PC450 (LC, HD) - 8 UEN02233-00 Hydraulic System
PC450 (LC, HD) - 8 UEN02233-00 Hydraulic System
PC450 (LC, HD) - 8 UEN02233-00 Hydraulic System
UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Bucket cylinder
2. Arm cylinder
3. Boom cylinder
4. Swing motor
5. Control valve
6. Oil cooler
7. Hydraulic filter
8. Hydraulic pump
9. L.H. travel motor
10. Hydraulic tank
11. Multi-pattern selector valve
12. L.H. PPC valve
13. Work equipment lock lever (electric type)
14. Centre swivel joint
15. R.H. PPC valve
16. Travel PPC valve
17. Attachment circuit selector valve
18. Hydraulic drift prevention valve
19. Accumulator
20. Solenoid valve assembly
20A. PPC lock solenoid
20B. Travel junction solenoid
20C. Pump merge-divider solenoid
20D. Travel speed solenoid
20E. Swing brake solenoid
20F. Machine push-up solenoid
20G. 2-stage relief solenoid
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02233-00
UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Bypass valve
Set pressure: 150 ± 30 kPa {1.5 ± 0.3 kg/cm2}
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02233-00
UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Hydraulic pump 1
Type: HPV160+160 (190)
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02233-00
q This pump consists of 2 variable capacity
swash plate piston pumps, PC valve, LS valve,
EPC valve and variable volume valve.
1. Front pump
2. Rear pump
3. LS valve
4. PC valve
5. LS-EPC valve
6. PC-EPC valve
7. Variable volume valve
UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Front shaft
2. Cradle
3. Front case
4. Rocker cam
5. Shoe
6. Piston
7. Cylinder block
8. Valve plate
9. End cap
10. Rear shaft
11. Rear case
12. Servo piston
13. PC valve
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02233-00
q The pump converts the engine rotation trans-
mitted to its shaft to oil pressure and delivers
pressurized oil corresponding to the load.
q It is possible to change the discharge amount
by changing the swash plate angle.
q Cylinder block (7) is supported to shaft (1) by q Piston (6) carries out relative movement in the
spline (14). axial direction inside each cylinder chamber of
q Shaft (1) is supported by front and rear bear- cylinder block (7).
ings (15). q Cylinder block (7) seals the pressurized oil to
q Tip of piston (6) is shaped as a concave ball valve plate (8) and carries out relative rotation.
and shoe (5) is caulked to it to form one unit. q This surface is designed so that the oil pres-
q Piston (6) and shoe (5) constitute the spherical sure balance is maintained at a suitable level.
bearing. q The oil inside each cylinder chamber of cylin-
q Rocker cam (4) has flat surface (A), and shoe der block (7) is suctioned and discharged
(5) is always pressed against this surface while through valve plate (8).
sliding in a circular movement.
q Rocker cam (4) conducts high pressure oil to
cylinder surface (B) with cradle (2), which is
secured to the case, and forms a static pres-
sure bearing when it slides.
UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Operation of pump
q Cylinder block (7) rotates together with shaft q As centre line (X) of rocker cam (4) matches
(1), and shoe (5) slides on flat surface (A). the axial direction of cylinder block (7) (swash
q When this happens, rocker cam (4) moves plate angle (a) = 0), the difference between
along cylindrical surface (B), so angle (a) volumes (E) and (F) inside cylinder block (7)
between centre line (X) of rocker cam (4) and becomes 0.
th e axi al d ir ec ti on o f cy lin de r bl oc k (7 ) q Suction and discharge of pressurized oil is not
changes. carried out in this state. Namely pumping
q (a) is named the swash plate angle. action is not performed. (Actually, however, the
swash plate angle is not set to 0)
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1. LS valve
q The LS (load sensing) valve detects the load
and controls the pump delivery.
q This valve controls main pump delivery (Q)
according to differential pressure (EPLS)[=
PP – PLS], called the LS differential pressure
(the difference between main pump pressure
PP and control valve outlet port pressure PLS).
q Main pump pressure (PP), pressure (PLS)
(called the LS pressure) coming from the con-
trol valve output, and pressure (PSIG) (called
the LS selector pressure) from the proportional
solenoid valve enter this valve.
q The relationship between the LS differential
pressure between the main pump pressure
(PP) and LS pressure (PLS) (EPLS) [= (PP) –
(PLS)] and the pump delivery (Q) changes as
shown in the diagram according to LS selector
current (ISIG) of the LS-EPC valve.
q As (ISIG) changes from 0 to 1A, setting force
of the spring also changes. As the result, the
specified median of the pump delivery selector
point changes in the range of 1.18 to 2.65 MPa
{12 to 27 kg/cm2}.
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1) When the control valve is situated at neutral
q The LS valve is a 3-way selector valve, with q Pump pressure (PP) is conducted to the larger
pressure (PLS) (LS pressure) from the outlet diameter end from the port (K).
port of the control valve brought to spring q The same pump pressure (PP) is conducted to
chamber (B), and main pump discharge pres- the smaller diameter end from the port (J).
sure (PP) brought to port (H) of sleeve (8). q According to the difference in the areas on
q Magnitude of the force resulting from this LS servo piston (12), the pressure moves in to the
pressure (PLS), force of spring (4) and the direction of minimizing the swash plate angle.
pump delivery pressure (self pressure) (PP)
determine the position of spool (6).
q However, magnitude of the output pressure
(PSIG) (called the LS selector pressure) of the
EPC valve for the LS valve entering port (G)
also changes the position of spool (6). (Setting
force of the spring is changed)
q Before the engine is started, servo piston (12) is
pushed to the left. (See the figure to the right.)
q If the control lever is at the neutral position when
the engine is started, LS pressure (PLS) will be
set to 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}. (It is interconnected to
the drain circuit via the control valve spool)
q Spool (6) is pushed to the right, and port (C)
and port (D) will be connected.
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UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q When the difference between the main pump q If the output pressure of the EPC valve for the
pressure (PP) and LS pressure (PLS), in other LS valve enters port (G), rightward force is
words , LS d iffe renti al p re ssur e ( EPLS) generated on piston (7).
becomes smaller (for example, when the area q If piston (7) is pushed to the right, setting force
of opening of the control valve becomes larger of spring (4) is weakened, changing the LS dif-
and pump pressure PP drops), spool (6) is ferential pressure (EPLS) [Difference between
pushed to the left by the combined force of LS oil pressures (PLS) and (PP)] when ports (D)
pressure (PLS) and the force of spring (4). and (E) of spool (6) are connected.
q When spool (6) moves, port (D) and port (E)
are interconnected and connected to the PC
q The PC valve is connected to the drain port, so
the pressure across circuits (D) and (K)
becomes drain pressure (PT). (The operation
of the PC valve is explained later.)
q The pressure at the large diameter end of
servo piston (12) becomes drain pressure
(PT), and pump pressure (PP) enters port (J)
at the small diameter end, so servo piston (12)
is pushed to the left side. Therefore, the swash
plate is moved in the direction to make the
pump delivery larger.
