Review Paper gp1 512A 16 May

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Home Security Alarm System

512 T1
by Anil Sharma

Submission date: 16-May-2022

File name: Review_Paper_gp1_512A_16_May.docx
Word count: 2826
Review And Analysis of Different Home Security Alarm System
Shashank Kumar 1, Dhirendra Kumar Gupta 2, Ankit Kumar 3, Pankaj Kumar 4,
Preeti Sharma 5, Amrita Ranjan 6.

1-6 Student, Department of Computer Engineering, CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY,

Mohali, India
--------------------------------------------------- keypad module, RFID reader ,RFID tag
Abstract- This paper is open discussion
and draws comparison between different ---------------------------------------------------
Home security alarm system. This paper -
contains a comparison on different
parameters and suggests the foremost jumper wires comprise the smart card and
effective and efficient technique and password-based door lock system.
technologies like micro controller
(Arduino Uno , ESP32 ) that enhance the The RFID Door Lock is a lock that is
home security alarm system technique , simple to install and allows the user to
Technically still because the architecture easily lock and unlock doors. It will
hardware design and discussed the contain a RFID reader/writer and a
foremost frequently used technique also magnetic door lock for simple use. All the
the paper specifies the evolution of various user will need is an RFID tag to be able to
varieties of hardware design that are unlock and lock the door. The components
immersing to make a fine and a cost included in the module are small and
effective home security alarm system with compact. Additionally, the door lock is
in the coming recent future. simple and easy to install. It does not
require the consumer to disassemble the
door or doorframe as the door lock are
Introduction- The term "door lock" merely attachments. All in all, this RFID
refers to a device that prohibits a door door lock should be a simple and cost
from being opened and that can only be effective upgrade to the average
opened with a key, fingerprint, retina consumer’s security and convenience.
scanner, smartcard, or other similar device.
Door locks have played a vital role in In this project we will intercept existing
human life for a long time. As the rate of RFID door lock with extra module to give
theft rises, security has become a top us more protection. Also it will help us by
priority in recent years. Door locks are sending alert when incorrect credentials
intended to keep us and our belongings are entered and provide us with many
safe and secure from thieves. more options like opening the door
remotely and halting the system for time
People used to lock home doors with being.
physical keys, and they required the key to
unlock doors. If they lost the key, it was Problem Statement-As the rate of crime
unlikely to repair, and it was expensive. is drastically increasing on a daily basis,
Now, those door lock systems may be security in everything is an alarming
replaced with new locking technologies. situation and a much needed action to be
The Arduino Uno, Servo motor, 4*4 taken. With the advancement of
technology various door locks with a
security alarm system is available. If we
set up such a door lock system in a completed with fingerprint dependent
particular area, still, if a burglar or an technique. It's regarded as the most recent
intruder tries to unlock the door by the technologies. However it's not guaranteed
means of different incorrect tags or through computer virus an infection. Near
passwords, the owner will not be aware of the entire program is actually very costly
this scenario. Also, he won’t get any idea in order to process.
that someone tried to unlock the door or
tried snooping or intruding. If, by any As the rate of crime is drastically
other circumstances he gets to know that increasing on a daily basis, security in
someone attempted to unlock the code, everything is an alarming situation and a
still he will not be able to halt it or control much needed action to be taken. With the
his security system from another place. advancement of technology various door
locks with a security alarm system is
To overcome such panicking situations, available. If we set up such a door lock
this security alert system is designed for system in a particular area, still, if a
RFID door locks which will have the burglar or an intruder tries to unlock the
facility to notify us when someone tries to door by the means of different incorrect
snoop in and will send us a confirmation tags or passwords, the owner will not be
message about locking and unlocking of aware of this scenario. Also, he won’t get
the door. It will help us to use the RFID any idea that someone tried to unlock the
enabled door lock remotely. door or tried snooping or intruding. If, by
any other circumstances he gets to know
that someone attempted to unlock the
Problem statement-In encryption area, code, still he will not be able to halt it or
present high-stop RFID buildings have the control his security system from another
capability in order to encrypt as well as place.
authenticate the info visitors along with
amazing methods. Encryption associated To overcome such panicking situations,
with memory obstructs might be this security alert system is designed for
recognized in the software program RFID door locks which will have the
coating, that’s clear for that RFID label. facility to notify us when someone tries to
The particular Identified (UID) is usually snoop in and will send us a confirmation
