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A First Course in Experimental Design

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A First Course in Experimental Design

Notes from Stat 263/363

Art B. Owen
Stanford University

Autumn 2020

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

electronically without author’s permission

This is a collection of scribed lecture notes about experimental design. The

course covers classical experimental design methods (ANOVA and blocking and
factorial settings) along with Taguchi methods for robust design, A/B testing
and bandits for electronic commerce, computer experiments and supersaturated
designs suitable for fitting sparse regression models.
There are lots of different ways to do an experiment. Most of the time the
analysis of the resulting data is familiar from a regression class. Since this is one
of the few classes about making data we proceed assuming that the students
are already familiar with t-tests and regression methods for analyzing data.
There are a few places where the analysis of experimental data differs from that
of observational data, so the lectures cover some of those.
The opening lecture sets the scene for experimental design by grounding it
in causal inference. Most of causal inference is about inferring causality from
purely observational data where you cannot randomize (or did not randomize).
While inferring causality from purely observational data requires us to rely on
untestable assumptions, in some problems it is the only choice. When one
can randomize then much stronger causal claims are possible. This course is
about how to use such randomization. Several of the underlying ideas from
causal inference are important even when you did randomize. These include the
potential outcomes framework, conveniently depicted via a device sometimes
called the science table, the Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption (SUTVA)
that the outcome for one experimental unit is not affected by the treatment for
any other one, and the issue of external validity that comes up generalizing from
the units in a study to others. Even with randomized experiments, we should
be on the lookout for SUTVA violations and issues of external validity.
The next lecture dives into how experimentation is being used now for A/B
testing in electronic commerce. Then there is a lecture on bandits, especially
Thompson sampling. That is an alternative to classic A/B testing that we
can use when there is rapid feedback. It lets us avoid assigning a suboptimal


treatment very often.

The largest segment in the course covers classical design of experiments
that is now about 100 years old. A lot of useful ideas and methods have been
developed there motivated by problems from agriculture, medicine, psychology,
manufacturing and more. We look at blocking and Latin squares and factorial
experiments and fractional factorials. Taguchi’s methods for robust design fit
into this segment. Key ideas that come up are about which categorical predictors
are of primary interest, which are used to get more precise comparisons among
those that are of main interest and how to use confounding (ordinarily a bad
thing) to our advantage. The subject matter in this portion of the course could
easily fill a full semester long course. Here we consider it in about half of an
academic quarter which is already shorter than a semester. As a compromise
we skip over some of the most challenging issues that arise from unbalanced
data sets, complicated mixed effects models, subtle nesting structures and so
on, citing instead the text books one would need to read in order to handle
those issues.
That long core segment is followed by a midterm and then a survey of re-
lated topics in experimental design. This includes computer experiments for
investigating deterministic functions, space-filling designs and designs for sparse
These notes are a scribed account of lectures. The references I draw on
are the ones I know about and reflect a personal view of what belongs in an
experimental design course for students studying data science. I’m sure that
there are more good references out there. I have a personal interest in bridging
old topics in design with some newer topics. Revisiting some old ideas in the
light of modern computational power and algorithms and data set sizes could
uncover some useful and interesting connections.
During the lectures, given online, I got many good questions and comments.
Several people contributed that way but Lihua Lei and Kenneth Tay deserve
special mention for the many good points that they raised.
In these notes I cite textbooks where readers can go beyond the level of
detail in a first course. In some cases I find that the most recent edition of a
book is not the best one for this level of course. Also, I use as a publication
date the first year in which the given edition appeared, and not the year that
edition went online as a digital book which can be decades after the fact.
Art B. Owen
Stanford CA
December 2020

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

electronically without author’s permission

1 Introduction 5
1.1 History of design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Confounding and related issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Neyman-Rubin Causal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Random assignment and ATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5 Random science tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6 External validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.7 More about causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 A/B testing 15
2.1 Why is this hard? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Selected points from the Hippo book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Questions raised in class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Winner’s curse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.5 Sequential testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6 Near impossibility of measuring returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Bandit methods 27
3.1 Exploration and exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Regret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 Upper confidence limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Thompson sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.5 Theoretical findings on Thompson sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.6 More about bandits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4 Paired and blocked data, randomization inference 39

4.1 The ordinary two sample t-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2 Randomization fixes assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2 Contents

4.3 Paired analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.4 Blocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5 Basic ANOVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.6 ANOVA for blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.7 Latin squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.8 Esoteric blocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.9 Biased coins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5 Analysis of variance 55
5.1 Potatoes and sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.2 One at a time experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.3 Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.4 Multiway ANOVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.5 Replicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.6 High order ANOVA tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.7 Distributions of sums of squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.8 Fixed and random effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6 Two level factorials 71

6.1 Replicates and more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2 Notation for 2k experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.3 Why n = 1 is popular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.4 Factorial with no replicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.5 Generalized interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.6 Blocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

7 Fractional factorials 81
7.1 Half replicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
7.2 Catapult example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7.3 Quarter fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
7.4 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.5 Overwriting notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.6 Saturated designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.7 Followup fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.8 More data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

8 Analysis of covariance and crossover designs 93

8.1 Combining an ANOVA with continuous predictors . . . . . . . . 93
8.2 Before and after . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.3 More general regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.4 Post treatment variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.5 Crossover trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.6 More general crossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

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Contents 3

9 Split-plot and nested designs 101

9.1 Split-plot experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
9.2 More about split-plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
9.3 Nested ANOVAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
9.4 Expected mean squares and random effects . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
9.5 Additional models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.6 Cluster randomized trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

10 Taguchi methods 109

10.1 Context and philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
10.2 Bias and variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
10.3 Taylor expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
10.4 Inner and outer arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
10.5 Controversy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

11 Some data analysis 117

11.1 Contrasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
11.2 Normality assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
11.3 Variance components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
11.4 Unbalanced settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
11.5 Estimating or predicting the ai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
11.6 Missing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
11.7 Choice of response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

12 Response surfaces 125

12.1 Center points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
12.2 Three level factorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
12.3 Central composite designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
12.4 Box-Behnken designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
12.5 Uses of response surface methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
12.6 Optimal designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
12.7 Mixture designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

13 Super-saturated designs 137

13.1 Hadamard matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
13.2 Group testing and puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
13.3 Random balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
13.4 Quasi-regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
13.5 Supersaturated criteria and designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
13.6 Designs for compressed sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

14 Computer experiments 149

14.1 Motivating problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
14.2 Latin hypercube sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
14.3 Orthogonal arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
14.4 Exploratory analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

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4 Contents

14.5 Kriging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

14.6 Covariance functions for kriging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
14.7 Interpolation, noise and nuggets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
14.8 Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
14.9 Further designs for computer experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
14.10 Quasi-Monte Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
14.11 Variable importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

15 Guest lectures and hybrids of experimental and observational

data 171
15.1 Guest lecture by Min Liu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
15.2 Guest lecture by Michael Sklar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
15.3 First hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
15.4 Second hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

16 Wrap-up 175
16.1 What statistics is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
16.2 Principals from experimental design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Bibliography 181

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

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To gain understanding from data, we must contend with noise, bias, correlation
and interaction among other issues. Often there is nothing we can do about
some of those things, because we are just handed data with flaws embedded.
Choosing or designing the data gives us much better possibilities. By care-
fully designing an experiment we can gain information more efficiently, meaning
lower variance for a given expenditure in time or money or subjects. More im-
portantly, experimentation provides the most convincing empirical evidence of
causality. That is, it is not just about more efficient estimation of regression co-
efficients and similar parameters. It is about gaining causal insight. If we think
of efficiency as better handling of noise, we can think of the causal estimation
as better handling of correlations among predictors as well as interactions and
We all know that “correlation does not imply causation”. Without a causal
understanding, all we can do is predict outcomes, not confidently influence them.
There are settings where prediction alone is very useful. Predicting the path
of a hurricane is enough to help people get out of the way and prepare for the
aftermath. Predicting stock prices is useful for an investor whose decisions are
too small to move the market. However, much greater benefits are available
from causal understanding. For instance, a physician who could only predict
patient outcomes in the absence of treatment but not influence them would not
be as effective as one who can choose a treatment that brings a causal benefit.
In manufacturing, causal understanding is needed to design better products. In
social science, causal understanding is needed to understand policy choices.
Our main tool will be randomizing treatment assignments. Injecting ran-
domness into the independent variables provides the most convincing way to
establish causality, though we will see that it is not perfect.

6 1. Introduction

Experimental design is the science of choosing how to gather data. It has a

long and continuing history spanning: agriculture, medicine and public health,
education, simulation, engineering, computer experiments, A/B testing in e-
commerce, philanthropy and more.
The design problem forces the statistical investigator to think carefully about
the underlying domain topic, it’s assumptions and costs, benefits, goals and prior
history. This happens in ordinary data analysis too, but the task of choosing
what data to gather amplifies the problem. More than other areas of statistics,
you really need to have a some use case in mind to understand how to interpret
variables models and estimators. Predictors that you can change are different
from ones determined by a user or the environment set. Response variables
that can be cheaply measured are different from ultimate ones. Design is often
sequential, so things we learn at one stage help at the next. There are choices
between safe but perhaps expensive experiments and risky but perhaps faster
or cheaper experiments.

1.1 History of design

Experimental design has been systematically studied for about 100 years or
more. There are many recent innovations coming from online A/B testing as
well as new developments in clinical trials. We will look at new innovations but
not ignore the older ones that they evolved from.
Fisher and others working on agriculture at Rothamsted starting in the
1920s. Box working on 2k−p factorial experiments for industry starting in the
1960s. Computer experiments from Sacks, Welch, Wynn, Ylvisaker and others
starting in the 1980s. Realization that Monte Carlo simulations are (or should
be) desiged experiments starting in the 1970s. Online A/B testing in electronic
commerce starting in the 2010s. (Kohavi, Tang, Xu and many others). Experi-
ments on networks. Experiments in economics for philanthropy.

1.2 Confounding and related issues

We will begin by comparing outcomes for subjects given one of two levels. Some-
times it makes sense to call them ‘treatment’ versus ‘control’. Control could be
a default or usual or null setting. Other times the two levels are on the same
footing: e.g., raspberry vs blueberry or Harvard vs Yale.
If the treatment subjects are measured in the morning and control in the
afternoon, then the difference we measure is the joint effect of treatment-AM
versus control-PM and any difference we measure might be partly or largely due
to time of day. The treatment is confounded with time of day.
Confounding can happen easily. Maybe treatment and control were done at
different labs or by different people in the same lab or on different equipment by
the same person in a given lab. Treatment and control could also be confounded
with some variable that we didn’t measure or don’t even know about.

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

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1.3. Neyman-Rubin Causal Model 7

A common source of confounding is the use of historical controls. A

physician might compare a survival rate in their clinic to what was the historical
norm for that or some other clinic. The standard of care may have changed
and then the new treatment is confounded with the time period of study. A
better comparison would include concurrent controls. One ethical standard
there is equipoise. The physician should be genuinely uncertain about which
treatment is better in order to justify doing an experiment. Cox (1958) has an
example where historical controls would have supported the Lamarkian theory
that learned effects are inherited by offspring. Each generation of rats performed
better at a certain task. Because there was no control group, an alternative
explanation is that something else about those animals or their condition was
changing with time.
Confounding might not matter. Maybe there is sufficient scientific knowl-
edge to know that the confounding variable could not affect the response. Of
course that knowledge might be subject to uncertainty and debate. If we use
some randomization to assign treatment versus control then we can statistically
control the confounding making extreme confounding have negligible probabil-
Later on in settings with k binary treatments and a budget that does not
allow running all 2k cases we will indulge in some purposeful confounding. The
trick will be to control what is confounded with what.
Confounding induces a correlation of 1 (or −1) between our treatment and
some other variable. When the treatment or that other variable varies continu-
ously then we get a nonzero correlation between our treatment variable and the
confounder. So perfect confounding is a special case of correlation. Randomizing
the treatment will make the expected value of that correlation zero.
The confounder might be known and measured or it might be unknown
(which is worse). When it is unknown, it is a missing predictor problem. A
regression that is missing one or more of the predictors leads to biased estimates
of the coefficient vector β. If our treatment variable is uncorrelated with that
missing variable then we can put that variable into the regression error term.
[Working this out might become an exercise.]
Another reason to randomly control the treatment is to put sufficient vari-
ance into its values. For a continuous variable we know that the variance of a
regression coefficient is reduced by varying the corresponding predictor over a
larger range.

1.3 Neyman-Rubin Causal Model

We will use the Neyman-Rubin framework to think about causality. See the
book by Imbens and Rubin (2015) for full details. Begin with Lecture 1 in
Wager’s course notes in the class web page. For experimental unit i (e.g., a
subject) we think that their response would have been Yi1 if treated and Yi0
if not treated. There is a variable Wi ∈ {0, 1} with Wi = 1 for treated and
Wi = 0 for control. The pair (Yi0 , Yi1 ) contains the two potential outcomes

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

electronically without author’s permission
8 1. Introduction

for subject i. In this setting we get

Yi = Wi Yi1 + (1 − Wi )Yi0 , i = 1, . . . , n.

We can arrange all of these outcomes into a science table Y ∈ Rn×2 as

Wi =0 Wi =1
 
i=1 Y10 Y11
2 
 Y20 Y21 

3  Y30 Y31 
.. .. ..
 
 
Y= . 
 . . 
 (1.1)
i  Yi0 Yi1 
 
..  . ..
 ..

. . 
n Yn0 Yn1

Row i shows data for subject i. There is a column each for treatment and control.
If we knew Y then we would know every subject’s own personal treatment effect
∆i = Yi1 − Yi0 .
There is an important implicit assumption involved in writing the science
table this way. We are assuming that the response for subject i is Yi = Yi (Wi )
and does not depend on Wi0 for any i0 6= i. Imagine instead the opposite where
the value Yi depends on the whole vector W = (W1 , . . . , Wn ) ∈ {0, 1}n . Then
our science table would have n rows and 2n columns, one for each possible W .
We can use the small science table in (1.1) under the Stable Unit Treatment
Value Assumption (SUTVA). Under SUTVA, Yi does not depend on Wi0 for
any i0 6= i. It might not even depend on Wi , but if it depends on W at all it
can only be through Wi . In applications we have to consider whether SUTVA
is realistic. If patients in a clinical trial swap drugs with each other, SUTVA is
violated. If we are experimenting on subjects in a network we might find that
the response for one subject depends on the treatment of their neighbors. That
would violate SUTVA.

1.4 Random assignment and ATE

Very often the thing we are most interested in is the average treatment effect
n n n n
1X 1X 1X 1X
τ= ∆i = (Yi1 − Yi0 ) = Yi1 − Yi0 .
n i=1 n i=1 n i=1 n i=1

No matter what assignment vector W we choose, we never see any of the ∆i .

This is sometimes called the fundamental problem of causal inference. Let’s
τ = E(Yi (1)) − E(Yi (0))

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1.4. Random assignment and ATE 9

where in this instance E(·) describes a simple average of n numbers. We will

use E(·) later for other things, so lets take
τ = µ1 − µ0 where µj ≡ Yij , j = 0, 1.
n i=1
Given W let n1 = i=1 Wi and n0 = n − n1 be the number of treated and
control subjects, respectively. If min(n0 , n1 ) > 0 then we can compute
n n
1 X 1 X
Ȳ1 = Wi Yi and Ȳ0 = (1 − Wi )Yi
n1 i=1 n0 i=1

and estimate τ by
τ̂ = Ȳ1 − Ȳ0 .
By choosing W randomly we can get E(τ̂ ) = τ where this E(·) refers to ran-
domness in W .
Suppose we have a simple random sample where all nn1 ways of picking

n1 subjects to treat have equal probability. We saw in class that then

E(Ȳj ) = µj , j = 0, 1

assuming that min(n0 , n1 ) > 0. It then follows that

E(τ̂ ) = τ.

What if we just tossed independent coins taking Wi = 1 with probability

0 < p < 1? Then we would get n1 ∼ Bin(n, p). Also, conditionally on this
random n1 , the units getting Wi = 1 would be a simple random sample. So
right away
E(τ̂ | 0 < n1 < n) = τ.
Ordinarily the event 0 < n1 < n has overwhelming probability under indepen-
dent sampling. Also, if anybody planned an experiment and got n1 ∈ {0, n}
they would almost surely just re-randomize. [Exercise: how ok is that?]
If somehow it is necessary to analyze independent assignments without as-
suming that n1 6∈ {0, n} then we can regard
Wi Yi
Ȳ1 = Pi
i Wi

as a ratio of two random variables and work out approximate mean and variance
via the delta-method. For the gory details see Rosenman et al. (2018).
Suppose that we want var(Ȳj ) under simple random sampling. It’s kind
of a pain in the neck to work that out using the theory of finite population
sampling (survey sampling) from Cochran (1977) or (Rice, 2007, Chapter 7).
It is even worse if we toss coins because we hit the n1 ∈ {0, n} problem with
probability just enough bigger than zero to be a theoretical nuisance. Both of

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10 1. Introduction

those get worse if we want var(Ȳ1 − Ȳ0 ). Let’s just avoid it! We will see later an
argument by Box et al. (1978) that will let us use plain old regression methods
to get inferences. That is much simpler, and there is no reason to pick the
cumbersome way to do things. There are also permutation test methods to get
randomization based confidence intervals by Monte Carlo sampling. Those can
work well and be straightforward to use. There is also a book in the works by
Tirthankar Dasgupta and Donald Rubin on using the actual randomization in
more complcated settings. I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes.
After writing the above, I saw Imbens (2019) describing a conservative esti-
mate of var(τ̂ ) due to Neyman. It is
1 X 1 X
Wi (Yi − Ȳ1 )2 + (1 − Wi )(Yi − Ȳ0 )2 .
n1 (n1 − 1) i n0 (n0 − 1) i

This is just the sum of the two sample variance estimators that we might have
used in regular modeling (like Box et al. advise). Let’s still avoid digging into
why that is conservative.

1.5 Random science tables

Maybe the ij entry of Y should really be a distribution, like N (µij , σ 2 ). Then
we get a table of random numbers. If instead we want to account for possible
correlations between Yij and Yi0 j 0 then we need a more general model making a
random table of numbers.
Suppose W satisfies SUTVA. Then for a random science table we also want
Wi to be independent of (Yi0 , Yi0 ). We write this as
Wi ⊥⊥ (Yi0 , Yi1 ).
Think how bad it would be otherwise. If somebody purposely set Wi = 1 for
the largest ∆i , they would get a very biased answer.
Let Y be the random science table and suppose we compute τ̂ . Is it estimat-
ing the ATE for our given science table, or is it estimating the average ATE in
the underlying process that made our science table? That is a trick question.
It is actually estimating both of those quantities even though they are different
from each other. Let’s write τ (Y) for the ATE when the science table is Y
and τ̂ (Y, W ) for our estimate making explicit that it depends on the Wi . Let’s
assume that τ0 = E(τ (Y)) exists. It is enough for all of the Yij to have a finite
mean. Assume that the randomization in W never gives min(n0 , n1 ) = 0. Now
under the randomness in W ,
E(τ̂ (Y, W ) | Y) = τ (Y),
so τ̂ estimates the actual random ATE.
1 Xn n n
 1X 1X
E(τ (Y)) = E Yi1 − Yi0 = E(Yi1 ) − E(Yi0 ) = µi1 − µi0 .
n i=1 n i=1 n i=1

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1.6. External validity 11

This is the average ATE over the distribution of random science tables.
We could argue whether τ (Y) or E(τ (Y)) is the more important thing to
estimate but in practice they may well be very close. For instance, if Yij =
µij + εij with noise εij ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) then
n  2σ 2 
τ (Y) − E(τ (Y)) = εi1 − εi0 ∼ N 0, .
n i=1 n

In a large experiment the two quantities are close. If the quantities are close then
we may choose to study whichever one gives the most clarity to the analysis.
In a theoretical study we can model reasonable science tables by specifying a
distribution for Y that fits the applied context.

1.6 External validity

One of the difficulties of randomized controled trials is in applying lessons from
a given data set to another one, such as future uses. Think of two science tables,
one right now and one that we will get later:

Wi =0 Wi =1 Wi =0 Wi =1
   
i=1 Y10 Y11 i=n+1 Yn+1,0 Yn+1,1
2 
 Y20 Y21 
 n+2 
 Yn+2,0 Yn+2,1 

3  Y30 Y31  n+3  Yn+3,0 Yn+3,1 
.. .. .. .. .. ..
   
   
Ynow = . 
 . . 
 Ylater = . 
 . .  (1.2)

i  Yi0 Yi1  i  Yi0 Yi1 
   
..  . .. .. .. ..
 ..
  
. .  .  . . 
n Yn0 Yn1 n+m Yn+m,0 Ynm ,1

These have ATEs τnow and τlater and our experiment will give us the estimate
τ̂now . If we think of τ̂now as the future ATE we incur an error

τ̂now − τlater = (τ̂now − τnow ) + (τnow − τlater ).

The first term can be studied using statistical inference on our data. We shied
away from doing that once we saw the sampling theory issues it raises, but
will look into it later. The second term is about whether the ATE might have
changed. It is about external validity.
External validity is some sort of extrapolation. It can be extremely rea-
sonable and well supported empirically. E.g., gravity works the same here as
elsewhere. It can be unreasonable. E.g., experimental findings on undergradu-
ates who are required to participate for a grade might not generalize to people
of all ages, everywhere.
Findings on present customers might not generalize perfectly to others.
Findings for mice might not generalize well to humans. Findings in the US

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12 1. Introduction

might not generalize to the EU. Findings in a clinical trial with given enrol-
ment conditions might not generalize to future patients who are sicker (or are
healthier) than those in the study.
You may have heard the expression ‘your mileage may vary’. This refered
originally to ratings of fuel effiiciency for cars. If you’re considering two cars,
the advertised mileages µ0 and µ1 might not apply to you because you drive dif-
ferently or live near different kinds of roads or differ in some other way from the
test conditions. It commonly holds that the difference µ1 − µ0 might still apply
well to you. The things that make your driving different from test conditions
could affect both cars nearly equally. In that case, the ATE has reasonable ex-
ternal validity. This is a common occurrence and gives reason for more optimism
about external validity.
External validity can be judged but not on the basis of observing a subset
of Ynow . The exact same Y could appear in one problem with external validity
and another without it. External validity can be based on past experiences of
similar quantities generalizing where tested. That is a form of meta-analysis, a
study of studies. External validity can also be based on scientific understanding
that may ultimately have been gleaned by looking at what generalizes and what
does not organized around an underlying theory that has successfully predicted
many generalizations.

1.7 More about causality

We are anchoring our causal discusion in the Neyman-Rubin framework. We
emphasize ‘effects of causes’ not ‘causes of effects’. The first involves statements
like ‘if I water my plant it will grow’. The second involves statements like ‘my
plant grew because I watered it’. We could investigate the first problem by
watering some randomly chosen plants and comparing the results to similar
ones that were not watered.
The second problem is a much harder thing to disentangle. The plant could
have grown for some other reason. Looking backwards for a cause, there might
be 10 potential causes for why a plant grew or an accident happened or a
product succeeded. Maybe changing any one of those 10 things would have
given a different outcome. Or maybe some of those causes could have changed
the outcome on their own while others would have only changed it if paired with
some other changes. Then it is quite difficult to say what the real reason was
even if you know all 210 potential outcomes. This is a problem of attribution,
that remains hard even when all 210 causal possibilities are known without error.
For coverage of methods to infer causality from purely observational data,
see Imbens and Rubin (2015), Angrist and Pischke (2008) and Angrist and
Pischke (2014), and the notes by Stefan Wager in the class web page. There are
several excellent courses on it here at Stanford. To make a causal conclusion
requires a causal assumption. The assumption may be that a treatment was
applied ‘as if at random’ or it may be that any important causal variables have
been observed. For this course we will be relying on randomizing the treatments

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1.7. More about causality 13

and more generally, randomizing treatment combinations.

There is another approach to causality using directed acyclic graphs, ex-
plained in Pearl and Mackenzie (2018). Imbens (2019) remarks that it is not
widely used in substantive problems and gives reasons. Roughly, it requires
inputs from the user about the true underlying causal structure that are hard
to come by.

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14 1. Introduction

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A/B testing

This lecture was about A/B testing primarily in electronic commerce. An

A/B test is a comparison of two treatments, just like we saw for causal in-
ference. Much of the content was cherry-picked from the text Kohavi et al.
(2020) (by three illustrious authors). The toy hippopotamus on the cover il-
lustrates the “HIghest Paid Person’s Opinion”. They advocate basing deci-
sions on experimental data instead of the hippo. That book is available dig-
itally through the Stanford library. They have further material at https:
//experimentguide.com/about/. Ronny Kohavi kindly sent me some com-
ments that helped me improve these notes.
There are also some other materials that I’ve learned about through availabil-
ity bias: people I know from either a Stanford or Google connection worked on
them. I quite like the data science blog from Stitch Fix https://multithreaded.
stitchfix.com/blog which includes some postings on experimentation.
The lecture began with the example of an A/B test by Candy Japan. https:
It was about whether a fancy new box to send the candy out in would reduce
the number of subscription cancellations. It did not significantly do so despite
costing more.

2.1 Why is this hard?

In the 1960s George Box and co-authors were working out how to study the
effects of say k = 10 binary variables on an output, with a budget that might
only allow n = 64 data points. We will see that they had to contend with
interactions among those variables. Modern e-commerce might have k = 1
treatment variable to consider in an A/B test with n in the millions. So maybe

16 2. A/B testing

the modern problems are only 1/1024 times as hard as the old ones. Yet,
they involve large teams of data scientists and engineers developing specialized
experimental platforms. Why?
Online experimentation is a new use case for randomized trials and it brings
with it new costs, constraints and opportunities. Here are some complicating
factors about online experimentation:
• there can be thousands of experiments per year,
• many going on at the same time,
• there are numerous threats to SUTVA,
• tiny effects can have enormous value,
• effects can drift over time,
• the users may be quite different from the data scientists and engineers,
• there are adversarial elements, e.g., bots and spammers, and
• short term metrics might not lead to long term value.

There are also some key statistical advantages in the online setting. It is
possible to experiment directly on the web page or other product. This is quite
different from pharmaceutical or aerospace industries. People buying tylenol
are not getting a random tylenol-A versus tylenol-B. When your plane pulls
up to the gate it is not randomly 787-A versus 787-B. Any change to a high
impact product with strong safety issues requires careful testing and perhaps
independent certification about the results of those tests.
A second advantage is speed. Agriculture experiments often have to be
designed to produce data in one growing season per year. If the experiment fails,
a whole year is lost. Clinical trials may take years to obtain enough patients.
Software or web pages can be changed much more quickly than those industries’
products can. Online settings involve strong day of week effects (weekend versus
work days) and hour of day effects (work hours and time zones) and with fast
data arrival a clear answer might be available in one week. Or if something has
gone badly wrong an answer could be available much faster.
Now, most experimental changes do almost nothing. This could be because
the underlying system is near some kind of local optimum. If the changes are
doing nearly nothing then it is reasonable to suppose that they don’t interfere
much with each other either. In the language of Chapter 1, the science table
for one experiment does not have to take account of the setting levels for other
concurrent experiments. So in addition to rapid feedback, this setting also
allows great parallelization of experimentation. The industrial settings that Box
studied often have significant interactions among the k variables of interest.
Kohavi et al. (2009, Section 4) describe reasons for using single experiments
instead of varying k factors at a time. Some combinations of factors might be
undesiriable or even impossible to use. Also combining factors can introduce
undesirable couplings between investigations. For instance, it could be necessary
to wait until all k teams are ready to start, thus delaying k − 1 of the teams.

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2.2. Selected points from the Hippo book 17

2.2 Selected points from the Hippo book

2.2.1 Some scale
Kohavi et al. (2020) report that some companies run thousands or tens of thou-
sands of experiments per year. With most of them running for multiple weeks
at a time, it is clear that there must be lots of simultaneous experiments hap-
pening at once. One user’s experience could be influenced by many ongoing
experiments, but as mentioned above there may be little interference.
They give one example of the result of an A/B test adding $100,000,000 in
annual revenue to the company. Clearly, that does not happen thousands of
times per year. In fact, the vast majority of experiments are for changes that
bring no noticeable value or even reduce value. Despite that, there can be large
year over year improvements in revenue. The book cites 15–25% revenue growth
for some period in Bing. They have another example where shaving a seemingly
imperceptible 4 milliseconds off a display time improves revenue by enough to
pay for an engineer’s salary.

2.2.2 Twyman’s law

They devote a chapter to Twyman’s law. There does not seem to be one
unique version. Two that they give are “Any figure that looks interesting or
different is usually wrong” and “Any statistic that appears interesting is al-
most certainly a mistake”. As a result the most extreme or interesting findings
have to be checked carefully. The specific way to test can get very specific to
implementation details.
If we are to turn the statistic or figure into a claim then we face a similar
statement by Carl Sagan that “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary ev-
idence”. There is a role for Bayes or empirical Bayes here. If the most recent
experiment is sharply different from the results of thousands of similar ones then
we have reason to investigate further.
Suppose that we double check all of the strange looking findings but simply
accept all of the ordinary ones. That poses the risk of confirmation bias.
In a setting where 99 + % of experiments are null it does not make sense to
subject the apparent null findings to the same scrutiny that the outliers get.
Confirmation bias seems to be the lesser evil here.

2.2.3 Randomization unit

When we write Wi ∈ {0, 1} and later record Yi , that index i identifies the
randomization unit. In medicine that might be a subject. In agriculture
it could be a plot of land and the term plot shows up in experimental design
They describe the usual unit as being a ‘user’. A user id might be a person
or a cookie or an account. To the extent possible, you want a unit in treatment
A to always be in treatment A. For instance if user i returns, you want them

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18 2. A/B testing

to get the same Wi that they got earlier. This is done by using a deterministic
hash function that turns the user id into a number b ∈ {0, 1, 2, · · · , B − 1} where
B is a number of buckets. For instance B = 1000 is common. You can think
of the hash function as a random number generator and the user id as a seed.
Then we could give W = 0 whenever b < 500 and W = 1 when b > 500. When
the user returns with the same user id they get the same treatment.
We don’t want a user to be in the treatment arm (or control arm) of every
A/B test that they are in. We would want independent draws instead. So we
should pick the bucket b based on hash(userid + experimentid) or similar.
There is an important difference between a person and a user id. A person’s
user id might change if they delete a cookie, or use different hardware (e.g., their
phone and a laptop) for the same service. It is also possible that multiple people
share an account. When that user id returns it might be a family member. The
link between people and user ids may be almost, but not quite, one to one.
They discuss other experimental units that might come up in practice. Per-
haps i denotes a web page that might get changed. Or a browser session. Vaver
and Koehler (2011) make the unit a geographical region. Somebody could in-
crease their advertising in some regions, leaving others at the nominal level (or
decreasing to keep spending constant) and then look for a way to measure total
sales of their product in those regions.
For a cloud based document tool with shared users it makes sense to ex-
periment on a whole cluster of users that work together. It might not even be
possible to have people in both A and B arms of the trial share a document. Also
there is a SUTVA issue if people in the same group have different treatments.

2.2.4 SUTVA and similar issues

They describe two sided markets, such as drivers and riders for ride hailing
services or renters and hosts for Airbnb. Any treatment B that changes how
some drivers work might then affect all riders in a region and that in turn can
change the experience of the drivers who were in arm A. A similar example
arises when A puts a large load on the servers and slows things for B. Then
what we see when B is 50% of the data might not hold true when it is 100%.

2.2.5 Ramping up
Because most experiments involve changes that are unhelpful or even harmful,
it is not wise to start them out at 50:50 on the experimental units. It is better
to start small, perhaps with only 1% getting the new treatment. You can do
that by allocating buckets 0 through 9 of 0 through 999 to the new treatment.
Also, if something is going badly wrong it can be detected quickly on a small

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2.3. Questions raised in class 19

2.2.6 Guardrail metrics

We test A versus B to see if Y changes. It is helpful to also include some measure
Y 0 that we know should not change. In biology such things are called ‘negative
controls’. Guardrail has connotations of safety. If your new treatment changes
Y 0 you might not want to do it even if it improves Y . For instance Y 0 might be
the time it takes a page to load.
One important guardrail metric is the fraction n1 /n of observations in group
1. In√a 50:50 trial it should be close to 1/2. It should only fluctuate like
Op (1/ n) around 1/2 and n may be very large. So if n1 /n = 0.99 × 1/2
that could be very statistically significant (judged by n1 /n ∼ N (1/2, n/4)).
They give a possible explanation: the treatment might change the fraction of
downstream data that gets removed because it looks like it came from bots or
spam. Also when you’re looking at tiny effects losing 1% of a data stream could
be as big an effect as what you were trying to detect.
The measure above is called sample ratio mismatch (SRM). It is inter-
esting to think what the response Yi0 would be for that metric. It would be
something like an indicator function about whether unit i survives into the
analysis period. We do not have to make sure that the Yi0 = 0 cases get into
the SRM analysis. Their absence is detected already by comparing n1 to n0 .

2.2.7 Additional points

They have discussions about what makes a good metric Y to study. It needs to
arrive fast enough to inform your decision. But it should ideally be closely tied
to longer term goals. This is like an external validity issue, but differs a bit. A
clear external validity issue would be whether the short term improvement in Y
holds into the future. This issue is about whether your short term metric (e.g.,
immediate engagement with a web site) is a good proxy for a long term goal
(e.g., some notion of long term customer/user value).
It may be possible/reasonable to do an experiment in the future reverting
some of those A/B decisions to a previous setting. Then you can measure
whether the effect is still present.
There is a medical experiment of similar form. It is called a randomized with-
drawal. One takes a set of people habituated to some medicine and randomly
revert some of them to placebos for period of time.

2.3 Questions raised in class

There were some good questions in class right after the discussion of Hippo-book
ideas. They are editted for length and to fix typos. I didn’t make note of all the
private ones so they’re recreated from memory. I don’t divulge who asked them
because that could be a privacy issue. Thanks to those who asked. Hopefully
the answers below are at least as good as the ones I actually gave.
Q: Could you please comment on the blinding in an online A/B test setting?

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20 2. A/B testing

A: This is very subtle. Blinding is about whether you know you’re in an

experiment. If A is the usual version and B is new, then the people getting A
have no real way to know that they’re in an experiment at all, much less what
treatment they are getting. The people getting B might well recognize that it is
different from usual. They could be left to guess that it is a permanent change
rolled out to everybody or they might realize that they’re in an experiment.
If they see two different versions because they have two user ids, or a friend
getting something different, then they might well guess that they’re in an A/B
test. Also, if an interface momentarily goes bad, then some people will speculate
that they’re in an A/B test.
Q: How would you test for SUTVA violations after doing the A/B test?
A: I think you have to have some kind of hunch about what kind of SUTVA
violation you might be facing. The fully general science table has n rows and
2n columns, so how could we know what the other columns are like in general?
Now suppose that we suspect something about which users’ treatments might
affect which other users’ responses. Maybe they are neighbors in a network or
similar geographically.
We could do a side experiment to test the hunch. After all, a SUTVA
violation is fundamentally about how causality works and randomization is the
way to test it. Then again, maybe the randomization we already did is adequate
to catch some kinds of SUTVA violations. That is, the needed side experiment
may already be baked into our initial randomization. I think I can make a good
homework question out of this. I’m thinking of a case where we have pairs (i, i0 )
of subjects where we know or suspect that the SUTVA violation happens within
those known pairs.
Q: Is an A/A test purely based on historical data? If so, wouldn’t it be
missing all issues of spam/bot/non-compliance/interference etc. in the A/B test?
Seems that the A/A test may provide very misleading results.
A: I think you are right that there are things that an A/A test could not
catch. What those are might depend on how the experimental system is config-
ures. An A/A test might then give a false sense of security, though better than
not doing it because at least it can catch some things. Maybe we should take
the A subjects and split them randomly into two groups. Similarly for the B
subjects. That would be non-historical. It would involve smaller sample sizes.
Q: Professor Athey once mentioned that large companies often use shared
controls for experiments. Is there a correction to make for the non-random
assignment across experiments?
A: It sounds like testing A versus B1 , B2 , · · · , Bk by splitting the units into
k + 1 groups. Then use A for the control in all k tests. Each of the tests should
be ok. But now your tests are correlated with each other. If the average in
the control group A fluctuates down then all k treatment effect estimates go
up and vice versa. You also get an interesting multiple comparisons problem.
Suppose that you want to bound the probability of wrongly finding any of the
new treatments differ significantly from the control. I believe that this gets you

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2.4. Winner’s curse 21

to Dunnett’s test. Checking just now, Dunnett’s test is indeed there in Chapter
4.3.5 of Berger et al. (2018).
Q: Do people usually use A/A test to get the significance level, does it differ
a lot in case you have a lot of data. I assume with a huge amount of data the
test statistic might be more or less or t-distributed (generally).
A: They might. I more usually hear about it being used to spot check some-
thing that seems odd. If n is large then the t-test might be ok statistically
but A/A tests can catch other things. For example if you have k highly cor-
related tests then the A/A sampling may capture the way false discoveries are
A t-test is unrobust to different variances. You’re ok if you’ve done a nearly
50:50 split. But if you’ve done an imbalanced split then the t-test can be wrong.
If the A/A test is a permutation it will be wrong there too because the usual
t-test is asymptotically equivalent to a permutation test. Ouch. Maybe a clever
bootstrap would do. Or Welch’s t test. Or a permutation strategy based on
If you have heavy-tailed responses, so heavy that they look like they’ve
come from a setting with infinite variance then the t-test will not work well for
you. However maybe nothing else will be very good in that case. These super
heavy-tailed responses come up often when the response is dollar valued. Think
of online games where a small number of players, sometimes called ‘whales’,
spend completely unreasonable (to us at least) amounts of money. (You can use
medians or take logs but those don’t answer a question about expectations.)
To put A/A testing into an experimental platform you would have to find
a way to let the user specify what data are the right ones to run A/A tests
on for each experiment. Then you have to get that data into the system from
whatever other system it was in. That would be more complicated than just
using χ2 tables or similar.
Q: Is A/A testing a form of bootstrapping?
A: It is a Monte Carlo resampling method very much like bootstrapping. It
might be more accurately described as permutation testing. There’s nothing
to stop somebody doing a bootstrap instead. However the A/A test has very
strong intuitive rationale. It describes a treatment method that we are confident
cannot find any real discovery because we shift treatment labels completely at

2.4 Winner’s curse

Suppose we adopt a treatment because we think it raises our metric 1%. Then
the next one looks like 2% increase so we adopt it too followed by another at
3%. We then expect to gain about 6% overall. A bit more due to compounding.
Then we do an A/B test reversing all three changes and find that the new system
is only 4% better. Why would that happen?

