SSIC Program of Delivery: Should Be Completed (Week) Date Orientation Evening and Entrance Exam
SSIC Program of Delivery: Should Be Completed (Week) Date Orientation Evening and Entrance Exam
SSIC Program of Delivery: Should Be Completed (Week) Date Orientation Evening and Entrance Exam
Should be
Session Presenter (Week) Date
Orientation Evening and Entrance Exam
Introduction to the SSIC:
Commitment to Course (Pilot implementation)
RACS Syllabus
Reading list:
- Last’s Anatomy – 9th Ed
- Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology – 25th Ed
- Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Ed A/Professor Kerin
Entry and Exit Examinations Fielding (Clinical
Zoom Q & A Sessions Weeks 3, 6, 9 - online discussion Chair, HETI
(email submission of questions) Clinical Surgical Orientation
Anatomy Library Training Council) Week Thur 8/7
Entry Examination (Online - Time limited - automated marking - single HETI Orientation
login) – must be completed and submitted to gain entry to the course administration Week Fri 9/7
Anatomy Library - All sessions to be opened Bank of sessions 1-11 Fri 9/7
Week 1
General Pathology 1 Tristan Rutland 1 Mon 12/7
General Pathology 2 Tristan Rutland 1
General Pathology 3 Tristan Rutland 1
Overview of Genetics Tristan Rutland 1
Cancer Genetics Tristan Rutland 1
Week 2
Common Cancers 1 Tristan Rutland 2 Mon 19/7
Common Cancers 2 Tristan Rutland 2
Pathology of Adaptive Growth and Neoplasia Tristan Rutland 2
Non-Ischaemic types of Cell Injury Tristan Rutland 2
Week 3
TRIM Ref: DOC21/5385‐003
Week 5
Cardiovascular Physiology 4: Electromechanical events of the heart Peter Kam 5 Mon 9/8
Cardiovascular Physiology 5: Peripheral blood vessels and regional
circulation Peter Kam 5
Microbiology 1 Emma Sweeney 5
Microbiology 2 Emma Sweeney 5
Microbiology 3 Emma Sweeney 5
Week 6
Mandatory Review & homework questions (participants to
submit questions beforehand) - online questions and answers Course
session Coordinator 6 Mon 16/8
Respiratory Physiology 1:
Overview of respiratory function
(Includes: brief review of metabolism & also important physiological
indices & how to derive them) Blair Munford 6
Respiratory Physiology 2:
(Respiratory mechanics: Equilibrium of the thorax; lung volumes;
compliance, resistance & gas flow) Blair Munford 6
Respiratory Physiology 3:
Gas exchange in the lungs: Alveolar gas equation; diffusion;
pulmonary blood flow & V/Q matching; shunt & dead space. Blair Munford 6
Practical Pharmacology Blair Munford 6
Week 7
Respiratory Physiology 4:
Gas transport & acid-base physiology: 02 & CO2 transport;
classification & pathophysiology of hypoxia; acid-base balance &
disorders Blair Munford 7 Mon 23/8
Respiratory Physiology 5:
Control of ventilation & respiratory pathophysiology: Control of
ventilation in health & abnormal/disease states; principles of
mechanical ventilation. Blair Munford 7
Week 8
Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal Tract David Storey 8 30/8
Gastrointestinal Tract Physiology 1 David Storey 8
Gastrointestinal Tract Physiology 2 David Storey 8
Gastrointestinal Tract Histology Robert Rae 8
Nutrition (TPN, Parenteral) David Storey 8
Week 9
Mandatory Review & homework questions (participants to
submit questions beforehand) - online questions and answers Course
session Coordinator 9 6/9
Anatomy of the Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder and Renal Histology
and Physiology Robert Rae 9
Liver Segments Robert Rae 9
Radiology 1 (Cancer) Noel Young 9
Radiology 2 (Trauma) Noel Young 9
Haematology 1 Zaid Househ 9
TRIM Ref: DOC21/5385‐003
Week 10
Haematology 2 Zaid Househ 10 13-Sep
Pharmacology 1 Gerard Muench 10
Pharmacology 2 Gerard Muench 10
Endocrine Histology and Physiology Robert Rae 10
Embryology Tristan Rutland 10
Week 11
Hands-on Anatomy Weekend Workshop - Western Sydney Subject Matter TBA
University Campbelltown Bld 24 Expert Faculty 11 September
On-line Exit Examinations (Anatomy, Physiology and HETI
Pathology) Administration 11 Wed 24/9
On-line anatomy preview of what to expect, pre-reading and
learning outcomes
Coordinator 1-11
Neuroanatomy Demonstrator
TRIM Ref: DOC21/5385‐003
Anatomical Regions Hands-On Anatomy Day (Saturday)
Should be
Demonstrator (Week)
Subject Matter
Table 1: Chest wall, Pleural cavity, Lungs, Diaphragm Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 2: Heart and foetal circulation Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 3: Oesophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Pancreas, Liver Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 4: Retroperitoneum, Kidneys, Ureters, Adrenals, Major vessels Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 5: Pelvis and exits Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 6: Abdominal wall and herniae Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 7: Root of neck and brachial plexus Expert 11
Subject Matter
Table 8: Brachial and femoral arteries Expert 11
TRIM Ref: DOC21/5385‐003