SSIGL-3 Hydrology and Water Resources Planning Ver-6 - PDF - Drainage Basin - Hydrology
SSIGL-3 Hydrology and Water Resources Planning Ver-6 - PDF - Drainage Basin - Hydrology
SSIGL-3 Hydrology and Water Resources Planning Ver-6 - PDF - Drainage Basin - Hydrology
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SSIGL 3: Hydrology and Water Resources Planning
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© MOA 2018
Ministry of Agriculture
Small-Scale Irrigation Development Directorate
P. O. Box 62347
Tel: +251-1-6462355
Fax: +251-1-6462355
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
eDMS (intranet): MoA SSID DMS (
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Website: You're Reading a Preview
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Ministry of Agriculture through the Consultant and core reviewers from all relevant stakeholders included the
information to provide the contemporary approach about the subject matter. The information contained in the
guidelines is obtained from sources believed tested and reliable and are augmented based on practical
experiences. While it is believed that the guideline is enriched with professional advice, for it to be
successful, needs services of competent professionals from all respective This document
disciplines. It isis...
believed, the
guidelines presented herein are sound and to the expected standard.UsefulHowever, we hereby
Not disclaim
useful any
liability, loss or risk taken by individuals, groups, or organization who does not act on the information
contained herein as appropriate to the specific SSI site condition. 7/95
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Ministry of Agriculture, based on the national strategic directions is striving to meet its commitments in
which modernizing agriculture is on top of its highest priorities to sustain the rapid, broad-based and
fair economic growth and development of the country. To date, major efforts have been made to
remodel several important strategies and national guidelines by its major programs and projects.
While efforts have been made to create access to irrigation water and promoting sustainable irrigation
Download now several barriers are still
development, of 100 the implementation
1 hindering Search and the performance
process document of
the schemes. The major technical constrains starts from poor planning and identification, study, design,
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construction, operation, and maintenance. One of the main reasons behind this outstanding challenge,
in addition to the capacity limitations, is that SSIPs have been studied and designed using many ad-
hoc procedures and technical guidelines developed by various local and international institutions.
Despite having several guidelines and manuals developed by different entities such as MoA (IDD)-
1986, ESRDF-1997, MoWIE-2002 and JICA/OIDA-2014, still the irrigation professionals follow their
own public sources and expertise to fill some important gaps. A number of disparities, constraints and
outstanding issues in the study and design procedures, criteria and assumptions have been causing
huge variations in all vital aspects of SSI study, design and implementation from region to region and
among professionals within the same region and institutions due mainly to the lack of agreed standard
technical guidelines. Hence, the SSI Directorate with AGP financial support, led by Generation
consultant (GIRDC) and with active involvement of national and regional stakeholders and international
PubPrivatePart-2 partners,
Role of Public these Water
new andYou're Reading a Preview
Policy and national
11 March 2010guidelines have
Water been developed.
Institutions VERY IMPORTA
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The SSID guidelines have been developed by addressing all key features in a comprehensive and
participatory manner at all levels. Theyour documents
guidelines to download.
are believed to be responsive to the prevalent study
and design contentious issues; and efforts have been made to make the guidelines simple, flexible and
adaptable to almost all regional contexts including concerned partner institution interests. The outlines
of the guidelines cover all aspects of irrigationOR development including project initiation, planning,
organizations, site identification and prioritization, feasibility studies and detail designs, contract
Become scheme
administration and management, a Scribd member
operation, for full access.
maintenance Your
and management.
Therefore, I congratulate all parties involved in the success of this effort, and urge partners and
stakeholders to show a similar level of engagement in the implementation and stick to the guidelines
over the coming years.
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H.E. Dr. Kaba Urgessa
State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture 9/95
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The preparation of SSIGLs required extensive inputs from all stakeholders and development partners.
Accordingly many professionals from government and development partners have contributed to the
realization of the guidelines. To this end MOA would like to extend sincere acknowledgement to all
institutions and individuals who have been involved in the review of these SSIGLs for their
comprehensive participation, invaluable inputs and encouragement to the completion of the guidelines.
There now of 100 to name exhaustively
1 involved
are just too many collaborators Search documentindividually, as
and congratulate
many experts from Federal, regional states and development partners have been involved in one way
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or another in the preparation of the guidelines. The contribution of all of them who actively involved in
the development of these SSIGLs is gratefully acknowledged. The Ministry believes that their
contributions will be truly appreciated by the users for many years to come.
The Ministry would like to extend its appreciation and gratitude to the following contributors:
Agriculture Growth Program (AGP) of the MoA for financing the development and
and playing key supervisory and quality control roles in the overall preparation process and
for the devotion of its members in reviewing and providing invaluable technical inputs to
enrich the guidelines.
PubPrivatePart-2 Role of Public
Government You're Reading a Preview
andPolicy and States
Regional 11 March 2010 andWater
organizations Institutions
their staff VERY IMPORTA
for their untiring effort
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in reviewing the guidelines FINAL TOR.doc suggestions,
constructive - Bangladesh… CHECKLIST
recommendations and MI
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National and international development partners for their unreserved efforts in reviewing the
guidelines and providing constructive comments which invaluably improved the quality of the
guidelines. OR
Small-scale and Micro Irrigation Support Project (SMIS) and its team for making all efforts to
Moreover, the Ministry would like to express its gratitude to Generation Integrated Rural Development
Consultant (GIRDC) and its staff whose determined efforts to the development of these SSIGLs have
been invaluable. GIRDC and its team drafted and finalized all the contents of the SSIGLs as per
stakeholder suggestions, recommendations and concerns. The MoA recognizes the patience,
diligence, tireless, extensive and selfless dedication of the GIRDC and its staff who made this
assignment possible.
