Quality Maintenance (QM) is one of vital pillars of TPM which
TPM is one such strategy which enables continuous and fast
is pointed towards delighting customers by giving highest
change of manufacturing processes by eliminating sixteen
quality through defect free manufacturing. Focal point of QM
major losses. The objective of the TPM is to upgrade efficiency
pillar is on eliminating non-conformances in a methodical way.
and quality along with increased employee and job satisfaction.
QM activities interface quality assurance and equipment
It brings the improvement in the procedures by recognizing the
control exercises keeping in mind the end goal to have defect
best operating practices and methods and re-designing those
free equipment. As each organization is confronting the issues
programs and practices. The TPM implementation strategy in
identified with quality, for example, low production and high
the organization wipes out the vast majority of the losses with
packing defects, huge customer complaints. Accordingly, a few
the assistance of different techniques which assist the
technical and non-technical methodologies in quality
organizations with obtaining higher rate of performance i.e.
management have been done to overcome such problems.
higher overall equipment efficiency (OEE).
In Indian context, different activities were embraced by
TPM implementation reduces the equipment breakdowns
business people for strategic TPM implementation with the
alongside the upgrade in machine reliability, process quality
commitment of top level administration in an organization to
and product’s throughput. It plans to build the accessibility of
existing equipment and subsequently reducing the need for accomplish manufacturing excellence.
further capital investment.

Revised Manuscript Received on 8 February 2019.

Sabjan S.N. Department of Business, Amrita School of Business Kollam
Maheshwar Pratap, Department of Business, Amrita School of Business
Kollam India

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 75 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company


Award for TPM excellence in December, 2008. Soon after TPM is a production driven improvement methodology that is
getting this award, the company continued its TPM journey designed to optimize equipment reliability and ensure efficient
with a target to get “Award for Excellence in Consistent TPM plant utilization by employee involvement and empowerment.
Commitment. The company is one of India's leading consumer TPM is developed by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance. The
products companies operating in the beauty and health space main aim of TPM programme is to eliminate the six major
since 1987. As of now present in 25 nations crosswise over equipment losses. Amik and Deshmukh [1] in 2006 stated that
developing markets of Asia and Africa, The Company has modern manufacturing requires that companies which want to
supported numerous brands in the classes of hair care, healthy be successful must practice effective and efficient maintenance.
skin, edible oils, health foods, male grooming, and fabric care. According Ollila and Malmipuro [2], to increase the
Graphing a yearly turnover of INR 59billion (Financial Year performance of maintenance activity is to implement TPM.
2016 - 2017) crosswise over portfolio. Up to 1994, the plant According to Toger M [3], in today’s time based competition
capacity was low because of less market requirement. The high equipment productivity in a manufacturing line is
steady development in market of beauty and wellness space necessary in ensuring a competitive company. The concept of
took place between 1995 to1999 and exponential development focused productive maintenance points out the importance of
occurred after 2000 onwards. . So, in order to meet the market achieving profitability through equipment effectiveness.
requirement and delivering good quality products at low cost, Ramayah [4] carried out a research with leading suppliers of
the company initiated the implementation of TPM in early various automotive components. TPM was implemented with a
2004. For this the organization built up TPM strategies, focus on autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance.
destinations, targets, hierarchical structure and additionally all Kathleen [5] through her research quantified the impact of total
essential techniques were set up with the goal that the set productive maintenance on manufacturing performance.
objectives ought to be particularly clear to everybody Kathleen developed the relationship between Total Productive
associated with TPM implementation. In June 2004, TPM is Maintenance and manufacturing performance through
introduced through an enormous Kick-Off function. Company Structural Equation Modelling. She was able to identify that
wide arrangement of all the eight pillars of TPM with their TPM has a positive and significant relationship with low cost,
exercises, were begun from July, 2004. In March, 2008 the high levels of quality and strong delivery performance.
organization effectively executed TPM stage I and The relationship between TPM and Manufacturing
accomplished all the set targets. The plant got "Category-A" i.e. performance can be explained by both direct and indirect
Award for TPM excellence in December, 2008. Not long after relationships. The good hold preventive maintenance system
in the wake of getting this Award, the organization proceeded alone is not necessary to eliminate the breakdowns but the
with its TPM venture with an objective to get "Award for organization should also follow a maintenance technique to
Excellence in Consistent TPM Commitment." achieve higher equipment performance. Gosavi (2006) [6]
1. Need of implementing Quality Maintenance pillar The stated that the positive outcome of the implementation of TPM
Company was facing the following quality issues before is the reduced occurrence of the unexpected machine
implementing TPM: breakdowns which ultimately result in enhancing the profit of
a. High packing defects the organization. Johansson and Nord (2006) [8] indicated that
b. Huge customer complaints TPM improved the cost, delivery time, safety, productivity and
c. High product defects morale of the employees. TPM can be considered as an asset for
These quality issues were because of high dependence on the organization. A growing body of literature indicates that the
weather for product quality impacting deliverables. QM pillar six elements of TPM are widely used in Indian manufacturing
initiatives were employed to overcome such issues. Quality industry to target and measure improved company
Maintenance (QM) pillar is one of the most contributing pillars performance. Nakajima (1998) [9] stated that the function of
of TPM and its implementation approach in detail is discussed TPM is to enhance equipment effectiveness and maximize
as a case study. equipment output. A number of organizations claimed
2. Aim of implementing QM pillar improvements in equipment availability, reliability and
a. Elimination of packing defects reduction on maintenance costs when implementing TPM. The
b. Elimination of customer complaints benefits of TPM are often quoted as increase in product quality,
c. Elimination of product defects equipment availability and reduction in operating costs
These quality issues were because of high dependence on (Cholasuke, 2004) [10] Al- najjar (1996) [11] stated that
weather for product quality impacting deliverables. QM pillar through TPM. It is also possible to increase employee morale
initiatives were employed to overcome such issues. Quality and job satisfaction by allowing the workers to be involved in
Maintenance (QM) pillar is one of the most contributing every aspect. The success and benefit of TPM within the
pillars of TPM and its implementation approach in detail is company are measured according to their requirements.Many
discussed as a case study. companies have developed their own scale of measurement and
2. Aim of implementing QM pillar indicators within the TPM framework. TPM principle evolved
a. Elimination of packing defects with the lean concepts to support the lean production system.
b. Elimination of customer complaints
c. Elimination of product defects