study-only and several RFID-transponders message about locking and unlocking of
enable the long term create locking the door. It will help us to use the RFID
mechanism associated with memory enabled door lock remotely.
obstructs. This particular will make certain
associated with info ethics nevertheless,
obviously, no longer information
authentication as well as interpersonal
architectural attacks such as cloning, Literature Survey- Home security is
robbing information and so on. Apart from becoming necessary nowadays as the
techniques aren't completely guaranteed possibilities of intrusion are increasing day
since the encrypted info tends to be by day.
unguaranteed. Consequently, preventing
storage prevent encryption, all of us want RFID Micro
to using along with information Scan Controller Micro
encryption- decryption solution to set up (Arduino Controller
additional security using my personal (Arduino
encrypt-decrypt-tool permitting personal
crucial encryption technique. In RFID
area, a few functions also provide
Mechanical Servo
Door Motor
In 2021, Wahyuni, R et al. [1] worked on
Alarmdesigning and implementing a home
security alarm that concluded the usage of
PIR sensor as a detection of the presence
of humans entering the home, a buzzer for
notification sound and telegram which is a
A lot of research has been carried out by software to receive and activate
employing sensors like PIR, Sensor notifications is someone is detected
Camera, and GSM towards detecting the entering the house.
intruder at home. But the drawback of all
these systems is that they are all expensive In 2021, Albak, H.L et al. [2] worked on
to be deployed integrated with an LCD designing a security system based on
panel or Camera. Again, with a PIR sensor Arduino technology. This system can
or Ultrasonic Sensor integrated with GSM, detect the movements of a burglar. The
there is a good possibility of false intruder benefits observed for proposed system are
detection based on line of sight cut by any that its components are cheap and
entity and not necessarily an intruder. available, it provides a high level security
Currently, homes in India still rely on and has an applicable design.
security service personnel, and no home
security system has been deployed so far. In 2020, Khare, A et al. [3] worked on
A proven strategy to improve and make RFID based security and access control
sure that security systems and monitoring system that is more secure and responds
house environments remotely are needed, fast as compared to other systems. The
and home security needs a security system advantage of the RFID system is it works
that is more efficient and practical. So, without line of sight and is contact less.
taking the above-mentioned aspects into
consideration, we here have developed an In 2020, Shanthini, M et al. [4] worked
economical and affordable home security on IoT enhanced smart door locking
system. system which determines the security by
allowing the owner to monitor the
To make this work, the literature of buildings with a smartphone controlled,
other researchers was reviewed, and Bluetooth connected system using Arduino
knowledge was acquired from this UNO.
literature which helped in the design. The
components chosen for the design work In 2019, Baballe, A.M. et al. [5] worked
were selected based on certain conditions, on the security alarm system with an
their reliability and cost-effectiveness, objective of providing awareness of the
accuracy, and their availability in the advancement in technology using internet
market. By studying this, we have of things (IoT) and also awareness
designed and developed an integrated regarding the security measures one has to
home security and monitoring system take regularly. This research also reviewed
using the Internet of Things (IoT) by some study on security alarm system from
combining the Arduino UNO and ESP 32 how it is originated.
as a controller. The home security system
involves an RFID reader, numerical code In 2019, Aldawira, R.C. et al. [6] worked
to open the code and email notifications to on proposing a security monitoring system
users, and LDR sensors to monitor the based on ESP32 and IoT technology that
light condition. can monitor and control the door remotely,
receive a warning if a motion is detected
near the door, view the door access history
log and also get notified if the door open also provide a smart way to lock and
limit is crossed. unlock the door. The functional cost
effectiveness of the system compared to
In 2019, Hoque, A.M. et al. [7] presented existing systems is promising.
an architecture that can be used as
framework to build a low cost smart In 2017, Tanwar, S et al. [13] worked an
security system. Using affordable advanced IoT based Security Alert System
components such as microcontrollers, for smart home in order to detect an
Raspberry Pi and RF signals as a intruder or any unusual event at home,
communication channel between these when nobody is available over there.
In 2017, Sahoo, C.K. et al. [14] worked
In 2019, Sehgal, K et al. [8] worked on on an IoT based intrusion detection system
IoT based smart wireless home security using PIR sensor. Also, the use of ZigBee
system. It achieved the target of and ESP8266 module to send data to a
surveillance and energy management. All remote server is included in this system.
the features and operations are controlled This system has accomplished its target
by cloud system with active internet and works in dark environment as well
support. with the help of PIR sensor.

