Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder As A Coffee Substitute

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2, JUNE 2022




[email protected]
School District of Quezon City
Flora A. Ylagan High School
Malakas St. Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City, Philippines


Coffee is known as a beverage to most people all over the world and is best known for making the drinker
active, because of its stimulating effect on the functions of the brain. But drinking coffee also affects human
health. Coffee acts as a stimulant through its caffeine. Variants of coffee flavors all over the world were
already produced, aiming for the discovery of alternative sources for coffee production. With this premise,
the present study attempted to determine the acceptability and marketability of malunggay, ampalaya, and
okra seeds powder as a coffee substitute. This study also aimed to find a healthier and cheaper alternative
to commercial coffee with less caffeine. The experimental research method was used in this study. The
respondents of this study were adults (20-30), (31-40), and 41 years old and above. The study focused
only on the acceptability and marketability of making coffee out of powdered malunggay, ampalaya, and
okra seeds as coffee substitutes for the main ingredients. Three different proportions 20, grams, 40 grams,
and 60 grams were prepared with different seed concentrations where 75% malunggay seed, 20%
ampalaya seed, and 5% okra seed were proportioned. Survey questionnaires were administered to the 90
respondents of Batasan Hills National High School and Brgy. Batasan Hills. The five-point Likert scale and
nine-point Hedonic scale were used to determine the acceptability of the product. Results further showed
that there was no significant difference in the evaluation of the three groups of respondents on the
acceptability and marketability of malunggay, ampalaya, and okra seed powder as a coffee substitute in
terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. Likewise, there was no significant difference in the
evaluation of the three groups of respondents on the acceptability and marketability of coffee with 20
grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams for each proportion of powdered malunggay, ampalaya, and okra seed as
a coffee substitute in terms of supply/availability, consumer demand and cost of production. The
MAAOKRA Coffee with 40 grams proportion was the most acceptable proportion in terms of appearance,
aroma, taste, and texture compared to the 20 grams and 60 grams proportion. The MAAOKRA Coffee with
40 grams has a higher potential in the market in terms of supply and availability compared to the 20 grams
and 60 grams proportion. Furthermore, the 40 grams proportion is more affordable and more nutritious. In
terms of physicochemical analysis, the 40 grams proportion is more packed with calcium and potassium.

Keywords: Acceptability, Marketability, Maaokra Coffee, Less Caffeine, Experimental

INTRODUCTION alertness. However, too much caffeine can cause

insomnia. The researcher chose this study.
Coffee has been part of Filipino daily meals. MAAOKRA Coffee to find a healthier and
It contains caffeine which is a central nervous cheaper alternative to commercial coffee. The
system and metabolic stimulant that restores one’s researcher and her husband are both coffee lovers.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