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 76 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

TPM has been established as an innovative approach to

machine maintenance that is complementary to Total Quality Sl No Methodology
Management, Just in Time, total employee involvement,
continuous performance improvement etc. ( Olillila and Data Collected Objective
Maimipuro 1999)[12].
1 Types of Quality Defect Data Data collected was analyzed
Lycke (2000)[13] points out that TPM is a highly structured
collected from Blowing, and defect quality matrixes
approach and careful , thorough planning and preparations are Filling and Printing were identified.
keys to a successful companywide implementation of TPM. Departments
The most significant elements of TPM implementation process
is that it is a consistent and repeatable methodology for 2 Online Inspection done every Major error was identified as,
hour data was collected and on time blowing, printing
continuous improvement. TPM is a long term process. TPM is analyzed and filling error.
based on a “ Zero-loss” concept viz Zero breakdown , accident
and defects, to achieve high reliability, flexibility of equipment 3 Finished Goods Rejection Various factors affecting the
and reduce cost through minimizing wastage of manpower , raw data was analyzed and found Finished goods was
materials, energy, consumables etc. TPM is expected to bing the error contributing mostly identified and Quality defect
to on time delivery issue. error was contributing
production and maintenance functions together by a majorly.
combination of good working practices, team working and
continuous improvement. TPM provides a method to achieve 4 Market complaints data and Understood the different
world class level of overall equipment effectiveness through Daily Quality Report showed defect reasons such as
people. the presence of defect due to Blowing defects, Printing
various errors. defects, Filling defects,
Finished goods defects,

A. Data Collection 5 P-M Rejection data regarding To understand the impact of

Market the delay reasons different types of errors
complaint and present in the department of
Coll blowing and filling.
Identify data DQR Data
Identify -ect
requirements defects. It helps to manufacture the products with zero losses,
data Data
P-M and F-G
zero defects and high quality. The equipment used for the high
Rejection quality products can be maintained with the help of quality
Data maintenance pillar of TPM. With the implementation of the
Recommenda QM pillar the customer and regulatory complaints can be
tion and Analysis of Categoriz-e brought down to zero. Thus the implementation of TPM helps
findings defects Record and data to increase the profit of the firm.
summarize according
to defects
Primary Data: The data is collected from three departments
A. Fish Bone Analysis
such as defects, cause and effect.
Secondary data: The data collected such as market complaints, Fish bone analysis was performed to understand the cause and
F-G rejection, and P-M data. effect of product quality.

B. Type of Research
Exploratory Research: It will be defined as an attempt to
connect ideas to understand cause and effect, meaning
researchers want to explain what is going on.
C. Type of Sampling
Acceptance sampling: Acceptance sampling uses statistical
sampling to determine whether to accept or reject a production
lot of material. It has been a common quality control technique
used in industry. It is usually done as products leaves the
factory, or in some cases even within the factory.

VII. SCOPE Fish bone analysis was done to understand the causes and effect
Implementation of TPM activities will have a great way in the of product quality. The main causes for the Product quality
future. As this paper focus on the implementation of the quality issues which were identified by fish bone analysis are:
maintenance pillar of TPM in the manufacturing the HDPE Process: The process involves manual checking on every
bottles, it was seen to have an increase in the product quality. process is there no control, which creates chance for defect, that
is when raw material come into the raw material storage area
The future implications of implementing TPM is that the and
success rate of the product quality will be very high. The
products can be manufactured with zero error and thereby no

