Mems Mirror Koth9003e
Mems Mirror Koth9003e
Mems Mirror Koth9003e
MEMS mirrors
1-1 Structure
1. Overview
MEMS mirrors consist of a mirror chip and a magnet.
Our MEMS mirrors are miniature electromagnetic
The mirror chip includes a mirror, coil and torsion bars
mirrors that incorporate MEMS technology. Within a
[Figure 1-1]. The mirror chip [Figure 1-2] is formed
magnetic field generated by the magnet, electrical current
as a thin film on a portion of a silicon substrate using
flowing in the coil surrounding the mirror produces a
MEMS technology. Whereas electromagnetic mirrors are
Lorentz force based on Fleming’s left-hand rule, and this
usually configured with a magnet surrounding the mirror
force drives the mirror. MEMS mirrors feature a wide
chip, our MEMS mirrors use a small, powerful magnet
optical deflection angle and high mirror reflectivity as
positioned under the mirror chip, a design that achieves
well as low power consumption.
an ultra-compact size. The magnet is designed to provide
an optimal magnetic field to the coil around the mirror.
Description There are two types of MEMS mirrors: a single-axis one-
dimensional type and a dual-axis two-dimensional type.
Low voltage operation
Wide optical deflection angle of mirror [Figure 1-1] Structure
Compact Laser light
Coil Force
[Figure 1-2] Mirror chip The operation mode that uses resonance is called
resonant mode, and the mode that does not use
resonance is called non-resonant mode. Because non-
resonant mode is used for linear operation that takes
advantage of the excellent linearity between the drive
current and optical deflection angle, it is also called linear
mode. Note that resonant mode is also called non-linear
ren Optical deflection
angle ±10° ±25° ±25°
(Non-linear mode)
[Table 2-1] MEMS mirror types
2. Operation mode Operation mode
Type Type no.
First axis Second axis
As mentioned in section 1-2, “Operating principle,” there
are two operation modes for MEMS mirrors: linear mode S12237-03P Linear mode - Measurement
(non-resonant mode) and non-linear mode (resonant One-dimensional
Non-linear High-speed
mode). - -
mode measurement
Linear mode is used to accurately control the mirror's Non-linear Non-linear High-speed
mode mode image display
optical deflection angle by means of the drive current.
The relationship between the drive current and optical
deflection angle of the mirror exhibits excellent linearity,
and the angle reproducibility relative to the drive
current is high. Note that linear mode is not suitable for
high-speed operation. The mirror must be driven at a
frequency lower than the specific resonant frequency of
the mirror to prevent resonance. Normally, a frequency in
the range of 1/10 the resonant frequency (or less) to 1/5
the resonant frequency (or less) is recommended.
before the drive current reaches its absolute maximum
3. Specifications rating. The drive current must not be increased to its
absolute maximum rating. The magnitude of the drive
current must be observed carefully so that the maximum
3-1 One-dimensional type optical deflection angle is not exceeded. Particularly in
high-speed operation, even when the mirror is driven
with the same current, the maximum optical deflection
Definition of optical deflection angle angle may be exceeded as the resonant frequency is
approached, causing damage to the mirror. The deflection
angle, especially at the resonant frequency, is several tens
Hamamatsu defines the MEMS mirror deflection angle
of times higher than that at low frequencies, which makes
using optical deflection angle, not mechanical deflection
it difficult to control. As such, do not drive the mirror at the
angle. The optical deflection angle is an angle formed
resonant frequency for linear mode MEMS mirrors and
between the incident light and reflected light when a light
beam from a light source is directed at a mirror. It is twice
Non-linear mode MEMS mirrors and axes must be driven
the mechanical deflection angle, which is the tilt angle of
at the resonant frequency. Note that in non-linear mode,
the mirror [Figure 3-1].
the optical deflection angle when the mirror is driven
at the resonant frequency differs significantly from the
[Figure 3-1] Optical deflection angle
optical deflection angle at other frequencies. Driving the
mirror at frequencies other than the resonant frequency
may produce unexpected optical deflection angles even
Light source
when the drive current is adjusted to obtain the optical
laser and the like) deflection angle under the recommended operating
conditions and may damage the mirror.
(Optical deflection When driving a non-linear mode MEMS mirror or axis, use
drive signals produced by a reference signal generator with
4° excellent temperature stability.
deflection angle) Mirror
Recommended operating conditions
Absolute maximum ratings
The re commended operating conditions are for
guaranteeing, “Electrical and optical characteristics
Table 3-1 shows an example of the absolute maximum
[Table 3-3].” Note that even if the recommended
ratings of a MEMS mirror (S12237-03P: linear mode one-
operating conditions are exceeded slightly, as long as the
dimensional MEMS mirror). MEMS mirrors must be used
absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded, the MEMS
within the absolute maximum ratings.
mirror will not be damaged.
Table 3-2 shows the recommended operating conditions
[Table 3-1] Absolute maximum ratings (S12237-03P)
for the S12237-03P. The recommended optical deflection
(Tcase=25 °C, unless otherwise noted) angle is ±15 degrees, but the absolute maximum rating is
Parameter Symbol Value Unit ±18 degrees, so there is about a 3-degree margin. Further,
the recommended drive frequency is DC to 100 Hz.
Drive current Is ±20 mA
For frequencies higher than 100 Hz, the MEMS mirror
Optical deflection angle s ±18 ° operates in non-linear mode and may be damaged, so
we recommend that you use it within the recommended
Operating temperature Topr -40 to +80 °C
operating condition range.
