262 Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings
262 Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings
262 Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings
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Building Design using
Cold Formed Steel Sections
Durability of
Light Steel Framing in
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Residential Building
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The durability of galvanized steel sections is assured provided that they are
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The publications in this series present the important design aspects of the use
of light steel framing in residential and low-rise buildings, and provide case
studies on a wide range of recent applications of this technology in new-
build and in renovation.
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This publication provides information that supplements the detailed design information in the
following SCI publication series on cold formed sections:
C Design of structures using cold formed steel sections (SCI P089, revised)
C Building design using cold formed steel sections: Worked examples to BS 5950: Part 5: 1987
(SCI P125)
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C Building design using cold formed steel sections: Acoustic insulation (SCI P128)
C Building design using cold formed steel sections: Fire protection (SCI P129)
C Building design using cold formed steel sections: An architect's guide (SCI P130)
C Building design using cold formed steel sections: Construction detailing and practice
(SCI P165)
C Over-roofing of existing buildings using light steel (SCI P246)
C Over-cladding of existing buildings using light steel (SCI P247)
C Value and benefit assessment of light steel framing in housing (SCI P260)
C Modular construction using light steel framing: An architect’s guide (SCI P272)
Other data on durability of galvanized steel are being collected under a ECSC project entitled
Elevated and Low Temperature Performance of Coated Strip Steel Products, which is being carried
out by Corus (Welsh Technology Centre), Rautaruukki Oy (Finland) and ITC (Portugal).
Surveys are continuing on other applications of light steel, including suspended ground floors and
modular construction.
Suppliers of light steel framing for housing are listed on pages 48-50.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Page No.
1.1 Light steel framing in housing 1
1.2 Types of galvanized coating 5
1.3 Performance of galvanized steel products 5
1.4 Other durability benefits of steel 6
3.1 Building Research Establishment survey on older steel framed
and steel clad housing 18
3.2 Case 1: Environmental and performance monitoring
of modern steel framed housing 18
3.3 Case 2: Environmental and performance monitoring
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Guidance notes on sheet steel coatings
Guidance notes for specifiers painting galvanized steelwork
life of the standard G275 coating, based on the measured loss of zinc from the
strip steel, is over 200 years, provided that the building envelope is properly
maintained. The evidence for this conclusion is based on measurement of zinc
loss on light steel frames in various applications and locations. A formula for
Licensed copy:atkins, Atkins Plc, 09/09/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © SCI
the loss of zinc over time in areas subject to low condensation risk is presented.
The following table summarises the expected design life of galvanized steel
sections in common applications in buildings. Steel does not shrink, warp, or
creep under load, and therefore does not contribute to cracking or deterioration
of the non-structural elements and finishes.
Walls and floors in warm No risk of water ingress or > 200 years
frame applications condensation G275* galvanizing
Roof structures Low risk of condensation 100 years
(insulated) G275 galvanizing
Roof structures Some risk of condensation 60 years
(uninsulated) G275 galvanizing
Purlins and side rails in metal Low risk of condensation; 60 years
cladding some dust and pollution G275 galvanizing
Infill external walls in multi- Warm frame and no risk of 100 years
storey buildings water ingress G275 galvanizing
Subframes to over-cladding Low risk of water ingress; 60 years
panels some risk of condensation G275 galvanizing
* G275 refers to the weight of standard zinc coating (275 g/m ).
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Durabilité des charpentes légères en acier utilisées dans les immeubles
La publication présente une synthèse des recherches réalisées sur la durabilité
des profils, en acier galvanisé formés à froid, utilisés dans le secteur du bâtiment
résidentiel. Elle passe en revue les rapports et publications relatifs à des
recherches réalisées par Corus (anciennement British Steel), DETR, BRE, ECSC
et le SCI concernant les produits en acier profilés à froid. De nouvelles données
ont été également obtenues à partir de mesures réalisées dans des maisons et
bâtiments résidentiels utilisant des composants légers en acier.
Les résultats obtenus avec des profils galvanisés, utilisés en tant qu’éléments de
charpentes chaudes sont excellents. L’étude montre que l’espérance de vie,
This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Reproduced for IHS Technical Indexes Ltd under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 15/8/2005
la publication.
Le tableau ci-dessous résume l’espérance de vie des profils galvanisés pour les
applications habituelles dans les bâtiments. Comme l’acier ne flue pas et ne
présente pas de retrait sous charges, il ne contribue pas à la fissuration ou à la
détérioration des éléments non structuraux ou de finition.
Durée de vie des éléments en acier galvanisé pour les applications habituelles
dans les bâtiments
Parois et planchers dans des Pas de risque d’entrée d’eau ou > 200 ans
applications de type charpente de condensation Galvanisation G275*
Toitures Risque faible de condensation 100 ans
(isolées) Galvanisation G275
Toitures Risque de condensation 60 ans
(non isolées) Galvanisation G275
Pannes et lisses pour bardages Risque faible de condensation; 60 ans
et toitures en acier poussières et pollutions Galvanisation G275
Pannes extérieures dans les Charpente chaude et pas de 100 ans
immeubles multi-étagés risque d’entrée d’eau Galvanisation G275
Cadres secondaires pour Risque faible d’entrée d’eau; 60 ans
panneaux de sur-revêtement risque de condensation Galvanisation G275
* G275 se réfère au poids d’une galvanisation standard (275 g/m ).
Des recommandations sont données concernant les détails conseillés, dans les
charpentes chaudes, afin d’éviter les risques d’humidité durant la durée de vie
de la charpente.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Dauerhaftigkeit von leichten Stahltragwerken im Wohnungsbau
Diese Publikation präsentiert eine Zusammenfassung von
Forschungsergebnissen bezüglich der Dauerhaftigkeit von galvanisch verzinkten
Kaltprofilen aus Stahl im Wohnungsbau. Sie gibt einen Überblick über Berichte
und Veröffentlichungen früherer Projekte über Kaltprofile aus Stahl, die von
Corus (früher British Steel), DETR, BRE, ECSC und SCI durchgeführt wurden.
Auch neue Daten von Messungen an Häusern und ähnlichen Gebäuden aus
leichten Stahlbauteilen wurden zusammengetragen.
über 200 Jahre beträgt, vorausgesetzt, daß die Gebäudehülle richtig unterhalten
wird. Der Beweis für diese Schlußfolgerung basiert auf der Messung des
Zinkverlusts leichter Stahltragwerke in verschiedenen Anwendungsfällen und
an verschiedenen Orten. Eine Formel für den Zinkverlust in Abhängigkeit der
Licensed copy:atkins, Atkins Plc, 09/09/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © SCI
Wände und Decken in Kein Risiko für Wassereintritt oder > 200 Jahre
warmen Tragwerken Kondensation G275* Verzinkung
Dächer geringes Kondensationsrisiko 100 Jahre
(gedämmt) G275 Verzinkung
Dächer etwas Kondensationsrisiko 60 Jahre
(ungedämmt) G275 Verzinkung
Pfetten und Wandprofile in geringes Kondensationsrisiko; 60 Jahre
Metallfassaden etwas Staub u. Verschmutzung G275 Verzinkung
Ausfachung in Außenwänden Warmes Tragwerk und kein 100 Jahre
von Geschoßbauten Risiko für Wassereintritt G275 Verzinkung
Unterkonstruktion für geringes Risiko für Wassereintratt 60 Jahre
Fassaden etwas Kondensationsrisiko G275 Verzinkung
* G275 bezieht sich auf das Gewicht der Zinkschicht (275 g/m ).