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 77 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company

the storage area of raw material is not hygienic also no cleaning multiplying severity by occurrence, S × O. These
will be doing there at frequent interval. Raw material will be numbers provide guidance for ranking potential
mixed as per mixing proportion FLIPTOP Standard failures in the order they should be addressed.
Parameter-25KG HDPE, Master Batch: 1.175KG, Recycled  Identify recommended actions. These actions may be
Bottles: 20KG, Pellets: 2.5KG and also there have no blowing design or process changes to lower severity or
quality department it will lead to increase quality defects on
occurrence. They may be additional controls to
other process.
improve detection. Also note who is responsible for
Equipment: During Blowing process they are not doing any
calibration on machine and operators doesn’t track any machine the actions and target completion dates.
errors happened in earlier stages and they are not kept any  As actions are completed, note results and the date on
record or check sheet for maintenance. the FMEA form. Also, note new S, O or D ratings and
People: When the HDPE bottles defects happen as a result of new RPNs. During this analysis of process observed
Lack of technical knowledge among the employees regarding that the more defects are happening in Blowing of
the basic standard of a bottle profile. Also human error while HDPE Bottles (RPN: 144) in machines of Blowing
raw material mixing, loading and unloading. department Then the defects happened in printing
Management: The defect had happened due to the improper area have high (RPN: 270) on the process of Screen
change management of labors in the company. Management Printing of 3 colours are Blue, Green, White. Also the
lacks in recognizing its efficient employees. Also they are not process in which area of filling department the more
providing any updates about the products and company
defects are due to the process of capping, filling
(RPN: 240&200).
B. Failure Mode Effective Analysis TABLE I
 First of all the process will be noted and -= the S Effective Analysis
abnormalities were found.
Risk Risk Risk
 For each failure mode, identify all the consequences Blowin
N Prio Prio Prio
Printing Filling
on the system, related systems, process, related g o rity rity rity
No No No
processes, product, service, customer or regulations.
1 Raw
These are potential effects of failure. What happens materia Elevator to Unscrambler
128 224 6
when this failure occurs?. l hopper bottle feeder
 Determine how serious each effect is. This is the
2 Automatic
severity rating, or S. Severity is usually rated on a ARM (Bottle
scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is insignificant and 10 is feeder to
catastrophic. If a failure mode has more than one
3 Loadin Hopper to
effect, write on the FMEA table only the highest g on 112 Unscramble 280 Preheating 180
severity rating for that failure mode. hopper r
 For each cause, determine the occurrence rating, or O. 4 Plastici
80 IJP Process 200 printing 270
This rating estimates the probability of failure 5 Mould
occurring for that reason during the lifetime of your openin
200 printing 240
scope. Occurrence is usually rated on a scale from 1 to g and n Drive)
10, where 1 is extremely unlikely and 10 is inevitable. 6 Blowin Cap
144 200 Dryer 180
On the FMEA table, list the occurrence rating for each g Heating
cause. 7 Screen
Deflash Cap
64 200 Printing(Gre 270
 For each cause, identify current process controls. ing Dispensing
These are tests, procedures or mechanisms that you 8 Online
now have in place to keep failures from reaching the Inspect Capping 240 Dryer 180
customer. These controls might prevent the cause 9 Screen
from happening, reduce the likelihood that it will Printing 270
happen or detect failure after the cause has already White
10 Dryer and
happened but before the customer is affected. 160
 For each control, determine the detection rating, or D.
This rating estimates how well the controls can detect
either the cause or its failure mode after they have
happened but before the customer is affected.
Detection is usually rated on a scale from 1 to 10,
where 1 means the control is absolutely certain to
detect the problem and 10 means the control is certain
not to detect the problem (or no control exists).
 Calculate the risk priority number, or RPN, which
equals S × O × D. Also calculate Criticality by

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 78 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

