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Code Mixing Analysis On WhatsApp Group Chat

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Code Mixing Analysis on WhatsApp Group Chat by College Students in PBI-1/7th

Semester at State Islamic University of North Sumatera

Laisya Tanzila

Email: [email protected]

English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training, State

Islamic University of North Sumatera.


To communicate with others, people use language as a tool of their way to communicate each
other. However, mot a few of those who use two languages in communication are called code
mixing. Code mixing is very common among the people, especially among in youngsters. In
this sudy, the researcher adressed two research questions; (1) what are the kinds of code
mixing used in WhatsApp group chat by college students at PBI-1 7th semester at State
Islamic University of North Sumatera? 2) What are factors that cause code mixing in
WhatsApp group chat by college students at PBI-1 7th semester at State Islamic University of
North Sumatera?. The purpose of this study to find out the kinds an the factors that used code
mixing. The reslut of this study showed that 6 (35%) kinds of situational and 11 (65%) kinds
of conversational. Code mixing was used by all the students of PBI-1/7th semester in
WhatsApp group chat they used two languages, English and Indonesian in their utterances.
They could mix their language that was Indonesian and English spontaneously. It can make
the all members of PBI-1 7th semester were not bored when they did conversation. They used
two kinds of code mixing for their conversation made their day, they felt it was interested
thing and they enjoyed it.

Keywords: Language, code mixing, WhatsApp.


Communication is important thing in our daily life. To communicate with others, people use
language as a tool of their way to communicate each other. Besides that, language and society
have inseparable relationship. According to Noam (2010) sociolinguistics is that part of
linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. Nowadays
bilingualism has become a phenomenon that has taken place in many parts of the world. We
can find people that use two or more languages, like Indonesian and English. They can speak
with their language in all the situations, such as formal and informal. Sociolinguistics is the
science of giving a series of terms when people can use two languages at once in their
conversation, and this term is called code mixing. Code mixing is very common among the
people, especially among in youngsters. According to Whardhaugh (1986) there are two
kinds of code mixing. They are situational and conversational. Situational code mixing occurs
when people use two languages that are one language and another language like Inodenesian
and English in same utterance. What we observe is that one variety is used in a certain set
situations and another in an entirely different set. However, the changeover from one to the
other may be instantaneous or spontaneous related with the topic being discussed. Situational
code mixing occurs when people use first language in first situation and second language in
different situation. But, conversational code mixing involves the deliberate mixing of two
languages without an associated topic change. In reality, many people especially young
learners use two languages in their communication, they speak and mix Indonesian and
English. In Indonesia, that is so many people mix Indonesian to English language for their
communication or the other. Code mixing that happened among the youngsters nowadays, to
express their feeling, to get information and find new friends. This phenomenon can be seen
in their use of language in the social media, especially in WhatsApp. WhatsApp is one of the
popular social media in youngsters. In this application, we can send and receive messages to
and from individuals or groups. WhatsApp Group has pedagogical, social, and technological
benefits. This application provides support in the implementation of online learning. The
WhatsApp application can be used by internet connection, like 4G or WiFi. By using
WhatsApp, we can online chat, share files, exchange photos and more. WhatsApp Group
allows its users to deliver specific announcements, share ideas and learning resources, and
support online discussions. WhatsApp have many functions, such as send text messages,
images, audio and video files, and also link address. Based on this phenomenon, the
researcher is interested in including research that focuses on type of code mixing most used
by student in their WhatsApp application. Besides, the researcher intended to highlight the
research questions, those are: 1) what are the types of code mixing used in WhatsApp group
chat by college students at PBI-1 7th semester at State Islamic University of North Sumatera?
2) What are factors that cause code mixing in WhatsApp group chat by college students at
PBI-1 7th semester at State Islamic University of North Sumatera? Based on the questions, it
will discuss in the fourth part of this paper.
This study also related to the several previous studies, first the study was conducted by
Ayeomoni (2006) Code Mixing and Code Switching in Speech Community. In this study, the
researcher focused on analyzing code switching and code mixing used in speech community.
Second, Moetia (2018) Code Switching and Code Mixing in EFL Classroom Interaction. In
this study, the researcher focused on code switching as a medium of instruction in an EFL
classroom, in this case the researcher analyzed code switching and code m ixing that used by
teacher and also students, and the last previous study, Makulloluwa (2013) Code Switching
by Teachers in the Second Language Classroom, the researcher focused on code switching by
teachers in the second language classroom. In the several previous studies, the researchers
mostly focused to do their research in classroom interaction and the subjects of their research
were students and teacher. Based on the statement, the researcher was interested to conduct a
research that focused on analyzing code mixing in the WhatsApp group chat.

In this study, the researcher applied descriptive analysis, because it focused on a complete
description of the types of code mixing in WhatsApp group chat. Bogdan (2003) stated that
descriptive data is one kind of features in qualitative research. “Qualitative research is
collected mainly in the form of words or pictures and seldom involve numbers” (Fraenkel,
Wallen, and Hyun, 2012, p. 440).

The result of to this research was expected to be useful for: (1) For the students; the students
can enrich their vocabulary, (2) For the reader; this research is expected to give a valuable
contribution to the theoretical of code mixing, (3) For the researcher; this research is for the
next research reference.