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Durabilità di sistemi strutturali leggeri in acciaio per edifici residenziali
Questa pubblicazione presenta una sintesi dei risultati di ricerche condotte sulla
durabilità di profili zincati in acciaio presso ! piegati a freddo. In dettaglio, sono
presentati i documenti e le pubblicazioni di precedenti progetti sviluppati da Corus
(originariamente British Steel), DETR, BRE, ECSC e da SCI su prodotti sagomati a freddo
in acciaio. Sono stati riportati anche nuove informazioni relative a misurazioni
effettuate in edifici ad uso residenziale o similare in cui vengono impiegate componenti
strutturali leggere in acciaio.
Con riferimento alle sezioni sagomate a freddo in applicazioni per pareti ventilate sono
inoltre fornite raccomandazioni sulle principali regole che consentono di evitare i rischi
associati alla presenza di umidità durante la vita del sistema intelaiato.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Durabilidad de estructuras ligeras de acero en edificios de habitación
Esta publicación presenta un resumen de los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas
a cabo sobre la durabilidad de perfiles estructurales conformados en frío y galvanizados
utilizados en viviendas. Se pasa revista a informes y publicaciones de proyectos previos
llevados a cabo por Corus (antiguamente British Steel), DETR, BRE, ECSC y SCI sobre
productos de acero conformados en frío. También se han recolectado nuevos datos a
partir de medidas llevadas a cabo en viviendas y otros edificios semejantes que han
usado piezas ligeras del acero.
Techos Riesgo de condensación bajo 100 años
(aislados) galvanización G275
Techos Algún riesgo de condensación 60 años
(sin aislar) galvanización G275
Correas y angulares en Riesgo de condensación bajo; 60 años
revestimientos metálicos algo de polvo y contaminación galvanización G275
Muros de relleno externos Estructura en ambiente 100 años
en edificios de varias templado sin riesgo de humedad galvanización G275
puertas directa
Subestructuras para Bajo riesgo de entrada de agua; 60 años
paneles de sobre- algún riesgo de condensación galvanización G275
* El apelativo G275 se refiere al peso del revestimiento típico de zinc (275 g/m ).
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Livslängd hos bostäder i lättbyggnad med stål
Publikationen sammanfattar forskningsresultat med avseende på livslängden hos
varmförzinkade tunnplåtsreglar i bostadshus. Publikationen inkluderar resultat
från tidigare forskningsprojekt om tunnplåtsprodukter som utförts av Corus
(tidigare British Steel), DETR, BRE, ECSC och SCI. Vidare redovisas nya
mätresultat från bostadshus och liknande byggnader med tunnplåtsstomme.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Galvanized steel has been used successfully for over 50 years in light steel
framing and other components in housing and low-rise residential buildings in
Australia, Japan, France, the USA and Canada. In the USA, the market for light
steel framed construction is now over 100,000 houses a year, which is evidence
of great user confidence and an excellent track record. In Australia, the market
share for light steel framing in the housing sector is already over 15%.
In the UK, the current market for light steel framing is lower, but is increasing
rapidly, and the same general principles of construction are used as in other
countries where the market share is high. Modern light steel framing systems
This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Reproduced for IHS Technical Indexes Ltd under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 15/8/2005
use sections that are cold formed from rolls of pre-galvanized (zinc coated) strip
steel. The zinc coating is able to protect the steel much more reliably than
paint coatings because it passivates the steel, and is resistant to damage and the
effects of local moisture arising from condensation in transient conditions.
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This publication reviews aspects relating to the durability of light steel framing
in modern construction, and presents the results of surveys and case studies of
the performance of galvanized steel in housing and related applications.
Recommendations on the expected design life are given, with particular
emphasis on the use of light steel framing in interior environments. Under
normal circumstances, the light steel components within a warm frame are
subject to only minor temperature and humidity fluctuations compared with the
external conditions.
The durability of light steel and its coatings in a range of climatic and exposure
conditions is the subject of continuing research both in the UK and
internationally. Further data are being collected through exposure trials and
monitoring of buildings in the UK, Finland, Portugal, Japan, Australia and the
USA, and the present findings support the conclusions of this report.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
The advantages of light steel framing include speed of on-site construction,
achieved by pre-fabrication of the wall panels and their easy assembly on site.
This creates a dry working environment for following trades, allowing the
brickwork cladding and roof tiling to follow off the critical path. Optimised
light steel framing systems have been developed that meet all the structural and
building physics performance requirements of the Building Regulations.
Light steel frames are constructed using cold formed steel components, typically
of C or Z section. The sections are joined using bolting, self-drilling self-tapping
screws, rivetting, clinching, welding (in the factory), or new methods such as
press joining. Any factory-produced welds are painted over with zinc-rich paint
to maintain the required level of protection.
Most light steel framing systems in residential construction use wall panel
construction, as illustrated in Figure 1.1. Typically, standard cold formed
sections are used for all assembly methods. The C shape section is commonly
used for the studs in walls and frames, while either C or Z sections are used for
joists in internal floors. Decking panels have been used in composite ground
floor construction.
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The sections are usually rolled from pre-galvanized sheet steel that is typically
0.9 to 3.2 mm thick with a minimum G275 zinc coating (see Section 2.1). This
thickness of zinc coating has adequate durability for internal warm frame
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
applications but additional corrosion protection measures may be required for
more aggressive external environments.
Most light steel framing systems have been assessed by the British Board of
Agrément (BBA), based on a rigorous testing regime. In these BBA approvals,
the frames are required to remain dry and reasonably airtight in the so-called
warm frame construction envelope in all reasonable circumstances during the
life of the building.
A general guide to the use of cold formed steel is given in the SCI publication
Building design using cold formed steel: An architect’s guide , and design
advice is given in Building design using cold formed steel sections: Construction
detailing and practice .
This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Reproduced for IHS Technical Indexes Ltd under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 15/8/2005
Figure 1.2). This ensures that the light steel components are kept above a
certain temperature, thus minimising the risk of interstitial condensation and
avoiding pattern staining on the internal wall face. A breather membrane is
recommended in exposed locations where driving rain may penetrate the outer
skin and would otherwise wet the insulation layer .
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In other cases, insulation may be placed between the wall studs, provided that
there is sufficient insulation outside the studs to avoid cold bridging and
therefore to avoid condensation on the studs. However, insulation to external
walls positioned solely within the depth of the studs will not prevent interstitial
condensation from forming on the stud members themselves.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
1.1.2 Roofs in steel framed houses
Purpose-made light steel trusses have been marketed for many years. Typically,
they comprise cold formed sections as flanges, with bent bars or tubes forming
the bracing elements welded to the flanges. They can be designed for spans of
5 to 20 m (up to 30 m in special applications) and can be used for flat or slightly
pitched roofs, or as long spanning floor joists.