TABLE II: or white,

Quality Defect Matrix for Blowing 4 Missing Text,
Sl No Blue patch,
Correlation Legal problem
Process Defect ,Ink spot ,print
1 Raw Material Process which is Pinhole,Blowhole,B Online smudge, print
Process inspection
Mixing related to problem lackspot,Flowline,O inspection peel , print
pacity Bottle, Color shift, without
shade bottle green or blue
2 Loading on Process which is Blow hole, Bottom or white,
Hopper related to problem hole, Opacity shrinkage
Bottle, color shade TABLE III
3 Plasticizing Process which is Pin Hole, Blow hole,
related to problem Bottom hole Sl No Quality Defect Matrix for Filling
,Parison shift, Flow
line Correlation
Process Defect
Mould Process which is Improper Analysis
4 1 Elevator to Process which is
Opening and related to problem cutting/Deflashing Bottle Denting
closing hopper related to problem
Blowing Process which is Pinhole,Blowhole,B 2 Hopper to Process which is
5 Unscrambler related to problem
Bottle Denting
related to problem lackspot,Flowline,O
pacity Bottle, color 3 Process which is
IJP process Ink Jet Printer issue
shade bottle, Airline related to problem
spot, Extra material 4 Leakage, Oil smear
Process which is
inside or outside, Filling ,Bottle Denting,
related to problem
Bottom Hole, Underweight
Parison shift 5 Process which is Leakage, Untightened
Cap heating
,Improper cutting related to problem cap, Crackened caps
6 Cutting Process which is Blowhole, Extra 6 Untightened caps,
Cap Process which is
related to problem material Crackened caps,
dispensing related to problem
inside/outside, Tamper proof Damage
Improper cutting 7 Leakage, Oil smear
7 Online Process Inspection Pinhole,Blowhole,B ,Untightened caps
Inspection lackspot,Flowline,O Process which is
Capping ,Crackened caps
pacity Bottle, color related to problem
,Tamper proof damage,
shade bottle, Airline Bottle Denting
spot, Extra material
inside or outside, C. Production Input Analysis
Bottom Hole,
Parison shift During each process the QA process matrix identified as being
,Improper cutting closely associated with defect production, clarify the
TABLE IV relationships with the production inputs.
(Equipment, Material, Method)
Sl No Quality Defect Matrix for Printing TABLE V
Sl No
Process Correlation Analysis Defect Analysis in Blowing Department
Defects Equipment Material
1 Missing Text, ple)
Blue patch, 1
1.Parison shift YES YES YES
Legal problem
Unscrambler to ,print smudge, 2 2.Improper
Process which is related YES NO YES
bottle feeder print peel , Deflashing
to problem 3
Pre Heating without green 3.Flow line YES YES NO
or blue or
white , 4 4.Opacity
shrinkage Bottle
2 Missing Text, 5
5.Black spot YES YES YES
Blue patch,
Legal problem 6
6.Pinhole NO NO YES
,Ink spot ,print
Process where predicted smudge, print 7
Printing 7.Blowhole NO NO YES
to occur peel , print
shift, without 8 8.Airline
green or blue gap/Airspot
or white, 9 9.Extra
shrinkage material inside YES NO NO
3 Missing Text, neck
Blue patch, 10 10.Extra
Legal problem material YES NO NO
Process which is related ,Ink spot ,print outside neck
Dryer 11.Colorshade
to problem smudge, print 11 NO NO YES
peel , print Bottles
shift, without
green or blue

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 79 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company

12 12.Nonhomog D. Problem Chart Analysis

eneous mixing NO NO YES
of color TABLE VIII
13.Bottom Problem Chart Analysis in Blowing
hole Sl Sub Process Defect Initial Condition/Problem
14.Weak spot NO NO YES No
Raw material must be stored in a
During this process in Blowing Department identified as being RAW closed tank based on standard
closely associated with defect production, clarify the MATERIAL Pinhole parameter. Mixing proportions are
relationship with the production inputs Method and Equipment MIXING changed if mixing is done in open dirty
are the major cause for producing defects in blowing
2 Auto dosing machines are used to mix
materials which didn’t check the
proportions every hour.
Sl No Hdpe, master batch and recycled
Analysis in Printing Department grinding plastics and pellets are closed
in auto dosing machine.
3 Improper mixing of materials contains
Defect Machine Man Material dust. Recycling of defected bottles
MATERIAL Black spot
1 1. Missing contains foreign materials and dust
Text particles.
2 2. Blue 4 RAW
YES YES NO Material mixing issue and operator
Patch MATERIAL Flow line
unknown condition.
3.Ink spots YES YES NO
Opacity Master batch content low and issue of
4 4. Legal MATERIAL
YES YES YES bottles mixing raw material.
Problems MIXING
5 5. Print 6 RAW color
NO YES NO Master batch content low and excess
Smudge MATERIAL shade
usage of grinding bottle.
6 MIXING bottles
6. Print peel YES YES NO
7 LOADING Mixing proportion of raw material and
7 ON Blow hole master batch will be calibrated at
7. Print shift YES NO NO
HOPPER frequent interval
8 8. Without 8 LOADING
YES NO NO If the storage area is not as per the
Blue colour ON Pin hole
9 9. Without standard it is considered as dirty area.
Green colour 9 LOADING
10 10. Blue Opacity
YES YES NO ON Master batch as loading via automation.
patch bottles
During this process in Printing Department identified as being 10
If master batch is loading via
closely associated with defect production, clarify the automation, it is not possible to know
ON shade
the exact amount of grinding material
relationship with the production inputs Method and Equipment HOPPER bottles
containing pm bottles.
are the major cause for producing defects in blowing 11 PLASTICIZI If any one of them will not work and
department. NG frequent checking is not conducted.
TABLE VII 12 Machine melted with inside carbon
Blowhole content and foreign materials melted
Sl No NG
with polymers.
Analysis in Filling Department 13 PLASTICIZI Failure of heater and improper
Flow line
Defects Machine Material Method NG working of spindle screw motor.
1 14 If left side and right side parameters
Leakage YES YES YES MOULD Improper are not correctly set then it is not
2 OPENING & cutting possible to cut the bottom side and the
Oil smear YES NO NO CLOSING hole spring damage thus induce bottom
3 Untightened/Imprope deflation.
r cap fitment 15 MOULD
Improper Hot wire cutter supply sometimes cut
4 Cracked/Brokened OPENING &
YES NO YES deflashing off and sharpness get lowered.
caps/plug/hinge CLOSING
5 Tamper proof 16 If all utility, blow pin, free blow and air
Damage pressure are not declared at standard
OPENING & Pinhole
6 parameter including parison with small
7 17 If all utility, blow pin, free blow and air
Underweight YES NO YES MOULD
pressure are not declared at standard
OPENING & Blow hole
8 parameter including parison with large
9 18 If all utility, blow pin, free blow and air
Ink jet printer NO NO YES MOULD
Airline/ pressure are declared at standard
During this process in Filling Department identified as being CLOSING
air spot parameter and blowing pin is not
closely associated with defect production, clarify the cooled thus it gets damaged.
relationship with the production inputs Method and Equipment
are the major cause for producing defects in printing

