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STANDARD 10245-2

Second edition

Cranes — Limiting and indicating

devices —
Part 2:
Mobile cranes
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Limiteurs et indicateurs —
Partie 2: Grues mobiles

Reference number
ISO 10245-2:2014(E)

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ISO 10245-2:2014(E)


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ISO 10245-2:2014(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Rated capacity limiter...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Setting.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
6 Rated capacity indicator................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
7 Load indicator.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8 Motion limiters........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
8.1 Operating requirements.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
8.2 Types of hoisting limiters............................................................................................................................................................... 4
8.3 Lowering limiter..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8.4 Derrick limiter.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8.5 Attachment backstops....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9 Additional mandatory limiters............................................................................................................................................................... 5
10 Motion and performance indicators................................................................................................................................................. 5
10.1 Hoisting limit indicator..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
10.2 Attachment angle indicators........................................................................................................................................................ 5
10.3 Attachment length indicators...................................................................................................................................................... 5
10.4 Radius indicator...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
10.5 Rope drum rotation indicator..................................................................................................................................................... 5
10.6 Crane level indicator........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
10.7 Slew indicator........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
10.8 Additional mandatory indicators............................................................................................................................................. 6
11 Design factor.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
12 Inspection..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
13 Maintenance............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
14 Operating instructions and operator training........................................................................................................................ 7
15 Event recorder......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
16 Data logger................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

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ISO 10245-2:2014(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 6, Mobile cranes.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10245-2:1994), which has been technically
ISO 10245 consists of the following parts under the general title Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices:
— Part 1: General
— Part 2: Mobile cranes
— Part 3: Tower cranes
— Part 4: Jib cranes
— Part 5: Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes

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Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices —

Part 2:
Mobile cranes

1 Scope
This part of ISO  10245 specifies the requirements for devices which limit and/or indicate the loads,
motions, performance, and environment of mobile cranes. The general requirements for limiting and
indicating devices for cranes are given in ISO 10245-1.
This part of ISO 10245 applies to all mobile cranes as defined in ISO 4306-2. See 4.1 and also 4.2.
NOTE Some basic machine types within this scope are convertible for use in excavating work and other
applications not considered to be lifting service. The requirements of this part of ISO 10245 are applicable to such
machines only when used as lifting cranes.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2374:1983, Lifting appliances — Range of maximum capacities for basic models
ISO 4306-1:2007, Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General
ISO 4306-2, Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 2: Mobile cranes
ISO 9926-1:1990, Cranes — Training of drivers — Part 1: General
ISO 9927-1, Cranes — Inspections — Part 1: General
ISO 10245-1:2008, Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices — Part 1: General

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 10245-1 and the following
rated capacity
load that the crane is designed to lift for a given operating condition, e.g. the configuration or position
of the load 
[SOURCE: ISO 10245‑1:2008, 3.12]
anti-two-block device
device which, when activated, disengages all functions whose movement can cause any part of the lower
load block or hook assembly to come into contact with the upper load block, boom or jib point sheave

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ISO 10245-2:2014(E)

two-block damage prevention device
device which, when activated, reduces the wire rope pull caused by contact of the lower load block or
hook assembly and upper load block, boom or jib point sheave assembly(s)
Note 1 to entry: The pull should be reduced such that contact will not cause damage to the machine and well-
maintained wire rope. It should have a feature which prevents the hook block or hook assembly from rotating to
a position which would cause rigging to disengage from the hook.

4 General

4.1 This part of ISO 10245 applies to all new mobile cranes manufactured one year after publication
of this part of ISO 10245. It is not the intent of this part of ISO 10245 to require retrofitting of existing
equipment. It is intended, however, that when a component is being modified its performance requirement
shall be reviewed relative to this part of ISO 10245. If the performance differs substantially, the need to
meet the current requirement shall be evaluated by a qualified person selected by the owner (user) and
consequent recommended changes shall be made by the owner (user) within one year.

4.2 Devices described within this part of ISO 10245 shall be applied according to Table 1. The tonne
limits specified in Table 1 relate to the maximum capacity of the crane (see ISO 2374). Table 1 does not
apply to all situations that can be encountered, such as high winds. Application of the devices shall be
carried out in the manner required for safe operation of the crane, taking into account the type of crane
and its intended use.

4.3 All devices with readouts shall be legible from the operator’s station.

5 Rated capacity limiter

5.1 General
The rated capacity Iimiter shall meet the requirements of ISO 10245-1:2008, 4.3.1, and shall operate in
accordance with the requirements stated in ISO 10245-1:2008, 4.3.2.
A rated capacity limiter/indicator shall operate automatically without the need for resetting during a
lifting cycle.
Where a crane can be operated in different configurations, there shall be a precise and continuous
indication of the crane configuration for which the rated capacity limiter/indicator has been set.
As a minimum requirement, the configuration selection device shall provide a direct description
of the configuration selected, or indicate a code which can be checked against a separate list of
codes/configurations which are given on the capacity chart or attached to it.
On mobile cranes which can be operated in different configurations (e.g. on wheels, on outriggers,
different counterweights, different jib length, different number of falls), no unintended change of the
configuration selection shall be possible (e.g. location of selection device, separate confirmation of
NOTE 1 Normally there is no check (automatic plausibility check), whether the selected configuration
corresponds with the real configuration.

