Chapter I-The Nature of Auditing: Information Criteria
Chapter I-The Nature of Auditing: Information Criteria
Chapter I-The Nature of Auditing: Information Criteria
Describe auditing
Distinguish between auditing & accounting
Explain the importance of auditing in information risk
List the causes of information risk, & explain how this risk can be reduced
Describe assurance services & distinguish audit services from other
assurance & non-assurance services provided by CPAs.
Differentiate the three (3) main types of audit
Identify the primary types of auditors, and
Describe the requirements for becoming a CPA
Auditing defined
It is accumulation & evaluation of evidence about information to determine
& report on the degree of correspondence between the information &
established criteria.
Auditing should be done by a competent & independent person.
is the on-site verification activity, such as inspection or examination, of a
process or quality system, to ensure compliance to requirements.
Assurance Services
It is an independent professional service that improves the quality of
information for decision makers. Such services are valued because the
assurance provider is independent & perceived as being unbias with
respect to the information examined.
Decision makers seek assurance services to help improve the reliability &
relevance of the information used as basis for their decisions.
Attestation Service
Audit of historical FS
Audit of internal control over financial reporting
Review of historical FS
Attestation services on IT
Other attestation services that may be applied to a broad range of subject
Audit of historical FS
Review of historical FS
Management asserts that the statements are fairly stated in accordance
with standards, the same as audits. The CPA provides a lower level of
assurance for reviews of FS compared to a high level for audits, therefore
less evidence is required.
Attestation Services on IT
Management makes various assertions about the reliability & security of
electronic information. Many business functions, such as ordering &
making payments, are conducted over the internet or directly between
computers using electronic data interchange (EDI). As transactions &
information are shared online, business people demand even greater
assurances about information transactions, & the security protecting them.