Finally, we owe courtesy to all national and International source materials cited and referred but
unintentionally not cited.
Ministry of Agriculture This document is...
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Table 5-2: Suggested rainfall-runoff methods for estimation of design flood.................................. 24
Table 5-3: Runoff coefficient for rural catchment ............................................................................ 25
Table 5-4: Runoff coefficient for urban catchment .......................................................................... 25
Table 5-5: T-year multipliers of runoff coefficient (C ) ..................................................................... 26
Table 5-6: Retardance Coefficients of Kerby Equation................................................................... 27
Table 5-7: Hydrologic soil group (HSG) classification according to SCS (1972) ............................ 29
Table 5-8: Cultivated agricultural land* ........................................................................................... 30
Table 5-9: Other agricultural lands1 ............................................................................................... 31
Table 5-10: Arid and semi-arid rangelands* ................................................................................... 31
Table 5-11: Runoff curve numbers- urban areas* ......................................................................... 32
PubPrivatePart-2 RoleRainfall
Table 5-12: of Publicranges for
amc, Policy and and11dormant
growing March 2010 Water Institutions VERY IMPORTA
seasons ............................................. 32
Table 5-13: Related…
Areal to point rainfall FINAL TOR.doc - Bangladesh… CHECKLIST
ratio (%) ..................................................................................... 36 MI
Table 5-14: Steps to construct complex hydrograph ...................................................................... 37
Table 5-15: The Composites the triangular hydrographs to a single hydrograph ........................... 39
Table 5-16: Example of developing synthetic unit hydrograph ....................................................... 40
Table 5-17: Example for Flow duration curve using gauged data with daily data set ..................... 44
Table 5-18: Example for flow duration curve using gauged data with monthly data set ................. 46
Table 5-19: Finally the monthly different dependable flows for Giligel Abay at Merawi Station ..... 47
Table 5-20: Regionalized FDC adopted from (Tsedey T. and Zelalem H. 2007) .......................... 48
Table 5-21: Flow regime based FDC adopted from (Berhanu B., 2015) ............................... 49
Table 6-1: Procedure with Example for spring flow analysis .......................................................... 52
Table 8-1: C-factor per different crop type ...................................................................................... 61
Table 8-2: P-factor with different land management options .......................................................... 62
Table 9-1: Elevation-Storage-discharge relation for Arjo-Dedessa reservoir ................................. 68
Table 9-2: Working table for Arjo-Dedessa reservoir ...................................................................... 68
Table 9-3: Routing table of Arjo-Dedessa Reservoir ..................................................................... 68
Table 10-1: Example for Scheme water balance (lt/sec) ................................................................ 73
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Figure 3-1: Examples of rainfall inconsistency test chart................................................................ 12
Figure 5-1: SCS triangular hydrograph ........................................................................................... 33
Figure 5-2: Hourly distribution of daily rainfall profile ...................................................................... 35
Figure 5-3: Composite Hydrograph developed with complex hydrograph approach ...................... 39
Figure 5-4: Composite hydrograph developed with complex hydrograph approach ...................... 40
Figure 5-5: Flow duration curve of Meki River at Meki village Gauging station in normal graph .... 45
Figure 8-1: Annual soil loss for Mojo catchment ............................................................................. 63
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ERH Rainfall Excess Hyetograph
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FDC Flow Duration Curve
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographic Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
HFR High Flow Requirement
HWSD Role of Public Water Policy
Harmonized World and
Soil Database11 March 2010 Water Institutions VERY IMPORTA
IDF Private… Related…
Rainfall Intensity Duration FINAL TOR.doc - Bangladesh… CHECKLIST MI
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While irrigation development is at the top of the government‘s priority agendas as it is key to boost
production and improve food security as well as to provide inputs for industrial development.
Accordingly, irrigated land in different scales has been aggressively expanding from time to time.
To this end, to enhance quality delivery of small-scale irrigation development planning,
implementation and management, it has been decided to develop standard SSI guidelines that
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must be nationally applied. In September 2017 the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) had entrusted
Generation Integrated Rural Development Consultant (GIRDC) to prepare the National Small-
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scale Irrigation Development Guidelines (SSIGLs).
Preparation of the SSIGLs for enhancing development of irrigated agriculture is recognized as one
of the many core initiatives of the MoA to improve its delivery system and achieve the targets in
irrigated agriculture and fulfill its mission for improving agricultural productivity and production. The
core objective of developing SSIGLs is to summarize present thinking, knowledge and practices to
enable irrigation practitioners to properly plan, implement and manage community managed SSI
schemes to develop the full irrigation potential in a sustainable manner.
As the SSIGLs are prepared based on national and international knowledge, experiences and
PubPrivatePart-2 Role
practices, of Public
and You're
describe current and Reading
and apractice
11 March Preview
2010 and set
Water Institutions
out the nationalVERY IMPORTA
guides and procedures for SSI development, they serve as a source of information and provide MI
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guidance. Hence, it is believed thatyour documents
the SSIGLs to download.
will contribute to ensuring the quality and timely
delivery, operation and maintenance of SSI schemes in the country. The SSIGLs attempt to
explain and illustrate the important concepts, OR
considerations and procedures in SSI planning,
implementation and management; and shall be used as a guiding framework for professionals
engaged in SSI development. a Scribd examples
memberfromfor full access.
within Your have been added to
the country
enable the users understand the contents, methodologies presented in the SSIGLs.
first 14 days are free.
