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Proverb by Destin
To my wife who supported me and encouraged me during the
writing of this edition.

To my family & friends, thank you for supporting me.

To all the people, who I have worked with throughout the years, it
was helping you, which gave birth to this work

To Solomon, my Wisdom mentor.

I wish I knew all you knew.

To the various people whose lives and ideas have contributed to

this work. If I have omitted credit that is due to you, please let me
know & I’ll correct it in future editions. Please note in a few
instances I have used a little poetic license to emphasize the
meaning of a quotation.

Last and Greatest to my God. Thank you for the wisdom to write
this book. Thank you for teaching me and answering my many
prayers for Wisdom.
I Love you.

Proverb by Destin 3
To the Source of
All Wisdom & Knowledge
Jesus Christ

Proverb by Destin
Maybe …
Maybe you haven’t sent
this eBook to your friends yet.
I’m wondering if you can
forward this eBook to them
at this moment in time


Maybe you have your own Web site or eZine

You might want to offer this eBook as a free
download or
free bonus at this moment in time
Helping you unlock the Greatness inside you!

Proverb by Destin 5
First become, what you want to be,
inside and then you’ll
become it outside

The Greater the Dream

The Greater the Action

All her (Wisdom’s)

ways are Peace

Self Mastery begins with the

Education of the flesh

The measure of your love

for yourself determines the measure of
your love for others

Proverb by Destin
Inner wholeness begins
with self-love

It is better to do without,
If the risks of doing something are
likely to affect your survival

If left unbounded,
The pleasures of the flesh,
cause suffering to the Soul

Loving yourself means allowing

yourself to be your ‘true-self’

Loving yourself means:

• Allowing yourself to
advance and grow
• Allowing yourself to have
a safe and warm Mental

Loving yourself is caring for

and liking yourself
Proverb by Destin 7
Treat yourself Right

People tend to treat others

the way they treat themselves

Do unto others as you

would like done unto you

Communicate,… with yourself

Great change occurs,..

When staying the same is more painful
than changing

Do unto yourself as
you would have
others do unto you

Be unto yourself as
you would have
others be unto you.

Proverb by Destin
Love yourself,
the way you would
love to be loved.

Love your neighbor

as you Love yourself

Become virtue inside,

And you'll become it outside

As the mirror reflects the face

so the heart reflects the person

Emotionally healthy people

are their ‘true-selves’
in their surroundings

Emotionally healthy people

are the same outside,
as they are inside

Proverb by Destin 9
Allow yourself to
Live and Be, and Be free

First create a solid foundation,

and then build from it
Anthony Fitzhenry

Never let Guilt or Fear stop you,

From making the Right Decision

A wise man makes a mistake once,

A fool makes it twice

Lazy People usually end up working


When trying to understand

a situation
Remember to Survey the entirety
of relevant information

Plan your capital expenditure

Proverb by Destin
Trust your instincts,…
they’re often right

Those that can’t be

trusted with the small,
can’t be trusted with the large

Move with an End in Mind

If you can’t measure it,

you can’t change it

Keep company with those

you want to be like,...
As you will often
become like those
you keep company with

Treat everybody with

Courtesy & Love,
Even if they are Bad Company

Proverb by Destin 11
If you have friends who have a
negative affect on your life and you
want to gently end these friendships,…
then begin by
Gradually reducing the amount of time
you spend with them, until you have
phased them
out of your life.

Always choose long-term

over short-term,..
unless short-term affects long-term

Keep It Simple

Order creates comfort

Dr Mike Murdock

A calm and rational mind is the safest


Love isn’t fear.

Proverb by Destin
Life is about doing, not avoiding

Pain isn’t always fatal

Someone else’s fear isn’t your fear

People tend to treat themselves the way

their parents treated them,
Imagine how you would have wanted
your parents
to treat you and then,...
Treat yourself in this way.

If you feel irrational fear stop,…

look around,.. And ask yourself,
Do I see any danger right now…
Because the fear is irrational,.. you
won’t see any danger and will start to
feel more rational
Then tell yourself, that
you are Safe

Proverb by Destin 13
The thought of fear
is just a thought

It doesn’t mean because someone thinks

can’t be done, it can’t.
Emotional opinion generally differs
radically from reality.

Only consider rational well thought

out and calm opinions of what is
possible; and then only if the evidence
and reasoning process is sound. The
rest ignore !