Storage temperature Tstg -40 to +85 °C
[Table 3-2] Recommended operating conditions (S12237-03P)
The maximum optical deflection angle is defined as
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
the angle that if the mirror deflection angle were to be
increased further, the mirror would be damaged as a Operation mode Linear mode -
result of the mirror making contact with the magnet or
Optical deflection angle -15 - +15 degrees
the other parts.
The maximum drive current is defined as the current Drive frequency DC - 100 Hz
that may melt the coil wires. When the drive current is
increased, the maximum optical deflection angle is reached
Electrical and optical characteristics optical deflection angle under recommended operating
Figure 3-3 shows the optical deflection angle versus
Table 3-3 shows the electrical and optical characteristics of
drive current characteristics of the S12237-03P. The
the S12237-03P.
relationship between the optical deflection angle
and drive current can be approximated by a straight
[Table 3-3] Electrical and optical characteristics
(S12237-03P) line. From the graph that connects the minimum and
maximum drive currents with a straight line, the current
(Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted)
for a given deflection angle can be calculated. This
Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit method enables the mirror to be controlled to any optical
Mirror size A 2.59 2.60 2.61 mm
deflection angle with an accuracy of 1° or less (if you
want to control the mirror with even higher accuracy, see
s=-15° -17 -15 -13 chapter 5, “High-accuracy control.”)
Ta=25 °C
Drive current Is mA
fs=DC In Figure 3-3, the drive current's polarity represents the
s=+15° +13 +15 +17
direction of the drive current flowing through the MEMS
fS-R Is=0.6 mAp-p 500 530 560 Hz mirror coil. The drive current's direction can be used to
change the direction of the optical deflection angle. In
Reflectance Or =450 to 650 nm 80 - - % Figure 3-3, the drive current in one direction produces
Coil resistance Rs Ta=25 °C, Is=0.2 mA 135 165 195 Ω 15° of optical deflection angle and in both positive and
negative directions produce a total of 30°.
Note that the optical deflection angle characteristics
Mirror reflectivity of linear mode MEMS mirrors are measured using DC
Aluminum metal is deposited on the mirror surface operation.
of the MEMS mirror providing high reflectance in the
visible region. Figure 3-2 shows the relationship between [Figure 3-3] Optical deflection angle vs. drive current
wavelength and reflectance. For the three primary colors
of red, blue, and green, reflectance is 85% or higher. 20
(Typ. Ta=25 °C)
-20 -10 0 10 20
Reflectivity (%)
No drive current
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Applies positive current to ӳcoil1
Drive current
Drive current is an important parameter that defines
Resonant frequency
the optical deflection angle. Drive current, in linear
mode and non-linear mode, is defined as values that Resonant frequency in linear mode serves as a guide
can achieve the minimum and maximum values of the for determining the range of drive frequencies. Figure
3-5 shows the frequency characteristics of the S12237 [Figure 3-6] Optical deflection angle vs. drive frequency
-03P. At the resonant frequency, an extremely small drive (S12237-03P)
current of 0.6 mA produces a large optical deflection angle. (Typ. Ta=25 °C, Is=15 mA)
A small shift in the drive current can cause the absolute
maximum rating of the optical deflection angle to be 25
exceeded and may damage the mirror. Never drive the
0 100 200 300
Coil resistance
5 Range shown with broken line:
not usable The inductive component due to the coil wiring around
the MEMS mirror is extremely small. It is less than several
0 microhenries for linear mode MEMS mirrors and 0.1 μH
0 200 400 600 800
or less for non-linear mode MEMS mirrors. As such, at the
Frequency (Hz) linear mode frequency region around several hundred
hertz and at the non-linear mode frequency region
around several megahertz, the coil impedance is 0.1 or
Drive frequency less, and this can be ignored when compared to the pure
Figure 3-6 shows the frequency characteristics of the resistivity of the coil. In most cases, the coil resistance
optical deflection angle in the low frequency region. Here, can be assumed to be its pure resistance. Note that the
a sine wave with a 15 mA current amplitude is driving coil resistance indicated in the electrical and optical
the mirror. At the recommended drive frequencies of characteristics is for 25 °C.
100 Hz or less, the graph shows nearly flat frequency
characteristics, but as the drive frequency is increased, Temperature characteristics
the optical deflection angle increases. At around 180 Hz,
In MEMS mirrors, the coil resistance, the magnetic
the optical deflection angle's absolute maximum rating of
force of the magnet, the resonant frequency, and the
18° is reached, and the possibility of damaging the mirror
like have temperature characteristics. To control the
increases. You must drive the MEMS mirror under the
mirror's optical deflection angle with high accuracy over
recommended operating conditions (drive frequency: DC
a wide temperature range, you must pay attention to the
to 100 Hz).
temperature characteristics.
Figure 3-7 shows the temperature characteristics of
resonant frequency for the S12237-03P.
[Figure 3-7] Temperature characteristics of resonant frequency [Figure 3-9] Temperature characteristics of optical
(S12237-03P) deflection angle (S12237-03P)
(Typ. Is=0.6 mAp-p) (Typ. Is=15 mA)
535 17
530 15
525 13
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
In the operating temperature range, the resonant In the measurement of Figure 3-9, a current source was
frequency varies by about 0.1 to 0.2%, and the effect on used. Current is not affected by coil resistance changes
the characteristics can be ignored. due to temperature. Therefore, it can be assumed that the
Figure 3-8 shows the temperature characteristics of coil optical deflection angle is changing due to the changes in
resistance for the S12237-03P. When the MEMS mirror is the magnetic force caused by temperature.
driven by a voltage source, the temperature characteristics In Figure 3-9, we can see that the changes in the magnetic
of the coil resistance cannot be ignored. When the MEMS force due to temperature are causing a deflection angle
mirror is driven by a current source, the temperature error of about ±0.5°. Because the coil resistance changes
characteristics of the coil resistance can be ignored. according to temperature, the chip temperature can be
Therefore, we recommend that the MEMS mirror be monitored by reading the coil resistance. And this makes
driven by a current source. temperature correction possible.