In 2018, Wadhwani, S et al. [9] worked In 2015, Amewornu, E.M. et al. [15]
on providing and proving the strength of worked on wireless home security alarm
IoT that is capable to contribute the system and concluded with the sensor used
services for the purpose of building vast in the design circuit as an infrared detector
number of applications concluding that witch a particular temperature range to
IoT leads to become universal in every detect intrusion. Also, the designed system
aspect. is reliable and effective.

In 2017, Brundha, S.M. et al. [10] In 2015, Burange, W.A. et al. [16]
worked on home automation in client worked on the review of internet of things
server approach with user notification in development of smart cities with data
along with efficient security alerting management. This paper brings in a
system. A typical home automation broader knowledge about IoT, it aims to
workflow consists of 4 stages. The IoT support ubiquity that enables things to
project implements a client server based connect and the vast application of IoT in
home automation with intruder alert to the smart cities.
user mobile phone.
In 2012, ElShafee, A et al. [17] designed
In 2017, Narayan, V et al. [11] worked on and implemented a Wi-Fi based home
a Wi-Fi based wireless sensor network automation system which is a low cost,
incorporating internet of things to design a secure, ubiquitously accessible, auto-
low cost home automation system. This configurable, remotely controlled solution.
system has achieved the aim of providing a It achieved the target to control home
low cost HAS to the users. appliances remotely through Wi-Fi
In 2017, Agarwal, A et al. [12] gave a
novel design approach to smart door In 2010, Huang, H et al. [18] worked on
locking and home security using IoT. The designing a low power consumption
purpose behind developing this system remote home security alarm system
was to ensure the security of home and developed by applying WSN and GSM
technology. This system was capable of
detecting the theft, leaking of raw gas and
send alarm message remotely.

In 2010, Verma, K.G. et al [19] worked

on implementing a digital security system
that contain door lock system using In 2008, Zhao, Y et al. [20] worked on
passive RFID. The door locking system designing a wireless home security system
functions in real time as when the user put based on low cost GSM/GPRS.
the tag in contact with the reader, the door
opens and the check-in message is stored
in server. RFID technology is utilized for
secure access of a space.

Comparision and Analysis-

door lock system. Each project will
get better than previous one as
practice can make us perfect.

II. Advantages: Low Cost

RFID chips are electronic devices

made in the millions; though costs
vary. The smart card itself need not
cost significantly more than a
standard photo ID, so managers can
issue RFID cards to as many
employees as circumstances
require. Most of the cost of an
RFID system lies in the electronic
readers, locks, computers and
related software.

Conclusion-Numerous safety systems III. Advantages: Secure Data

have been suggested in order to protect
RFID buildings towards feasible attacks The data on an RFID card is
particularly all of us outlined the various readable only with special
software field from the RFID technologies equipment, keeping the data
in addition to a few achievable section of recorded on the chip secure.
its software. The actual system’s needed is Data Tracking
more preferable compared to current.

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