It doesn't mean that because you

couldn't do something yesterday, you
can't do it today,
Every moment you live you
automatically learn
how to do things better,…

Proverb by Destin
It doesn't mean
because you can't
do something today,
that you won't be able to
do it tomorrow

Decisions based on emotions are only

sound if they hold up without the
emotion being present

Check reasoning
without the emotion

Failure educates you for success

You were born for

something greater

You are not somebody else

You aren’t a description

Proverb by Destin 15
You are too sophisticated to be
labeled with words

You were born to be a Child of God

If you aren’t getting

the results you want,
change something

Measure yourself by your results

Measure your advisors

by their results

In decisions,..
sacrifice the unimportant

Develop a calm and rational mind

Remain calm under pressure

Proverb by Destin
Let pressure calm you,..
When pressurized slow down
your mental rhythm

A cheerful heart
is a powerful heart

If you feel down:

• Move or Exercise
• Spend time in your Haven
• Distract yourself until you
regain your composure
• Speak to a close friend
• Focus on how you can solve the
• Eat some hot food
• Smile for 5 minutes
• Decide to Be Happy

Create a Haven for your Soul,..

Let it have a place of rest
A place of peace,.. Give it time to
regenerate its strength
Proverb by Destin 17
Enrich yourself by enriching others

Consider the end result before

you begin a task

When frustrated,..
be more cautious of your actions

Haste produces Error

A desperate Decision,..
is usually the Wrong Decision!

If you are feeling out of control,…


Those who ignore Danger Signs

will suddenly be Destroyed
without Remedy

People usually do the same things over

and over,..
If they change they normally do new
things over and over,..
Proverb by Destin
Focus determines Fruits

The measure of deep change,..

is a new habit

The measure of positive change,..

is an increase in good fruits

It doesn't mean because somebody

knows more than you,..
that they are right

Move (your Body) with

Elegance & Power

If a bad habit rubs off on you,

rub it off

In the same way you cleanse your body

Also cleanse your thoughts, your mind,
your emotions & your actions

Proverb by Destin 19
Everyday live your Dream life,..
In your Imagination

Speak what you want to be. Imagine

yourself as you
want to be.
Think about what you want to be,..

When you cannot grow,... move. When

you move, if possible move to a
parallel ledge, from which to grow. If
you can’t, select a lower ledge with a
higher growth potential

Challenge is Fun

Smile…it feels

The ability to endure difficulty is

required for success

Proverb by Destin
If the river’s too wide,
build a bridge

Some obstacles will only give in to

relentless resistance. And then more
relentless resistance. And then more
relentless resistance. And then more…

Your obstacles are like rivers

on a hiking trail.
Crossing them is part of the fun !

Passion gives you

the strength you need to
Endure the pain
of Achieving Success

Fire in your Soul and Passion

in your bones
Provide impetus for success

Proverb by Destin 21
Successful people feel the emotion

Drive-Through is the feeling of being

driven and compelled to accomplish
something, no matter what the
obstacle, no matter what the cost, no
matter how difficult it may be, no
matter how long it’s taken, no matter
how tired you are, until it’s
To persist until…
(Because in the
very depths of your Soul),
You know you will…

Evaluate the costs

before you begin something.
Make sure you have (Or will have)
the resources required to complete your

Proverb by Destin
Accomplishing a Goal eventually
is more important than,..
Missing a Deadline

The Greatest opportunities

in the world,
Often take a little longer
than expected

Invest your labors

according to the return

Decisions are measured by the

results they produce

Everybody has needs and values

Needs are required in order for us to

exist, in this world.
e.g. Food, Water, Companionship &

Proverb by Destin 23
Values aren’t required to exist in this
world, but if we have them, life
becomes more pleasant, enjoyable and
e.g. Wealth, Beauty & Wisdom

A good decision meets

your needs & values

A bad decision doesn't meet

your needs & values

The quality of a decision

can be measured by how it affects your
needs & values

Choose certainty over uncertainty,

(Unless the purpose is to experiment or
new alternatives)

Choose needs over values

Proverb by Destin
Business is the art of
creating profit by meeting
peoples needs & values

Sometimes gains can only be made

with calculated risks

The greater your ability

to meet someone’s
needs & values,
the greater your ability
to make a profit

People prefer to do business

with those they trust

Be trustworthy

Working for an employer,

is the art of harmonizing
your employers needs & values with
your own needs & values

Proverb by Destin 25
Wisdom is often the middle way

Riches of the Soul surpass

Riches of the Flesh

The Riches of the Soul are:

Wisdom, Knowledge & Prudence

The Riches of the Flesh are:

Money, Food & Physical pleasure

What does it profit a man if he gains

the whole World
yet looses his Soul ??