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [Figure 3-10] Effect of tilting window material
Case temperature (°C) Scan light Incident light
The optical deflection angle of the MEMS mirror is Depending on the incident angle of the laser light on the
defined as twice the mechanical deflection angle. mirror and the mechanical deflection angle, the light path
Since the laser light refracts when it passes through the deviation due to refraction when passing through the
tilted window material, the path of the mirror-reflected material must be considered.
light deviates depending on the laser light's incident Figure 3-13 shows the light path deviation when the
angle on the mirror and the mechanical deflection angle optical deflection angle changes in the scanning direction
[Figure 3-11]. The following shows how to calculate the of the slow axis. When the incident angle on the mirror is
amount of light path deviation of the mirror-reflected 20°, the light path deviation is ±100 μm or less.
[Figure 3-13] Light path deviation vs. optical deflection angle
[Figure 3-11] Light path deviation of the mirror-reflected light (slow axis)
(Typ. Ta=25 °C)
Δp 0.5
Δp 0.4
Incident angle: 0°
The amount of light path deviation Δp [mm] is expressed -0.4
by equation (3-1). -0.5
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
t sin{γ - arcsin ( )} Optical deflection angle (°)
n ............... (3-1)
∆p = KOTHB0066EA
cos {arcsin ( )}
Figure 3-14 shows the light path deviation when the
t : window material thickness [mm]
γ: (α - ϕ) - θ
optical deflection angle changes in the scanning direction
α: incident angle of the laser light on the mirror [°] of the fast axis. The light path deviation is not affected
ϕ: angle of the window material relative to the mirror [°]
θ: optical deflection angle of the mirror-reflected light [°] by the incident angle on the mirror. Note that light path
n: refractive index of window material (1.526 when λ=546 nm) deviation occurs due to light refraction caused by the
window material (±180 μm or less).
In Figure 3-12, we assume a case in which laser light is
projected at a flat screen that is tilted by β° with respect to
[Figure 3-14] Light path deviation vs. optical deflection angle
the mirror (mechanical deflection angle: 0°). The amount (fast axis)
of position deviation on the screen Δα [mm] is expressed
(Typ. Ta=25 °C)
by equation (3-2). 0.5
∆p ...............
∆α = (3-2) 0.3
Light path deviation (mm)
η = (α - β) - θ
[Figure 3-12] Position deviation on screen
Δα α
β -0.5
mirrors must be used within the absolute maximum n-1
Is_rms = 1 ∑ Is(i)2 ............... (3-4)
ratings. n i=0
i : data index
n : number of drive current data values
[Table 3-4] Absolute maximum ratings (S13989-01H) Is(i): ith drive current [A]
conditions, and may damage the mirror. Drive frequency Resonant frequency Hz
The slow axis is exclusive to linear mode. The drive
current must be set so that the optical deflection angle Incident angle -13 +20 +25 °
does not exceed the absolute maximum rating. In Slow axis Optical deflection angle -12 - +12 °
addition, in high-speed operation, the maximum optical
Drive frequency 10 - 100 Hz
deflection angle may be exceeded as the resonant
frequency is approached, causing damage to the mirror.
Do not drive the slow axis at the resonant frequency The incident angle in the recommended operating
because the optical deflection angle at the resonant conditions is the angle of incident light on the mirror with
frequency will be several hundred times that at a low an optical deflection angle of 0°. It is an angle at which
frequency and cannot be controlled. the reflected laser light can pass through the effective
The slow-axis drive current at the absolute maximum area of the window material when a laser collimated to
rating is a DC current that damages wiring. Since driving ϕ1 mm is incident on the mirror and scanned with the
the slow axis with a DC current may reduce the service recommended optical deflection angle. Figure 3-15 shows
life, driving with an AC current is recommended. the definition of the incident angle. Figure 3-16 shows the
Power consumption indicates the total power consumption effective area of the window material.
of the fast-axis and slow-axis coils. Since the wiring
may be damaged by the heat generated by the coil, set
the drive currents for the fast and slow axes so that the
absolute maximum rating of power consumption is not
exceeded. Power consumption is given by equation (3-3).
[Figure 3-15] Definition of incident angle [Table 3-6] Electrical and optical characteristics (S13989-01H)
A (Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted)
Transmittance of
T 95 - - %
window material λ=460 to 640 nm
Resonant Ta=25 °C, θf=±20°
A-A ff-r 28.6 29.3 30.0 kHz
Fast axis scan direction A frequency Is=0 mA, square wave
Fast axis
incident angle
Ta=25 °C, ff=ff-r
-13° +25° Drive current If θf=±20°, Is=0 mA 12 22 34 mAamp.
square wave
Ta=25 °C, If=0.1 mA
Coil resistance Rf 7.5 10.5 13.5 Ω
Is=0 mA
Ta=25 °C
fs-r Is=±0.3 mA 525 575 625 Hz
sine wave
Slow axis
Ta=25 °C θs=+12° 140 175 210
fs=60 Hz
Slow axis scan direction incident angle Drive current Is mAamp.
sine wave
If=0 mA θs=-12° -210 -175 -140
Mirror reflectivity
Effective area 8.55
01H providing high reflectance in the visible region.
Reflectance of 80% or more is achieved for red, blue, and
green [Figure 3-17]. If the beam size of the incident light
is larger than the mirror size, stray light reflected from the
8.26 chip surface other than the mirror will occur. The optical
e area
e ctiv
Ef f
system must be designed so that the beam size is smaller
than the mirror size.