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 80 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

19 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and 10 Sometimes the rotation
MOULD air pressure are declared at standard Print peel of mouth and air
OPENING & parameter and blowing pin is not pressure will affect
CLOSING cooled and hot wire cutter sharpness 11 Missing text,
issue blue patch,
20 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air ink spots,
MOULD pressure are declared at standard legal
OPENING & parameter and sometimes excess heat problem,
outside Sometimes the heating
CLOSING or foreign material may induce parison print
neck temperature will
shift DRYER smudge,
change and sometimes
21 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air print peel,
MOULD it must be off
pressure are declared at standard print shift,
OPENING & Black spot
parameter and excess impurities in without blue
parison may show black spot or green or
22 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air white, blue
MOULD patch
Parison pressure are declared at standard
shift parameter and sometimes excess heat, 12 Not checking the
cup and presetting or worn out issue SCREEN standard parameter,
23 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air PRINTING Legal must check the mouth
MOULD GREEN problem locking pressure,
pressure are declared at standard
OPENING & Weak spot squeegee pressure,
parameter and impurities are seen on
CLOSING color mixing
that blowing
24 If air circulation is not correct then the 13 Operator issue in color
Improper knife will not rotate and thus the knife Print smudge mixing and squeegee
CUTTING process setting
deflashing sharpness cannot be checked.
14 Sometimes the rotation
25 Air pressure and Mould bottom plate Print peel of mouth and air
CUTTING pressure it will affect
will not be checked
TABLE IX 15 Stroke bearing problem
Problem Chart Analysis in Printing Print shift and gig pin and cloth
matter spring
Sl No Actual
Sub Process Defect 16 Sometimes these issues
1 If blowing bottles are Without blue raise like cloth matter
not loaded or green spring broken down
UNSCRAMB- ,gig pin
continuously it will
LER BOTTLE No defect 17 Missing text,
affect the printing
FEEDING blue patch,
process or scramble
block issues ink spots,
2 If arm fails to take the legal
bottle continuously it problem,
AUTOMATIC Bottom Sometimes the heating
will affect the stroke print
BOTTLE denting temperature will
and production which DRYER smudge,
FEEDING change and sometimes
weakens the bottle thus print peel,
it must be off
it bends print shift,
without blue
3 Lack of checking the
Irregular or green or
flame color and LPG
PREHEATING printing (all white, blue
gas ,pneumatic
defects) patch
18 If printing gig pin,
4 If printing gig pin,
squeegee cylinder, air
squeegee cylinder, air
valve timing, cloth
valve timing, cloth SCREEN
SCREEN matter, rubber brush.
matter, rubber brush. PRINTING
PRINTING Missing text Missing text Two brush, color
Two brush, color WHITE
BLUE mixing at its standard
mixing at its standard
otherwise it will create
otherwise it will create
5 Blue patch issue up to
19 Squeegee rubber
sensor valve issue and
Blue patch replace in brush , dryer
seal cut will lead to Ink spot
6 Lack of checking the
20 Lack of checking
standard parameter,
standard parameters,
Legal must check the mouth
must check the mouth
problem locking pressure, Legal
locking pressure
squeegee pressure, problem
,squeegee pressure,
color mixing
color mixing
7 Operator issue in color
Print smudge mixing and squeegee
21 Operator issue in color
process setting
mixing and squeegee
8 Stroke bearing problem Print smudge
process setting.
Print shift and gig pin and cloth
matter spring
9 Sometimes these issues
raise like cloth matter
Without blue
spring broken down
,gig pin

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 81 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company

22 Stroke bearing problem Denting increased it dents the bottle

Print shift and gig pin and cloth
matter spring.
23 Sometimes the rotation E. Root cause Analysis
of mouth and air
Print peel TABLE XI
pressure will affect.