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22 2. A/B testing

One explanation is the winner’s curse. It is well known that the stock or
mutual fund that did best last year is not likely to repeat this year. Also athletes
that had a super year are not necessarily going to dominate the next year.
These can be understood as regression to the mean https://en.wikipedia.
This section is based on Lee and Shen (2018) who cite some prior work in
the area. Suppose that the B version in experiment j has true effect τj for
J = 1, . . . , J. We get τ̂j ∼ N (τ, σj2 ). The central limit theorem may make the
normal distribution an accurate approximation here. Note that this σj2 is really
what we would normally call σ 2 /n, so it could be very small. Suppose that we
adopt the B version if τ̂j > Z 1−αj σj . For instance Z 1−αj = 1.96 corresponds
to a one sided p-value below 0.025. Let Sj = 1{τ̂j > Z 1−αj σj } be the indicator
of the event that the experiment was accepted. Ignoring P multiplicative effects
and just summing, the true gain from accepted trials is j=1 τj Sj while the
estimated gain is j=1 τ̂j Sj The estimated gain is over-optimistic on average
! J Z ∞
X X τ̂ − τ  τ̂j − τj 
E (τ̂j − τj )Sj = ϕ dτ̂j > 0,
j=1 j=1 Z
σj σj σj

where ϕ(·) is the N (0, 1) probability density function. We know that the bias is
positive because the unconditional expectation is E(τ̂j − τj ) = 0. Lee and Shen
(2018) have a clever way to show this. If Z 1−αj σj + τj > 0 then the integrand
is everywhere positive. If not, then the left out integrand over −∞ to Z 1−αj σj
is everywhere non-positive so the part left out has to have a negative integral
giving the retained part a positive one.
They go on to plot the bias as a function of τ for different critical p-values.
Smaller p-values bring less bias (also less acceptances). The bias for τj > 0 is
roughly propotional to τj while for τj < 0 the bias is nearly zero. They go on to
estimate the size of the bias from given data and present bootstrap confidence
intervals on it to get a range of sizes.
While we are thinking of regression to the mean, we should note that it is a
possible source of the placebo effect. If you do a randomized trial giving people
either nothing at all, or a pill with no active ingredient (placebo) you might
find that the people getting the placebo do better. That could be established
causally via randomization. One explanation is that they somehow expected
to get better and this made them better or lead them to report being better.
A real pill ought to be better than a placebo so an experiment for it could
test real versus placebo to show that the resulting benefit goes beyond possible
psychological effects.
If you don’t randomize then the placebo effect could be from regression to
the mean. Suppose people’s symptoms naturally fluctuate between better and
worse. If they take treatment when their symptoms are worse than average,
then by regression to the mean, the expected value of symptoms some time
later will be better than when they were treated. In that case, no psychological

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2.5. Sequential testing 23

explanation based on placebos is needed. In other words, even a placebo effect

can be illusory.
By the way, nothing anywhere in any of these notes is meant to be medical
advice! These examples are included because they help understand experimental
design issues.
The winner’s curse can also be connected to multiple hypothesis testing and
selective inference. Suppose that one does N experiments and then selects out
the M 6 N significantly successful ones to implement. If tests are done at one-
sided level α then the expected number of ineffectual changes that get included
is αN . For large N , we can be sure of making a few mistakes. We could take
all αj  1/N to control the probability that any null or harmful changes have
been included. This may be too conservative.

2.5 Sequential testing

This section is based on Johari et al. (2017). In an A/B test, the data might
come in especially fast and be displayed in a dashboard. It is then tempting to
watch it until p < .05 or p is below a smaller and more reliable threshold and
then declare significance. In some settings one could watch as each data point
arises, however, when there is a strong weekly cycle it makes sense to observe
for some number of weeks.
Let the p-value at time t be p(t), and suppose that it is valid, meaning
that Pr(p(t) 6 α; H0 ) = α for all 0 < α < 1 or conservative, meaning that
Pr(p(t) 6 α; H0 ) 6 α for all 0 < α < 1.
If we declare a difference the first time that p(t) 6 α then are taking the
minimum of more than one p value and that generally makes it invalid. We
are essentially using P (t) = min0<s6t p(s) as our p-value. We should therefore
adjust the threshold and declare significance only if P (t) 6 α∗ = α∗ (t). This
stricter criterion α∗ < α must satisfy
Pr(P (t) 6 α∗ (t); H0 ) = α.
We want an ‘always-valid p-value’.
Computing α∗ is done via sequential analysis. See the book Siegmund (1985).
Sequential analysis is not a prerequisite for this course. We will see it used later
for adaptive clinical trials.
We could keep α∗ = α if we set an endpoint for the study in advance and kept
to it. The reason not to do that is that when the treatment difference is large,
we could be very sure which treatment is better long before the experiment
ended. Then continuing it is wasteful in an economic sense and unethical in
some contexts.

2.6 Near impossibility of measuring returns

This section reports an observation by Lewis and Rao (2015) on how hard it
can be to measure returns to advertising. The original title of their article was

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24 2. A/B testing

“On the Near Impossibility of Measuring the Returns to Advertising”.

They had an unusually rich data set connecting advertising effort to customer
purchases. The amount spent by a potential customer can have an enormous
coefficient of variation. For instance, if most people don’t buy something and a
few do buy it, then the standard deviation can be much larger than the mean.
The ads might be inexpensive per person reached, so a small lift in purchase
could be very valuable. Combining these facts they give a derivation in which
an extremely successful advertising campaign might end up with the variable
describing advertising exposure having R2 = 0.0000054 in a regression. It is
hard to separate such small effects from zero. It could even be hard to be sure
of the sign of the effect.
One way to mitigate the small sample size in experiments is to pool multiple
related experiments. Owen and Launay (2016) describe a strategy of doing B
different but related experiments in G different geographical regions (Geos). An
advertiser might then be able to estimate the average return of advertising for
B different brands more accurately than any individual brand.
The campaign could be defined via a table X like this

Geo 1 Geo 2 Geo 3 Geo 4 ··· Geo G

 
Brand 1 + + − − ··· +
Brand 2 
 − + + − ··· − 

..  .. .. .. .. .. .. 
.  . . . . . . 
Brand B − − + − ··· +

with + representing a brand given increased advertising in a specific Geo, per-

haps paid for by reductions in the cells marked −. When B and G are both
even then it is possible to let each column have B/2 settings each for ± and
each row has G/2 for each of ±1. That is, each row and column of the table
sum to 0.
If we let Xij ∈ {−1, 1} for i = 1, . . . , B and j = 1, . . . , G we can arrange a
random sampling as follows:
1) start with a checkerboard Xij = (−1)i+j , and then repeatedly
2) pick rows i < i0 and columns j < j 0 and if the resulting 2 × 2 matrix is
+ − − +
either ( − + ) or ( + − ) swap it for the other.
Step 2 runs a Markov chain from Diaconis and Gangolli (1995). In their simu-
lations, Owen and Launay (2016) run it 50 × G × B times.
It would be unfortunate for two columns of X to be identical because then
two Geos get identical treatments. Similarly we don’t want any two identical
rows. Neither do we want completely opposite columns Xij = −Xij 0 for all i or
completely opposite rows. It is only possible to avoid having one of these four
problems for min(B, G) > 6 (Owen and Launay, 2016).
The resulting data can be estimated by either Bayesian methods or Stein
shrinkage. Both of those estimate the causal effect for advertising brand b as a
weighted average of data from that brand and data from all other brands. That
reduces the highest estimated returns and raises the lowest estimates, countering
though not necessarily eliminating the winner’s curse problem.

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2.6. Near impossibility of measuring returns 25

An interesting feature of pooling experiments here is that it becomes possible

to discover from a regression model that advertising works especially well (or
poorly) in one particular Geo compared to the others.

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26 2. A/B testing

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Bandit methods

When you say you’re going to do an A/B test somebody usually suggests using
bandit methods instead. And vice versa.
In the bandit framework you try to optimize as you go and ideally spend
next to no time on the suboptimal choice between A and B, or other options.
It can be as good as having only O(log(n)) tries of any sub-optimal treatment
in n trials.
We review some theory of bandit methods. The main point is to learn the
goals and methods and tradeoffs with bandits. We also go more deeply into
Thompson sampling proposed originally in Thompson (1933).

Puzzlers and opinions

Most texts and articles are all about facts, not opinions. Facts are better.
Sometimes opinions fill in where we don’t have a desired fact. I’ll be putting
some of those in, and I expect you will be able to tell. I have been reading
the blog of Andrew Gelman https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/ for
many years and have benefitted enormously. Some of the opinions he shares are
things I have long believed but never saw in print. It was nice to know that I
was not alone. Sometimes my opinion is different from his.
One opinion I’m planning to describe is that theorems have issues of external
validity. We have to think carefully about when and how to apply them.
I’m also going to put in some ‘puzzlers’. These are things that are potentially
confusing or apparently contradictory about the methods and their properties.
Sometimes there is a momentary puzzle while we figure things out. Other times
we do not get a clean answer. One of my goals is for students to learn to find
and solve their own puzzlers. When you spot and resolve a puzzler it deepens

28 3. Bandit methods

your understanding. So, get confused and then get out of it. Spotting and
resolving puzzlers is also a way to find research ideas.
Here is a quote from Paul Halmos about reading mathematics:

Don’t just read it; fight it! Ask your own questions, look for
your own examples, discover your own proofs. Is the hypothesis
necessary? Is the converse true? What happens in the classical
special case? What about the degenerate cases? Where does the
proof use the hypothesis?

It is good to poke at statistical ideas in much the same way, with a view to
which problems they suit.

3.1 Exploration and exploitation

In a regular experiment we get data on n subjects estimate E(Y | A) and E(Y | B).
We pick what seems to be the better of A and B from our data and retain that
choice hypothetically forever. Perhaps only for some N  n future uses before
we contemplate another change.
In this setting, we use the first n subjects to explore treatment differences.
Once we have the apparent best one, we exploit that knowledge for the next
N subjects by using the winning treatment.
One problem with experimentation is that something like n/2 of the subjects
will be getting the suboptimal treatment in the experiment. Maybe we can
avoid much of tha cost by biasing the experiment towards the seemingly better
treatment at each stage as the data come in.
The theoretically most effective way to do this is through what are called
bandit methods. The name comes from slot machines for gambling that are
sometimes called one-armed bandits. Each time you pull that arm you win a
random amount of money that has expected value less than what you paid to
play. The image for a multi-armed bandit is such a machine that offers you
K > 2 arms to pick from. Each arm has its own distribution of random payoffs.
In the gambling context of pulling n arms, the goal might be to minimize your
expected loss. Of course, the best move is not to play at all, so the metaphor is
In the experimental settings we care about, the goal is to maximize your
expected winnings. If we knew the best arm, we’d choose it every time. But
we don’t. Instead we sample from the arms to learn about payoffs on the fly
while also trying to get the best payoff. We will see bandit methods that pick
a suboptimal arm only O(log(n)) times as the number n of subjects goes to
A very old method is called ‘play the winner’. Suppose that Yi ∈ {0, 1} with
1 being the desired outcome. Then if Yi = 1 we could take Wi+1 = Wi , while
for Yi = 0 we switch to Wi+1 = 1 − Wi when the choices are W ∈ {0, 1} or,
for K > 2 choices switch to a random other arm. These methods were studied
intensely in the 1960s and 1970s and the term ‘play the winner’ seems to be

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3.2. Regret 29

used to describe numerous different strategies. If there is a really great strategy

in the mix then play the winner can have long streaks of Yi = 1. If instead the
best arm has a small payoff, like Pr(Yi = 1) = 0.03, and the other arm (out of
2) has Pr(Yi = 1) = 0, then play the winner will alternate too much between
the best and worst arms.

3.2 Regret
These definitions are based on Bubeck and Cesa-Bianchi (2012). Suppose that
at time i = 1, 2, 3, . . . we have arms j = 1, 2, . . . , K to pick from. If at time i
we pick arm j then we would get Yi,j ∼ νj . Notice that the distribution νj here
is assumed to not depend on i. We let µj = E(Yi,j ) be the mean of νj and

µ∗ = max µj ≡ µj∗ .

So µ∗ is the optimal expected payout and j∗ is the optimal arm (or one that is
tied for optimal).
If we knew the µj we would choose arm j∗ every time and get expected
payoff nµ∗ in n tries. Instead we randomize our choice of arm, searching for
the optimal one. At time i we choose a random arm Ji ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K} and get
payoff Yi,Ji . Because we choose just one arm, we do not get to see what would
have happened for the other K − 1 arms. That is, we never see Yi,j 0 for any
j 0 6= Ji , so we cannot learn from those values.
There are various ways to quantify how much worse off we are than optimal
play would be. The regret at time n is
X n
Rn = max Yi,j − Yi,Ji .
i=1 i=1

This is how much worse off we are compared to whatever arm would have been
the best one to use continually for the first n tries. Be sure that you understand
why Pr(Rn < 0) > 0 with this defniition. A harsher definition is
X n
max Yi,j − Yi,Ji .
i=1 i=1

This is how much worse off we would be compared to a psychic who knew the
future data. It is not a reasonable comparison so it is not the focus of our study.
The expected regret is
n n
E(Rn ) = E max Yi,j − Yi,Ji .
i=1 i=1

It is awkward to study because the maximizing j is inside the expectation.

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30 3. Bandit methods

Bubeck and Cesa-Bianchi (2012) define the pseudo-regret

n n
R̄n = max E Yi,j − Yi,Ji
i=1 i=1
= max nµj − E(Yi,Ji )
= nµ∗ − E(µJi )

Each time we move maxj outside of a sum or expectation, things get easier.
What is random in the E(·) of R̄n is the sequence J1 , . . . , Jn of chosen arms.
Other authors call R̄n the expected regret.
Ps Now let ∆j = µ∗ − µj > 0 be the suboptimality of arm j and define Tj (s) =
i=1 1{Ji = j}. This is the number of times that arm j was chosen in the first
s tries. Then
R̄n = nµ∗ − E(µJi ) = E(Tj (n))µ∗ − E(Tj (n))µj = E(Tj (n))∆j .
i=1 j=1 j=1 j=1

Our pseudo-regret comes from the expected number of each kind of suboptimal
pulls time their suboptimality. To derive this notice that
n= Tj (n) = E(Tj (n))
j=1 j=1

because exactly one arm is chosen for every i.

3.3 Upper confidence limit

Figure 3.1 depicts a hypothetical setting with three treatment arms, there de-
noted by A, B and C with confidence intervals for the expected value of Y in
all three arms.
Based on this information, which arm should we choose? There is an ar-
gument for arm B because the point estimate at the center of its confidence
interval is the highest of the three. But that does not take account of uncer-
tainty. If we would consider two restaurants one with six ratings that were all
5 stars and another with 999 5 star ratings and one 4 star rating, we would be
more confident about the second restaurant. One way to judge that and play
it safe is to rank by a lower confidence limit on the expected value. By that
measure, treatment C has the highest lower limit and so it seems best for the
cautious user.
The answer however, spoiled by the title of this section, is to choose arm
A because it has the highest upper confidence limit. Suppose that we went

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3.3. Upper confidence limit 31

UCB method


Confidence interval for E(Y) ●




Figure 3.1: Hypothetical confidence intervals for E(Y | A), E(Y | B) and E(Y |

with B. Then it’s confidence interval would tend to get narrower with further
samples. It’s center could also shift up or down as sampling goes on, tending
towards the true mean which we anticipate to be somewhere inside the current
confidence interval, though that won’t always hold. What could happen is that
the confidence interval converges on a value above the center for A but below
the upper limit for A. Then if A were really as good as its upper limit, we would
never sample it and find out. The same argument holds for sampling from C.
Now suppose that we sample from A. Its confidence interval will narrow and
the center could move up or down. If A is really bad then sampling will move
the mean down and narrow the confidence interval and it will no longer keep
the top upper confidence limit. We would then stop playing it, at least for a
while. If instead, A was really good, we would find that out.
Given that we want to use the upper limit of a confidence interval, what
confidence level should we choose? The definitive sources on that point are
Gittins (1979), Lai and Robbins (1985) and Lai (1987). We can begin with a
finite horizon n, for instance the next n patients or visitors to a web page. At
step i we could use the 100(1 − αi )% upper confidence limit.
It is easy to choose the treatment for the n’th subject. We just take the
arm that we think has the highest mean. There is no n + 1’st subject to benefit
from what we learn from subject n. So we could take αn = 1/2. That would
be the center of our confidence interval (if it is symmetric). If we are picking
a fixed sequence α1 , . . . , αn then it makes sense to have αi increasing towards
0.5 because as time goes on, there is less opportuntity to take advantage of any
learning. The αi should start small, especially if n is large.

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32 3. Bandit methods

A finite horizon might not be realistic. We might not know how many
subjects will be in the study. Another approach is to define the discounted
(µ∗ − E(µJi ))θi−1 0 < θ < 1.

This regret is the immediate regret plus θ times a similar future quantity

µ∗ − E(µJ1 ) + θ (µ∗ − E(µJi+1 ))θi−1 .

It is much more reasonable to use some constant α in the discounted setting

than in the fixed n setting. Choosing θ can be complicated. The average index
∞ ∞
X .X 1
iθi−1 θi−1 =
i=1 i=1
by considering the mean of a geometric distribution. So if we pick θ = 0.99 then
the weighted average index is 100. Or, if we have a time horizon like n = H in
mind we can set θ = 1 − 1/H.
Finding the critical αi values is complicated and depends on the underly-
ing parametric distribution one might assume for the distributions νj . For us,
the main idea is that betting on optimism paid off by keeping pseudo-regret

3.4 Thompson sampling

Thompson sampling goes back to Thompson (1933). The method was for-
gotten and rediscovered a few times. It is comparatively recently that most
articles are online and findable over the internet, so the reinvention is under-
standable. The idea in Thompson sampling is to choose arm i with probability
Pr(µi is the best). This probability is a Bayesian one, so that it can be up-
dated based on the observations so far. Thompson’s motivation was for medical
problems. The current surge in interest is from internet services.
Agrawal and Goyal (2012) showed that Thompson sampling can have a
pseudo-regret of O(log(n)). That puts it in the same performance league as
UCB methods and Thompson is easier to deploy at least in simple settings.
We will focus on the Bernoulli case. The response values are Yi,j ∈ {0, 1}.
Let µj = Pr(Yi,j = 1). Then the likelihood function that we will use is
n n
Y Y Yi,Ji
L(µ1 , . . . , µK ) = p(Yi,Ji | Ji ) = µJi (1 − µJi )1−Yi,Ji . (3.1)
i=1 i=1

Each factor µJi i (1 − µJi )1−Yi,Ji is a likelihood contribution for (µ1 , . . . , µK )
based on the conditional distribution of Yi = Yi,Ji given Ji . There’s a brief
discussion about using a conditional likelihood below.

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3.4. Thompson sampling 33

Taking this conditional likelihood (3.1) as our likelihood, we then pick a

conjugate prior distribution in the beta family. Taking µj ∼ Beta(aj , bj ) they
have joint prior distribution proportional to
a −1
µj j (1 − µj )bj −1 0 6 µj 6 1.

Taking aj = bj = 1 makes µj ∼ U[0, 1] independently. This is a popular choice.

If K is very large and we know that the µj are likely to be very near zero from
past experience then we could work with aj < bj . The mean of Beta(a, b) is
µ = a/(a + b) and the variance is µ(1 − µ)/(a + b + 1) and these facts might
help us settle P
on (aj , bj ).
n Pn
Let Sj = i=1 Yi,Ji 1{Ji = j} and Fj = i=1 (1 − Yi,Ji )1{Ji = j} be the
numbers of successes and failures, respectively, observed in arm j. Then we can
write our conditional likelihood as
µj j (1 − µj )Fj .

Notice that although (Sj , Fj ) are defined by summing over all i = 1, . . . , n,

they do not depend on any unobserved Y values. Multiplying our conditional
likelihood by the prior density we find a posterior density proportional to
a +Sj −1
µj j (1 − µj )bj +Fj −1 .

This means that the posterior distribution has µj ∼ Beta(aj + Sj , bj + Fj ).
This expression also shows that aj and bj can be viewed as numbers of prior
pseudo-counts. We are operating as if we had already seen aj successes and bj
failures from arm j before starting.
Figure 3.2 has pseudo-code for running the Thompson sampler for Bernoulli
data and beta priors. In this problem it is easy to pick arm j with probability
equal to the probability that µj is largest. We sample µ1 , . . . , µK one time each
and let J be the index of the biggest one we get.
Thompson sampling is convenient for web applications where we might not
be able to update Sj and Fj as fast as the data come in. Maybe the logs can
only be scanned hourly or daily to get the most recent (Ji , Yi,Ji ) pairs. Then
we just keep sampling with the fixed posterior distribution between updates. If
instead we were using UCB then we might have to sample the arm with the
highest upper confidence limit for a whole day between updates. That could be
very suboptimal if that arm turns out to be a poor one.
Puzzler: the UCB analysis is pretty convincing that we win by betting
on optimism. How does optimism enter the Thompson sampler? We get just
one draw from the posterior for arm j. That draw could be better or worse
than the mean. Just taking the mean would not bake in any optimism and

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34 3. Bandit methods

Sj ← aj , Fj ← bj , j = 1, . . . , K # aj = bj = 1 starts µj ∼ U[0, 1]
for i > 1
for j = 1, . . . , K
θj ∼ Beta(Sj , Fj ) # make sure min(Sj , Fj ) > 0
J ← arg maxj θj # call it Ji if you plan to save them
SJ ← SJ + Xi,J
FJ ← FJ + 1 − Xi,J

Figure 3.2: Pseudo-code for the Thompson sampler with Bernoulli responses
and beta priors. As written it runs forever.

would fail to explore. We could bake in more optimism by letting each arm
take m > 1 draws and report its best result. I have not seen this proposal
analyzed (though it might well be in the literature somewhere). It would play
more towards optimism but that does not mean it will work better; optimism
was just one factor. Intuitively, taking m > 1 should favor the arms with less
data, other things being equal. Without some theory, we cannot be sure that
m > 1 doesn’t actually slow down exploration. Maybe it would get us stuck
in a bad arm forever (I doubt that on intuitive grounds only). If we wanted,
we could take some high quantile of the beta distributions but deciding what
quantile to use would involve the complexity that we avoided by moving from
UCB to Thompson. For Bernoulli responses with a low success rate, the beta
distributions will initially have a positive skewness. That is a sort of optimism.
Puzzler/rabbit hole: are we leaving out information about µj from the
distribution of Ji ? I think not, because the distribution of Ji is based on the past
Yi which already contribute to the conditional likelihood terms. A bit of web
searching did not turn up the answer. It is clear that if you were given J1 , . . . , Jn
it would be possible at the least to figure out which µj was µ∗ . But that doesn’t
mean they carry extra information. The random variables are observed in this

J1 → Y1 → J2 → Y2 → · · · → Ji → Yi → · · · → Jn → Yn .

Each arrow points to new information about µ. The distribution of J1 does not
depend on µ = (µ1 , . . . , µK ). The likelihood is

p(y1 | J1 ; µ)p(J2 | J1 , y1 ; µ)p(y2 | J2 , J1 , y1 ; µ)p(J3 | y2 , J2 , J1 , y1 ; µ) · · ·

Now in our Bernoulli Thompson sampler our algorithm for choosing J3 was
just based on a random number generator that was making our beta random
variables. That convinces me that p(J3 | y2 , J2 , J1 , y1 ; µ) has nothing to do with
µ. So the conditional likelihood is ok. At least for the Bernoulli bandit. Phew!

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3.5. Theoretical findings on Thompson sampling 35

3.5 Theoretical findings on Thompson sampling

Agrawal and Goyal (2012) generalize Bernoulli Thompson sampling to handle
bounded non-binary inputs. They get a value Y ∈ {0, 1} from Y 0 ∈ [0, 1] by
randomly taking Y = 1 with probabilty Y 0 . This is pure randomness coming
from their algorrithm not their data. If the response is actually Y 00 ∈ [a, b] for
known b > a we can start by setting Y 0 = (Y 00 − a)/(b − a) and then sampling
Y ∼ Bern(Y 0 ).
0 0
Theorem 1. For K = 2 and Yi,j ∈ [0, 1] and Yi,j ∼ Bern(Yi,j ) the pseudo-regret
is  log(n) 1 
Rn = O + 3 ,
∆ ∆
as n → ∞, where ∆ is the suboptimality of the second best treatment.
Proof. This is Theorem 1 of Agrawal and Goyal (2012). They refer to expected
regret but it appears to be pseudo-regret in the terminology of Bubeck and
Cesa-Bianchi (2012).
The pseudo-regret grows like O(log(n)) for fixed ∆. If arm 1 is the sub-
optimal one then this means that E(T1 (n)) = O(log(n)). If the cumulative
number of mistakes grows logarithmically then the typical gap between mis-
take times has to be growing exponentially. For instance E(T1 (2n) − T1 (n)) =
O(log(2n)−log(n)) = O(1) (because the constant log(2) is O(1)). Each doubling
of n brings at most a constant expected number of suboptimal arm choices.
Now let’s look into the denominator ∆. The pseudo-regret is larger when
∆ is smaller. If arms return 2% and 3% respectively, the bound leads us to
expect much worse results than if they are 2.99% and 3%. The reason is that a
suboptimal but nearly optimal arm will get chosen much more often than one
that is very suboptimal. What about ∆ = 0? Something discontinuous happens
here. The pseudo-regret bound is ∞. The actual pseudo-regret is exactly 0. It
is not a contradiction: 0 < ∞.
I promised a discussion of external validity of theorems. The big-O in
our theorem means that there exist constants C < ∞ and N < ∞ such that
 log(n) 1 
R̄n 6 C × + 3 for all n > N .
∆ ∆
Sometimes it holds for N = 1. In a given situation we might expect R̄n to grow
like log(n) but be disappointed. Maybe it happens for extremely large N (in
our problem). Or maybe the value of C is so large that C log(n)/n is not very
small for any n that we can afford. We need more information than the O(·)
result in the theorem to know if things are going to be good.
It can be valuable to spot-check theorems with some simulated examples.
Simulated examples on their own are unsatisfying, also for external validity
reasons. The ones in the literature might have been cherry-picked. Ideally the
examples are known to be similar to our use case or perhaps to cover a wide
range of possibilities.

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36 3. Bandit methods

A theorem can also be misleadingly pessimistic. If an error quantity En =

o(g(n)) it means that limn→∞ g(n)|En | = 0. Anything that is o(g(n)) is auto-
matically O(g(n)). In this case there is a theorem from Lai (1987) showing that
no method could be o(log(n)), so that doesn’t happen here.
In this case we can think of what is perhaps the best possible case for Thomp-
son sampling. One arm has µj = 1 and the other has µj = 0.
Puzzler: In class, I wondered what would happen if instead of adding Yi,Ji
0 0
to Sj and 1 − YiJi to Fj we added the probabilities YI,J i
to Sj and 1 − YiJ i
Fj . That takes some noise out of the algorithm. It leads to beta distributions
with non-integral parameters, but those are ok. It would complicate the analysis
behind the theorem. We know from Lai and Robbins that we would not get a
better convergence rate than O(log(n)). Specifically, their bound is of the form
X ∆j
+ o(1) log(n),
KL(νj ||ν∗ )

for Kullback-Leibler divergence

Z ∞  p(x) 
KL(P ||Q) = p(x) log dx
−∞ q(x)
in the case of continuous distributions P and Q with a natural modification for
discrete distributions. Perhaps we get a better constant in the rate from using
Y 0 instead of Y .
Agrawal and Goyal (2012) have additional results to cover the case K > 2.
Theorem 2. For K > 2 and optimal arm j ∗ = 1
!2 !
X 1
R̄n = O log(n)

for suboptimalities ∆j . Also

! !
∆max X 1
R̄n = O log(n)
∆3min j=2 ∆2j

where ∆min = min26j6K ∆j and ∆max = max26j6K ∆j .

Proof. The first result is Theorem 2 of Agrawal and Goyal (2012) and the second
is their Remark 3.
The second bound is better for large K, while the first is better for small ∆j .

3.6 More about bandits

Suppose that A is better than B. Then from a bandit we only get O(log(n))
samples from B. Therefore we do not get a good estimate of
∆ = E(Y | A) − E(Y | B).

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3.6. More about bandits 37

We can be confident that we are taking the best arm but we cannot get a good
estimate of the amount of improvement. For some purposes we might want to
know how much better the best arm is.
Maybe Wi = (Wi1 , . . . , Wi,10 ) ∈ {0, 1}10 because we have 10 decisions to
make for subject i. We could run a bandit with K = 210 arms but that is
awkward. An alternative is to come up with a model, such as Pr(Y = 1 | W ) =
Φ(W T β) for unknown β. Or maybe a logistic regression would be better. We
can place a prior on β and update it as data come in. Then we need a way
to sample a W with probability proportional to it being the best one. Some
details for this example are given in Scott (2010). These can be hard problems
but the way forward via Thompson sampling appears easier than generalizing
UCB. This setting has an interesting feature. Things we learn from one of the
1024 arms provide information on β and thereby update our prior on some of
the other arms.
For contextual bandits, we have a feature vector Xi that tells us something
about subject i before we pick a treatment. Now our model might be Pr(Y =
1 | X, W ; β) for parameters β. See Agrawal and Goyal (2013) for Thompson
sampling and contextual bandits.
In restless bandits, the distributions νj can be drifting over time. See Whittle
(1988). Clearly we have to explore more often in this case because some other
arm might have suddenly become much more favorable than the one we usually
choose. It also means that the very distant past observations might not be
relevant, and so the upper confidence limits or parameter distributions should
be based on recent data with past data downweighted or omitted.

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38 3. Bandit methods

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Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

In this lecture we begin to look at some more traditional areas of experimental

design. Much of it is based on the work by George Box and co-authors. I quite
like this book: Box et al. (1978). I’m citing the first edition which I prefer to
the second. Wu and Hamada (2011) cover many of the same ideas with a rich
collection of examples, mostly from industrial experimentation.
These basic experimental design ideas have been used to give us about a cen-
tury of exponential growth in the quality and abundance of food and medicine
and industrial products. Ideas and insights from domain experts get boosted
by the efficiency with which well designed experiments can speed up learning of
causal relationships.
In this work we take regular regression theory as a prerequisite. Things
like normal theory regression, t-tests, p-values, confidence intervals and how to
analyze such data are mostly assumed. This course is mostly about making
data, while most other courses are about analyzing data. One exception: we
will cover the analysis of variance (ANOVA) in more detail than usual statistics
courses do. The ANOVA cannot be completely understood just in terms of
adding binary predictors, sometimes called a one-hot encoding. There is a bit
more going on.
The class web page has notes from Stat 305A on the one way ANOVA. Read
up through Chapter 1.2 and then Chapter 1.7 on random effects which we will
cover later. In between there is material on statistical power, interpretation
of treatment contrasts, multiple comparisons for ANOVA and false discovery

40 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

4.1 The ordinary two sample t-test

Let’s recall how we would do a t-test for a treatment effect. We have data Yij for
treatment groups i = 1, 2 and observations j = 1, . . . , ni . Think of i as W + 1,
where W ∈ {0, 1} is the treatment variable in causal inference from Chapter 1.
The goal is to learn about ∆ = E(Y1i ) − E(Y2i ). Defining this expectation will
require a model, and unlike the science tables in potential outcomes, ∆ here
does not depend on i. The t statistic is
Ȳ1• − Ȳ2• − ∆
tobs = p ∼ t(n1 +n2 −2) .
s 1/n1 + 1/n2
This tobs P
is the observed value of a t-distributed random variable. Here
Ȳi• = (1/ni ) j=1 Yij and s2 is the pooled variance estimate. This result is a
miracle. We have an algebraic expression tobs involving our unknown ∆ and
some quantities that are known after a short computation. Arithmetic that
combines knowns and unknowns ordinarily returns an unknown. This result is
special, because while tobs is unknown it has a known distribution. It is then
called a pivotal quantity.
Using the pivotal quantity we can get a 99% confidence interval for ∆ as
n o
∆ | |tobs | 6 t0.995
(n1 +n2 −2) .

If a special value of ∆, call it ∆0 is not in the confidence interval then we reject

H0 : ∆ = ∆0 at the 1% level. The usual ∆0 is of course 0, corresponding to a
null hypothesis of no treatment effect. We can get a p-value for H0 : ∆ = ∆0 as

p = Pr |t(n1 +n2 −2) | > |tobs | .
We can also get these results by pooling all n1 + n2 data into a regular
regression model
Yj = β0 + β1 Wi + εi , i = 1, . . . , N ≡ n1 + n2 (4.1)
where Wi = 1 if observation i is from treatment 1 and Wi = 0 if observation i
is from treatment 2. Defining
   
1 W1 1 1
 .. ..   .. .. 
. .  . .
   
1 Wn1  = 1 1

X=  
1 Wn1 +1  1 0
 

. .. . .. 
 ..   ..

. .
1 Wn1 +n2 1 0
and similarly defining Y ∈ RN with the treatment 1 data above the treatment
2 data, we can compute
T −1 T 1 X
β̂ = (X X) X Y and s = (Yj − β̂0 − β̂1 Wi )2
N − 2 i=1

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4.2. Randomization fixes assumptions 41

and now
β̂1 − β1
tobs = p .
s ((X T X)−1 )22
In order to get these pivotal inferences we need to make 4 assumptions:
1) εi are normally distributed,
2) var(εi ) does not depend on Wi ,
3) εi are independent, and
4) there are no missing predictors.
For the last one, we need to know that E(Yj ) is not really β0 + β1 Wi + β2 Ui for
some other variable Ui .
Assumption 1 is hard to believe, but the central limit theorem reduces the
damage it causes. Assumption 2 can be serious but doesplittle damage if n1 = n2 .
We p 2 2
can also just avoid pooling the variances and use s1 /n1 + s2 /n2 in place
of s 1/n1 + 1/n2 .
Assumption 3 is critical and violations can be hard to detect. Assumption 4
is even more critical and harder to detect. We almost don’t even notice we are
making an assumption about Ui because Ui is missing from equation (4.1).

4.2 Randomization fixes assumptions

Box et al. (1978) consider a hypothetical neighbor with two fertilizers and 11
tomato plants. Let’s go with 10 plants. We could plant them in a row like this:
That would not be a good design. Maybe there’s a hidden trend variable Ui = i
where the plots correspond to i = 1, . . . , 10 from left to right.
We could instead try:
That is better but could still be problematic. For instance there could be corre-
lations between the yield of adjacent plants. Those would be positive if nearby
locations had similar favorability. Or they could be negative if one plants roots
or shade adversely affected its neighbors.
We could then try randomizing the run order perhaps getting this:
A random order cannot correlate with any trend.
Under our model, the t statistic numerator ∆ ˆ − ∆ = Ȳ•A − Ȳ•B − ∆ equals

ε1 + ε2 + ε3 + ε4 + ε5 − ε6 − ε7 − ε8 − ε9 − ε10 /5, A’s first

ε1 − ε2 + ε3 − ε4 + ε5 − ε6 + ε7 − ε8 + ε9 − ε10 /5, alternate

ε1 − ε2 − ε3 − ε4 + ε5 + ε6 − ε7 + ε8 + ε9 − ε10 /5, random

in our three allocations.

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42 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

If there is an unknown Ui then it is within the εi . If Ui = c × (i − 5.5) then

our model has put that Ui inside εi and we get a bias of

 A’s first
E(∆) − ∆ = −c, alternate

0.6c, random.

Putting A’s first gave the worst bias. The alternating plan improved a lot, but
could have done very badly with some√high frequency bias. The random plan
came out best. The bias will be Op (1/ N ) under randomization, whether the
Ui constitute a trend or an oscillation or something else.
Next, let’s consider what happens if there are correlations in the εi . We will
consider local correlations

1, i = i

corr(Yi , Yi0 ) = ρ, |i − i0 | = 1

0, else.


ˆ = 1 T
var(∆) v cov(ε)v
where vi = 1 for Wi = 1 and vi = −1 for Wi = 0. Using σ 2 for var(εi ), we get

2 2 σ 2  14ρ,
 A’s first
var(∆) = σ + × −18ρ, alternate
5 25 
2ρ, random.

The data analyst will ordinarily proceed as if ρ = 0 especially in small data sets
where we cannot estimate ρ very well. For the plants ρ could well be positive
or negative making var(∆) ˆ quite different from 2σ 2 /5.
Box et al. (1978) take the view that randomization makes it reasonably safe
to use our usual statistical models. A forthcoming book by Tirthankar Dasgupta
and Donal Rubin will, I expect, advocate for using the actual randomization
that was done to drive the inferences.

4.2.1 About permutation testing

The original motivation for the t-test by Fisher was based on the asymptotic
equivalence between a t-test and a permutation test. As a result we do not
expect permutation tests to repair any problems that would have affected the
A t-test tests the ‘small’ null hypothesis H0 : E(Y | A) = E(Y | B) that the
mean of Y is the same for W = 0 and W = 1. A permutation test addresses the
‘large’ null hypothesis H0 : L(Y | A) = L(Y | B). Here L(·) refers to the law or
distribution of contents, so this hypothesis makes the strong assumption that

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4.3. Paired analysis 43

the distribution of Y is exactly the same for W = 0 and W = 1. It is a test of

H0 designed to have power versus H0 .
Permutation tests have the advantage that they are very easy to explain to
non-statistician users and they appear to have very clear validity.
Permutation tests can be cumbersome. In an observational setting where we
get (Xi , Yi , Wi ) for a Wi ∈ {0, 1} and Xi ∈ R it is tricky to use permutations
to study whether Y ⊥ ⊥ W . We could permute (W, X) versus Y or we could
permute W versus (X, Y ). Neither gives an exact test. [This was studied
by David Freedman.] Losing exactness loses a lot of the motivation behind
One of the best analyses of permutation tests is in the statistical theory book
by Lehmann and Romano. They show how it comes from a group symmetry
We will take the BHH view that if our experiment was randomized then we
are reasonably safe to use the usual regression models.

4.3 Paired analysis

The next (hypothetical) example from BHH involves 10 kids and running shoes.
There were two different materials for the soles of those shoes. Each kid gets
one material on the right shoe and the other one on the left. We can diagram
the situation as follows, deciding randomly whether to use left or right for
material A:



BHH contemplate very big differences between the kids. Suppose that some
are in the chess club while others prefer skateboarding. Figure 4.1 shows an
exaggerated simulated example of how this might come out. The left panel
shows that tread wear varies greatly over the 30 subjects there but just barely
between the treatments. The right panel shows a consistent tendency for tread
B to show more wear than tread A, though with a few exceptions.
The way to handle it is is via a paired t-test. Let Di = Y1i − Y2i for
i = 1, . . . , n (so there are N = 2n measurements). Then do a one-sample t-test
for whether E(D) = ∆ where ∆ is ordinarily 0.
The output from a paired t-test on this data is
t = -2.7569, df = 29, p-value = 0.009989
95 percent confidence interval: -0.59845150 -0.08868513
with of course more digits than we actually want. The difference is barely
significant at the 1% level. An unpaired t-test on this data yields:
t = -0.2766, df = 57.943, p-value = 0.7831
95 percent confidence interval: -2.829992 2.142856

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44 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

A solid, B open B vs A

● * *


● ●
● ●

● * *
● ●

● ●


● * *



● *


● ****
*** *
● ●
● ●
● ●



● * **

* *



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 20 25 30 35

Subject A

Figure 4.1: Hypothetical shoe wear numbers for 30 subject and soles A versus B.

and the difference is not statistically significant, with a much wider confidence
In this setting the paired analysis is correct or at least less wrong and that
is not because of the smaller p-value. It is because the unpaired analysis ignores
correlations between measurements for the left and right shoe of a given kid.
In class somebody asked what would be missing from the science table for
this example. We get both the A and B numbers. What we don’t get is what
would have happened if a kid who got A B had gotten B A instead. The
science table would have had a row like LA LB RA RB for each kid and
we would only see two of those four numbers. We would never get LA LB
for any of the kids. It is certainly possible that there are trends where left shoes
get a different wear pattern than right shows. Randomization protects against
that possibility.
If we model the (Y1j , Y2j ) pairs as random with a correlation of ρ and equal
variance σ 2 then our model gives
var(Dj ) = var(Y1j − Y2j ) = 2σ 2 (1 − ρ)
and we see that the higher the correlation, the more variance reduction we get.
Experimental design offers possibilities to reduce the variance of your data and
this is perhaps the simplest such example.
The regression model for this paired data is
Yij = µ + bj + ∆Wij + εij
where bj is a common effect from the j’th pair, ∆ is the treatment effect and
Wij ∈ {0, 1} is the treatment variable. This model forces the treatment differ-
ence to be the same in every pair. Then
Dj = Y1j − Y2j = (µ + bj + ∆W1j + ε1j ) − (µ + bj + ∆W2j + ε2j ) = ∆ + ε1j − ε2j .