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UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Let us take the area receiving the pressure at q Force of spring (4) is adjusted so that the bal-
the large diameter end of the piston as (A1), anced stop position of this spool (6) may be
the area receiving the pressure at the small determined when (PP) – (PLS) = 2.65 MPa {27
diameter end as (A0), and the pressure flowing kg/cm2} at the specified median.
into the large diameter end of the piston as q If (PSIG) [Output pressure of LS-EPC valve
(PEN). ranging from 0 to 2.9 MPa {0 to 30 kg/cm2}] is
q If the main pump pressure (PP) of the LS valve applied to port (G), the balanced stop position
and the combined force of spring (4) and LS changes in proportion to (PSIG) pressure in
pressure (PLS) are balanced, and the relation- the range of (PP) – (PLS) = 1.18 to 2.65 MPa
ship is (A0) × (PP) = (A1) × (PEN), servo pis- {12 to 27kg/cm 2}.
ton (12) will stop in that position.
q And the swash plate of the pump will be held in
an intermediate position. [Spool (6) will be
stopped at a position where the distance of the
opening from port (D) to port (E) and the dis-
tance from port (C) to port (D) is almost the
q At this point, the relationship between the pres-
sure receiving areas across servo piston (12)
is (A0) : (A1) = 3 : 5, so the pressure applied
across the piston when it is balanced becomes
(PP) : (PEN) C 5 : 3.
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2. PC valve
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UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
(1) When the load on the actuator is small and pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are low
Action of PC-EPC valve solenoid (1) a Other pump's pressure denotes the pressure
q Command current (X) is being sent to PC-EPC of the pump situated on the opposite side.
valve solenoid (1) from the pump controller. For the front pump pressure, the other pump's
q This command current acts on PC-EPC valve pressure is that of the rear pump.
to output the signal pressure in order to modify And for the rear pump pressure, the other
the force pushing piston (2). pump's pressure is that of the front pump.
q Spool (3) stops at a position where the com-
bined spool-pushing force is balanced by the
setting force of springs (4) and (6) as well as
the pump pressures (PP1) (self pressure) and
(PP2) (another pump's pressure).
q The pressure [port (C) pressure] output from
PC valve is changed depending on the above
q The size of command current (X) is determined
by the nature of the operation (lever opera-
tion), the selected working mode, and the set
value and actual value of the engine speed.
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Action of spring
q Load of springs (4) and (6) on the PC valve is q When pump pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are
determined by the swash plate position. small, spool (3) will be positioned in the left
q As servo piston (9) moves to right, spring (6) is side.
retracted. q Port (C) and (D) are connected, and the pres-
q If the servo piston moves further, it will be con- sure entering the LS valve becomes drain
tacted again seat (5) and spring (6) will be pressure (PT).
fixed. q If port (E) and port (G) of the LS valve are con-
q After that, spring (4) alone will operate. nected, the pressure entering the large diame-
q The spring load is changed by servo piston (9) ter end of the piston from port (J) becomes
as it extends or compresses springs (4) and drain pressure (PT), and servo piston (9)
(6). moves to the left side.
q If the command current (X) to PC-EPC valve q The pump delivery will be set to the increasing
solenoid (1) changes, so does the force push- trend.
ing piston (2). q Accompanied with move of servo piston (9),
q Spring load of springs (4) and (6) is also springs (4) and (6) will be expanded and the
affected by the command current (X) to PC- spring force becomes weaker.
EPC valve solenoid. q As the spring force is weakened, spool (3)
q Port (C) of the PC valve is connected to port moves to the right, the connecting between
(E) of the LS valve. port (C) and port (D) is shut off and the pump
q Self pressure (PP1) enters port (B) and the discharge pressure ports (B) and (C) are con-
small diameter end of servo piston (9), and nected.
other pump pressure (PP2) enters port (A).
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(2) When the load on actuator is large and pump discharge pressure is high
Outline Operation
q When the load is large and pump discharge q When port (E) and port (G) of the LS valve are
pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are high, the force connected, this pressure from port (J) enters
pushing spool (3) to the right becomes larger the large diameter end of servo piston (9),
and spool (3) will be moved to the position stopping servo piston (9).
shown in above figure. q If main pump pressure (PP2) increases further
q Part of the pressure to be conducted from port and spool (3) moves further to the right, main
(C) to LS valve flows from port (B) to port (C) pump pressure (PP1) flows to port (C) and acts
and (D) through LS valve. At the end this flow, to make the pump delivery the minimum.
level of this pressure becomes approximately q When servo piston (9) moves to the right,
half of the main pump pressure (PP2). springs (4) and (6) are compressed and push
back spool (3).
q When spool (3) moves to the left, the opening
of port (C) and port (D) becomes larger.
q As a result, the pressure on port (C) (= J) is
decreased and the rightward move servo pis-
ton (9) is stopped.
q The position in which servo piston (9) stops at
this time is further to the right than the position
when pump pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are
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2) As the emergency pump drive switch is turned on due to failure on the pump controller
q If there is a failure in the pump controller, the q Since the pressure on the small diameter end
emergency pump drive switch is turned on to of the piston large, servo piston (9) moves in
hand the control to the resistor side. the direction to make the discharge amount
q In this case, the power is directly supplied from larger.
the battery. The current, however, is too large
as is, so the resistor is set in between to con-
trol the current flowing to PC-EPC valve sole-
noid (1).
q The current becomes constant, so the force
pushing piston (2) is also constant.
q If the main pump pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
are low, the combined force of the pump pres-
sure and the PC-EPC valve solenoid (1) is
weaker than the spring set force, so spool (3)
is balanced at a position to the left.
q At this point, port (C) is connected to the drain
pressure of port (D), and the large diameter
end of the piston of servo piston (9) also
becomes the drain pressure (PT) through the
LS valve.
24 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02233-00
q If the emergency pump drive switch is turned q The curve resulting when the emergency pump
on In the same way as in above, the command drive switch is ON is situated further to the left (B)
current (X) sent to PC-EPC valve solenoid (1) than when the pump controller is normal (A).
becomes constant.
q For this reason, the force of piston (2) pushing
spool (3) is constant.
q If main pump pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
increase, spool (3) moves further to the right
than when the main pump load is light, and is
balanced at the position in the diagram above.
q In this case, the pressure from port (B) flows to
port (C), so servo piston (9) moves to the right
(smaller pump delivery) and stops at a position
to the further to the right then when the load on
the pump is light.
q When the emergency pump drive switch is
turned on, too, the pump pressure (PP) and
pump delivery (Q) have a relationship as
shown with the curve in the diagram corre-
sponding to the current sent to the PC-EPC
valve solenoid through the resistor.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 25
UEN02233-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
3. LS(PC)-EPC valve
C : To LS (PC) valve
P : From self pressure reducing valve
T : To tank
1. Connector
2. Coil
3. Body
4. Spring
5. Spool
6. Rod
7. Plunger
26 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
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Function Operation
q The EPC valve consists of the proportional sole-
noid portion and the hydraulic valve portion. 1) When signal current is 0
q When it receives signal current (i) from the (coil is de-energised)
controller, it generates the EPC output pres- q When there is no signal current flowing from
sure in proportion to the size of the signal, and the controller to coil (2), coil (2) is de-energised.
outputs it to the LS (PC) valve. q Spool (5) is pushed to the left by spring (4).
q Port (P) closes and the pressurized oil from the
self pressure reducing valve does not flow to
the LS (PC) valve.
q The pressurized oil from the LS (PC) valve is
drained to the tank through port (C) and port (T).