Cross section A-A
KOTHC0089EA [Figure 3-17] Mirror reflectance vs. wavelength
(Typ. Ta=25 °C, white light source, incident angle*=8°)
Electrical and optical characteristics
400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)
[Figure 3-18] Spectral transmittance characteristics of the slow axis, which causes the torsion bar's mechanical
window materials characteristics to change. Because the relationship
(Typ. Ta=25 °C) between the drive current and the optical deflection angle
of the fast axis varies depending on the slow-axis drive
current, the fast-axis drive current needs to be adjusted.
Transmittance (%)
Wavelength (nm)
Note: Incident angle
=Angle of incidence of light on window material
Drive current (fast axis) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
The fast-axis drive current given in the table of electrical Slow-axis optical deflection angle max. (°)
and optical characteristics is defined as a value at which
the maximum optical deflection angle can be obtained Resonant frequency (fast axis)
under the recommended operating conditions. Figure
3-19 shows the optical deflection angle versus the drive The fast axis exclusive to non-linear mode must be
current characteristics when a single fast axis is driven. driven at the resonant frequency. Figure 3-21 shows
For the fast axis, the drive frequency must be set to the the frequency characteristics of the fast axis near the
resonant frequency. The relationship between the optical resonant frequency. Figure 3-21 shows the characteristics
deflection angle and drive current of the fast axis is non- (hardening) in which the frequency characteristics are
linear. tilted to the high frequency side. Hardening occurs due
to the mechanical properties of the torsion bars. If the
[Figure 3-19] Optical deflection angle vs. drive current drive frequency shifts to the higher frequency side of
(S13989-01H, fast axis) the resonant frequency, the optical deflection angle
(Typ. Ta=25 °C, θs=0°, ff=ff-r, drive current: square wave) decreases drastically.
The resonant frequency varies depending on the optical
deflection angle amplitude, slow-axis drive conditions,
ambient temperature, and changes in torsion bar
Optical deflection angle (°)
0 10 20 30
[Figure 3-21] Optical deflection angle vs. drive frequency [Figure 3-23] Back electromotive force vs. optical
(fast axis) deflection angle (fast axis)
(Typ. Ta=25 °C, θs=0°, If=22 mAamp., drive current: square wave) (Typ. θs=0°, ff=ff-r)
25 30
High to low
Maximum optical deflection angle (°)
0 0
29275 29285 29295 29305 29315 29325 0 5 10 15 20
Back electromotive force (fast axis) [Figure 3-24] Back electromotive force vs. optical
deflection angle (slow axis)
When the fast axis is operating at the resonant frequency,
(Typ. θs=0°, ff=ff-r)
back electromotive force is generated in the fast- and 25
axis coil. The drive current's direction can be used to [Figure 3-27] Optical deflection angle vs. drive frequency (slow axis)
change the direction of the optical deflection angle. The (Typ. Ta=25 °C, θf=0°, Is=±0.3 mA, drive current: sine wave)
drive current in one direction produces 12° of optical
[Figure 3-25] Optical deflection angle vs. drive current (slow axis)
(Typ. Ta=25 °C, θf=0°, fs=60 Hz, drive current: sine wave) 10
Optical deflection angle (°)
0 0 200 400 600 800
Frequency (Hz)
-5 KOTHB0065EA
Slow-axis drive current max. (mA)
-20 0 20 40 60
0 5 10 15 20 Ambient temperature (°C)
Fast-axis optical deflection angle max. (°)
[Figure 3-29] Temperature characteristics of resonant [Figure 3-32] Temperature characteristics of coil resistance
frequency (fast axis) (fast axis)
(Typ. θf=±20°, θs=0°) (Typ. If=0.1 mA)
29600 13
Resonant frequency (Hz)
29000 8
-20 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 60
[Figure 3-30] Temperature characteristics of back [Figure 3-33] Temperature characteristics of optical
electromotive force (fast axis) deflection angle (slow axis)
(Typ. θf=±20°, ff=ff-r, θs=0°) (Typ. Is=175 mA, fs=60 Hz, drive current: sine wave, θf=0°)
34 13
Back electromotive force max. (mV)
Optical deflection angle (°)
24 11
-20 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 60
[Figure 3-31] Temperature characteristics of slow axis’s back [Figure 3-34] Temperature characteristics of resonant
electromotive force that occurs with fast-axis operation frequency (slow axis)
(Typ. θf=±20°, ff=ff-r, θs=0°) (Typ. Is=0.6 mAp-p, θf=0°)
24 590
Back electromotive force max. (mV)
16 560
-20 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 60
[Figure 3-35] Temperature characteristics of Q factor
(slow axis)
3-3 Linear mode two-dimensional type
(Typ. Is=0.6 mAp-p, θf=0°)
Definition of optical deflection angle
[Figure 3-37] Temperature characteristics of temperature
Light path deviation (mm)
350 -0.1
330 Incident angle: 0°
Resistance (Ω)
310 -0.4
290 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
-20 0 20 40 60
(b) Second axis Recommended operating conditions
(Typ. Ta=25 °C)
The recommended operating conditions [Table 3-8] are
for guaranteeing the electrical and optical characteristics
Light path deviation (mm)
Table 3-7 shows the absolute maximum ratings of the Drive frequency DC - 90 Hz
S13124-01. MEMS mirrors must be used within the Incident angle -15 0 +15 °
absolute maximum ratings.
Second Optical deflection
-10 - +10 °
axis angle
[Table 3-7] Absolute maximum ratings (S13124-01)
Drive frequency DC - 90 Hz
(Ta=25 °C unless otherwise noted)
only flow in one direction and the life of the wiring may
be shortened. For this reason, we recommend using AC
current in both positive and negative directions.