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4.4. Blocking 45

4.4 Blocking
Pairs are blocks of size 2. We can use blocks of any size k > 2. They are very
suitable when there are k > 2 treatments to compare. Perhaps the oven can
hold k = 3 cakes at a time. Or the car has k = 4 wheels on it at a time.
If we have k = 3 treatments and block size of 3 we can arrange the treatments
as follows:
B A C C B A B A C • • • A B C
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
block 1 block 2 block 3 block B

with independent random assigments within each of B blocks.

Suppose that there are positive correlations for measurements within blocks
but independence between blocks. Then differences of averages ȲA• − ȲB • ,
ȲA• − ȲC • , and ȲB • − ȲC • should cancel out block effects just like we saw with
paired tests and be more accurate than unblocked experiment:
A C B B C B A A ··· B
with N = kB cells. This latter design would be randomized completely in one
of N !/(B!)k ways.
There are lots of use cases for blocked experiments in agriculture and a few
from medicine and industry. In each of the settings below we might have B
blocks that each can have k experimental runs.
Treatments Block Response
Potato variety Farm split into k plots Yield
Cake recipe Bake event, oven holds k cakes Moisture
Diets Litters of k animals Weight gain
Cholesterol meds Volunteer Chol. levels
Sunscreen Volunteer Damage
Technician Shift Production
Ways to teach reading School Comprehension
Ion injection Cassette of Si wafers Yield or speed
A block is usually about the same size as our number of treatments. If the
problem is to compare a control treatment to k − 1 alternatives and the block
has size k + 1 then we might apply the control treatment twice within each
block, especially if comparisons to the control of greatest importance.

4.5 Basic ANOVA

The class web page has Stat 305A notes on how to use regression to analyze
this ANOVA.
The statistical model for a most basic ANOVA comparing k > 2 treatments

Yij = µ + αi + εij , i = 1, . . . , k j = 1, . . . , ni . (4.2)

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46 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

This is called the one-way ANOVA because it has only one treatment factor.
We will later consider multiple treatment factors. This model is not identified,
because we could replace µ by µ − η and αi by αi + η for any η ∈ R without
changing Yij . One way to handle that problem is to impose the constraint
i=1 ni αi = 0. Many regression packages would force α1 = 0. This model can
be written

Yij = µi + εij (4.3)

which is known as the cell mean model. We can think of a grid of boxes or
cells µ1 µ2 · · · µk and we want to learn the mean response in each of
The null hypothesis is that the treatments all have the same mean. That
can be written as
H0 : µ1 = µ2 = · · · = µk
or as
H0 : α1 = α2 = · · · = αk = 0.
The ‘big null’ is that L(Yi1 ) = L(Yi2 ) = · · · = L(Yil ) and that is what permuta-
tions test.
We can test H0 by standard regression methods. Under H0 the linear model
is just

Yij = µ + εij . (4.4)

We could reject H0 by a likelihood ratio test if the ‘full model’ (4.3) has a
much higher likelihood than the ‘sub model’ (4.4). When the likelihoods in-
volve Gaussian models, log likelihoods become sums of squares and the results
Here are the results in the balanced setting where ni = n is the same for all
i = 1, . . . , k. The full model has MLE
µ̂i = Ȳi• = Yij
n j=1

and sum of squares

k X
X n k X
X n
(Yij − µ̂i )2 = (Yij − Ȳi• )2 .
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1

The sub-model from the null hypothesis has MLE

k k n
1X 1 XX
µ̂ = Ȳ•• = Ȳi• = Yij .
k nk i=1 j=1

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4.5. Basic ANOVA 47

Source df SS MS F
Treatments k−1 SSB MSB = SSB/(k − 1) MSB/MSW
Error N −k SSW MSW = SSW/(N − k)
Total N −1 SST

Table 4.1: This is the ANOVA table for a one way analysis of variance.

These sums of squared errors are connected by the ANOVA identity

k X
X n k X
X n k X
X n
(Yij − Ȳ•• )2 = (Ȳi• − Ȳ•• )2 + (Yij − Ȳi• )2 .
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
| {z } | {z } | {z }

The total sum of squares is equal to the sum of squares between treatment
groups plus the sum of squares Pk P within treatment groups. This can be seen
n 2
algebraicly by expanding i=1 j=1 (Yij − Ȳi• + Ȳi• − Ȳ•• ) . It is also just
Pythagoras (orthogonality of the space of fits and residuals) from a first course
in regression.
The F -test statistic based on the extra sum of squares principle is
1 1 1

k−1 SSEnull − SSEfull k−1 (SST − SSW) k−1 SSB MSB
F = 1 = 1 = 1 ≡ .
N −k SSEfull N −k SSW N −k SSW
Here, N = i nk = nk is the total sample size. When we divide a sum of squares
by its degrees of freedom the ratio is called a mean square. We should reject
the null hypothesis if MSB is large. The question ‘how large?’ is answered
by requiring it to be a large enough multiple of MSW. We reject H0 if p =
Pr(Fk−1,N −k > F ; H0 ) is small.
These notes assume familiarity with the simple ANOVA tables for regression
and the one way analysis of variance. Table 4.1 contains the ANOVA table for
this design. There are two sources of variation in this data: treatment groups
and error. Because there are k treatments there are k − 1 degrees of freedom.
There are ni P − 1 degrees of freedom for error in each of the k treatment groups
for a total of i (ni − 1) = N − k. There is often another column for the p-value.
The mean square column provides information on statistical significance.
The sum of squares column is about practical significance. For instance R2 =
SSB/SST is the fraction of variation explained by the model terms.
To see why we care about mean squares consider ε ∼ N (0, σ 2 IN ). This is
a vector of noise that can be projected onto a one dimensional space parallel
to (1, 1, . . . , 1) where it affects Ȳ•• = µ̂, a k − 1 dimensional space spanned
by between treatment differences Ȳi• − Ȳ•• where it affects SSB and an N − k
dimensional space of within treatment differences Yij − Ȳi• . If Yij would be just
noise εij then we would have µ̂2 ∼ σ 2 χ2(1) , SSB ∼ χ2(k−1) and SSW ∼ χ2(N −k) ,
all independent. The χ2 mean equals its degrees of freedom and so we normalize
sums of squares into mean squares.

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48 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

4.6 ANOVA for blocks

The model for a blocked analysis is

Yij = µ + αi + bj + εij i = 1, . . . , k j = 1, . . . , n.

Note that this model does not include an interaction. The treatment differences
αi − αi0 are the same in every block j. All values in block j are adjusted up
or down by the same constant bj . We denote it by bj instead of βj because
we may not be very interested in block j per se. A block might be a litter of
animals or one specific run through of our laboratory equipment. In a surfing
competition it might be about one wave with three athletes on it. That wave is
never coming back so we are only interested in αi , and maybe how that wave
helps us compare αi for different i, but not bj .
The parameter estimates here are µ̂ = Ȳ•• , α̂i = Ȳi• − Ȳ•• , b̂j = Ȳ•j − Ȳ•• ,

ε̂ij = Yij − µ̂ − α̂i − b̂j = Yij − Ȳi• − Ȳ•j + Ȳ•• = (Yij − Ȳi• ) − (Ȳ•j − Ȳ•• ).

We should get used to seeing these alternating sign and difference of differences
The ANOVA decomposition is


k X
SST = (Yij − Ȳ•• )2 ,
i=1 j=1
k X
SSA = (Ȳi• − Ȳ•• )2 ,
i=1 j=1
k X
SSB = (Ȳ•j − Ȳ•• )2 , and
i=1 j=1
k X
SSE = (Yij − Ȳi• − Ȳ•j + Ȳ•• )2 .
i=1 j=1

The ANOVA table for it is in Table 4.2. You could write SSA as i B(Ȳi• − Ȳ•• )2
and that is definitely what you would do in a hand calculation. The way it is
written is more intuitive. All the sums of squares are sums over all data points.
We test for treatment effects via
p = Pr Fk−1,(k−1)(B−1) > .
It is sometimes argued that one ought not to test for block effects. I don’t
quite understand that. If it turns out that blocking is not effective, then we

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4.7. Latin squares 49

Source df SS MS F
Treatments k−1 SSA MSA =
k−1 MSE
Blocks B−1 SSB MSB = (∗)
Error (k − 1)(B − 1) SSE MSE =
N −k
Total N −1 SST

Table 4.2: This is the ANOVA table for a blocked design.

could just not do it in the next experiment which might then be simpler to
run and have more degrees of freedom for errror. A test can be based on
MSB/MSE ∼ FB−1,(k−1)(B−1) .
The very old text books going back to 1930s place a lot of emphasis on
getting sufficiently many degrees of freedom for error. That concern is very
relevant when the error degrees of freedom are small, say under 10. The reason
.995 .005
can be seen by looking at quantiles of Fnum,den such as Fnum,den and Fnum,den
when the denominator degrees of freedom den is small. Check out qf in R, or
it’s counterpart in python or matlab. It is not a concern in A/B testing with
thousands or millions of observations.

4.7 Latin squares

Latin squares let you block on two sources of unwanted variation at once. Sup-
pose that you are testing 4 battery chemistries: A, B, C, D. You have 4 different
drivers and 4 different cars. The following diagram has each of A, B, C and D
exactly once per row and exactly once per column.
1 2 3 4
 
Car 1 A B C D
2  C D A B 
 
3  B C D A 
4 D A B C

You could have driver 1 (column) test car 1 one with treatment A. Then driver
2 takes car 2 with B and so on through all 16 cases ending up with driver 4
taking car 4 with treatment C. Now if there are car to car differences they are
balanced out with respect to treatments. Driver to driver differences are also
balanced out. This design only lets one car and one driver be on the track at
The model for this design is

Yijt = µ + ai + bj + τk + εijk .
|{z} |{z} |{z} |{z}
row col trt err

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50 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

k: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#: 1 1 1 4 56 9,408 16,942,080

Table 4.3: This is integer sequence number A000315 in the online encyclopedia
of integer sequences by Neil J. A. Sloane: https://oeis.org/A000315.

It does not allow for any interactions between cars and drivers, cars and batteries
or drivers and batteries. Later when we take a closer study of interactions we
will see that an interaction between cars and drivers could look like an effect of
batteries. If there are no significant interactions like this then a Latin square
can be an extremely efficient way to gather information. Otherwise it is risky.
Sometimes a risky strategy pays off better than a cautious one. Other times
To use a Latin square we start with a basic Latin square, perhaps like this


and then randomly permute the rows and columns. We might as well also
permute the symbols in it. Even if that is not necessary, it is easy to do, and
simpler to just do it than think about whether you should. The above Latin
square is called a cyclic Latin square because the rows after the first are simply
their predecessor shifted left one space with wraparound.
The number of distinct k × k Latin squares to start with is given in Ta-
ble 4.3. Two Latin squares are distinct if you cannot change one into the other
by permuting the rows and columns and symbols. The number grows quickly
with k. Be sure to permute the Latin square, especially if your starting pattern
is cyclic. The cyclic pattern will be very bad if there is a diagonal trend in the
layout. In many of the original uses the Latin square was made up of k 2 plots
of land for agriculture.
Not only are Latin squares prone to trouble with interactions, they also have
only a few degrees of freedom. With k 2 data points there are k 2 − 1 degrees of
freedom about the mean. We use up k − 1 of them for each of rows, columns
and treatments. That leaves k 2 −1−3(k −1) = (k −1)(k −2) degrees of freedom
for error.
Box et al. (1978, Chapter 8) provide a good description of how to analyze
Latin squares. I changed their car and driver example to have electric cars.
They give ANOVA tables for Latin squares and describe how to replicate them
in order to get more degrees of freedom for error. In a short course like this one,
we will not have time to go into those analyses.

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4.8. Esoteric blocking 51

4.8 Esoteric blocking

There are a lot of more complicated and intricate ways to design experiments
in blocks. I describe a few of them below. I consider them things to “know
about”. If you ever find that you need them, then being able to connect the
problem they solve to their name will help you search for designs and analysis
strategies. They’re interesting to contemplate and we can really admire them
from an aesthetic point of view. We will return to one of them later when we
do space filling designs for computer experiments. For the rest, we don’t have
time to study them carefully in a short course like this one.
In the tableaux below:
Aα Bβ Cγ Dδ
Bδ Aγ Dβ Cα
Cβ Dα Aδ Bγ
Dγ Cδ Bα Aβ

the Latin letters (A, B, C, D) form a Latin square. So do the Greek letters
(α, β, γ, δ). These two Latin squares are mutually orthogonal meaning that
every combination of one Latin letter with one Greek letter appears the same
number of times (actually once). From two mutually orthogonal Latin squares
MOLS we get a Graeco-Latin square like the one shown.
We could use a Graeco-Latin square with treatments A, B, C and D blocked
out against three factors: one for rows, one for columns and one for Greek
letters. We are now in the setting of combinatoric existence and non-existence
results. For instance, no Graeco-Latin square exists for k = 6. Euler thought
there would be none for k = 10 but that was proved wrong in the 1950s.
The operational difficulties of arranging a real-world Graeco-Latin square
experiment are daunting. It is easy to do in software on the computer. You can
even do hyper-Graeco-Latin square experiments with three or more MOLS. For
instance if k is a prime number you can have k − 1 MOLS and then block out
k factors at k levels in addition to a treatment factor at k levels. Or you can
embed k 2 points into [0, 1]k+1 and have every pairwise scatterplot be a k × k
grid. We will see this later for computer experiments and space-filling designs.
Be sure to randomize!
Sometimes the number of levels in a block is less than the number of treat-
ments we have in mind. For instance, consider a club of people are tasting 12
different wines and we don’t want anybody to taste more than 6 of them. Then
we would like to arrange our tastings so that each person tastes 6 wines. Those
people then represent incomplete blocks.
In an ideal world, each pair of wines would be tasted together by the same
number of tasters. That would give us balanced incomplete blocks. This
makes sense because the best comparisons between wines A and B will come
from people who tasted both A and B. That is, from within block comparisons.
There will also be between block comparisons. For instance if many people
found A better than B and many found B better than C that provides evidence
(through a regression model) that A is better than C. But the within block

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52 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 Total

Treatment 7 5 4 1 17
Control 2 5 3 2 12

Table 4.4: Treatment and control sample sizes by age group in a Hodgkin’s
disease investigation.

evidence from having A and C compared by the same people is more informative
if the block effects (people) are large.
In sporting leagues we have k teams and we compare then in games that are
(ordinarily) blocks of size B = 2. A tournament in which each pair of teams
played together the same number of times would be a balanced incomplete block
There are also partially balanced incomplete block designs where the
number of blocks where two treatments are together is either λ or λ + 1. So,
while not equal, they are close to equal.
We will not consider how to analyze incomplete block designs. If you use
one in your project, the other topics from this course will prepare you to read
about them and adopt them.
There are even design strategies where one blocking factor has k levels and
another has fewer than k levels. So the design is incomplete in that second factor.
If you find yourself facing a situation like this, look for Youden squares.

4.9 Biased coins

Efron (1971) describes a small randomized controlled trial on Hodgkin’s disease.
The sample sizes were as in Table 4.4. Patients were assigned at random to
treatment or control as the study progressed. The assignment was double blind.
As show in the table, the allocations to treatment and control were not well
balanced within age groups.
We could do better to adjust the sampling proportions within groups as
the experiment goes on. However, it is desirable to avoid sampling probabilities
that get too far from 1/2 because then somebody with knowledge of past assign-
ments might be able to predict future assignments in violation of the blinding
protocol. The biased coin design gives treatment with some probability q < 1/2
if the group a subject belongs to has already had more treated than control.
Efron (1971) likes q = 1/3. If the subject’s group has had fewer treated than
control, then the biased coin allocates treatment with probability 1 − q. If those
counts are equal, as must be for the first subject in a group, then the treatment
probability is 1/2. That is, a fair coin is used.
The excess of treated minus controlled subject counts follows a Markov chain
and does not get far from balance. For instance, with even n, the probability
of an exact split between treatment and control approaches 1/2 when using
q = 1/3. The balance properties are more valuable in settings with small sample

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4.9. Biased coins 53

counts per group, especially when the number of groups is large.

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54 4. Paired and blocked data, randomization inference

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Analysis of variance

This chapter goes deeper into the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). We consider
multiple factors and we also introduce the notions of fixed and random effects.
Most of these notes assume familiarity with statistics and data analysis in order
to study how to make data more than how to analyze it. This chapter is a bit of
an exception. We will also extend the theory to cover what might be gaps in the
usual way regression courses are taught. ANOVA is a bit more complicated than
just running regressions with the categories coded up as indicator variables, and
so we will need to add some extra theory. Where possible, the additional theory
will be anchored in things that one would remember from an earlier regression
Suppose that we have two categorical variables, say A and B. Each has two
levels. That makes four treatment combinations. We could just study it as one
categorical variable with four levels. However we benefit from working with the
underlying 2 × 2 structure. We have two choices to make (which A) and (which
B) and a third thing about interaction, which we will see includes considering
whether the best A depends on B and vice versa. Note that here A and B
are two different treatment options. In A/B testing A and B are two different
versions of one treatment option. Experimental design is complicated enough
that no single notational convention can carry us through. We have to use local
notation or else we would not be able to read the literature.

5.1 Potatoes and sugar

The oldest ANOVA reference I know of is Fisher and Mackenzie (1923). They
were using it to study the effects of different fertilizer on potato yields. It is
(historically) interesting that even in this first paper they are thinking of non-

56 5. Analysis of variance

additivity and even consider something that looks like one term of a singular
value decomposition.
To illustrate how a two factor experiment works, consider the following hy-
pothetical yields for 3 fertilizers and 4 varieties of potatoes:

Yield (kg) V1 V2 V3 V4
 
F1 109.0 110.9 94.2 125.9
F2  104.9 113.4 110.1 138.0 .
F3 151.8 160.9 111.9 145.0

Based on these values, we can wonder which fertilizer is best, which variety is
best, and the extent to which one decision depends on the other.
Taking the yield data to be a 3 × 4 matrix of Yij values, the overall average
yield is Ȳ•• = 123. If we think fertilizer i raised or lowered the yield it must be
about yields higher or lower than 123. So we can subtract 123 from all the Yij
and then take (1/J) j=1 (Yij − Ȳ•• ) = Ȳi• − Ȳ•• as the incremental effect of
fertilizer i. We get:
F1 F2 F3
−13.0 −6.4 19.4.
By this measure, fertilizer 1 lowers the yield by 13 while fertilizer 3 raises it by
19.4. The same idea applied to varieties yields Ȳ•j − Ȳ•• :
V1 V2 V3 V4
−1.1 5.4 −17.6 13.3.
Variety 3 underperforms quite a bit while variety 4 comes out best.
We have just computed the grand mean Ȳ•• = 123 and the main effects
for fertilizer and variety. Note that each of the main effects average to zero,
because of the way that they are constructed. We can decompose the table into
grand mean, main effects and a residual term, as follows:

   
109.0 110.9 94.2 125.9 123 123 123 123
 104.9 113.4 110.1 138.0  =  123 123 123 123 
151.8 160.9 111.9 145.0 123 123 123 123

   
−13.0 −13.0 −13.0 −13.0 −1.1 5.4 −17.6 13.3
+  −6.4 −6.4 −6.4 −6.4  +  −1.1 5.4 −17.6 13.3 
19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 −1.1 5.4 −17.6 13.3

 
0.1 −4.5 1.8 2.6
+  −10.6 −8.6 11.1 8.1 .
10.5 13.1 −12.9 −10.7

The last term captures the extent to which the yields are not additive. It
is called the interaction. The grand mean, main effects and interactions we

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5.2. One at a time experiments 57

HI 42.4 50.2 → 7.8 effect of N at hi D


LO 40.9 47.8 → 6.9 effect of N at lo D

LO Nitr. HI
↓ ↓
1.5 2.4

Figure 5.1: Sugar yields in a 2 × 2 experiment where N denotes use of nitrogen

and D denotes increased depth of ploughing.

want are defined in terms of E(Yij ). The ones we get are noisy versions of
those defined through Yij . Much of ANOVA is about coping with noise that
makes a sample table of Yij differ from a hypothetical population table of E(Yij ).
Perhaps more is about coping with interactions that complicate estimation an
interpretation of data.
Here is another example motivated by agriculture. My notes say that I got
it from Cochran and Cox, which has gone through many editions, but I cannot
now find it in that book. It is about the yield of sugar in 100s of pounds
per acre. There’s an old unit called the ‘hundredweight’ which is about 45.4
kilograms. They considered two treatments. Treatment N involved either no
nitrogen, or application of 300 lbs of nitrogen per acre. Treatment D involved
either ploughing to the usual depth of 7” or going further to 11”. The results,
which might or might not be hypothetical are depicted in Figure 5.1.
When both variables are at their ‘low’ level the yield is 40.9. We see that
going to the high level of N raises the yield by either 7.8 if D is at the high level
(meaning greater depth) or 6.9 if D is at the low level. The overall estimate
of the treatment effect is then their average, roughly 7.4. Similarly, we see two
different effects for D, one at each of the high and low levels of N, that average
to about 2.
There seems to be a positive interaction of about 0.9 meaning that applying
both treatments gives more than we would expect from them individually. This
is a kind of synnergy.

5.2 One at a time experiments

For the sugar problem, we tried all four combinations varying both factors. We
could instead have done two separate experiments, one for each factor. That
is called a one at a time OAAT experiment. Sometimes people even advocate
for changing just one thing at a time to learn its effects. Here we show that if
you have two things to investigate it is better to investigate them in a combined

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58 5. Analysis of variance

Experiment A Take n observations at (N, D) = (0, 0) and n more at (N, D) =

(0, 1) to test test D. Then take another n at (N, D) = (0, 0) and n more at
(N, D) = (1, 0) to test n. Experiment A costs 4n and delivers N̂ = Ȳ10 − Ȳ00
σ2 σ2 2σ 2
var(N̂ ) = + = .
n n n
Similarly var(D̂) = 2σ 2 /n.

Experiment B Take n/2 observations at each of (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) and (1, 1).
Experiment B costs only 2n. It has N̂ = [(Ȳ10 − Ȳ00 ) + (Ȳ11 − Ȳ01 )]/2 with

1  σ2 σ2 σ2 σ 2  2σ 2
var(N̂ ) = + + + = = var(D̂).
4 n/2 n/2 n/2 n/2 n

The factorial experiment B delivers the same accuracy as the OAAT one at
half the cost. By that measure, it is twice as good. It is actually better than
twice as good. The factorial experiment can be used to investigate whether the
factors interact while OAAT cannot.
Experiment A is not the best OAAT that we could do. It misses an op-
portunity to reuse the data at (0, 0). We could also consider experiment C

Experiment C Take n observations at (0, 0), and n more at (0, 1) and n more
at (1, 0).
Experiment C costs 1.5 times as much as experiment B and has the same
variance. It also makes corr(N̂ , D̂) 6= 0. So, while OAAT via experiment A is
only half as good as a factorial experiment OAAT via experiment C is 2/3 as
good. Since the observation at (0, 0) is used twice, we might want to give it
extra samples. Of course a better idea is not to do OAAT.
OAAT could leave us with the following information



where two changes from our starting point are both beneficial but we don’t
know what happens if we make both changes. We would probably try that. We
might get a result like
x x
 
hopefully by trying it out first before commiting to it. In a case like this we
learn that making both changes is a bad idea, but we would have learned sooner
with a factorial experiment.

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5.3. Interactions 59

Another possibility is that an OAAT experiment has this result


where both changes are adverse. We don’t know what would happen if both
changes were made. Based on the sketch above, many people would not even
try making both changes. It is possible that the underlying truth is like this
x x
 
where making both changes would be extremely valuable. In a factorial experi-
ment we would learn this, while n OAAT it could very well go undiscovered.

5.3 Interactions
One severe problem with OAAT is that if there are important interactions, then
we don’t learn about them and might be forever stuck in a suboptimal setting.
Interactions cause severe difficulties. We can think of a failure of external va-
lidity as being an interaction between treatment choices (e.g., aspirin vs tylenol)
and another variable describing the past versus the future. Or that second vari-
able could be data in our study versus data we want to generalize to. It is bad
enough that ‘your mileage may vary’ and worse still that mileage differences
may vary. That could mean that the optimal choice changes between the data
we learned from and the setting where we will make future decisions.
Interactions underly lots of accidents and disasters. An accident might only
have happened because of a wet road, inattentive driver, bad street lights and
poor brakes. If all of those things were needed to create the accident then it
is a sort of interaction. It’s good that the accident is not in the grand mean
or main effects, because then we could get more of them, but having it be an
interaction makes it harder to prevent.
Andrew Gelman has written that interactions take 16 times as much data
to estimate as main effects do: https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/
It is informative to see how that 16 arises. In a 2 × 2 experiment the main
effect estimate would have
σ2 σ2 4σ 2
var(Ȳ1• − Ȳ2• ) = + =
n/2 n/2 n
while the interaction would have variance
σ2 16σ 2
var(Ȳ11 − Ȳ01 − Ȳ10 + Ȳ11 ) ×4= .
n/4 n

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60 5. Analysis of variance

If an interaction would have the same size as a main effect, then it would be 4
times as hard to estimate, meaning that we would need to raise n by a factor
of 4 to do as well.
Now suppose that the main effect is θmain and the interaction is θinter =
λθmain . We use sample size n for the main effect and get a relative error of

|θ | n|θmain |
p main = .
4σ /n 2σ

If we use n0 observations for the interaction our relative error would be

|θ | n0 |λθmain |
p inter = .
16σ 2 /n0 4σ
√ √
We make these equal by solving |λ| n0 = 2 n giving n0 = 4n/λ2 . If we take
λ = ±1/2, then we find that interactions are 16 times as hard to estimate as
main effects. Relative error is important because statistical significance and
power depend on the ratio of the (absolute) effect size to the standard deviation
of the effect estimate. The factor of 1/2 is a ballpark estimate. The actual size
ratio between a typical interaction and typical main effect will vary with the
Interactions can raise severe problems ofmultiple comparisons. When there
are d experimental factors then there are d2 different pairwise comparisons. If
we test everything at level α then we espect up to dα false discoveries for main
effects and up to d(d − 1)α/2 among interactions. If we think that interactions
are more likely to be null (or close enough to it to be practically null) then the
problem is even more severe for interactions than main effects. Or, if we use
methods to control false discovery rates, then we have to be more conservative
with interactions.
The problem gets worse for higher order interactions. For instance if an
A × B interaction depends on the level of factor C, then we have a three factor
If in baseball a pitcher has a very good record against tall left handed batters
in evening games with a light wind, then that finding is a kind of high order
interaction that was probably based on slim evidence. Patterns that appear as
high order interactions can sound very subtle and important but they could also
be noise.
Interactions are not all bad. It is good that not everybody likes the exact
same restaurants. That is an interaction between people and restaurants. More
generally, personalization of services involves measuring interactions.
I believe that much of the work by George Box and his co-authors on experi-
mental design was a response to the challenge of learning scientific facts despite
the presence of many interactions. Ordinary statistical modeling is well able to
handle noise. Randomization of treatments is a good way to counter missing
variables and get causal estimates. Factorial designs and, later on fractional
factorials, help us cope with the complexity that comes from interactions.

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5.4. Multiway ANOVA 61

5.4 Multiway ANOVA

Now suppose we have 4 factors, A, B, C and D. We can write the regression

model as

Yijk` = µ + αi + βj + γk + δ`
+ (αβ)ij + (αγ)ik + (αδ)i` + (βγ)jk + (βδ)j` + (γδ)k`
+ (αβγ)ijk + (αβδ)ik` + (αγδ)ik` + (βγδ)jk`
+ εijk` .

Factor A has levels 1 6 i 6 I, factor B has levels 1 6 j 6 J, factor C has levels

1 6 k 6 K and factor D has levels 1 6 ` 6 L. The model above has numerous
interactions. We could run out of Greek letters and so we use notation like (αβ)
as its own symbol to describe the parameters in an A × B interaction. Here we
have an error/noise term εijk` .

To make the model identifiable we make each main effect sum to zero and
PJ interaction sum to zero over all values of any index in it. For instance
j=1 (αβγ)ijk = 0 for all i and k.

It is easy to work out what the estimates are when εijk` ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). We get

µ̂ = Ȳ••••
α̂i = (Yijk` − µ̂) = Ȳi••• − Ȳ••••
k `

[ = 1
(αβ)ij (Yijk` − µ̂ − α̂i − β̂j )
k `

= Ȳij •• − µ̂ − α̂i − β̂j

= Ȳij •• − Ȳ•••• − (Ȳi••• − Ȳ•••• ) − (Ȳ•j •• − Ȳ•••• )
= Ȳij •• − Ȳi••• − Ȳ•j •• + Ȳ•••• , and
\ 1X [ − (αγ) d 
(αβγ) ijk = Yijk` − µ̂ − α̂i − β̂j − γ̂k − (αβ)ij
d − (βγ)
ik jk
= Ȳijk• − Ȳij •• − Ȳi•k• − Ȳ•jk• + Ȳi••• + Ȳ•j •• + Ȳ••k• − Ȳ••••

and the others are similar. In each case we subtract sub-effect estimates and av-
erage over variables not in the interaction of interest. The results are differences
of certain data averages.

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62 5. Analysis of variance

We also have an ANOVA identity. It is a bit ungainly:

(Yijk` − µ̂)2 = α̂i2 + β̂j2 + γ̂k2 + δ̂`2
ijk` ijk` ijk` ijk` ijk`
X 2 X 2
X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2
+ αβ
ij + αγ
c ik + αδ
c +
i` βγ
c +
jk βδ
c +
j` γδ
ijk` ijk` ijk` ijk` ijk` ijk`
X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2
+ αβγ
ijk + αβδ
d +
ij` αγδ
d +
ik` βγδ
ijk` ijk` ijk` ijk`
X 2 X
+ [ ijk` +
αβγδ ε̂2ijk` .
ijk` ijk`

For d factors there are 2d − 1 non-empty subsets of them that all explain some
amount of variance P that sums to the total variance among all N P
values. We
ordinarily ignore ijk` µ̂2 which when added to the above gives us ijk` Yijk` 2
The reason that µ and µ̂ are of less interest is that the grand mean has no
impact on our choices of i or j or k or `.
Later we will look at the functional ANOVA. This was used by Hoeffding
(1948) to study U -statistics, by Sobol’ (1969) to study numerical integration
and by Efron and Stein (1981) to study the jackknife. We will use a more
abstract notation for it that simplifies some expressions. Suppose that x =
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xd ) where xj are independent random inputs. Now let Y = f (x).
If E(Y 2 ) < ∞ then var(f (x)) exists and there is a way to do an ANOVA on it.
We proceed by analogy. The grand mean is µ = E(f (x)). Then the main effect
for variable j is

f{j} (x) = E(f (x) − µ | xj ) = E(f (x) | xj ) − µ

and the j, k interaction is

f{j,k} (x) = E(f (x) − µ − f{j} (x) − f{k} (x) | xj , xk )

= E(f (x) | xj , xj ) − µ − f{j} (x) − f{k} (x).

We keep subtracting sub-effects and averaging over variables not in the inter-
action of interest. The xj do not have to be categorical random variables like
the levels of the factors we use above. They could be U[0, 1] random variables
or vectors, sound clips, images or genomes. All that matters is that they are
independent and that f (x) is real-valued with finite variance.
We will look at https://statweb.stanford.edu/~owen/mc/A-anova.pdf
later when we get to computer experiments.

5.5 Replicates
Suppose that we were interested in a four-factor interaction. We could take
R > 2 independent measurements at each ABCD combination. Then our model

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5.6. High order ANOVA tables 63

would be
Yijk`r = µ + αi + βj + γk + δ`
+ (αβ)ij + (αγ)ik + (αδ)i` + (βγ)jk + (βδ)j` + (γδ)k`
+ (αβγ)ijk + (αβδ)ik` + (αγδ)ik` + (βγδ)jk`
+ (αβγδ)ijk` + εijk`r .

where 1 6 r 6 R.
Suppose that we are making soup. We could go to store i, buy vegetables
j, use recipe k, find person ` and have them taste the resulting pot of soup R
times for r = 1, . . . , R. Or, on R separate days we could go to all I stores, buy
all J vegetables at each store, try all K recipes on each set of vegetables from
each store, and ask all L people to try all IJK of those soups once.
These are clearly quite different things. Not all kinds of replicate are equal.
Equation (5.1) is a plausible model for the setting where the tasters taste each
pot of soup R times in a row. It is an entirely unsuitable model for the setting
where the whole experiment is completely redone R times. For that we would
at a minimum want to include a main effect ηr for replicate r. There could even
be a case for making the day of the experiment be its own fifth factor E with R
levels. What is going on here is that the meaning of r = 1 is different in the two
cases. In the first case it is just the first time one person tastes a given soup.
In the second case it is one entire full replication of the experiment.
Just looking at the file of N = IJKLR numbers we might not be able to
tell which way the experiment was done. We will think more about replicates
when they come up in specific examples.

5.6 High order ANOVA tables

If factors A and B have I and J levels, respectively then their interaction has
(I − 1)(J − 1) degrees of freedom. To see why consider this table

(αβ)ij j=1 j=2 j=3 j=4

 
i=1 X X X ?
i=2  X X X ? 
i=3 ? ? ? ??

where we suppose that there are known values in all the cells marked X. There
are (I − 1)(J − 1) of them. For any set of choices we make, the table can be
completed by first making row sums zero and them making column sums zero.
Had we omitted one of those (I − 1)(J − 1) values, there would not be a unique
way to complete the table.
Table 5.1 shows a portion of the ANOVA table for a four way factorial
experiment where each cell has R independent values. We see IJKL(R − 1)
degrees of freedom for error. We could get this by subtracting all of the other
degrees of freedom numbers from N − 1 = IJKLR − 1. Or we can view it as
gathering R − 1 degrees of freedom for error from each of I × J × K × L cells.

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64 5. Analysis of variance

Source DF
A or α I −1
B or β J −1
.. ..
. .
AB or αβ (I − 1)(J − 1)
.. ..
. .
ABC or αβγ (I − 1)(J − 1)(K − 1)
.. ..
. .
ABCD or αβγδ (I − 1)(J − 1)(K − 1)(L − 1)
Error IJKL(R − 1)
Total IJKLR − 1

Table 5.1: Selected rows of the ANOVA table for a four way table where each
cell has R independent repeats.

It is clear from the above that these full factorial experiments are big and
bulky and hence probably expensive. If I = J = K = L = 11 then we need
N = 114 R = 14,641R observations. They will give us 10 df in each main effect,
100 per two factor interaction, 1000 df for each three factor interaction and
10,000 df in the four factor interaction which could be the least useful of them
Next we will look at what happens when all factors are at 2 levels. We
still need N = 2d data points for d factors or R2d if we have replicated the
A common practice is to design an experiment that learns about the main
effects and low order interactions partially or completely ignoring the high order
interactions. To do this seems a bit hypocritical. We earlier argued that OAAT
is bad because it can miss the two factor interactions and now we are getting
ready to possibly ignore some other higher order interactions.
This common practice is a gamble. In statistics, we are usually against
gambling and favor a cautious approach that covers all possibilities. However the
cautious approach is really expensive and could be suboptimal. Experimental
design has room for both bold and cautious choices. With a bold choice we do a
small experiment that could be inexpensive or fast. If it goes well, then we learn
more quickly. If it goes badly, then the experiment might not be informative at
all and we have to do another one.
The bold strategies we will look at are motivated by a principle of factor
sparsity. This holds that the important quantities are mostly lower order and
perhaps even many of the main effects are unimportant. Or at least relatively
unimportant. If there are 210 − 1 effects and interactions they cannot all be
relatively important! There is a related bet on sparsity principle (Friedman
et al., 2001) motivating the use of the lasso. If things are sparse, you win. If

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5.7. Distributions of sums of squares 65

they’re not, maybe nothing would have worked.

5.7 Distributions of sums of squares

The ANOVA table involves a lot of algebraic manipulations. We get a table
based on the values of Yijk` . We would rather have the table based on E(Yijk` ).
So here we must study the distribution of the quantities in the table we get,
using some model assumptions. The most common model assumptions are based
on the Gaussian distribution. Sometimes that’s robust due to the central limit
theorem and sometimes it is not. Balanced experiments are more robust. The
F -tests that we do for main effects and interactions are more robust than those
we might do to compare variances of two sources of noise. Time permitting, we
might cover this. For now, let’s see how the mechanics of these tests work out.
These derivations are to the extent possible based on things that are easy to
remember from an introductory regression class. To that we add some things
about noncentral distributions that are not always included.
First, we recall that if Zi ∼ N (0, 1) then
Zi2 ∼ χ2(n) .

Also, if Qj ∼ χ2(nj ) then

Q1 /n1
F = ∼ Fn1 ,n2
Q2 /n2

and this is the very definition of the F distribution. The F distribution has
numerator and denominator degrees of freedom and we write Fnum,den for the
general case.
Now we consider noncentral distributions. These appear less often in intro-
ductory courses. The main place we need them is in power calculations, such
as choosing a sample size. Choosing a sample size is maybe the simplest design
problem. It does not however come up if we are just looking at pre-existing
data sets.
If Zi ∼ N (µi , 1) then
Zi2 ∼ χ0,2
(n) (λ)
where λ = i=1 µ2i . This is the noncentral χ2 distribution on n degrees of free-
dom with noncentrality parameter λ. There are alternative parameterizations
out there so we always have to check books, articles and software documentation
to see which one was used. Note particularlyPthat the n means µi only affect
the distribution through their sum of squares i µ2i . That extremely convenient
fact depends on the Gaussian distribution chosen for Zi .

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66 5. Analysis of variance

If Q1 ∼ χ0,2 2
(n1 ) (λ) and Q2 ∼ χ(n2 ) then

Q1 /n1
F0 = ∼ Fn0 1 ,n2 (λ).
Q2 /n2
This is the noncentral F distribution. Here is how we use it. Our F statistics
will have central numerators under H0 but noncentral ones under HA . They
will usually have central denominators under both because most of our denom-
inators will involve sums of squares of differences of noise. If our noise model
is wrong then the denominator might be noncentral. That would leave us with
a doubly noncentral F distribution. That second noncentrality would make
the denominator bigger and hence the F statistic smaller and that implies lower
statistical power to reject H0 .
Next we look at the distributions of sums of squares for simple one way
layout with Yij = µ + αi + εij for i = 1, . . . , I and j = 1, . . . , n. Recall from
introductory regression that when Xi ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ) then
(n − 1)s2 ≡ (Xi − X̄)2 ∼ σ 2 χ2(n−1) .