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C: To PC valve 1. Plug
P: From self pressure reducing valve 2. Block
T: To tank 3. Piston
4. Spring
q The variable volume valve stabilizes the EPC
valve's output pressure.
q Output pressure from EPC valve is conducted
to port (C) and as the result propulsion force of
piston (3) is increased by the load of spring (4).
q Piston (3) is pushed to the left, and volume of
port (C) is increased.
q The propulsion force of piston (3) becomes
smaller than the load of spring (4).
q Piston (3) is pushed toward right, and volume
of port (C) is decreased.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 29
© 2007 KOMATSU
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UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Control valve 1
q The control valve consists of a 7-spool valve (6-
spool valve + boom Hi, arm Hi valve) and a set
of service valves. A merge-divider valve, a
back pressure valve, a boom drift preventive
valve are installed to it.
q Since all the valves are assembled together
with connecting bolts and their passes are con-
nected to each other inside the assembly, the
assembly is compact and easy to maintain.
A1: To bucket cylinder bottom PR: To solenoid valve, PPC valve, and EPC valve
A2: To L.H. travel motor PS: From merge-divide solenoid valve
A3: To boom cylinder bottom PST: From travel junction valve solenoid valve
A4: To swing motor PX1: From 2-stage relief solenoid valve
A5: To R.H. travel motor PX2: From 2-stage relief solenoid valve
A6: To arm cylinder head T: To tank
A-1: To boom cylinder bottom T1: To tank
A-2: To attachment 1 TS: To tank
A-3: To attachment 2 TSW: To swing motor S-port (suction side)
B1: To bucket cylinder head
B2: To L.H. travel motor 1. 6-spool valve
B3: 2. Cover A
B4: To swing motor 3. Cover B
B5: To R.H. travel motor 4. Boom Hi and arm Hi valve
B6: To arm cylinder bottom 5. Service valve 1
B-1: To arm cylinder bottom 6. Service valve 2
B-2: To attachment 1 7. Merge-divider valve
B-3: To attachment 2 8. Boom drift preventive valve
BP1: Boom raising PPC output pressure 9. Quick return valve
BP5: From 2-stage safety valve solenoid valve 10. Boom Hi valve check valve
BP6: From attachment select solenoid valve
P1: From bucket PPC and EPC valves
P2: From bucket PPC and EPC valves
P3: From L.H. travel PPC valve
P4: From L.H. travel PPC valve
P5: From boom PPC and EPC valves
P6: From boom PPC and EPC valves
P7: From swing PPC and EPC valves
P8: From swing PPC and EPC valves
P9: From R.H. travel PPC valve
P10: From R.H. travel PPC valve
P11: From arm PPC and EPC valves
P12: From arm PPC and EPC valves
P-3: From service 1 and PPC valves
P-4: From service 1 and PPC valves
P-5: From service 2 and PPC valves
P-6: From service 2 and PPC valves
PLS1: To front pump control
PLS2: To rear pump control
PP1: From front pump
PP2: From rear pump
PP1S: Pressure sensor mounting port
PP2S: Pressure sensor mounting port
PPS1: To front pump control
PPS2: To rear pump control
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
General view
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Sectional view
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
Unit: mm
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
Unit: mm
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
1. Unload valve
2. Safety valve (Boom raise)
3. Main relief valve
4. Lift check valve
Arm valve
5. LS shuttle valve
6. Pressure compensation valve (In)
7. Spool
8. Safety-suction valve (In)
9. Regeneration circuit check valve
10. Safety-suction valve (Out)
11. Pressure compensation valve (Out)
Swing valve
18. LS select valve
19. Pressure compensation valve (R.H.)
20. Spool
21. Pressure compensation valve (L.H.)
Unit: mm
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
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1. Return spring
2. Merge-divide valve (for LS)
3. Valve (Sequence valve)
4. Spring (Sequence valve)
5. Merge-divide valve (Main)
6. Return spring
Boom valve
7. Drift preventive valve
8. LS shuttle valve
9. Pressure compensation valve (Lower)
10. Spool
11. 2-stage safety-suction valve (Lower)
12. Regeneration circuit check valve
13. Suction valve (Raise)
14. Pressure compensation valve (Raise)
Bucket valve
23. LS shuttle valve
24. Pressure compensation valve (Curl)
25. Spool
26. Safety-suction valve (Curl)
27. Safety-suction valve (Dump)
28. Pressure compensation valve (Dump)
Unit: mm
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Service valve 1
9. LS shuttle valve
10. Pressure compensation valve
11. Spool
12. 2-stage safety-suction valve
13. Safety-suction valve
Service valve 2
14. LS shuttle valve
15. Pressure compensation valve
16. Spool
17. Safety-suction valve
18. Unload valve
19. Main relief valve
20. LS bypass plug
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UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Outline of CLSS
Features Configuration
CLSS stands for Closed center Load Sensing Sys- q CLSS is configured with variable capacity pis-
tem, which has the following characteristics: ton pumps, control valves, and respective
q Fine control not influenced by load q The hydraulic pump is configured with pump
q Controllability enabling digging even with fine body, PC valve and LS valve.
q Ease of compound operation ensured by flow
divider function using area of opening of spool
during compound operations
q Energy saving using variable pump control
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Basic principle
1. Pump swash plate angle control
q The pump swash plate angle (pump delivery) q The pump swash plate angle shifts toward the
is controlled so that LS differential pressure maximum position if LS differential pressure
(E PLS) (the difference between pump pres- (EPLS) is lower than the set pressure of the
sure PP and control valve outlet port LS pres- LS valve (when the actuator load pressure is
sure PLS) (load pressure of actuator) is high). If it becomes higher than the set pres-
constant. sure (when the actuator load pressure is low),
q [LS differential pressure (EPLS) = Pump dis- the pump swash plate angle shifts toward the
charge pressure (PP) – LS pressure (PLS)] minimum position.
q If it becomes higher than the set pressure
(when the actuator load pressure is low), the
pump swash plate angle shifts toward the mini-
mum position.
