Articulo 4 TPM
Articulo 4 TPM
Articulo 4 TPM
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 75 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 76 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019
B. Type of Research
Exploratory Research: It will be defined as an attempt to
connect ideas to understand cause and effect, meaning
researchers want to explain what is going on.
C. Type of Sampling
Acceptance sampling: Acceptance sampling uses statistical
sampling to determine whether to accept or reject a production
lot of material. It has been a common quality control technique
used in industry. It is usually done as products leaves the
factory, or in some cases even within the factory.
VII. SCOPE Fish bone analysis was done to understand the causes and effect
Implementation of TPM activities will have a great way in the of product quality. The main causes for the Product quality
future. As this paper focus on the implementation of the quality issues which were identified by fish bone analysis are:
maintenance pillar of TPM in the manufacturing the HDPE Process: The process involves manual checking on every
bottles, it was seen to have an increase in the product quality. process is there no control, which creates chance for defect, that
is when raw material come into the raw material storage area
The future implications of implementing TPM is that the and
success rate of the product quality will be very high. The
products can be manufactured with zero error and thereby no
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 77 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company
the storage area of raw material is not hygienic also no cleaning multiplying severity by occurrence, S × O. These
will be doing there at frequent interval. Raw material will be numbers provide guidance for ranking potential
mixed as per mixing proportion FLIPTOP Standard failures in the order they should be addressed.
Parameter-25KG HDPE, Master Batch: 1.175KG, Recycled Identify recommended actions. These actions may be
Bottles: 20KG, Pellets: 2.5KG and also there have no blowing design or process changes to lower severity or
quality department it will lead to increase quality defects on
occurrence. They may be additional controls to
other process.
improve detection. Also note who is responsible for
Equipment: During Blowing process they are not doing any
calibration on machine and operators doesn’t track any machine the actions and target completion dates.
errors happened in earlier stages and they are not kept any As actions are completed, note results and the date on
record or check sheet for maintenance. the FMEA form. Also, note new S, O or D ratings and
People: When the HDPE bottles defects happen as a result of new RPNs. During this analysis of process observed
Lack of technical knowledge among the employees regarding that the more defects are happening in Blowing of
the basic standard of a bottle profile. Also human error while HDPE Bottles (RPN: 144) in machines of Blowing
raw material mixing, loading and unloading. department Then the defects happened in printing
Management: The defect had happened due to the improper area have high (RPN: 270) on the process of Screen
change management of labors in the company. Management Printing of 3 colours are Blue, Green, White. Also the
lacks in recognizing its efficient employees. Also they are not process in which area of filling department the more
providing any updates about the products and company
defects are due to the process of capping, filling
(RPN: 240&200).
B. Failure Mode Effective Analysis TABLE I
First of all the process will be noted and -= the S Effective Analysis
abnormalities were found.
Risk Risk Risk
For each failure mode, identify all the consequences Blowin
N Prio Prio Prio
Printing Filling
on the system, related systems, process, related g o rity rity rity
No No No
processes, product, service, customer or regulations.
1 Raw
These are potential effects of failure. What happens materia Elevator to Unscrambler
128 224 6
when this failure occurs?. l hopper bottle feeder
Determine how serious each effect is. This is the
2 Automatic
severity rating, or S. Severity is usually rated on a ARM (Bottle
scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is insignificant and 10 is feeder to
catastrophic. If a failure mode has more than one
3 Loadin Hopper to
effect, write on the FMEA table only the highest g on 112 Unscramble 280 Preheating 180
severity rating for that failure mode. hopper r
For each cause, determine the occurrence rating, or O. 4 Plastici
80 IJP Process 200 printing 270
This rating estimates the probability of failure 5 Mould
occurring for that reason during the lifetime of your openin
200 printing 240
scope. Occurrence is usually rated on a scale from 1 to g and n Drive)
10, where 1 is extremely unlikely and 10 is inevitable. 6 Blowin Cap
144 200 Dryer 180
On the FMEA table, list the occurrence rating for each g Heating
cause. 7 Screen
Deflash Cap
64 200 Printing(Gre 270
For each cause, identify current process controls. ing Dispensing
These are tests, procedures or mechanisms that you 8 Online
now have in place to keep failures from reaching the Inspect Capping 240 Dryer 180
customer. These controls might prevent the cause 9 Screen
from happening, reduce the likelihood that it will Printing 270
happen or detect failure after the cause has already White
10 Dryer and
happened but before the customer is affected. 160
For each control, determine the detection rating, or D.