24 Sometimes these issues Sl No Root cause Analysis in Blowing

Without raise like cloth matter
green or blue spring broken down,
or white gig pin. Recommended
Parameters Involved Actions
25 Missing text,
blue patch, 1 Auto dosing machine
ink spot, proportion must be
legal noted every hour and
problem, also it is found that
Sometimes the heating printed bottle particle
temp will change and in grinding storage
DRYER smudge,
sometimes it will be tank. Avoid these
print peel,
off. man made errors
print shift, Improper
without blue HDPE and palletized
or green or material must be in
white, blue pure condition and
patch RAW MATERIAL end products in
opacity of
different storage area
bottles and
Raw material storage
TABLE X affects color
area and mixing area
shade of
must be kept clean,
Problem Chart Analysis in Filling standard mixing
Sl No proportion should be
followed while
Sub Process Defect Actual Condition/Problem
mixing, Check
1 CAP sometimes they are not
standard parameters
HEATING Leakage heated as per standard
and materials.
keep raw materials
2 Caps get untightened when
heating methods are not
Untightened/ 2 Accuracy of mixing
done properly and also
Improper cap proportions,
pressure of shafts are not
fitment Accelerate master
adjusted as per SKU Error in
batch automation.
Introduce air filter
3 Irregular heating of caps leads to
while in taking air to
retards the formation of LOADING ON change in
avoid foreign
Cracked/ lines and thus caps are HOPPER bottle profile
particles. Use simple
Brocken caps moved into the dispenser and its color
sized magnetic blade
and are heated which leads
in the hopper and use
to cracking of caps
two or more magnetic
4 sometimes the caps are not blades.
heated or lines are stopping
Improper cap 3 Temperature zone
frequently ,it may reduce
fitment and spindle should be
the heat from caps
checked daily and
5 cap from cap heater to cap record them every 4
dispenser as loaded per If the polymer
Cracked/Bro hours.
interval based on filling is heated
ken caps Heater, Thermo coil
line speed excessively or
and spindle rotation
if it is not
should be checked
6 Tamper At the time of rotation the melted then
PLASTICIZING once in a week.
proof tamper may get broken the heater,
Provide Machine
Damage spindle and
health card, Mould
7 CAPPING OF thermo coil
When operator fails to take health card and
BOTTLES will not work
care of cap pressure as per check sheets near
(PRESSURE Leakage properly.
SKU every machines and
SHAFT) must be updated by
the operator on an
8 During capping sometimes hourly basis
the cap may get broken and
gear loose in cap and stroke
Oil smear
timing may lead to oil

9 Untightened/ Change in cap pressure or

Improper cap heater temperature
10 Tamper Rotation of cap dispenser
proof may damage the caps
11 Bottle when pressure of cap get

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 82 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

4 Opening and closing frequent interval

If left and right of Mould, system 4 Maintain check
side delay and Mould If printing sheets for gig pin,
parameters are temperatures must be Gig pin, SQUEEGE cylinder
not declared checked every day squeegee pressure, mouth
correctly it .Provide machine cylinder, air locking pressure,
MOULD OPENING will lead to card near every valve timing, color mixing and
AND CLOSING improper machines to note cloth matter, color quality level.
cutting of down any problem if rubber brush, Maintain
bottom side encountered, also Two brush, components
and bottom provide Mould health Color mixing conditions status
deflation card near every are not sheet for every
through the machine, and check checked components.
spring damage the sharpness of neck issues may Operator must have
hot wire cutter. occur to check at definite
5 Check all the utilities time interval.
Inflating like Air pressure and 5 Must implement
blowing Blow pin cooling high pixel camera
pressure (2-4), every day and update IF printing Gig for checking blue
Free blow in check sheet. pin, cloth printing. Maintain
(2-3) may be If any problem is matter, check sheets for gig
over pressure encountered by the heating pin, SQUEEGE
or less operator, make sure problem, cylinder pressure,
pressure may that it is recorded in Squeegee Mouth locking
produce maintenance sheet SCREEN cylinder, Air pressure, screen
broken bottles and use check sheet PRINTING(BLUE) valve timing, setting, color mixing
for routine checkup. cloth matter, and color quality
6 If proper air Operator must check rubber brush. level Maintain
circulation is the air pressure, Two brush, components
not their then circulation and Color mixing conditions status
the knife will sharpness of the blade are not sheet for every
not rotate and daily. Make sure that checked issues components.
if the bottom plate may occur Operator must have
sharpness of sharpness is in to check at definite
knife ,air standard parameter. time interval
pressure and Keep machine 6 Maintain check
Mould bottom maintenance card and sheet for dryer
plate are not defect should be machine standard
If Blue IR
checked noted in it. condition and in
DRYER lamp dryer is
TABLE XII summertime time
off it may
dryer must be in off
create defects
state, otherwise the
Sl No Root cause Analysis in Printing bottle will get heated
Process Recommended excessively
Parameters Involved Failure Actions 7 IF printing Gig Maintain check
pin, cloth sheets for gig pin,
1 If blowing matter, SQUEEGE cylinder
bottles are not heating pressure, mouth
loaded problem, locking pressure,
Set any alarm for Squeegee color mixing and
UNSCRAMBLER continuously it
clearing the issue of SCREEN cylinder, Air color quality level.
BOTTLE FEEDER will affect the
bottle shortage or PRINTING(GREEN) valve timing, Maintain
blockage cloth matter, components
process or
scramble rubber brush. conditions status
block issues Two brush, sheet for every
2 Set an alarm if the Color mixing components.
Blowing are not Operator must have
bottle gets blocked
bottles may checked issues to check at definite
somewhere at the
get bend if the may occur time interval.
starting of the
AUTOMATIC arm fails to 8 Maintain check
conveyor or
BOTTLE FEEDER take the bottle sheet for dryer
continuously machine standard
remove the bottle If green lamp
as it affect the condition and in
from starting if it is DRYER will not work
stroke and summertime time
found that the bottle it will create
production dryer may be in off
is denting defects
3 Maintain a standard state, otherwise the
parameter for gas bottle will get heated
flame and color .Use excessively
Flame may not check sheet to note
be in blue down issues related
PREHEATING color , LPG to flame, LPG and
gas issue pneumatic pressure.
,pneumatic Set components
pressure issue conditions status
sheet for every
components and
check that area at