Also if Qi ∼ χ2(ni ) then
Qi ∼ χ2(N ) N= ni .
i i

I X n
X X 2
SSE = (Yij − Ȳi• )2 = (µ + αi + εij ) − (µ + αi + ε̄i• )
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
= (εij − ε̄i• ) = Qi for Qi ∼ σ 2 χ2(n−1)
i=1 j=1 i=1
2 2
∼ σ χ (I(n − 1)).

Exercise: what is L(SSE) in the unbalanced case with ni observations at level i

of the factor A? Notice that the αi did not affect SSE. They canceled out.
Next, under H0 : αi = 0 we have
X n I
SSA = (Ȳi• − Ȳ•• )2 = n (Ȳi• − Ȳ•• )2
i=1 j=1 i=1
=n ((µ + αi + ε̄i• ) − (µ + ᾱ• + ε̄•• ))2
X σ2
=n (ε̄i• − ε̄•• )2 ∼ n χ2(I−1) = σ 2 χ2(I−1) .

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5.7. Distributions of sums of squares 67

If H0 does not hold then Ȳi• − Ȳ•• = αi + ε̄i• − ε̄•• . Now

 σ2  ε̄i•  α

ε̄i• ∼ N αi , and so √ ∼N √ ,1 .
n σ/ n σ/ n

I  I
X ε̄i• 2 n X 2
√ ∼ χ0,2 (λ) for λ = α .
σ/ n σ 2 i=1 i

From this we find that

n I
σ 2 0,2  n X 2  n X 
ε̄2i• ∼ σ 2 χ0,2
ε̄2i• ∼ χ(I) 2 α and so α 2
n σ i=1 i i=1 j=1
(I) σ 2 i=1 i

The answer we are going for is

n n X I 
(ε̄i• − ε̄•• )2 ∼ σ 2 χ0,2
SSE = (I−1) αi .
i=1 j=1
σ 2 i=1

Notice that the degrees of freedom drop by one for centered ε̄i• . I have not
found a nice way to get this using just things one might remember from an
introductory regression class plus the noncentral distribution definitions.
Now let’s look at our F statistic, under H0 :
F = = 1
MSE I(n−1) SSE
1 2 2
I−1 σ χ(I−1)
∼ 1 2 2
I(n−1) σ χ(I(n−1))
1 2
I−1 χ(I−1)
= 1 2
I(n−1) χ(I(n−1))

= FI−1,I(n−1) .

Under HA ,
0 n X 2
F ∼ FI−1,I(n−1) (λ) λ= α .
σ 2 i=1 i

Under HA , λ > 0 and the larger λ is the larger E(MSA) is. Thus HA tends to
increase F and so we should reject H0 for unusually large values. We reject H0
at level α when the observed value Fobs satisfies
Fobs > FI−1,I(n−1)

We set a p-value of
p = Pr(FI−1,I(n−1) > Fobs )

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68 5. Analysis of variance

where Fobs is the observed F statistic. The power of our test is

0 1−α
Pr(FI−1,I(n−1) (λ) > FI−1,I(n−1) ).

If we look at λ, then we see that it is a signal to noise ratio

PI 2 1
PI 2
i=1 αi I i=1 αi
λ= =I× .
σ 2 /n σ 2 /n
Here (1/I) i=1 αi2 is the variance of αi for a randomly chosen level i and σ 2 /n
is the variance of ε̄i• . We get more power from larger n (get a bigger sample)
or smaller σ 2 (e.g., buy better equipment) and from studying phenomena with
larger effects.

5.8 Fixed and random effects

In an ANOVA we need to decide whether each of our factors represents a fixed
effect or a random effect. It is a fixed effect if we care about the exact set of
levels in the experiment. That could be 3 headache pills, 4 gas additives or 5
machine operators. It is a random effect if we care about the population from
which those levels were sampled. That could be 24 patients in a trial, 8 rolls of
vinyl or those same 5 machine operators.
Whether we care about the levels in our experiment or a population that
they represent depends on the uses we plan to make based on the data. While
the health of 24 patients is very important, the reason for the trial is likely to
be in order to learn how to treat some condition for people in general. Those
24 patients may then be viewed as a sample of a population of many millions
to be treated later. It is unlikely that they really are a random sample of
the population to be treated, but hopefully they are reasonably representative.
Once the 8 rolls of vinyl are used up and put into tested products we have
no specific interest in them per se beyond how they represent the process that
made them. For machine operators we might be interested in comparing 5
specfic employee’s productivity. Or we might be interested in which of two
machines will work better on average for a population of operators.
In a random effects model we write

Yij = µ + ai + εij
2 2
where ai ∼ N (0, σA ) and εij ∼ N (0, σE ) are all independent. We might be
2 2 2
interested in learning σA /σE and the usual null hypothesis is H0 : σA = 0.
The ANOVA is exactly the same as before. That is SST = SSB + SSW or
SST = SSA + SSE are the two different notations we have used for the one
factor ANOVA. This identity is just algebraic so it holds for any numbers we
would put into it. Using methods like those in Section 5.7 we find that
2 2 2 2
SSW ∼ σE χI(n−1) and SSB ∼ n(σA + σE /n)χ2(I−1) .

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5.8. Fixed and random effects 69

Source DF Expected mean square

2 2 2
A I −1 σE + nσAB + nJσA
2 2
B J −1 σE + nIσB
2 2
AB (I − 1)(J − 1) σE + nσAB
Err IJ(n − 1) σE

Table 5.2: Expected values of the mean squares in a mixed effects model.

Now MSB/MSW ∼ FI−1,I(n−1) under H0 and is larger than that under HA ,

though it is not noncentrally distributed any more. So we do the same F test
as before. Not much changed.
When there are two random effects we use this model

Yijk = µ + ai + bj + (ab)ij + εijk

2 2
ai ∼ N (0, σA ) bj ∼ N (0, σB )
2 2
(ab)ij ∼ N (0, σAB ) εijk ∼ N (0, σE )

where all the Gaussian random variables are indpendent.

In the balanced case there are the same number n of observations at each ij
combination. For n > 2 we find that

2 2 2
MSA ∼ σE + nσAB + nJσA
I −1
2 2 2
 χ J−1
MSB ∼ σE + nσAB + nIσB
J −1
2 2
MSAB ∼ σE + nσAB ) , and
(I − 1)(J − 1)
MSE ∼ σE .
IJ(n − 1)
If we use FA = MSA/MSE, then we have a problem. It won’t have the F
2 2
distribution if σA = 0 but σAB > 0. What we must do instead is test it via
FA = MSA/MSAB. Similarly we test σB = 0 using FB = MSB/MSAB and we
test σAB = 0 using FAB = MSAB/MSE.
Now suppose that A is a fixed effect while B is a random effect. We are
in for a bit of a surprise. This is called a mixed effects model. Table 5.2
show the expected values of the mean squares for this case. What we see is that
we should test the fixed effect A via the ratio MSA/MSAB and the random
effect B via the ratio MSB/MSE. If the other effect is fixed use MSE in the
denominator while if the other effect is random use MSAB. It is the ‘other
effect rule’ for external validity.
To understand this result intuitively let’s consider an extreme example. Sup-
pose that the fixed effect A is about 3 headache medicines. We have 12 subjects
in a random effect B. Each subject tests each medicine n times.

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70 5. Analysis of variance

Let’s exaggerate and suppose that n = 106 . It naively looks like we have 36
million observations. But we only have 12 people in the data set. If we did let
n → ∞ then we would have a 3×12 table of exact means. Our sample size would
actually be 36. With a small sample n our data have to be less useful than those
36 values would have been. For purposes of learning the effect of 3 medicines
on a population we have something less informative than 36 observations and
nothing like 36,000,000 observations worth of information.
Exercise: work out the limit as n → ∞ of the test for A.

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Two level factorials

Suppose that we have k factors to explore. If we go with 2 levels each that yields
2k different treatment combinations which is the smallest possible product of k
integers larger than 1. A variable could originally be binary, such as a choice
between two polymers, or the choice between doing or not doing a step in a
process. Or the variable could have more level or even take on a continuum
of levels such as an oven temperature. For such a variable we could select two
levels such as 1020◦ C and 1050◦ C.
When we choose two levels for a continuous variable, some judgment must
be exercised. If the effect of that variable on the response is monotone or even
linear then we will have the greatest statistical power using widely separated
values. The flip side is that we should avoid closely spaced values because then
there will be low power and we might not get good relative accuracy on the
effect. Then if we suspect a variable is not important we might use more widely
separated values just to be able to check on that. If we know a good operating
range then spanning that range makes sense for ‘external validity’ reasons. If
we space things too far apart then our experimental analysis might give that
variable too much importance compared to the others. The possibilities that we
want to study might not be perfectly orthogonal. For instance if the experiment
has an oven at two temperatures for two different time periods, then either the
(LO,LO) combination or the (HI,HI) combination might be unsuitable. In that
case one can use sliding levels such as 30 vs 50 minutes when the temperature
is high and 45 vs 75 minutes when it is low. Wu and Hamada (2011) discuss
these tradeoffs.
If we suspect curvature then two values will not be enough. We will look at
‘response surface’ designs later that let us estimate curved responses.
If we see each treatment combinationn times then we need to gather n2k

72 6. Two level factorials

Source df
Source df
TRTs 2k − 1
TRTs 2k − 1
DAYS n−1
ERR 2k (n − 1)
ERR (n − 1)(2k − 1)
TOT n2k − 1
TOT n2k − 1

Table 6.1: Left: Randomized blocks ANOVA table. Right: completely ran-
domized design ANOVA table.

data points.

6.1 Replicates and more

Suppose that we get n data points from each of our 2k treatment combinations.
There are different ways that we could have done this and the way we did it can
and should affect the analysis.
Suppose that we are making soup. We have two different stores, we use two
different vegetables (carrots vs cabbage), cook at two different temperatures,
and add two amounts of salt. There is more to our soup than just these factors
but those other aspects are not varying. We now have 24 = 16 precedures. The
value Y is a measure of how good the soup tastes.
We are going to get 16n data points for some n > 1. One way to do this is
to make all 16 kinds of soup on n different days. On each of those days we go
to both stores, buy both kinds of vegetable cook at both temperature and use
both salt levels. If we do it this way then we have 16 experimental treatments
in n blocks, a randomized blocks design. Within each block (i.e., each day)
we make the 16 soups in a random order.
We could also simply spend one day making soup 16 ways and taste each
pot n times. This is really very different. It is sometimes called a repeated
measures design. It is much faster, easier and cheaper than the blocked analysis
but also much less informative. The order in which those tastes were made could
be impactful, due to correlations between consecutive measurements. Maybe the
soup is cooling off as we keep on tasting. We might just average those n values
into one presumably better value.
A third way to do this is to make soup once on each of 16n different days.
Each of the 16 combinations appears n times in a randomized order. This is
a completely randomized design and it does not impose the balance that
the randomized blocks version would. Table 6.1 shows ANOVA tables for the
randomized blocks and completely randomized 2k factorial experiment. If we
did just average the repeated measures then we would not have any degrees of
freedom for error and so Table 6.1 does not have a corresponding table. Later
on we will see ways to analyze such an unreplicated experiment.

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6.2. Notation for 2k experiments 73

− − −− (1)
+ − −− a
− + −− b
+ + −− ab
− − +− c
+ − +− ac
− + +− bc
+ + +− abc
− − −+ d
+ − −+ ad
− + −+ bd
+ + −+ abd
− − ++ cd
+ − ++ acd
− + ++ bcd
+ + ++ abcd

Table 6.2: Standard notation for 16 runs in a 24 experiment.

6.2 Notation for 2k experiments

Let’s consider factors A, B, C and so forth at two levels each. Because these
factors have 2 levels, they have 2 − 1 = 1 degrees of freedom. Furthermore the
interaction between a factor with I levels and one with J levels has (I −1)(J −1)
levels and so in this setting the two factor interactions also have 1 degree of
freedom. Indeed, any interaction among any number of two level factors has
just one degree of freedom.
There is something special about an effect having just one degree of freedom.
We can attach a sign to it, and consider factors that increase or decrease a
response. That is, given levels µ1 and µ2 we can compare them via µ2 − µ1 . We
cannot easily and uniquely attach a sign to (µ1 − µ2 , µ1 − µ3 , µ2 − µ3 ) ∈ R3 . We
could reduce them to µ1 − (µ2 + µ3 )/2 and µ3 − µ2 but that is just one of many
potential comparisons to describe 2 degrees of freedom among three means.
To exploit this signing possibility we use a special notation for the observa-
tions in a 2k experiment. For each factor we decide that one of its levels will
be called the high level and the other will be the low level. For a numerical
value we would ordinarily take the higher value to be the high level. For an
attribute like presence or absences of something, presence makes sense as a high
level. In other settings the high level could be the new treatement, or the more
expensive one, or the one that we anticipate is more likely to increase E(Y ).
Table 6.2 shows all 16 possible combinations in a 24 experiment using +
for high levels and − for low levels of factors A, B, C and D. The name of an
observation is the string of letters at which it takes the high level. For instance
“abd” is the observation at high levels of A and B and D with the low level

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74 6. Two level factorials

(1) b − − − + + −
a ab + + − + − +

Table 6.3: The first square diagrams Y for a 22 experiment. The next ones
show which observations are at high and low levels of A, B and AB.

of C. When everything is at the low level we use the symbol ‘(1)’ instead of a
blank or null string. We will be using some multiplicative formulas in which (1)
makes a natural multiplicative identity.
The treatment effect for A is defined to be the average of E(Y ) over 2k−1
observations at the high level of A minus the average of E(Y ) over 2k−1 obser-
vations at the low level of A. It is called αA and its estimate α̂A is the average
of observed Y at the high level of A minus the average of observed Y at the low
level of A. For instance with k = 3 and no replicates
1  1 
αA = E(Ya ) + E(Yab ) + E(Yac ) + E(Yabc ) − E(Y(1) ) + E(Yb ) + E(Yc ) + E(Ybc ) and
4 4
1  1 
α̂A = Ya + Yab + Yac + Yabc − Y(1) + Yb + Yc + Ybc .
4 4
If there are replicates, we could call the obvservations Ya,j and Yb,j for j =
1, . . . , n et cetera.
This is different from what we had before. With k = 1 we used to have
E(Y1j ) = µ + α1 and E(Y1j ) = µ + α2 with α1 + α2 = 0. With that notation
E(Y2j ) − E(Y1j ) = α2 − α1 = 2α2 . Now we have E(Ya,j ) − E(Y(1),j ) = αA . That
is αa = 2α2 . In a 21 experiment we write
1 1
Ya,j = µ + αa + εa,j and Y(1),j = µ − αa + ε(1),j .
2 2
Because interactions have one degree of freedom, we can give them a sign
too. The AB interaction is the effect of A at the high level of B minus the effect
of A at the low level of B. We can write it as

(ab − b) − (a − (1)) = ab − a − b + (1).

If instead we look at effect of B at the high level of A minus the effect of B at

the low level of A we get

(ab − a) − (b − (1)) = ab − a − b + (1)

again That, is the AB interaction is the same as the BA interaction. Observa-

tions ab and (1) are at the high level of the AB interaction while a and b are at
the low level. Table 6.3 depicts the AB interaction as a diagonal comparison in
a 2 × 2 square of data values.

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6.3. Why n = 1 is popular 75

For a 22 experiment we may write the expected observatoins values as fol-

E(yab ) = µ + αa + αb + αab
E(ya ) = µ + αa − αb − αab
E(yb ) = µ + −αa + αb − αab and
E(y(1) ) = µ + −αa − αb + αab .
The estimated AB interaction parameter is α̂ab equal to the average of 2k−1
data values at the high level of the AB interaction minus the average of 2k−1
data values at the low level of the AB interaction. Now we find that

var(α̂a ) = var(α̂b ) = var(α̂ab ) = var(α̂a ) = var(α̂abc ) = · · · = var(α̂abc···z )

σ2 σ2 4σ 2 4σ 2 σ2
= + = = k = k−2 .
N/2 N/2 N n2 n2
Every main effect and every interaction of whatever order are all estimated with
the same precision.
We can define interactions of all orders using this approach. The ABC
interaction is the BC interaction at the high level of A minus the BC interaction
at the low level of A:

(abc − ab − ac + a) − (bc − b − c + (1))

= (abc + a + b + c) − (ab + ac + bc + (1)) .
| {z } | {z }
HI level of ABC LO level of ABC

Just like other main effects and interactions, half the data are at the high level
of ABC and half are at the low level.
Because each effect has one degree of freedom, we can use a t test for it
instead of an F test. The t statistic for H0 : αa = 0 is
√ a ,
s/ 2k−2 n

where s is the standard error. The degrees of freedom are (n − 1)(2k − 1) if the
experiment was run in n blocks of 2k runs (and the model should then include
a block effect) and the degrees of freedom are n2k − 1 if it is a completely
randomized allocation.

6.3 Why n = 1 is popular

If we take n = 1 then there are no replicates and there are then 0 degrees of
freedom for error. Were we to compute s2 we would get 0/0 (not a number).

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76 6. Two level factorials

To see why n = 1 is popular suppose that we have a choice between a 24

experiment to study factors ABCD with 2 replicates, and a 25 experiment to
study factors ABCDE without replication. Given the chance to explore one more
factor without a variance estimate many people would do that. Experimental
design has room for both cautious approaches and bold ones.
In class we considered a famous example about an experiment to improve
ball bearings. The engineers were planning n = 4 plant runs for two levels
of one factor. A statistician persuaded them to use those same 8 plant runs
to investigate 3 factors in a 23 layout. The additional factors proved to be
much more effective than the originally contemplated one. The story is at this
link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factorial_experiment after scrolling
down a bit. What I like about this story is that it has the statistician playing
the part of the bold person. As always, there is selection bias in the stories that
get included in a course or text book or article.
There is a notion of factor sparsity that underlies this decision. The idea
is that most of the α’s are close to 0. Then the estimates that we get are
mostly N (0, 4σ 2 /N ) plus a few real effects providing outliers. Then using QQ-
plots of the estimated effects or their absolute values we can hope to spot the
outliers. This approach was developed by Cuthbert Daniel (1959). Even if
the α’s are not exactly zero, it could happen that most of them are relatively
small. They cannot all be relatively important. Suppose that the small ones
can be modeled by effects that are N (µ∗ , σ∗2 ). Then their estimates will look
2 2 k
like N (µ∗ , σp
∗ + 4σ /2 ). If the large effects have α values that are much greater
than |µ∗ | + σ∗ + 4σ 2 /N then they will still look like outliers.

When this factor sparsity is in play, then it would be wasteful to take n > 1
replicate instead of inspecting additional factors. If you replicate and leave out
the most important factor, that seemingly safe choice can be very costly.
It is common to see that the important interactions in a QQ plot involve the
important main effects. We might see α̂A , α̂B , α̂C and α̂BC as the outliers. In
class we saw such a QQ plot in a the fractional factorial class.
Daniels’ article closes with an interesting comment about why we just ana-
lyze one response at a time:
The third set of questions plaguing the conscience of one ap-
plied statistician concerns the repeated use of univariate statistical
methods instead of a single multivariate system. I know of no indus-
trial product that has but one important property. And yet, mainly
because of convenience, partly because of ignorance, and perhaps
partly because of lack of full development of methods applicable to
industrial research problems, I find myself using one-at-a-time meth-
ods on responses, even at the same time that I derogate a one-at-a-
time approach to the factors influencing a response. To what extent
does this simplification invalidate the judgments I make concerning
the effects of all factors on all responses?
Factor sparsity supports a concept called design projection. Suppose that
in a 23 experiment that factor A is completely null: αa = αab = αac = αabc = 0.

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6.4. Factorial with no replicates 77

Then our experiment is just like a 22 experiment in B and C with two replicates,
depicted as follows:

     
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1

 −1 −1 +1 

 −1 +1 

 −1 −1 

 −1 +1 −1 

 +1 −1 

 −1 +1 

 −1 +1 +1 
 −→

 +1 +1 

 −1 +1 

 +1 −1 −1 

 −1 −1 

 +1 −1 

 +1 −1 +1 

 −1 +1 

 +1 −1 

 +1 +1 −1   +1 −1   +1 +1 
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

In the rightmost array the runs are reordered to show the replication. The
same thing happens if either B or C is null. In the multi-response setting that
Daniels’ was concerned with, there might be a different null factor for each of
the responses being measured.
In practice it is unlikely that A is perfectly null but it might be relatively null
with some other |α|’s being orders of magnitude larger than the ones involving A.
It could be tricky to decide whether A is null and would involve the issues raised
in the next section on factorial experiments with no replicates.

6.4 Factorial with no replicates

If we had and I × J experiment run just n = 1 time, then our N = I × J × 1
data points could be used to get SSA, SSB and SSE. If the factors interact,
then SSE will be inflated by that interaction. It will have a noncentral χ2
distribution (under our Gaussian assumption). Then F = MSA/MSE will be
doubly noncentral. Noncentrality in SSE will make MSE larger, making F
smaller, making for less signficance (larger p values). So our test would be
conservative having lower power. If the resulting p-value is below 0.01 or other
threshold then it likely would have been even further below it in the event of
no interaction.
In the 2k experiment we could designate a priori some high order interactions
to use in forming an error estimate. We could take a mean square of the corre-
sponding α̂’s as our estimate of 4σ 2 /N . This would have the same conservative
property as the doubly noncentral F described above.
We could possibly just take the 10 smallest α̂2 ’s but then we would have to
adjust them for this selection.PFor instance, a Monte Carlo computation can
find for us the distribution of j=1 (α̂2 )(i) /(4σ 2 /N ).
There are lots of methods to get approximate inferences without replication.
Hamada and Balakrishnan (1998) describe 24 different methods. One prominent
one is due to Lenth (1989). In recent years there has been much interest in
inference after model selection and perhaps progress in that area could lead to
some new methods here.

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78 6. Two level factorials

(1) + − − − + + + −
a + + − − − − + +
b + − + − − + − +
ab + + + − + − − −
c + − − + + − − +
ac + + − + − + − −
bc + − + + − − + −
abc + + + + + + + +

Table 6.4: Each row is an observation in a 2k = 23 experiment. Each column

shows an effect of interest with M representing the grand mean. The estimate
of that effect is the inner product of the corresponding column of ±1’s divided
by 2k−1 , except that for the grand mean (column M ) we divide by 2k .

6.5 Generalized interactions

For n = 1, the effects that we are interested in are dot products of a vector of
Y values with some coefficients ±1 and then divided by 2k for µ̂ or 2k−1 for the
αs. Table 6.4 shows those coefficents for k = 3.
Using these signs we define some generalized interactions. The general-
ized interaction of AB and BC is what we get if we mutiply the column of signs
for AB times that for BC. We get AB × BC = AB 2 C = AC because B 2 is a
column of +1s. Similarly AB × ABC = C.
We can compare our 2k effects to a plain linear regression model

Y = Xβ + ε ∈ RN

with parameter estimates β̂ = (X T X)−1 X T Y and var(β̂) = (X T X)−1 σ 2 We

could take X to be the matrix in Table 6.4 or a generalization of it to some
other k. Now X T X = 2k × I2k so β̂ would have µ̂ in it and 2α̂ for the other
What we see here is that all of the β̂j (and hence all of our effects) are
uncorrelated because var(β̂) = σ 2 I2k /2k . Ordinarily a regression with N obser-
vations and p parameters has a computational cost proportional to N p2 . Here
N = p = 2k and the cost would be O(N 3 ). In this instance, the orthogonality
of X reduces the cost to just that of p one at a time regressions actually dot
products, and the cost is O(N 2 ).
Yates’s algorithm (Yates, 1937) reduces the cost to O(N log(N )). When
N = 16 we are not much interested in the cost difference between N 2 and
N log(N ). If however N = 230 as it might in an experiment carried out solely
in software, then Yates’ algorithm is very useful. His algorithm is a fast Fourier
transform used for hand calculations decades before the fast Fourier transform
became prominent in signal processing.
We can get an algebraic expression to show which observations are at the
high and low levels of an interaction. Consider the BCD interaction. We can

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6.6. Blocking 79

b ab (1) a
c ac bc abc
d ad cd acd
bcd abcd bd abd

Table 6.5: The 8 observations on the left are at the high level of BCD. The 8
observations on the right are at the low level of BCD.

write it as
BCD = (a + 1)(b − 1)(c − 1)(d − 1)
= k−1 (ab + b − 1 − b)(cd − c − d + 1)
= ···
= k−1 (b + c + d + bcd + ab + ac + ad + abcd)
− k−1 ((1) + bc + cd + bd + a + abc + acd + abd).
The high and low levels of BCD are depicted in Table 6.5. What we see are
that bcd is at the high level. Anything that is missing an odd number of those
letters is at the low level. Anything missing an even number is at the high level
(just like zero which is even). The presence of another factor like A does not
change it.

6.6 Blocking
We might want to (or have to) run our 2k experiment in blocks. One common
choice has blocks of size 2k−1 . So our experiment has 2 blocks of size 2k−1 .
Blocking could be done for greater accuracy (balancing out some source of noise)
or we might be forced into it: the equipment holds exactly 8 pieces, no more.
The best plan for 2 blocks is run one block at the high level of the k-factor
interaction and one at the low level. For k = 3 it would be
a b c abc vs 1 ab ac bc
with run order randomized within the blocks. With this choice the ABC inter-
action is confounded with the blocks. The effects for A, B, C, AB, BC and AC
are orthogonal to blocks (because they’re orthogonal to ABC).
If we only have these 3 factors we might replicate the block structure as
abc ab abc ab abc ab
a ac a ac a ac
b bc b bc b bc
c 1 c 1 c 1

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80 6. Two level factorials

Source df
Replicates 2
Blocks = ABC 1
Blocks × replicates 2
A, B, C, AB, AC, BC 1 each
Error 12
Total 23

Table 6.6: This is the ANOVA table for a blocked 23 experiment with n = 3
replicates each having 2 blocks.

Of course if there were additional factors to investigate we might introduce those

instead of replicating our blocked 23 experiment.
The ANOVA table for this setup is shown in Table 6.6. With 3 replicates,
there are 2 degrees of freedom for replicates. One degree of freedom goes to
comparing the block at the high level of ABC to the one at the low level. There
are also 2 degrees of freedom for blocks by replicates and 1 degree of freedom
for each of our main effects and two factor interactions. This table will let us
study the main effects and two factor interactions.
To study the 3 factor interaction we can test block level averages. We form
the 2 × 3 matrix
r=1 r=2 r=3
ABC=+ Ȳ+1• Ȳ+2• Ȳ+3•
ABC=− Ȳ−1• Ȳ−2• Ȳ−3•
and test the row effect. Wu and Hamada (2011) warn that there will be trouble
if the blocks interact with treatments. That will also mess up other blocked
With many replicates, there is also the possibility of confounding ABC with
blocks in some replicates and other interactions such as BC in different repli-
cates. The analysis of such combinations could get pretty complicated. In class I
mentioned that it might be wise to simply use a probabilistic programming lan-
guage (e.g., Stan or others mentioned here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Probabilistic_programming#Probabilistic_programming_languages) to anal-
yse such a thing instead of wrangling mean squares and ANOVA tables. That
would handle the analysis. To actually choose a design one could simulate data
from it many times and pipe the simulated output through the probabilistic
programming language.

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Fractional factorials

Even at just two levels, studying k factors brings in 2k levels. It is a curse of

dimension. We cannot necessarily afford that. And maybe we don’t have to.
Fractional factorials look at k factors of 2 levels each using fewer than 2k runs.
We will study k factors using only N = 2k−p runs for some integer 1 6 p < k.
These are called fractional factorials. The name stems from the fact that they
are fractional replicates of 2k . It is as if we are doing n replicates for n = 1/2.
There are many good references for this topic, such as Wu and Hamada
(2011) and Box et al. (1978) and Montgomery (1997). The last two examples
are not the most recent editions of those books. I prefer the cited editions.
For instance later versions of the book by Montgomery seem less suitable for
a graduate level class, though they are better suited for their target audience
than the cited edition.
We will study k binary inputs in 2k−r runs. This necessarily involves alias-
ing/confounding relationships among the 2k estimands of interest. When the
phenomenon is dominated by main effects and low order interactions and the
high order interactions are small, then aliasing the high order interactions with
each other makes sense. We still get to learn about the important quantities at
low cost.
One problem with a 2k factorial experiment is that as k grows larger, most of
the degrees of freedom are used up in interactions of order about k/2. We have
much more interest in learning about main effects and low order interactions.
There’s a sense that they’re more likely to be large and they are also going to
be simpler to interpret if we can estimate them. It can be puzzling to wonder
why degrees of freedom are so important. The explanation is that each extra
degree of freedom costs us one more data point. See Table 7.1 which illustrates
the point with k = 7 and runs costing $1000 each. We end up spending $8000

82 7. Fractional factorials

Interaction order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Degrees of freedom: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Degrees of freedom: 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
Cost $1k $7k $21k $35k $35k $21k $7k $1k

Table 7.1: For a hypothetical 27 experiment where each run costs $1000, the
table shows how much of the budget goes to interactions of each size.

on the grand mean and main effects along with $59,000 on interactions of order
three and higher.

7.1 Half replicates

Let’s do 2k−1 runs, i.e., half of the full 2k experiment. We will get confounding.
To make the confounding minimally damaging, we will confound “done” versus
“not done” with the k-fold interaction.
For k = 3 we could do the 4 runs at the high level of ABC:

 
a + + − − − − + +
b  + − + − − + − + 
 
c  + − − + + − − + 
abc + + + + + + + +

We see right away that the intercept column I is identical to the one for ABC.
We say that the grand mean is aliased with ABC. It is also confounded with
ABC. We then get

E(µ̂) = µ + αABC .

In our half replicate, I = ABC holds. If we multiply both sides by A, we get

A × I = A × ABC. Of course A × I = A and A × ABC = A2 BC = BC. It
follows that A = BC so the main effect for A is aliased with the BC interaction.

E(α̂A ) = αA + αBC .

By the same argument B = AC and C = AB. If we do a 2k−1 experiment

running everything at the high level of the k-fold interaction then every effect
will be aliased with one other, the one that complements it’s set of variables.

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7.2. Catapult example 83

The set of all eight runs looks like this:

 
a + + − − − − + +
b 
 + − + − − + − + 

c 
 + − − + + − − + 

abc 
 + + + + + + + + 

bc 
 + − + − + − + − 

ac 
 + + − − + + − − 

ab  + + + + − − − − 
(1) + − − + − + + −

We could do either the top half, with ABC = I or the bottom half with ABC =
−I. That is ABC = ±I give a 23−1 experiment. If we use the bottom half we
E(α̂A ) = αA − αBC .

If any of the k factors in our 2k−1 factorial experiment are “null” then we
get a full 2k factorial experiment in the remaining ones. Practially, null means
“relatively null” in comparison to some larger effects.
Geometrically the sampled points of a 23−1 experiment lie on 4 corners of
the cube {−1, 1}3 (or if you prefer [0, 1]3 ). If we draw in the edges on each face
of the cube, no pair of sampled points share an edge.
A 2k−1 design looks like one block of a blocked 2k where the blocks are
defined by high and low levels of the k-factor interaction. If we have just done
the ABC · · · Z = I block we could analyze it as a 2k−1 design and perhaps
decide that we have learned what we need and don’t have to do the other block.

7.2 Catapult example

The lightning calculator Cat-100 catapult is described here http://www.qualitytng.
com/cat-100-catapult/. In class we looked at data from a 25−1 experiment
in it. The data are shown in Table 7.2. Distance is in centimeters. It appears
that most of the energy from the surgical tubing goes into moving the wooden
arm, so the projectiles remain safe for classroom use (and are not suitable as
siege weapon).
Table 7.3 shows those same data in standard (Yates) order. That is (1), a, b,
ab, et cetera for four of the five variables. The reason to do this is that the data
were analyzed by Yates’ algorithm which is not really necessary on a problem
this small.
Yates’ algorithm pair off the data into n/2 consecutive pairs. It takes sums
within those n/2 pairs and places them above differences. If we do that k times
in a full factorial or k − 1 times in a fractional factorial we get a column with
main effects and interaction estimates in the standard order (scaled up by n for

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84 7. Fractional factorials

Front Back Fixed Moving Bucket Dist

1 1 -1 -1 1 1 210.3
2 1 1 1 1 1 343.0
3 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 50.0
4 -1 -1 1 1 1 263.5
5 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 134.5
6 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 94.5
7 -1 1 -1 1 1 310.8
8 1 1 -1 -1 1 94.8
9 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 91.5
10 1 1 -1 1 -1 168.5
11 -1 1 1 -1 1 277.4
12 1 1 1 -1 -1 145.5
13 1 -1 1 -1 1 157.5
14 -1 1 1 1 -1 266.5
15 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 120.5
16 1 -1 1 1 -1 166.5

Table 7.2: Experimental output from a catapult experiment.

Front Back Fixed Moving Bucket Dist

6 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 94.5
3 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 50.0
9 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 91.5
8 1 1 -1 -1 1 94.8
15 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 120.5
13 1 -1 1 -1 1 157.5
11 -1 1 1 -1 1 277.4
12 1 1 1 -1 -1 145.5
5 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 134.5
1 1 -1 -1 1 1 210.3
7 -1 1 -1 1 1 310.8
10 1 1 -1 1 -1 168.5
4 -1 -1 1 1 1 263.5
16 1 -1 1 1 -1 166.5
14 -1 1 1 1 -1 266.5
2 1 1 1 1 1 343.0

Table 7.3: Catapult data in Yates’ order.

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7.2. Catapult example 85

the main effect and n/2 for the others). For k = 2 we get

y(1) ya + y(1) yab + yb + ya + y(1) → 4µ̂

ya yab + yb yab − yb + ya − y(1) → 2α̂A
yb ya − y(1) yab + yb − ya − y(1) → 2α̂B
yab yab − yb yab − yb − ya + y(1) → 2α̂AB

and for k = 230 it would only take 30 of these operations to compute 230 effects
of interest (most likely in a computer experiment). In a fractional factorial we
need to account for the aliasing.
Here it is (or at least part of it) for k = 3:

y(1) ya + y(1) yab + yb + ya + y(1) yab + yb + ya + y(1) yab + yb + ya + y(1)

ya yab + yb yabc + ybc + yac + yc yabc − ybc + yac − yc + yab − yb + ya − y(1)
yb yac + yc yab − yb + ya − y(1)
yab yabc + ybc yabc − ybc + yac − yc et cetera
yc ya − y(1) yab + yb − ya − y(1)
yac yab − yb yabc + ybc − yac − yc
ybc yac − yc yab − yb − ya + y(1)
yabc yabc − ybc yabc − ybc − yac + yc

The digression on Yates’ algorithm demystifies the axis label in Figure 7.1.
There we see that main effects for ‘back stop’, ‘fixed arm’, ‘moving arm’ and
‘bucket’ all have positive values clearly separated from the noise level. The
effect for ‘front stop’ appears to be negative but is not clearly separated from
the others. The reference line is based on a least squares fit to the 11 smallest
effects (F and the interactions). Effects are named after their lowest alias.
In this instance there was a clear break between large effects and most small
effects and some reasonable doubt as to whether F belongs with the large or
the small ones. In many examples in the literature some main effects end up
in the bulk of small effects and a handful of two factor interactions show large
effects. Usually one or both of the interacting factors appears also as a large
main effect.
One reason to be interested in statistical insignificance is that when it hap-
pens we clearly do not know the sign of the effect, even if we’re certain that an
exact zero cannot be true. Statistical significance makes it more reasonable that
you can confidently state the sign of the effect. There can however be doubt
about the sign if the confidence interval for the effect has an edge too close to
zero. This could happen in a low power setting. See Owen (2017).
Here is a naive regression analysis of the data.
Value Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 180.96 7.441 24.318
Front -13.94 7.441 -1.874
Back 31.29 7.441 4.205
Fixed 36.59 7.441 4.918

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86 7. Fractional factorials

QQ plot of 2^(5-1) Catapult Experiment

F = Front T
B = Back
1 X = Fixed X
M = Moving
T = Bucket
Normal Quantiles

0 BT

-1 XM


-20 0 20 40 60 80 100


Figure 7.1: QQ plot of catapult experiment.

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7.3. Quarter fractions 87

Moving 51.99 7.441 6.987

Bucket 38.02 7.441 5.109

Residual standard error: 29.77 on 10 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-Squared: 0.9233

It would be interesting to see how modern post-selective inference methods

might work with factorial and fractional factorial models.

7.3 Quarter fractions

For a 2k−2 experiment we can set two combinations of effects equal to I. Or
we could set one or both of them equal to −I. For k = 6, if we have set
ABCDEF = I we might first consider (bad idea) also setting ABCDE = I.
This is bad because then the product of ABCDEF and ABCDE becomes
I 2 = I and this product is


We certainly don’t want to alias one of our main effects to the grand mean.
A better choice is to set ABCD = I and CDEF = I. We then also get
ABCD × CDEF = ABEF = I. Then we find that


and so we get

E(α̂A ) = αA + αBCD + αACDEF + αBEF , and similarly

E(α̂AB ) = αAB + αCD + αABCDEF + αEF , and
E(α̂ABC ) = αABC + αD + αABDEF + αCEF .

In a quarter replicate, any effect that we compute estimates a combination of

four effects. One is the desired effect. The other three are aliases. The aliases
above all have a positive sign. If we had set ABCD = −I then E(α̂A ) would
include some aliased effects with negative signs.
Here are some of the aliasing patterns in this design:



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88 7. Fractional factorials

The cited books have tables of design choices for fractional factorial ex-
periments. Those tables can run to several pages. Probably nobody actually
memorizes or even uses them all but it is good to have those choices. One of
the key quantities in those designs is the “resolution” that we discuss next.

7.4 Resolution
The resolution of a fractional factorial experiment is the number of letters in
the shortest word in the defining relation. A defining relation is an expression
like ABCD = ±I. In this case the word is ABCD (not I!) and it has length 4.
The quarter fraction example from the previous section had defining relations
ABCD = I, CDEF = I and ABEF = I, so the shortest one is 4. In a 2k−1
fraction with defining relation setting the k-factor interaction equal to ±I the
shortest work length is k.
When there are k factors of two levels each and we have 2k−p runs in a
fractional factorial of resolution R, then the design is labeled 2k−p
R . Resolution
is conventionally given in Roman numerals. The three most important ones are
III, IV and V .
For resolution R = III, no main effects are aliased/confounded with each
other. Some main effects are confounded with two factor interactions.
For resolution R = IV , no main effects are confounded with each other,
no main effects are confounded with any two factor interactions, and some two
factor interactions are confounded with each other.
For esolution R = V , no main effects are confounded with each other, no
main effects are confounded with two factor interactions and no two factor in-
teractions are confounded with each other. However, some main effects are
confounded with four factor interactions, and some two factor interactions con-
founded with three factor interactions.
Table 7.4 has an informal summary of what these resolutions require. Res-
olution V has the least confounding but requires the most expense. Resolution
III has the least expense but could be misleading if we do not have enough
factor sparsity. Resolution IV is a compromise but it requires careful thought.
Some but not all of the two factor interactions may be aliased with others. We
can check the tables or defining relations to see which they are. If we have good
knowledge or guesses ahead of time we can keep the interactions most likely to
be important unconfounded with each other. Similarly, after the experiment
a better understanding of the underlying science would help us guess which
interaction in a confounded pair might actually be most important.
For a specific pattern 2k−p
R there can be multiple designs and they are not
all equally good. For instance with R = IV we would prefer a design with the
smallest number of aliased 2F I’s (two factor interactions). If there’s tie we
would break it in favor of the design with the fewest aliased 3F Is. Carrying on
until the tie is broken we reach a minimum aberration design. An investigator
would of course turn to tables of minimum aberration designs constructed by
researchers who specialize in this.