Electrical and optical characteristics [Figure 3-40] Optical deflection angle vs. drive current
(a) First axis coil
Table 3-9 shows the electrical and optical characteristics (Typ. Ta=25 °C, I2=0 mA)
of the S13124-01.
[Table 3-9] Electrical and optical characteristics (S13124-01)
Coil I1=0.1 mA 0
R1 125 155 185 Ω
resistance I2=0 mA
First axis
Drive current [Figure 3-41] Optical deflection angle vs. drive frequency (S13124-01)
The drive current of electrical and optical characteristics (a) First axis
is defined as a value at which the minimum and (Typ. Ta=25 °C, θ2=0°, I1=0.12 mAp-p.)
maximum optical deflection angles can be obtained
under the recommended operating conditions in linear
Optical deflection angle (°)
Frequency (Hz)
(b) Second axis Temperature characteristics
(Typ. Ta=25 °C, θ1=0°, I2=0.16 mAp-p.) The optical deflection angle, resonant frequency, and coil
resistance have temperature characteristics. Figure 3-43 to
8 Figure 3-49 shows the temperature characteristics of the
Optical deflection angle (°)
Frequency (Hz)
At the resonant frequency, a very low drive current
(first axis: 0.12 mA, second axis: 0.16 mA) causes a large
optical deflection angle. Even a small change in the drive 9
First axis
Second axis
0 100 200 300
[Figure 3-44] Temperature characteristics of resonant frequency [Figure 3-47] Temperature characteristics of Q factor
(first axis) (second axis)
(Typ. I1=0.12 mAp-p, I2=0 mA) (Typ. I1=0 mA, I2=0.16 mAp-p)
482 190
Resonant frequency (Hz)
Q factor
480 165
478 140
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
[Figure 3-45] Temperature characteristics of Q factor [Figure 3-48] Temperature characteristics of coil resistance
(first axis)
(a) First axis
(Typ. I1=0.12 mAp-p, I2=0 mA)
(Typ. I1=0.1 mA)
126 190
124 180
Coil resistance (Ω)
Q factor
116 150
114 140
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 120
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Ambient temperature (°C)
KOTHB0096EA Ambient temperature (°C)
Resonant frequency (Hz)
Coil resistance (Ω)
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
[Figure 3-49] Temperature characteristics of temperature
sensor resistance 4. How to use
(Typ. Ith=0.1 mA)
Coil Mirror
MEMS mirror
Signal +
input +- Rm
Rm Drive voltage
- monitor output
Voltage detector
Driving a MEMS mirror only requires a voltage-to-current system. Design the optical system to maximize the beam
converter. Further adding a voltage detector enables the waist to make the beam as close to a collimated light as
detection of back electromotive force and coil resistance. possible.
The drive current of the MEMS mirror in Figure 4-2 is Figure 4-3 shows an optical system in which a 630 nm
expressed by equation (4-1) using input voltage Vs. wavelength laser beam is concentrated, reflected at the
mirror, and focused on a screen at distance L from the
Vs ...............
Is= (4-1) mirror. The beam size on the screen is S (=2ω0). In this
condition, check whether the beam size on the mirror
Is : drive current surface is smaller than the mirror size.
Rc: current detection resistor
Using a metal film resistor with a small temperature [Figure 4-3] Optical system
coefficient as a current detection resistor allows the
drive current to be controlled down to 0.1% or less in S=2ω0
the operating temperature range. The voltage detector L
Condenser lens
Mirror size and beam size
[Figure 4-4] Simple measurement system of optical deflection [Figure 4-5] Measurement system of optical deflection angle
angle vs. drive current characteristics vs. drive current characteristics (using a PSD)
Laser Laser
Condenser lens lens
mirror L1 L2 L3
MEMS Lens 1 Intermediate
mirror F1 image
L1 Lens 2
The light output from a laser device is concentrated with The laser beam is nearly collimated using a collimating
a condenser lens. The focus position is set on the screen lens. Then, the laser beam is reflected by the MEMS
surface where the mirror is directed at. The reflected light mirror, and the deflection angle information of the beam
from the mirror is projected at a given position on the is converted into position information by lens 1 at the
screen according to the mirror's optical deflection angle. intermediate image position. Set distance L1, from lens 1
This position is detected to measure the optical deflection to the intermediate image, equal to the focal distance
angle. of lens 1. The image size A at this point is expressed by
A screen with a scale (e.g., graph paper) is used so that equation (4-4).
the projected position on the screen can be determined.
If you want to detect positions at about 1 mm resolution A = 2 × F1 × tan (θmax) ............... (4-4)
on the screen, we recommend that the beam size be F1 : focal distance of lens 1
set to about 500 μm. Making the beam size too small θmax: full width at half maximum of optical deflection angle
[Figure 4-6] Mirror flatness: Ra=1.3 nm Magnetic field
(S12237-03P, measurement example)
(Measurement range: mirror center area □500 μm)
5 Figure 4-9 shows the simulation data of the magnetic field
4 of the magnet built in the S12237-03P.
[Figure 4-8] Magnetic field direction (S12237-03P)
Flatness (nm)
1 +Y
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250
Position (μm)
Magnetic flux density (mT)
0.3 10-2
0.2 10-3
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Warping (μm)
Distance X (mm)
-0.1 X
(b) Y direction
In package
Magnetic flux density (mT)
Position (mm)
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Distance Y (mm)
Mirror size: ɸ2.6 mm KOTHB0042EA
(c) Z direction angle (± 20 °) given in the recommended operating
conditions. On the other hand, when the drive current
In package
is a sine wave, set the drive current to If × 4/π. Note that
102 the fast axis lags the drive current by 90°.