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3. System diagram
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Unload valve
1. When the unload valve is actuating
Function Operation
q Drains an oil discharge for the portion of the q Pressure of pump circuit (3) is received by the
minimum pump swash plate angle while all end of valve (2).
control valves are in the holding. q Since the control valve is in neutral position,
q The pump pressure will correspond to a set pressure of LS circuit (1) is 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}.
load of spring (5) inside the valve (this pres- q Pressurized oil of pump circuit (3) stops at
sure will be P1). valve (2), and the pressure rises as no relief is
q Since LS pressure is drained from the LS available.
bypass valve, LS pressure C tank pressure C q When this pressure becomes larger than the
0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}. force of spring (5), valve (2) moves to the left.
q Ports (b) and (c) are interconnected and the
pump pressure flows to tank circuit (4).
q The pressurized oil of LS circuit (1) passes
from orifice (a) through port (c) and is drained
to the tank circuit (4).
q When actuated, LS pressure C tank pressure.
q Since the pump discharge pressure – LS cir-
cuit pressure during unloading is larger than
the pump LS control pressure, the signal is
output to minimize the pump swash plate
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Introduction of LS pressure
1. Hydraulic pump
2. Main spool
3. Pressure compensation valve
4. Valve
5. Check valve
6. LS circuit
7. LS shuttle valve
q Introduces the upstream pressure (spool
meter-in downstream pressure) of pressure
compensation valve (3) and leads to LS shuttle
valve (7) as the LS pressure.
q Connected to actuator port (B) through valve
(4), and makes LS pressure C actuator load
q Inlet pore (a) inside main spool (2) has a small
diameter concurrently serving as a throttle.
q When main spool (2) is operated, the pump
pressure enters port (c) through inlet pore (a)
and is led to the LS circuit.
q When the pump pressures rises to reach the
load pressure of port (B), check valve (5)
opens and the pressurized oil flows.
22 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
LS bypass valve
1. Hydraulic pump
2. Main spool
3. Pressure compensation valve
4. LS shuttle valve
5. LS bypass valve
6. LS circuit
q Releases the residual pressure in LS pressure
circuit (6) from orifices (a) and (b).
q Slows down the rising rate of LS pressure to
prevent a sudden change of hydraulic pres-
q Bypass flow from LS bypass valve (5) causes
a pressure loss to be generated due to the cir-
cuit resistance between throttle (c) of main
spool (2) and LS shuttle valve (4).
q Effective LS differential pressure drops to
improve a dynamic stability of the actuator.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 23
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
24 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
2. When compensated
(If the load pressure is lower than other work equipment during a combined operation)
q The pressure compensation valve closes
under LS pressure of port (D), and the spool
meter-in downstream pressure of port (B)
becomes equivalent to the maximum pressure
of other work equipment.
q Since the spool meter-in upstream pressure of
port (A) is the pump pressure, the spool meter-
in differential pressure [upstream pressure port
(A) pressure] – downstream pressure [port (B)
pressure] becomes equivalent to all the spools
in operation.
q Pump flow is divided according to the ratio of
the meter-in opening area.
q Spring chamber (E) is interconnected to port
q Piston (4) and valve (2) operate in the closing
direction (to the right) under the LS circuit pres-
sure from other work equipment of port (F).
q Valve upstream pressure (= spool meter-in
downstream pressure) of port (B) is controlled
with LS pressure.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 25
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q The state of division changes according to the
area ratio of pressure compensation portion
(A1) and (A2). Area ratio = (A2)/(A1)
q If area ratio = 1 : the spool meter-in down-
stream pressure will be equal to the maximum
load pressure, and the pressure will be divided
according to the opening area ratio.
q If area ratio = 1 or over : the spool meter-in
downstream pressure will be greater than the
maximum load pressure, and the pressure will
be divided smaller than the opening area ratio.
q If area ratio = 1 or under : the spool meter-in
downstream pressure will be smaller than the
maximum load pressure, and the pressure will
be divided greater than the opening area ratio.
26 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
1. Hydraulic pump
2. Valve
3. Pressure compensation valve inner shuttle valve
4. Piston
q Shuttle valve (3) is pushed to the right by port
(A) pressure and cuts off interconnection
between ports (A) and (C).
q Holding pressure at port (A) is led to the spring
chamber (B) to push piston (4) to the left so
that piston (4) and valve (2) will not be sepa-
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 27
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Since no holding pressure is generated at port
(A) of the travel circuit, a pressure compensa-
tion valve without shuttle valve (3) is adopted.
28 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
1. Hydraulic pump
2. Boom spool
3. Pressure compensation valve
4. Safety-suction valve
5. Suction valve
6. Check valve
7. LS shuttle valve
Function Operation
q Provides the regeneration circuit from the cyl- q If the cylinder head pressure is lower than the
inder bottom to the cylinder head when the bottom pressure, pressurized oil (A) from the
boom is lowered and increases flow to the cyl- cylinder bottom flows to drain circuit (B) from
inder bottom. the notch of boom spool (2).
q On the other hand, remaining oil flows to regen-
eration circuit (C), opens check valve (6) and
flows to the cylinder head through circuit (D).
q Flow from regeneration circuit (C) and pump
(1) merges in circuit (E).
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 29
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. If the cylinder head pressure is higher than the bottom pressure (digging work, etc.)
q Check valve (6) provided to regeneration cir-
cuit (C) closes to shut off the flow from the cyl-
inder bottom to the head.
30 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
1. Hydraulic pump
2. Arm spool
3. Pressure compensation valve
4. Safety-suction valve
5. Suction valve
6. Check valve
7. LS shuttle valve
Function Operation
q During arm digging, regeneration circuit pro- q If the cylinder head pressure is higher than the
vided from the cylinder head to the bottom bottom pressure, pressurized oil (A) from the
increases the cylinder speed as the cylinder cylinder head flows to drain circuit (B) from the
flow involves the pump delivery plus regener- notch of arm spool (2).
ated flow. q On the other hand, remaining oil flows to
regeneration circuit (C), opens check valve (6)
and flows to the cylinder bottom through circuit
q Flow from regeneration circuit (C) and pump
(1) merges in circuit (E).
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 31
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Check valve (6) provided to regeneration cir-
cuit (C) closes to shut off the flow from the cyl-
inder bottom to the head.
32 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
Merge-divider valve 1
1. When flows from the pumps merge [if pilot pressure (PS) is OFF]
Function Operation
q Merges pressurized oil (P1) and (P2) dis- q Since pilot pressure (PS) is OFF, output pres-
charged from the two pumps or divides (to sure from PPC valve is 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}.
respective control valve group). q Main spool (1) is pressed to the right by spring
q Merges and divides LS circuit pressure. (2) and ports (E) and (F) are interconnected.
q Merges pressurized oil (P1) and (P2) dis-
charged from the two pumps at ports (E) and
(F) and sends to necessary control valve.
q Since pilot pressure (PS) is OFF for LS spool
(3), it is pressed to the right by spring (4), and
ports (A) – (D) and ports (B) – (C) are intercon-
q Forwards LS pressure led from respective con-
trol valve spools to LS circuits (5), (6), (7) and
(8) to all the pressure compensation valves.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 33
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. When flows from the pumps are divided [if pilot pressure (PS) is ON]
q Pilot pressure (PS) turns ON, and output pres-
sure from the PPC valve shifts main spool (1)
to the left, and ports (E) and (F) are divided.
q Pressurized oil discharged from the two pumps
are sent to respective control valves.