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 83 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company

9 If printing Gig Maintain check Airline and like Stroke timing,

pin, cloth sheets for gig pin, parting line. volume adjuster
matter, SQUEEGE cylinder Bottle gets bolt, checkout,
heating pressure, mouth dent due to cylinder hose
problem, locking pressure, issues in impurities and
Squeegee color mixing and blowing and piston rad. Keep the
SCREEN cylinder, Air color quality level. printing status of
PRINTING(WHITE) valve timing, Maintain .Issues are components near
cloth matter, components found when machine and
rubber brush. conditions status gear setting operator must check
Two brush, sheet for every and volume the stroke timing,
Color mixing components. adjuster bolt blowing defects,
are not Operator must have are improperly underweight and
checked issues to check at definite done and also bottle denting and
may occur time interval. when must report to
10 Must implement a impurities are respective
check sheet for dryer present in departments.
machine standard cylinder hose
If white lamp
condition and in and valve.
is l cut off it
DRYER summertime time When operator
will create
dryer will be in off fails to check
condition otherwise conveyor lines
the bottle will get of
heated excessively Unscrambler
and elevator to
hopper line
,defects arises
Sl No Root cause Analysis in Filling 5 Issues arises
Process Recommended when heater Operator must
Parameters Involved Failure Actions fails to heat maintain check
the cap or if sheet for cap heater
1 Maintain check there is any and must note the
sheet machine CAP HEATING problem temperature in
components. within the inspection sheet and
When elevator heater and cap also check the cap
Operators must kept
fails to take won’t get heat heating machine at
the maintenance
bottle from the as per the regular intervals.
status sheet and
bottle feeder it standard.
ELEVATOR TO damages the 6 Sometimes the
components sheet
HOPPER bottle and also caps are not
for bottle feeder,
the rotor in the heated
elevator and hopper
hopper may properly or
bottle rotor and
also damages when lines are
operator must notice
the bottle disappearing
the bottle line from
bottle feeder to frequently it
Operator must alter
hopper may lead to
the dispenser as per
2 Operator must reduce the heat
the size of cap with
check the hopper to from caps.
Sometimes the tamper size.
Unscramble Caps are fed to
conveyor to CAP DISPENSING Operator must
conveyor and cap dispenser
belt drive adjust the speed of
confirm the line from cap
bottle may get conveyor and must
HOPPER TO without any heater as
damaged control supply of
UNSCRAMBLER blockages. Note the loaded per
through the caps
machine component interval based
line (weal on filling line
status sheet. Not
bottle may be speed. Tamper
that bottle may get
damage) may get
weak by the defect
of blowing process broken at the
3 Issues arises time of
when jet and rotation
sensor are not Operator must keep
aligned or maintenance status
mismatched , sheet and machine
ink validity component status
IJP PROCESS issues, over sheet of jet, sensor,
speed of ink validity and jet
conveyor and cleaning and also
also when jet notice the sensor
is not cleaned alignment
at frequent
interval .
4 In filling For filling process
process the IJP bottles are
FILLING (MAIN defects are directly fed to main
DRIVE) found in drive. The operators
blowhole, must check the
pinhole, and standard parameters

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 84 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

7 Issues occur departments must be recorded and placed near the machine are
when operator already to introduce so implementation of the process won’t
fails to adjust
cap pressure as require much
per SKU. cost but can ensure those resources are fully utilized and easily
Operator must
maintain check found the problems in machine can take precaution early can
capping, cap reduce the no of human resource needed to complete the
sheet status for
may get
broken or
equipment, capping production.
pressure shaft, cap Raw material error amounts to 50% of the defect reason and can
heater and
gear loose in
dispenser. Only load
be successfully reduced by implementation of calibrating
cap affects the machines and introduce hygiene mixing area and closed storage
capping dispenser
oil smear.
Stroke timing
as per the tank , implement check sheet for proportion and manual
CAPPING requirement of settings in systems. Addition of machine care of MCBM
may lead to oil
filling speed of
smear cap
conveyor and stroke
required for the blowing and its machine components can
pressure and improve the quality of individual bottle among the production
timing. Operator
cap heater
must notice about .Also introduced Blowing Quality department in plant will
the dispenser flow reduced the error of 80% error to reduce up to 25%. Also
of cap in flexible
temperature, cap
introduced a defect sheet and maintenances sheet for every
When operator in charge of 3 department on daily basis must be
heater and avoid
conveyor stops
tamper damage recorded it will reduced the machine breakdown and rejection
frequently it
will reduce of product.
cap heat and TABLE XIV
thus the cap
gets broken. Results
Quantitative analysis was conducted and results were obtained Sl No
Defects Current And Future
to identify the effect of these factors on timely delivery.
F. Percentage Analysis 1 Current product defect error amounts to
85% which can be brought down to less
Blowing than 5% as the Machine error and human
related error can be nullified and also provide
online power support can increase up to
7.5 lakhs more than current production.

