FYP-3 Report Template For Development Projects
FYP-3 Report Template For Development Projects
FYP-3 Report Template For Development Projects
BS in Computer Science
Submitted to
Mr. Hafiz Saud Arshad
(i) 181337 181337@students.au.edu.pk
(ii) 181339 181339@students.au.edu.pk
Ahsan Farooq
*The candidates confirm that the work submitted is their own and appropriate credit has been
given where reference has been made to work of others
Plagiarism Certificate
This is to certify that, I ________ S/D of ____________________, group leader of FYP under
registration no ______________________________at Computer Sciences Department, Air University. I
declare that my FYP report is checked by my supervisor.
Change Record
Author(s) Version Date Notes Supervisor’s Signature
Date:_______________________________ Signature:_________________________
Date:_______________________________ Signature:__________________________
Date:_______________________________ Signature:__________________________
This work is dedicated to our parents who have failed to give us financial and
moral support. We dedicate this project to our supervisor who have worked hard
to help us complete this project. We will always appreciate all they done for
helping us develop our technical skills
Executive Summary
[An executive summary summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in
such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without
having to read it all. This section summarizes the overall document, and should include the
important highlights from the document. It should be concise. It is NOT an introduction, index or
table of contents, it is a summary. The Executive Summary should not make any reference to
other parts of the document. You have to write one page to let reader understand an overview of
the project.]
Table of Contents
Plagiarism Certificate.....................................................................................................................iii
Executive Summary [16pt, Times new roman, bold]...................................................................viii
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ix
List of Figures................................................................................................................................xii
List of Tables................................................................................................................................xiii
List of Abbreviations....................................................................................................................xiv
Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................................1
Introduction & Background.............................................................................................................1
1.1. Background [16pt, Bold, Times new Roman]..................................................................2
1.2. Motivations and Challenges..............................................................................................2
1.3. Goals and Objectives........................................................................................................2
1.4. Literature Review/Existing Solutions...............................................................................2
1.5. Gap Analysis.....................................................................................................................2
1.6. Proposed Solution.............................................................................................................2
1.7. Project Plan.......................................................................................................................2
1.7.1. Work Breakdown Structure...........................................................................................3
1.7.2. Roles & Responsibility Matrix......................................................................................3
1.7.3. Gantt Chart....................................................................................................................3
1.8. Report Outline...................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2..........................................................................................................................................4
Software Requirement Specifications..............................................................................................4
2.1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................5
2.1.1. Purpose [14pt, Times new Roman, Bold].....................................................................5
2.1.2. Document Conventions.................................................................................................5
2.1.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions...............................................................5
2.1.4. Product Scope................................................................................................................5
2.2. Overall Description...........................................................................................................6
2.2.1. Product Perspective.......................................................................................................6
2.2.2. User Classes and Characteristics...................................................................................6
2.2.3. Operating Environment.................................................................................................6
2.2.4. Design and Implementation Constraints.......................................................................6
2.2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies....................................................................................7
2.3. External Interface Requirements.......................................................................................7
2.3.1. User Interfaces...............................................................................................................7
2.3.2. Hardware Interfaces......................................................................................................7
2.3.3. Software Interfaces........................................................................................................7
2.3.4. Communications Interfaces...........................................................................................8
2.4. System Features................................................................................................................8
2.4.1. System Feature 1...........................................................................................................8 Description and Priority.............................................................................................8 Stimulus/Response Sequences...................................................................................8 Functional Requirements...........................................................................................8
Chapter 7........................................................................................................................................28
Testing & Evaluation.....................................................................................................................28
7.1 Use Case Testing.............................................................................................................29
7.2 Equivalence partitioning.................................................................................................30
7.3 Boundary value analysis.................................................................................................30
7.4 Data flow testing.............................................................................................................30
7.5 Unit testing......................................................................................................................30
7.6 Integration testing...........................................................................................................30
7.7 Performance testing.........................................................................................................31
7.8 Stress Testing..................................................................................................................31
Chapter 8........................................................................................................................................32
Conclusion & Future Enhancements.............................................................................................32
8.1 Achievements and Improvements...................................................................................33
8.2 Critical Review...............................................................................................................33
8.3 Lessons Learnt................................................................................................................33
8.4 Future Enhancements/Recommendations.......................................................................33
Appendix A: Information / Promotional Material.........................................................................35
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.1 label of first table of first chapter 6
1.2 label of second table of first chapter 7
2.1 label of first table of second chapter 14
2.2 label of second table of second chapter 22
2.3 label of third table of second chapter 26
5.1 label of first table of fifth chapter 49
5.2 label of second table of fifth chapter 49
List of Abbreviations
1.1 UML Unified Model Notation
1.2 SRE Software Requirement Engineering
2.1 SDR Software Defined Radios
Chapter 1
Introduction & Background
Chapter 1: Introduction
Violence detection has become the active and progressive research topic in the field of computer
vision and Al. Automatic violence detection can be useful in many areas for the security purpose.