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7.5. Overwriting notation 89

For resolution R you need to be because you need

III lucky few significant effects, all of low order
IV smart to untangle confounded two factor inter.s
V rich the largest sample size

Table 7.4: Informal synopsis of what we you need for the three most common

For the 2k−1 experiment with the k-fold interaction aliased to ±I we find
that R = k. So k = 3 gives 23−1 4−1 5−1
III , k = 4 gives 2IV and k = 5 gives 2V .
There is a projection property for resolution R. If we select any R −1 factors
then we get all 2R−1 possible combinations the same number of times. That
has to be 2k−p /2R−1 times, that is 2k−p−R+1 times.

7.5 Overwriting notation

We need to figure out how to actually conduct our 2k−p experiment. For a 24−1
we can get a table of runs in factors A, B, and C. Then we replace/overwrite
the ABC column by D, like this

 
a + + − − − − + +
b 
 + − + − − + − + 

c 
 + − − + + − − + 

abc 
 + + + + + + + + 

bc 
 + − + − + − + − 

ac 
 + + − − + + − − 

ab  + + + + − − − − 
(1) + − − + − + + −

Now AD = BC as before (check that for yourself).

The more recent edition of Box Hunter and Hunter (Box et al., 2005) de-
scribes a nodal design. It has n = 16 runs. You could analyze 15 effects, A,
B, C, D, and interactions up to ABCD.
For 25−1
V they alias a fifth effect to ABCD. For 28−4
IV they alias four more
effects as follows L = ABC, M = ABD, N = ACD and O = BCD. For 2III
they alias effects as follows E = AB, F = AC, G = AD, H = BC, J = BD
and K = CD. They skip the letter I because it can mean ‘intercept’.

7.6 Saturated designs

Using 215−11
III we can estimate a grand mean and 15 main effect, but no interac-
tions and we get no degrees of freedom for error. Or if we like we could study
only 15 − r effects and get r degrees of freedom for error.

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90 7. Fractional factorials

There is a special setting where we can dispense with any concern over
interactions. The classic example is when we are weighing objects. The weight
of a pair of objects is simply the sum of their weights, with interactions being
zero. Experimental designs tuned to a setting where interactions are known to
be impossible are called weighing designs.
A special kind of weighing design is known as Plackett-Burman designs.
They exist when n = 4m for (most) values of m, and so n does not have to be
a power of 2. We will see them later as Hadamard designs.

7.7 Followup fractions

Suppose we have done a 1/4 fraction. Then we can follow up with a second 1/4
in more than one different way. We would ordinarily want to treat that second
fraction as a block.
Suppose that factor A looks really important in the first 1/4 that we do.
Maybe the aliasing pattern is

E(α̂A ) = αA + αBC ± · · · .

In the second part of our experiment, we could flip the signs of the A assignments
but leave everything else unchanged. In that second half we will have

E(α̂A ) = αA − αBC ∓ · · · .

If we pool the two parts of our experiment, then

α̂A = first expt α̂A + second expt α̂A
E(α̂A ) = (αA + αBC + · · · ) + (αA − αBC − · · · ) = αA .

We get rid of any aliasing for A. Of course if B had looked important after the
first 1/4 we could have flipped B. We would not have to know which one is
important before doing the first 1/4 of the factorial.
A second kind of followup is the foldover. We flip the signs of all the
factors. (Note that we cannot and don’t attempt to flip the intercept.) Foldovers
deconfound an main effect from any 2FI that it was confounded with. To see
this, suppose that A = BC in the first experiment. Flipping signs of everything
makes (−A) = (−B)(−C). That means −A = BC or A = −BC. Then

1h i
E(α̂A ) = (αA + αBC + · · · ) + (αA − αBC + · · · ) = αA + · · · .

If however A = BCD then flipping the signs makes (−A) = (−B)(−C)(−D) =

−BCD so A still equals BCD.

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7.8. More data analysis 91

Y vs Jittered A

15 ●

● ●
● ●


−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Figure 7.2: Exaggerated plot when A is a strong main effect and there is a
second strong main effect.

7.8 More data analysis

Figure 7.2 shows what we might see in a plot of Y versus an important factor
A. The bimodal pattern is what we would see if there were a second important
factor. If A were a relatively very weak (almost null) factor then we would see
almost the same point pattern at each side of the plot. Figure 7.3 shows what
we might see of A has a strong interaction with one or more other factors. The
variance of Y depends strongly on A. A graphical way to look for such patterns
is to compute FA = log(var(y | A = 1)/var(y | A = −1)) and similar things
for other main effects and interactions and produce a QQ plot of them. The
outliers could be factors that are involved in many interactions. This could be
fooled: it would be possible to have AB place a lot of variance at the low level
of A while AC places a lot at the high level of A making FA close to zero.

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92 7. Fractional factorials

Y vs Jittered A


● ●●



−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Figure 7.3: Exaggerated plot when A is a strong main effect and it has a strong
interaction with one or more other factors.

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Analysis of covariance and crossover designs

What if we have a categorical treatment variable and some continuous ones?

It is easy to fold them all into one regresson. The combination is known as
the analysis of covariance ANCOVA. The name derives from some specialized
shortcut algorithms to fit this model. Those were very useful before computers
became routinely used. Now tt would take a staggeringly large data set for those
algorithms to bring a meaningful savings now. Cutting 10−6 seconds in half is
not interesting. What is more interesting and useful is the statistical thinking
involved in using this method, especially in regard to measurements taken both
before and after at treatment is applied.
In this chapter we also consider a related way compare before and after
measurements. It is known as the cross-over design and it applies two or more
treatments to the same subject, one treatment at a time.

8.1 Combining an ANOVA with continuous pre-

Suppose that we have Yij for treatments i = 1, . . . , k and replicates j = 1, . . . , n.
Now suppose that we additionally have continuously distributed covariates xij ∈
Rp . We can combine the ANOVA model with the continuous predictors by
Yij = µ + αi + xTij β + εij .

It seems better to center the xij and fit

Yij = µ + αi + (xij − x̄•• )T β + εij

94 8. Analysis of covariance and crossover designs

k n
1 XX
x̄•• = xij .
nk i=1 j=1
This way µ = E(ȳ•• ). We also still impose i αi = 0.
We can similarly add the (xij − x̄•• )T β term to any of our other models:
blocked designs, Latin squares, factorials and fractional factorials. For instance,
in a randomized block experiment we would fit

Yij = µ + αi + bj + (xij − x̄•• )T β + εij

where bj are block effects.

8.2 Before and after

An extremely important special case arises when for xij ∈ R is the pre-treatment
version of the same quantity we measure as Yij after the treatment. Even
with a random assignment of treatments to experimental units there can still
be a meaningfully large amount of variance in xij between treatment groups
i = 1, . . . , k. The randomization still means that we get valid/reliable variance
estimates, confidence intervals for the treatment effect and p-values for H0 :
E(Y | A) = E(Y | B) for treatments A and B. We can often still improve our
analysis by getting reliable inferences with smaller variance by taking account
of the xij .
Consider treatments to help people lose weight. The subjects might vary
considerably in weight prior to the treatment. A useful weight reduction could
be much smaller than the person to person differences. Those would then make
it hard to properly compare the treatments. For two treatments, if we did not
take account of xij and used a model like

Yij = α + µi + εij

then var(Ȳ1• − Ȳ2• ) under random assignment would be very large.

In a setting like this we might opt to analyze differences Dij = Yij − xij
and then test H0 : E(D | A) = E(D | B). This can be a great improvement over
comparing unadjusted post-treatment means.
In class we saw a dental example from Fleiss (1986). There xij and Yij were
measurements of gingivitis (gum inflammation) prior to and following upon one
of two treatments. Fleiss analyzes Dij = xij − Yij , the opposite of the difference
described above. With this choice positive values indicate better outcomes, since
gingivitis is undesirable.
The post treatment data are as follows:
Trt n Mean s.dev.
1 74 0.5514 0.3054
2 64 0.3927 0.1988

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8.2. Before and after 95

Fleiss gives four significant figures for most numerical values in this example.
These data lead to an estimated benefit for treatment 2 of 0.1587. A t-test
(pooling the variance estimates) gives t = 3.56 which is significant enough.
[Exercise: figure out the degrees of freedom and the p-value.]
Prior to the treatment, however, the subjects started off as follows:
Trt n Mean s.dev.
1 74 0.6065 0.2541
2 64 0.5578 0.2293

So group 2 started out with an advantage of 0.0487. That is roughly one third
of the apparent post-treatment gain.
We could reasonably want to get a sharper estimate of the treatment benefit.
In some problems it might be enough to simply be confident about which of two
treatments is best. For other purposes it is important to estimate how much
better that treatment is.
The table of treatment differences xij − Yij is
Trt n Mean s.dev.
1 74 0.0551 0.2192
2 64 0.1651 0.2235

The estimated benefit from treatment 2 is now 0.1100 with t = 2.91 (still sig-
Fleiss articulates two goals. One is to properly account for pre-treatment
differences. Another is to reduce the variance of the treatment effect estimate.
Differences do not alway achieve the second goal. To see why, let ρ =
corr(xij , Yij ) and σy2 = var(Yij ) and σx2 = var(xij ). Then var(xij − Yij ) =
σx2 + σy2 − 2ρσx σy . Now var(xij − Yij ) < var(Yij ) if and only if
1 σx
ρ> .
2 σy
If σx ≈ σy , then we need ρ ' 1/2 for differencing to improve accuracy. In the
hypothetical weight loss example it seems quite plausible that ρ would be large
enough to make differences more accurate than using post-treatment weight.
Now let’s look at a regression model

Yij = µi + β(xij − x̄•• ) + εij , i = 1, 2 j = 1, . . . , ni .

If we take β = 0, we get the post-treatment analysis. If we take β = 1, we

get an analysis of differences (in this case future minus past). There is a value
of β that would minimize the variance of Yij − β(xij − x̄•,• ). If we knew that
β we could test H0 : E(Y − βx | A) = E(Y − βx | B) which is the same as
H0 : E(Y − β(x − x̄) | A) = E(Y − β(x − x̄) | B) so centering does not affect the
null hypothesis we are testing. It is also the same as

H0 : E(Y − µ − β(x − x̄) | A) = E(Y − µ − β(x − x̄) | B).

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96 8. Analysis of covariance and crossover designs

In this version we can think of µ + β(x − x̄) as an estimate of where the subject
would be post-treatment and then the experiment is comparing the average
amount that Y exceeds this baseline, between levels A and B of the treatment.
We don’t know β, but we can estimate it by least squares, and that’s what
ANCOVA does.
For the gingivitis data, the estimated treatment difference from ANCOVA
was 0.1263 and thet statistic was 3.57 (vs 3.56 for the original data and 2.91 for
differences). The standard error of the estimate was 0.0354 vs 0.0446 (for Y )
or 0.0374 (for x − Y ). In this instance the precision was improved by regression
on the prior measurement.

8.3 More general regression

The regression does not have to be on a prior version of Y . Montgomery (1997)
considers a setting where Yij is the strength of a cable and xij is the diameter
of the cables prior to treatment. Given multiple variables xij ∈ Rp , measured
prior to treatment, we could put them all into the ANCOVA. If p becomes large
then it is possible that ANCOVA would increase the variance of the adjusted
responses Yij − (xij − x•• )T β̂ beyond the variance of Yij and give a less precise
comparison. In some cases, even the reduced degrees of freedom could widen
the confidence interval on the treatment difference. Deciding the number and
identity of predictors to include is a common tradeoff in statistics.
We can think of ANCOVA as adjusting for pre-treatment differences in much
the same way that blocking does. The difference is that blocking is used for
categorical prior variables while ANCOVA can handle continuous ones.
Suppose that
Yij = µi + g(xij ) + εij
where g(·) is not a linear function. In his causal inference class notes, Wager
shows that regressing on prior variables will be asymptotically better than not
doing it even if the linear model used is not right. We would like to compare
E(Yij − g(xij ) | A) and E(Yij − g(xij ) | B). We get to compare E(Yij − g̃(xij ) | A)
and E(Yij − g̃(xij ) | B) for some imperfect function g̃(·), such as a linear model
approximation to g(·).
One way to see this is to consider just doing a plain ANOVA without the
regression on xij . That will have validity from the randomization while it also
corresponds to taking β = 0, or g̃(·) = 0, which will ordinarily not be the best
regression model to have used.

8.4 Post treatment variables

Suppose that we measure xij prior to treatment, then apply the treatment and
then measure a response Yij and additional post-treatment variables zij . We
might contemplate the model
Yij = µi + (xij − x̄•• )T β + (zij − z̄•• )T β + εij (bad idea!).

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8.5. Crossover trials 97

This model is a very bad choice if our goal is to test whether the treatment
has a causal impact on Y . Suppose that the treatment has a causal impact on
Z which then has a causal impact on Y . We might then find that Z explains Y
so well that the treatment variable appears to be insignificant. For instance, the
causal implications in an agriculture setting might be that a pesticide treatment
has a causal impact on the quantity X of insects in an orchard, and that in turn
has a causal impact on the size Y of the apple harvest. Including Z in the
regression could change the magnitude of the treatment differences and lead us
to conclude that the treatment does not causally affect the size of the apple
harvest. This could be exactly wrong if the treatment really does increase the
apple harvest because of its impact on the pests.
With data like this we could do two ANCOVAs. One relates Y to the
treatment and any pre-treatment predictors. Another relates z to the treatment
and any pre-treatment variables. We could then learn whether the treatment
affects z and that might be a plausible mechanism for how it affects Y .
If there is a strong predictive value in xT ij β then we get a more precise
comparison of treatment groups from the ANCOVA than we would from an
ANOVA that ignored xij .

8.5 Crossover trials

Consider two painkillers A and B. In a regular trial, n people get A and n
people get B by a random assignment. Then later we compare the two groups
of people.
In a cross-over trial, each of the people would get both A and B and we
would then compare their experiences with the two medications. The potential
advantage is that now the different people are analogous to blocks. If there are
strong person to person variations in the response we can balance them out. It
is like the running shoe example from before, except that while kids can wear
two kinds of running shoes at once, we cannot have people take two medicines
at once because we would not know how to separate the effects that they had
on the people. For the shoes, the response was the effect that the person had
on two separate shoes and that’s different.
In the cross-over trial n people get A for a period (say one week) then they
wait some times (perhaps also a week) for the effects to wash out and then they
get B for the same length of time that they got A. Another n people go through
the trial in the opposite order taking B first then waiting for it to wash out and
then taking A. We can sketch the layout like this:

Period 1 Period 2
Subject Group 1 A B
Subject Group 2 B A

The complication in cross-over designs is that the treatment in period one

might affect the measurement in period two. If we are confident that the washout

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98 8. Analysis of covariance and crossover designs

period is long enough then we might bet on a cross-over design. Clearly if the
first period treatment can bring a permanent cure (or irreversible damage) then
the second period is affected and a cross-over is problematic. Cross-over designs
are well suited for chronic issues that require continual medication.
Here is a sketch from Brown (1980) of how cross-over data looks.

Group 1 Group 2
Subjects Subjects
Period Trt S11 , · · · , S1n1 Trt S21 , . . . , S2n2
1 A Y111 , · · · , Y1n1 1 B Y211 , · · · , Y2n2 1
2 B Y112 , · · · , Y1n1 2 A Y221 , · · · , Y2n2 2

There are two groups of subjects, two treatments and two periods. For instance,
in period 1, group 1 gets treatment A and yields observations Y111 , · · · , Y1n1 1 .
Here is his regression model after the carry-over term has been removed.

Yijk = µ + πk + τu(i,k) + ηij + εijk

i = group 1 or 2 j = subject 1 to ni k = period 1 or 2
u = u(i, k) = treatment A or B A iff i = k
τu = treatment effect
ηij = subject effect.

Notice the subscript on the treatment effect τ . The treatment level is u(i, k)
which is A if it is group i = 1 in period k = 1 or group i = 2 in period k = 2.
If i 6= k then the treatment is B.
As in ANCOVA, we will consider some differences. Let Dj be the period 2
value minus the period 1 value for subject j. Then

 − π2 + τ1 − τ2
 |π1 {z Group i = 1
 } | {z }
E(Dj ) = period effect treatment effect

 π1 − π2 + τ 2 − τ 1 Group i = 2
 | {z } | {z }
period effect treatment effect

and so
E(Dj | i = 1) − E(Dj | i = 2) = 2(τ1 − τ2 ).
That is, the group differences of Dj inform us about treatment difference τ1 −τ2 .
We can use this to test for treatment differences via a t-statistic
(n1 − 1)s2Dgp1 + (n2 − 1)s2Dgp2
D̄gp1 − D̄gp2 n1 n2
t= s2D = .
sD n1 + n2 n1 + n2 − 2

Or we could do an unpooled t-test.

E(Dj | i = 1)+E(Dj | i = 2) = 2(π1 − π2 ).

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8.6. More general crossover 99

Therefore we can test for period differences by summing group differences of

Dj .
From the Table that Brown gives we can see that the A/V treatment effect
is exactly the same as an interaction between periods and groups. A crossover
would be bad choice if we thought such an interaction likely.
Now suppose that we want to test for a carryover effect. We could add
a predictor variable to the regression model. We would construct a predictor
variable that takes the value 0 for all period one data, takes the value +1 in
period 2 if the period 1 treatment was A and itakes the value −1 in period 2 if
the period 1 treatment was B. This predictor times its coefficient does nothing
in period 1, as appropriate, because there was not prior effect that could carry
over to period 1. In period 2 it models twice the difference at period 2 from
having period A versus B at period 1.
Some authors advise against crossovers if carryover is at all possible. Some
revert to period 1 after testing for carryover and finding that it is present.
There is some controversy over this method. The test for carryover may not be
reliable enough to use. See Brown (1980). There is a numerical example, also
from dentistry, in Brown’s paper at https://www.jstor.org/stable/2530496.

8.6 More general crossover

Suppose that we have 3 treatments. We could arrange them in a 3 period
cross-over as follows.
 P er1 P er2 P er3

 A C B 
 
 B A C 
 
 B C A 
 
 C B A 
This uses 6 groups. Cox (1958) give an example using 3 groups
P er1 P er2 P er3
 
 C B A 
This is a Latin square. Each treatment appears once in each of the three pe-
riods. It misses one kind of balance that we might want. If we thought that
carryover were possible then we might want every treatment to have a balanced
set of immediate predecessors. For instance each of AB, AC, BC, BA, CA,
CB should appear the same number of times in consecutive time periods. The
Latin square above has BA twice but never has BC. The top design has all 6
possible permutations once and so by symmetry it is balanced. For instance A
is first twice, follow B twice and follows C twice. Letters B and C are similarly

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100 8. Analysis of covariance and crossover designs

If we were interested in carryover effects and wanted to measure them well,

we could add more groups. With two treatments, we could have four groups:
AB, BA, AA and BB. Or we could have groups like: ABB, ABA, BAB, and
These and similar ideas are taken up at length in the book Jones and Ken-
ward (2014).

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Split-plot and nested designs

In this chapter we look at split-plot designs. The terminology comes from

agriculture. One treatment factor might be applied to large plots of land. A
second treatment treatment factor is then applied to smaller areas, nested within
the plots. The original plots are then split up for the second treatment. The
more general term is split-unit design because the experimental unit doesn’t
have to be a plot of land. For instance in steel production one factor might
be applied to 350 tons of steel while it is being produced and a second factor
might be applied to ingots weight 10 kilograms from one production run (called
a “heat”).
There is a clear economic advantage to split-plot experiments. For instance,
it would be extremely expensive to increase the number of heats of steel being
made and quite inexpensive to look at a large number of ingots from each heat.
Cox (1958, Chapter 7.4) mentions another issue. We might have a limit on the
natural size of blocks that stops us from putting all AB combinations into one
block. Split-plot designs can fit into the block size more easily.
We will also look at two closely related topics. These are nested ANOVAs
and cluster randomized trials.

9.1 Split-plot experiments

In an agriculural setting, one might drive a tractor for one kilometer while
applying factor A (e.g., fertilizer) to plots of land. Then factor B (e.g., seed
type) could be applied to smaller units within that kilometer, called sub-plots.
We do this when factor A is expensive to change in time or money, while
factor B is inexpensive to change. The plots for factor A serve almost exactly like
blocks for factor B. They’re somewhat different from the usual blocks because

102 9. Split-plot and nested designs

we want have purposely made them differ and want to study them in their own
When we do computer experiments or Monte Carlo simulations, it often
makes sense to analyze them as designed experiments. If one factor A is set at
the beginning of an hour long computation and then a second factor B can be
set when there are just two minutes left in the computation, then a split-plot
design makes sense. We choose A, compute for 58 minutes, save the internal
state of the computation, and then vary factor B several times.
A split-plot design will ordinarily give us better comparisons for the inner
factor B because it is blocked by the outer factor and the outer factor is not
blocked. This is perhaps not surprising. If it is so much cheaper to vary factor
B then it is expected that we can study it with more precision.
To begin with, we will suppose that both A and B are fixed effects. We
consider random effects and mixed effects later.
Let’s vary factor A at I > 2 levels. We will have n plots at each of those
levels for a total of n × I plots. We depict them as follows
A1 A3 A2
z }| { z }| { z }| {
B2 B3 B1 B1 B3 B2 • • • B1 B2 B3
plot 1 plot 2 plot n × I

Here, factor A varies at the level of whole plots. Each level i appears n times.
Factor B varies at the level of sub-plots: j = 1, . . . , J, with J = 3 in the diagram.
Each level j appears nI times
The n appearances of each level of A could be from n replicates or from a
completely randomized design where I treatments were applied n times each in
random order to n × I plots. When replicates are used it is usual to include an
additive shift for them in the model.
We can compare levels of B using ‘within-plot’ differences such as Yijk −Yij 0 k
for levels j 6= j 0 of factor B. We can compare levels of A using ‘between-plot’
differences such as Ȳi•k − Ȳi0 •k . We expect between-plot differences to be less
informative when the plots vary a lot.
The AB interaction is estimated with ‘within-plot’ differences. More pre-
cisely, it uses between plot differences of within plot differences that are also
within plot differences of between plot differences:
Ȳij • − Ȳi•• − Ȳ•j • + Ȳ••• = Ȳij • − Ȳi•• − Ȳ•j • − Ȳ•••
1 X
Ȳij • − Ȳi•• = Ȳij • − Ȳij 0 • within
J 0
j =1
Ȳ•j • − Ȳ••• = Ȳij • − Ȳi•• also within.
I i=1

We see from the last line that the interaction is an average of within-plot dif-
ferences and so it gets within-plot accuracy.

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9.1. Split-plot experiments 103

The ANOVA for Factor A is based on Ȳi•k for i = 1, . . . , I and k = 1, . . . , n.

If we the plots are in a randomized block design then our analysis uses those
I × n numbers in a table like the following:
Source df
Replications n−1
A I −1
Whole plot error (I − 1)(n − 1)
Total In − 1
If the plots are not in n blocks of I units then we use
Source df
A I −1
Whole plot error I(n − 1)
Total In − 1
Let’s prefer the blocked analysis. Then the sub-plot ANOVA table is
Source df
B J −1
AB (I − 1)(J − 1)
“Sub-plot error” I(J − 1)(n − 1) by subtraction
Total I(J − 1)n by subtraction
The subtraction to get the subplot degrees of freedom is

(IJn − 1) − In − 1 −(J − 1) − (I − 1)(J − 1) = I(J − 1)(n − 1).

| {z }
whole plots

It is the same df as for I replicates of a J × n experiment. The subtraction to

get the total degrees of freedom is

(IJn − 1) − (In − 1) = I(J − 1)n.

We still have to figure out the sums of squares that go in these tables. We
could do a full I × J × n ANOVA with replicates k = 1, . . . , n treated as a third
factor C crossed with factors A and B. Then the subplot error sum of squares
is SSABC + SSBC . The whole plot error sum of squares is SSAC . The replicates
sum of squares in the whole plot analysis is SSC . The sums of squares for A, B
and AB are, unsurprisingly, SSA , SSB and SSAB .
There is a different analysis in Montgomery (1997, Chapter 12-4). In our
notation, his model is

Yijk = µ + αi + βj + (αβ)ij + ck + (βc)jk + (αβc)ijk + εijk ,

where γk is the variable for block k = 1, . . . , n. That analysis treats blocks as

random effects and also allows them to have interactions with the fixed effects.
Most other authors choose models in which blocks simply do not interact with

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104 9. Split-plot and nested designs

other effects, for better or worse. There would be no way to estimate E(ε2ijk )
separately from SSABC in that model, without another level of replication. We
will stay with the analysis based on the two tables described above. However,
if you are in a setting where you suspect that there could be meaningful inter-
actions between blocks and treatments, then Montgomery’s approach provides
a way forward.
Yandell (1997, Chapter 23) is a whole chapter on split-plot designs mostly
motivated by agriculture.

9.2 More about split-plots

Jones and Nachtsheim (2009) focus on split-plot designs in industry. They

consider unsuspected split-plots and quote Cuthbert Daniel as saying that most
or all industrial experiments are split-plots. They raise an issue of unrecognized
split-plot experiments. Suppose that an experiment varies oven temperature A,
position in the oven B and recipe C. We think of an A × B × C experiment.
Suppose that temperature is at three levels and is done on a random order
350 400 375 375 350 400 · · ·
The question that arises is whether after run three they turned the oven off and
back on again or just kept it going at 375 degrees. If the other temperature
changes involved resetting the oven temperature but this one didn’t, then the
experiment may really be partly of split plot type, with the two consecutive
runs at 375 degrees being a double-size whole plot. It is also possible that the
operators might undo the randomization into:
350 350 400 400 375 375 · · ·
to save time and expense which would be a genuine split-plot. Jones and Nacht-
sheim (2009) advocate taking care to make sure that the analysis matches how
the experiment was done.
In a split-split-plot experiment, the sub-plots are split further into sub-
sub-plots for a third treatment factor C. The analysis involves three tables, one
at the plot level, one at the sub-plot level and a new third one at the sub-sub-plot
In a strip-plot experiment, there are two whole plot factors that when
crossed define the whole plots. The name comes from agriculture. A tractor
might drive North to South placing 8 different kinds of fertilizer on the ground.
Later that year a crop-dusting plain might fly East to West trajectories over the
farm land, spraying 12 different pesticide treatments. That crossed structure
generates 96 different whole plots. Each of those whole plots can then be divided
into 4 subplots for four kinds of brocolli. Yandell (1997, Chapter 24.2) discusses
strip-plot experiments.

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9.3. Nested ANOVAs 105

9.3 Nested ANOVAs

Sometimes the levels of B are only defined and make sense with respect to
a specific setting of factor A. Kirk (2013) describes an experiment where rats
were exposed to ionized air. There were four animals per cage. There were
eight cages. Each cage and the animals in it got exposed to either positive or
negative ionization. They then studied a measure of the animals’ activity level.
We can sketch the setup as follows:
Cage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ve: •••• •••• •••• ••••

−ve: •••• •••• •••• ••••

We could also depict it this way:

Cage 1 2 3 4
+ve: •••• •••• •••• ••••

−ve: •••• •••• •••• ••••

However, in this diagram there is no meaningful connection between cage 1 at

positive ionization and cage 1 at negative ionization. If we treat ‘cage’ as a
factor then its meaning is dependent on the ionization level. It would not make
sense to make comparisons between cage numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 in general.
In the setting above we say that the factor ‘cage’ is nested within the factor
‘ionization’. If we were studying schools we might label first grade classrooms
with numbers 1 through 4 but classroom would ordinarily be nested within
school. Schools can be nested within school boards and those can be nested
within counties within states. Nesting is a hierarchical relationship often drawn
using branching tree diagrams instead of a grid of boxes formed by horizontal
and vertical lines as we have for crossed effects.
When B is nested within A, we write B(A). This is a little odd because we
just put A inside the parentheses. But since we read left to right, “B nested
within A” gets the label B(A).
Whether something is nested or crossed can become subtle. Ingots might
ordinarily be nested within heats. For instance, we might randomly select three
ingots from each heat to study. Then they are clearly nested. Then again some-
body might always take the first and last and middle ones from a subsequent
step in the production line. In that case the first one out of one heat does have
a meaningful connection with the first one out of another heat and we have a
crossed structure.
Suppose we get Yijk for animal k in cage j that gets treatment i. Then for
1 6 i 6 I, 1 6 j 6 J and 1 6 k 6 n our model has

Yijk = µ + αi + βj(i) + εijk or εk(ij) .

For identifiability we set i=1 αi = 0 and j=1 βj(i) = 0 for each i = 1, . . . , I.
We do not require βj(i) to sum to zero over i for any j because that would be a

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106 9. Split-plot and nested designs

sum of values that had no meaningful connection. The ANOVA decomposition

for this setting is
SSE(A,B) = (Yijk − Ȳij • )2
SSB(A) = (Ȳij • − Ȳi•• )2 = n (Ȳij • − Ȳi•• )2
ijk ij
SSA = (Ȳi•• − Ȳ••• )2 = Jn (Ȳi•• − Ȳ••• )2 , and
ijk i
SST = (Yijk − Ȳ••• )2 = SSE(A,B) + SSB(A) + SSA .

The new quantity is

SSB(A) = n (Ȳij • − Ȳi•• )2 .
i=1 j=1

For each level i, it has J − 1 degrees of freedom and so it has I(J − 1) degrees
of freedom in total.
Recall that the AB interaction has (I − 1)(J − 1) df. This B(A) sum of
squares gets I(J − 1) − (I − 1)(J − 1) = J − 1 more df. They are the df for the
B main effect. The B main effect is meaningless when j = 1 has no persistent
meaning as i varies. As a result we lump the B main effect in with the prior
AB interaction to get SSB(A) = SSB + SSAB .

9.4 Expected mean squares and random effects

Now let’s consider a model with a random effect B nested within another random
effect A. The model has
Yijk = µ + ai + bj(i) + εijk
iid 2 2 iid iid
where ai ∼ (0, σA ), independently of bj(i) ∼ (0, σB ), and εijk ∼ (0, σ 2 ). When
we say something has distribution (µ, σ ) it is like N (µ, σ 2 ) but without assum-

ing normality. Derivations of F distributions require a normal distribution but

expected mean squares do not. The expected mean squares in this setting are
E(MSA ) = σ 2 + nσB(A)
2 2
+ nJσA
E(MSB(A) ) = σ 2 + nσB(A)
, and
E(MSE ) = σ .
Let’s derive the first one. We start with SSA = nJ i=1 (Ȳi•• − Ȳ••• )2 . So it
is just nJ times a sample variance among

σB(A) σ2 
Ȳi•• = µ + ai + b̄•(i) + ε̄i•• ∼ µ, σA + + .
J nJ

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9.5. Additional models 107

We know from formulas for a sample variance that


σB(A) σ2 
E(SSA ) = nJ(I − 1) σA + +
J nJ

and so

σB(A) σ2 
E(MSA ) = nJ σA + + = σ 2 + nσB(A)
2 2
+ nJσA .
J nJ

The others are similar.

If B is a random effect nested in a fixed effect A, then
nJ αi2
E(MSA ) = σ 2 + nσB(A)
+ i=1
I −1
E(MSB(A) ) = σ 2 + nσB(A)

E(MSE ) = σ 2

and we see that σA is replaced by a sample variance among the αi . If both A
and B are fixed, then
2 nJ i=1 αi2
E(MSA ) = σ +
I −1
i=1 j=1 βj(i)
E(MSB(A) ) = σ 2 + n , and
I(J − 1)
E(MSE ) = σ 2 .

9.5 Additional models

There are more nesting patterns. We might have A, B(A) and C nested within
B within A, i.e., C(B(A)). Or we could have B and C and B × C nested within
A. Or we could have A crossed with B while C is nested within A. For instance
hospital A crossed with drug B and ward C nested within A. These designs can
be completely randomized or arranged in randomized block structures. There is
a comprehensive treatment of these situations in Kirk (2013, Chapter 11). The
online version has 71 pages with worked examples and formulas for expected
mean squares.
It is striking how complicated an analysis can become based on combinations
of a small number of choices based on how things are nested or crossed and the
way the blocks are structured. We are faced with a small but combinatorial
explosion of cases. It would be very useful to have a tool such as a probabiliistic
programming language that lets a user describe how the data were organized
and then sets up the analysis.

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108 9. Split-plot and nested designs

9.6 Cluster randomized trials

In cluster randomized trials, we might apply a treatment at random to a whole
village or a school or a sports team or a county or a marketing region, like the
Bay Area versus Pheonix or Chicago. The experimental unit is a cluster of one
of those types. We might also be able to get data on individuals within the
cluster. Perhaps people or, in a marketing context, stores.
Let the data be Yij for i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , ni . Suppose that cluster
i got treatment trt(i) ∈ 1, . . . , I where ordinarily I is much less than n. We can
model the individual data via

Yij = µ + αtrt(i) + εij ,

and we can model the cluster data via

Ȳi• = µ + αtrt(i) + ε̄i• , i = 1, . . . , n.

The most straitforward analysis is to model the cluster level data using either
a randomization (permutation) approach or a one way PnANOVA. It seems like a
shame to greatly reduce the sample size from N = i=1 ni individuals to just
n  N clusters. It is then tempting to analyze the data on the individual level.
It would however be quite wrong to analyze the individual data as if they were
N independent measurements. There are instead inter-cluster correlations. An
individual level analysis can be quite unreliable if it considers the individuals to
be independent when they are in fact correlated. Suppose for instance that εij
have variance σ 2 , correlations ρ within a cluster and are independent between
clusters. Then
1 X ni 
var(Ȳi• ) = var(ε̄i• ) = var εij
ni j=1
= 2 ni σ 2 + ni (ni − 1)ρσ 2
= 1 + (ni − 1)ρ .

It is larger by a factor 1 + (ni − 1)ρ than it would be under independence. This

factor is called the design effect.
If we knew ρ then we could consider an individual level analysis. For two
treatments we could work out

var avg(Yij | A) − avg(Yij | B)

in terms of ρ and σ 2 and all the ni . Murray (1998) is an entire book on cluster
randomized trials also known as group randomized trials.

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Taguchi methods

Genichi Taguchi developed a methodology also called robust design. It is used

in manufacturing to drive variance out of a product. Product quality can be
much more sensitive to variance than the mean. A table whose legs are all 3mm
short is better than one with just one leg 3mm short, because that one will
If a product has hundreds or thousands of measured attributes, then variance
in their levels can cause unpredictable problems. A door that is slightly too big
combined while the frame it has to fit into is slightly too small, becomes a severe
problem. Quality is not well described by a rectangular region in the space of
Our prior chapters were mostly about “getting more”. By modeling E(Y | x)
we could learn how to get more potatoes or survival or speed or learning by
choosing x well. In robust design, we seek x to get a lower value of var(Y | x).
The reason to reduce variance is that we want to get closer to a target.
Methods that reduce variance could move the mean response away from the
target. In the robust design world there is usually some way to adjust the
mean onto target after the variance has been reduced. They call it a signal
factor. This is not something that we would anticipate just thinking in terms
of distributions and regression models and expected mean squares. It may
however be quite obvious to people working on a product. For instance, if the
quantity of interest is the thickness of paint on a car, then that amount will be
more or less directly prportional to the amount of time that the paint is being
sprayed and so the mean thickness can be controlled that way after designing a
process to reduce variance. That only really works if adjusting the signal factor
does not more than undo the variance reduction we have obtained.

110 10. Taguchi methods

10.1 Context and philosophy

The topic of robust design and Taguchi methods is not purely mathematical
or statistical. There are elements of philosophy and it takes advantages of
empirically observed phenomena common to many physical systems.
The history of the problem is also an important component. In the 1980s
there was significant concern in the US about a loss of quality in manufactured
products, especially compared to high quality output from Japan. Methods
developed by Taguchi in Japan were introduced to the US, especially at AT&T.
This was to some extent returning a favor of Deming who had earlier worked to
help Japanese manufacturers improve their quality, some decades earlier.
One of the ideas in robust design is to consider a quadratic loss function
instead of specification limits. If the ideal value of a variable Y is a target T
then instead of keeping score by the fraction of times that |Y − T | 6 δ or more
generally that L 6 T 6 U , we could study instead k(Y − T )2 for some value
k > 0.
This idea is often accompanied by the experience of Sony making television
sets in both the US and Japan. It is described in Phadke (1989) who references
the newspaper ‘The Asahi’ from April 17, 1979. The color density of the US
made sets were all within the specification limits but were widely scattered
in the interval from L to U . For the Japanese sets, 0.3% were outside the
interval [L, U ] but the distribution was more sharply peaked around the target
level T . Phadke (1989) reports that US consumers thought the Japanese made
sets had higher quality. (Somehow I remember the story being lower return
rates for Japanese-made sets. That would be harder data than just a survey of
perceptions, but I’m unable to find that aspect of the story in print.)
A quadratic loss function has several advantages. It allows one to keep track
of continued progress beyond the point where 100% of products are meeting a
given set of specs, without having to keep ‘moving the goalposts’.
Another reason to avoid using a binary spec to track quality is that those
specs may well have been set by some arbitrary tradeoffs between the interests
of producers and consumers of a product along with its costs. A spec like T ± δ
might not really be from a law of nature, but some negotiation based on what is
possible or reasonable. Then getting zero defects does not imply perfect quality.
A rectangular spec on many features, such as |Yj − Tj | 6 δj for all j = 1, . . . , J
is even less likely to be physically appropriate.
Some sort of binary rule is necessary if one has to accept some product and
reject others. However continuous data are also more informative than binary
data when it comes to understanding and improving a system. Even with a spec
such as 0.013 ± 0.001 getting values (0.01301, 0.01303, 0.01298, 0.01302) inspires
more confidence than just getting ‘OK’ four times out of four tries.
The quadratic loss is sometimes motivated as the total cost to society of a
product missing its target value. It is difficult to judge the whole cost to society
of a product, but perhaps reasonable that a quadratic formula is more useful
than a binary one.
For some quantities Y that cannot be negative this smaller they are the

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10.2. Bias and variance 111

Good Bias Variance

● ●

● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●

● ●

Figure 10.1: An archery example to illustrate bias and variance. The first
archer is quite good, or at least best. The second has higher bias. The third
has higher variance.

better they are. These then have a target of T = 0 and are scored by kY 2 . For
other quantities, the larger they are, the better, and those are scored via kY −2 .
That is smaller values of 1/Y are better.

