In Favor of GMO
In Favor of GMO
In Favor of GMO
Recently the Rt Hon Anders Wijkman, Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of
Sciences, an accomplished environmental activist who served a decade as
member of the European Parliament, asked me the question: "Are you against
GMO - all forms of GMO?"
In our quest to attain a society capable of "responding to basic needs for water,
food, health, housing and energy for all", we cannot leave any opportunity
unturned, because "we do not like it". We have to look reality in the eye, going
beyond what is good and what is bad, going beyond what fits our dogmas and
what does not. We have to ask ourselves: "Is there better?" Often we find
solutions that seem to be the best at that moment in time, not realizing at the
outset the unintended consequences that may be caused by our impatient drive
toward quick solutions.
I know this dilemma all too well. Back in the early 90's, I went out of my way to
promote biodegradable soaps, outcompeting the market leaders without
advertising by distributing an ecological product made in an ecological factory
only to realize that this success caused an increase in demand for palm oil,
which over the next decade lead to the destruction of 2.5 million hectares of
rainforest, including ruining major tracks of the habitat of the orangutan. Was I,
responsible for the destruction of the rainforest because I wanted to contribute to
the cleaning up of the rivers in Europe? It is only then that I realized that
biodegradability - even with the best of my intentions - often has nothing to see
with sustainability. How could I pretend to clean up the rivers in Europe while
undermining the livelihood of the habitat of primates?
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
I realized the hard way that we need to look at the whole system and not simply
pursue one single objective. Every time we only focus on one problem and find
one quick solution, we are likely to cause these unintentional consequences. It
takes years, sometimes decades to realize the adverse effects of what we do,
and then it is often too late. If we decide to ignore the negative impact and side
effects of our hasty actions, and do not dramatically improve, then we cause
collateral damage -knowingly causing harm- a strategy condoned by the military.
However, it cannot be embraced by civil society.
We need to create the space to look at the hard reality through the eyes of a
child, observe all ramifications of the challenges we face without preconceived
ideas. We study the options we have, employ scientific knowledge to the best of
our abilities and design a model that advances life on earth.
This is how I pursue the soap and detergents business today. I - and the ZERI
Foundation - actively promote the extraction of d-Limonene from citrus peels,
which is perhaps one of the most effective, competitive and sustainable cleaning
products. We convert waste from the orange juice industry into cleaning agents
that outcompete palm oil derivatives, using available resources. The waste from
the peels after extraction of the active ingredients can serve as an animal feed.
Instead of causing damage to the rainforest or simply managing waste, we can
generate three revenues and double the number of jobs. This is The Blue
I recognize that the d-Limonene may be the best option today. Improvements,
even radical improvements, could emerge anytime. That is the pathway of
evolution, building better competitiveness. At least, there is no more need to
destroy rain forests.
Gunter Pauli
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
Dear Anders,
Actually, I received that same question a few months ago during a conference on
the future of agriculture in Brussels. And just last week, members of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (at their splendid halls in Budapest) debated
this subject with me with remarkable openness and determination.
The first question we have to answer is: "What is the purpose of GMO?"
If the purpose is the make crops resistant to drought, then the first question is:
"Why do you want to plant a crop that needs water in an area that does not have
And, if climate change is the cause of the drought (an easy excuse these days)
why don't we switch to crops that can grow under these environmental
If we only choose to farm Of course, if options for crops are limited options to
only 5 crop varieties, five varieties (wheat, rice, corn, soy, palm) planted as
wherever we are in the monocultures, and we have discarded all other 1,000
world, of course GMO is the opportunities that are proven locally ... then we have
only option to feed the no option: we must genetically modify these crops to
resist drought.
But, what if in this International Year of Biodiversity we search for the best seeds,
the result of millions of years of adaptation, then we could embrace "the best
option that is readily available and proven to work", without any potential
unintended consequences.
A quick review of established seed banks confirms that there are hundreds of
biota available for any latitude or altitude with proven track records to withstand
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
drought. However, the next argument will be that the "traditional product" cannot
produce enough to feed the world. Is that true? We are made to believe that only
five main crops and only GMO combined with (thanks to GMO reduced) chemical
cocktails will save us from famine and starvation. Let me analyze that logic.
In the past, agricultural waste from rice straw was used as a building material in
Cairo. When concrete and cement began to be used, Cairo faced intolerable air
pollution due to the burning of excesses of rice straw. The "best" option proposed
was to genetically modify rice to "short straw varieties". Who could be against
reducing respiratory illnesses caused by uncontrolled incineration of agricultural
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
The mindset that underpins the drive to GMO is the construct of scarcity. The
efficient allocation of scarce resources provides the logic for business.