The intended audiences of the SSIGLs are government organizations, NGOs, CSOs and the
private sector involved in SSI development. Professionally, the SSIGLs will be beneficial for
experienced and junior planners, experts, for Free
contractors, consultants, suppliers, investors, operators
and managers of SSI schemes. The SSIGLs will also serve as a useful reference for academia
and researchers involved and interested in SSI development. The SSIGLs will guide to ensure
that; planning, implementation and management of SSI projects is formalized and set procedures
and processes to be followed. As the SSIGLs provide information and guides they must be always
fully considered and applied by adapting them to the local specific requirements.
In cognizance with the need for quality SSIGLs, the MoA has duly considered quality assurance
and control during preparation of the guidelines. Accordingly, the outlines, contents and scope of
the SSIGLs were thoroughly discussed, reviewed and modified by NAWMP members (senior
professionals from public, national and international stakeholder) with key stakeholders in many
consultative meetings and workshops. Moreover, at each milestone of SSIGL preparation,
resource persons from all stakeholders reviewed and confirmed that SSIGLs have met the
demands and expectations of users.
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Moreover, the Ministry has mobilized resource persons from key Useful National Not usefulStates
level stakeholders and international development partners for review, validation and endorsement
of the SSIGLs. 23/95
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Several hundreds of experienced professionals (who are very qualified experts in their respective
fields) from government institutions, relevant private sector and international development partners
have significantly contributed to the preparation of the SSIGLs. They have been involved in all
aspects of the development of SSIGLs throughout the preparation process. The preparation
process included a number of consultation meetings and workshops: (i) workshop to review
inception report, (ii) workshop on findings of review of existing guidelines/manuals and proposed
contents of the SSIGLs, (iii) meetings to review zero draft SSI GLs, (iv) review workshop on draft
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SSI GLs, (v) small group review meetings on thematic areas, (vi) small group consultation
meetings on its final presentation of contents and layout, (vii) consultation mini-workshops in the
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National States on semi-final versions of the SSIGLs, and (viii) final write-shop for the appraisal
and approval of the final versions of SSIGLs.
The deliberations, concerns, suggestions and comments received from professionals have been
duly considered and incorporated by the GIRD Consultant in the final SSIGLs.
There are 34 separate guidelines which are categorized into the following five parts concurrent to
SSI development phases:
Part-I. Project Initiation, Planning and Organization Guideline which deals with key considerations
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and procedures on planning and organization of SSI development projects.
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Part-II. Site Identification and Prioritization Guideline which treats physical potential identification
and prioritization of Upload your documents
investment to download.
projects. It presents SSI site selection process and
prioritization criteria.
Part-III. Feasibility Study and Detail Design Guidelines for SSID dealing with feasibility study
and design concepts, approaches, considerations, requirements and procedures in the
study and design Become a Scribd member for full access. Your
of SSI systems.
Part-IV. Contract Administration and Construction Management Guidelines for SSI development
presents the considerations,first 14 days are
requirements, andfree.
procedures involved in construction of
works, construction supervision and contract administration.
Part-V. SSI Scheme Management, Operation and Maintenance Guidelines which covers SSI
Scheme management and operation.
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Moreover, Tools for Small Scale Irrigation development are also prepared as part of SSIGLs.
It is strongly believed and expected that; the SSIGLs will be quickly applied by all stakeholders
involved in SSI development and others as appropriate following the dissemination and
familiarization process of the guidelines in order to ensure efficient, productive and sustainable
irrigation development.
The SSIGLs are envisioned to be updated by incorporating new technologies and experiences
including research findings. Therefore, any suggestions, concerns, recommendations and
comments on the SSIGLs are highly appreciated and welcome for future updates as per the
attached format below. Furthermore, despite efforts in making all This typesdocument
of editorialis...
works, there
may still errors, which similarly shall be handled in future undated versions.
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the guidelines, there might be a need to update the requirements, provisions and procedures, as
appropriate. Besides, day-by-day, water is becoming more and more valuable. Hence, for efficient
water development, utilization and management will have to be designed, planned and
constructed with a new set up of mind to keep pace with the changing needs of the time. It may,
therefore, be necessary to take up the work of further revision of these GLs.
This current version of the GLs has particular reference to the prevailing conditions in Ethiopia and
reflects the experience gained through activities within the sub-sector during subsequent years.
This is the first version of the SSI development GLs. This version shall be used as a starting point
for future update, revision and improvement. Future updating and revisions to the GLs are
PubPrivatePart-2 Role as
anticipated of Public
part of the process You're Reading a Preview
Water Policy and 11 March
of strengthening the2010
standardsWater Institutionsstudy,
for planning, VERY IMPORTA
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construction, operation and management SSI development in the country. - Bangladesh… CHECKLIST MI
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Completion of the review and updating of the GLs shall be undertaken in close consultation with
OR other stakeholders in the irrigation sub-sector
the federal and regional irrigation institutions and
including the contracting and consulting industry.
All suggestions to improve the GLs should be made in accordance with the following procedures:
Users are kindly requested to present their concerns, suggestions, recommendations and
comments for future updates including any omissions and/or obvious errors by completing the
This document is...
following revisions form and submitting it to the Ministry. The Ministry shall appraise such requests
for revision and will determine if an update to the guide is justified Not
and necessary; and useful
when such
updates will be published. Revisions may take the form of replacement or additional pages. Upon
receipt, revision pages are to be incorporated in the GLs and all superseded pages removed. 27/95
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To: ---------------------------------------------------------------
From: -----------------------------------------------------------
Date: -----------------------------------------------------------
Description of suggested updates/changes: Include GL code and title, section title and #
(heading/subheading #), and page #.