This rating estimates how well the controls can detect
either the cause or its failure mode after they have
happened but before the customer is affected.
Detection is usually rated on a scale from 1 to 10,
where 1 means the control is absolutely certain to
detect the problem and 10 means the control is certain
not to detect the problem (or no control exists).
Calculate the risk priority number, or RPN, which
equals S × O × D. Also calculate Criticality by
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 78 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 79 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 80 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019
19 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and 10 Sometimes the rotation
MOULD air pressure are declared at standard Print peel of mouth and air
OPENING & parameter and blowing pin is not pressure will affect
CLOSING cooled and hot wire cutter sharpness 11 Missing text,
issue blue patch,
20 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air ink spots,
MOULD pressure are declared at standard legal
OPENING & parameter and sometimes excess heat problem,
outside Sometimes the heating
CLOSING or foreign material may induce parison print
neck temperature will
shift DRYER smudge,
change and sometimes
21 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air print peel,
MOULD it must be off
pressure are declared at standard print shift,
OPENING & Black spot
parameter and excess impurities in without blue
parison may show black spot or green or
22 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air white, blue
MOULD patch
Parison pressure are declared at standard
shift parameter and sometimes excess heat, 12 Not checking the
cup and presetting or worn out issue SCREEN standard parameter,
23 If all utility ,blow pin ,free blow and air PRINTING Legal must check the mouth
MOULD GREEN problem locking pressure,
pressure are declared at standard
OPENING & Weak spot squeegee pressure,
parameter and impurities are seen on
CLOSING color mixing
that blowing
24 If air circulation is not correct then the 13 Operator issue in color
Improper knife will not rotate and thus the knife Print smudge mixing and squeegee
CUTTING process setting
deflashing sharpness cannot be checked.
14 Sometimes the rotation
25 Air pressure and Mould bottom plate Print peel of mouth and air
CUTTING pressure it will affect
will not be checked
TABLE IX 15 Stroke bearing problem
Problem Chart Analysis in Printing Print shift and gig pin and cloth
matter spring
Sl No Actual
Sub Process Defect 16 Sometimes these issues
1 If blowing bottles are Without blue raise like cloth matter
not loaded or green spring broken down
UNSCRAMB- ,gig pin
continuously it will
LER BOTTLE No defect 17 Missing text,
affect the printing
FEEDING blue patch,
process or scramble
block issues ink spots,
2 If arm fails to take the legal
bottle continuously it problem,
AUTOMATIC Bottom Sometimes the heating
will affect the stroke print
BOTTLE denting temperature will
and production which DRYER smudge,
FEEDING change and sometimes
weakens the bottle thus print peel,
it must be off
it bends print shift,
without blue
3 Lack of checking the
Irregular or green or
flame color and LPG
PREHEATING printing (all white, blue
gas ,pneumatic
defects) patch
18 If printing gig pin,
4 If printing gig pin,
squeegee cylinder, air
squeegee cylinder, air
valve timing, cloth
valve timing, cloth SCREEN
SCREEN matter, rubber brush.
matter, rubber brush. PRINTING
PRINTING Missing text Missing text Two brush, color
Two brush, color WHITE
BLUE mixing at its standard
mixing at its standard
otherwise it will create
otherwise it will create
5 Blue patch issue up to
19 Squeegee rubber
sensor valve issue and
Blue patch replace in brush , dryer
seal cut will lead to Ink spot
6 Lack of checking the
20 Lack of checking
standard parameter,
standard parameters,
Legal must check the mouth
must check the mouth
problem locking pressure, Legal
locking pressure
squeegee pressure, problem
,squeegee pressure,
color mixing
color mixing
7 Operator issue in color
Print smudge mixing and squeegee
21 Operator issue in color
process setting
mixing and squeegee
8 Stroke bearing problem Print smudge
process setting.