It is one of the reasons why the researcher chose a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant
coffee for her study. In Addition to being coffee that restores one’s alertness. However, too much
lovers, they are also vegetarians. so, the caffeine can cause insomnia. The researcher
researcher decided Malunggay, Ampalaya, and chose this study MAAOKRA COFFEE to find a
okra to be used as her variables in this research healthier and cheaper alternative to commercial
study. Also, the researcher’s children grew to be coffee. The researcher and her husband are both
vegetarians, so she thought of the other use of coffee lovers, which prompted her to choose coffee
ampalaya seeds. As one of the variables, after to be her focus of study. They are likewise both
removing the vegetable, she has chosen coffee vegetarians. With this, the researcher chose
and used seeds of her favorite vegetables, malunggay, ampalaya, and okra to be her
malunggay, ampalaya, and okra. variables. With this in mind, she thought of using
In an article, (2018) the ampalaya seeds as one of the variables for her
defines coffee as a dark brewed beverage that has coffee. After removing the meat of the vegetable,
a slightly acidic flavor from the roasted seeds. It she added its seeds to the other ingredients such
has been part of Filipinos' daily meals. It contains as that of the malunggay and okra. Gutierrez
caffeine which is a central nervous system and (2015) states that seeds have the potential to
metabolic stimulant that restores one’s alertness. produce coffee. There were many researchers
Coffee is brewed from the beans of the coffee who succeeded in utilizing different seeds in
plant, which are called coffee beans. Green making coffee. Beneficial for people who have
(unroasted) coffee is one of the most traded night shift jobs, and students who are studying and
agricultural commodities in the world. Coffee can making projects at night.
have a stimulating effect on humans due to its According to Gopalakrishnanb, Doriyaa,
caffeine content. It is one of the most consumed and Kumar (2016), the Moringa tree is one of the
beverages in the world. Coffee is cultivated in over most nutrient-rich plants on earth, the leaves, and
70 countries in the world. It is commonly found in seeds contain important nutrients that have the
tropical and subtropical regions, primarily in potential to significantly improve health and
Southeast Asia, where the Philippines is located. combat malnutrition. The leaves have been
Coffee is known as a beverage to most people all referred to as natural multivitamins because they
over the world. It is known for making the drinker contain a large number of important vitamins and
active because of its stimulating effect on the minerals along with all the essential amino acids.
functions of the brain. Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) seeds are
Few variants of coffee flavors aiming to rich in vitamins A and C and the mineral iron.
discover alternative sources in coffee production Vitamin A is important for eye health and night
were already produced. The researchers’ goal is to vision, healthy skin, hair and nails, and cell growth.
make alternative coffee beans using malunggay, Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that protects
ampalaya, and okra seeds. The researcher also whoever takes it from the damaging effects of free
chose MAAOKRA Coffee because it is a healthier radicals. It is also important in wound healing,
beverage and people, whenever at work or at immune function, and collagen synthesis. The
home, drink coffee. This MAAOKRA Coffee is pods are fibrous and are valuable to treat digestive
cheaper than the branded coffees available in the problems and thwart colon cancer. Completely
market. Coffee is a much-known beverage to the caffeine-free and supercharged with nutrients,
majority with the reference to people, especially Moringa is a green leaf that is considered a
adults. Variants of coffee flavor all over the world superfood. It contains a lot of antioxidants and it is
were already produced, aiming for the discovery of an excellent source of iron and magnesium. It is
alternative sources for coffee production. jam-packed with Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Moringa
To create this product, the researcher has so many benefits but is especially good for
analyzed some factors to produce a healthier and healthy skin and the immune system. It is also
cheaper choice of coffee. Coffee has been part of supposed to help with stress and fatigue. It can
Filipinos' daily meals. It contains caffeine which is support restful sleep. It has a larger content of
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