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GL Code and Date
of 100
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Comments (proposed
Related titles Title Heading/Subheading/ change)
Note that be specific and include suggested language if possible and include additional sheets for
comments, reference materials, charts or graphics.
Water Reading
Policy and a Preview
Director for SSI Directorate: _______________________Date: ________________
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The following table helps to track initial issuance of the guidelines and subsequent Updates/Versions and
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Revisions (Registration of Amendments/Updates).
Revision Register OR
Version/Issue/Revision Reference/RevisedDescription of Authorized Date
No Sections/Pages/topics
revision by
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first 14 days are free.
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Rainfall is the core element of the hydrological cycle that drives energy circulation in the
atmosphere (Kumar et al., 2006). Many studies highlight the importance of the spatial and
Download nowvariability of precipitation1 (Fiener
temporal of 100and Auerswald, 2009;
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Haile et al., 2009), which has
been proved to affect the accuracy of runoff prediction in gauged and ungauged catchments
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(Goodrich et al., 1995; Schuurmans and Bierkens, 2007). Rainfall in Ethiopia is the result of multi-
weather systems that include Subtropical Jet (STJ), Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), Red
Sea Convergence Zone (RSCZ), Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ), and Somali Jet (NMA 1996). The
intensity, position, and direction of these weather systems lead the variability of the amount and
distribution of seasonal and inter-annual rainfall in the. Moreover, the spatial distribution of rainfall
in Ethiopia is significantly influenced by topographical variability of the country (NMA 1996;
Camberlin 1997) and this makes the rainfall system of the country more complex. The influence of
the ITCZ movement in led to the classification of Ethiopian climate into four main seasons as
described below.
May-July: In May, the ITCZ starts moving rapidly northwards, and during June and July, it reaches
its northern most position. Hence, the southeastern Ethiopia air masses are in general subsiding
and dry when blowing towards the Horn, after losing their moisture on the East African Highlands.
August-October: In August, the ITCZ starts moving rapidly south from its north position. It is
located in central and south-central Ethiopia in September and October. In southwest the
contribution of the Atlantic equatorial westerlies to autumn rainfall is more than their contribution to
spring rainfall. Hence, the southeast part of Ethiopia receives the year‘s secondary maxima rainfall
in autumn from the Indian Ocean easterlies.
November- February: In November, the ITCZ shifts southwards towards the equator and in
December-February, the main pressure systems which determine surface air circulation and
direction in Ethiopia are the anticyclones over Egypt and Arabia, and the low pressure area over
the Lake Victoria-southwest Ethiopia. It leads to dry climatic situation in Ethiopia.
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Sources: Ethiopia National Meteorological Agency
Spatial Extent: Evenly distributed 4km Spatial Resolution grids
Temporal Extent: available since 1980
Time Scale: Daily, Monthly and Annually
Quality: fill coverage gaps of observed data
III. now of 100 (RFE) data set Search document
1 estimates
Satellite observed Rainfall
Sources: FEWS NET Data Portals6
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Spatial Extent: Evenly distributed 8km Spatial Resolution grids
Temporal Extent: available since 2001
Time Scale: Daily, Decadal, Monthly and Annually
Quality: requires bias correction
IV. Satellite observed Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)
Spatial Extent: Evenly distributed in 8 km Spatial Resolution grids
Temporal Extent: Starts from 1998
Time Scale: Daily, Decadal, monthly and Annually
Quality: requires bias correction
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V. Satellite
Private… observed CMORPH
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Sources: National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 8
Spatial Extent: Evenly distributed in 28 km Spatial Resolution grids
Temporal Extent: Starts from 2002
Time Scale: 3hr and daily
Quality: requires bias correction
VI. Satellite based Reanalysis CFSR data set
Sources: National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)9
Spatial Extent: Evenly distributed 38 km Spatial Resolution grids
Temporal Extent: available since 1979
Time Scale: Daily and sub-daily data with 3, 6, 12 hr data set
Quality: requires bias correction; Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT) has a bias
corrected dataset
While all remote sensing based rainfall datasets have good coverage and even distribution, the
data has to be bias-corrected and validated with ground observed dataset with local scale before
their use for any scale and type of project design
The basic instrument for point rainfall measurement is rain gauge. To compute areal rainfall for a
given project area, there should be an optimal number of rain gauges. Statistics has been used in
determining the optimum number of rain gauges required for a given catchment. The basis behind
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9 33/95
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such statistical calculations is that a certain number of rain gauge stations are necessary to give
average rainfall with a certain percentage of error. If the allowable error is more than the calculated
error, lesser number of gauges will be required.
The optimum number of rain gauges (N) can be estimated using Equation 3.1:
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1 of 100 Search(3.1)
Where: Cv = Coefficient of variation of rainfall based on the existing rain gauge stations
Related titles
E = Allowable percentage error in the estimate of basic mean rainfall
The allowable percentage error (E) should be limited to below 20% or the case of project work
while the maximum allowable percentage of error for research work should not exceed from 10%.
In addition the number of data records in the given rain gauges also has significance important. If
the number of observation increases then the standard deviation and mean value decreases.
Therefore, a data series could be considered reliable and adequate if the coefficient of variation,
CV is less than or equal to 10%.
