Rules and Regulation On Inhs
Rules and Regulation On Inhs
Rules and Regulation On Inhs
In order that the students of the INOPACAN NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL System will be aware of
the norms of conduct and the standards of behavior expected of them as members of the student body
and as good citizens the following code of Discipline is hereby formulated to promote the general
welfare of the school populace and to pave the way for smooth official and interpersonal relationship.
Section1- The provisions of this code shall apply to all students enrolled at Inopacan National High
School system and living on or off campus.
1. Student- Any person officially enrolled in any of the campuses of the Inopacan National High School
2. Staff- Any person employed at the Inopacan National High School system regardless of status/nature
of appointment.
3. Suspension- A penalty in which the school is allowed to deny or deprive an erring student of
attendance in classes for a certain period of time.
4. Exclusion- A penalty in which the university is allowed to exclude or drop the name of the erring
student from the university roll for being undesirable and transfer credentials are issued. A summary
investigation shall have been conducted prior to imposition of the penalty.
5. Expulsion- An extreme penalty of an erring student in which the university is allowed to drop his/her
name from the university roll and his/her subsequent exclusion from admission to any private or public
institution of learning in the Philippines.
ARTICLE III – The Student and the University
Section 1- Every student is under moral obligation to uphold the good name of the university by
practicing personal discipline – including such traits as honesty, patience, fortitude, emotional stability,
self-control, and positive attitudes and values.
Section 2- Every student should abide by the rules and regulations of the university.
Section 3 – Every student should strive to know the history and philosophy of the university and to
sing the university song.
Section 4- Every student is expected to help keep the university campus and buildings clean. It is part
of the student’s responsibility to safeguard all university properties , refrain from acts of vandalism, and
report any condition that may endanger life or destroy property.
ARTICLE IV- The student and Staff Member
Section 1- Every student is expected to give due respect to all staff members of the university.
Section 2- Every student is encouraged to seek counsel, if necessary, from his teacher to help him solve
his problems.
ARTICLE V – The student and his Schoolmates.
Section 1- Every student is expected to demonstrate friendliness, camaraderie and respect towards his
fellow student. He should also respect others’ properties and should obtain permission for their use from
the rightful owner.
Section 2- Seniors and juniors should act as models in conduct and deportment to “Lower classmen”
who in turn are expected to give due respect and courtesy to their elders.
Section 3- Students should settle differences and misunderstandings among themselves by peaceful
Section 1-Every student is enjoined to practice efficient utilization of time and facilities in the
Section 2-Punctuality and regularity should be observed by every student in reporting to classes, work
activities, and university functions.
Section 3-Cheating in any is not tolerated. Some examples of this are cheating in classes, taking
advantage of others’ work , or allowing others to take advantage of one’s work .
Section 4-Every student should practice desirable study habits and promptness in submitting report and
other requirements.
Section 5 – Students officially representing INHS in off- campus activities such as athletics, literary-
musical contest and educational trips should comply with pertinent university rules and regulations.
Section 6- Any student who desires to participate in any strenuous activities should obtain a medical
certificate from the university physician. In cases where participation involves risk, the student must
present written permission from his/her parents or guardian.
Section 7-Students who plan to form an organization should follow the guidelines prepared by the
University Student Services Offices.
Section 8-A student shall program his co-curricular activities such that they are not in conflict with his
classes or work schedule.
Section 9-The spirit of sportsmanship should be norm of conduct and behavior of a student
participating in any competitive activity on or off campus.
Section 1- Every student should observe orderliness, cleanliness, and sanitation in and around his/her
living quarters. He/She should cooperate with his/her housemates and observe the rules and regulations of
his/her residence. Students who are staying outside the university campus are not exempted from this
Section 2- Every student should feel responsible for his/her cottage or dormitory and all University
equipment, appliances, and facilities there in. it is also part of his/her responsibility to help improve and
maintain his/her living quarters and protect these from fire and other hazards.
Section 3- Every student is prohibited to construct any building, modify the structure and size of a
building, connect or disconnect water or electrical installations, raise animals on campus, or cook in
undesignated areas without permission from proper authorities.
Section 4- Every student is required to use toilets and bathrooms in the most sanitary way.Owners of
student cottages without toilets and bathrooms must build their own.
Section 5- Unmarried students of opposite sex must not live together in the same house, except in
approved lodging houses and with written permission from their parents and Dean students.
Section 6- Indulging in any form of vice such as gambling, drinking of intoxicating beverages (e.g.,
liquor, beer, punch, etc..),or committing immoral acts is strictly prohibited . Smoking inside classrooms,
laboratories, shops, libraries or any place in the University is also prohibited except in designated areas.
Section 7- Any student or group of students planning to hold a party or any social or educational
activity must obtain written permission from the university student services office.
There shall be a Student Disciplinary tribunal, the chair and members of which are faculty and
staff of the university who are appointed by the Universal President. The President of the university
Supreme Student Council is an automatic member of the said tribunal, except when he/she is the one
heard. In such situation, The Vice - President or anyone designated by the USSO shall take his/her place
in the tribunal. The Tribunal shall be under the supervision of the office of the Vice-President for
All cases involving discipline of students under these rules shall be subject to the jurisdiction of
the student Students Disciplinary Tribunal, except the following cases which shall fall under the
jurisdiction of the appropriate college or unit:
Echb respondent shall be required to answer in writing within three (3) days from receipt of
the charge/charges. Formal investigation shall be held on notice provided in the charge/charges.