The pitched or Fink roof truss is widely used in timber construction, and can be
replicated in cold formed C or Z sections; however the more efficient use of
steel is in the creation of open-roof systems for habitable use.
C a warm roof, in which the roof is insulated, so that the space under the roof
is relatively warm.
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1.1.3 Floors
Steel floor joists of C or Z section may be used in place of timber joists in
housing and other masonry buildings. The joists may be built into walls or
supported on traditional joist hangers. Thicker cold formed sections may also
be used to replace light hot rolled steel sections as secondary members in
Internal floors are in the warm internal environment, however there may be
applications where this is not the case, for example:
C suspended ground floors
C flat roof structures or over-roofing of existing buildings
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
1.2 Types of galvanized coating
The standard form of corrosion protection for cold formed steel sections is the
continuous dip zinc coating applied as a pre-coat to the roll of strip steel from
which the sections are formed. Galvanized steel strip is now supplied to the
[4] [5]
specification in BS EN 10147 , which has replaced BS 2989 .
The zinc adheres to the steel substrate and deforms around the bends during
forming, even in complex section shapes, without cracking or becoming
detached. Because of this, galvanizing has become the standard method for
corrosion protection of cold formed steel in a wide range of applications not
subject to direct weathering or exposed conditions. A brief review of the action
of the zinc coating is presented in Section 2.
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Hot dip galvanizing after forming is applied to complex steel fabrications and
the coating will now comply with BS EN ISO 1461:1999, which has replaced
BS 729 . More guidance on this technology is available from the Galvanizers
Association (see page 50).
A new standard, BS EN ISO 14713 , provides information on zinc and
aluminium coatings and their expected design lives in different environments.
Zinc-aluminium coatings are also available, and are used in some countries
such as Australia, particularly for roofing and cladding applications.
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
C continuous wetting and drying
C running rainwater over the surface
C leakage from service pipes etc.
C corrosive or acidic materials or polluted atmospheres.
Components and members using galvanized steel should be located within the
building envelope in such a way that potentially aggressive locations are
avoided or minimised. Good practice is addressed in a recent SCI publication
Building design using cold formed steel sections: Construction detailing and
practice .
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
The use of metallic zinc (in galvanizing, sprayed metal coatings, plating,
sherardising, zinc-rich paints, and cathodic protection) as corrosion protection
may call on one or both of these mechanisms. Hot dip galvanizing provides
both forms of protection.
Hot dip galvanizing involves dipping steel in almost pure molten zinc. The zinc
and steel react to form a series of zinc-iron alloy layers bonded metallurgically
to the steel. When the steel is lifted from the bath, molten zinc on the surface
of the bonded alloy coating solidifies and becomes part of the coating itself.
Because of the rather casual use of the term galvanizing within the building
industry, it is not always appreciated that immersion of steel in molten zinc can
create various products. Differing steels, different zinc alloys and variations in
the process may be used to alter the character of the final coating.
Standard hot dip batch galvanizing (dipping each fabricated item separately into
the bath) generally produces a series of zinc-iron alloy layers topped with a
layer of pure zinc.
In contrast, continuous galvanizing onto steel coil tends to produce only a very
thin zinc-iron alloy layer with a (relatively) thick pure zinc top layer, because
of the speed at which the steel coil passes through the bath. The total film
thickness is, therefore, much less than with the batch process. Continuous zinc
coating of the steel coil is controlled carefully to produce a range of coating
weights for different specifications of corrosion protection.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
In the UK, the working standard has been 275 g/m² (i.e. a surface thickness of
about 20 microns). This grade was formerly used in BS 2989 and has now
[8] [4]
been incorporated within BS EN 10142 and BS EN 10147 . The coatings are
thinner than those formerly specified in BS 729 because research shows that
the corrosion resistance is satisfactory for most internal building applications.
The technology of coating has improved, and there are many sources of
continuous zinc-coated steel strip. Corus’s product name Galvatite will be
known to many specifiers.
wet conditions, such as when water is trapped between the sheets. A thin film
of mineral oil is applied to the surface for the same purpose. Oil must be
removed if the product is to receive further treatment such as painting or
in water, the zinc is consumed over a period of time in any damp location. The
loss of zinc is accelerated in situations where the galvanized surface is exposed
to the atmosphere and to water running over the surface.
Galvanizing has the advantage that, when the encapsulation is breached, for
example at cut edges or drilled holes, or when the zinc has been eroded away
locally, significant corrosion of the steel substrate will not necessarily occur.
This is because zinc in close proximity to the exposed steel will still corrode
preferentially, acting as a consumable anode in an electrochemical cell (i.e. it
protects the steel cathodically). The use of a sacrificial metallic layer is known
as galvanic action. Only when the distance between the zinc and steel is too
great will the steel begin to corrode. The galvanic series of metals is shown in
Table 2.1.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Table 2.1 Galvanic series of metals
Anodic: Magnesium (Electronegative)
Iron or steel
Stainless steels
Cathodic: Copper (Electropositive)
The more anodic (electronegative) metal will corrode preferentially to the more
cathodic metal (in the presence of water and oxygen). Therefore common
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coating metals such as zinc and aluminium will protect the steel substrate
against corrosion. Conversely, stainless steel or more electropositive metals
may lead to preferential corrosion of mild steel, if directly connected and
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All hot dip galvanized products benefit from the European environmental
regulations intended to decrease the level of airborne sulphur dioxide (SO2), the
main cause of acid rain. Because the effective life of galvanized coatings is
inversely proportional to the levels of airborne SO2, their life expectancy has
increased as the pollution has decreased. Given that hot dip galvanizing is
unaffected by ultra-violet (UV) light, it is also able to outperform other coating
systems in countries where UV levels are high .
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
0 0)0
0 0 0 00
0 ro
0 0 0 0 4
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Figure 2.1 Graph showing SO2 levels and rate of reduction of zinc coating
thickness in Stockholm since 1978
The relationship between levels of airborne SO2 and the life expectancy of
exposed galvanized coatings is best understood in terms of the reaction by
which zinc protects steel.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
zinc oxide and zinc hydroxide. Environmental factors dictate which of these
compounds are formed.
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In dry air, a film of zinc oxide is initially formed by the influence of oxygen in
the atmosphere, but this is soon converted to zinc hydroxide, zinc carbonate
and other zinc compounds by water, carbon dioxide and chemical impurities
present in the atmosphere. The patina of zinc carbonate, when fully formed
across the entire surface, has excellent anti-corrosion qualities that are long-
lasting because rainwater cannot easily dissolve the zinc compound. However,
if SO2 is present in the atmosphere when the patina is forming, zinc sulphate
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will form along with the zinc carbonate. The zinc sulphate is more soluble and
thus significantly more susceptible to the effects of rainwater. The rainwater
gradually reduces the coating and its anti-corrosion abilities.