PubPrivatePart-2 Role
of Public Water Policy and 11 March 2010 Water Institutions VERY IMPORTA
To get optimal rain station network for the given project area, it is possible to combine the
observed gauge stations‘ data with satellite data or re-analysis data grid stations if the quality of
the satellite dataset is validated and the bias correction done.
Rainfall data records occasionally are incomplete due to different reasons like the absence of
observer, instrumental failure and social disorders. In such cases, one can estimate the missing
data by using the nearest stations rainfall data. There are a number of methods to fill the gaps of
the records. The following four methods are suggested for different conditions. Optimal
4. Regression
i 1
Useful Not useful
Locally developed If there are significant correlation
equation 35/95
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Rainfall data a station may not be consistent over the period of observation. Inconsistency may
occur due to due to different reasons: shifting of the rain gauge to new location; changes in the
ecosystem due to calamites, such as forest fires, landslides…etc.; significant construction works
that may change the surrounding or occurrence of observational error of a certain data. Therefore,
testing and adjusting the inconsistency have to be made in the rainfall data processing, which is
often now of 100technique. The double
1 curve
carried out with double mass Search
curve technique is a
graphical approach where the accumulated rainfall at the doubtful gauge will be plotted as ordinate
Related titles
versus the concurrent accumulated mean rainfall of nearby
Arrange the data with inverse chronological order (the latest data first) and compute the
cumulative amounts of annual rainfall for suspect gauge (gauge X)
Compute the mean annual rainfall of the nearby stations with reliable dataset (gauges 1,
2, 3 …..n)
Arrange the mean annual data with inverse chronological order and compute the
cumulative amounts of mean annual rainfall of the group of stations
Plot cumulative rainfall for suspect gauge on y-axis versus mean cumulative rainfall for
PubPrivatePart-2 theofcheck
Role PublicgaugesWaterYou're Reading a Preview
in x-axis (Figure
Policy and 3-1) 11 March 2010 Water Institutions VERY IMPORTA
Private… to construct a straight
Related… line through
FINAL the data points;
TOR.doc if there is consistency
- Bangladesh… on the MI
suspect gauge, all points will fall on a straight line. Accept the data as it is.
If there is a divergence youra documents
straight line, itto download.
indicates an inconsistency in the data of
suspect gauge and the data has to be corrected.
The year where the divergence started OR is marked and slopes before divergence (S1)
and after (S2) are computed. A correction factor (k) that adjusts the slope to S1 is
computed by dividing slopes (k=s1/s2)
Correct theBecome a Scribd
annual rainfall of themember for fullafter
suspect station access. Yourof consistency test by
the break
multiplying the value by the first 14 days
correction are tofree.
factor avoid the inconsistency in the observed
data set
Figure 3-1: Examples of rainfall inconsistency test document is...
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Data on stream flow are obtained by recording the water level at a gauging station on the river and
by relating this level to the corresponding rate of flow using rating curve of the station. The
precision of water level measurements and the sensitivity of the site to changes in water level
when flow rate varies are factors which govern the accuracy and reliability of the data. The
Hydrology Directorate of the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity is responsible for
collecting, processing, quality assurance and dissemination of stream flow data in Ethiopia.
Currently, there are about 570 operational stream flow gauging stations in the country but their
distribution is skewed. Expanding such stations is expensive and technically complex. Therefore, it
PubPrivatePart-2 Role
prefers to of Public
estimate stream flows You're Reading a Preview
and 11 March 2010
methods. Water Institutions VERY IMPORTA
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Magnitude of peak discharge is a function of its expected frequency of occurrence, which in turn, is
related to the magnitude of the potential damage OR and hazard. Engineers are interested in the
development of a flood versus frequency relationship and peak discharges versus the probability
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of its occurrence or exceedance member
as well as for full
in the flood access.
volume and Your
time distribution of runoff.
Sometimes, there might be a requirement to use flood hydrographs to route floods through
first 14 days are free.
drainage or flood storage structures. This is especially important when an embankment is built
across a floodplain and flood compensation storage area is required to be provided to compensate
for the lost natural floodplain storage area taken up for the road embankment and to mitigate the
Continue for Free
flood risk to the upstream areas.
Design flood is the flood magnitude, which is expected to occur with a certain return period during
the design period of a hydraulic structure. The selection of the return period is genearly made
based on safety, econmy, size and category of the scheme, and it should be greater than the
design period of the structures. With the national and international expriance, the criteria of design
flood and the methods of flood estimation are recommended in this below.
Table 5-1: Recommended return periods for design of hydraulics structures
Types Return Period (Years)
Field drainages 5
Cross drainage works Side Ditches 10
Pipe Culverts 10
Culverts with 2m<span<6m This document25 is...
Short Span Bridges 6m<span<15m 50
Medium Span Bridges15m< span<50m Useful 100 Not useful
Long Span Bridges spans>50m 200
Diversion weirs 50
Spillways 1 000 47/95
5/24/22, 11:57 AM SSIGL-3 Hydrology and Water Resources Planning Ver-6 | PDF | Drainage Basin | Hydrology
Spillways 1,000
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Gauged flow data commonly used for computing design flow if the target location coincides with
the point of the gauging stations or if it there is possibility to transfer the gauge data to target area
with homogenous region. The stream flow data has to be tested for its trend and stationary and
homogeneity before we use the flow data to compute design flood
test for stream flow 1 of 100 Search document
A steady increase or decrease of the time series characteristics is known as trend. Natural and
Related titles
man-made changes like deforestation, urbanization, large scale landslide, and large changes in
watershed conditions are the possible causes for the introduction of trend in stream flow time
series data. Test for the presence of trend can be done with turning Point test and Kendal‘s Rank-
Correlation test. 49/95
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(2(2n 5))
Var ( )
Variance of τ, 9n(n 1)
Z 0.5
( )}
Standard test for statistics of
Test for the hypothesis at 5% level of significance, if Z is less than ±1.96, there is no any
trend on the data set
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1 of 100 Search document
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And Excel Add-ins called XLSTAT is available on line that can easily handle both statistical
If there is a trend in the dataset, the trend has to be removed before using for the computation
of design flood.
