Survival of Women: An Ecofeminist View in Anita Desai'S Fire On The Mountain
Survival of Women: An Ecofeminist View in Anita Desai'S Fire On The Mountain
Survival of Women: An Ecofeminist View in Anita Desai'S Fire On The Mountain
Abstract: In 1975 Rosemary Radford Ruether says in her book New Woman, New Earth that women must not
find any liberation for them and for the ecological crisis where basic model of relationships is based on
domination. Through the union of the basic demands of women’s movement and ecological movement a
sustainable society can be developed. Ecofeminism works as a theory, as a movement and as a philosophy. The
theory of ecofeminism deals with the domination over women and exploitation of nature in an one analytical
view. While as a movement rejecting all previously dominant ideologies aims at to bring social justice, as a
philosophy it liberates all the subordinated classes erasing all kinds of dualistic notions. The title Fire on the
Mountain carries a double sense of alienation and union, two opposing factors, essential to bring justice as a
whole. What this research paper intends to highlight is to analyse Anita Desai’s novel Fire on the Mountain
from the viewpoint of ecofeminism. Anita Desai’s attempt to write such kind of novel easily connects her to
this term drawing out a connection between women and nature, various kinds of social domination over
women and exploitation of nature and finally through the death of Nanda Kaul and Illa Das and through the
sudden forest fire the novelist aims at the establishment of a new society free from male domination through
Raka, the great granddaughter of Nanda Kaul. Thus challenging dominant strategies of the patriarchal society,
Anita Desai empowers the women by their own strategies of survival.
Introduction: In 1975 Rosemary Radford Ruether says Kaul’s alienation from her family and society and
in her book New Woman, New Earth: Women must same time her union with nature, Illa Das’s alienation
see that there can be no liberation for them and no from family and job and union with nature through
solution to the ecological crisis within a society her social work in the village, Raka’s alienation from
whose fundamental model of relationship continues her parents and discovery of the reality of nature
to be one of domination. They must unite the through intimate union with nature. While fire
demands of the women’s movement with those of the symbolises destruction of the self identity of women
ecological movement to envision a radical reshaping and nature, mountain symbolises emotional
of the basic socioeconomic relations and the detachment of the characters and their instant trying
underlying values of this society. (Quoted in Karen for seeking self identity. As nature is losing her
Warren) Ruether truly grasps that the ecological beauty and identity by natural degradation , human
crisis and the crisis of women are based on the logic and animals are also losing their identity by
of domination and it can be ended through the union degradation of human nature. What ecofeminists
of the women movement and the ecological think is that “trees, water, animals, toxics and nature
movement where demands should come in union language are feminist issues” since, through the
from both crises. From this view point in 1974 the awareness of them, the position and struggle of
French writer Francoise d’ Eaubonne introduces the women are realized (Karen Warren 4). Actually
term ecofeminism in her book Le Feminisme ou la identity crisis and alienation grow from the
Mort where she links feminism with ecology. domination of the patriarchal power . Anita Desai’s
Ecofeminists believe that the male dominant society attempt to write such kind of novel which shows a
brings a division between nature and culture which is strong connection between women and nature, easily
responsible for all kinds of social domination. It binds her to the term ecofeminism. Throughout the
manifests itself as a theory, as a movement and as a novel nature plays an important role where on one
philosophy. As a theory Ecofeminism connects the hand, nature’s connection with women and on the
oppression of women and all subordinate groups and other hand, man’s separation from nature and
the exploitation of nature in one analytical view. degradation of nature from human action are
While as a movement rejecting all previously depicted. In this respect Val Plumwood states “...