Falling levels of SO2 have reduced the rate of build-up of zinc sulphates in the
protective patina. The consequent improved resistance to corrosion leads to a
marked increase in the lifetime of galvanized coatings. Further reductions in
SO2 levels are anticipated over the next decade, with a commensurate increase
in life expectancy for galvanized coatings .
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
C Condensation from the drying out of new buildings or from the laying and
drying out of a wet concrete screed.
C The combined effect of weather and site dust on the components of a
building frame prior to application of the weather skin.
C The combined effects of weather and site dust on roof decking prior to the
application of insulation and weatherproofing.
Although the white rust may be found over a large area, it does not necessarily
mean that the steel has suffered corrosion. White rust does not usually indicate
a serious degradation of the zinc coating or that the product life has reduced.
It is acceptable to ignore thin films of white rust present in normal environments
unless the steel surface needs to be painted. Removal of white rust will
accelerate the loss of zinc. However, white rust should not be ignored in severe
environments, where other corrosion is evident or where there are heavy
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To inhibit the formation of white rust, a chromated layer is used as the standard
coated product in the UK (see Section 3.2.2).
The sections are cut to length, and holes are punched for bolts and for services.
The action of punching and shearing causes some of the zinc coating to spread
over the cut surfaces. However, the main source of corrosion protection to cut
edges arises from the galvanic action of the zinc adjacent to the cut edge, and
there is no evidence that higher levels of corrosion occur at cut edges in
practice. Furthermore, the edges or ends of the members are not usually highly
stressed and are unlikely to be the critical parts of the component or member.
Screws or bolts do not affect the performance of the steel, provided that they are
also protected by galvanizing or are made from a suitable metal.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
the time of wetness can be greater, due to condensation and possible external
water ingress. Transient moist conditions due to condensation are much less
critical than the case of water washing over the zinc surface because zinc
hydroxide, which is produced by contact with moisture, is soluble and can be
washed away.
Good building practice, thermal insulation and proper ventilation ensure that
the design of modern houses conforms to a warm dry environment, even though
humidity is created by the occupants or activities inside.
There is long experience of using galvanized steel in housing but even within
the building envelope, exposure conditions can vary considerably. Often in
older buildings, the practices and materials used were such that the galvanized
steel is more at risk than in modern buildings. The following applications
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Wall ties are used to tie two leaves of masonry walls together in a cavity wall
construction. Wall ties, such as butterfly ties, were made of galvanized steel
until recently, when stainless steel wire became commonly accepted. The
subject of wall ties is mentioned here because it is a well documented example
of the use of galvanized steel in an aggressive external wall environment where
careful investigation has led to a thorough understanding of the causes of
corrosion and of practical solutions.
It has been found that excessive corrosion of galvanized steel ties can be caused
by the high sulphate content of some brick/mortar types, which, when coupled
with moisture penetration into the outer leaf, causes an acidic attack. The
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
2.4.2 Galvanized steel lintels
Most lintels used in modern housing are made of galvanized steel, and this high
market share has been achieved because of their ease of handling, long span
capability, wide range of use in various applications, and their good long-term
durability. Lintels are protected from direct moisture by the damp proof course
placed above the lintel. Even so, the environmental conditions in a cavity wall
are much more severe than in internal applications.
Lintels are fabricated and are often complex components with many cut edges
and welds. After fabrication, every surface, cut, edge and weld is treated to
ensure that it is fully protected. This post-galvanizing process creates a build-up
of zinc protection at the most vulnerable points (edges etc.), which are
susceptible to damage on site and would otherwise be the least protected. The
specification for post-galvanizing is given in BS EN ISO 1461. Furthermore,
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BS 5977-2: Tables 1 and 2 give specific requirements for the protection of steel
lintels .
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The service life of the lintels will be more than 60 years when they are used
with a flexible damp proof course and when the environmental conditions are
as normally experienced in housing and residential buildings.
Connector plates to timber trusses have used galvanized steel for over 40 years.
So-called gang nail trusses have performed well when sitting on the internal leaf
of cavity walls, even when exposed to the variable atmospheric conditions in
uninsulated lofts. The chemicals used in treating timber trusses do not have an
adverse effect on the life of the steel.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
2.5 Design life of galvanized steel
The design life of a galvanized steel component comprises the life of the
protection system plus that of the underlying steel. The design life of the
protection system could be defined as the time period to the first major
maintenance of the coating, when recoating or some other treatment is required
to restore the total effectiveness of the protection. If there is no maintenance at
this time, the coating would continue to deteriorate and the underlying steel
start to corrode, eventually leading to serviceability problems (such as increased
deflections). The design life does not represent structural failure of the
component, and there will be a considerable margin between the design life
and potential failure.
Two categories of use may be defined that influence the requirements for design
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C Category A: concealment or encapsulation of components so that they
cannot be inspected regularly.
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Examples of Category A are wall frames, window lintels, wall ties and possibly
ground floors. Examples of Category B are roof trusses, purlins, internal floors
and external elements such as lighting poles.
The required design life depends on the conditions of use, as there should be
a greater reserve of life for components that cannot be inspected and therefore
cannot be assured for recoating, repair or replacement. Typically for residential
buildings, the required design life is 60 years, representing a sensible time to
major maintenance of the primary components.
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In the context of galvanized steel, the definition of the actual design life
depends on the degree of loss of zinc from the surface. The rate of zinc loss is
unlikely to be uniform, and experience shows that some surface rusting may
appear when an average of 50% of the original weight of zinc coating has been
lost, i.e. the zinc loss is generally uneven. However, large scale surface rusting
does not occur until most (say 80%) of the zinc has been lost; the subsequent
life of the substrate will depend on the exposure environment.
This is then consistent with other coated light steel products, such as roof
sheeting, where the design life is related to the performance of the coating
rather than the steel substrate. Therefore, in Category A, there is an implied
factor of safety of 2 in terms of complete loss of zinc and failure of the
component. In Category B, the factor of safety is 1.25.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Furthermore, when the design life of a component is predicted from the results
of research on a small number of test specimens, it is necessary to make some
allowance for the statistical possibility of a more severe loss of zinc in certain
other locations. This is taken into account when interpreting the test results
reported in Section 3.8.
This evaluation also assumes that the external envelope of the building is
maintained and does not deteriorate, so that the environmental conditions do
not change over the design life. The approach is conservative and gives a
considerable margin (in time) between the design life and any serviceability
Components such as joist hangers are important because they support the floor,
although loss of one joist hanger does not represent failure of the whole floor.
Similarly, the members in light steel wall panels have a high degree of load
sharing and redundancy due to their multiple interconnections; these structures
are therefore robust to impact and damage.
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Although it is not definitive, the list in Table 2.3 defines the general importance
of the component, which should inform the protection strategy and
maintenance regime. The most important members should be considered in
Category A (in Section 2.5) whereas less important members or components
may be considered in Category B.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Table 2.3 Hierarchy of importance in terms of durability
Increasing importance
Joist hanger
Floor joists
Floor decking (internal)
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Roof purlin
Connector plate (e.g. in truss)
Wall ties
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
steel components with paint or bitumen coatings, and were often exposed to
moisture as a result of the construction details employed and the insufficient
insulation to meet modern standards.