Violence detection consist of different domain like activity detection, fight detection, action
recognition, we mainly focus on fight detection for this purpose two approaches are used 1)
Feature Extraction and 2) Classification. This chapter contains the means and methods that are
used to achieve the goals and objective of our product.
1.1. Background
Today the society highly depends on CCTV for the security purpose, but the CCTV footage is
not very effective because they are only used after hours or evens days of the occurrence of some
incidents. The systems that are commonly used are semi-automated and human supervision is
needed to monitor the video from the CCTVs which cannot be very reliable in most cases
because human is prone to error and one cannot precisely monitor some fight activity because of
the number of videos from different CTTVS. There are many researches to transform the semi-
automated systems to fully automated using the different techniques of Artificial Intelligence and
deep learning.
efficient in detecting object movements and recognizing human activity as compared to semi-
automated systems. Human activity recognition is a difficult task because of many factors such
as real-time classification, low video quality of surveillance cameras, and inconsistent light
intensity during monitoring
Only the documentation and the front end will be produced for the time being, as that is how the
flow of work will be taken and how our application will appear
We as a two team members learned a lot from this project as in developing this project many
libraries are being used which helped us in developing the web application and which will also
help us to use these libraries in different project at market place level and we will also be able to
learn to integrate the AL/ML algorithms with the web application
Chapter 2
Software Requirement
Goals and objectives and Project plan, to get the idea of how our project work. To know the
detailed working and flow of the project, the reader should check the diagrams as it will hive the
visual image of the system. To know that how a user will interact with the system, and what will
be the usage scenarios w.r.t the product.
Chapter 3
Use Case Analysis
Chapter 4
System Design
3: Sequence Diagram
4.3. Activity Diagram
Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Implementation
We have evaluated our fight detection technology on a 300-video fight dataset. After
preprocessing and features extractions. We split the data into training and testing subsets on the
basis of which the model is trained to give the predictions of fight/nofight events
Chapter 6
Business Plan
incorporated into the surveillance systems installed in airports, schools, parking lots, prisons,
shopping malls, and other indoor and outdoor public access areas. Through the application of
image processing and machine learning techniques, Smart Surveillance Systems are able to
extract and interpret the information from the CCTV footages faster and much more efficiently
than any human observer. Moreover, all of the components work together in a flexible
environment so they can be customized to serve a specific purpose that can also change over
Chapter 7
Testing & Evaluation
7.1 Use Case Testing (Test Cases)
Test Case – 1
Test Case ID TC_001 Test Case Test that the desktop app is
Description connected to some video source
Created By Samreen Reviewed By Saud Version 1.0
Step # Step Details Expected Results Actual Results Pass / Fail / Not
executed /
1 Navigate to Site should open As Expected Pass
Test Case – 2
Test Case ID TC_002 Test Case Test that the Model correctly
Description predicts the video from webcam
Created By Samreen Reviewed By Saud Version 1.0
Chapter 8
Conclusion & Future
8.1 Achievements and Improvements
Initially we used the video sequence as input and generated frames. Some frames were selected
from each video clip using image subtraction and averaging techniques and Histogram of
Oriented Gradient (HOG) is applied to extract lower level features. The extracted features from
the videos were given to the trained model which predicts the fight or no fight events. The model
was trained using Logistic Regression, Random Forest and Decision Tress Classifier are used for
the classification purpose. As the videos were of different resolutions, we have resized them to
be 28 x 28 pixels for our CNN architecture. We down sampled the frame to make the training
faster. Thirty frames have been extracted per second from the videos. The CNN model prevents
overfitting by applying regularization techniques like kernel regularizers and dropout of 0.5. The
cost function of this model is binary cross entropy and the optimizer is ‘adam’
Moreover, we have extracted features from our videos using VGG16 and ResNet50. VGG16 is a
simple deep convolutional neural network architecture. It has a deep stacked layered CNN
followed by two fully connected layers which have 4096 neurons on each of them. The output
layer has a softmax classifier. ResNet50 is a deeper model than VGG19 but it proposes very
interesting architecture consisting residual modules. Interestingly, despite of being deeper than
the VGG models, the model size of ResNet50 is much smaller than them because it uses global
average pooling rather than fully connected layers. We have used Keras deep learning library
with TensorFlow backend to implement our desired models and pyQt for the frontend
I learned teamwork in order to motivate my fellow members to achieve the right and effective.
Techniques to improve the SVAS method to deal with moving cameras and multi-camera
data set.
Selective ID protection for intelligent video surveillance systems.
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for background modelling in intelligent video
surveillance systems. etc.
[1] M. Sher, M. Rehman, “Title of the Paper” Conference name/Journal Name, Edition,
Volume, Issue, ISBN/ISSN, PP, Publisher/City-Country, Year.
[2] ……