dominant ideologies it aims at to bring social justice, both the dominant tradition of men as reason and
as a philosophy it liberates all the subordinated women as nature, and the more recent conflicting
classes erasing all kinds of dualistic notions. What one of men as forceful and wild and women as tamed
this article intends to highlight is to examine Anita and domestic, have had the effect of confirming
Desai’s Fire on the Mountain from the perspective of masculine power”( Feminism and the Mastery of
ecofeminism. The title Fire on the Mountain carries a Nature 20). What Anita Desai wants to mean here
double sense of alienation and union, two opposing that alienation of human beings from nature not only
factors, essential to bring justice as a whole. Nanda brings natural destruction but destruction of human
nature and human life also. Desai reconciles frequent In spite of well aware of Nanda Kaul’s dislike of
fire on the mountain due to ecological change and anybody’s appearance in her secluded life her
suppressed fire in Nanda Kaul’s heart in order to the daughter Asha forces her to keep Raka with her. This
domination of the patriarchal society. In the obligation again brings out uncertainty in Nanda
beginning of the novel Fire on the Mountain Anita Kaul’s heart which fears to be dominated again, to be
Desai brings together nature’s barrenness with that of attached with domestic duty again and to be suffered
the barrenness of Nanda Kaul’s heart which expects again. “Would Raka’s coming mean the opening of
nothing without loneliness. Even to her friend Illa that old, troublesome ledger again?” (32) She cries
Das she says rigidly, “I never cared for music myself. out to be released from all her obligations. Nanda
It makes me fidget. I greatly prefer silence”(FM 130). Kaul tries her best to escape from the oppressive
Nanda Kaul’s loneliness is not just a desolate state memories of the past and so secludes herself in a
but after a long spending heavy dutiful services in barren area. Anita Desai demonstrates the trauma
family it is a state of leisure which Karen M. Fox Nanda Kaul suffers as a Vice Chancellor’s wife, who is
thinks “an important segment of women’s lives for not loved by her husband who carries an extra-
connecting with nature and reaffirming themselves marital affair with another woman but still dominates
and their relationships with nature” (Ecofeminism: her to be an ideal wife who finally suffering from
Women, culture ,nature 155). It is only barrenness of identity crisis pushed herself to the isolated region.“
Kasauli that attracts Nanda Kaul.“What pleased and Mr Kaul had wanted her always in silk, at the head of
satisfied her so, at Carignano, was its barrenness” the long rosewood table in the dining-room,
(Anita Desai 4). Even she wants no more picture of a entertaining his guests”(FM 20). Women are
child. She does not want any kind of new addition , identified through the identity of men, not possessing
rather she wants the presence of “ a pergola of roses, autonomous identity. “She is the incidental, the
a marble faun or a fountain”(34). inessential as opposed to essential. He is the Subject,
Everything she wanted was here, at Carignano, in he is the Absolute- she is the Other” (Quoted in
Kasauli. Here, on the ridge of the mountain, in this Feminism and Mastery of Nature 52). Nanda Kaul’s
quiet house. It was the place, and the time of life, that obligation to remain alone and not to allow any
she had wanted and prepared for all her life---as she responsibility upon her victimizes Raka who is not
realized on her first day at Carignano, with a great, greeted affectionately by Nanda Kaul. From the first
cool flowering of relief----and at last she had it. She meeting with Nanda Kaul a sense of alienation grows
wanted no one and nothing else. Whatever else came, in her mind which always separates Raka from her
or happened here, would be an unwelcome intrusion great -grand mother. Hence, during their time of
and distraction. (Anita Desai 3) Anita Desai exploring embracing each other’s lack of easiness parts them:
her view demonstrates her thought regarding the Each felt how bony, angular and unaccommodating
similar condition possessed by Nanda Kaul and the the other was and they quickly separated….To Nanda
garden of Carignano. Both Nanda Kaul as well as the Kaul she was still an intruder, an outsider, a mosquito
garden of Carignano are the victims of barrenness. flown up from the plains to tease and worry.(FM 44)
Nanda Kaul reconciling herself with the garden says, Ruthanne Kurth Schai states in her essay
“Like her, the garden seemed to have arrived, simply, “Ecofeminism and Children” that feminist issues also
by a process of age, of withering away and an include children issues related to oppression as
elimination, at a state of elegant perfection…” ( Fire feminism challenges to end all oppression. Anita
on the Mountain 33). Anita Desai clearly shows how Desai illustrates how at the back of the melodious
Nanda Kaul’s inner spirit is attached with nature from tone of The Bridge of the River Kwai and the vile
where Nanda Kaul not only gets solace but in times of actions of the doctors towards the animals affect
disturbance she feels nature’s movement with her. Raka’s past. She recalls how her drunken father beats
The crucial point of Anita Desai’s fiction is Carignano up her mother with hammers and harshly abuses her.
in Kasauli where Nanda Kaul looks at gender Raka becoming shrink in fear under her bedcovers
identities which separate woman from man, from her feels the flow of warm urine. She watches her mother
viewpoint of being a vice-chancellor’s wife whose who laying down on the floor and shutting out her
instant attention, duties and responsibilities are eyes weeps. Raka becomes psychologically dominated
reduced to ridiculous social identity while the through these oppressions over her mother.
daughters of the lecturers and professors mock at her. Ruthanne Kurth Schai opines that the social
She thought of that hubbub and of how she had repression of children is never talked about privately
managed and how everyone had said, pretending to or publicly. Because it is believed that children lives
think she couldn’t hear but really wanting her to, ‘ are vindicated in terms of security, care and support.