In the absence of gauged stream flows at or near a target site, an accepted practice to estimate
peak runoff rates and hydrographs is using rainfall-runoff methods. There are a number of rainfall-
runoff methods that can be used for estimation of peak flow but all don‘t give reasonably accurate
estimate for a given catchment. In addition, averaging of results of several methods is not
recommended. Therefore, one has to select a method that most expresses the given catchment.
Each method has a range of application and limitations, which the engineer should clearly
understand prior to using them. The hydrologist or engineer must ensure that the selected
hydrologic method is appropriate for target catchment specific conditions and the availability of
inputs data to perform the required calculations using the method selected. If possible, the method
should be calibrated to local conditions and flood history.
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The Rational Method is logical, generalized and often reasonable. The Rational Method is most
accurate for estimating design storm peak runoff for areas up to 50 hectares (0.5 square km) and
presented from the perspective of each of the three ―independent‖ variables ; runoff coefficient,
rainfall intensity and catchment area. Therefore, the peak flow can generally be expressed as
Equation 5.2 with variables in SI units. However, numerical coefficients will be different for other
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units of these variables. 1 of 100 Search document
Q P 0.00278
Related titles (5.2)
Where Qp= Peak runoff rate (m3/s) A= Catchment area (ha)
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr) C= Runoff coefficient (decimal)
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In addition to the catchment characteristics, the runoff coefficient is affected by the return period of
the design flood to be estimated. The return period of less than 25 years does not have significant
change on the runoff coefficient, but return periods of 25 year and above have effect on the runoff
coefficient and this can be expressed with the multiplier presented in Table 5-5.
To avoid a value of runoff coefficient (C) of more than unit due to multiplier effect, a modification
equation is proposed by Chow (1964) and Singh (1988) to adjust the value of runoff coefficient.
0.07 5
T r
10 0
100 (5.3)
As many catchments are not of a single land treatment, an area-weighted composite C has to be
PubPrivatePart-2 using
Role Equation 5.4
of Public for catchments
Policy and of multipleYou're Reading a Preview
11 Marchland
Water Institutions VERY IMPORTA
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C comp i 1
Upload your documents to (5.4)
i 1 OR
Where Ccomp= Composite C Ai= sub-catchment area i
n= number a Scribd memberCi=C
of sub-catchments for of
full access. Youri
sub-catchment 55/95
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Table 5-6: Retardance Coefficients of Kerby Equation
Generalized terrain Retardance Generalized terrain Retardance
description coefficient (N) description coefficient (N)
Pavement 0.02 Smooth, bare, packed soil 0.10
Deciduous forest 0.60 Pasture, average grass 0.40
Poor grass, cultivated row crops, 0.20 Dense grass, coniferous forest, 0.80
or moderately rough packed surfaces or deciduous forest with deep litter
Kirpich Method
For channel-flow, Kirpich equation is:
For over land flow use Kerby‘s retardance coefficient, N= 0.2 for cultivated land and K= 1.44 for SI
For the channel flow use the Kirpich ‗s K= 0.0195 for SI units
K L N This-0.235
document is...
0.4 6 7
0.2 3 5
T o v S 0.467
= 1.44*(641.39*0.2) *(0.08) ) = 25.16min
T ch KL 0.770
0.38 5
S Useful Not useful
= 0.0195*(641.39) 0.77 *(0.08)-0.385 = 7.49 min
tc = Tov + Tch = 25.16 + 7.49 = 32.65 min
Runoff coefficient 57/95
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Runoff coefficient
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Rainfall Intensity
24hr maximum precipitation = 197.54mm; it implies I 24 = 197.54/24 = 8.23mm/hr
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Time of concentration = 32.65min 1 of 100b=0.33 and n=0.9 Search document
I = (b+24)/(b+tc)^n *I24 = (0.33+24)/(0.33+0.544)^0.9 *8.23 = 226.04mm/hr
Related titles
Peak Runoff rate will then be
Qp = 0.00278CIA = 0.00278*0.4*226.04mm/hr*21 ha = 5.278 m3 /sec
The SCS method is widely used for estimating floods on small to medium-sized ungauged
catchments around the world. The method was developed based on 24-hr rainfall and runoff data
in USA. Its derivation assumed that no runoff occurs until rainfall equals an initial abstraction, I a
(losses before runoff begins) and satisfies cumulative infiltration, F (the actual retention before
PubPrivatePart-2 Role of Public
runoff begins) Water Policy
or water retained in theand You're Reading a Preview
11 March
catchment, 2010 Ia. The
excluding Waterpotential
Institutions VERYbefore
retention IMPORTA
runoff begins Related…
(S) is the value F + Ia that would FINAL TOR.doc
be attained - Bangladesh…
in a very long storm. The SCSCHECKLIST
runoff MI
Upload your documents to download.
equation is therefore a method of estimating direct runoff from 24-hour or daily storm rainfall. The
relationship is given Equation 5.8 below:
P I a 2 OR
Q (5.8)
P I a S
Where: Q = accumulated Become a Scribd
direct runoff, mmmember for full access. Your
P = accumulated rainfall (potential maximum runoff), mm;
first 14 days are free.