vitamins and minerals that are found in fruits and were reviewed to conduct this research study and
vegetables. It contains 36 anti-inflammatories, 18 these were presented hereunder. Coffee came
Amino Acids, and 9 Essential Amino Acids (Yonan, from the coffee plant called coffee beans, which is
2017). dark and slightly acidic in flavor. It grows in
Ampalaya (Momordica charantia Linn.), cultivated trees in over 70 countries primarily in
also known as Bitter Melon, is a crawling vine that Latin America. Coffee is one of the most traded
grows well in tropical countries, particularly in the agricultural commodities in the world, because of
Philippines. Known for its bitter taste, ampalaya is its caffeine content and stimulating effect on
at once a staple ingredient in Filipino and Asian humans (Leaf Group, 2015).
cuisines and a reliable home remedy for various Drinking coffee also affects human health.
illnesses, particularly diabetes. But aside from its It has been studied to determine the effect of coffee
role as healthy food, ampalaya is especially valued because coffee contains several compounds which
by diabetics for its known anti-diabetes. Ampalaya are known to affect the human body. The coffee
is an excellent source of Vitamin B1, B2, and B3, bean contains chemicals that are called mild
C. Magnesium, folic, acid, zinc, phosphorus, psychotropics as a defense mechanism of the
manganese, and dietary fiber. It is rich in iron and coffee plant. These are toxic in large doses or
contains twice the calcium of spinach and twice the intake in humans, or even in their amount when
potassium of a banana. Drinking Bitter melon can consumed by creatures that may otherwise have
be very helpful for stimulating the immune system threatened the beans in the wild. Coffee act as a
(Mon, 2016). stimulant through its caffeine, (Leaf Group, 2015).
The food center organization stated that It is among the most widespread and healthiest
okra, the slimy superfood is also known as “lady beverages in the world. It is known to be a highly
finger'' or gumbo in some regions, grows well in rich source of biologically active natural
warm climates. Okra has a taste that reminds of metabolites which possess therapeutic effects and
soulful, Southern cooking. Okra is a beautiful, functional properties. Coffee can be considered a
edible flowering plant that is part of the mallow drink that has different positive effects on human
family (related to cotton, cocoa, and hibiscus) and health. However, heavy coffee consumption may
originated in Africa. Also known as “ladyfingers” or be related to some unpleasant symptoms, mainly
“gumbo” in some regions this extremely drought- anxiety, headache, increased blood pressure,
and the heat-tolerant plant grows well in warm nausea, and restlessness. During the past two
climates and offers consumers a wide variety of decades, several studies have indicated that there
nutritional benefits. The okra pods are one of the is a close correlation between the consumption of
vegetables with very low calories. Just 30 calories coffee and the incidence of depression. In addition,
per 100 grams with no saturated fats and phytochemical studies showed that caffeine is the
cholesterol. But rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and main responsible constituent for the
vitamins: usually recommended by nutritionists to antidepressant effects of coffee through multiple
control and for weight reduction programs. Seeds molecular mechanisms. As the thirteenth century
inside okra are safe to eat. The seeds provide came, it has been believed that Ethiopian
some of the fiber found in okra which helps ancestors called Oromo people recognized and
digestion. Okra is a great compliment to many discovered the energizing effect of the coffee plant,
foods ( 2016). Based on the and coffee spread to Egypt and Yemen. The
given statements above, the researcher is credible evidence of drinking coffee and the
motivated to provide a way to get the nutrients knowledge of the coffee tree, in the 16th century,
provided by these plants not just by eating them but coffee had reached the rest of the Middle East,
in a more frequent way of consuming plants thus Persia, Turkey, and Northern Africa. It spread to
considering their seeds as an alternative in coffee Italy, the rest of Europe, Indonesia, and to the
making. Americas. (Encyclopedia Americana Vol. 7). A
Several journal articles, websites, and coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant and the
studies that have some relevance to this study source of coffee. It is a pit inside the red or purple
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics.
cherries, the coffee fruit is also so-called stone fruit Aside from ampalaya’s medicinal value, it is a good
(Attman, 2020). source of vitamins A, B, and C, iron, folic acid,
Factors must be considered in enjoying a cup of phosphorus, and calcium. Ampalaya is also rich in
coffee. To feel the aroma of the coffee, coffee antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from
drinkers first inhale the vapor that rises from the the damage of free radicals (Theaimagent), The
cup. A good coffee drinker inhales the aroma feasibility of this plant as a substitute for coffee
before allowing his lips to touch the coffee. The beans is explained without the comparison
taste affects most of the quality and flavor of a between the coffee from ampalaya seeds and
coffee (Morgan, 2019). There is a good reason to commercially available one has more nutritional
drink coffee. Cups of coffee can cut post-workout value (Carreos, 2015).
muscle pain by up to 48% (University of Georgia, Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) can grow
2007). in tropical and sub-tropical countries and can also
Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) which is also grow in that kind of area. Okra (Abelmoschus
known as horse-radish tree or Ben oil tree in esculentus) is an important vegetable crop. It has
English is indeed a very useful plant. It is rich in various uses like its fresh leaves, buds, flowers,
nutrients. The leaves, flowers, and fruits (that are pods, stems, and seeds. Okra seed is rich in high-
pods) of Malunggay are edible and Filipinos eat quality protein regarding its content of essential
them as vegetables. Malunggay is a very nutritious amino acids relative to other plant protein sources.
plant and its benefits have been acknowledged by Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a powerhouse
nutritionists, dieticians, and nutrition researchers. of valuable nutrients, with its soluble fiber helping
Considered a miracle plant, the tea derived from to lower serum cholesterol, reducing the risk of
the leaves of this tree has high levels of flavonoids heart disease (Gemede, 2015). It is also
and polyphenols. These are antioxidants that can emphasized in (2017) that okra seeds
detoxify your body and strengthen the immune when dried can be roasted and ground to make a
system (Pascual 2016). Zhou (2018) Moringa substitute coffee drink.
oleifera (Malunggay) also known as horseradish Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a
tree. The seeds, fruits, and leaves can be edible common vegetable in the market. The immature
food. However, the roots and their extract are not fruits can be eaten raw, boiled, blanched, or fried.
edible to eat. These can be toxic substances. It is also an indispensable component of the
Moringa (Malunggay) can easily add to smoothie Filipino dish “pinakbet” and a common ingredient in
drinks or tea or coffee when it is powdered. soups and sauces. The fruits can be dried or
Ampalaya (Momordica charantia Linn.) pickled. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a
also known as bitter gourd or bitter melon is a vine common vegetable in the market. The immature
with tendrils up to 20 centimeters long that grows fruits can be eaten raw, boiled, blanched, or fried.
well in tropical countries, particularly in the It is also an indispensable component of the
Philippines. The leaves are heart-shaped about 5 Filipino dish “pinakbet” and a common ingredient in
to 10 centimeters in diameter and cut into 5 to 7 soups and sauces. The fruits can be dried or
lobes. The edible fleshy green fruit is oblong with pickled. The leaves are sometimes used like
pointed ends, ribbed and wrinkled, bursting when spinach and seeds as a substitute for coffee. Okra
mature to release the seeds. Ampalaya seeds are seeds also contain a considerable amount of good
flat with ruminated margins. It has a bitter taste due quality oil and protein (Mamaril, 2015). Seeds
to the presence of Momordica inside okra are safe to eat. The seeds provide
(Medicalhealthguide, 2015). The result showed some of the fiber found in okra which helps
that the biosorption process showed higher digestion. Okra is a great compliment to many
efficiency when it comes to the content of vitamins foods (Mathis, 2016).
and minerals of the Moringa oleifera seeds. Based on the given statements above, the
Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavonoids and researcher is motivated to provide a way to get the
alkaloids making the Pancreas produce more nutrients provided by these plants not just by eating
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