The University Advisory Council (UADCO) shall automatically review and decide all student
disciplinary cases in which the penalty imposed is expulsion ,exclusion or suspension of more than one
year. The authority given to the UADCO is understood to include the power to affirm, reverse, decrease,
or increase the penalties imposed in the cases under review.
The decision of the UADCO Shall be final and executory after fifteen(15) days from receipt of the
decision by respondents, unless in the meantime, an appeal is made to, and given due course, by the
Board Regents.
First offense : Suspension of not less than thirty (30) but not more than forty-five (45)
calendar day
Second offense : Suspension of not less than forty-five (45)
Third offense : Exclusion
A. Attending classes with the smell of liquoir
B. Drinking in the classroom, hallways, office building, dormitories, and other places on the campus
except in designated areas
C. Fighting or resorting to physical violence to settle disputes which may or may not result to physical
D. Deliberate disruption/disturbance of school affairs/activities
E. Vandalism such as tearing or defeacing any library book, magazine or periodical, and destroying other
F. Bottle smashing and similar acts that may cause injuries to motorists and pedestrians.
G. Destroying field experiments and field product like economic/ornamental plants of the university
H. Unauthorized removal of official notices and posters, erasing, destroying, mutilating and/or altering
with mischief any posted notice or any form of official announcement
I. Shooting, slinging or killing birds, and fishing in the college reservation without permission from
proper authorities
J. Staying in the dormitories or quarters of the opposite sex beyond visiting hours
K. Non- dormitory occupants entering the sleeping quarters of another student in another dormitory (same
sex or opposite sex) without permission
L. Smoking in the classroom, library, or any place on campus, except in designated areas
Section 8- A student under suspension shall not be allowed to enroll, attend classes, take
examinations, use University facilities or graduate during the effectively of the suspension. Use of
University dormitories, undertaking field work or any academic requirement, entering in any academic
building, etc. are also denied to students under suspension .Likewise, a student under suspension shall not
be allowed to enroll until his/her suspension shall have been fully served except when the period of
his/her registration. The period of suspension shall be counted as part of the academic residency
requirement of the student. If for any reason, the student was able to take the examination, or submit any
academic requirement during the effectively of suspension, such as examination or submission shall be
considered null and void.
Notice of suspension shall be furnished to the parents and/or guardians of the student and all the
colleges and departments concerned. All concerned faculty shall be notified of the suspension by their
respective Deans/Department Heads.
Not with standing the foregoing, nothing in these rules shall preclude the disciplining authorities
from imposing sanctions including, but not limited to, withdrawal of recognition of fraternities, sororities
and other student organizations under existing University rules and regulations.
What is the present law on sexual harassment and when did it become effective?
It is R.A 7877, an “ Act declaring Sexual Harassment, Unlawful in the employment, Education or
training Environment, and for other purposes”. It was approved on February 14, 1995, and became
effective March 5, 1995 fifteen days after its publication in the Malaya and Times Journal on February
What is the short title of the law?
“The Anti- Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”
In what setting/place does sexual harassment most commonly take place?
In the work, training or education environment.
Who can commit sexual harassment ?
Regardless of the sex of the potential offender and depending on the place where it is committed,
the following can be sexual harassers:
A. In the Employment or Work Environment
1. Employer
2. Employee
3. Manager
4 Supervisor
5. Agent of the employer
6. Any other person having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another person.
B. In a training or Educational Environment
1. Teachers
2. Instructors
3. Professors
4. Coach
5. Trainor
6. Any other person having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another
What are the specific acts constituting sexual harassment in the employment or work related environment
and what are the effects?
a) The demand, request or requirement for sexual favor is made for the following considerations:
1. as a condition for hiring or employment of an individual, or
2. In granting said individual favorable compensation, terms or conditions or employment, promotion
or privileges
b) The refusal of the demand, request or requirement for sexual favor will limit, classify or segregate
employee and would discriminate, deprive or diminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely
affect said employee
Examples of the offended party being under the care, custody or supervision of the offender.
a) ward with respect to his guardian
b) a person under custodial investigation with respect to the police investigating officer
c) a retardate in a mental institution with respect to the people charged with his/her care;
d) children in day care centers with respect to the social worker.
Examples of the offended party whose education, training, apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the
a) a student respect to his teacher or professor
b) a seminarian/novice with respect to the supervisors and head of the institution
c) an athlete with respect to his/her coach
d) an apprentice/trainee in the office with respect to the employer.
Is the commission of a work related sexual harassment limited to the physical environment of the office?
No, it may be committed elsewhere such as:
1. The office itself
2. anywhere else as a result of work responsibilities or employment relations
3. at office related social functions
4. while on official business outside the office or during work related travel
5. at official conferences, for a symposia or training sessions
6. over, a telephone, cellular phone, fax machine, e-mail.
