TR RL Hukum Ohm Dan Hukum Kirchhoff
TR RL Hukum Ohm Dan Hukum Kirchhoff
TR RL Hukum Ohm Dan Hukum Kirchhoff
NIM : 4203121075
2. A 60W electric light bulb is connected to a 240 V supply. Determine (a) the
current flowing in the bulb and (b) the resistance of the bulb
Jawab :
Dik : P = 60W
V = 240V
Dit : a. I=...?
b. R =..?
a. Untuk mencari kuat arus listrik maka kita menggunakan rumus dari daya
P =V.I
P 60
I= = =0,25 A
V 240
b. Untuk mencari besarnya hambatan maka kita menggunakan hukum ohm yaitu:
V 240
R= = =960 ohm
I 0,25
3. Graphs of current against voltage for two resistors, P and Q, are shown in
Figure 2.6.Determine the value of each resistor.
Jawab :
Dik : IP = 8mA = 0,008 A
IQ = 4mA = 0,004 A
VP = 16 .10-6 V
VQ = 20. 10-6 V
Dit : a. RP = ....? b. RQ =....?
a. Untuk mencari RP
Vp 16.10 −3
RP = =2.10 ohm=2 mili ohm
Ip 8.10−3
b. Untuk mencari RQ
VQ 20.10
RQ = =5.10−3 ohm=5 mili ohm
Iq 4.10 −3
4. Determine the p.d. which must be applied to a 5 kilo ohm resistor such that a
current of 6 mA may flow
Jawab :
Dik : R = 5 kilo ohm = 5.103 ohm
I = 6mA = 6.10-3 A
Dit : V=...?
V= 6.10-3 A . 5.103 ohm
V= 30 A Ohm
V= 30 V
I1 = I 2 + I 3
4 = 2 + I3
I3= 2 A
I2+ I4 = I5
2 + I4 = 1
I4 = -1 A
I2 = I 4 + I 6
2 = (-1) + I6
I6 = 3 A
2. For the networks shown in Figure 13.12, find the values of the currents
Jawab :
Untuk gambar (a)
I2 +3 = 2A
I2= 2-3
I2 = -1A
10 = 7+I1+I2
10= 7+I1-1
I1= 4A
7+I1+2 = I3
7+3+2 = I3
I3 = 13A
Untuk gambar (b)
10+50= I2
I2 =60A
I1+I2 =100
I1 =100-60
I1 = 40A
100+20= I3
I3 = 120A
I3 = 20+I4
I4 = 120-20
I4 = 100A
I4+I5 = 20
I5= 20-100
I5 = -80A
i.e. 1 - I1 = 0.2
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the closed loop, moving clockwise gives:
4. Use Kirchhoff’s laws to find the current flowing in the 6 ohm resistor in the
circuit below and the power dissipated in the 4 ohm resistor.
Jawab :
From the top loop: 40 = 5 I1+4(I1+I2)
From the lower loop: 0 = 6 I2+4(I1+I2)
5. Find the current flowing in the 3 ohm resistor for the network shown below.
Find also the p.d. across the 10 ohm and 2 ohm resistors.
Jawab :
Untuk gambar bagian a
From the top loop: 20 = 3I1+16 I2
From the bottom loop: 20 = 3 I3 +6(I1-I2)
Hence, 3 I1 + 16 I2 = 20 (1)
and 9 I1 – 6 I2 = 20 (2)
3 x (1) gives: 9I1 +48 I2 = 60 (3)
1x(2) gives: 9 I1 – 6 I2 = 20
i.e. 54 I2= 40
I2 = 0.741 A
Substituting in (1) gives: 3I1 + 16(0,741) = 20
and I1 = 2.715 A
Thus, I1-I2 = 2,715-0,741 = 1.974 A
Hence, current in 3 ohm resistor = I1 = 2.715 A
p.d. across 10 ohm resistor = I2(10) = 0.741 x 10 = 7.410 V
p.d. across 2 ohm resistor =(I1-I2) 2= 1,974 x 2 = 3.948 V
Berapa besar voltase dari sumber listrik yang harus digunakan oleh teknisi tersebut?
Pada kasus kali ini, kita perlu menghitung terlebih dahulu besar hambatan total dari kelima
Jawab :