Ia = initial abstraction (surface storage, interception, and infiltration prior to runoff), mm;
S = potential maximum retention, mm.
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The relationship between I a and S was developed from experimental data is given as I a =
0.2STheredfore, Equation 5.8 is given as Equation 5.9 below.
P 0.2S
P 0.8S (5.9)
S is related with soil and land cover through the empirical value called Curve Number (CN), the
values which ranges 0 - 100. The relationship between S and CN is expressed as in Equation 5.10
100 1
S 254
CN (5.10)
Curve number depends on land use/cover, treatment practices and the soil in the catchment. Land
use/cover of the catchment area refers all the cover types, including agricultural and non-
agricultural uses, vegetation, water bodies, roads, roofs, etc. The treatment practice address
different land practice on the cultivation and non-cultivated process it includes cultivation practice
as straight, contour or seeding practice as closed seeded, row and other related practices.
This document is...
Similarly, soil properties influence the relationship between rainfall and runoff by affecting the rate
of infiltration. The SCS has divided soils into four hydrologic soil groups based on Not usefulrates
(Groups A, B, C, and D) as presented in Table 5.6. The determination of runoff curve number has
also considered the effects of land-treatment measures in cultivated land use including mechanical 59/95
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No Procedure Remark
(Arjo Catchment)
Round to whole number as
8 Compute time of peak as Tp = 0.5D +T la 11.91≈12 hr
multiple of D
Time of base for the unit hydrograph
9 60
(Tb) = 5(Tla +0.5D)
Compute the peak discharge (q p) of the Unit
now in m3/sec/mm as
10 q p
1 of 100
0.208 A
Search document
95.15m /sec/mm
T p
Related titlesWhere A is drainage area in(km2), Tp is peak time in hr
Plot the UH with a smooth line with the three know values, Tp, Tb, and qp
The volume of 1 mm runoff in the catmint area should be equal to the volume of the UH. Therefore,
using an iterative process in Excel, adjust the ordinates of the UH until the two volumes are equal. .
Read the ordinates of the UH from the iteratively developed UH as given below.
Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Time 32
0 9
76 95.15 86
42 44 46
Quh 18 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.18 0
Consider the daily rainfall distribution to get the rainfall excess. If the distribution of the rainfall excess
Compute the 0.5hr MRF using exponential equation OR 0.5
α0.5= 1-exp(-125/(Rday +5)).
The infiltration rate of the catchment is computed based on the Horton equation, with parameters
given below for the following soil hydrological groups:
HSG fo (mm/hr) fc (mm/hr) K (1/hr)
A 127.00 25.40 0.20
B 105.00 15.24 0.18
20 C 81.28 12.70 0.17
D 71.12 10.16 0.16
In the example catchment, is the dominant hydrological soil group is B for which the Horton equation
fp = 15.24 + 89.76e . Then the infiltration rate at each time is computed as presented above. If a
catchment has different hydrological soil groups one has to compute the weighted average values of
the parameters based on the area proportion covered by each hydrological soil group.
The rate of excess rainfall can then be simply computed by subtracting the infiltration rate from rainfall
intensity. (i.e., column 19 – column 20) This document is...
To get the excess rainfall depth, multiply the excess rainfall rate with the time of excess rainfall, 2hr in
the current example,
Useful Not useful 61/95
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10 21.90 36.51 0.00 0.000
12 17.52 30.08 0.00 0.000
Steps 23 -28 computation of stream flow using the synthetic unit hydrograph and Excess rainfall
Time distribution based on the rainfall excess duration up to the base time of the unit Hydrograph
(i.e., 60hr , ref. row 9)
24 Use the computed UH with reference in column 14
Use the excess rainfall computed in column 22 and multiply the excess rainfall for each UH ordinate. If
there is two or more excess rainfall multiply with keeping the lag time.
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46 7 59.82 59.82 52.12 111.94
48 6 51.28 51.28 51.12 102.40
50 5 42.73 42.73 50.12 92.85
52 4 34.18 34.18 49.12 83.30
54 3 25.64 25.64 48.12 73.76
56 2 17.09 17.09 47.12 64.21
58 1.189 10.08 10.08 46.31 56.47
60 0 0.00 0.00 45.12 45.12
The peak discharge is 953.41m3/sec and this can be the design discharge
example, a daily stream flow data gives a steeper curve than a curve based on monthly
data for the same stream. Useful Not useful
For a flow-duration curve plotted on a log-log paper, a steep slope of the curve indicates
a stream with a highly variable discharge whereas a flat slope indicates a slow response
of the catchment to the rainfall and small variability 65/95
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of the catchment to the rainfall and small variability.
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At the lower end of the curve, a flat portion indicates considerable base flow while a flat
curve on the upper portion is typical of river basins having large flood plains and large
snowfall during a wet season.
Flow-duration curves find considerable use in water-resources planning and development
activities. Some of the important uses are:
In Computing sediment and dissolved solids load of a stream; and
Comparing adjacent catchments with a view to extend the stream flow data
The first step in developing flow duration curve is collecting all available stream flow data. This will
then be followed by developing the flow duration curve with different approach and cases.