Magnetic flux density (mT)
4-2 Raster scanning two-dimensional type θf = e(1, 0) + e(1, 1)∙Vf ............... (4-6)
Fast axis
MEMS mirror
Since the fast axis is exclusive to non-linear mode, it must
be driven at the resonant frequency. Operate with sine DIR2
[Figure 4-11] Waveform of back electromotive force (fast axis) [Figure 4-12] Example of driver circuit (slow axis)
Back electromotive force HPF
Vin_s +
- Iout1p
mirror Is
Is =
frequency of 10 to 100 Hz. The optical deflection angle of
the slow axis varies almost linearly with the drive current
[Figure 3-25]. Arbitrary operation is performed with a
drive current such as a triangular wave or sawtooth wave.
Figure 4-12 shows an example of a slow-axis driver
circuit. Apply voltage to Vin_s to control the slow axis.
The relationship between the drive current and the
optical deflection angle of the slow axis is expressed Relationship between vertical resolution
with polynomial (4-7). The factor is listed in the final and frame rate in raster scanning
inspection sheet.
Is = k(3, 0) + k(3, 1)∙θs + k(3, 2)∙θs2 + k(3, 3)∙θs3 ............... (4-7) There is a trade-off between vertical resolution and frame
rate in raster scanning. Figure 4-14 shows an illustration
In the structure of the S13989-01H, when the fast axis is of raster scanning. The horizontal axis represents the
operating at the resonant frequency, a sinusoidal back fast-axis operation and the vertical axis the slow-axis
electromotive force in sync with the fast axis operation is operation (drive current: sawtooth wave). Figure 4-15
generated in the slow axis coil. This back electromotive shows the scanned waveform of the slow axis.
force is small and faster (about 29.3 kHz) than slow axis The horizontal scanning time is determined by the
operation, so there is no affect on slow axis operation. resonant frequency of the fast axis. The vertical resolution
The back electromotive force of this slow axis coil is determined by how many times the fast axis can move
makes it possible to monitor whether or not the fast back and forth while the slow axis moves. Since the
axis is resonating and the optical deflection angle. The resonant frequency of the fast axis is fixed, increasing
combined wave of this back electromotive force and the the vertical resolution increases the scanning time and
slow axis drive signal is output from the Iout1p terminal decreases the frame rate. If the retrace time is shortened,
[Figure 4-12]. This makes it necessary to remove the slow the frame rate will increase, but if it is shorter than the
axis drive signal with an HPF (high-pass filter). period of the slow axis's resonant frequency, ringing will
The back electromotive force Vbemf_s and the fast occur. Table 4-2 shows the relationship between vertical
axis switching signal (DIR2) are in the same phase resolution and frame rate.
[Figure 4-13]. The relationship between Vs (the back
electromotive force amplitude of the slow axis) and
the optical deflection angle of the fast axis is expressed
by equation (4-8), and the factor is listed in the final
inspection sheet.
[Figure 4-14] Illustration of raster scanning [Figure 4-16] Screen projection image
1 round-trip scanning time=1/(2 × Ffr) (a) Incident angle: 0°
Horizontal scanning time
Slow axis
Vertical scanning time
Fast axis
Retrace time
Laser light
Optical deflection angle (°)
Fast axis
Time (ms) Laser light
Vertical resolution
256 512 720 1024 2048
(unit: pixel)
Frame rate
115 76 60 46 25 KOTHC0093EB
(unit: frames/s)
Magnetic field
The S13989-01H uses a magnet with a strong magnetic
Figure 4-16 shows screen projection images for when the field. Figure 4-18 shows the simulation results of the
incident angle of light to the mirror is 0° and 20° in the surrounding magnetic field distribution.
S13989-01H. When the incident angle is 0°, the image
is projected almost symmetrically, but a pincushion
distortion results. On the other hand, when the incident
angle is 20°, a greatly curved distortion results. In this
way, the projected image's shape changes depending
on the incident angle of light on the mirror. To suppress
distortion, you need to install a correction optical system
between the screen and MEMS mirror.
[Figure 4-17] Magnetic field direction (S13989-01H) (c) Z direction
+Z 103
+Y In package
[Figure 4-18] Magnetic flux density vs. distance -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
(S13989-01H, simulation result)
Distance Z (mm)
(a) X direction KOTHB0085EA
(b) Y direction
Drive method
In package
[Figure 4-19] Linear mode two-dimensional type operation [Figure 4-21] Chip enlarged view (S13124-01)
Y axis First axis torsion bar
Deflection angle of First axis coil
First axis first axis θ1 First axis
Second axis torsion bar
X axis Second axis Magnetic field direction
Deflection angle of
Mirror second axis θ2
MEMS mirror
Second axis
Vin +
MEMS mirror
X axis X axis
projection images for when the incident angle of light is 0° [Figure 4-24] Magnetic field direction (S13124-01)
and 20°. +Z
When the incident angle is 0°, the projection is nearly
square shaped, but has a minor spool-shaped distortion.