The most rewarding

relationships are,
one’s in which you can be
your true self.

Remember to always
grant others the
right to be their true Selves
Proverb by Destin
If you want people to
tell you the truth,
Love them

Choose friends with whom

you can have fun,
with whom you can
laugh and play,
whose company relaxes you
& soothes your Soul

If you want to be happy

make sure you:
Eat a good dinner
(With Vegetables),
Sleep in a Warm Comfortable Bed,
And get enough Sleep

A walk a day keeps

the doctor away

If you enjoy talking

find something worth talking about
Proverb by Destin 27
Sometimes the only reason
we are in bondage,
is because we believe
we ought to be

Liberation is the
Art of setting your Heart Free

A man can never be truly Free,

until he is Free in his own soul

What do you really hate ?

What makes you really angry ?
How do you wish the World was ?
Congratulations, you have just found
the problem you were
born to Solve
Based on the writing’s of
Dr Mike Murdock

Proverb by Destin
A good leader,
takes people where they want to go

It is better to develop a man with

Potential & Passion,
Than to take a man with every
qualification in the world,
but no enthusiasm

Patience is the Master Virtue

A good manager is someone who,

facilitates and coordinates
their subordinates in
doing their jobs

Parenting is the process of educating

Children for Success

Some lessons need to be learnt

by Telling,
And others by Doing
Proverb by Destin 29
There is no education
like experience

People trust those who sincerely Love


Education is Superior to Punishment

Fear is the father of

many a lie & many an excuse

Frustration is often
caused by a lack of Patience

Anger is often
caused by a lack of Understanding

If you want to succeed,

Learn from the Successful

Trust your Instincts

Proverb by Destin
It doesn’t mean because
you're honest,
that everybody else is

Unless the value is price,

price isn’t an issue

The best way to

Create Wealth is to
Add Value to the Lives of others

Nobody is like you

Make the most of it !

Nobody has your collection of

skills, experiences & talents

There are things which you can do

which no-one else can

Proverb by Destin 31
You are unprecedented
in the History of the World,
there has never been anyone exactly
like you
Therefore you have a purpose that
can’t accomplished by anybody else

The Secret to Long-Term Fulfillment is

Find your Life’s Passion
&Pursue it !

No one can add value

to the lives of others
the way you can

Emphasize your Uniqueness,

NOT your similarity

Contribute what you are uniquely able

to Contribute Best

Proverb by Destin
Your Uniqueness determines
your worth
Based on writing’s by
Rob Thompson

Sometimes the biggest obstacle to your

success is you,..
So stop it !

When you calculate a risk remember to

the impact of the risk

Always remember to …
Calculate your Risks

Marry a person who makes you Happy

Make your spouse Happy

Proverb by Destin 33
Marry a person who shares these 4
Your Life Vision
Kids (How Many)
Your Interests

Give your Instincts an Audience

The measure of a person is how

they treat those they don't need

Marry a person who treats

unimportant people well

Happiness is usually
a basic thing,..
That's why so many
struggle with it

Proverb by Destin
The secret to happiness is:
• Having things in your Life,
which make you Happy
• Not having things in your Life,
which make you Unhappy

Only 2% of Life is ever perfect,..

It therefore makes
no sense to only be Happy
when everything is going right

Life is more important than Goals

Smile and Laugh and Jump for Joy

even if things aren't perfect,...
Life is more important than Perfection

At the end of your Life

you won't regret what you did
as much as
what you didn't do

Proverb by Destin 35
Marriage is about
Kings and Queens,

Husbands make your

Wife feel like a Queen,
Wives make you
Husband feel like a King

Resistance usually
doesn't get you what you want

If nobody listens to a moaner,

What's the point of moaning

You reap what you Sow

Jesus Christ

Sow what you want

The easiest way to feel Joyful is to

help someone
less fortunate than you

Proverb by Destin
Blaming is a meaningless exercise,
Most situations
normally have hundreds of causes
(Including the Butterfly
on the other side of the World)