10.2 Bias and variance

A great convenience of a quadratic loss function is that it splits into variance
and bias squared. Given n observations we have
n n
1X 1X
(Yi − T )2 = (Yi − Ȳ )2 + (Ȳ − T )2 .
n i=1 n i=1

The first, variance term, is generally harder to control. A common analogy

is made to a coach in archery as shown in Figure 10.1. The coach can might
be able to help the second archer with one or two suggestions about where to
aim. The third archer might have issues that involve many variables, just like
the noise in a model is often the result of many uncontrolled variables.
Whether the archery model is appropriate to manufacturing is not something
we can prove philosophically or mathematically. It might be known to hold
empirically in some problems. Then the strategy in robust design is to first find
a way to reduce the variance. Then later we fix any bias created by the first
step assumed to be the hard one (without causing the variance to go back up).
One model to explain robust design has

Y = f (x1 , . . . , xk , z1 , . . . , zn ) + ε = f (x, z) + ε

where x = (x1 , . . . , xk ) is a vector of variables that we can control and z =

(z1 , . . . , zr ) is a vector of noise variables that we cannot control. At first this
sounds like it will be tough to experiment on variables we cannot control. What
is happening is that those are variables we can control in an experiment but

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112 10. Taguchi methods

not afterwards. In an example mentioned by Shin Taguchi in a round table dis-

cussion (Nair et al., 1992) a company making a paper feeder has noise variables
including “paper type, paper size, paper warp, paper surface, paper alignment,
stack height, roller wear, and humidity.” They can vary all of those things in
their experiment to understand how they affect paper jams, but they cannot
control them in their customers’ uses once the product has been sold. Variables
x are different. They might describe how the paper feeder was constructed. In
an automotive application, z might include the weather that a car will be driven
In robust design, we get to choose x but our product has to work very
generally for lots of z. We might formulate the problem as
min var(Y | x)

where the randomness in Y is from an assumed distribution on z and from ε.

Then change some signal variable to adjust E(Y | x) = T . That variable
cannot be one of the zj . It must be one of the xj or some other variable either
implicitly or explicitly in f (·). A good example is picking x to minimize variance
of the paint thickness on a car. Then if the mean is off target, adjust the spray
There is a very famous example about the Ina Tile company. See Phadke
(1989). Their tiles came out of the kiln in unequal sizes and quality. One of
the noise factors was the position of a tile in the kiln. The tiles were packed
within the kiln. No matter how you do that some tiles will be central and some
at the edge. So that position z could be a noise factor that you don’t want to
affect product quality. After doing a robust design experiment they found that
they were able to reduce the variability of their tiles. The solution even involved
using less of an expensive ingredient and more of an inexpensive one and so the
result was greater quality at lower cost.

10.3 Taylor expansion

Suppose that we set targets x0 for x and z0 for z. Under random assignment
E(z) = µ which is not necessarily z0 and var(z) = diag(σ12 , . . . , σn2 ). Here we are
making a great simplification that components zj are uncorrelated. We could
weaken that. With this assumption a Taylor expansion gives
X ∂
f (x0 , z) = f (x0 , z0 ) + f (x0 , z0 )(zj − z0j )

and then
X ∂ 2 2
var(f (x0 , z)) ≈ f σj .

Since z and hence σj2 is out of our control, our best chance to reduce this
variance is to reduce (∂f /∂zj )2 through our choice of x0 . That is, we want to
reduce the sensitivity of our output to fluctuations in the input.

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10.4. Inner and outer arrays 113

Output Voltage


Transistor Gain

Figure 10.2: Hypothetical curve modeled after the account in Phadke (1989)
of power supply design.

Phadke (1989) has an example where z is gain of a transistor Y is output

voltage of a power supply. Figure 10.2 illustrates his setting. The horizontal
axis depicts a transistor gain quantity z (without units). There is a curve that
translates this gain into output voltage Y = f (z). There is a value z110 that
gives Y = f (z110 ) = 110, the desired value, but in that region z has some noise
that gets amplified by the steep slope f 0 (z110 ) to give a very noisy voltage.
Moving to a higher value of z, such as z125 with f (z125 ) = 125 leads to less
noisy Y . This happens despite increased variance in z there because f 0 (z125 )
is much smaller than f 0 (z110 ). In order to bring the system on target he uses
a resistor that reduces the voltage from a value centered around 125 to one
centered around the target T = 110. The impact of this signal factor does not
change variance due to linearity of the voltage versus resistance relationship.

10.4 Inner and outer arrays

Taguchi’s strategy is to choose an experiment varying x in n1 runs. This is called
the inner experiment. For each of those n1 runs he has a second experiment
in the noise factors z using n2 runs. That is the outer experiment. The total
experiment then has n1 ×n2 runs, yielding yij for i = 1, . . . , n1 and j = 1, . . . , n2 .
At each level of the inner experiment, the method computes
 1 X 
ηi = −10 log10 (yij − ȳi• )2 .
n2 − 1 j=1

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114 10. Taguchi methods

This is the sample variance over the outer experiment recorded in decibels.
Recall that 10 log10 (·) converts a quantity to decibels. A logarithmic scale is
convenient because any model we get for E(η) when exponentiated to give a
variance (or inverse of a variance) will never give a negative value. It is also
more plausible that the factors in x might have mutiplicative effects on this
variance than an additive effect.
In its most basic form Taguchi’s method finds settings that maximize the
signal to noise ratio η. It is often an additive model in the components of x. In
the “bigger the better” setting, the analysis is of

1 X n2
ηi = −10 log10 .
n2 j=1 yij

while in the “bigger the better” setting, the analysis is of

1 X n2 
ηi = −10 log10 yij .
n2 j=1

The experimental designs are usually orthgonal arrays like the following one
at 3 levels:
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 2
0 2 2 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 2 0
1 2 0 2
2 0 2 2
2 1 0 1
2 2 1 0

This design is called an orthogonal array because in any pair of columns each of
the 9 possible combinations appears the same number of times, i.e., once. We
will see more orthogonal arrays when we look at computer experiments. We
recognize this as a 34−2 design because it handles 4 variables at 3 levels each
using only 9 runs not 81.
It is usual for the outer experiment to also be an orthogonal array. Then
the design is made up of an inner array and an outer array.
There is a good worked example of robust design in Byrne and Taguchi
(1987) (which seems not to be available online). The value Y was the force
needed to pull a nylon tube off of a connector. This pull-off force was studied
with an inner array varying 4 quantities at three levels each (interference, wall
thickness, insertion depth and % adhesive). The outer array was a 23 experiment
in the time, temperature and relative humidity during conditioning. There were
thus 72 runs in all.

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10.5. Controversy 115

10.5 Controversy
There were some quite heated discussions about which aspects of Taguchi’s ro-
bust design methods were new and which were good. The round table discussion
in Nair et al. (1992) includes many points of view and dozens of references.
One issue is whether it is a good idea to use that combination of inner and
outer arrays. There every value of x is paired with every value of z. It might
be less expensive to run a joint factorial experiment on (x, z) ∈ Rk+n instead.
As usual, costs come into it. If the cost is dominated by the number of unique
x runs made, then a split plot structure like Taguchi uses is quite efficient. If
changing z and changing x cost the same then a joint factorial experiment and
the corresponding analysis will be more efficient.
Another issue is whether an analysis of signal to noise ratios is the best
way to solve the problem. In the roundtable discussion James Lucas says “The
designs that Taguchi recommends have the two most important characteristics
of experimental designs: (1) They have factorial structure, and (2) they get
run.” That is, an analysis that is not optimal may be better because more
people can understand it and use it.

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116 10. Taguchi methods

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Some data analysis

Most of these notes are about designing how to experimentally gather data
with the assumption that they can be largely analyzed with methods familiar
from linear regression. Here we look at some ways of analyzing data that are
especially suited to designed experiments.
The course begin by grounding experimentation in causal inference. The
notions of potential outcomes, randomization, the SUTVA assumption and ex-
ternal validity help us think about experimentation. Then A/B testing and
bandit methods bridge us to problems of great current interest in industry.
Then we began with more classical experimental design.
The chapters so far have included a number of categorical quantities. There
are experimental units which may be plots or subjects and there are sub-units.
There are experimental factors. A combination of factors comprises a treatment
which may or may not involve important interactions. Those factors can be fixed
or random, nested or crossed. We also saw blocks and replicates and repeated

11.1 Contrasts
Beyond just rejecting H0 or not rejecting it, we have an interest in the different
expected values of Y . For a one way fixed effects model with

E(Yij ) = µ + αi ≡ µi

the comparisons of interest involve certain differences among the µi or αi . We

might want to compare two expected outcomes through µ2 − µ7 . If we are
compariing effectiveness of five soaps where the first three contain phosphates

118 11. Some data analysis

and the other two do not then we might be interested in

(µ1 + µ2 + µ3 )/3 − (µ4 + µ5 )/2.

If we are comparing a new product to three old ones we might study

µ1 − (µ2 + µ3 + µ4 )/3.
P are all examples of contrasts. Contrasts take P the form i=1 λi µi
where i λi = 0 and, to remove an uninteresting case, i λ2i > 0. A contrast
also satisfies i=1 λi αi . The reason why we have so much less interest in µ than
αi is that µ does not affect any comparisons of the levels of this factor and so
does not affect many of our choices. Perhaps if µ is bad enough we might not
want to use any of the levels of our factor, but when as usual we have to choose,
µ plays no role in E(Y ).
In the one way layout we can test a contrast with a t test, via


i λi Ȳi•
t = pP 2
∼ t(N −k) s= MSE N= ni .
s i λi /n i=1

We saw earlier that the presence of a random effect can complicate the inference
on a fixed effect with which it is crossed. If A is fixed and B is random we can

λi Ȳi••
t = pPi 2 ∼ t((I−1)(J−1)) s = MSAB.
s i λi /(nB)

This formula is for a balanced setting. When MSAB is the appropriate denom-
inator for our F test it provides the appropriate value of s for our t-test. The
degrees of freedom to use are the number underlying the estimate s.
Suppose that we have a factor that represents I equispaced levels of a con-
tinuous variable. For instance 20kg, 40kg, 60kg and 80kg of fertilizer. It is
then interesting to test the extent of a linear trend in the average responses
Y .PCentering these levels produces a contrast λ = (−30, −10, 10, 30). A test
of i λi αi = 0 is equivalent to one with λ = (−3, −1, 1, 3). This is a linear
contrast. When there are an odd number of levels then the central element
in the contrast has λi = 0. A test for curvature can be based on a quadratic
contrast. If the levels are linearly related to i then we can take

λi = (i − ī)2 − (i − ī)2
I i

where ī = (I + 1)/2.
contrasts λ and λ0 are orthogonal if i λi λ0i = 0. Then i λi Ȳi• and
P Two0
i λi Ȳi• are uncorrelated.

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11.2. Normality assumption 119

11.2 Normality assumption

We have used reference distributions like the t and F distributions derived from
an assumption that the errors are normally distributed.
By the central limit
Ptheorem, Ȳi• is more nearly normally distributed than
the Yij are. Similarly i λi Ȳi• involves more averaging than the individual Ȳi•
do and so we anticipate that they more nearly follow a normal distribution.
There is a special aspect of contrasts that helps. The main departure of an
average from the normal distribution is typically from it’s skewness E((Y −
µ)3 )/σ 3 being nonzero. If Ȳ1• and Ȳ2• have similar skewness then much of it
cancels in a difference like Ȳ1• − Ȳ2• . Since λi sum to zero, contrasts must also
introduce some degree of cancellation in skewnesses.
Our t-test for a contrast is based on the approximation
X X X σ2 
λi Ȳi• ≈ N λi αi , λ2i
i i i

or, for unbalanced samples,

X X X 
λi Ȳi• ≈ N λi αi , λ2i .
i i i

The F test for H0 is similarly robust to small departures from normality by

the CLT because
    
Ȳ1• µ + α1
Ȳ2•  µ + α2   σ2 σ2 σ 2 
  ·
 ..  ∼ N  ..  , diag , ,··· ,
  
n n n 

 .   . 
ȲI • µ + αI
This is all we need for our usual derivation. The central limit theorem yields
approximately Gaussian Ȳi• values and then sums of squares among them are
approximately χ2 . The denominator in the F test uses a mean square such as
MSE or MSAB as an estimate of σ 2 . It commonly has many more degrees of
freedom than the numerator. We do not need a central limit theorem for the
denominator just that it yields a good approximation to σ 2 .
Tests for a variance or ratio of variances are not robust to non-Gaussianity.
A typical MSE is like
1 X
s2 = (Yi − Ȳ )2 .
n − 1 i=1
Under Gaussianity s2 ∼ σ 2 χ2(n−1) /(n − 1). More generally
 2 κ 4
var(s2 ) = + σ
n−1 n
(Miller, 1997, Chapter 7) where
E((Y − µ)4 )
κ= −3

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120 11. Some data analysis

is the kurtosis of Y . The kurtosis is zero for Gaussian random variables but not
necessarily for other variables. When Y has ‘heavier tails’ than the Gaussian
distribution has, then κ > 0 and s2 has higher variance than under a Gaussian
assumption (and is not χ2 ). When σ̂12 and σ̂22 are not scaled χ2 random variables
then we cannot expect their ratio σ̂12 /σ̂22 to be approximately F distributed.
The situation is a better for
1 X
(Ȳi• − Ȳ•• )2
n − 1 i=1

because the CLT is making each Ȳi• more nearly normally distributed than
individual Yij are.

11.3 Variance components

Our model for a one way layout with random effects is

Yij = µ + ai + εij , i = 1, . . . , I j = 1, . . . , n
2 2
where ai ∼ N (0, σA ) and εij ∼ N (0, σE ) are all independent. We have renamed
2 2 2 2
σ to be σE here. The variances σA and σE are called variance components.
For a thorough treatment of variance components see Searle et al. (1992).
In this simple variance components model we have
2 2 2
E(MSA) = nσA + σE and E(MSE) = σE .

It is quite common in more complicated variance components settings to have

σE in every expected mean square. The reason is that the errors εij contribute
variance to every observation and there is no way to cancel them out.
2 2
We are often most interested in estimating σA and σE and related ratios
2 2 2
such as σA /(σA + σE ). We can get unbiased estimates of them by taking

2 2 MSA − MSE
σ̂E = MSE and σ̂A = .
The estimate of σA is potentially awkward because it can be negative. It is
then common to take
σ̂A = max ,0 .
2 2
This estimate is no longer unbiased. It satisfies E(σ̂A ) > σA because we some-
times increase an unbiased estimate to zero, but never decrease it. If we are
averaging estimates like this over many data sets we might prefer to use any
negative values we get so as not to get a biased average.
We can also look at this setting through the correlation patterns in the data.
If j 6= j 0 then
cov(Yij , Yij 0 ) = cov(ai + εij , ai + εij 0 ) = cov(ai , ai ) = σA

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11.4. Unbalanced settings 121

and so
σA σ2
ρ ≡ corr(Yij , Yij 0 ) = = 2 A 2.
var(Yij ) σA + σE
We can interpret σ̂A as an indication that ρ < 0. Negative correlations are
impossible under our random effects model but distributions with those negative
correlations do exist. For instance the correlation matrix for Yij for j = 1, . . . , n
could be  
1 ρ ρ ··· ρ
ρ 1 ρ · · · ρ
 
ρ ρ 1 · · · ρ
  ∈ Rn×n
 .. .. .. . . .. 
. . . . .
ρ ρ ρ ··· 1
for −1/(n − 1) 6 ρ 6 1. The lower limit on ρ is there to keep the correlation
matrix positive semi-definite.
In this correlation model
var Yij = nσ 2 + n(n − 1)ρσ 2

or equivalently
var(Ȳi• ) = (1 + (n − 1)ρ).
Here 1 + (n − 1)ρ) is the design effect we saw in clusterPrandomized trials. What
we see with ρ < 0 is that the variance of Ȳi• or of j Yij is less than what
it would be for independent observations. If there is some mechanism keeping
the total more constant than under independence that could explain negative
correlations. Cox (1958) considers animals that share a pen into which some
constant amount of food is placed. That could introduce negative correlations
in their weights. In a ride hailing setting with a fixed number of passengers we
might see negative correlations among the number of rides per driver. In both
of those settings we could get positive correlations too. The quantity of food or
of passengers could fluctuate up and down generating positive correlations.
If negative correlations are statistically convincing then we can move away
from the ANOVA and model the covariance matrix of the data instead.

11.4 Unbalanced settings

In most of these notes we look at balanced data settings. In a few cases the
unbalanced sample sizes cause no difficulty. For instance this is true for the one
way layout with fixed effects. In other settings unbalanced sample sizes cause
severe complications that we do not delve into in a first course on experimental
For an illustration consider the one way random effects model
Yij = µ + ai + εij , i = 1, . . . , I, j = 1, . . . , ni

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122 11. Some data analysis

and suppose that we want to estimate the grand mean µ. Two natural estimates
I ni I
1 XX 1X
µ̂ = Yij and µ̂ = Ȳi• .
N i=1 j=1 I i=1

That is we can average all of the data or average all of the group means. If
2 2
we actually knew σA and σE then we could compute the minimum variance
unbiased linear combination of Ȳi• as
µ̂ = Ȳi• /var(Ȳi• ) 1/var(Ȳi• )
i=1 i=1
2 2 2 2
= Ȳi• /(σA + σE /ni ) 1/(σA + σE /ni ).
i=1 i=1

2 2
Now if σA  σE /ni for all i then averaging the Ȳi• would be nearly optimal.
2 2
If instead, σA  σE /ni for all i then averaging all the data would be nearly
optimal. In practice we don’t ordinarily know these variance components but
this analysis would let us make a reasonable choice between the two natural
estimates above given a guess or assumption on the variance components.
For much more about variance components and unbalanced data, see Searle
et al. (1992).

11.5 Estimating or predicting the ai

There are settings where we actually want to know something about ai for a
specific experimental unit i, even though ai are thought to be sampled from
some distribution.
Searle et al. (1992) give an example from dairy science. Suppose that i
represents a bull and j represents a cow that is a daughter of bull i. The setting
is nested because cow j = 1 for bull i0 has nothing to do with cow j = 1 for bull
i. Now let
Yij = µ + ai + εij
be some measure of milk yield or quality from cow j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , . . . , ni } of
bull i. We might want to estimate ai in order to judge whether to keep using
bull i. Sometimes this problem is described as predicting ai because ai is
random. The term “predicting” seems unnatural here because a random effect
is not necessarily a quantity defined through the future.
To see how this works we once again make a simplifying assumption that we
2 2
know µ and σA and σE . If we want to estimate µ + ai we can do better than
just using Ȳi• . Following Searle et al. (1992, Chapter 3.4) suppose that
     2 2

ai 0 σ σA
∼N , A 2 2 2 .
Ȳi• µ σA σA + σE /ni

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11.6. Missing data 123

Our best estimate of ai is E(ai | Ȳi• ) (after arguing that observations from i0 6= i
don’t help and that only the sufficient statistic Ȳi• is useful). Using properties
of the bivariate Gaussian distribution

E(ai | Ȳi• ) = E(ai ) + cov(ai , Ȳi• )var(Ȳi• )−1 (Ȳi• − µ)

= 2 2 Ȳi• − µ .
σA + σE /ni

2 2
Under very strong assumptions of normality and knowing µ, σA and σE we
would estimate (predict) ai by

2 2 Ȳi• − µ .
σA + σE /ni

2 2
We shrink Ȳi• −µ towards zero, shirking it a lot if σA  σE /ni . So we estimate
µ + ai by
2 2
σE /ni σA
2 2 µ+ 2 2 /n Ȳi• .
σA + σE /ni σA + σE i

This is a linear combination of the population mean µ and the average for unit i.
As ni increases we trust Ȳi• more. This estimate is the BLUP, for best linear
unbiased predictor. It minimizes variance among linear combinations of data.
With our simplifying assumptions here, the data is just Ȳi• . The approach
generalizes but becomes complex to depict.

11.6 Missing data

Suppose we have randomized blocks

Yij = µ + αi + bj + εij

viewing the block as a random effect, and the observation Yi0 j 0 is missing. We
could replace it with whatever minimizes
(Yij∗ − µ − αi − bj )2
i j

where Yij∗ is Yij if we have it and a parameter if we don’t.

This amounts to running a regression on the row and column indicators
with a special variable X with Xij = 1 if i = i0 and j = j 0 and Xij = 0
otherwise. Because we have fit one more parameter we subtract one from the
error df getting (I − 1)(J − 1) − 1. We can adjust for a small number of missing
responses this way. For more details see Montgomery (1997).

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124 11. Some data analysis

11.7 Choice of response

Suppose that E(Yijk ) = eµ+αi +βj +γk . We can still write

E(Yijk ) = µ̃ + α̃i + β̃j + αβ

f +γ
ij ek + αγ
f ik + βγ
f + αβγ

for some new parameters. But we may have made the problem much harder by
introducing high order interactions.
In a setting like this, log(Y ) may have a more nearly additive model than Y
does. If log(Y ) is nearly additive then Y may not be. The expression above has
log(E(Yijk )) additive which is not the same has having E(log(Yijk )) additive.
Conversely, sometimes Y is more nearly additive than log(Y ).
There is a strong simplification from modeling on a nearly additive scale
because interactions bring in so many more parameters. Also many of our
models and methods use aliasing of the interactions and that is less harmful
when they are much smaller. It may then require some after thought to translate
a model for transformed Y to get conclusions for E(Y ). A very difficult situation
arises when Y is measured in dollars and the model works with log(Y )¿
As a second example, suppose that
E(Yijk ) = µ + αi + βj + γk ,

and let (
0, |Y − τ | > δ
Ỹ =
1, |Y − τ | 6 δ.

I.e. Ỹ = “Y is ok”. Even if we ultimately care about Ỹ it can be much simpler

to model Y because Ỹ can have lots of interactions. For instance, suppose that
larger i implies larger αi . Then Ỹ increases with i when βj + γk is small but
decreases with i when βj + γk is large. That translates into greater impact from
interactions. It is better to model Y statistically and then derive consequences
for Ỹ from the model for Y .

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Response surfaces

Very often we want to model E(Y | x) for continuosly distributed x, not just
binary variables as we could handle with 2k factorials. Those can be used to
study continuous variables by choosing two levels for them. However, once we
know which variables are the most important and have perhaps a rough idea
of the range in which to explore them we may then want to map out E(Y | x)
more precisely for the subset of most important variables. We would like to
estimate an arbitrary response surface E(Y | x) in those key variables. The
literature on response surface models is mostly about estimating first order
(linear) and second order (quadratic) polynomial models in x, so most of the
practical methods do not have the full generality that the term ‘response surface’

If we are operating near an optimum value of E(Y | x) then a quadratic

model might capture the most important aspects of E(Y ). If that optimum is
on the boundary of a constraint region then a local linear model might be very
suitable. Local linear models are also very suitable in screening out the most
important variables.

The material for this lecture is based largely on these texts Box and Draper
(1987), Myers et al. (2016) and Wu and Hamada (2011) and these survey articles
Myers et al. (1989) and Khuri and Mukhopadhyay (2010). Additional material
on optimal design comes from Atkinson et al. (2007).

126 12. Response surfaces

12.1 Center points

Designs at just two levels for each component of x let us fit the first order model
. X
E(Y | x) = β0 + βj x j . (12.1)

We can also fit a “ruled surface” model like

. X X
E(Y | x) = β0 + βj x j + βjk xj xk (12.2)
j=1 16j<k6p

though some of the cross terms might be subject to aliasing with higher order
interactions, with each other (resolution IV) or with main effects (resolution
III). Equation (12.2) leaves out term for βjj x2j .
If xij takes only two levels, then the most we can do with it is fit a two
parameter model such as a linear one. To fit a third parameter, such as cur-
vature, we need a third level. For that we can take some center points. When
we have been sampling xij ∈ {−1, 1} we might then take some additional runs
with xij = 0.
The simplest strategy is to add one or more center points with xi = 0. Put
in a center point (maybe several). E.g. for p = 2 we could use

x1 x2
 
−1 −1

 −1 1 

 1 −1 

 1 1 .

 0 0 

 .. .. 
 . . 
0 0

From the repeated center points, we can estimate σ 2 or at least var(Y | x = 0).
We can also use that data to estimate this model
X X p
β0 + βj x j + βjk xj xk + γ x2j .
j=1 16j<k6p j=1

Notice that
Pp there is only one coefficient γ for all of the squared terms. This
is γ = j=1 βjj in our usual notation. The reason is that in a design with
two levels plus a center point we have xij = ±xij 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n and all
1 6 j < j 0 6 d. This then implies that x2ij = x2ij 0 and so all of the quadratic
terms are perfectly confounded.
We might run this centerpoint design in a case where we expect little cur-
vature but just want to be able to make a check on it. If there is convincing
evidence that γ differs from zero by an important amount, then we know there

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12.2. Three level factorials 127

is curvature and a first order model is problematic. If γ̂ is not significantly

different from zero then this is consistent with there being no curvature but
does not prove it. The true βjj might sum to nearly zero. In other words we
have a one way diagnostic. When it provides evidence of curvature we can be
confident that it is there, but when it does not provide such evidence we cannot
be confident that there isn’t any curvature. Readers might be familiar with one
way diagnostics in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: they can reliably detect
slow mixing but ordinarily cannot establish good mixing.
Another use for centerpoints is that, as remarked above, we might want an
estimate of var(Y | x = 0). The variance of Y at the centerpoint might be a
reasonable variance to use for planning even if the true variance depends on x.
Yet another use for them is to serve as ‘control runs’ that this page from NIST
https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pri/section3/pri337.htm de-
scribes as “To provide a measure of process stability and inherent variability”.
Their advice is not to include the centerpoints in the randomized experimental
order. Instead they recommend spacing those points out evenly through the
run. For instance with 16 points in a 2 level design, they might add a center-
point at the beginning, middle and end of experimentation, bringing the total
to n = 19 runs. The other 16 points would be placed in a random order in the
remaining 16 experimental positions.

12.2 Three level factorials

There is a theory of 3k factorial designs and 3k−p fractional factorial designs
that parallels the case for two level designs. Not surprisingly, the expense grows
more quickly with k than we get for 2 level designs.
In a three level design we take xij ∈ {−1, 0, 1} after rescaling. For variables
that take widely different values these levels might be what we get after a log-
arithmic transformation. For instance we might use xij ∈ {−1, 0, 1} to encode
a quantity that originally took values 100, 200 and 400.
When k = 1 our experiment at 3 level has two degrees of freedom for treat-
ments. These are usually expressed through two contrasts: a linear contrast
Ȳ1 − Ȳ−1 , and a quadratic contrast 2Ȳ0 − Ȳ1 − Ȳ−1 . These are orthogonal con-
With k effects A, B, C, · · · we find 2 degrees of freedom for A, 4 degrees of
freedom for a two factor interaction like AB, 8 degrees of freedom for a three
factor interaction like ABC, and so on. So things get expensive. The ANOVA
table for a three level design can be partitioned as in Table 12.1.
The ANOVA table for a three level design has terms for the product of k
quadratic effects such as AQ × BQ × CQ . We might well use some of those
interactions in an error term, just as we did for two factor designs to mitigate
the high cost of three level experiments. We could also plot estimated effects in
a QQ plot to identify important variables.

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128 12. Response surfaces

Source df
A 2
AL 1
AQ 1
B 2
BL 1
BQ 1
AB 4
AL × B L 1
AL × B Q 1
AQ × BL 1
AQ × BQ 1

Table 12.1: An ANOVA table for a three level factorial.

x y x+y mod 3 x+2y mod 3

0 0 0 0
0 1 1 2
0 2 2 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 2 0
1 2 0 2
2 0 2 2
2 1 0 1
2 2 1 0

Table 12.2: This is a 34−2 fractional factorial. It is also an orthogonal array

in that every pair of columns has all 9 possible rows the same number of time
(i.e., once).

Given data from a 3k factorial experiment we can fit the two level model
X k
β0 + βj xij + βjj x2ij + βjj xij xij 0
j=1 j=1 16j<j 0 6k

by least squares. We might prefer to center the pure quadratics

X k
β0 + βj xij + βjj (x2ij − 2/3) + βjj xij xij 0
j=1 j=1 16j<j 0 6k

to make them orthogonal to the intercept term.

Table 12.2 shows a 34−2 fractional factorial experiment. It is known as an
‘orthogonal array’ because each pair of columns has all 9 possible combinations
of variables the same number of times. We will see much more about orthogonal

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12.3. Central composite designs 129

arrays later. The top of Table 12.2 shows a construction in modular arithmetic.
We will see more of that construction too.
When using an orthogonal array, be sure to randomize the levels. That is,
there are 6 possible ways to map the levels 0, 1 and 2 of the array onto the
experimental levels −1, 0 and 1 and one of those should be chosen at random.
An independent randomization should be made for each column. It would be
a very poor practice to just subtract 1 from each entry in the array. The run
order should also be randomized.
These 3k−p designs can also be run in blocks whose size is a power of 3.
There is an extensive selection of three level designs here: http://neilsloane.
com/oadir/#3_2. For a comprehensive account of orthogonal arrays, see He-
dayat et al. (1999).

12.3 Central composite designs

In the central composite design of Box and Wilson (1951) we begin with
a two level design with values {−1, 1}k , ordinarily a 2k−p fractional factorial,
then add some number n0 of center points (0, 0, 0, . . . , 0) and then 2k “star
points” varying one factor at a time. These take the form (±α, 0, 0, . . . , 0),
(0, ±α, 0, . . . , 0), (0, 0, ±α, . . . , 0), and so on, up to (0, 0, 0, . . . , ±α), for some
α > 0. The points are then used in random order, sometimes within blocks.
In setting up a central composite design we have to choose our three com-
ponents: the two level design to use, the number of center points, and the value
α for the star points.
The analysis is usually a quadratic linear regression. Given a point x ∈ Rd
we form a vector of features

f (x) = (1, x1 , . . . , xd , x1 x2 , . . . , xd−1 xd , x21 , . . . , x2d )T ∈ Rp

for p = 1 + d + d(d − 1)/2 + d = 1 + d(d + 3)/2 and fit by least squares. That is

β̂ = (F T F )−1 F T Y

where F ∈ Rp has i’th row fi = f (xi ) and Y ∈ Rn with i’th element Yi .

In choosing the two-level experiment, we will want all quadratic and cross
terms to be estimable. That is, F T F should be invertible, which we can easily
check before commencing to experiment. Naively that would be solved by using
a resolution V experiment that keeps the cross terms uncounded with each other.
By the time the center points and star points are included, the true condition
becomes much more subtle. See Wu and Hamada (2011, Chapter 9.7) for a
very careful exposition. For instance, one can use what they call resolution III∗
designs. Those have resolution III with no words of length exactly four. That is
one cannot have ABCD = ±I. They also point out that one can use Plackett-
Burman (i.e., Hadamard) points for the two level design. In dimension k = 2,
even a 22−1 experiment plus center points and axial points can make the model

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130 12. Response surfaces

2k points OAAT ±α × ej
n0 center points
It is also common to code the pure quadratic features as x2ij −(1/n) i0 =1 x2i0 j
to make them orthogonal to the intercept. This also makes them orthogonal to
the linear terms because, breaking the design into its three parts we find that
(x2ij − x2j )xij 0 = x2ij xij 0 from xij 0 = 0
i i i
= xij 0 + (α ∗ 0) + (−α ∗ 0)
= 0.

Exercise: show that x2ij − x2j is orthogonal to xij xij 0 for j 0 6= j and to xij 0 xij 00
when no two of j, j 0 and j 00 are equal.
One very tricky issue is choosing the value of α. Taking α = 1 is convenient
because it keeps all factors at three levels. We
√ will have a subset of a 3 2factorial
experiment. Another choice is to take α = k because this keeps kxi k = k on
the star points just like it is for the factorial points. This is called a “spherical
design” because then√ both the star and factorial points are embedded within
a sphere of radius
Pk k.2 When we choose a spherical design we need some zero
points or else j=1 xij = k for all i and we will have a singular matrix F .
Exercise: is this exactly the same problem that we saw with a centerpoint
design and the parameter
√ γ or is it different? √
If we choose α = k then we might find that values xij ∈ ± k are too far
from the region of interest even though they are exactly the same distance from
the center as the factorial points are. The issue stems from factor sparsity. If x1
is √
a very important variable, much more so than the others, then taking xi1 =
± k represents a much more consequential change than just taking everything
in {−1, 1}. Something is too far from the region of interest if the quadratic model
that serves over [−1, 1]k does not extrapolate well there. Perhaps changing a
geometric parameter for a transistor by √ that much turns it into a diode. It is
even possible that operating at xij = ± k is unsafe if xj represents temperature
or pressure. This sort of non-statistical issue can be much more important than
designing to reduce var(β̂) and it requires the input of a domain expert.
One possible way to choose α is to obtain orthogonality, that is a diagonal
matrix F T F ∈ Rp×p . If the pure quadratic terms are centered then it remains
possible that they are not orthogonal to each other. There is one value of α
that makes them orthogonal. After some algebra, this is
 QF 1/4
for Q = [(F + T )1/2 − F 1/2 ]2 where F is number of factorial observations and
T = 2k + n0 . This then makes corr(β̂jj , β̂j 0 j 0 ) = 0.

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12.4. Box-Behnken designs 131

Another way to choose α is to obtain rotatability:

var(Ê(Y | x)) = f (x)T (F T F )−1 f (x)σ 2 = g(kxk)
for some function g(·). Now the statistical information when predicting E(Y | x)
depends only on kxk and not on the angle between x and any of the coordinate
axes. There is not a strong motivation for choosing rotatability. Rather it
is a tie-breaker condition when choices are otherwise equal. Also, when factor
sparsity is present then sparse vectors x such as (1, 0, 0, . . . , 0) and (0, 1, 0, . . . , 0)
should be more important than others of the form (cos(θ), sin(θ), 0, . . . , 0) for
arbitrary 0 < θ < π/2.
Box and Draper (1987) include some blocking schemes for central composite
designs. In a blocked analysis we would use indictor variables taking the value
1 in a given block and zero outside of that block. It is then important to
have those indicator variables be orthogonal to the linear, quadratic and mixed
terms in the second order regression model. NIST shows some examples of
central composite designs in blocks at https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/
handbook/pri/section3/pri3364.htm. If that link doesn’t work well, look for
section entitled “Blocking a response surface design” in their online
engineering statistics handbook.

12.4 Box-Behnken designs

The second major class of response surface designs are the Box-Behnken designs
from Box and Behnken (1960). Those designs have three levels 0 and ±1. A
small example for factors A, B and C looks like this:

±1 ±1 0
0 ±1 ±1
±1 0 ±1
0 0 0

The first row denotes a 22 factorial in A and B with factor C held at zero.
There follow two similar rows with A and then B held at zero. Finally there is a
row representing n0 runs at x = 0. If, for instance n0 = 3 then this experiment
would have 15 runs. According to Box and Behnken (1960), “The exact number
of center points is not critical”. Geometrically this design has 12 points on the
surface of the unit cube [−1, 1]3 , one at the midpoint of each of the 12 edges
connecting the 8 vertices within six faces. There are also center points.
We can recognize the strategy in this design. There is a balanced incomplete
block structure designating some number r < k of the factors that take values
±1 while the remaining k − r factors are held at zero. Then some number of
center points are added.
Table 12.3 shows another Box-Behnken design, this time for 4 factors. It is
arranged in three blocks each of which has its own center point.

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132 12. Response surfaces

±1 ±1 0 0
0 0 ±1 ±1
0 0 0 0
±1 0 0 ±1
0 ±1 ±1 0
0 0 0 0
±1 0 ±1 0
0 ±1 0 ±1
0 0 0 0

Table 12.3: A schematic for a Box-Behnken design in four factors with three
blocks and one center point per block.

Exercise: are the block indicator variables for the Box-Behnken design in 12.3
orthogonal to the regression model? If we change it to n0 = 4 are the orthogo-
nal? Since there are three block variables you can drop the intercept column.
Like 3k−p designs Box-Behnken designs can easily handle categorical vari-
ables at 3 levels. The tabled designs in the literature and textbooks involve only
modest dimensions k. For large k, Box-Behnken designs use many more runs
than parameters. While that may be useful in some settings, in others there is
a premium on minimizing n by taking it just slightly larger than the number of

12.5 Uses of response surface methodology

One of the main uses is to fit a quadratic model, and estimate the direction of
steepest ascent. Then, assuming that larger E(Y | x) is better move the region of
interest in the direction of apparent improvement and run another experiment.
The approach features a ‘human in the loop’ deciding which variables to explore
and how at each iteration of the experiment. This is called evolutionary
operation by Box (1957).
There is a large related field of stochastic optimization that takes possibly
noisy data and uses it to decide where next to sample with the goal of finding
an optimum. See Kushner and Yin (2003) and Spall (2003). Those methods
often emphasize iterations taking one or two new data points at each round.

12.6 Optimal designs

This section is based primarily on Atkinson et al. (2007). We will pick xi ∈ Rk
and then compute features f (xi ) ∈ Rp (such as for a quadratic regression).
Then our model is Yi = f (xi )T β + εi we estimate β by β̂ = (F T F )−1 F T Y

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12.6. Optimal designs 133

and our accuracy is described by var(β̂) = (F T F )−1 σ 2 ∈ Rp×p . When we

predict Y for a given x then we may use Yb (x) = f (x)T β̂ with var(Yb (x)) =
f (x)T (F T F )−1 f (x)σ 2 .
We will want to choose xi in some way that var(β̂) is small and there are
many ways that a matrix can be considered small. Before that however it is
worth noting that in this setting var(β̂) does not depend on the true β! The fact
that β does not appear in the formula (F T F )−1 σ 2 is an enormous simplification,
that we usually take for granted. Otherwise the best design for learning β would
depend on the unknown β and then the design problem would be intrinsically
circular. This actually happens for logistic regression which we consider briefly
below. Once again, finding that a symbol is not in a formula is quite special.
Before getting started we should rule out three approaches. First, we don’t
want to solve the problem by letting n → ∞. That’s expensive and may be
wasteful. We want to be as efficient as we can with the n that we can afford.
Second, we don’t want to solve it by letting σ 2 → 0. We want to be as efficient
as we can with a given quality of measurement. Finally, while small var(β̂)
corresponds to large F T F , we don’t want to solve the problem by letting kfi k →
∞ where fi = f (xi ). The linear model is only approximate and so we need to
keep xi in or near the region of interest. Also, the extreme kxi k that we would
ordinarily need for extreme kfi k may be expensive or unsafe.
We formulate the design problem by fixing n and requiring xi ∈ X ⊂ Rd .
Depending on the problem we might require xi ∈ X = {x ∈ Rd | kxk 6 1} or
xi ∈ X = {x ∈ Rd | maxj |xj | 6 1}.
There are numerous notions of optimality, including A-optimality, D-optimality,
E-optimality, G-optimality and I-optimality. Using
σ 2 −1 F TF 1X
var(β̂) = (F T F )−1 σ 2 = M where M≡ = fi fiT
n n n i=1

we can describe the optimality criteria via the matrix M .

Perhaps the most famous and widely used notion is D-optimality. A D-
optimal design minimizes det(F T F )−1 σ 2 (sometimes called the generalized vari-
ance of β̂) or equivalently it maximizes det(M ). This is the product of the
eigenvalues of M . The ‘D’ stands for determinant. P
A-optimality with ‘A’ for average refers to minimizing j var(β̂j ) or maxi-
mizing the sum or average of the eigenvalues of M −1 . E-optimality with ‘E’ for
extreme refers to minimizing maxj 1/λj where λj are the eigenvalues of M .
G-optimality refers to minimizing maxx∈X var(f (x)T β̂) where var(f (x)T β̂) ∝
f (x)T M −1 f (x). This notion goes back to Smith (1918) for polynomial regres-
sion, which is the first optimal design paper.
I-optimal design also called V -optimal refers minimizing X var(f (x)T β̂)g(x) dx

where g(·) > 0 measures interest level. It could be a distribution but does not
have to be. One could also minimize X 0 var(f (x)T β̂)g(x) dx where the set X 0

includes extrapolations to points that are not in X . DA optimality refers to

minimizing det(var(AT β̂)) for some matrix A.