To conduct the research, the researcher do the observation and get the data, the researcher
read the data carefully, then do the interview and investigated the required data. The seps are
the researcher choose the WhatsApp application, finds-out the code mixing in WhatsApp
group chat, collected and read some book and relevant material about code mixing, analyzed
the code mixing in WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 7th semester and concluded the analysis.
After got the data, the researcher found all the mixed expressions in all sentences have been
highlighted, then started to analyze the data one by one, by applying analysis based on two
types of code mixing In this study, the subjects were college student in PBI-1 7th semester at
State Islamic of University of North Sumatera.
There are kinds of code mixing used to analyze the data, there are conversational and
situational. I found several forms of code mixing conversational and situational in the data.
To analyze the factors causing the code mixing, I use Hoffman theory, in example being
emphatic about something (expres s solidarity), to make the utterance clearer and does not
find a word that has not representation in another language except from the language itself.
The analysis presents 17 data of chats from WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 7th semester. There
are 6 kinds of situational and 11 kinds of conversational.

No Data Type of Code Mixing

1. “Mas, student exchange-nya pake passport gak?” Conversational
2. “Semoga bisa survive sampai UAS” Situational
3. “Weekend gak bisa, weekday lah. Senin berarti.” Conversational
4. “Kalaupun kertas dari dia boleh request kertasnya?” Conversational
5. “Nanti ada buku kita isi atau ga disuruh buat field note Conversational
6. “Buat Mini research. Judulnya Maxims.” Situational
7. “Hasil interview aja ga?” Conversational
8. “Maaf guys aku salah room chat.” Situational
9. “Dea ternyata kau save nomor dia” Conversational
10. “CBR pake resume ga?” Situational
11. “Tugas Quantitative soft copy aja kan we?” Situational
12. “Jangan masuk ke room chat kalo gak pada topiknya, itu Conversational
cuma menyemak balon chat aja.”
13. “Terus yang si endut habis pulang touring dia putus sama Conversational
14. “Jadi kalau design sendiri tetap bisa dicetak?” Conversational
15. “Tentang mata kuliah qualitative research, kita cancel Situational
sabtu masuk”
16. “Gausah bilang gitu, u just don’t know what other people Conversational
17. “Tidak ada effectnya terhadap mahasiswa yang Conversational
pemikirannya overload.”

Based on the data above, it was found that there are two kinds of code mixing, namely
situational and conversational code mixing. Situational code mixing occurred when the
speaker used Indonesian and English together in the conversation. Whereas conversational
code mixing happened when there was deliberate mixing of two languages without topic

Here is the more detailed data above:

1. “Mas, student exchange-nya pake passport gak?”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed something.
2. “Semoga bisa survive sampai UAS”
One of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th semester talked it for all members
in that day.
3. “Weekend gak bisa, weekday lah. Senin berarti.”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about biography book assignment.
4. “Kalaupun kertas dari dia boleh request kertasnya?”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about assignment.
5. “Nanti ada buku kita isi atau ga disuruh buat field note gitu”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about assignment.
6. “Buat Mini research. Judulnya Maxims.”
The leader of PBI-1 6th semester informed for all members in WhatsApp group chat
PBI-1 6th.
7. “Hasil interview aja ga?”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about assignment.
8. Maaf guys aku salah room chat.”
The member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th talked it because she didn’t want to
the all members make misunderstanding for her.
9. “Dea ternyata kau save nomor dia”
The member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th talked it because she just gave
someone’s phone number.
10. “CBR pake resume ga?”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about assignment.
11. “Terus yang si endut habis pulang touring dia putus sama ceweknya.”
The member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th talked it because they were talking
about film.
12. “Jangan masuk ke room chat kalo gak pada topiknya, itu cuma menyemak balon chat
The member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th talked it because he felt disturbed.
13. “Tugas Quantitative soft copy aja kan we?”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about assignment.
14. “Jadi kalau design sendiri tetap bisa dicetak?”
The sentence was spoken by one of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester for the response of another member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th
semester after they discussed about biography book assignment.
15. Tentang mata kuliah qualitative research, kita cancel sabtu masuk”
One of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th semester talked it for all members
in that day.
16. “Gausah bilang gitu, u just don’t know what other people face”
One of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th semester talked it because she was
17. “Tidak ada effectnya terhadap mahasiswa yang pemikirannya overload.”
One of member of WhatsApp group chat PBI-1 6th semester talked it for all members
in that day.


Based on the findings and discussions, the researcher concluded that there were two
kinds of code mixing used in PBI-1 7th semester WhatsApp group chat, namely situational
and conversational code mixing. Solihatul (2019) stated that situational code mixing occurred
when the speaker used Indonesian and English together in the conversation. Whereas
conversational code mixing happened when there was deliberate mixing of two languages
without topic change. The reslut of this study showed that 6 (35%) kinds of situational and 11
(65%) kinds of conversational. Code mixing was used by all the students of PBI-1/7th
semester in WhatsApp group chat they used two languages, English and Indonesian in their
communication. They can mix one language with another language, they were English and
Indonesian, and then they can mix the both of languages in same utterance. It can make the
all members of PBI-1 7th semester were not bored when they did conversation. They used two
kinds of code mixing for their conversation made their day, they felt it was interested thing
and they enjoyed it. Considering the conclusions above, the researcher gives some
suggestions as follows: (1) for students in class PBI-1 7th semester at State Islamic
University of North Sumatera or tecaher wanna be, always try to use code mixing to students
because it can increase their vocabulary. (2) For the teacher should practice it in the
classroom. Teacher should practice to English more than another language, because it can
make the students familiarize to use English as a tool of communication. (3) for the next
researcher, the researcher should use another subject. The researcher can make research code
mixing or code switching analysis in daily conversation, or film.


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Makulloluwa, (2013). Code Switching by Teachers in the Second Language Classroom.
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