It is better to solve
a problem than to win a fight

If a person makes
a reasonable request,
Be reasonable and listen to it

If you are Reasonable,

People will often
be Reasonable back

People Love those who Love them

Love others

Love begets Love

Latin Proverb
Proverb by Destin 37
It is better to let your brother's
strengths build you up,
Than to criticize his weaknesses

Some people respond to their emotions

as if they have no control over them,..
The question is,… who created the
emotion in the first place

Happiness Breeds Happiness

If your emotions don't serve you,

find new one's that do

Hopes & Dreams

will Always tease,
But Destiny belongs
to those who Believe
Wisdom of Times

Every moment is a unique moment,

unlike any other

Proverb by Destin
Every moment is a Lesson
waiting to be Learned

Life is a Good teacher,

She teaches what
works & what doesn't

If all else fails,

remember what you have Left

It's not the size of the Obstacle that

But the Quality of your
Climbing Gear

No matter how long a Journey

may seem, always remember...
Every mountain has a Summit

If you are going through Hell

don't stop
Jesse Du Plantis

Proverb by Destin 39
A smile an hour &you'll
NEVER feel sour

Trust God

Wisdom is the Key to Everything

Wisdom is the ability to perceive the

deeper Causes & Relationships within
a situation

Wisdom is the ability

to find a solution,
that meets your needs & values

Those who Love knowledge

will succeed at anything

Skill is Power

Greet people with the enthusiasm

that your dog greets you with

Proverb by Destin
Always Smile first

Your actions produce

your happiness

If we are the most intelligent of the

Why do Dolphins have more fun ?

If you want to
remember something,
Use it

We remember the things which

we find most useful

We remember the things

which bring us Joy

We remember that which we can

relate to something familiar

Fun precedes mastery

Proverb by Destin 41
You spend more time at work
than with your Family,
Better make sure
you enjoy your work

Choose a career,
which takes you to your Destiny

It's not the hand that life plays you

that makes you a Winner,
But how you play that hand back…
Based on the Writings of
Chris Widener

Why live below your Dreams,

When you can live above them

Your focus produces your fruits

Half jobs are never as satisfying

as whole ones

Passion precedes profit

Proverb by Destin
Together we are
10 times more powerful

Together Everyone Achieves More
Famous Acronym

Never move without Backup

Prepare by Advancing

Know your weaknesses,

That’s where you’re
most at risk

Hard work produces success

Never display your full abilities,

It is better to let people underestimate
you than, overestimate you

Guard your heart

Proverb by Destin 43
Build your weaknesses
into strengths
& your strengths into
explosive power

No matter what the problems

we’ve been given in Life,
we’ve been given the
strength & the resources
to overcome them,
don’t see them as problems,
see them as challenges
Barbara Jones

Take a smile break

Go to bed at a descent time

Respect the Schedules of others

Dr Mike Murdock

Aim before you fire

Proverb by Destin
Words are like bullets
once you let them go
you can’t take them back

Humility breeds Respect

If you don’t look after yourself,

no-one else will
Even those who try to help you will
only be able to help you
for a while

Develop a habit of calmness

J Paul Getty

Talk smart is easy, but

peace proves Wisdom

If you want to measure the wisdom of

others, observe how much peace they
have in their lives

The evidence of Wisdom is Peace

Proverb by Destin 45
Love is the ultimate Weapon

God is Love,
Therefore we are Love

Unless we Love we cannot

Truly ‘BE’

If you feel hurt, Love it Away

Stop putting obstacles in

your path !

There is no such thing as a problem,

only an unfound solution
Brian Clayton

The more you know

the more you can do

Greatness begins with a single step in

the right direction

Proverb by Destin
Deep within each of us is the path that
leads to our ultimate Destiny
The path that leads to our
True Purpose

Break free from the imaginary chains

that bind you
Follow the path of your own Greatness

In Everything Truth, Faith & Love


Proverb by Destin 47
How to Succeed in Life
by Andrew Carnegie

From The Pittsburg Bulletin, 19 December 1903.

Reprinted from the New York Tribune.
Everybody wants to preach to the
young, and tell them to be good and
they will be happy. I shall not enter
far upon that field, but confine
myself to presenting from a
business man's standpoint of view, a
few rules, which, I believe, lie at the
root of business success.