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134 12. Response surfaces

These definitions raise the question “which optimality is best?” To address

that we need to consider design Pn measures. In a design measure, we generalize
from M (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (1/n) i=1 f (xi )f (xi )T to
M (µ) = f (x)f (x)T µ(x) dx = E(f (x)f (x)T ), x∼µ

for a distribution µ. Then instead of finding the best list of n points in X we

relax to problem to just seeking the optimal distribution µ. While M (µ) is
written above as an integral as if µ were continuous, µ can also be discrete as
all we need is the expectation. In fact, most of the solutions we see will involve
discrete distributions µ. Given an optimal or near optimal design measure µ we
can then pick xi to approximate µ.
Atkinson et al. (2007) consider a problem of quadratic regression through
origin. The model is E(Y | x) = β1 x + β2 x2 with 0 6 x 6 1. That is, X =
[0, 1]. This is not a model we would often want to fit, but it is an excellent
small illustration of how optimal design works. They find that to maximize
the√D-optimality √ (x) )) under x ∼ µ one should choose
√ condition det(E(f (x)f
µ( 2 − 1) = 1/ 2 and µ(1) = 1 − 1/ 2. This optimal design √ measure only uses
two different points x. Because the fraction of data at 2 − 1 is not a rational
number we cannot actually find a finite set of points with √ empirical distribution
µ. √Instead, we would approximate it taking roughly n/ 2 observations at x =
1/ 2 and the rest at x = 1.
Pn − log Tdet(M (µ)), If µ = i=1 ωi 1xi
For a design measure D-optimality maximizes
then for fixed xi , we get a convex function i=1 ωi fi fi of (ω1 , . . . , ωn ) because
log(det(·)) is a convex operation on matrices. Some algorithms use a large n and
then get most ωi equal to zero or close to it. It is typical for the optimal design
measure to have p points xi with positive probabililty where p is the number
of parameters in the regression model. This leaves us with no way to estimate
σ 2 or test whether a model with more than p parameters would be suitable.
Perhaps that is not surprising. Criteria like D-optimality do not include either
variance estimation or testing goodness of fit.
The general equivalence theorem is an important result of Kiefer and
Wolfowitz (1960). It is that D-optimality and G-optimality are equivalent for
design measures that continuously weight the same set of xi .
A special property of D-optimality is equivariance. If we change units from
meters to centimeters, the D-optimal designs scale accordingly and we would
run exactly the same set of physical experiments either way. Generally replacing
fi by A × fi + b the new optimal points have f˜i = Afi∗ + b and the same ωi .
Optimal designs are not always good enough to use because they focus only
on variance and might require awkward input combinations instead of for in-
stance using just three levels of a continuous factor which could be convenient
for implementation. In other words, we might not have been able to put all of
the important criteria into the objective function or encoded all of the desired
constraints. We can however compare a design such as a central composite or
Box-Behnken to the optimal design and see how close to 100% efficiency we get.

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12.7. Mixture designs 135

Optimal design can also help us when we have a more complicated constraint
region X to work with than the usual cubes and balls. It is not always possible
to do the global optimization that we would want in optimal design.
Box and Draper (1987) are skeptical about the optimal design approaches
sometimes called “alphabetic optimality”. The work some examples that opti-
mize mean squared error taking account of bias and variance. The bias comes
from the possibility that the model is a polynomial of higher order than the one
fit by the response surface model. They find that the optimal designs for mean
squared error are similar to those we would get optimizing for bias squared and
they can be quite different from what we would find optimizing just for vari-
ance like the alphabetic
Pnoptimality designs do. They ‘match moments’ over the
region, making (1/n) i=1 fi fiT = E(f f T ).
Now we turn briefly to logistic regression. It is not a pre-requisite for this
course but many readers will have encountered it. Logistic regression is for
binary responses Y ∈ {0, 1}. The model relating Y to x ∈ R is

exp(β0 + β1 x)
Pr(Y = 1 | X = x) = ≡ p(x; β)
1 + exp(β0 + β1 x)

and in general it uses Pr(Y = 1 | x) = exp(β T f (x))/(1 + exp(f (x)T β)). The
likelihood function is
L(β) = p(xi ; β)Yi (1 − p(xi ; β))1−Yi

and β̂ is optained by maximizing log(L(β)) numerically.

The design problem is about where to take xi . If we were to set n/2 of
the xi = ∞ (or as large as possible) and n/2 of the xi = −∞ (or as small as
possible) we would not ordinarily get the best design. We might well get all
Yi = 1 at one extreme and all Yi = 0 at the other, with no idea of the shape of
the Pr(Y = 1 | x) curve (and a degenerate log likelihood as well). It turns out
that the optimal design for estimating β takes n/2 observations at a point x with
p(x; β) ≈ 0.15 and n/2 observations and x with p(x; β) ≈ 0.85. This design has
the same number of distinct design points as parameters. Those design points
depend on the true β. A starting point in this literature is Chaloner and Larntz

12.7 Mixture designs

Suppose that xij > 0 is proportion of input j in used in observation i, with
j=1 xij = 1. In some settings Yi depends mostly on the proportions and not
the absolute levels of the inputs. For instance, when mixing paints the ratios
will matter more than the absolute amounts to the color of the final produce,
assuming that the mixing has been done well. In many recipes, proportions
matter much more than absolute amounts.

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136 12. Response surfaces

For k = 3 we then have an experimental region defined by an equilateral

triangle with corners (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1). In general, our input space
is a simplex {x ∈ [0, 1]k | j=1 xj = 1} with intrinsic dimension k − 1 embed-
ded in the k dimensional unit cube. This different shape motivates different
experimental designs. See the book by Cornell (0002).
The changed space also has consequences for polynomial models. The first
order model is
X k
X k
E(Y | x) = a0 + a j xj = (a0 + aj )xj ≡ bj xj ,
j=1 j=1 j=1

where bj = a0 + aj . We don’t need an intercept term. The Second order model

X k−1
X X k
E(Y | x) = bj x j + bjj 0 xj xj 0 .
j=1 j=1 j 0 =j+1

We don’t need pure quadratic terms because x21 = x1 (1 − x2 − x3 − . . . − xk ),

which can be written as the linear term and some cross terms, and of course,
the same holds for all xj .

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Super-saturated designs

Sometimes the number p of regression variables is larger than the number n of

observations we can take. Just as saturated models have one parameter per
obervation, supersaturated models have p > n or even p  n.
In this chapter we look at how do design for such cases. This leads us to
consider Hadamard matrices, some history of ‘random balance designs’, com-
pressed sensing, and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma. There is a survey of
supersaturated designs in Georgiou (2014). Krahmer and Ward (2011) discusses
experimental design for compressed sensing.
We have already seen supersaturated designs defined via fractional factorials
where there are fewer observations than parameters. Here we focus on problems
where there are fewer observations than main effects (plus intercept). A plain
least squares fit will then interpolate the data, both signal and noise, assuming
as is reasonable that no two predictors xi are equal. There is no obvious way
to estimate the error variance and now obvious way to check for lack of fit.
The designs we consider are also called screening designs because their
goal is to identify the perhaps small number of relatively important predictors.
They are well suited to settings where the regression model is thought to be
sparse with the majority of regression coefficients either zero or at least negligi-

13.1 Hadamard matrices

We begin with Hadamard matrices that are suitable for saturated settings. The
matrix H ∈ {−1, 1}n×n is a Hadamard matrix if H T H = HH T = nI. For

138 13. Super-saturated designs

instance, with n = 4,  
+ + + +
+ + − −
 
 + − + −
+ − − +
is a Hadamard matrix. We could use it as a saturated design to fit an intercept
and 3 binary variables. We have seen it before as a 23−1 factorial. There is a
good account of Hadamard matrices in (Hedayat et al., 1999, Chapter 7). It is
definitive apart from a few recent contributions that one can find online either
at Wikipedia or Neil Sloane’s web site.
The Sylvester construction, which actually pre-dates Hadamard’s interest
in these matrices is as follows:
 1 1 H1 H1 H2 H2
H1 = 1 , H2 = = , H4 =
1 −1 H1 −H1 H2 −H2

and so on with  
H2k H2k
H2k+1 =
H2k −H2k
for k > 1 in general.
Sylvester’s construction is a special case of a Kronecker construction that
works as follows. If A ∈ {−1, 1}n×n and B ∈ {−1, 1}m×m then their Kronecker
product is
 
A11 B A12 B · · · A1n B
 A21 B A22 B · · · A2n B 
A⊗B = . ..  ∈ {−1, 1}
 
.. ..
 .. . . . 
An1 B An2 B · · · Ann B

If A is a Hn and B is an Hm then A ⊗ B is an Hn×m

Now if A is an Hn and B is an Hm then A ⊗ B is an Hn×m . The proof is
simple and it illustrates some basic rules for manipulating Kronecker products:

(A ⊗ B)T (A ⊗ B) = (AT ⊗ B T )(A ⊗ B)

= (AT A) ⊗ (B T B)
= (nIn ) ⊗ (mIm )
= (nm)In ⊗ Im
= nmInm .

Every step follows directly from the definition of the Hadamard product, so
readers seeing Kronecker products for the first time should take a moment to
check each step.
It is known that if a matrix Hn exists then n = 1 or 2 or 4m for some integer
m > 1. The Hadamard conjecture is that Hn exists whenever n = 4m for
m > 1. There is no known counter example, but matrices for n ∈ {668, 716, 892}

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13.1. Hadamard matrices 139

n # distinct Hn
1,2,4,8,12 1
16 5
20 3
24 60
28 487
32 13,710,027

Table 13.1: Number of distinct Hadamard matrices of sizes up to 32. From

https://oeis.org/A007299 as of October 2020.

have not (as of October 2020) been found and there are 10 more missing cases
for n 6 2000. These missing values are not a problem for experimental design.
If we want H668 but have to use H772 instead, it would not be a costly increase
in sample size. The most plausible uses for such large matrices are in software
and four additional function evaluations are unlikely to be problematic.
Two Hadamard matrices are equivalent if one can be turned into the other
by permuting its rows, or by permuting its columns, or by flipping the signs
of an entire row or by flipping the signs of an entire column. The number of
distinct (non-equivalent) Hadamard matrices that exist for some small values of
n are in Table 13.1.
Given a Hadamard matrix we can always find an equivalent one whose first
row and column are all +1. Hadamard matrices are often depicted in this form.
In an experiment we would then use the first column to represent the intercept
and the next n − 1 columns for n − 1 predictor variables. What we get is a
Resolution III design (main effects clear) in n − 1 binary variables.
In addition to the Sylvester construction there is a construction of Paley
(1933) that is worth noting. If n = 4m and s = n − 1 = pr for a prime
number p and exponent r > 1, then Paley’s first construction provides Hn . The
construction is available whenever pr ≡ 3 mod 4. Figure 13.1 shows one of these
matrices for n = 252 and prime number p = 251 ≡ 3 mod 4. Apart from a
border of +1 at the left and top, each row of this matrix is a cyclic shift of the
row above it. That means we can construct the matrix ‘on the fly’ and need not
store it. That feature would be very useful for n > 106 . There is a construction
in (Hedayat et al., 1999, Theorem 7.1) that is quite simple to use for a prime
number p mod 4. For n − 1 = pr it would require finite field arithmetic that
when r = 1 reduces to arithmetic modulo p. Note that the theorem gives a first
row of Hn equal to 1 −1 −1 · · · −1 instead of all 1s. However, we would
randomize all the colunns once constructed. (Be sure to pick one randomization
for each of the n − 1 columns and use it for all n rows.) Paley (1933) has a
second construction, but it does not have quite the same simply implemented
striping pattern.
We can use foldovers of Hadamard matrices. First split the intercept column

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140 13. Super-saturated designs

Paley Type 1 Hadamard Matrix n=252

Figure 13.1: Image of a Hadamard matrix constructed using Paley’s first

construction with prime p = 251. Raw data from http://neilsloane.com/
hadamard/had.252.pal.txt downloaded October 2020.

off producing H̃4m ∈ {−1, 1}4m×4m−1 as follows

  
H4m =  ...  H̃4m  ∈ {−1, 1}4m×4m .
  

Then flip all the non-intercept columns yielding

   
1 H̃4m
 ..   8m×4m
 .   ∈ {−1, 1}
1 −H̃4m

Any three columns of this matrix have all eight of {−1, 1}3 m times each.

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13.2. Group testing and puzzles 141

13.2 Group testing and puzzles

Suppose that
Y = Xβ + ε ∈ Rn X ∈ Rn×p p > n.
Finding β is doable if β is sparse, having only a few nonzero entries.
As a familiar example of recent interest, suppose that one is doing group
testing of blood samples. For convenience we might be testing p = 1000 people
and we give them labels 000, 001, . . . , 999. Now suppose that we know that
with high probability either none of them have covid or just one of them has it.
Suppose further that if we pool samples from 30 people that we can still get a
valid indication of whether at least one of those 30 has covid.
We could then use group testing. We take three samples from each person.
We pool one sample from everybody whose first digit was 0. If that comes back
positive then we have narrowed the set of candidates to 100 people. If it does
not we can do nine more tests for those with first digits 1 through 9. Next we
test groups of people based on their second digits and third digits. If all 30 tests
come back negative then we have learned that none of those 1000 people have
it. If somebody does have it, then three of the tests will come back positive and
we will have identified the person.
As an exercise, formulate this group testing into the linear regreassion model
above. Figure out what Xij would be and what β is and even what is assumed
about ε.
Group testing is faster and less expensive when the phenomenon is sparse.
There are some closely related ideas in old puzzles about finding which coin
in a set has the wrong weight in a small number of weighings. When the person
who has to figure this out has a equal arm balance then putting a coin on one
sides corresponds to Xij = 1, the other side corresponds to Xij = −1 and
leaving the coin off the balance corresponds to Xij = 0. Those puzzles are
usually sequential where the outcome of one test informs the following ones.

13.3 Random balance

Random balance is an idea proposed by Satterthwaite (1959) and supported
by industry experience of Budne (1959) with a discussion by Youden et al.
(1959). The idea is to simply take xij ∼ Fj for i = 1, . . . , n. There are versions
of random balance where all variables are sampled this way and in other settings
perhaps only some of them are sampled randomly while others are balanced
carefully in Latin squares, factorial experiments or other such designs. In a two
level design we might take all xij ∼ U{−1, 1} after rescaling the predictors.
The author Satterthwaite is now best known for using the method of moments
to approximate a sum of weighted χ2 random variables by a random variable
having a weighted χ2 distribution (Satterthwaite, 1946).
Random balance was a provocative proposal and it evoked a strong response.
For instance, Box wrote in his discussion that “The only thing wrong with

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142 13. Super-saturated designs

random balance is random balance”. Tukey was more supportive.

Satterthwaite defined exact balance between two variables as what we now
call orthogonality: under the empirical distribution on that pair of variables,
they are independent. Then random balance is just that they are sampled
from a distribution where they’re independent with observed values that could
violate orthogonality. A variable has random balance with respect to a set of
other variables if it is independently sampled conditionally on them. When all
variables are sampled randomly and independently the design is one of “pure
random balance”. If a bad randomly drawn experiment is discarded in favor
of trying again, the design is “restricted pure random balance”. This process
is of renewed interest in the causal inference literature, where it is known as
rerandomization. See Morgan and Rubin (2012) and Li and Ding (2020) for
Much of the controversy around random balance is about its efficiency or
lack of same. Satterthwaite mentions several settings that favor random balance.
Sometimes the data can be collected very cheaply. Sometimes random balance
simplifies the administration of an experiment. A related point is that people
with very little statistical training might be more able to run random balance
experiments than others.
The reason to include random balance in this section is that one of the use
cases was for high dimensional input spaces and the random balance proposal
was instrumental in raising this issue. Satterthwaite claims that they’re nearly
efficient as exactly balanced designs, becoming more so as the number of data
sets increases (page 121). However the reasoning behind his evaluations is not
Budne (1959) writes in favor of random balance for screening experi-
ments. Those settings have a large number of variables but only a small number
of them affect the mean response, or, only a small number affect the variance
of the response. He then shows some example experiments with a graphical
analyiss that identifies the few important variables.
It is interesting to see the issues brought up in the paper and discussion.
The discussion reveals things that the experimenters knew about but might
not have emphasized in many of their other writings. Multiple comparisons
were well known (Tukey had worked on them a few years earlier). Pooling bias
refers to selecting the small effects to create an error estimate (without ade-
quate adjusments). Budne refers to screening experiments for both the mean
and the variance. Youden reports running experiments with “dummy treat-
ments”, where the same treatment is given two labels, like the A/A tests now
used in industry. Youden notes that an experiment to identify the large ef-
fects without balancing the smaller ones adds those smaller ones to the noise
variance, reducing power. It will then be difficult to find the moderately sized
effects. Kempthorne makes a similar comment with more detail about power.
Kempthorne also notes that random balance is being proposed without regard
to what we now call selective inference issues: the multiple comparisons under-
lying screening many variables and the bias in forming a variance estimate from
the ones found to be smaller. Box makes some analyses of the efficiency of ran-

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13.4. Quasi-regression 143

dom balance and in particular a stepwise approach of Satterthwaite’s. He finds

random balance mostly inefficient but one exception arises when there is only
one nonzero coefficient (extreme sparsity) and the stepwise approach is used.
Tukey was more supportive than the other authors. He mentioned that
broadening the base of inference (which is a form of external validity) is a
worthy tradeoff for lower efficiency. He also remarked that he learned nearly
as much from Budne’s scatterplots as from the complete analysis of variance.
There was also some discussion about random balance being so easy to do that
it gets used more than classical designs that are hard to understand.
In a stepwise analysis, we might begin by estimating a slope for each xij
individually, via
n n
1X . 1X
β̃j ≡ (xij − x̄•j )Yij (xij − x̄•j )2 .
n i=1 n i=1

For a binary xij the most efficient allocation would have half of the observations
at each of the two levels. With random balance they would be somewhat un-
equally split. The second inefficiency in random balance is that
Pthe terms xij 0 βj 0
would raise the variance of Yij in a regression model to σ 2 + j 0 6=j βj20 var(xij 0 ).
On the other hand, in a full regression model the matrix X T X/n is far from
identity and then det((X T X)−1 ) is infinite for p > n no matter what design is

13.4 Quasi-regression
Suppose that we know the distribution of the feature vector f (xi ) ∈ Rp . Then
the regression parameter that minimizes squared error in predicting a finite
variance value Yi with a linear combination of these features is

β = (E(f (xi )f (xi )T ))−1 E(f (xi )Yi ). (13.1)

This β minimizes E((Y −f (x)T β)2 ) whether or not E(Y | x) = f (x)T β. In linear
regression with n > p we estimate β by
1 −1  1 
β̂ = F TF F TY (13.2)
n n
where F ∈ Rn×p has i’th row f (xi ) and Y ∈ Rn has i’th component Yi . The
expectations in (13.1) have been replaced by corresponding sample averages
in (13.2) to get β̂.
A very popular choice is to take f (x) to be products of orthogonal polynomi-
als. The resulting expansion approximating E(Y | x) is known as polynomial
Now suppose that xi have been sampled at random. When we choose the
sampling distribution we may well know E(f (xi )f (xi )T ) because we also chose
the features. For instance, if the features are all polynomials and xi have a

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144 13. Super-saturated designs

convenient distribution such as uniform or Gaussian we would have easily com-

putable moments of f . In this case, we can estimate β by
β̃ = (E(f (xi )f (xi )T ))−1 F TY , (13.3)

replacing the estimate (F T F )/n by its expected value.

The estimate (13.3) is known as quasi-regression. See An and Owen (2001)
and Jiang and Owen (2003) who used quasi-regression to get interpretable ap-
proximations to black box functions. Maybe E(f (xi )f (xi )T ) is diagonal or block
structured. If E(f (xi )f (xi )T ) = nI then
β̃ = f (xi )Yi
n i=1

which can be computed at O(np) cost instead of O(np2 ) that least squares costs.
Quasi-regression can be used when p > n and it avoids the O(p2 ) space required
for linear regression.
When p > n then shrinkage estimators as in Jiang and Owen (2003) are
advised. Ordinarily var(β̃) > var(β̂) when both are possible. This is a coun-
terexample to the usual rule in Monte Carlo sampling where plugging in a known
expectation in place of a sampled quantity ordinarily helps. Blatman and Su-
dret (2010) report that sparse regression methods outperform methods based
on numerically estimating E(f f T ) and E(f Y ).

13.5 Supersaturated criteria and designs

We can see in some of the discussions of Satterthwaite (1959) the beginnings of
criteria to improve upon random balance for super saturated settings. We clearly
cannot use D-optimality because we are sure to have the regression matrix X
satisfy rank(X T X) 6 n < p. Then X T X is singular with det(X T X) = 0 and
then effectively “det((X T X)−1 ) = ∞”. Georgiou (2014) is a survey of criteria
and algorithms for supersaturated designs.
Another thing that changes in the supersaturated setting is that we will
need adaptive methods that decide which βj to estimate and which to leave at
a default value like 0. These adaptive methods will have to use the observed
Yi values. In the end the estimate of β is not ordinarily a linear combination
of Yi like it is in least squares. The variance of the estimated β becomes more
complicated and will depend on what the true β is. For instance if the true β
is all zeros except the intercept then methods based on sparsity could be very
accurate and even get most of the coefficients exactly right. If instead β has all
nonzero elements of roughly equal size, perhaps described by βj ∼ N (0, 1) then
no algorithm can find them. In other words, the accuracy with which β can be
estimated now depends on the true value of β, because even though the model
relating E(Y ) to X is linear in X, the estimator of β is not linear in Yi .

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13.5. Supersaturated criteria and designs 145

Booth and Cox (1962) citing Box’s discussion of random balance introduce
some criteria. The consider the matrix X ∈ {−1, 1}n×p with p > n − 1 and
each column of X containing n/2 values for each of ±1. Then they consider
the matrix S = X T X which is proportional to sample correlations among the
predictors. Their criterion is max16j<j 0 6p |Sjj 0 |. They break ties by preferring
designs where a smaller number of column pairs attain the maximum of |Sjj 0 |.
They give some small examples with n and p of a few dozens. The examples
were found by computer search. When compared to random balance the designs
they obtain have much better values of S. They also report the variance of |Sjj 0 |
Georgiou (2014) considers the criterion
1 X
E(S 2 ) ≡ p
Sjj 0

2 16j<j 0 6p

and remarks that algorithms that try to optimize it may possibly yield identical
columns. Incidentally, Georgiou (2014) gives this as the first criterion that
Booth and Cox (1962) consider but in preparing these notes I do not find that
in their article.
Georgiou (2014) reports some lower bounds on E(s2 ). The precise bounds
depend on things like the value of n modulo 4. In all cases

n2 (p − n + 1)
E(S 2 ) >
(n − 1)(p − 1)

where his definition of E(S 2 ) includes the intercept column of all ones. If we
normalize each Sjj 0 to Sjj 0 /n then

E((S/n)2 ) > .
(n − 1)(p − 1)

Let’s suppose that n  1 and p − n  1. Then ignoring the ±1s above, we get

p−n+1 p−n 1 − n/p

E((S/n)2 ) > ≈ = .
(n − 1)(p − 1) np n
Exercise: what would we get for Xij ∼ U{−1, 1}? What would we get if half
of column j were randomly chosen to be each of ±1 and column j 0 were chosen
that way too but independently of column j?
Georgiou (2014) presents numerous design strategies for the supersaturated
setting. Of special interest is the proposal of Lin (1993). This design works with
a Hadamard matrix Hn . It picks one of the columns and keeps only the n/2
runs with +1 in that column. This is appealing because Hadamard matrices
are so abundant and both the Sylvester and first Paley constructions are easy
to use. Lin’s approach provides n/2 experimental runs in p = n − 2 variables.
One of the n colunns is lost to the intercept term and one more is lost because
of the column chosen to define the selected runs. The specific column chosen

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146 13. Super-saturated designs

makes makes little difference. Exercise: compare the E(S 2 ) criterion that Lin
gets to what he would get choosing runs with −1 in the given column.
Lin (1993) runs forward stepwise regression on data from his design. Phoa
et al. (2009) use L1 regularization based on the Dantzig selector of Candes and
Tao (2007).
Lin (1995) looks for ways to maximize the number p of binary variables in
a model subject to a constraint on maxj6=j 0 |Sjj 0 |. He breaks ties based on the
number of pairs at the same maximum level.
Practical investigations: how would it go to choose 1/4 or 1/8 et cetera of
a Hadamard design? Would Paley or Sylvester constructions be about equally
good or would one be better? This last point requires a way to make a fair
comparison between Hadamard designs with different values of n.

13.6 Designs for compressed sensing

Supersaturated designs are well suited to settings where we have p > n but
can reasonably expect β to be sparse or nearly so. Donoho (2006) describes
compressed sensing and Tibshirani (1996) introduces the lasso, both of which
can be used when p > n. Krahmer and Ward (2011) discusses experimental
design for this setting. This section only surveys the issue, because a detailed
discussion goes beyond prerequisites for this course.
In this context it is desireable for the matrix X ∈ Rn×p (excluding intercept)
to satisfy the restricted isometry property (RIP), defined in terms of a level
δ∈P(0, 1) and an integer order k > 0. The vector v ∈ Rp is said to be k-sparse
if j=1 1vj 6=0 6 k. Then X satisfies the (k, δ)–RIP if

(1 − δ)kvk2 6 kXvk2 6 (1 + δ)kvk2

holds for all k-sparse v. Krahmer and Ward (2011) give RIP conditions (and
references) where minimizing kXβk1 subject to Xβ = Y exactly recovers a
sparse β. If β is sparse and there is no noise it can be recovered by L1 penalized
regression. That is, a very tractable convex optimization problem can be used
to find β where searching for a sparse solution would otherwise be quite costly.
There are generalizations to handle additive Y = Xβ + ε (i.e., measured with
noise) but sparsity remains a critical ingredient.
One of the most basic constructions of a matrix with an RIP property is to
take a random subset of rows of a Hadamard matrix. The resulting design will
satisfy an RIP property with very high probability. Specifically, for p predictors
we can ignore the intercept column and take n randomly selected rows (without
replacement) from H4m where 4m > p + 1. Compared to the method of Lin
(1993) this approach allows n other than 4m/2 = 2m. When we want half of
the rows it makes more sense to use Lin’s design because then every column
will be equally split between ±1 values. The designs described for compressed
sensing require only very small values of n, just over δ −2 k log(p)4 .
A related approach is to choose a random subset√from a discrete Fourier
matrix. That matrix has complex entries Xjk = ω jk / n for 0 6 j, k < n (note

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13.6. Designs for compressed sensing 147

the zero based indexing) where ω = exp(2π −1/n). They split out the real
and imaginary parts of Xij doubling the number of columns obtained. (Those
2n real valued vectors in Rn cannot of course be mutually orthogonal.)
Another approach they describepis to take X ∈ Rn×p with IID N (0, 1) or
IID U{−1, 1} entries multiplied by p/n. The amazing thing is that this, after
many years, provides some justification for Satterthwaite’s random balance.
Part of the argument in Krahmer and Ward (2011) is based on the Johnson-
Lindenstrauss lemma (Johnson and Lindenstrauss, 1984). Think of a satu-
rated design as p − 1 column vectors in Rp , orthogonal to each other and to the
vector of ones. Now we project those columns v1 , . . . , vp−1 into a lower dimen-
sional space by multiplying them by a matrix Φ. That is we get ui = Φvi ∈ Rn
for i = 1, . . . , n for a matrix Φ ∈ Rn×p . The Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma
shows that there is a mapping from Rp to Rn that preserves interpoint dis-
tances to within . When that mapping is the linear one described above this
means that

(1 − )kvj − vj 0 k2 6 kuj − uj 0 k2 6 (1 + )kvj − vj 0 k2 .

The original Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma allowed a nonlinear but Lipschitz

continuous function uj = g(vj ) instead of the uj = Φvj that we use here. If
the interpoint distances are nearly preserved in this mapping then so are angles.
Think of a triangle defined by vj , vj 0 and vj 00 . If all three interpoint distances
are nearly preserved then so are all three angles defined by the points. Now
when vj are orthogonal (right angles) then the uj are nearly orthogonal.
In the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma the number n does not have to be very
large compared to p. It only needs to be O(−2 log(p)).

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148 13. Super-saturated designs

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Computer experiments

In a computer experiment we investigate a deterministic function f (x) on what

may be a high dimensional domain and where f might be very expensive to
evaluate. We then have to carefully pick out which input values to use and how
to interpolate/extrapolate to the uncomputed values. That extension can then
be a cheap surrogate function which we can explore intensively.
The odd thing is that we are used to applying statistical methods in a setting
with Y = f (x) + ε. Here we are ordinarily missing the +ε term which is the
usual entry point for statistical methods into a problem setting. What we
will do is sample Yi = f (xi ) for strategically chosen xi , essentially turning
numerical problems into statistical ones. The designs we use are ordinarily
descibed informally as space filling. When f (·) has no measurement error then
we normally turn to interpolation methods to estimate f (x) at points where we
have not sampled. The most common choices are based on kriging which stems
from modeling f (·) is if it were a randomly chosen continuous function.
For background on computer experiments, see the texts Santner et al. (2018)
and Fang et al. (2006) as well as the articles Sacks et al. (1989), Koehler and
Owen (1996) and Roustant et al. (2012).
This chapter is based on two lectures. It might have been good to have one
lecture for design and another for analysis. That however is not a good fit. The
designs and analyses are more naturally developed jointly. This chapter is also
a survey of computer experiment ideas; readers will need to follow up in the
references for more details.

150 14. Computer experiments

14.1 Motivating problems

In class we first looked at animations of some computer experiment output. One
was a finite element analysis of a car crashing into a post and another showed
fuel sloshing in the back of a transport truck that was braking. Similar videos
are readily found online though any specific one might disappear. The users of
that code can extract quantities of interest like the amount of energy absorbed
by the front of the car (and hence not delivered to the passenger compartment)
in a collision or the amount of force on the sides and ends of the fuel container.
The designer can then vary baffles in the truck or the configuration of the car
to get the best tradeoff among numerous quantities of interest.
Codes of this type are used in the design of aircraft, semiconductors and
factories. They are also used in modeling of climate and oil reservoirs. For
instance we might have a model that predicts how much the arctic will warm
at night in 10 years time given some assumptions about CO2 emissions and
reflectivity of clouds among other things. In settings like this we have
Y = f (x), x ∈ Rd , Y ∈ Rq .
The function f (·) is usually deterministic and expensive (e.g. 24 hours to run).
The number d of input variables may be large and the output dimension q can
be large too. The output might even be a curve such as a time trajectory of
some scalar quantity.
The authors of these codes put knowledge from physics and chemistry into
them in order to describe as faithfully as possible what Y will be like given x.
The users often have the opposite goal. They may want the x values that give
some specific value of Y or that optimize some function g(Y ). It is as if they
want “f (·)−1 ”, the inverse of the physics or chemistry that was used to write f .
In computer experiments we make a strategic choice of input points x1 , . . . , xn
and compute f (xi ). We then use those function values to answer questions
about f (·). Those questions usually depend on values like f (x0 ) for new points
x0 that are not among those n points. We do this by finding an emulator
function f˜(·). Ordinarily f˜(xi ) = f (xi ) for i = 1, . . . , n. That is, the emulator
usually interpolates the known values exactly. We might be able to evaluate f˜
millions of times if it is fast enough.
There are compelling advantages to computer experiments. They are usually
cheaper than physical experiments. Safer too. Design iterations can happen
more quickly in computation than physically. For problems involving the future
or objects deep in space, computer experiments may be the only option.
An interesting feature of computer experiments for statisticians is that we
are very used to Y = f (x) + ε. Now, all we have is Y = f (x) without the noise
term that is usually the invitation to think statistically. Experimental design
has more to offer than just reducing the impact of noise. It also helps one cope
with the complexity arising from interactions. In computer experiments, there
may be no issue at all about causality. If we change x then f (x) changes in a
perfectly predictable way. There can still be issues of external validity arising
from the assumptions baked into f .

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14.2. Latin hypercube sampling 151

As an example function, consider the wing weight function from Sur-

janovic and Bingham (2013). This is available online at https://www.sfu.ca/
~ssurjano with some code. The function is

0.758 0.0035
 A 0.6 0.006 0.04  100tc −0.3
0.036Sw Wfw q λ (Nx Wdg )0.49
cos2 (Λ) cos(Λ)
+ Sw Wp ,

It represents the weight of the wing of an aircraft depending on variables defined

at Surjanovic and Bingham (2013).
Diaconis (1988) asks whether seeing the functional form is enough to un-
derstand a function. We might ask: which variables are most important? how
do we get wing weight below some target?, which variables affect the function
monotonically and what sizeable interactions are there? Even with a closed
form expression like the above it is difficult to address these questions. Usually
in computer experiments, we don’t even have a formula, just code.
The questions above are actually trick questions too. Their answers depends
on set X of interesting values x. We may also need to introduce a distribution
on x to pose the questions well. Even with a known distribution for x on X ,
the point that Diaconis raises remains. It is not obvious how to interpret even
a moderately complicated function from its formula. Variable importance is
mentioned briefly near the end of this chapter.

14.2 Latin hypercube sampling

We seldom want to take a grid of N = nd points because the cost grows too
quickly with d. We could just take xi ∼ U[−1, 1]d or U[0, 1]d or U(X ) for a set
X of interest. We can however do better than this.
The first space filling design to consider is the Latin hypercube sample
of McKay et al. (1979). We spread out x1j , . . . , xnj to fill the range 0 to 1 for
each j = 1, . . . , d. That is we take X = [0, 1]d . For a Latin hypercube sample
of n points in d dimensions we take

πj (i − 1) + uij
xij = 1 6 i 6 n, 16j6d
where πj are uniform random permutations of 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 and uij ∼ U[0, 1).
All d permutations and nd uniform random variables are mutually independent.
Many computing environments include methods to make a uniform random
permutation. Figure 14.1 shows a small Latin hypercube sample. We see that
the n values of xij for i = 1, . . . , n are equispaced (stratified) and this is true
simultaneously for all j = 1, . . . , d. It balances nd prespecified rectangles in
[0, 1]d using just n points. If any one of those inputs is extremely important, we
have sampled it evenly without even knowing which one it was.
A notable strength of a Latin hypercube sample is that it allows d > n or
even d  n. It is also easy to show that each xi ∼ U[0, 1]d . The name of this

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152 14. Computer experiments

Latin hypercube sample



0.6 ●




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 14.1: This shows a Latin hypercube sample of n = 25 points in d = 2

dimensions. From Owen (2020).

design is connected to Latin squares. For Figure 14.1, imagine placing letters
A, B, C, · · · , Y in the 25 × 25 grid with each letter appearing once per row and
once per column. That would be a Latin square. In an LHS we sample within
the cells occupied by just one of those 25 letters, perhaps ‘A’. This design is also
used in computer graphics by Shirley (1991) who gives it the name n rooks
because if the sampled points were rooks on an n × n chessboard, no rook could
take any other.
Figure 14.1 showed points uniformly and randomly distributed inside tiny
squares. If we prefer, we could evaluate f at the centers of those squares by

πj (i − 1) + 1/2
xij = 1 6 i 6 n, 1 6 j 6 d.
This centered version of Latin hypercube sampling was described by Patterson
(1954) for an agricultural setting (crediting Yates).

14.3 Orthogonal arrays

Orthogonal array designs are a generalization of Latin hypercube samples that
allow us to balance more than one input variable at a time in our sampling.
Randomized orthogonal arrays, described below, are suitable designs for ex-

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14.3. Orthogonal arrays 153

ploring deterministic functions. The definitive reference for orthogonal ar-

rays is Hedayat et al. (1999). There is also Neil Sloane’s web site http:
//neilsloane.com/oadir/ which has results from after the publication of that
book as well as some files containing orthogonal arrays.
For an integer base b > 2, a dimension d > t > 1, and an integer t > 1, the
discrete matrix
A ∈ {0, 1, . . . , b − 1}n×d
is an orthogonal array of strength t if each n × t submatrix of A has all bt
possible distinct rows the same number λ of times. The nomenclature for it is
OA(n, d, b, t). It is clear that n = λbt . Often λ = 1. Geometrically, if we were
to pick any t columns of A make a t-dimensional scatter plot, we would get a
full bt grid, with λ copies per point.
In computer experiments, odd things can happen in the “corners”. Those
are points where two variables are both at extremes be they maxima or minima
or a mix of the two. For instance, our codes might crash there. Orthogonal
arrays get points into the corners that Latin hypercube samples could miss.
There are many constructions of orthogonal arrays. We will look at one from
Bose (1938). It is very useful and the construction can be understood using just
one fact about prime numbers. A prime number is an integer p > 2 whose only
divisors are 1 and itself. That is not the fact about primes; that’s the definition.
The fact is that if positive integers a and b are such that ab is a multiple of
p, then at least one of a or b is a multiple of p. This follows from the prime
factorization theorem.
The Bose construction will give us OA(p2 , p + 1, p, 2). Therefore we can
handle p + 1 variables and every p × 2 submatrix has all p2 rows once. We will
be able to use that design to get into all 4 corners of all p(p − 1)/2 pairwise
scatterplots of our data. We will be sampling in more corners than there are
data points. Any two columns of the orthogonal array could be reordered to
look like columns labeled x and y in Table 14.1. Exercise: explain why this
gives us p − 1 mutually orthogonal Latin squares.
It is especially convenient that p = 11 is prime. Using p = 11 we get n = 121
points in [0, 1]12 after rescaling. All bivariate plots are 11 × 11 grids. We could
use round number values 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, · · · , 1.0. Similarly, for p = 101 we get
n = 10,201 points in [0, 1]102 . All bivariate plots are 101 × 101 grids. We could
use round number values 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, · · · , 1.00.
The construction goes as follows. We start with the two columns in Ta-
ble 14.1, and then we adjoin columns x + y, x + 2y, x + 3y, . . . , x + (p − 1)y
all in arithmetic mod p. Note that this construction does not work if p isn’t
prime. There is a generalization for prime powers b = pr but when r > 1 the
generalization does not use arithmetic modulo b.
To see why it works, let’s ignore the y column for now (leaving an exercise
for later). Then any column can be written x + cy mod p for some integer
c. It is enough to show that any pair of columns has all p2 possible vectors
(a1 , a2 ) ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1}2 . Since there are only n = p2 rows, each of those
vectors must then be present exactly once.

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154 14. Computer experiments

x y
0 0
0 1
.. ..
. .
0 p−1
1 0
.. ..
. .
1 p−1
.. ..
. .
p−1 0
.. ..
. .
p−1 p−1

Table 14.1: Here are the first 2 columns of a Bose OA(p2 , p + 1, p, 2) orthogonal
array. We have labeled them x and y for future use.

Let’s pick any two of these columns indexed by c1 , c2 with c1 < c2 . The
(a1 , a2 ) that we need satisfies
a1 1 c1 x
= mod p
a2 1 c2 y

where (x, y)T ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1}2 indexes the row of Table 14.1 that we want.
We can solve this formally by taking
x 1 c1 a1 1 c2 −c1 a1
= = .
y 1 c2 a2 c2 − c1 −1 1 a2

The matrix multiplication above is well defined in arithmetic modulo p but

dividing by the determinant d = c2 − c1 has to be checked.
First, because c1 6= c2 (for the two distinct columns) we have d = c2 − c1 6=
0 mod p, so the determinant is not zero. Next we show that the value “1/d”
is an integer d−1 ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1} such that dd−1 = 1 mod p, and that there
is only one such integer. There are p − 1 candidates {1, 2, . . . , p − 1} for d−1 .
Suppose that we multiply all of them by d getting {d, 2d, . . . , (p − 1)d} mod p.
None of these can be zero because 0 < j, d < p with jd = mod p would make jd
a multiple of p contradicting the prime number fact above. This means that one
of them has to be equal to 1 mod p. As for uniqueness, suppose that there are
two values 0 < j1 < j2 < p with j1 d = j2 d = 1 mod p. Then (j2 −j1 )d = 0 mod p
which we have already ruled out.
It follows that we get all p2 possible rows from any two colunns of the Bose
OA apart from cases where one of those columns is labeled ‘y’ above. Exercise:
use a similar argument for the case of columns y and x + cy mod p for c 6= 0.

