Arcadis HIN (NCR) 058 Excavation
Arcadis HIN (NCR) 058 Excavation
Arcadis HIN (NCR) 058 Excavation
Location: Near DCP and Issued by: Arcadis Issuer Name: Umer Siddique
HIN Classification: Safety Main Element: Excavation Sub-Element: MiSK City HSE
Despite being raised in SOR’s and issuance of HIN (ARC-HIN-053 dated: 08-02-2022), AL Babtain did not
arrange site for safe excavation works and site team started the excavation without completing the Safe work
requirements for the protection of edges and underground utilities. It was found that permit for the activity was
without any support drawing which is unacceptable as the transgressions noted on referred HIN had not yet been
completed and offered for approval. violating the RAMS for the activity and Misk City HSE standards (Section:
4.23. Excavations). Following major safety observations were made
1. Permit for the excavation activity issued without any support drawing and sketch for the under ground utilities.
2. Trench excavated without any barriers in place exposing site operatives and vehicles to fall.
3. No HSE coverage.
4. Machine excavation in area of underground utilities.
5. No ground marking and signs (sketch) for identified utilities.
6. Signal man appointed positioned and walking along the edges of the excavation.
7. Excavator found crawling over the open trench which should be avoided.
Photographs of HIN issues Attached Below: No ☐ Yes ☒
Unprotected trench. Ground marking for the utilities and signs not provided.
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HSE Improvement Notice (HIN / NCR)
Excavation permit issued without attached drawing. Site operatives walking along open edges.
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HSE Improvement Notice (HIN / NCR)
Section 2 – Corrective Actions Proposed (to be filled out by Assignee and Agreed by PMCM)
Proposed Actions to correct deficiencies:
Are works temporarily suspended pending completion of the corrective actions? No ☒ Yes ☐
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