First--Never enter a bar-room. Do not drink liquor as

a beverage. I will not paint the evil of drunkenness, or
the moral crime; but I suggest to you that it is low and
common to enter a bar-room, unworthy of any self-
respecting man, and sure to fasten upon you a taint
which will operate to your disadvantage in life,
whether you ever become a drunkard or not.

Second--I wish young men would not use tobacco--not

that it is morally wrong, except in so far as it is used in
Proverb by Destin
excess and injures health, which the medical faculty
declares it does. But the use of tobacco requires young
men to withdraw themselves from the society of
women to indulge the habit. I think the absence of
women from any assembly tends to lower the tone of
that assembly. The habit of smoking tends to carry
young men into the society of men whom it is not
desirable that they should choose as their intimate
associates. The practice of chewing tobacco was once
common. Now it is considered offensive. I believe the
race is soon to take another step forward, and that the
coming man is to consider smoking as offensive as
chewing was formally considered. As it is practically
abandoned now, so I believe smoking will be.

Third--Having entered upon work, continue in that

line of work. Fight it out on that line (except in
extreme cases), for it matters little what avenue a
young man finds first. Success can be attained in any
branch of human labor. There is always room at the
top in every pursuit. Concentrate all your thought and
energy upon the performance of your duties. Put all
your eggs into one basket and then watch that basket,
do not scatter your shot. The man who is director in a
half dozen railroads and three or four manufacturing
companies, or who tries at one and the same time to
work a farm, a factory, a line of street cars, a political
Proverb by Destin 49
party and a store, rarely amounts to much. He may be
concerned in the management of more than one
business enterprise, but they should all be of the one
kind, which he understands. The great successes of life
are made by concentration.

Fourth--Do not think a man has done his full duty

when he has performed the work assigned him. A man
will never rise if he does only this. Promotion comes
from exceptional work. A man must discover where
his employer's interests can be served beyond the
range of the special work allotted to him; and
whenever he sees his employer's interests suffer, or
wherever the latter's interests can be promoted, tell
him so. Differ from your employers upon what you
think his mistakes. You will never make much of a
success if you do not learn the needs and opportunities
of your own branch much better than your employer
can possibly do. You have been told to "obey orders if
you break owners." Do no such foolish thing. If your
employer starts upon a course which you think will
prove injurious, tell him so, protest, give your reasons,
and stand to them unless convinced you are wrong. It
is the young man who does this, that capital wants for
a partner or for a son-in-law.

Proverb by Destin
Fifth--Whatever your wages are, save a little. Live
within your means. The heads of stores, farms, banks,
lawyers' offices, physicians' offices, insurance
companies, mills and factories are not seeking capital;
they are seeking brains and business habits. The man
who saves a little from his income has given the surest
indication of the qualities which every employer is
seeking for.

Sixth--Never speculate. Never buy or sell grain or

stocks upon a margin. If you have savings, invest them
in solid securities, lands or property. The man who
gambles upon the exchanges is in the condition of the
man who gambles at the gaming table. He rarely, if
ever, makes a permanent success. His judgment goes;
his faculties are snapped; and his end, as a rule, is
nervous prostration after an unworthy and useless life.

Seventh--If you ever enter business for yourself, never

indorse for others. It is dishonest. All your resources
and all your credit are the sacred property of the men
who have trusted you; and until you have surplus cash
and owe no man, it is dishonest to give your name as
an indorser to others. Give the cash you can spare, if
you wish, to help a friend. Your name is too sacred to
Proverb by Destin 51
Do not make riches, but usefulness, your first aim; and
let your chief pride be that your daily occupation is in
the line of progress and development; that your work,
in whatever capacity it may be, is useful work, honestly
conducted, and as such ennobling to your life.
To sum up, do not drink, do not smoke, do not
indorse, do not speculate. Concentrate, perform more
than your prescribed duties; be strictly honest in word
and deed. And may all who read these words be just as
happy and prosperous and long lived as I wish them all
to be. And let this great fact always cheer them: It is
impossible for any one to be cheated out of an
honorable career unless he cheats himself.

• The Ca rneg ie Lib rary of Pittsbu rgh

• Andrew Ca rn egie Pictu re sou rced from

Proverb by Destin
Let us mentor you to Greatness
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Proverb by Destin 53
Andrew Carnegie Resources:
Please support the Carnegie Corporation of New York


Author Contact Information:

Destin can be contacted at: [email protected]


The Mind of Wisdom

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Proverb by Destin

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