NOTE 2 Acknowledgement by the operator can be used to satisfy the requirement for prevention of unintended
configurations changes.

Selections of configurations of the crane not permitted by the manufacturer shall be prevented, unless
the discrepancy is acknowledged by the crane operator. The rated capacity limiter shall prevent the
crane from supporting a load outside the limits of the permitted radii and outside the positions and

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ISO 10245-2:2014(E)

loads shown and/or described on the rated capacity chart or outside the permissible working load of the
ropes. The rated capacity limiter shall operate to override the controls of the crane
a) to prevent any motion that will lead to an overload condition (except slewing - where capacity
decreases by slewing, power to the slew function in the direction of continued motion will be
deactivated), and
b) to prevent dangerous movements of the load.
For a mobile crane, the motions that shall normally be overridden by the rated capacity limiter when
triggered are:
a) derricking out;
b) derricking in;
c) hoisting;
d) telescoping out.
NOTE 3 An override key for b) can be provided within the reach of the operator (for derricking in a suspended

NOTE 4 The derricking in/luffing in of a grounded load is not to be permitted. Adequate information shall be
given in the instruction manual.

5.2 Setting
The rated capacity limiter shall be set to override the crane controls at values between 100 % and 110 %
of the rated capacities of the crane. All sensor tolerances within the system must be considered when
determining the accuracy of the system.
The rated capacity limiter shall operate between 100 % and 110 % of the rated capacity during calibration
and testing, with the crane operating at the lowest possible working speed.
NOTE Rated capacities referred to in 5.2 do not take into consideration adverse operating conditions, e.g.
high winds, multilift operation, etc.

6 Rated capacity indicator

6.1 The rated capacity indicator shall give a warning both visually and acoustically of the approach to
the rated capacity starting between 90 % and 97,5 % of the rated capacity of the crane.

6.2 The rated capacity indicator shall warn persons visually in the vicinity of the crane whenever the
rated capacity limiter overrides the crane controls (see 5.2).

6.3 The rated capacity indicator shall continue its function when the rated capacity limiter is overridden
during testing, rigging, or de-rigging.

Provisions can be made to cancel the audible warning during calibration and testing of the crane.
Provisions can also be made for a rigging setting that inhibits audible warnings during the rigging of
the crane.

6.4 The rated capacity indicator shall be such that its operation, but not necessarily its accuracy, can be
checked without applying loads to the crane.

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7 Load indicator

7.1 The load indicator shall measure and display net load or hoist medium load being lifted.

7.2 The load indicating system shall be compatible with the maximum capacity of the crane, as specified
by the crane manufacturer.

7.3 The accuracy of the load indicating system shall be such that the indicated load is between 100 %
and 110 % of the actual load when load exceeds 75 % of rated capacity.

8 Motion limiters

8.1 Operating requirements

Motion limiters shall operate according to ISO 10245-1:2008, 4.5.1. In most cases, the motion limiting
devices should be coupled to the crane controls to prevent any such further movement of the crane.
NOTE In the case of hydraulic systems, the extent of travel of operating cylinders or, alternatively, mechanical
stops can be considered as meeting this requirement, but it can be necessary to fit pressure-relief valves to prevent
overloading of parts of the crane.

8.2 Types of hoisting limiters

Hoisting limiters shall consist of either an anti-two block device or a two-block damage prevention
device (see 3.2 and 3.3).
Cranes shall be fitted with a hoisting limiter if it is required to stop all motions which can cause the
hook block to make contact with the boom/boom head and cause damage. The bridging device for the
hoisting limiter has to be of the type that requires it to be held in the override position.

8.3 Lowering limiter

The lowering limiter shall meet the requirements of ISO 10245-1:2008, 4.5.1.
All cranes shall be fitted with a lowering limiter. As a minimum the lowering limiter shall ensure three
turns of rope on the drum. Bridging the lowering limiter shall only be possible for rigging operations,
transport, and changing of the rope. The bridging device has to be of the type that requires to be held in
the override position.

8.4 Derrick limiter

The device shall be provided with suitable adjustments for obtaining the specified luffing boom and
luffing jib angles. Where necessary, the device shall be provided with means for the operator to bypass
the limiter to permit momentary re-engagement of the boom or jib derricking power for the purpose of
unloading locking devices.

8.5 Attachment backstops

The backstop shall be designed to absorb all the energy imparted to it by the luffing boom or luffing
jib according to the maximum allowable wind from front upon sudden release of all rated loads due to
failure of the load line or rigging. The backstop shall provide energy-absorbing resistance to the upward
and rearward movement of the boom or jib for the last 5° of angular movement about the boom or jib pin.

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