The conclusion of this survey was that, although certain points in the steelwork
were vulnerable to moisture, most of the corrosion found was superficial. Even
though the level of protection afforded to steelwork was less than would be
considered good practice today, it was concluded that most steel houses of the
1930-1970 period would continue to perform well for the foreseeable future.
Advances in corrosion protection methods developed for steel over the past
three decades have led to much improved quality and durability when
combined with modern construction techniques.
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The results showed that there was no significant difference in relative humidity
or temperature values at the three geographical locations. Within a given roof
space there was generally no significant difference between opposite sides of
the loft, although occasionally relative humidity was affected by localised
heating effects where, say, warm air escaped into the loft from a heated room
below. Data-logging indicated that conditions that may lead to condensation
can exist in roof spaces up to 21% of the time averaged over a year. Only one
cavity wall was monitored, but it showed that conditions that may lead to
condensation can exist for up to 16% of an average year. This result is
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
consistent with that identified separately by the BRE (Scottish Laboratory) in
cavity wall measurements.
Table 3.1 Average weight loss (g/m ) for exposed specimens in
a loft environment (after one, two and three years)
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For comparison, the equivalent uncoated mild steel specimens stored in the
same locations lost weight at a rate of approximately 2.5 g/m /year (or 0.03 mm
thickness of steel per year).
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
A difference in performance was observed between chromated and non-
chromated zinc specimens (a chromate layer is the standard product in the UK).
The value of b was found to be 0.64, indicating that the rate of zinc loss decreases
with time. This occurs because the protective oxide film that forms on the zinc
surface in dry conditions reduces the exposure of the zinc. The line of best fit
along the 95% probability line gives the value of a = 1.0, or approximately 2 × the
mean of the data (see Figure 3.1). The expression becomes:
weight loss = 1.0 (time) (2)
Based on these data, for the 98% probability level, the constant a is 1.5.
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3.00 probability
2.00 probability
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0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00
Time (months)
Figure 3.1 Zinc weight loss with time for freely exposed hot dip galvanized
steel specimens
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
corner, near the water tank and at the centre near the flue. The exercise
included the measurement of rate of weight loss on galvanized steel and mild
steel test coupons positioned at various locations, which were removed
annually and weighed over the five-year project period .
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Daily conditions were found to fluctuate over a wide range, to the point that
there was some risk of condensation despite ventilation of the cavity space, roof
and substructure. The study did not examine the time over which condensation
occurred but concentrated on overall measurements of the performance of the
galvanized steel wall-frames.
In the wall space and loft, the galvanized steel suffered very little weight loss,
as shown in Table 3.2. The annual weight loss on the galvanized steel
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specimens was extremely low (0.2 g/m ) compared with the mild steel
specimens (1.26 and 1.62 g/m in wall space and loft respectively) despite the
wide fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity in these locations.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Over the five-year study period, the annual rate of zinc loss was approximately
uniform. In February 1996 (after 14 years), the building was inspected and
internal plasterboard panels were removed. Only slight tarnishing (i.e. loss of
normal bright appearance as in Figure 3.3) was observed. In situ measurements
were taken of the standard galvanizing on the wall studs, and could not detect
any significant loss of the zinc coating. The rate of zinc loss is therefore
negligible and is considered to correspond to a long-term rate of zinc loss of no
more than 0.2 g/m /year.
The measurements taken of the specimens under the ground floor were affected
by their proximity to an air brick in the external cladding. The rate of zinc loss
after five years was 1.22 g/m /year. The conditions under the ground floor are
not as severe as external conditions, but clearly the galvanized steel is exposed
to moisture over a longer period than in warm frame applications. The
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
ingress. The bent shaped coupons were also designed to trap any moisture and
were more susceptible to corrosion than the subframe or cladding members.
The results of the samples removed to date are given in Table 3.3.
G275 coating thickness. Data averaged over three specimens for each exposure time.
The total weight loss is measured from samples that are removed and weighed
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at the stated exposure time. The rate of zinc loss is the equivalent annual rate
of loss averaged over the exposure time.
For chromated zinc samples, the average rate of zinc loss after 57 months was
0.38 g/m /year, although the rate of loss in the early months was much higher.
For non-chromated zinc samples, the average rate of zinc loss was
0.85 g/m /year after 57 months and, in this case, the rate of zinc loss tends to
be linear with time. As noted earlier, chromated zinc is the standard finishing
later used for production of cold formed steel sections.
Despite the more severe conditions present in the cavity behind the over-
cladding panels, the rate of zinc loss is not significantly higher than in the loft
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The innovative feature of the building was the use of two alternative habitable
roof systems, and a composite suspended ground floor system using a perimeter
G-shaped galvanized steel edge beam with PMF CF70 decking and an in situ
concrete slab spanning between these edge beams. The light steel framing and
roof are also highly insulated to a U value of 0.2 W/m EC. The open habitable
roof system is illustrated in Figure 3.7.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
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The building is being monitored over its life to assess its energy performance
and the local temperature and humidity conditions that may exist in the
building fabric. Importantly, crawl access is provided beneath the suspended
ground floor to permit assessment of the performance of the galvanized steel
substructure and composite floor. The first three years’ data indicate that no
wetness has occurred in the light steel frame, even adjacent to bathrooms,
kitchens and in the roof space.
A series of zinc coupons has been suspended in the wall cavity and in the
ventilated void below the suspended ground floor. These coupons have been
removed at yearly intervals to assess the weight loss. The results after
30 months indicate that the rate of zinc loss averaged over the period is small
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
(see Table 3.4). Data will be collected over the life of the building to form a
reliable database to supplement previous studies.
Table 3.4 Measured weight loss of the galvanized steel coupons installed in
the Demonstration Building at Oxford Brookes University
The research project has not been running for sufficient time to conclude
whether the rate of zinc loss decreases with time but, at present, the equivalent
annual loss, based on a linear rate, shows that the results are consistent with the
data collected in Case Study 1 for a warm internal environment. The rate of
zinc loss below the ground floor is much less than in Case Study 2.
of Japan. It might be expected that the rates of corrosion would exceed those
in non-coastal areas of Europe.
Inside the test buildings, rates of zinc loss on the galvanized steel specimens
were 0.3-0.5 g/m /year. This represents a rate of about one-twentieth of the rate
of zinc loss of externally exposed specimens, where measurements of
5-15 g/m /year were recorded for the same building locations. The Japanese
study concluded that galvanized steel has excellent durability in an internal
environment, despite the often higher humidity and SO2 levels that are present
in the external environment.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
specimens that were fully exposed to weather was measured together with the
amount of atmospheric pollution at each exposure site.
The report of the study showed that in most of the European sites tested (see
Table 3.5), zinc coatings suffered a corrosion rate in terms of thickness of
between 1.0 and 1.5 µm per year. Some more polluted sites had a corrosion
rate of 2.0 µm per year. At the higher rate, i.e. very severe exposure conditions,
a standard G600 coating would be required in order to achieve a long design
life in external environments.