Unfortunately over the past half century, business is reduced to a core business
based on a core competence. How often did I hear that one or the other
multinational is not into mushrooms, and therefore this option of converting agro-
waste to food - how laudable and even competitive can be - is not even
considered. Actually, Anders, we have to admit, (1) these companies are not
capable of taking up this proposal, (2) management simply does not have the
skills needed to introduce this simple innovation, and (3) shareholders are
capable of understanding it but need to be exposed to the option.
Anders, while this sets the stage, there is a need to offer you a second example
to clarify my approach to finding the best solution, and offer a framework for
assessing the potential contribution of GMO to a sustainable, healthy and happy
Do you remember, some 15 years ago, the arrival of Golden Rice? This GMO
rice was heralded as a definitive solution in the fight against blindness. It was
introduced as one of the great contributions of science, and probably one of the
key reasons why you asked "if I am against all forms of GMO?"
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
We should not form our opinion on what is good or what is bad, we should
choose the best possible option, with the least risks, based on an understanding
of all possible unintentional consequences to anyone else with whom we share
the planet.
When confronted with such a societal challenge like blindness, we should first
ask ourselves why is that blindness on the rise? Quickly we realize that there is a
shortage of betacarotene ... obvious! Is that enough of a reason to rush to and
genetically modify rice to include betacarotene? I beg everyone to bear with me
and think this through.
We realize that there used to be a scum growing on the irrigated paddies. This
scum has been removed due to the chemicals used in rice farming to boost
output. That scum ... is rich in micro-algae, and very rich in betacarotene.
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
Our "modern" farming system of rice that focuses on maximizing rice eliminated
betacarotene (and much more) from the supply chain! In our drive to increase the
output of one component - rice - we decreased the natural cultivation of all the
essential amino acids and micro-nutrients that rice alone cannot supply. How can
we accept that the solution to blindness is genetic manipulation?
If we really want to fight blindness, and if that is our genuine purpose, then we
farm rice, let the scum form on the water, feed it to the ducks, crustaceans and
fish. Then we have a balanced intake of protein, and at the same time, we have a
good supply (again) of betacarotene, while naturally fertilizing the ponds with
manure. As our research demonstrates, this system integrated farming system
produces more nutrients than intensive rice farming could ever achieve. We are
not substituting blindness for famine as some proponents of GMO want us to
Golden Rice does not solve any issue beyond blindness at a premium. Rather,
GMOs perpetuate unsustainability in farming, both on the production side (too
many inputs depleting top soil) and on the side of consumption (too much of the
wrong food).
How is it possible that the Swiss company that controls Golden Rice has an
exclusive patent (until 2012), exploiting the sale of the "anti-blindness" rice for a
profit? If the purpose is to earn money and maximize return to shareholders,
then this should be spelled out when
GMO is not bad - however there is a waging the campaign to halt blindness.
much better way! So why settle for
the expensive, profit-driven, risk- I am not saying that business is bad. We
laden, and approval-loaded solution, have to ask ourselves constantly "Is there a
while proven integrated farming better way"? And the conclusion in this
systems can evolve our present case is that "There is indeed a much better
model of scarcity to one of way!". This "better way" addresses our
abundance? shortcomings without leaving the world in
hunger. Time has come to stop patching up
the problems with quick fixes, and start implementing lasting solutions that can
always evolve to better ways over time.
© 2010, Pauli
Opinion on a Hot Topic by the author of The Blue Economy
We should ask the next question: Do the farmers earn more money by stamping
out blindness? Or, does this rice seed cost more, solely increasing the supplier's
The company that developed Golden Rice requested early on support from the
United Nations, and asked governments to grant an exclusive license to operate.
Is ethical for a company to use an exclusive patent to profit from stamping out
blindness, especially if the company applies for grants and tax breaks to
guarantee a minimum return?
If the UN pays or governments make up for the difference, then it is tax money
that foots the bill! I am fundamentally against the diversion of citizens' earnings to
guarantee a profit margin, or to subsidize research programs that are not solving
problems, but only placing patches on the challenges of our time.
Until today every case that has been posed to me justifying GMO, I have found
much better solutions that provide (1) higher output for the whole (not on one
crop), (2) contributes to the health and livelihood of all, and (3) stamp out hunger
once and for all. And guess what, these are more competitive solutions as well.
Gunter Pauli is the designer of "The Blue Economy" and the author of the book with the same
title. Each week, he publishes one innovative business model that has been benchmarked
somewhere in the world. He has competed successfully on the market as an entrepreneur, and
the 50+ projects his foundation has been involved demonstrate the commercial viability of these
innovations. For more information <> and <>.
reprint and posting of this copyrighted article is solely authorized after a written permission has
been granted by the author by email only
© 2010, Pauli