Isn’t she splendid? Isn’t she like a queen? Really Vice But in reality the lives of children are being
Chancellor is lucky to have a wife who can run dominated in different ways. Barrie Thorne says :
everything as she does ,’… (Desai 19) Both feminist and traditional knowledge remain
deeply and unreflectively centered around the marriage of a seven year child of Preet Singh who
experiences of adults. Our understanding of children wants to marry her daughter to a rich land owner. For
tend to be filtered through adult perspectives and this very reason Illa Das is brutally raped and
interests… their full lives, experiences, and agency murdered by Preet singh. Here, both Illa Das and
obscured by adult standpoints. (Quoted in Preet Singh’s daughter are victimized by the capitalist
Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature 194) patriarchal hierarchy. Karen J. Warren suggests, “...all
What Nanda Kaul observes that Raka has the gift of feminists do or must oppose the logic the domination
vanishing mutely into the hills and the forest. “All she which keeps oppressive conceptual frameworks in
discovered was that the child had a gift for place, all feminists must also oppose any isms of
disappearing--suddenly, silently” (FM 50). Raka’s domination that are maintained and justified by that
oneness with nature makes her conscious of the logic of domination”( Ecofeminism :
present environment as“ Raka had all the jealous, Women,Culture,Nature 21). Women always stay in
guarded instincts of an explorer, a discoverer”(FM67). background, while male dominant reality highlights
Ramlal informs Raka of the destructive effect of forest the foreground. For Frye “phallocratic reality’’, which
fire. He also tells her about the house down the hill constructs foreground , has the freedom, forms and
which is burnt down with two buffalos by forest fire mobility. Foreground starts its events on the basis of
and due to water shortage it becomes impossible to daily actions women perform to sustain their
put out the fire. An English Mem lived in that house. background. So it is indispensable to maintain the
After its destruction in forest fire she becomes mad foreground reality which is in no way attached with
and she is taken to the lunatic asylum. Her hair and background, and “yet it depends absolutely upon the
eyelashes are burnt off while she tries to save her cat. existence of the background (Feminism and Mastery
Again from Nanda Kaul Raka comes to know about of Nature 48).
another terrible effect of the forest fire, another burnt ‘Nani, Nani,’ whispered Raka , shivering and
house, occupied by “an old lady who lived there alone crouching in the lily bed , peeping over the sill. ‘Look,
and they say she went mad and was put Nani, I have set the forest on fire. Look, Nani- look –
away”(FM62). Moreover, Nanda Kaul informs her of the forest is on fire. Look, Nani,-look- the forest is on
the pleasant cottage that is captured by the Pasteur fire’. (FM 158)
Institute. Once it was looked after carefully but “it’s Raka’s whispering not only discloses destruction of
used chicken run now” (FM 63). Nanda Kaul tells her nature, but destruction of women’s identity. Fire
about the Garden House which is converted into an becomes the metaphor of oppression, effect of which,
Army Billet. Nanda Kaul bitterly expresses her nature and women both are burnt and destroyed. The
expression while she is telling her about the Army voices of women and voices of nature merging into
Billet: “Too many tourists, Too much army. How they one represent physical degradation of nature through
are ruining this –this quiet place, her breath coming the frequent fire on the mountain as well as
faster and her step fumbling. It really is --- is degradation of moral nature of human beings in
saddening” (FM 63).Catriona Sandilands states: society. Through the death of Nanda Kaul and Illa
Women, an oppressed majority, were to look to their Das and through the sudden forest fire the novelist
own experiences of nurturance, of caring, of aims at the establishment of a new society free from
connection as a way of beginning an affirmative male domination, through Raka, the great
culture outside the destructive proscriptions of granddaughter of Nanda Kaul. Thus challenging
“male-stream” society(The Good Natured Feminist dominant strategies of the patriarchal society, Anita
10). Ecofeminists believe that the separation of man Desai empowers the women by their own strategies
from human mother and the Mother earth , the of survival . As an ecofeminist Karen Warren provides
essence of dependency, is the chief cause of men’s evidences that “the living conditions of women,
revenge , their craving to tame both women and people of colour, the poor, and children ...are an
nature in quest of individual power and superiority ecofeminist issue”(Ecofeminism:Women,Culture
and the invention of material things. Thus Nature 12). Therefore, Fire on the Mountain not only
“domination over nature is part of the male connects feminist issues and ecological issues into
separation that occurs within universal patriarchal one thread in term of the logic of domination but
family forms”( The Good Natured Feminist 23). Val according to ecofeminism it philosophises “...just and
Plumwood also states that the growth of the compassionate relationships among children and
ecological crisis lies in rationalist culture and the adults , men and women , and humanity and
related human/nature dualism. Anita Desai nonhuman nature...” ending all oppressions
represents Illa Das as the epitome of movement, (Ecofeminism:Women,Culture,Nature 208).
embodiment of justice. Illa das tries to prevent
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Antara Saha
Department Of English
Lecturer And Research Scholar
Prof. Dr. Debarati Bandopadhyay Supervisor
Visva Bharati, Santiniketan