(g/m /year) (µm/year)
Germany 8.6 1.2
England 8.3 1.2
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Finland 7 1.0
The Netherlands 9.9 1.3
Norway 10.6 1.4
Russia 7.5 1.1
Spain 6 0.8
Czechoslovakia/Slovakia 8.7 1.2
Sweden 5.2 0.7
Average across Europe 7.9 1.1
Samples of steel and zinc were also exposed for two periods of 12 months at 32
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test sites throughout Europe. The tests showed a linear relationship between the
life of the zinc coating and the level of airborne SO2 measured at each site .
The rates of zinc loss on chromated galvanized steel coupons are very low and,
taking into account statistical accuracy, it has been observed that the rate of
zinc loss reduces with time in dry environments. This is because of the zinc
oxide layer that forms on the surface and protects the zinc beneath. However,
it was observed that a linear rate of zinc loss with time is more appropriate for
non-chromated zinc and for conditions with a potentially greater time of
wetness. Chromated zinc is the coating normally used for the production of
cold formed steel sections.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
The following approach may be used to evaluate the design life of components
that are concealed and cannot be inspected or repaired easily (Category A in
Section 2.5):
C Assume a linear rate of zinc loss with time (which is a more conservative
extrapolation of the data given by Equation 2).
C Assume that a loss of 50% of the total zinc coating may lead to some
rusting of the surface (see design life definition in Section 2.5).
C Because the measurements are taken only from the average of
three specimens, assume that the 95% probability level is double the
average rate of loss. (This is justified by reference to Figure 3.1.)
In principle, the use of the 95% probability level means that the design life
corresponds to the characteristic value, i.e. only 5% of the structure may suffer
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In comparison, Equation 2 would lead to a design life (calculated for 50% loss
of zinc) given by:
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137 = 1.0 (time)
This is almost 10 times longer than the linear estimate in Equation 3, because
in Equation 2 the long-term rate of zinc loss is assumed to reduce in warm
frame applications.
Equation 3 predicts a design life of over 200 years but, given the potentially
more variable conditions in lofts, it is considered that the design life of
galvanized steel in these applications should be taken as:
C 100 years for insulated lofts
C 60 years for uninsulated lofts.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
These predictions assume that the integrity of the roof is not impaired and that
leaks are prevented.
external insulation layer beneath the floor, leading potentially to a design life
of over 100 years. This type of floor is being further developed.
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Any extrapolation from these data assumes that leaks from outside or inside the
building envelope are prevented, that steel is not in direct contact with soil and
is properly protected from other potential sources of moisture. Further data are
being collected on all types of suspended ground floors.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
For a building that houses industrial processes, the rate of zinc loss may be
higher. Similarly, for swimming pools and other high humidity applications, a
greater thickness of zinc coating (typically G600), or a combination with a
painted coating, is required.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
The following recommendations are given to ensure a long design life in the use
of light steel framing in housing. General detailing requirements are presented
in the SCI publication Building design using cold formed steel sections:
Construction detailing and practice , to which the reader should refer.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
calculate when the amount of additional insulation will cause ghosting of the
plasterboard and the additional insulation should be kept below this level.
0.35 W/m EC). The Oxford Brookes Demonstration Building used two layers
of closed cell insulation, and the monitoring study showed that the heat loss
was consistent with a U value of 0.2 W/m EC. Also, 200 mm thick insulation
layers were placed on the light steel roof components to achieve a similar U
A significant source of heat loss can be by air leakage through the building
fabric. This can be kept to a minimum in light steel framing, because the closed
cell insulation is largely impermeable, unlike blockwork construction.
Nevertheless, as insulation levels increase, more care has to be taken to avoid
heat loss due to air leakage. A continuous vapour control layer reduces air
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4.5 Flooring
Joists in internal floors, or over enclosed basements, or not directly connected
to exterior brickwork, are protected from aggressive environments. For joists
that attach directly to concrete or an exterior wall, provide a damp proof course
below the joists, and some other suitable protection where the joists are in
contact with the wall (see below).
Floor joists or decking in suspended ground floors are more likely to be exposed
to humidity for longer times. However, the data on zinc loss suggest that only
the local areas directly exposed to continuous moisture, such as at the supports,
require a greater level of protection. At the supports, an additional bituminous
coating and a damp proof course should be used to provide suitable protection.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Table 4.1 Good construction practice to ensure durability in new and
existing construction
Applications Environmental conditions Special measures
External walls Warm: properly insulated and No special measures required
Cold: uninsulated, some risk of Provide proper ventilation and reduce
condensation exposure. Over-cladding to an
existing wall improves the insulation
and life of the existing wall
Suspended Cold: moisture from the ground Provide good ventilation and avoid
ground floors and from the atmosphere contact with ground. Use damp proof
course at supports. See notes 1 and 2
for further protection
Roofs Warm: properly insulated and No special precautions needed
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Cold: uninsulated, some risk of Provide proper ventilation. Over-
condensation roofing improves the life of an existing
flat roof
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Steel lintels Wet: potential water ingress Use thicker grade of zinc coating. See
from cracks in brickwork notes 1 and 2 for further protection.
Also see BS 5977-2:1983
Dry: no water ingress, properly No special measures required
Over-cladding Drained and back-ventilated Generally, no special precautions for
Pressure equalisation weathertightness
Over-roofing Cold environment, some risk of Generally, good ventilation is
condensation provided. Detail carefully at eaves
level to prevent water ingress
In-fill walls for Warm: properly insulated and No special precautions needed
multi-storey ventilated
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Contact with Contact with other metals See notes 3 and 4 below
other materials Contact with plaster etc
General notes:
1. Where further protection is required, the surface may be painted or powder-coated. If aesthetic effects
are unimportant, a well proven form of protection is to use a brush coat of bituminous paint.
2. Advice on painting galvanized steel is given in Appendix A.
3. Bimetallic corrosion of dissimilar metals should be avoided by using inert separators, especially
between the fixings and cladding.
4. Zinc can be affected by contact with various building materials in damp conditions, for instance fresh
concrete (highly alkaline), mortars, certain natural woods (oak and WRC are acidic), timber treatments
(CCA is well-known but also phosphate fire retardants), and some insulation materials (which may
contain inorganic salts, organic acids, or may just act as a source of moisture).
