Review Paper gp1 512A 16 May
Review Paper gp1 512A 16 May
Review Paper gp1 512A 16 May
512 T1
by Anil Sharma
In 2018, Wadhwani, S et al. [9] worked In 2015, Amewornu, E.M. et al. [15]
on providing and proving the strength of worked on wireless home security alarm
IoT that is capable to contribute the system and concluded with the sensor used
services for the purpose of building vast in the design circuit as an infrared detector
number of applications concluding that witch a particular temperature range to
IoT leads to become universal in every detect intrusion. Also, the designed system
aspect. is reliable and effective.
In 2017, Brundha, S.M. et al. [10] In 2015, Burange, W.A. et al. [16]
worked on home automation in client worked on the review of internet of things
server approach with user notification in development of smart cities with data
along with efficient security alerting management. This paper brings in a
system. A typical home automation broader knowledge about IoT, it aims to
workflow consists of 4 stages. The IoT support ubiquity that enables things to
project implements a client server based connect and the vast application of IoT in
home automation with intruder alert to the smart cities.
user mobile phone.
In 2012, ElShafee, A et al. [17] designed
In 2017, Narayan, V et al. [11] worked on and implemented a Wi-Fi based home
a Wi-Fi based wireless sensor network automation system which is a low cost,
incorporating internet of things to design a secure, ubiquitously accessible, auto-
low cost home automation system. This configurable, remotely controlled solution.
system has achieved the aim of providing a It achieved the target to control home
low cost HAS to the users. appliances remotely through Wi-Fi
In 2017, Agarwal, A et al. [12] gave a
novel design approach to smart door In 2010, Huang, H et al. [18] worked on
locking and home security using IoT. The designing a low power consumption
purpose behind developing this system remote home security alarm system
was to ensure the security of home and developed by applying WSN and GSM
technology. This system was capable of
detecting the theft, leaking of raw gas and
send alarm message remotely.
I. Results:
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