P1 pressure: To bucket, L.H. travel, and boom
P2 pressure: To swing, R.H. travel, and arm
q LS spool (3) too shifts to the left under the out-
put pressure from the PPC valve, intercon-
nects ports (A) and (C) and divides other ports.
q Forwards LS pressure led from each control
valve spool to LS circuits (5), (6), (7) and (8) to
respective control valves.
34 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
LS select valve
Function Operation
q Prevents high LS pressure from the swinging 1. If pilot pressure (BP) is OFF
from entering the LS circuit of work valves q Since pilot pressure (BP) is OFF, piston (3) is
while the swinging and work equipment are in pressed to the left by spring (2).
combined operation. q When swing-operated, swing LS pressure (P1)
q Prevents high pressure generated during enters port (A) after passing swing spool (5).
swing drive and improves operability of work q Valve (1) is pressed to the left and ports (A)
equipment. and (B) are interconnected.
q Swing LS pressure (P1) flows to LS shuttle
valve (8).
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 35
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Reduces the discharge pressure of the main
pump and supplies it as control pressure for
the solenoid valves, EPC valves, etc.
1. While engine is stopped
q Poppet (11) is pressed by spring (12) against
the seat and port (PR) is not connected to
q Valve (14) is pressed by spring (13) against the
left side and port (P2) is connected to (TS).
q Valve (7) is pressed by spring (8) against the
left side and port (P2) is closed to (A2).
36 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
2. During neutral and when load pressure (P2) 3. When load pressure (P2) is high
is low q Load pressure (A2) increases with the opera-
a When load pressure (A2) is lower than self tion of digging, etc, and the pump discharge
pressure reducing valve output pressure (PR) increases accordingly.
q Pressure (P2) increases to [(Ød area × P2
q Valve (7) is pressed to the closing direction of pressure) = force of spring (8) + (Ød area × PR
circuit between ports (P2) and (A2) by spring pressure)], and valve (7) moves to the right to
(8) and under pressure (PR) (which is 0 MPa the stroke end.
{0 kg/cm2}). q As a result, opening between ports (P2) and
q When pressurized oil flows in from port (P2), a (A2) increases, and the pass resistance
balance is reached due to [(Ød area × P2 pres- reduces, reducing the engine horsepower loss.
sure) = force of spring (8) + (Ød area × PR q When pressure (PR) rises above the set pres-
pressure)]. sure, poppet (11) opens.
q Adjusts valve (7) opening to keep pressure q Pressurized oil flows from port (PR) to orifice
(P2) at a constant level over pressure (PR). (a) in spool (14), then flows to seal drain port
q When pressure (PR) rises above the set pres- (TS) from poppet (11) opening.
sure, poppet (11) opens. q Differential pressure is generated before and
q Pressurized oil flows from port (PR) to orifice after orifice (a) in spool (14) and then spool
(a) in spool (14), then flows to seal drain port (14) moves to close the pass between ports
(TS) from poppet (11) opening. (P2) and (PR).
q Differential pressure is generated before and q Pressure (P2) is reduced by the opening at this
after orifice (a) in spool (14) and then spool time and adjusted to a constant pressure (the
(14) moves to close the pass between ports set pressure) and supplied as pressure (PR).
(P2) and (PR).
q Pressure (P2) is reduced by the opening at this
time and adjusted to a constant pressure (the
set pressure) and supplied as pressure (PR).
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 37
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
38 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
Function Operation
q This valve connects the L.H. and R.H. travel q Pilot pressure (PST) from the travel junction
circuits through travel junction valve so that the solenoid valve compresses spring (1), and
hydraulic oil will be supplied evenly to both travel junction spool (2) moves to the left to the
travel motors to improve machine's straight stroke end.
travel performance. q Junction circuit between port (PTL) (L.H. travel
q When the machine is steered, outside pilot circuit) and port (PTR) (R.H. travel circuit) is
pressure (PST) closes the travel junction valve closed.
to improve steering performance.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 39
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q If pilot pressure (PST) from the solenoid valve q If the oil flow rates to the L.H. and R.H. travel
is 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}, travel junction spool (2) is motors become different from each other, the
pressed to the right side by the force of spring oil flows through the route between port (PTL),
(1) and the passage between ports (PTL) and travel junction spool (2), and port (PTR) so that
(PTR) is opened. the oil flow rates to both motors will be equal-
ized again.
40 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
Function Operation
q Regulates flow to each cylinder by controlling q The oil in stroke regulation signal chamber (a)
the stroke of each spool of the boom, arm, and is drained through orifices (5) and (6) of pis-
bucket using the pilot pressure of travel PPC tons (3) and (4) in the travel spring case and
valve while climbing a steep grade, raising the the travel PPC valve.
boom, digging with arm, dumping, bucket-dig- q When operated for boom raising (or arm dig-
ging or operating dump. ging, dumping, bucket digging, dumping),
q When controlling the stroke of the boom, arm spool (1) moves to the left until it makes con-
and/or bucket, pilot pressure of travel PPC tact with the end face of spring casing (2) (st0).
valve passes through the circuit inside the con-
trol valves to actuate the system.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 41
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. When traveling
q If the right travel lever is set in the reverse (or q When operated for boom raising (or arm in,
forward) direction, pilot pressure from the PPC out, bucket curl, dump), spool (1) moves to the
valve presses spool (7) to the left (or right). left.
q Spool (7) pushes piston (3) to close orifice (5) q Maximum stroke of the spool is limited to (st1)
and shut off stroke regulation signal chamber for the amount of movement (st2) of piston (8)
(a) and the drain circuit of the travel PPC to the right.
q At this time, the right travel reverse (or forward)
lever is set, pilot pressure from the PPC valve
is applied through orifice (6) of piston (4) to the
left end of piston (8) to push piston (8) to the
42 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
q This valve prevents the oil in the boom cylinder
bottom from leaking through spool (1) and the
boom from lowering under its weight while the
boom lever is not operated.
q When the boom is raised, pressurized oil from
the control valve works on the ring-shaped
area (S)[= Ø(d1) area – Ø(d2) area] caused by
the difference between outside diameter (d1)
of poppet (5) and seat diameter (d2) to move it
to the left.
q Contracts spring (4) and poppet (5) moves to
the left.
q As a result, pressurized oil from the control
valve passes through the opening of poppet
(5) and flows to the bottom end of the boom
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 43
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Moves the lever to neutral with the boom
q Pressurized oil flown inside poppet (5) from
orifice (a) of poppet (5) is closed by pilot piston
q Pressurized oil from the control valve and the
holding pressure of the boom cylinder bottom
are shut off.
q The holding pressure of boom cylinder bottom
works on the ring-shaped area (S) caused by
the difference between outside diameter (d1)
of poppet (5) and seat diameter (d2) to move it
to the right.
q The sum of this force and the force of spring
(4) closes poppet (5).
q Pressurized oil from the control valve and the
holding pressure of the boom cylinder bottom
are shut off.