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Table 4.2 Surface discolouration of galvanized steel, and remedies
Type of rust Causes and conditions Remedial action
Light Visible effect: thin white powdery deposits None required. The protective properties
white rust of zinc are not impaired by the presence
Caused by moisture trapped between of superficial white rust. Existing white
sheets or components during transport or rust deposits will slowly convert to a
storage, or by condensation protective layer of zinc carbonate if not
removed by running water or brushing
Heavy Visible effect: thick, crusty deposit Remove small area of white rust by
white rust brushing (not a wire brush). Check
Caused by prolonged storage in damp residual zinc coating thickness with
conditions or inadequate protection magnetic gauge. If within specification, or
during transport, allowing considerable if the sheet or component is to be used in
water ingress between stacked sheets or reasonably dry conditions, no action is
components. In buildings, this can also required. However, if the component is to
occur where normal cycles of wetting and be exposed to conditions where moisture
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drying occur before completion of the can be retained, the deposits must be
building envelope removed. If below specification, clean the
area and treat with an inorganic zinc-rich
paint to a minimum dry film thickness of
25 µm or a bituminous paint
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Red rust Visible effect: thick red deposits In general, sheets or components showing
serious rusting should not be used. Expert
Caused by corrosion of steel substrate advice should be sought on suitable
where zinc coating has broken down coatings where rust is evident (see
completely. Should not be confused with Appendix A)
superficial rust staining caused, for
example, by small amounts of drilling
swarf on the zinc surface or by wash from
adjacent mild steel fixings
Black staining Caused usually by a very early stage of Check zinc coating thickness using
superficial zinc corrosion preceding white magnetic thickness gauge. If within
rust formation. Exceptionally, the cause specification, no action required. If below
may be exposure of iron/zinc alloy layer specification, treat as for heavy white rust
due to corrosion of the zinc top surface
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Careful storage and protection of materials on site also reduces the risk of
damage and avoids any corrosion of exposed elements. A purpose-made steel
racking system can be used to store the wall frames prior to their installation.
Alternatively, the wall frames may be lifted directly from the lorry into position,
which reduces the risk of damage.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Galvanized steel components are used in a wide range of building applications.
In housing and residential buildings, galvanized sections with a G275 coating
are used to create the primary framework, which is contained within the
building envelope, in so-called warm-frame construction.
a warm frame. In such circumstances, the zinc coating will protect the
steel adequately and will achieve a design life of at least 200 years,
provided that the building envelope is properly maintained.
2. The measurements taken also indicate that the design life of light steel
components and purlins in roofs is over 60 years, and that galvanized steel
subframes used in over-cladding applications can achieve a design life of
60 years, when properly detailed to avoid water ingress.
4. When galvanized steel sections are used, the following precautions are
necessary to ensure adequate durability:
C Maintain the building envelope so that the conditions inside the building
do not deteriorate.
C Prevent prolonged contact with moisture due to condensation or possible
water ingress.
C Ensure that the galvanized steel is not directly in contact with aggressive or
moist materials, e.g. in external walls or at foundations.
C Ensure that water will not become entrapped in the building envelope:
water must be able to escape or must be kept out.
5. Zinc and zinc alloy hot dip galvanized coatings are an economical method
of providing the long-term corrosion protection of steel framing members.
The galvanizing process produces a tough metallic coating that can
withstand the physical demands created during distribution, site storage
and erection of the light steel framing members.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Steel framed and steel clad houses: Inspection and assessment
Building Research Establishment, 1987
Building design using cold formed steel sections: An architects’ guide
The Steel Construction Institute, SCI P130, 1994
BS EN 10147:1992
Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated structural steel
strip and sheet: Technical delivery conditions
Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
Superseded by BS EN ISO 1461:1999: Hot dip galvanized coatings
on fabricated iron and steel articles ! Specifications and test methods
9. SMITH, W.
How galvanizing works: Longer lasting protection
Hot Dip Galvanizing International Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 1,
pp. 10-12, March 1996
10. JOHN, V.
Durability of galvanized steel building components in domestic
housing ! Fourth Progress Report
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Technical Note No. WL/SMP/R/1106E/10/91/D
British Steel Welsh Technology Centre, Dec. 1991
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
British Standards
BS 729:1995 Quality requirements for welding
BS 1494-1:1964 Specification for fixing accessories for building
purposes: fixings for sheet roof and wall coverings
BS 1706:1990 Method for specifying electroplated coating of zinc
and cadmium on iron and steel (amended 1996)
BS 2989:1992 Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated and
iron-zinc alloy coated steel flat products: tolerances
on dimensions and shape (withdrawn; superseded by
BS EN 10143)
This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Reproduced for IHS Technical Indexes Ltd under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 15/8/2005
BS 5427-1:1996 Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for roof
and wall cladding on buildings. Design
BS 5466:1995 Methods for corrosion testing of metallic coatings
(now replaced by a series of BS EN ISO standards)
BS 5750:1987 Quality systems (withdrawn)
BS 5950-5:1998 Structural use of steelwork in building: code of
practice for design of cold formed sections
BS 6100:1992 Glossary of building and civil engineering terms
BS 6150:1991 Code of practice for painting of buildings
BS 6338:1982 Specification for chromate conversion coatings on
electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings
BS 6497:1984 Specification for powder organic coatings ... (on
galvanized steel)
BS 6781:1986 Specification for continuously organic coated steel flat
products (withdrawn)
BS 6830:1987 Specification for continuously hot-dip aluminium/
zinc alloy coated cold rolled carbon steel flat
products (withdrawn; superseded by BS EN 10215)
BS 7079:1990 Preparation of steel substrates before application of
paints and related products
BS 7361:1991 Cathodic protection
BS 7543:1992 Guide to durability of buildings and building
elements, products and components
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
BS EN 10215:1995 Continuously hot-dip zinc-aluminium (AZ) coated
steel strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10143:1993 Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and
strip. Tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS EN 22063:1994 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Thermal
spraying. Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
PD 6484:1979 Commentary on corrosion at bimetallic contact and
its alleviation
EN 100880-1-3:1995 EC codes on stainless steel
ASTM Standards
A 90 Weight of zinc coating on iron and steel articles
A 123 Hot galvanized coating on fabricated products
A 153 Hot dip galvanized centrifugal components
This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Reproduced for IHS Technical Indexes Ltd under licence from The Steel Construction Institute on 15/8/2005
DIN Standards
DIN 267 Hot dip galvanized fasteners
DIN 509760 Protection by hot dip galvanizing: guiding principles
DIN 50976 Requirements and testing hot dip galvanized coatings on
finished products
DIN 50978 Testing of adhesion of hot dip galvanized coatings
DIN 50933 Measurement of coating thickness using dial indicator
DIN 50981 Measurement of coating thickness: magnetic method
DIN 51213 Testing of zinc coating on wire
DIN 59231 Galvanized corrugated sheet
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Swedish Standards
SS 3192 Hot dip galvanized threaded components
SS 055900 Blast cleaning steel
SS 3583 Principles and requirements for hot dip galvanizing
ISO Standards
ISO 1459 Protection by hot dip galvanizing: guiding principles
ISO 1460 Determination of hot dip galvanizing coating mass: gravimetric
ISO 1461 Requirements of hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated
ISO 1463 Measurement of coating thickness: microscopic method
ISO 2063 Metal spraying by zinc and aluminium
ISO 2064 Definition and convention concerning coating thickness
ISO 2081 Electroplated zinc coatings
ISO 2178 Measurement of coating thickness: magnetic method
ISO 3575 Continuous hot dip galvanized sheet
ISO 14713 A guide to the corrosion performance of hot dip galvanized
steel (issued by BSI as BS EN ISO 14713)
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
APPENDIX A Guidance notes for specifiers
painting galvanized steelwork
A.1 Introduction
Galvanized (zinc) coatings are an excellent form of protection for steel but
specifiers often use paint to improve the appearance. Furthermore, paint
coatings should protect the galvanized steel for extended periods with little or
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Galvanized steel may have received a chemical wash designed to inhibit the
development of white zinc salts in damp conditions. This is not the same as a
conversion coating, which is the product of a carefully formulated process in
which the metal surface is chemically modified by reaction with, for example,
chromates or phosphates. Conversion coatings are an excellent first step at
works but should not be specified for site painting unless the process can be
controlled very tightly.