Case 1: flow duration curves from daily flow data
PubPrivatePart-2i. Role of Public
Choose a constant width You're Reading a Preview
Water class
Policy interval
and 11 March
(ci) 2010
that can result Water
in Institutions
25 to 30 classes with
the ranges
Private… of the available data
Related… sets FINAL TOR.doc - Bangladesh… CHECKLIST MI
ii. Develop the classes from upper to lower class ranges for each class and arrange them in
their descending orderUpload your documents to download.
iii. Count total number of days in each class equal and greater than the lower bound
iv. Cumulate the number of days in each class OR interval to get the number of days above the
lower limit of each class interval.
v. Compute the probabilities of exceedence dividing the quantities obtained from step (iv) by
the total number Become a Scribd
of days in the recordmember for full
(for example, 365access. Your
if one year record is considered for
first 14 days are free.
the construction of flow duration curve).
vi. Multiply the probabilities of exceedence obtained from step (v) by 100 to get percentage
vii. Plot the probabilities of exceedence in percentage against the corresponding lower bound
of class interval on linear graph Continue
paper.for Free
Sometimes, the flow duration curve better
approximates to a straight line if lognormal probability paper is used in place of linear graph
A daily flow data from Mike River at Mike village gauging station from 2 Jan, 1985 to 23 Dec, 2010
with a total of 7054 data set is used to develop flow duration curve at the gauged station. The data
set has a maximum of 139.68m3/sec and a minimum of 0 m3/sec discharge. With class interval of
5, 28 classes are constructed.
Table 5-17: Example for Flow duration curve using gauged data with daily data set
Number of days Cumulative Probability
Upper Lower
in the class (m) (m/(N+1)*100
140 135 1 1 0.014
135 130 0 1 0.014
130 125 0 1 This document is...
125 120 1 2 0.028
120 115 1 3
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115 110 1 4 0.057
110 105 1 5 0.071 67/95
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to have sediment load measurement at least one season with 50-60 sample data depending on
project duration.
The following general requirements shall be fulfilled in selecting a sampling site for measurement
of sediment.
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The 1
site should be located ofin100
a straight reach forover
channel widths) both
upstream and downstream from the measuring location.
Related titles It should be located in a stable section (no erosion or deposition) to take highest
Sampling by depth integration: Sediment samples can be also collected by depth integration by
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round trips of lifting and lowering the sampler or only by a single trip from the surface to the bottom
or from the bottom to the surface of the stream. The volume ofUseful Not
sample at each useful
point shall be
proportional to the local velocity. This can be achieved if the intake velocity of the nozzle is 69/95
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approximately equal to the local velocity of the stream. The sample bottle shall not be allowed to
fill completely.
c) Computation of sediment discharge
For point samples:
Sediment discharge per unit width: qs = CsiVid
Where: Csi = the sediment concentration at the measuring point as determined in the laboratory;
Download now g/1 or kg/m3; 1 of 100 Search document
Vi= the velocity at the measuring point recorded simultaneously as the sediment water
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sample is being taken; m/s; and
d = depth of flow; m.
Sediment discharge of the entire cross-section, Q q si b j
i 1
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Reservoir Capacity Survey is a direct measurement carried out periodically to assess the volume
of deposit along with its location in the reservoirs. This method, however, indicates the total
sediment yield of the entire catchment but not for sub-catchments for which sediment yield is
required as sediment sampling of the different streams is necessary. The main survey methods
are the contour method and the range line method. The contour method of survey is generally
Download nowfor all types of reservoir1shapes
applicable of 100 Search itdocument
and this guideline recommends to be used. In contour
method, a contour map of the reservoir with suitable scale and contour interval is prepared, from
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which the capacity of the reservoir at the time of survey is computed. The difference in capacity
between two surveys indicates the loss of capacity due to sediment deposition during the
intervening period.
The capacity below the lowest contour may be computed by the contour area interval method
which provides Vy. After finding the volume below the lowest contour, this formula can be used
progressively for each succeeding higher contour. The cumulative value of the capacity between
the successive unit elevations will give the new capacity of reservoir at different elevations. The
difference between the old capacity and the new capacity at any elevation will provide the
accumulation of silt deposit between the surveys.
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Soil erosion takes place mainly in cultivated lands, sparsely vegetated non-cultivated lands,
grazing lands and road construction sites. The amount of eroded soil in a catchment can be fairly
estimated by delineating the different sources of erosion and identifying their relative importance in
Download now to the total erosion. Usually
contributing 1 of 100
cultivated lands form
major document
source of sediment as
cultivation is the main disturbing activity in a catchment. Soil erosion from the sources takes place
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as sheet-rill erosion, gully erosion and stream bank erosion. Erosion in cultivated lands takes place
mainly as sheet-rill erosion and forms the major contribution to the soil eroded in a catchment. The
contribution from other types of erosion is relatively low compared to that from sheet-rill erosion.
The rate at which soil is eroded from a given area is expressed in volume or weight units per unit
area and time. Usually, it is given as m 3/km2/year or tons/ ha/ year.
I Sheet-Rill Erosion
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) computes average annual erosion from field
slopes in tons/ha/year (Renard, 1997)
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using GIS technique , MSc Thesis, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia
US Department of Agriculture (1972) SCS National Engineering Handbook, Section 4,
USDA Soil Conservation Service TP-149 (SCS-TP-149), ―A Method for Estimating
Wischmeier, W. H. and Smith, D. D. (1978) : Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses – A
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Chow, V. T., Maidment, D. R., Mays, L. W. (1988) APPLIED HYDROLOGY, McGraw-
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institutions should address leadership and coordination issues in order to
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build a common agricultural policy for West Africa
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