In contrast, when the incident angle is 20°, the projected
image is greatly curved. In order to reduce distortion, it
is necessary to provide a compensation optical system or
else set the drive current with consideration for distortion
In package
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Distance X (mm)
(b) Incident angle: 20°
Magnetic flux density (mT)
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Distance Y (mm)
Magnetic field
(c) Z direction
In package
5. High-accuracy control
This chapter explains the parameters that are necessary
Magnetic flux density (mT)
15 0.2
Optical deflection angle (°)
5 0
0 -0.1
-5 -0.2
-10 -0.3
Measured value
-15 Correction line -0.4
Angle error
-20 -0.5
-20 -10 0 10 20
If you want to perform correction with an even higher lower than the resonant frequency, the frequency
accuracy, you need to use a correction curve approximated characteristics can be expressed with equation (5-1) and
with a third-order polynomial [Figure 5-2]. The angle equation (5-2) using parameters that can be obtained
error in Figure 5-2 is 0.03° or less. The resolution of this through simple measurements.
measurement system is about ±0.03°, so this means that the
angle error is corrected to about the same level. Because T(ω) =
ω0 ( )
1 + ω ............... (5-1)
{ }
reproducibility of the optical deflection angle with respect
to the drive current is high in MEMS mirrors, using such a 1 . ω
correction curve to control the drive current yields highly Q ω0 ............... (5-2)
arg{T(ω)} =
accurate optical deflection angles.
( )
[Figure 5-2] Third-order polynomial correction curve and angle error θac (ω) ...............
T(ω) = (5-3)
(Typ. Ta=25 °C) θdc (ω)
20 0.08
15 0.06 Q = ω2 - ω1 ............... (5-4)
Optical deflection angle (°)
10 0.04
T(ω): transfer function
ω0 : resonant frequency
Angle error (°)
5 0.02
θdc : optical deflection angle of low-speed operation
θac : optical deflection angle of high-speed operation
0 0 Q : Q factor
ω1 : drive frequency at 1/√2 of the optical deflection angle when resonating
-5 -0.02 on the low frequency side
ω2 : drive frequency at 1/√2 of the optical deflection angle when resonating
-10 -0.04 with the higher frequency than the resonant frequency
Measured value
-15 Third-order polynomial correction curve -0.06
Angle error Equation (5-1) expresses the absolute value of the transfer
-20 -0.08 function, and equation (5-2) the phase lag of the optical
-20 -10 0 10 20
deflection angle. These are parameters that can all be
Drive current (mA) measured and can be obtained by using a measurement
system shown in "[Figure 4-4] Simple measurement
system of optical deflection angle vs. drive current
5-2 Low-speed operation and characteristics." Note that equation (5-1) and equation
high-speed operation (5-2) are for average Q factors (several tens) within the
S12237-03P's recommended operating drive frequency
conditions of DC to 100 Hz.
There are two ways the mirror can operate while the
MEMS mirror is driven: low speed and high speed. In 5-3 Linear mode
low-speed operation, the mirror tilts slowly to a given
angle and stops. In high-speed operation, the mirror can
either continue to move at high speed within a given
Frequency range
angle range or tilt quickly to a given angle and stop (step
Figure 5-3 shows the frequency characteristics calculated
In low-speed operation, the optical deflection angle can
with equation (5-1) and equation (5-2) [ω0=approx. 530
be controlled with high accuracy by using the correction
Hz, Q=30 (typical S12237-03P value)]. The recommended
curve mentioned earlier. Further, if the absolute angle
operating optical deflection angle of 15° is used as
of the mirror is not very important, another way to
the reference. The optical deflection angle at a drive
control the angle is to obtain the drive current and drive
frequency of 50 Hz (about one-tenth the resonant
frequency that would produce the desired mirror angle in
frequency) or less is 15° ± 0.2°. Within the recommended
advance and use those values in the actual operation.
operating conditions of the optical deflection angle, the
angle error is 0.2° or less. At 100 Hz (about one-fifth the
Frequency characteristics during high- resonant frequency) or less, the angle error is 0.6° or less.
speed operation If you need an angle error of 0.5° or less for the accuracy,
a drive frequency of 50 Hz or less is recommended. If
As MEMS mirrors are mechanical, their frequency you need 1° or less for the accuracy, 100 Hz or less is
characteristics can be expressed with an equation. This recommended.
equation matches the actual operation to some degree
under given operating conditions. If you want to operate
the MEMS mirror (S12237-03P) at a frequency sufficiently
[Figure 5-3] Frequency characteristics (S12237-03P) [Figure 5-4] Step signal
(Typ. Ta=25 °C)
16.0 1.2
Signal amplitude
15.8 1.0
Optical deflection angle (°)
15.4 0.6
Time (s)
15.2 0.4
This section explains the behavior of the mirror when a If you want to make the attenuation ratio be 1/100, the
step signal with a rising slope is applied [Figure 5-4]. attenuation time is 87 ms when t0=0 ms and 10 ms when
t0=2 ms (the resonant frequency's period). For example,
when varying the optical deflection angle from 0° to 10°,
the step signal is raised in t0=2 ms, and 8 ms later, the
optical deflection angle stabilizes within 10° ± 0.1°. To
change the angle every 1°, the angle can be controlled
with an accuracy within about ±0.1° only with a rise time
of 2 ms.
Figures 5-6 and 5-7 show the step signal's monitored 5-8]. In this case, t2 - t1=t0 and t1=T/2, so there are two
response using the S12237-03P. independent parameters: t0 and T. Setting this square
wave's period to a value that is not an integer multiple of
[Figure 5-6] Step signal response the resonant frequency's period will exclude the resonant
(t0=0 ms, typical example) frequency from the square wave's frequency components.
However, frequency components near the resonant
frequency may be included, and these components'
15 effects must be reduced as much as possible. Therefore,
t0 is set to the period of the resonant frequency (or a
Optical deflection angle (°)
frequency near it).