them but in a more frequent way by consuming the improvement of human lives. The experimental
plants thus considering their seeds as an method of research is defined as systematic and
alternative in coffee making. scientific approaches wherein there is an
intentional manipulation of one variable while the
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY others are kept constant. The focus of the study is
the acceptability and marketability of Malunggay,
This study attempted to determine the ampalaya, and okra seed powder as the main
acceptability and marketability of the powdered ingredients in making nutritious and cheaper
coffee, with 20 grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams and
Malunggay, Ampalaya, and Okra Seed as a Coffee
with a seed concentration of 70% of malunggay
Substitute using different proportions during the seed, 25% of the ampalaya seed and 5% of okra
school year 2018-2019 in Barangay Batasan Hills, seed powder.
Quezon City. The data gathering instrument used in this
study was the survey questionnaire. This was to
More specifically, this study sought answers to determine the evaluation of the three groups of
the following questions: respondents on the finished product in terms of its
sensory attributes such as Appearance, Aroma,
1. To evaluate respondents’ perceptions Taste Texture, and Marketability. The next part of
about the acceptability of Malunggay, the evaluation of the respondents in the product is
Ampalaya, and Okra Seed Powder as a on the level of acceptability of Malunggay,
Coffee Substitute in terms of appearance, Ampalaya, and Okra seed powder as a coffee
aroma, and tasted texture. substitute using nine-point Hedonic rating scales in
2. To determine the significant difference in terms of Appearance, Aroma, Taste, and Texture.
the evaluation of the three groups of A five-point Likert rating scale was used to
respondents on the acceptability of determine the evaluation of the respondent’s
Malunggay, Ampalaya, and Okra Seed Acceptability and Marketability.
Powder as a Coffee Substitute. The Likert rating scale with range and
3. To evaluate the level of marketability of descriptive values. The researcher secured a
MAAOKRA Coffee in three different written permit from the Division of City Schools in
proportions as perceived by the Quezon City to conduct the research. After the
respondents. approval of the Division Office, the researcher
4. To analyze the significant difference in the prepared survey questionnaires. To ensure the
evaluation of the three groups of validity of the survey questionnaires, the
respondents on the level of marketability of researcher asked ten experts to validate the survey
MAAOKRA Coffee. questionnaires.
5. To determine the physicochemical analysis The researcher through the help of her
of the prepared MAAOKRA Coffee in terms adviser revised the survey questionnaire, as
of Calcium, Moisture, Potential for necessary. Having found the survey
Hydrogen (pH), and d, Potassium. questionnaires valid and reliable, the researcher
secured written permission from the office of the
principal at Batasan Hills National High School and
the respondents to float the instrument to the
respondents of this study. After the approval, the
An experimental research method was used
validated survey questionnaires were then
in this study to determine the acceptability and
administered by the researcher to the consumer
marketability of produced coffee using Malunggay,
respondents who were chosen randomly. After the
Ampalaya, and Okra seeds (MAAOKRA Coffee) to
administration and collection of the survey
arrive at more precise results. Experimental
questionnaires, the researcher gathered,
research has a vital role in society, particularly in
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