44 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
q When the boom is lowered, pilot pressure from
the PPC valve presses pilot piston (2).
q Pressurized oil in chamber (b) inside the pop-
pet is drained through orifice (c).
q Pressurized oil of the boom bottom flows to ori-
fice (a) o chamber (b) o orifice (c) o drain (T),
and the pressurized oil in chamber (b) lowers.
q As the pressure of chamber (b) lowers under
the pressure of port (B), poppet (5) opens.
q Pressurized oil from port (B) is led to port (A)
and then flows to the control valve.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 45
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q This valve prevents the oil in the arm head
from leaking through spool (1) and the boom
from lowering under its weight while the arm
lever is not operated.
q When the arm OUT is operated, pressurized
oil from the control valve works on the ring-
shaped area (S) [= Ø(d1) area – Ø(d2) area]
caused by the difference between the outside
diameter (d1) of poppet (5) and the seat diam-
eter (d2) to move it to the left.
q Contracts spring (4) and poppet (5) moves to
the left.
q As a result, pressurized oil from the control
valve passes through the opening of poppet
(5) and flows to the arm cylinder head.
46 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
q Moves the lever to neutral with the arm
q Pressurized oil flown inside poppet (5) from
orifice (a) of poppet (5) is closed by pilot piston
q Pressurized oil from the control valve and the
holding pressure of the arm cylinder head are
shut off.
q The holding pressure of arm cylinder head
works on ring-shaped area (S) caused by the
difference between outside diameter (d1) of
poppet (5) and seat diameter (d2) to move it to
the right.
q The sum of this force and the force of spring
(4) closes poppet (5).
q Pressurized oil from the control valve and the
holding pressure of the arm cylinder head are
shut off.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 47
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
3. When arm IN
q If arm is set to IN, pilot piston (2) is pushed by
the pilot pressure from the PPC valve.
q Pressurized oil in chamber (b) inside the pop-
pet is drained through orifice (c).
q Pressurized oil of the arm head flows to orifice
(a) o chamber (b) o orifice (c) o drain (T),
and the pressurized oil in chamber (b) lowers.
q As the pressure of chamber (b) lowers under
the pressure of port (B), poppet (5) opens.
q Pressurized oil from port (B) is led to port (A)
and then flows to the control valve.
48 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
q If abnormally high pressure is generated in the q If arm drift preventive valve (If equipped) is
boom cylinder bottom circuit, the pressurized installed to the arm cylinder head circuit, the
oil in port (B) pushes check valve (6) open, boom cylinder bottom circuit pressure force or
then safety valve (3) operates. arm cylinder head circuit pressure force,
whichever having higher pressurized oil,
pushes check valve (6) or (6A) open to actuate
safety valve (3).
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 49
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q When arm is set to out, large volume of oil
returns from the cylinder bottom.
q Reduces this pressure loss.
q When arm is set to out, pilot piston (1) is q Or (Ød2 pressure receiving force > Ød1 pres-
pushed by the pilot spool from the PPC valve. sure receiving force + spring force)
q Pressurized oil in chamber (b) inside the valve q Valve (2) is pressed to the left and pressurized
is drained through orifice (c). oil is led from port (A) to (B).
q Pressurized oil of the arm bottom side flows to q From port (B), pressurized oil is drained
orifice (a) o chamber (b) o orifice (c) o drain directly to the tank.
(T), and the pressure in chamber (b) lowers.
q If the pressure of chamber (b) drops lower than
that of port (A), pressure receiving force of the
pressure receiving portion [Ød2 area (S2)
(seat diameter area)] on the side of port (A)
increases by the sum of the pressure receiving
force of pressure receiving portion[Ød1 area
(S1)] on the chamber (b) side of valve (2) and
the spring force.
50 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
q Returning the lever to neutral reduces the pilot
pressure from the PPC valve to 0 MPa {0 kg/
q The pressurized oil that has flowed and been
drained through orifice (a) in valve (2) is closed
by pilot piston (1).
q The holding pressure on the arm bottom side
works on the difference between areas (S2)
and (S1) of valve (2) to the right.
q Valve (2) is closed by the total of this force and
the force of spring (3), so ports (A) and (B) are
shut off.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 51
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
52 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
1. Spring
2. Poppet
q Set pressure of the relief valve is in two stages.
q When power is needed, pilot pressure (P) is
turned ON and the set pressure becomes
q The set pressure of relief valve is determined
by spring (1) installed load. (1st stage)
q Respective setting is not required for both the
1st and 2nd stages. Setting the 1st stage com-
pletes the setting of the 2nd stage.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 53
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Spring
2. Piston
3. Spring
4. Holder
Function Operation
q Enables to provide the safety valve set pres- q The safety set pressure is determined by
sure in two stages, and make the low-pressure spring (1) installed load.
setting smaller.
q Enables to relieve a load without lever opera- 1. If pilot pressure is OFF (high-pressure set-
tion if high load is applied to the cylinder. ting)
q Improves work efficiency and reduces machine q Since pilot pressure (P) is OFF, piston (2) is
body vibration. pressed to the left by spring (3). [Spring (1)
installed load < spring (3) installed load]
q Spring (1) installed load becomes maximum
and the set pressure rises.
q Passage (B) is interconnected to the drain cir-
cuit via passage (C) and chamber (D).
54 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 55
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
56 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
Operation when jointly operated with a high-load work equipment (such as the boom raising)
q Both of the pump discharge pressure (P) and q If the difference between the pump discharge
LS pressures are determined by other equip- pressure (P) and cylinder port pressure (B) is
ment's pressure, while cylinder port pressure larger than the force of spring (5), poppet (4) is
causes the attachment to operate. pressed to the right.
q If the difference between the pump discharge q Pump discharge pressure (P) flows to orifice
pressure (P) and cylinder pressure is smaller (a) and chamber (g) and is interconnected to
than the force of spring (5), the balance of cylinder port via passages (b) and (c).
forces applying to valve (1) may be expressed q Differential pressure is generated between the
with the following equation: upstream and downstream of orifice (a), which
reduces the pressure force in chamber (g).
P × A1 = P × A2 + LS(A2 – 1) + F q Force that presses valve (1) to the left is
A1: Area of Ød1 q A state is reached where the area ratio has
A2: Area of Ød2 become smaller.
F: Force of spring q Valve (1) moves to the right, and the flow
P: Pump discharge oil pressure increases from the pump to the cylinder.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 57
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Unit: mm
58 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
q When a breaker is installed, the return oil from
the breaker does not pass through the main
valve, but returns directly to the hydraulic tank.
q When other attachments (crusher, etc.) are
installed, the attachment and the main valve
are interconnected.
1. When attachment other than breaker is 2. When breaker is installed
installed q Pilot pressure (P1) from the attachment circuit
q Spool (1) is pressed to the left by the force of selector solenoid valve compresses spring (2),
spring (2). moving spool (1) rightward to the stroke end.
q Ports (ATT) and (V) are interconnected and q Ports (ATT) and (V) are shut off and ports
ports (ATT) and (T) are shut off. Attachment is (ATT) and (T) are interconnected.
thus interconnected to the control valve. q Pressurized oil returning from the breaker
returns directly to the hydraulic tank via port (T)
without passing through the control valve.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 59
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Holding valve 1
(For the boom and arm)
60 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
1. Pilot spool
2. Spool (1st stage spool)
3. Spring (2nd stage spool)
4. Safety valve
5. Check valve
6. Spring
Unit: mm
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 61
UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
q Prevents the pressurized oil from reversing
from the work equipment cylinder in order to
prevents sudden drift of the work equipment at
breaking of the piping between the control
valve and the work equipment cylinder.