2 Current product rejection up to 80%

reduced to 5% because of after
Printing introducing blowing quality check and
related implementation of status sheet and
operator maintenances sheet respectively
which can be completely resolved.

3 After the analysis and found the critical

area and implement check sheets and
maintenance sheet also the quality check
Filling related
will be more effective than previous
structure will be current rejection reduced
up to less than 5%.
The percentage analysis helps to observe that the Defect mainly
4 Currently ensuring the packing and
occurred to the leakage due to cracking in filling department. Packing loading also carton taping and buckling
The Leakage due to crack is because of mainly blowing or related and dispatching handling must be
printing root cause issues. Also found 216 Bottles are defects notified and more care.
occurred happened due to Leakage of bottles due to cracking
this cracking was happened due to various problems occurred
in various departments and other defects are found and TABLE XV
evaluated by the analysis and analyse which find the defect is Results
Sl No Department Results
more or minimum in each department and know how much
1 Blowing error can Total Value of Goods
product are rejected due to these reasons. reduce from 80% to 43,155,94 INR worth SKU
1. Blowing Department 40% and Total quantity of
2. Printing Department material saved-16718KG
3. Filling Department
2 Printing defect can be Total Value of goods
reduce from 50% to 14242864.5INR worth
25% SKU
Provide possible suggestions to improve the product quality of
the company by reducing the adverse impact of various defect
quality indexes in the overall satisfaction of customers.
Implementing Machine and components daily Health status
sheet, maintenance sheet and defect arrested record in 3

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 85 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company

3 Filling defect can be Total Value of goods B) Limitations

reduce from 90% to 373605INR worth SKU Unavailability of Skilled operators and workers
45% Salvage oil saved-824.055
KG Unavailability of Machine Maintenance and machine
Scrap oil saved- 306.34 components status data
KG Unavailability of Defect arrest data in Blowing, Filling and
4 Initiative of On process Can produce Printing Departments
power backup 28800PPM/DAY and 57
AKH words SKU.
Unavailability of calibration report in Auto Dosing machine
and Master batch machine.

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2  Implementation of Flame
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10. Seth, D., & Tripathi, D. (2006). A critical study of TQM and TPM
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 Also maintain the Operator industry. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 17(7),
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Printing related
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standards of a bottle after maintenance: a contextual view. Journal of operations management, 17(2),
printing 123-144.
3  Implementation of machine
maintenance, operator’s
defects arresting, AUTHORS PROFILE
standard methods check
sheet in various process Sabjan S.N. is currently pursuing MBA in
Filling related and cap heater directly Operations Management at Amrita University
connecting to cap Amritapuri. His graduation in Mechanical Engineering
dispenser. from Kerala University. About his work experience at
 Educate the workers about Volkswagen for a period of 2 years. He has worked with
standards of a bottle and Volkswagen sales and Aftersales in development,
hygiene. industrialization and commercialization of automobile
field into emerging and regulated markets. In his free
X. IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS time, Sabjan enjoys playing cricket, reading and travelling.

A) Implications
Identifying the major factors affecting the quality defect of the Maheshwar Pratap is an Operations Management
enthusiast and is a Faculty Associate at the Amritapuri
firm and controlling it. campus. Prior to his teaching assignment at the ASB,
The matrixes affect the efficiency of the firm and in terms Maheshwar has worked with Pharma major Biocon in
increase the operational cost. development, industrialization and commercialization of
Identification of the issues by first measuring the current quality biomedical devices into emerging and regulated markets.
Maheshwar has also worked with retail operations of
defect and then providing possible solutions can improve the
Pantaloons Retail India Limited and handled store operations for large format
customer satisfaction and improve the customer experience. stores of the group.
Prepared Quality maintenance (TPM) process which can
reduce future error. Suggestions and Quality Maintenance
(TPM) process can be implemented for other seven production

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 86 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019

His research interests include welfare economics and poverty alleviation,

efficacy of government schemes and public policy interventions. Maheshwar
is also involved in research works around technology aided learning and its
implications on learners. Maheshwar has authored 8 research papers with his
co-authors and presented them at leading conferences in his area.
In his free time, Maheshwar enjoys travelling, reading and watching movies

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 87 & Sciences Publication

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