evaluated, and analyzed all necessary data that an overall mean of 7.66, Very Acceptable while the
are needed in the research data. (31-40) and (41- above) respondents gave it the
In the analysis and interpretation of data, overall mean ratings of 7.60, 8.08, and 7.87,
statistical tools were used like MEAN, was used to respectively with Extremely Acceptable
determine the level of acceptability of and interpretation.
marketability of the Malunggay, Ampalaya, and
Okra seed powder as a coffee substitute in terms 2. A significant difference in the evaluation of
of the four criteria: Appearance, Aroma, Taste, and the three groups of respondents on the
Texture. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) This acceptability of Malunggay, Ampalaya, and
was used to determine if there was a significant Okra Seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute
difference in the evaluation of the three groups on
the acceptability of Malunggay, Ampalaya, and The Adult (20-30) respondents evaluated
okra seed powder as a coffee substitute with 20 the acceptability of the Malunggay, Ampalaya, and
grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams in making coffee Okra Seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute with 20
and (b.) there was no significant difference in the grams’ proportion in terms of appearance, aroma,
evaluation of the three groups of respondents on taste, and texture as Moderately Acceptable with a
the level of marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya weighted mean of 7.84 and Very Acceptable and
and okra, seed powder as a coffee substitute with adult respondents as evidenced by the grand
20 grams, 40 grams and 60 grams each proportion weighted mean ratings of 8.44 and 8.28
of malunggay, ampalaya and okra seed powder as respectively.
a coffee substitute in terms of the For the 40 grams proportion, the 20-30 years old
supply/availability, consumer demand, and cost of respondents rated it 7.72 mean with the verbal
production. interpretation of Very Acceptable while the 31-40
years old respondents and the 41 years old and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION above gave it an average of 8.41 and 8.21
respectively which were interpreted as Extremely
1. Perceptions of respondents about the Acceptable.
acceptability of Malunggay, Ampalaya, and
Okra Seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute in 3. Level of marketability of MAAOKRA Coffee
terms of appearance, aroma, and tasted in three different proportions as perceived
texture. by the respondents

The Adult (20-30) respondents evaluated the The MAAOKRA Coffee with 60 grams’
acceptability of the Malunggay, Ampalaya, and proportion was evaluated by the adults (20-30) with
Okra Seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute with 20 an overall mean of 7.66, Very Acceptable while the
grams’ proportion in terms of appearance, aroma, (31-40) and (41- above) respondents gave it the
taste, and texture as moderately acceptable with a overall mean ratings of 7.60, 8.08, and 7.87,
weighted mean of 7.84 and very acceptable and respectively with Extremely Acceptable
adult respondents as evidenced by the grand interpretation adults (20-30) and adult respondents
weighted mean ratings of 8.44 and 8.28 rated the level of marketability of the MAAOKRA
respectively. Coffee a grand mean rating of 4.35, interpreted as
For the 40 grams proportion, the 20-30 years old High Potential while the adult (31-40) respondents
respondents rated it 7.72 mean with the verbal gave it grand means of 4.60 VHP and those of 40
interpretation of very acceptable while the 31-40 years old and above, rated it 4.46 grand mean
years old respondents and the 41 years old and which is High Potential for marketing.
above gave it an average of 8.41 and 8.21
respectively which were interpreted as extremely 4. A significant difference in the evaluation of
acceptable. The MAAOKRA Coffee with 60 grams’ the three groups of respondents on the
proportion was evaluated by the adults (20-30) with level of marketability of MAAOKRA Coffee
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