1. When the work equipment lever is in neutral
62 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
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UEN02234-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
64 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02234-00
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© 2007 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Belgium 10-07 (01)
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Valve control 1
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
PPC valve 1
Work equipment and swing PPC valve
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
1. Spool 7. Joint
2. Metering spring 8. Plate
3. Centering spring 9. Retainer
4. Piston 10. Body
5. Disc 11. Filter
6. Nut (for lever connection)
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length × Installed Installed Installed
Centering spring Free length
12 (for ports P3 and P4) Outside diameter length load load
17.7 N 13.7 N If damaged or
42.5 × 15.5 34.0 —
{1.80 kg} {1.40 kg} deformed, replace
Centering spring 29.4 N 23.5 N spring.
13 (for ports P1 and P2) 44.5 × 15.5 34.0
{3.0 kg}
{2.40 kg}
16.7 N 13.7 N
14 Metering spring 26.5 × 8.15 24.9
{1.70 kg}
{1.40 kg}
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
1. Plate
2. Body
3. Piston
4. Collar
5. Centering spring
6. Metering spring
7. Valve
8. Dumper
9. Steering signal spool
10. Steering signal spool spring
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length × Installed Installed Installed
Free length
11 Centering spring Outside diameter length load load
108 N 86.3 N If damaged or
48.6 × 15.5 32.5 —
{11.0 kg} {8.8 kg} deformed, replace
16.7 N 13.7 N spring.
12 Metering spring 26.5 × 8.15 24.9
{1.7 kg}
{1.4 kg}
8.8 N 7.1 N
13 Steering signal spring 12.8 × 7.3 8.5
{0.9 kg}
{0.72 kg}
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 11
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Pressure reducing valve q The relationship of the position of spool (1) and
body (10) [fine control hole (f) is in the middle
Operation between drain chamber (D) and pump pres-
1) When in neutral sure chamber (PP)] does not change until
q Ports (A) and (B) of the control valve and ports retainer (9) contacts spool (1).
(P1) and (P2) of the PPC valve are connected q Metering spring (2) contracts in proportion to
to drain chamber (D) via fine control hole (f) in the stroke of the control lever.
spool (1). q Pressure at port (P1) also rises in proportion to
the stroke of the control lever.
q In this way, the control valve spool moves to a
position where the pressure of chamber (A)
(same as pressure at port (P1)) and the force
of the return spring of the control valve spool
are balanced.
12 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
3) During fine control q Therefore, the pilot pressure oil from the self
(When control lever is returned) pressure reducing valve passes through fine
q When lever (5) starts to be returned, spool (1) control hole (f) and flows to chamber (A) from
is pushed up by the force of centering spring port (P1) to push the control valve spool.
(3) and pressure at port (P1). q The oil returning from chamber (B) passes
q Because of this, fine control hole (f) is con- from port (P2) through fine control hole (f') and
nected to drain chamber (D), and the pressur- flows to drain chamber (D).
ized oil at port (P1) is released.
q If the pressure of port (P1) is lowered exces-
sively, spool (1) is pushed down by metering
spring (2).
q Fine control hole (f) is shut off from drain
chamber (D), and it is almost simultaneously
interconnected to pump pressure chamber
q Pump pressure is supplied until the pressure at
port (P1) recovers to the level equivalent to the
lever position.
q When the spool of the control valve returns,
the oil in drain chamber (D) flows in from fine
control hole (f') in the valve on the side that is
not working. The oil passes through port (P2)
and enters chamber (B) to replenish the cham-
ber with pressurized oil.
Travel signal
q Travel signal if either of the L.H. or R.H. travel
levers is operated, the higher PPC output pres-
sure of both sides is output as the travel signal.
q Accordingly, whether the machine is travelling
is judged by the signal of port (P5).
Steering signal
q If the operation quantities of both levers are dif-
ferent from each other as in the steering opera-
ti o n, t h e h i gh e r o n e o f t h e P P C o u t pu t
pressures of both sides is output as the steer-
ing signal.
q Any signal is not output from port (P6) while
the machine is travelling straight (forward or
4) At full stroke reverse) or in neutral.
q Lever (5) pushes down piston (4), and retainer
q Accordingly, whether the machine is being
(9) pushes down spool (1). steered is judged by the signal of port (P6).
q Fine control hole (f) is shut off from drain
chamber (D), and is interconnected to pump
pressure chamber (PP).
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 13
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1) When in neutral
14 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 15
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
a The Illustration shows the circuit for left forward (slow) and right forward (fast) operation.
q If the operation quantities of both levers are dif- q Port (P4) pressure of the L.H. or R.H. PPC
ferent from each other as in the steering opera- valves, whichever having a higher output pres-
tion (if the difference of the pilot pressure sure, is output to port (P6) as the steering sig-
between both sides is higher than a certain nal.
level), the pilot pressure is output as the steer-
ing signal.
q The pressure in left spring chamber (k) of
steering signal spool (j) is (P2).
q The pressure in right spring chamber (l) is
q When the pressure state reaches [(P4 – P2) ×
(Spool section) > Spring set load], the spool is
switched to the direction of the arrow.
16 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
4) When counter-rotated
a The illustration shows the circuit for travelling left reverse and right forward.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 17
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
a For the details of operation, see the paragraph of “Work equipment swing PPC valve.“
18 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length × Installed Installed Installed
Free length
7 Centering spring Outside diameter length load load If damaged or
125 N 100 N deformed, replace
33.9 × 15.3 28.4 —
{12.7 kg} {10.2 kg} spring.