Who are the persons liable for sexual harassment?
1. any official who has authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another, or an employee, regardless
of sex.
2. any person who direct, or induces another to commit any of the acts of a sexual harassment defined in
the law or rules. ( Principal by induction)
3. anyone who cooperates in the commission of the sexual harassment by another without which it would
not have been committed .( Principal by indispensable Cooperation )
What are the duties imposed by law on heads of agencies relative to sexual harassment?
1. Prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment through an extensive awareness
campaign or informal education, research and survey of data to determine extent of the problem, the
profile of harassers and their victims and the forms sexual harassment takes and its consequences;
2. implement the procedures for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of a sexual
harassment provided In these Rules;
4. furnish a copy of the Rules and Regulations to each of the officer or employee in the commission and
post a copy there of In two conspicuous locations in places of work or training.
1. Receive the complaint, file the formal charge, investigate, and conduct hearings in accordance with
uniform Rules of Procedures in the Conduct of Administrative Investigation in the Civil Service
Commission for final decision. Said report shall be considered strictly condidential.
2. Conduct meetings with officers, employees and trainees to increase understanding and prevent
incidents of sexual harassment; and,
3. Recommend measures to the commission that will expedite the investigation and adjudication of
sexual harassment cases.
What happens when a member of the CODI is a complainant or respondent in a sexual harassment cases?
The member shall inhibit himself/herself from the deliberations of the committee.
Chairman : A Director appointed by the commission for a term of one (1) year .
b) Local Committee
The representatives of the First and Second Level employees in the Personnel selection Beard of this
Commission who have been elected in a general assembly of employees shall concurrently sit as
members of the Committee on Decorum and Investigation.
An existing Committee in the Commission or the Regional Offices, like the Personnel selection or the
Grievance Committee may act as the Committee on Decorum and Investigation, subject to the
designation of additional members who may sit there In only during meetings of the Committee on
When a member of the committee on Decorum and Investigation is a respondent in a sexual harassment
charge, said member should be inhibited from sitting in the Committee during the investigation and until
the final conclusion of the case.
What are the administrative penalties which may be imposed on a person found guilty of sexual
The penalty, which may be imposed, will depend on the gravity and seriousness of the offense.
The penalties for lights offenses, less grave offenses to grave offenses will range from Reprimand or Fine
or Suspension for ten days to Dismissal at the discretion of the disciplining authority.
What is the liability of the head of office who fails to act on any complaint of sexual harassment after
being informed there of?
He can be charged for neglect of Duty and penalized according to the table of penalties prescribed by the
∙ Be prepared. It is always helpful to think about what you might do if it happens to you.
You may be able to react better.
∙ If possible , tell the harraser to stop in the presence of a friendly witness, if any, and say
that you do not like what he or she is doing.Emphasize that it is not welcome.
∙ If the person is another worker, someone who works in your boss, ask that person to help
stop whatever is being done to you if the harasser refuses to stop.
∙ If you can, write down what happened to you and when it happened. If anyone was
around at that time and might have been seen what went on, write down their names. Also, keep note
about what you did at that time.
∙ It is a good idea to complain in writing. When you do this include the details. Ask for a
written response. Be sure to keep a copy of what you wrote and any response you receive.
Sexual harassers sre often repeat offenders. They usually have a modus operandi, and use the same style
and even the same words in wooing; propositioning threir victims.
It is therefore important for the victims to talk about experience to other colleagues in the workplace.
Chances are that other victims may have experienced the same conduct from the same person.
Oftentimes a woman victim is blamed for bringing on the sexual harassment on her person precisely
because of the clothes she wears or the way she behaves or moves around which allegedly provoked the
unwanted behaviour. Will these justify sexual harrasment?
No, a mini skirt and plunging necklines are not sufficient provocation to justify sexually harassing
bahaviour. Why should a man be provoked by a woman dress? That is too shallow an excuse.
How can male boses protect themselves from possible fabricated charges, or even legitimate charges that
stemmed from an inadvertent offenses?
Rina Jimenez- David says “ Unless in doubt, ask, or better yet, don’t. Be sensitive to nuances of
behaviour and to your subordinates’ attitudes towards sexual matters. Never take anything for granted.
Behave scrupulously with job applicants, contenders for promotions/raises or who might have cause to be
displeased or disappointed.
To avoid suspicion or any malicous talk, all officials and directors in the commission who hold offices
within an all wall enclosure ( no glass windows) shoulod maintain an open door policy or keep glass
windows uncovered so employees can see them from outside.
Should bosses invite staff to dinner or lunch dates and not run the risk being charged with sexual
It depends if the person invited is an applicant for a job, or is for promotions or a salary raise and refusal
to accept the invitation would mean her not getting the job, promotion or raise, then the implicit
consideration for the invitation is quite clear, otherwise, if the lunch/dinner invitations is simply to share a
meal and conversation with the regular staff, there is nothing wrong with that.
Will the “joke only” defense on the part of the harasser justify the unwelcome behaviour?
No, whether an act is considered sexual harrasment is determined by a reason victim’s part and did she/he
feel humuliated by it. If the victim felt it did, then it was sexual harassment.