There was a significant difference in the highest protein content compared to the other two
evaluation of the three groups of respondents on proportions.
the level of marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya,
and Okra Seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute with CONCLUSIONS
20 grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams proportions.It
can be observed that the two groups of Based on the findings, the following
respondents rated the two proportion (20 grams conclusions were drawn:
and 40 grams) with the same overall mean. This
means that they have the same evaluation in all the 1. The MAAOKRA Coffee with 40 grams
criteria. Another observation is that the young adult proportion is the most acceptable
respondents gave the MAAOKRA Coffee the proportion in terms of appearance, aroma,
highest ratings compared to the other groups. It is taste, and texture compared to the 20
evident that this group really likes MAAOKRA grams and 60 grams proportion.
Coffee and openly accepts it as a new alternative 2. The MAAOKRA Coffee with 40 grams has
coffee they can buy in the market.This means that a higher potential in the market in terms of
there are significant differences among the supply and availability compared to the 20
evaluations of the three groups of respondents on grams and 60 grams proportion.
the level of marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya Furthermore, the 40 grams proportion is
and Okra Seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute with more affordable and more nutritious.
20 grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams’ proportions. 3. In terms of physicochemical analysis, the
The data gathered showed that all the three groups 40 grams proportion is more packed with
of respondents had different evaluations on all the calcium and potassium.
items. It can be observed that the 40 grams
proportion has the highest rating among the three RECOMMENDATIONS
proportions. This only indicates that the 40 grams’
proportion may be the best option among the three Based on the conclusions of the study, the
to use. These findings imply that the respondents following recommendation is hereby endorsed:
agreed that marketability of MAAOKRA seed 1. The college, through the researcher, may
powder as coffee substitute has a very high craft a project proposal on the production of
marketability the MAAOKRA Coffee for a possible
research grant from the Department of
5. Physicochemical analysis of the prepared Science and Technology.
MAAOKRA Coffee in terms of Calcium, 2. The local government may promote
Moisture, Potential for Hydrogen (pH), and d, MAAOKRA Coffee as one of the healthy
Potassium coffee products in the local market.
3. Future researchers may undertake similar
The 20 grams proportion has less calcium studies on different seeds that could be a
content, less moisture, and less potassium content product utilizing other healthy ingredients.
but high acidic compared to the other two
proportions. On the other hand, the 40 grams
proportion has the highest content of calcium, has
a moderate content of moisture, is moderately
acidic, and has a high protein content compared to The researcher wishes to extend her
the 20 grams and 60 grams proportions. The 60 immeasurable appreciation and gratitude to the
grams proportion meanwhile has high calcium and following persons whose help and assistance
high moisture content, is less acidic and has the made it possible for her to complete the study. But

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

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P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139
Nordquist D.R. Atassanova (2017). Total phenolic and total Teaching Major in Food Technology at Marikina
flavonoids in Bulgarian fruits and vegetables. J University Polytechnic College in 2019. She also completed
Chemical Techno Metallurgy.
the 9 National Competencies in TESDA, Diploma,
Padmapriya, F. (2015) Treatment of drinking Coffee to our and Certificate in Special Education in Acadev
body. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. Training and Learning Center, meanwhile she is
taking a Doctor of Philosophy Major in Educational
Pascual M.A. (2016) Antioxidant that can detoxify the body. Leadership Management at Colegio De Dagupan. Mrs. Carag is a recipient of the Gawad Ybarra
award as a Global Teacher. She is an
Reck D. (2018). Renewing America's food traditions. Chelsea author/copyright for the National Library and
Green Publishing
POTTE Inc. of the Research Titled Acceptability
Steemit S. (2017) Foodbuzz: Health benefits and uses of lad and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya, and
fingers. Okra seed Powder as a Coffee Substitute. She is
affiliated with the Association of Professional
Studymosse, A. (2018) Food plants of the Sonoran Desert Trainers and Assessors of TESDA Camanava,
Tucson. University of Arizona Press. Inc., Professional Organization in the Field of
Home Economics, and TVL which are: Philippine
The University of Georgia. (2007, January 10). Caffeine Cuts Home Economics Association Inc. (National and
Post-workout Pain By Nearly 50 Percent, Study Finds. QC Chapter) and Philippine Organization of TLE
ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 9, 2022 from and TVL Inc. and Leadership and Education
htm Academy and Development (LEAD), and
International Organization of Educators and
Thimnaal, D. (2015) Treatment of drinking coffee to our body. Researchers Inc. To continue her professional
Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. growth, she attended several pieces of training in
both International and National Webinar Series for
Yonan, N. (2017). Early morning moringa latte. Home Economics and Research. More so, she is
latte/24/10/2017 also a researcher and a research advocate. She
presented her research to different research
Your Health Remedy (2015) Caffeine content and Stimulating organizations.
effects on Humans

Zhou E. (2018) Benefits of moringa and it is used J. University

Chemical Techno Metallurgy 51: 175-192

Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
Mary Ann Manlunas Carag , under the terms and conditions of the Creative
MAT FT LPT., is currently serving Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
as a TLE Master Teacher I, in the International License (
Department of Education,
Schools Division Office of
Quezon City, Flora A. Ylagan
High School, Philippines. She is an Immersion
Coordinator for TVL Home Economics students,
TVL CLUB Adviser, Assistant Coach in Volleyball,
a Bread and Pastry Production NCII, Cookery NC
II, Food and Beverages Services NCII, Events
Management NCII, and Contact Center Services
NCII Trainer. She finished her Master of Arts in
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CARAG, M.A.M., Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee
Substitute, pp. 131 - 139

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