Print shift and gig pin and cloth
matter spring
9 Sometimes these issues
raise like cloth matter
Without blue
spring broken down
,gig pin
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 81 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 82 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 83 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 84 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019
7 Issues occur departments must be recorded and placed near the machine are
when operator already to introduce so implementation of the process won’t
fails to adjust
cap pressure as require much
per SKU. cost but can ensure those resources are fully utilized and easily
Operator must
maintain check found the problems in machine can take precaution early can
capping, cap reduce the no of human resource needed to complete the
sheet status for
may get
broken or
equipment, capping production.
pressure shaft, cap Raw material error amounts to 50% of the defect reason and can
heater and
gear loose in
dispenser. Only load
be successfully reduced by implementation of calibrating
cap affects the machines and introduce hygiene mixing area and closed storage
capping dispenser
oil smear.
Stroke timing
as per the tank , implement check sheet for proportion and manual
CAPPING requirement of settings in systems. Addition of machine care of MCBM
may lead to oil
filling speed of
smear cap
conveyor and stroke
required for the blowing and its machine components can
pressure and improve the quality of individual bottle among the production
timing. Operator
cap heater
must notice about .Also introduced Blowing Quality department in plant will
the dispenser flow reduced the error of 80% error to reduce up to 25%. Also
of cap in flexible
temperature, cap
introduced a defect sheet and maintenances sheet for every
When operator in charge of 3 department on daily basis must be
heater and avoid
conveyor stops
tamper damage recorded it will reduced the machine breakdown and rejection
frequently it
will reduce of product.
cap heat and TABLE XIV
thus the cap
gets broken. Results
Quantitative analysis was conducted and results were obtained Sl No
Defects Current And Future
to identify the effect of these factors on timely delivery.
F. Percentage Analysis 1 Current product defect error amounts to
85% which can be brought down to less
Blowing than 5% as the Machine error and human
related error can be nullified and also provide
online power support can increase up to
7.5 lakhs more than current production.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 85 & Sciences Publication
The Implementation Of Tpm On Manufacturing Performance At Fmcg Company
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3 Implementation of machine
maintenance, operator’s
defects arresting, AUTHORS PROFILE
standard methods check
sheet in various process Sabjan S.N. is currently pursuing MBA in
Filling related and cap heater directly Operations Management at Amrita University
connecting to cap Amritapuri. His graduation in Mechanical Engineering
dispenser. from Kerala University. About his work experience at
Educate the workers about Volkswagen for a period of 2 years. He has worked with
standards of a bottle and Volkswagen sales and Aftersales in development,
hygiene. industrialization and commercialization of automobile
field into emerging and regulated markets. In his free
X. IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS time, Sabjan enjoys playing cricket, reading and travelling.
A) Implications
Identifying the major factors affecting the quality defect of the Maheshwar Pratap is an Operations Management
enthusiast and is a Faculty Associate at the Amritapuri
firm and controlling it. campus. Prior to his teaching assignment at the ASB,
The matrixes affect the efficiency of the firm and in terms Maheshwar has worked with Pharma major Biocon in
increase the operational cost. development, industrialization and commercialization of
Identification of the issues by first measuring the current quality biomedical devices into emerging and regulated markets.
Maheshwar has also worked with retail operations of
defect and then providing possible solutions can improve the
Pantaloons Retail India Limited and handled store operations for large format
customer satisfaction and improve the customer experience. stores of the group.
Prepared Quality maintenance (TPM) process which can
reduce future error. Suggestions and Quality Maintenance
(TPM) process can be implemented for other seven production
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 86 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-4, February 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D2649018319/19©BEIESP 87 & Sciences Publication