16.7 N 13.3 N
8 Metering spring 22.7 × 8.10 22.0
{1.70 kg}
{1.36 kg}
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 19
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Solenoid valve 1
PPC lock, 2-stage relief, travel speed, swing brake, merge-divider, machine push-up and travel junc-
tion solenoid valves
20 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
1. Connector 4. Spool
2. Moving core 5. Block
3. Coil 6. Spring
When solenoid is de-energized When solenoid is energized
q Since the signal current does not flow from the q The signal current flows from the controller to
controller, solenoid (3) is de-energized. For this solenoid (3), and the latter is energized.
reason, spool (4) is pushed to the left by spring Accordingly, spool (4) is pressed against to the
(6). By this operation, the pass from port (P) to right side. By this operation, the pressurized oil
port (A) is closed and the pressurized oil from from the main pump flows through port (P) and
the main pump does not flow into the actuator. spool (4) to port (A), then flows into the actua-
At this time, the oil from the actuator is drained tor. At the same time, port (T) closes and stops
through ports (A) and (T) into the tank. the oil from flowing to the tank.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 21
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
PPC accumulator 1
1. Gas plug
2. Shell
3. Poppet
4. Holder
5. Bladder
6. Oil port
Gas capacity: 300 cc (for PPC)
22 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
For breaker
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 23
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Clearance between rotor and Standard size Standard clearance Clearance limit
6 shaft
80 — —
24 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
Travel motor 1
Type: KMV200ADT-2
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 25
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
26 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
1. Output shaft
2. Motor case
3. Piston
4. Cylinder block
5. Valve plate
6. End cover
7. Slow return valve
8. Regulator piston
9. Plate
10. Disk
11. Check valve spring
12. Check valve
13. Counter balance valve spool
14. Spool return spring
15. Safety valve
16. Regulator valve
17. Spring
18. Brake spring
19. Brake piston
20. Check valve
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length × Installed Installed Installed
Free length
21 Spool return spring Outside diameter length load load
427 N 341 N If damaged or
62.5 × 32.0 42.0 —
{43.5 kg} {34.8 kg} deformed, replace
3.04 N 2.45 N spring.
22 Check valve spring 62.5 × 20.0 39.0
{0.31 kg}
{0.25 kg}
98.1 N 78.5 N
23 Regulator piston spring 55.0 × 9.0 50.0
{10.0 kg}
{8.0 kg}
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 27
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Operation of motor
1) At slow speed (motor swash plate angle at maximum)
28 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 29
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
30 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
q As the travel lever is placed in neutral, counter- q As brake piston (19) returns, flow of pressur-
balance valve spool (13) returns to the neutral ized oil is reduced with slow return valve (7).
position and closing the parking brake circuit. q The time delay will be set to activate the brake
q Pressurized oil in chamber (e) of brake piston only after the machine has stopped.
(19) keeps flowing through the orifice of slow
return valve (7) until counter balance valve
spool (13) is returned to the neutral.
q As counter balance valve spool (13) is
returned to the neutral, pressurized oil is
drained to the case through orifice (f) of brake
piston (19).
q Brake piston (19) is pushed to the left by spring
q Plate (9) and disc (10) are pushed together,
and the brake is applied.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 31
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
32 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 33
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
2. Safety valve
(bidirectional 2-stage set safety valve)
q As long as the machine travel is stopped (or it q As the pressure goes above the set pressure,
is travelling downhill), the counterbalance [Difference in areas of circles (D1) and (D2) ×
valve closes the inlet and outlet circuits of the Pressure] compresses spring (2).
motor. q Poppet (1) is moved leftward and the pressur-
q Since the motor is rotated by inertial force, ized oil flows into chamber (MA) of the oppo-
pressure in the motor outlet port side is abnor- site circuit.
mally increased, potentially resulting in dam-
ages on the motor and piping.
q The safety valve releases this abnormal pres-
sure to the inlet port side of the motor in order
to prevent damages to the equipment.
Bidirectional action
1) When pressure in chamber (MB) has
become high (when rotating clockwise)
q As long as the machine travel is stopped (or it
is travelling downhill), the check valve of coun-
terbalance valve closes chamber (MB) of the
outlet port circuit.
q The motor tries to continue rotation resorting to
inertial force, thus pressure on the outlet port
(MB) is increased.
34 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
2) When pressure in chamber (MA) has Operation of mechanism for varying set pres-
become high (when rotating counterclock- sure
wise) 1) When starting travel (high-pressure setting)
q As long as the machine travel is stopped (or it q As the travel lever is operated, the pressurized
is travelling downhill), the check valve of coun- oil from the pump moves spool (19) toward
terbalance valve closes chamber (MA) of the right.
outlet port circuit. q Above opens the pilot circuit to the safety
q The motor tries to continue rotation resorting to valve, conducting the pressurized oil to cham-
inertial force, thus pressure on the outlet port ber (J) through chamber (G) and passage (H).
(MA) is increased. q Piston (3) is pushed rightward, spring (2) is
compressed and the set load is increased.
q High pressure is turned on the safety valve,
providing a large tractional force to the valve.
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 35
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
36 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
Swing motor 1
Type: KMF230ABE-5
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 37
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
38 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
1. Brake spring
2. Drive shaft
3. Spacer
4. Case
5. Disc
6. Plate
7. Brake piston
8. Housing
9. Piston
10. Cylinder block
11. Valve plate
12. Center shaft
13. Center spring
14. Check valve
15. Check valve spring
16. Shuttle valve
17. Shuttle valve spring
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Basic dimensions Repair limit
Free length × Installed Installed Installed
Free length
18 Check valve spring Outside diameter length load load If damaged or
6.96 N 5.59 N deformed, replace
66.5 × 25.6 45.0 — spring.
{0.71 kg} {0.57 kg}
7.45 N 5.98 N
19 Shuttle valve spring 24.5 × 11.6 14.5
{0.76 kg}
{0.61 kg}
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 39
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Operation Operation
q As the swing holding brake is de-energized, q As the swing brake solenoid valve is ener-
the pressurized oil from the self pressure gized, the valve is switched.
reducing valve is shut off. q The pressurized oil from the self pressure
q Port (B) is connected to tank circuit (T). reducing valve is conducted brake chamber (a)
q Brake piston (7) is pushed down by brake via port (B).
spring (1). q After entering chamber (a), the pressurized oil
q Disc (5) and plate (6) are pushed together, and compresses brake spring (1) and pushes
the brake is applied. brake piston (7) up.
q Disc (5) is separated from plate (6), releasing
the brake.
40 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 41
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
42 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
1. Valve body
2. Spool (MA side)
3. Spring (MA side)
4. Plug (MA side)
5. Spool (MB side)
6. Spring (MB side)
7. Plug (MB side)
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 43
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
44 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 45
UEN02235-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Hydraulic cylinder 1
Boom cylinder
Arm cylinder
Bucket cylinder
46 PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard UEN02235-00
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
size Shaft Hole clearance limit
–0.036 +0.261 0.083 –
Boom 100 0.412
Clearance between –0.090 +0.047 0.351
1 piston rod and bushing Replace bushing
–0.036 +0.263 0.084 –
Arm 120 0.412
–0.090 +0.048 0.353
–0.036 +0.257 0.083 –
Bucket 110 0.447
–0.090 +0.047 0.347
–0.036 +0.169 0.136 –
Boom 110 —
–0.090 +0.100 0.259
Clearance between
–0.036 +0.169 0.136 –
2 piston rod support pin Arm 110
–0.090 +0.100 0.259
and bushing
–0.036 +0.187 0.133 –
Bucket 100 —
–0.090 +0.097 0.277 Replace pin or
–0.036 +0.190 0.106 – bushing
Boom 100 —
Clearance between –0.090 +0.070 0.280
cylinder –0.036 +0.195 0.135 –
3 bottom support pin and
Arm 110
–0.090 +0.099 0.285
bushing –0.036 +0.187 0.133 –
Bucket 100 —
–0.090 +0.097 0.277
PC450/LC/LCD/LCHD-8 47
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