Works painting may have good quality control but damage may occur in
transport and erection or installation. Specifiers should provide strict limits for
the permissible degree of damage because site repairs often fail to match the
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Exposing zinc to the weather assists paint adhesion as it tends to etch the
surface, however performance can be erratic and the weathered zinc must be
cleaned rigorously.
Used correctly as indicators for showing whether the surface has been cleaned,
mordant solutions of the T-wash type can be extremely useful, but it should not
be assumed that their use guarantees long-term paint adhesion and eliminates
the need for any other form of preparation. Furthermore, weld zones may show
rusting in an otherwise well-protected structure. Site-welded areas must be
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
made good prior to further painting, preferably on the same day and using an
approved method of repair, such as application of a high quality two-pack
zinc-rich paint after the heat affected zone has been dressed. If welding is an
issue, it is useful to request that the contractor provides a finished example of
the selected method of repair for approval prior to commencement of work.
A.3 Priming
Even when properly cleaned, raw zinc surfaces are not fully compatible with
many priming paints. Although two-pack acid-etch primers give consistently
reliable results when properly applied, they do have certain operational
problems and are not recommended if operatives are unfamiliar with their use.
It is bad practice to leave the primer exposed to the weather for extended
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Acrylic primers may be a better choice for site work; they generally give good
performance and are a lot easier to use than the above materials.
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Many manufacturers have their own in-house primer formulated specifically for
zinc surfaces, but quality can vary, and specifiers considering their use should
demand clear proof of performance.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
APPENDIX B Guidance notes on sheet steel
This Appendix provides an overview of the different types of sheet steel and
their coatings. It is not definitive and is for general information only. Refer to
the Corus publication The Colorcoat Building for more guidance on coated
with small quantities of copper and other elements to form a tight, adherent rust
layer that can be self-stifling with regard to further corrosion. They are
sometimes called low-alloy or weathering steels. A typical formulation might
include 0.5% copper, 04.% nickel, 0.7% chromium.
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Usage: In the UK, Corten steel has mainly been used for specialist applications
such as chimneys, containers and footbridges. In continental Europe, Corten
steel has been used as sheet steel cladding. Corten is not generally used in
coastal conditions, and produces a more uniform patina in areas of low
humidity. In marine conditions, intensive rusting occurs and the rate of
substrate consumption may be high.
Austenitic stainless steels are based on 17-18% chromium and 8-11% nickel
additions and are the most widely used grades of stainless steel. Grades 1.4401
(316) or 1.4301 (304) are frequently used for structural and architectural
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
B.2.2 Stainless steels – coloured finishes
Character: The inert chromium-rich oxide layer on the surface of stainless steel
can be modified by an electrochemical process to give a range of metallic
colours. Their appearance will depend on the surface condition of the original
material but colours include bronze, gold, red, purple and green.
Usage: Available in the UK for at least two decades, the use of coloured
stainless steel has only increased in the last 3-4 years.
For general guidance on the use of stainless steel, refer to the SCI Publication
Architects’ Guide to Stainless Steel .
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Zinc offers a reactive metal surface and forms a variety of salts when exposed
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to moisture. Oxides and carbonates are insoluble but chloride and sulphate
ions tend to be water soluble. Also zinc is anodic to steel and corrodes
preferentially, thereby protecting the steel by galvanic action.
B.3.2 Zinc!
!aluminium alloys
Character: The standard alloy is the original Bethlehem Steel formulation
55% aluminium – 45% zinc. An alternative low aluminium product using 5%
aluminium – 95% zinc is also used (e.g. Galfan).
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
B.3.3 Terne ! lead-based
Character: The term terne-coating is historically associated with lead-coated
steels. The lead has of course been a lead–tin alloy for years. An 80% lead –
20% tin composition is standard.
is available.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Colorcoat HP200 is available in a wide range of colours. HP200C has a coating
on the inner face that is suitable for more severe internal environments.
Usage: Roof and wall cladding; composite panels for walls. PVC coatings are
used in a range of applications and are available in many colours (see Celestia
Usage: PVF2 is widely used as a decorative finish because of its good colour
retention, but is not well suited to roofing because of its vulnerability to damage
by foot traffic.
B.4.4 Polyesters
Character: Polyesters are often used in the form of powder coating for discrete
items for post-fabrication finishing. Pre-finished steels generally use wet-
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Usage: Polyesters are tough and durable (the unmodified types are known to be
more vulnerable to chalking but are better for forming purposes). The finish
comes in various degrees of gloss with good colour retention, although there
can be a degree of dirt retention with the silicone modified versions. Remedial
coatings for clad surfaces are often of this type.
Alkyds are used on internal surfaces but should not be used for exterior
exposure. Even stoved versions have limited durability and are subject to
Acrylics have not found much favour in the UK, although they are used in Japan
and the USA. They were displaced in the aluminium market by powder
coatings. They have good colour retention and durability but can get dirty.
They have been used as textured coatings on, for instance, steel roofing tiles
such as those from Tileform and Decra.
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Epoxies are usually found as thin priming coats for PVF2 or as barrier coats.
Finishes are tough and durable but chalk badly when exposed to the weather
in the UK. They perform well internally.
Polyurethanes are good decorative products that have been used successfully.
To take one well-known example, Versacor is based on an epoxy barrier coat
topped with either polyurethane or PVF2.
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
APPENDIX C Contact Information
C.1 Associations
Steel Frame Homes Association
PO Box 20260
Tel: 020 7222 4912 Fax: 020 7222 5412
Galvanizers Association
Wren’s Court
56 Victoria Road
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Sutton Coldfield
B72 1SY
Tel: 0121 355 8838 Fax: 0121 355 8727
Licensed copy:atkins, Atkins Plc, 09/09/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © SCI
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Metsec Framing Ltd (incorporating Metframe and Gypframe)
Broadwell Road
B69 4HE
Tel: 0121 552 1541 Fax: 0121 544 6779
Market Development
Commercial Office
PO Box 10
NP19 0XN
Tel: 01633 464646 Fax: 01633 464080
East Leake
LE12 6JT
Tel: 0115 945 1000/6123 Fax: 0115 945 6356
Knauf Limited
PO Box 133
ME10 3HW
Tel: 01795 424499 Fax: 01795 428651
P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)
Structural Sections Limited
PO Box 92
Downing Street
B66 2PA
Tel: 0121 555 5918 Fax: 0121 555 5659
Terrapin Limited
Bond Avenue
Milton Keynes
Tel: 01908 270900 Fax: 01908 270052
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Yorkon Limited
New Lane
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Tel: 01904 610990 Fax: 01904 610880
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P262: Durability of Light Steel Framing in Residential Buildings (2000 Edition)