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14.3. Orthogonal arrays 155

Bose OA Randomized Bose OA

● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
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● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
0 2 4 6 8 10

0 2 4 6 8 10
● ● ● ● ●●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●
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● ●
● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●●


● ● ●

● 10 ● ● ●
● ●
● ●


● 8 ●
● ● ●
● ● 8

● ●

● 6 ● ● ●
● ● ●

● ●

● 4 ●
● ●

● 4
● ●

2 ●
● ● 2
● 0 ● 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

X1 X1

Figure 14.2: The left panel shows three columns of OA(121, 12, 11, 2) unscram-
bled. The right panel shows a scramble of them. From Owen (2020).

The Bose OA “balances” p2 p2 = p3 (p + 1)/2 hyperrectangular subsets of

[0, 1]p+1 with just p2 points. For p = 101 we have balanced more than 5 × 107
strata with only about 105 points.
To use an orthogonal array as a space filling design it is important to ran-
domize the levels. In a randomized orthogonal array (Owen, 1992) we begin
with an OA(n, d, b, t) matrix A and take
πj (aij ) + uij πj (aij ) + 1/2
xij = or xij =
b b
for independent uniform random permutations πj of {0, 1, . . . , b − 1} and uij ∼
U[0, 1)d . Random offsets uij produce xi ∼ U[0, 1)d (which is the same distri-
bution as U[0, 1]d ). These points are dependent because by construction they
must avoid each other in any t-dimensional coordinate projection. The centered
versions might be better for plotting contours of f in plane given by xj and
xj 0 for two variables 1 6 j, j 0 6 d. Exercise: is a Latin hypercube sample a
randomized orthogonal array?
It is important to apply the permutations πj . Without permutation, the
points will lie in or near two planes and then not fill the space well. See Fig-
ure 14.2. Figure 14.3 shows several pairwise scatterplots from a randomized
orthogonal array.
Tang (1993) perturbs the points of an orthogonal array slightly, to make
them also a Latin hypercube sample. Compared to a randomized orthogonal
array the result is more uniform univariate marginal distributions.
There are many more orthogonal arrays to chose from. See Hedayat et al.
(1999). As mentioned above, the Bose construction can be generalized to

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156 14. Computer experiments

Randomized Bose OA
X2 vs X1 X3 vs X1 X4 vs X1
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
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● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
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● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ●
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Figure 14.3: Some coordinate projections of randomized orthogonal arrays

based on OA(121, 12, 11, 2). From Owen (2020).

OA(b2 , b + 1, b, 2) for prime powers b = pr . There are constructions of the

form OA(2b2 , 2b + 1, b, 2) for b = pr . These constructions from Bose & Bush
or Addleman & Kempthorne nearly double the number of variables that can
be explored by doubling the number n of function evaluations. Higher strength
constructions due to Bush in 1952 produce OA(bt , b + 1, b, t) for prime powers
b = pr with b > t − 1 > 0. There are also arrays with mixed levels. That is the
number of distinct values can be different from one column to another. Some
can be downloaded from http://neilsloane.com/oadir/.

14.4 Exploratory analysis

Given a space filling sample x1 , . . . , xn , we can compute Yi = f (xi ) yielding
data pairs (x1 , Y1 ), . . . , (xn , Yn ). We can explore these using statistical and
graphical methods. For instance we could select the “good Y values” and see
what xi they have. If f is expensive to compute thane we could also do that
for the values f˜(xi ) for i = 1, . . . , N with N  n once we have worked out how
to extend f to an emulator f˜.
Sobol’ sequences are a kind of quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) sampling described
below. Like orthogonal arrays there are advantages to scrambling QMC points.
Using 1024 scrambled Sobol’ points in [0, 1]10 as inputs to the wing weight
function, we obtain Figure 14.4. When taking this many points is infeasible for
our original function f , we might do it for an emulator.
It is surprising to see that the range of interesting wing weights has results

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

electronically without author’s permission
14.4. Exploratory analysis 157

From 1024 Sobol' points



150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Wing weight

Figure 14.4: Histogram of the wing weight function evaluated at 1024 scrambled
Sobol’ points.

that vary by a factor of about 3–fold. Perhaps the input ranges are quite wide
or there are strong effects in the corners. If we were interested in the lightest
wings, then we could select out the points with f (xi ) < 200 and plot their input
values as in Figure 14.5. In many of the scatterplots we see very empty corners
and densely sampled corners. For instance variables 3 and 8 together seem to
have a strong impact on whether the wing weight is below 200. Figures like this
are exploratory in nature; we might see something we did not anticipate, or we
might not see anything that we can interpret.
Figure 14.6 show linear regression output for the wing weight function on
the randomized Sobol’ inputs. This function is nearly linear with R2 = 0.9833
(adjusted R2 virtually identical at 0.9831). Because the sampling model is not
linear plus noise the usual interpretation of regression output does not apply.
Notwithstanding that, this function is surprisingly close to linear, even though
the formula did not look linear. By Taylor’s theorem, a smooth and very non-
linear function could look locally linear especially in a small region not centered
at a point where the gradient vanishes. Reading the variables’ described ranges
online does not make them appear to be very local. Also, a small region of
interest in design space would seem like it ought to restrict the wing’s weight
to a much narrower range than 3–fold. It appears that this nonlinear looking
function is actually close to linear over a wide range of inputs. A plain regression
as a quadratic polynomial with cross terms and pure quadratic terms scores an
adjusted R2 of 0.9997. The function is simpler than it looks.
This is by no means what always happens with computer experiments. It
is however also quite common that potentially quite complicated functions that
come in real applications are not maximally complex. There are additional

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

electronically without author’s permission
158 14. Computer experiments

Wing wt < 200

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0.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.6

Figure 14.5: Scatterplot matrix of sample points for which the wing weight was
below 200.

examples in Constantine (2015). See also Caflisch et al. (1997) who find that
a complicated 360-dimensional function arising in financial valuation is almost
perfectly additive.

14.5 Kriging
The usual way to predict f (x0 ) at a point x0 6∈ {x1 , . . . , xn } where we have
evaluated f is based on a method called kriging from geostatistics. Kriging
originated in the work of Krige (1951). Kriging is based on Gaussian process
models of the unknown function f . Stein (2012) gives the theoretical back-
ground. Sacks et al. (1989) applies it to computer experiments drawing on a
body of work developed by J. Sacks and D. Ylvisaker. Much of the description
below is based on Roustant et al. (2012) who present software for kriging.

© Art Owen 2020 Dec 6 2020 version. Do not distribute or post

electronically without author’s permission
14.5. Kriging 159

> summary(lm( wingwt1024pts ~ rsobo1024pts ))

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 143.64941 1.08843 131.978 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts1 58.76020 0.67690 86.807 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts2 0.16170 0.67693 0.239 0.8112
rsobo1024pts3 78.22236 0.67691 115.557 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts4 -0.00758 0.67697 -0.011 0.9911
rsobo1024pts5 1.50798 0.67699 2.227 0.0261 *
rsobo1024pts6 7.45687 0.67693 11.016 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts7 -62.02511 0.67697 -91.622 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts8 106.70114 0.67698 157.614 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts9 48.60273 0.67693 71.798 <2e-16 ***
rsobo1024pts10 9.46825 0.67694 13.987 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 6.253 on 1013 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.9833, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9831
F-statistic: 5956 on 10 and 1013 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

Figure 14.6: Some regression output for the wing weight function.

For an intuitive understanding of kriging consider Figure 14.7 and suppose

we would like to know how much gold there might be per cubic meter at the
location marked ‘?’ given the other measured values in that figure. We would
like to estimate it by a weighted average of those values. Because the point
labeled 1.9 is closest we should give it more more weight than the point labeled
1.7. The three values somewhat larger than 2 should get more weight than the
value 1.1 because there are three of them, and the distances from the target
point are similar between them and the point labeled 1.7. They should not
get in triple the weight in aggregate because, by being so close together we
anticipate that the three readings might be somewhat redundant.
To turn these intuitive notions into a formula for computation we introduce
a Gaussian model for the gold values with a covariance function to describe how
similar nearby points are to each other.
First we review properties of the Multivariate Gaussian distribution. We
assume that the standard normal distribution N (0, 1) is familiar. If z ∈ Rd
has independent N (0, 1) components then we write this as z ∼ N (0, I) where
here 0 is a vector of d zeroes and I is the d-dimensional identity matrix. The
vector x = µ + Cz then has the N (µ, CC T ) distribution. The general case is
written x ∼ N (µ, Σ) where µ = E(x) and Σ = cov(x) = E((x − µ)(x − µ)T ).
If x ∼ N (µ, Σ), then x = µ + Cz for some matrix C satisfying CC T = Σ.
The matrix square root C is not uniquely determined. Linear combinations of

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160 14. Computer experiments





2.1 2.3
● ●

Figure 14.7: Hypothetical setting to illustrate kriging.

Gaussian vectors are also Gaussian: Ax + b ∼ N (Aµ + b, AΣAT ).

If x1 = (x1 , . . . , xr )T and x2 = (xr+1 , . . . , xd )T and
x1 µ1 Σ11 Σ12
x= ∼N ,
x2 µ2 Σ21 Σ22

x1 ⊥⊥ x2 ⇐⇒ Σ12 = 0.
For our present purposes, the most useful property of the multivariate Gaus-
sian distribution is that, if Σ22 invertible, then
L(x1 | x2 ) = N µ1 + Σ12 Σ−1 −1
22 (x2 − µ2 ), Σ11 − Σ12 Σ22 Σ21 .

This condition is not very restrictive. If Σ22 is singular then some component of
x2 is linearly dependent on the others. We could just condition on those others
if they have a nonsingular covariance. More generally, we need only condition
on a subvector of x2 that has an invertible covariance.

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14.5. Kriging 161

In a computer experiment context, we have Yi = f (xi ), i = 1, . . . , n and we

want to know about f (x0 ). We adopt a multivariate Gaussian model
 
f (x0 )
 f (x1 ) 
Y =  .  ∼ N (µ, Σ),
 
 .. 
f (xn )

with µ and Σ chosen as described below. Then, to predict f (x0 ) we may use

f˜(x0 ) = E(f (x0 ) | f (x1 ), · · · , f (xn )).

We also get var(f (x0 ) | f (x1 ), · · · , f (xn )) for uncertainty quantification, from
the multivariate Gaussian distribution.
Because x0 could be anywhere in the set X of interest, we need a model
for f (x) at all x ∈ X . For this, we select functions µ(x) = E(f (x)) defined on
X and Σ(x, x0 ) = cov(f (x), f (x0 )) defined on X × X . The covariance function
Σ(·, ·) must satisfy
X  n X
X n
var ai f (xi ) = ai ai0 Σ(xi , xi0 ) > 0 (14.1)
i=1 i=1 i0 =1

for all a ∈ Rn and all xi ∈ X for all n > 1, or else it yields negative variances
that are invalid. Interestingly, the condition (14.1) is sufficient for us to get a
well defined Gaussian process.
There is an interesting question about in what precise sense is f (·) random?
We simply treat it as if the function f were drawn at random from a set of
possible functions that we could have been studying. The function is usually
chosen to fit a scientific purpose, though perhaps a random function model
describes our state of knowledge about f (·). Perhaps not. However, the kriging
method is widely used because it often gives very accurate emulator functions
f˜(·). They interpolate because for 1 6 i 6 n,

f˜(xi ) = E(f (xi ) | f (x1 ), · · · , f (xn )) = f (xi ).

Knowledge about f (·) can be used to guide the choice of µ(·) and Σ(·, ·).
After choosing Σ(·, ·), we may pick a model like

Y = f (x) = µ(x) + Z(x)

where µ(·) is a known function and Z is a mean zero Gaussian process with
covariance Σ. This method is known as simple kriging. For µ(·), we might
choose an older/cheaper/simpler version of the function f .
A second choice, known as universal kriging takes
Y = f (x) = βj fj (x) + Z(x)

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162 14. Computer experiments

where once again Z(·) is a mean zero Gaussian process. Here βj are unknown
coefficients, while fj (·) are known predictor functions. They could for instance
be polynomials or sinusoids, or as above, some prior versions of f . Sometimes
βj are given a GaussianPprior, and other times they are treated as unknown
constants. That makes j βj fj a fixed effect term which in combination with
a random effect Z(·) makes this model one of mixed effects. It has greater
complexity than simple kriging. Roustant et al. (2012) describe how to analyze
this situation.
The third model we consider is ordinary kriging. Here

Y = f (x) = µ + Z(x)

for an unknown µ ∈ R and a Gaussian process Z(·). We can view this as Z

absorbing all of the fj (·) from universal kriging. Ordinary kriging is the most
commonly used method for computer experiments. It has a simpler theory and
estimation strategy than universal kriging.

14.6 Covariance functions for kriging

The usual choice of covariance has Σ(x, x0 ) = σ 2 R(x, x0 ) for a correlation func-
R(x, x0 ) = corr(f (x), f (x0 )).
It is also common to choose a stationary covariance, meaning one with

R(x, x0 ) ≡ R(x − x0 ).

For x ∈ Rd we now have R depending just on a difference vector in Rd instead

of depending on two vectors in Rd . A radial or isotropic corelation function
takes the form
R(x, x0 ) = ρ(kx − x0 k; θ)
for a parameter θ. While these are commonly used in earth sciences (see Stein
(2012)), computer experiments more commonly use a tensor product model
Y d
R(x, x0 ) = ρj (xj − x0j ) = ρ(xj − x0j ; θj )
j=1 j=1

This model fits with factor sparsity. The value of θj may make some xj very
important and others unimportant. It reduces our problem to finding covari-
ances for the d = 1 case. If all d correlations ρj (·) are valid then so is their
tensor product.
One common choice is the squared exponential covariance

ρ(s − t; θ) = exp(−θ(s − t)2 )

for a parameter θ > 0. This covariance resembles a Gaussian probability density

function and so it is sometimes called a Gaussian correlation though that term

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14.6. Covariance functions for kriging 163

Brownian bridge construction of Brownian motion






0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Time t

Figure 14.8: A Brownian motion path and some ‘skeletons of it’. From Owen

is potentially confusing since the adjective ‘Gaussian’ is already being used

in another sense to describe the distribution of f (x). For s − t = , we get
exp(−θ2 ) ≈ 1 − θ2 . Nearby points are very strongly correlated and as
a consequence f (·) must be very smooth. Stein (1989) points out that the
realizations of f are infinitely differentiable, which is unrealistically smooth for
many applications.
The exponential covariance has ρ(s − t; θ) = exp(−θ|s − t|), for a param-
eter θ > 0. For s − t = , we get exp(−θ) ≈ 1 − θ. The correlation drops
off much faster than for the squared exponential covariance. The realizations
of f (·) are much less smooth. They are not even differentiable once, resembling
instead Brownian motion. This of course is not smooth enough for many ap-
plications. Figure 14.8 shows a sample path of Brownian motion which has a
covariance with a decay similar to that of the exponential correlation function.
The piecewise linear ‘skeletons’ there give f˜(x) based on the (t, f (t)) values that
they connect.
The effect of θ also has implications on the smoothness of the realizations.
A large θ implies that the correlation between f (t) and f (t + δ) drops rapidly
as δ > 0 is increased. If we think of t as a time, then the process rapidly forgets
f (t) when θ is large. This can induce more rapid oscillations whether the sample
paths of f are smooth or rough.
A compromise between exponential and square exponential correlations can
be attained via the Matern kernels. They are defined in terms of Bessel
functions. When the paramter ν is set to m + 1/2, then the realizations have
m derivatives and the correlation function has a closed form. Here are the first

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164 14. Computer experiments

Matern Process Realizations

θ=2 θ = 10

ν= 3/2

ν= 3/2



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

ν= 5/2
ν= 5/2




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

ν= 7/2 ν= 7/2




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 14.9: Some realizations of Gaussian processes with one dimensional

Matern covariances. Larger values of the parameter ν increase their number
of derivatives while larger θ value increase the speed at which they oscillate by
forgetting their past. From Owen (2020).

four of them:

ρ(s, t; 1/2) = exp(−θ|s − t|),

ρ(s, t; 3/2) = exp(−θ|s − t|)(1 + θ|s − t|),
 1 2 
ρ(s, t; 5/2) = exp(−θ|s − t|) 1 + θ|s − t| + θ |s − t|2 , and
 2 2 1 
ρ(s, t; 7/2) = exp(−θ|s − t|) 1 + θ|s − t| + θ |s − t|2 ) + θ3 |s − t|3 .
5 15
Notice that ν = 0 gives the exponential covariance. Letting ν → ∞ produces
the squared exponential covariance. Figure 14.9 shows some sample paths.
To understand the connection between process smoothness and the correla-
tion function, we proceed informally. We begin with the correlation between f
at one point and a divided difference of f some place else:
 f (x + h) − f (x)  1  
cov , f (x̃) = cov f (x + h) − f (x), f (x̃) .
h h
Next, if we let h → 0 on both sides, and are not rigorous about limits, we find
that  d  d
cov f (x), f (x̃) = ρ(x, x̃)
dx dx

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14.7. Interpolation, noise and nuggets 165

A similarly informal argument gives

 d d  d2
cov f (x), f (x̃) = ρ(x, x̃).
dx dx̃ dxdx̃
For stationary correlations this becomes
 d d  d2
cov f (x), f (x̃) = ρ(x − x̃) = −ρ00 (x − x̃)
dx dx̃ dxdx̃
and then  d 
var f (x) = −ρ00 (0).
The exponential covariance ρ(δ) = exp(−θ|δ|) is not twice differentiable at the
origin and that resulting process does not have a derivative. For a properly
rigorous account, see Stein (2012).

14.7 Interpolation, noise and nuggets

Suppose that we obtain f (x1 ) · · · Rf (xn ) and some partial derivatives like
∂f (x1 )/∂x1j and even some integrals A f (x) dx. When f is a Gaussian process
for which the derivative exist, then all of these quantities are jointly Gaussian
along with any unmeasured function values, derivatives and integrals.
This is a very powerful property. It means that using the recipe

E(any unknowns | all the knowns)

We get a function f˜ that matches all known values and derivatives and integrals
while also being consistently extendable to the unknown values and derivatives
and integrals. It is quite common for automatic differentiation codes to deliver
gradients along with function values. Kriging can make use of known gradients
to better predict function values.
If there is some Monte Carlo sampling embedded in f (x), then we may need
to model f as having an unknown true value somewhat different from the value
we computed. Let’s suppose that Yi = f (xi ) + εi for measurement noise εi that
is independent of the Gaussian process distribution of f . Then

cov(Yi , Yi0 ) = cov(f (xi ) + εi , f (xi0 ) + εi0 )

= cov(f (xi ), f (xi0 ) + cov(εi , εi0 )
= σ12 R(xi , xi0 ) + σ02 1i=i0

if we assume that εi are IID with mean zero and variance σ02 . Here R(·, ·) may
be any one of our prior correlation functions.
Now suppose that there is sporadic roughness in f (·) such as small step
discontinuities that we described as numerical noise above. We can model that
using what is called a nugget effect. The covariance is

cov(f (xi ), f (xi0 )) = σ12 R(xi , xi0 ) + σ02 1xi =xi0 .

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166 14. Computer experiments

This looks a lot like the way we handled measurement noise above. What
changed is that 1i=i0 has become 1xi =xi0 . These would be different if we had
two observations i 6= i0 with xi = xi0 , that is replicates. A nugget effect is a
kind of “reproducible noise”.
In class we looked at and discussed Figures 1, 2 and 3 from Roustant et al.
(2012). Figure 1 shows f˜(x) and 95% confidence bands. It is simple kriging
with a quadratic curve 11x + 2x2 . The covariance is Matern with ν = 5/2,
θ = 0.4 and σ = 5. Figure 2 shows three different θ. The leftmost panel of
Figure 3 shows a mean reversion issue. As we move x0 away from the region
sampled by x1 , . . . , xn then f˜(x0 ) reverts towards (the esimated value of) µ.
The dissertation Lee (2017) provides an alternative form of kriging that reverts
toward the nearest neighbor.
The interpolating prediction for simple kriging is
f˜(x0 ) = µ(x0 ) + c(x0 )T C −1 (Y − µ)
Y = (f (x1 ), . . . , f (xn )T ,
c(x0 ) = (Σ(x1 , x0 ), . . . , Σ(xn , x0 ))T , and
 
Σ(x1 , x1 ) . . . Σ(x1 , xn )
C= .. .. ..
 
. . .
Σ(xn , x1 ) . . . Σ(xn , xn )
This follows from the multivariate Gaussian model. For Σ(x, x̃) = σ 2 R(x, x̃)
we can replace Σ(·, ·) by R(·, ·).
One difficulty with kriging is that the cost of the linear algebra ordinarily
grows proportionally to n3 . This may be ok if f (·) is so expensive that only
a tiny value of n is possible. Otherwise we might turn to polynomial chaos or
quasi-regression. A second difficulty with kriging is that C is very often nearly
singular. Indeed that is perhaps very good. For instance if f (xn ) is almost
identical to the linear combination of f (x1 ), . . . , f (xn−1 ) that we would have
used to get f˜(xn ) from the first n − 1 points then C is nearly singular.
Ritter (1995) shows that kriging can attain prediction errors f˜(x0 ) − f (x0 )
that are O(n−r−1/2+ ) for n evaluations of a function with r derivatives. Here
 > 0 hides powers of log(n). The interpolations in kriging have some connec-
tions to classical numerical analysis methods that may explain why they work
so well (Diaconis, 1988). When the process is Brownian motion f (t) = B(t),
then the predictions are linear splines (in one dimension). For a process that is
once integrated Brownian motion f (t) = 0 B(x) dx, we find that f˜ is a cubic
spline interpolator.

14.8 Optimization
One of the main uses of kriging is to approximately find the optimum of the
function f (x) on X . That is, we might seek x∗ = arg minx f (x).

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14.9. Further designs for computer experiments 167

Given f (x1 ), . . . , f (xn ), we could estimate x∗ by x̃∗ = arg minx f˜(x) where
f (x) = E(f (x) | f (x1 ), . . . , f (xn ). However, if we are still searching for x∗
then x̃∗ is not necessarily the best choice for xn+1 . Suppose for instance that
a confidence interval yields f (x̃∗ ) = 10 ± 1 while at a different location x0 we
have f (x0 ) = 11 ± 5. Then x0 could well be a better choice for the next function
The DiceOptim package of Roustant et al. (2012) chooses xn+1 to be the
point with the greatest expected improvement as described next. First let
f ∗ ≡ mini f (xi ). Then, if f (x) < f ∗ we improve by f ∗ − f (x). Otherwise, we
improve by 0. The expected improvement at x is

EI(x) ≡ E((f ∗ − f (x))+ | f (x1 ), . . . , f (xn )).

There is a closed form expression for EI in terms of ϕ(·) and Φ(·). We could
then take
xn+1 = arg max EI(x).

Like bandit methods, this approach involves some betting on optimism. The
optimization of EI may be difficult because that function could be very mul-
timodal. However, if each evaluation of f (·) takes many hours, then there is
plenty of time available to search for the optimum of EI, since it will ordinarily
be inexpensive to evaluate. Figure 22 of Roustant et al. (2012) illustrates this
process. That paper also describes how to choose multiple candidates for the
improvement of EI in case they can be computed in parallel. Balandat et al.
(2019) use randomized QMC in their search for the best expected improvement.

14.9 Further designs for computer experiments

Here we consider some optimal designs for computer experiments. There are
figures illustrating some of those designs in the dissertation of Koehler and Owen
(1996) as well Koehler and Owen (1996). One criterion is to maximize entropy,
choosing xi to
min E(− log(p(Y ))).
x1 ,...,xn

Figures 8(abc) of Koehler and Owen (1996) show some of these for d = 2.
Another criterion is
min E((fe(x) − f (x))2 ) dx
x1 ,...,xn [0,1]d

to minimize the integrated mean square error (MISE). Figures 9(ab) show some
examples for d = 2. The maximum entropy designs place points on the boundary
of [0, 1]2 while the MISE designs are internal.
Some other design approaches presented in Johnson et al. (1990) are called
minimax and maximin designs. They are related to packing and covering
as described in Conway and Sloane (2013).

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168 14. Computer experiments

The minimax design chooses x1 , . . . , xn to

min max kx0 − xi k.

x1 ,...,xn x0 ∈[0,1]d

If you were placing coffee shops at points x1 , . . . , xn you might want to minimize
the maximum distance that a customer (who might be at x0 ) has to go to get
to one of your shops. We can also think of “covering” the cube [0, 1]d with n
disks of small radius and centers x1 , . . . , xn .
The maximin design chooses x1 , . . . , xn to

max min kxi − xi0 k.

16i6n i0 6=i

In coffee terms, we would not want any two coffee shops to be very close to each
other. We can think of this as successfully “packing” n disks into [0, 1]d without
any of them overlapping.
Johnson et al. (1990) show that minimax designs are G-optimal in the θ → ∞
limit. This is the limit in which values of f (x) and f (x0 ) most quickly become
independent as x and x0 move away from each other.
Park (1994) looks a ways to numerically optimize criteria such as the above
among Latin hypercube sample designs.

14.10 Quasi-Monte Carlo

Quasi-Monte Carlo methods are designed for numerical integration. They can
attain much better convergence rates than plain Monte Carlo does. Niederreiter
(1992) and Dick and Pillichshammer (2010) provide comprehensive references.
In quasi-Monte Carlo methods we choose x1 , . . . , xn to minimize a “discrep-
ancy”. There are many different notions of discrepancy. We can think of them
as distances U[0, 1]d − U{x1 , . . . , xn } between the discrete uniform distribu-
tion on our n points and the continuous uniform distribution on the unit cube.
As such they have a “space filling” interpretation. See Figure 14.10.

14.11 Variable importance

Variable importance is a harder problem than causal inference. Even when there
is absolutely no doubt about the causal effect of x on f we can still debate about
ways to measure importance of variables and rank them. Variable importance
involves the “causes of effects” that we avoided in the causal inference chapter
in favor of studying “effects of causes”.
Variable importance is about the extent to which f (x) changes when one
component xj is changed. There are local versions called sensitivity analysis
about small changes to components of x. There are also global sensitivity
analysis methods where components of x are change completely at random.

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14.11. Variable importance 169

512 MC 512 QMC 512 RQMC

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Unit square Unit square Unit square

Figure 14.10: The left panel shows 1024 random points. The middle panel
shows a Sobol’ sequence. The right panel shows some scrambled Sobol’ points.

For an introduction to global sensitivity analysis, see the book by Saltelli

et al. (2008). Some of the key quantities are Sobol’ indices defined in Sobol’
There is currently a lot of interest in explaining black box functions, such as
those in artificial intelligence and machine learning. See Molnar (2018), Ribeiro
et al. (2016) and Lundberg and Lee (2017) for an entry to that literature. For
some methods that take special care about dependent input variables, see Owen
and Prieur (2017) and Mase et al. (2019).

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170 14. Computer experiments

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Guest lectures and hybrids of experimental and

observational data

We had two guest lectures by people using experimental design and developing
new methods to handle the new problems. We also had a lecture on methods
to mix some randomization in with what would otherwise be an observational
causal inference.

15.1 Guest lecture by Min Liu

We had a lecture by Min Liu from LinkedIn. Min Liu has an M.S. in Statistics
from Stanford where she took this course. Her talk was entitled “Online Exper-
imentation at LinkedIn”. They face great challenges in measuring the causal
impact of changes to their product.
People with LinkedIn accounts (members) are connected to each other.
Changes to the experience of one member might affect behavior of others. That
may then produce al SUTVA violation.
Very small and hard to detect effect sizes can be economically meaningul
because of the scale (675 million members at the time of that presentation).
There are over 3000 different metrics to track when deciding whether to
launch a new feature or not. It is not reasonable to expect a change that
improves some metrics to not be detrimental to some others.
They like where possible to get an experiment to completion within two
They need to go beyond mean responses and they find that quantiles are
very useful. For instance a variable like page load time is important to the
user experience. Raising all page load times by 0.5 seconds is meaningfully

172 15. Guest lectures and hybrids of experimental and observational data

different from raising 10% of them by 5 seconds. They compare 50’th and
90’th percentiles within the A and B pupulations. Comparing quantiles is more
complicated than comparing means and bootstrapping is too slow at scale.
Some networks can be chopped up in to pieces that barely overlap at all and
then treatments can be randomized to those pieces. This becomes very difficult
in networks of people where some may have thousands of neighbors.
A second SUTVA violation arises in two-sided markets visualized as bipartite
graphs. Think of links between advertisers and members. An experiment on one
side of the graph can affect participants on the other and indirectly spill over
to the first side. What that means is that, for instance, a difference observed
between members in treatment and control groups might not end up as the real
difference seen when making the change for all members.

15.2 Guest lecture by Michael Sklar

We had a lecture by Michael Sklar, a PhD candidate at Stanford working with
Professor T.-L. Lai, entitled “Trial Design for Precision Medicine + Applications
to Oncology”. His lecture focused on the high and rising costs of pharmaceutical
research in the US and how this is spurring the development of new complex
experimental trial designs. There is an especially great need for new designs
for cancer drugs because drug development for oncology has an unusually low
success rate (3 percent versus 20 percent outside of oncology).
One method he described is the basket trial where for intance one drug
is tested against multiple cancer type within one experiment. Another is the
umbrella trial in which multiple drugs are tested against one cancer type.
The third kind was the platform trial where, similarly to a bandit method,
the protocol calls for algorithmic addition or exclusion of new treatment arms
over time. A platform trial might also be a basket trial or an umbrella trial.
The term master protocol is used to describe basket, umbrella and platform

15.3 First hybrid

Sometimes we have observational and experimental data on the same phe-
nomenon. It would be worthwhile to use them both together, especially if the
resulting method is better than either of them on their own.
In other settings we might face resistance to doing an experiment. It may
then still be possible to inject a small amount of randomness into a plan to
gather data.
This lecture presented results from Rosenman et al. (2018) on merging a
small experimental data set with a larger observational one. The motivating
setting is that a large insurer or national health organization might have enor-
mous observational records along with a small randomized clinical trial on the
same disease.

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15.4. Second hybrid 173

One of the methods was based on a causal inference approach involving

propensity scores. The propensity e(x) = Pr(W = 1 | x) is simply the chance
of getting an experimental treatment given the covariates x. See Imbens and
Rubin (2015) for an explanation of how propensity methods can be used to
estimate a causal claim as well as the additional assumptions one must make in
order for the causal interpretation to be justified. One approach to estimating
the causal effect of a treatment is to stratify a population based on their values
ei = e(xi ). The treatment effect in each stratum is estimated by the simple
difference between average Y values for control and treated stratum members.
The overall treatment effect is a weighted average of stratum values.
The first proposal in Rosenman et al. (2018) is to simply find counterfac-
tual propensities e(xi ) for subjects i in the randomized trial. Those subjects
are then added to the corresponding propensity strata of the observational data
and contribute to the averages there. This is called the spike-in method. There
are several other proposed methods some designed to fix possible biases in the
spike-in method.
The Women’s Health Initiative has data of this type relating hormone
therapy to coronary heart disease (among other responses). It was a good test
case for these methods because it had both observational and experimental
studies of this issue. Furthermore, the experiment was large enough that it
could be split into two subsets, with one of them held out to define the true
treatment effect and the other combined with the observational data to estimate
that effect. The spike-in method turned out to have less bias than simply using
the large observational data set and less variance than using just a smallish
experiment and less mean squared error than either study had on its own.

15.4 Second hybrid

The second hybrid method from that lecture was about the tie-breaker design
as analyzed by Owen and Varian (2020). That design inserts some randomness
into a regression discontinuity design or RDD. In an RDD we have an as-
sigment variable x with a threshold t. Subjects with xi > t get the treatment
while subjects with xi 6 t get the control. In an observational setting we might
suppose that subjects with xi barely larger than t are almost the same as sub-
jects with xi barely smaller than t at least in terms of how they would respond
to the treatment. An RDD then looks for a discontinuity in the regression func-
tion µ(t) = E(Y | x) at the point x = t. The size of the discontinuity may have
a causal interpretation. See Imbens and Rubin (2015) for more.
In a tie-breaker design there are potentiallytwo thresholds A and B with
A 6 t 6 B. If xi 6 A then subject i gets control. If xi > B then subject i gets
treatment. If A < xi < B then subject i gets the treatment with probability
1/2. Tie-breaker designs have been used to award scholarships (!).
The paper Owen and Varian (2020) was motivated by loyalty reward pro-
grams that companies might offer to their best customers. For instance they
might offer an upgrade to the top 10% of customers ranked in some way appro-

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174 15. Guest lectures and hybrids of experimental and observational data

priate to the business. In a tie-breaker they could offer it instead to the top 5%
of customers and randomly to half of the next 10% of customers.
The analysis in Owen and Varian (2020) shows that statistical efficiency is
monotonically increasing in the amount of experimentation. Of course there is
a cost issue preventing one from just making all of the awards at random. The
paper analyzes that tradeoff. It also shows that there is no benefit to making
the award probability take values other than 0%, 50% or 100%, perhaps on a
sliding scale.

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The final lecture of the class had several of the students presenting their final
projects. These were about understanding or tuning household tasks like cuisine
or entertaining young children or morning wakeup rituals or hobbies such as
horticulture. It was very nice to see a range of design ideas. From a survey
of the class it seemed that fractional factorials and analysis of covariance ideas
turned out to be most widely used.
Prior to those examples was a short note summarizing the topics of the
course. That was preceded by a brief overview of the statistics problem in

16.1 What statistics is about

At a very high level view, our primary challenge in statistics is to say something
about numbers we don’t have using numbers we do have. In prediction settings
we want to know about future values of Y for some x, using past (xi , Yi ) data.
Other settings manifest differently but we are still using known values to say
something about unknowns. Phrased this way, our task seems at first like it
might be impossible.
We connect our knowns to unknowns by choosing a model that we can think
of as generating both kinds of data as depicted in the left panel of Figure 16.1.
The issue of external validity that we frequently raised involves the model
not changing between those two settings. Internal validity is then about the
model holding for the data we do have. In statistical inference, we reverse the
direction of one of the arrows, letting us learn something about the model from
the known data. This is a problem of inductive inference describing the
general model from the specific known data. Using what we know about the

176 16. Wrap-up

Data Generation Inference

Model Model

Known Unknown Known Unknown

Data Data Data Data

Figure 16.1: The left figure shows how we envision a one and the same statis-
tical model produces both our known data and some unknown data of interest.
In inference we reverse the arrow from the model to the known data. Then the
known data tell us something about the model (with some quantified uncer-
tainty). From that we can derive consequences about the unknown data.

model, deductive inference lets us derive consequences for the unknown data.
Induction leaves us with some uncertainty about the model. When we derive
something about the unknown data we can propagate that uncertainty.
One could argue that it is logically impossible to learn the general case from
specific observations. For a survey of the problem of induction in philosophy,
see Henderson (2018). We do it anyway, accepting that the certainty possible
in mathematics may not be available in other settings.
A famous observation from George Box is that all models are wrong, but
some are useful. Nobody, not even Box, could give us a list of which one is
useful when. As applied statisticians, it is our responsibility to do that in any
case that we handle. There are settings where we believe that we can get a
usable answer from an incorrect answer. Sometimes we know that small errors
in the model will yield only small errors in our inferences. This is a notion of
robustness. In other settings we can get consequences from our model that
can be tested later in new settings. This is a notion of validation, as if we
were doing “guess and check”. Then, even if the model had errors we can get a
measure of how well it performs.
There are approaches to inference that de-emphasize or perhaps remove the
model. We can imagine the path being like the right hand side of Figure 16.2
that avoids the model entirely and then unlocks more computational possibili-
ties. There may well be an implicit model there, such as unknown (x, Y ) pairs
being IID from the same distribution that produced the known ones. IID sam-
pling would provide a justification for using cross-validation or the bootstrap.
For a discussion of the role of models in statistics and whether they are really
necessary, see Breiman (2001).

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16.2. Principles from experimental design 177

Inference Algorithmic


Known Unknown Known Unknown

Data Data Data Data

Figure 16.2: Sketch of an algorithmic approach to learning about unknown

data from known data. There is only a remnant of a model.

The setting we considered in this course relates to the usual inference prob-
lem as shown in Figure 16.3. We were down in the lower left hand corner looking
at how to make the data that would then be fed into the inferential machinery.

16.2 Principles from experimental design

Statistical inference from data faces several obstacles:
1) cost of data,
2) confounding of causes,
3) correlation of predictors,
4) noise,
5) interactions,
6) missing variables, and
7) external validity.
In the face of these obstacles, experimental design offers the following techniques:
a) Randomization,
b) Blocking and balancing,
c) Factorials,
d) Fractional replication,
e) Covariate adjustments (ancova),
f ) Adaptation (bandits and sequential DOE),
g) Nesting and split-plots,
h) Random effects models, and
i) Replication.
Obstacle 1, the cost of data, is often forgotten in data analysis because, once
the data are available that cost is not pertinent to its analysis. It is a sunk
cost. Cost is important in experimental design and many of the designs we saw
were chosen to reduce that cost. For instance in fractional factorial experiments,

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178 16. Wrap-up


Known Unknown
Data Data


Figure 16.3: The place held by experimental design in statistical inference.

we would purposely sacrifice statistical correctness (e.g., an unbiased variance

estimate) in order to study more variables at a fixed cost. Nesting and split-cost
designs take advantage of the fact that some experimental factors are cheaper to
change than others. Adaptive sampling via bandits is cost driven. It can reduce
the cost incurred on the experimental units themselves. Sequential experiments
also counter the cost of continuing to experiment once the better treatment has
been clearly identified.
Confounding of potential causes was one of the primary motivations for the
use of randomization. Randomization reduces the risk that some important
cause other than the treatment is perfectly or even strongly associated with the
treatment. Missing or unmeasured variables interfere with causal claims. We
can think of them as continuously varying quantities that cause similar problems
to confounding. Randomization ensures that those missing variables cannot be
strongly associated with the treatment.
Correlated predictors can be problematic in regression settings because they
make it harder to tell which variable is important. Many of the designs we
studied produced perfectly uncorrelated predictors.
Regression methods average away the noise. In optimal designs we found
ways to minimize the effect of noise on the variance of regression coefficients.
Replication raises the sample size and thus helps us reduce noise. We also used
blocking methods to get better comparisons of “like with like” by arranging that
treatment and control would both be applied to similar experimental units,

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16.2. Principles from experimental design 179

with similarity defined by one or more categorical variables. The analysis of

covariance was useful to balance out impacts of continuous variables.
Interactions severely complicate interpretation of the effect of variables. We
looked at factorial designs that allowed us to estimate those interaction effects.
External validity is critical problem for causal inferences. Having an exper-
iment contain a wide variety of settings helps to improve its external validity.
Random effect models also provide greater external validity.

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180 16. Wrap-up

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