[Figure 5-8] Square wave (duty ratio: 50%)
Drive signal
0 t0 t1 t2 T
=T/2 Time (s)
0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 t0 : rise time
t1 - t0: stable time
t2 - t1: fall time
Time (s)
T : period
[Figure 5-7] Step signal response Figures 5-9 (t 0 =1 ms) and 5-10 (t 0 =2 ms) show the
(t0=2 ms, typical example)
monitored results of square wave responses using the
18 S12237-03P (resonant frequency: 530 Hz). Ringing can
be seen at t0=1 ms, but at 2 ms, which is near the period
of the resonant frequency, ringing is suppressed. Note
Optical deflection angle (°)
that t0 does not exactly match the period of the resonant
frequency. In some cases, it is better that they match
9 exactly, but in other cases, it is better that they are
slightly offset. This depends on the relationship between
the drive period of the square wave and the resonant
3 frequency.
[Figure 5-9] Square wave response
-3 (t0=1 ms, typical example)
0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70
(f=100 Hz)
Time (s)
Optical deflection angle (°)
Like the step signal, the response when a periodic
waveform is applied can also be optimized by not 6
[Figure 5-10] Square wave response [Figure 5-12] Sawtooth wave response
(t0=2 ms, typical example) (t0=4 ms, typical example)
(f=100 Hz) (f=30 Hz)
18 20
15 15
Optical deflection angle (°)
0 -15
-3 -20
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
[Figure 5-13] Ringing correction (d) Drive frequency components
(a) Drive current vs. time Ideal
(same waveform as the ideal optical deflection angle waveform) Actual
Input current
(e) Drive frequency components (before and after ringing correction)
Before correction
(b) Optical deflection angle vs. time After correction
Optical deflection angle
Optical deflection angle
suppressed to ±0.03° or less at the falling edge with Therefore, to keep the optical deflection angle constant
respect to the ideal optical deflection angle waveform. when the ambient temperature changes, you need to
Note that the accuracy of this optical deflection angle monitor the temperature and correct the drive current.
measurement system is ±0.03°, and ringing is suppressed A temperature sensor must be installed as close to the
to that level. MEMS mirror as possible in the enclosure or on the
In Figure 5-14 (b), the error is measured from (a) and circuit board that the MEMS mirror is mounted on. Table
reflected in the ringing correction to match the actual 5-1 shows the temperature coefficient of the S12237-03P
frequency characteristics of the optical deflection angle. MEMS mirror's optical deflection angle.
This operation can be repeated multiple times [Figure
5-14 (b): 4 times] to remove frequency components that [Table 5-1] Temperature coefficient of optical deflection angle
could not be filtered and further reduce ringing.
(S12237-03P, linear value, θs=±15°, typical value)
Temperature coefficient
[Figure 5-14] Effect of ringing correction (measurement example) Temperature range α
(a) Before ringing correction
20 4
-20 to +70 °C -0.095%/°C
15 Actual -20 to +25 °C -0.085%/°C
Optical deflection angle (°)
θs (Is, T2) - θs (Is, T1)
α= × 100 ............... (5-5)
-20 -4 T2 - T1
0 5 10 15 20
T1 to T2 : temperature range
Time (ms)
θs(I, T): optical deflection angle (I: drive current, T: temperature)
-15 ΔT : T - Tstd
T : ambient temperature
-20 -0.4 Tstd: reference temperature (25 °C)
0 5 10 15 20
Time (ms)
[Table 5-2] Quadratic polynomial correction factor for temperature
coefficient of optical deflection angle
α1 -9.4 × 10-4
The electromagnetic MEMS mirror moves its mirror
by generating Lorentz force using the magnetic field of α2 -1.81 × 10-6
the magnet and the current flowing through the coil.
The optical deflection angle decreases as the ambient
In actual temperature correction, the drive current
temperature increases, so the drive current must be
is divided by β to keep the optical deflection angle
increased [Figure 3-9]. The drive current's temperature
constant. When α of Table 5-1 is substituted into α1 of
characteristics depend on the temperature characteristics
equation (5-6) and 0 is substituted into α2 of equation
of the magnetic force. The magnet’s magnetic force
(5-6), β is obtained.
decreases as the ambient temperature increases.
Figure 5-15 shows the result of applying temperature
correction using the drive current as described above
5-6 Reproducibility of optical deflection angle
and ringing correction (see “5-4 Ringing correction”).
Even at an ambient temperature of 70 °C, operation
e q u i v a l e n t t o t ha t i n ro o m t e m p e ra t u re ca n b e Figure 5-17 shows examples of reproducibility over time
achieved with only a drive current correction. for A to D in Figure 5-16. These data show the amount of
change in the optical deflection angle when the MEMS
[Figure 5-15] Temperature correction results mirror is operated for 30 minutes and show that the
(with ringing correction, measurement example)
stability is ±0.01 degrees or less.
(a) Tcase=25 °C
20 0.4 [Figure 5-16] Optical deflection angle vs. time
15 Error 20
Optical deflection angle (°)
10 0.2
Error (°)
0 0 C
-10 -0.2 A
-10 D
-20 -0.4
0 5 10 15 20
Time (ms)
KOTHB0052EA 0 5 10 15 20
Time (ms)
(b) Tcase=-20 °C
20 0.4 <Measurement conditions>
Actual ∙ Drive waveform: sine wave
15 Error ∙ Drive frequency: 50 Hz
∙ Drive current amplitude: 15 mA
Optical deflection angle (°)
0 0
[Figure 5-17] Examples of optical deflection angle's reproducibility
-20 -0.4
0 5 10 15 20
Optical deflection angle (°)
Time (ms)
(c) Tcase=70 °C
20 0.4
15 Error
Optical deflection angle (°)
10 0.2
Error (°)
Time (s)
-10 -0.2
-20 -0.4
0 5 10 15 20
Time (ms)
(b) Near B (d) Near D
15.27 -15.25
15.25 -15.27
Optical deflection angle (°)
15.21 -15.31
15.19 -15.33
15.17 -15.35
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
(c) Near C
Optical deflection angle (°)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (s)
HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., Solid State Division
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