1.1 Systemic and Clinical Treatment of Gingival Hyperplasia
1.1 Systemic and Clinical Treatment of Gingival Hyperplasia
1.1 Systemic and Clinical Treatment of Gingival Hyperplasia
DOI: 10.4067/S0719-01072019000100050
50 | Rev. Clin. Periodoncia Implantol. Rehabil. Oral Vol. 12(1); 50-52, 2019.
Systemic and clinical treatment of gingival hyperplasia associated with use of anticonvulsant
Figure 3. Gingival aspect of maxillary and mandibular 14-months after methods.(10) Besides this, in clinical problem presented, the establishment
initial treatment (a) Frontal view. (b) Approximate maxillary aspect. (c) of an integrated treatment plan involving dental professionals and
Right side view. (d) Left side view. the neurologist was the key point for the resolution, starting with the
substitution of the medication previously used.
After 18 months of clinical follow-up, although the patient presented All stages of the established treatment plan were discussed with the
mild hyperplasia in the upper lateral incisor, as a result of poor dental patient and family so that there was no misunderstanding of information,
position, she presented adequate oral hygiene proven by auxiliary especially at the stage where the patient’s adherence would be a key
methods such as dental plaque disclosing agent, in addition to periodontal and essential point for treatment. Fortunately we have succeeded in
probing (Figure 4a, 4b). There was no recurrence of gingival growth implementing the three phases of the established treatment plan.
and absence of regions with gingival bleeding after periodontal probing Inflammatory changes in the gingival tissues appear to be a significant
(Figure 4c, 4d). The patient is undergoing medical treatment with no determinant of gingival hyperplasia, suggesting that inflammatory
systemic changes due to the change in anticonvulsive drug therapy and mediators influence the entire sequence of events.(11) There is an
an orthodontic treatment plan for realignment and bite descrucing in the interaction between the drug and/or its metabolite and the gingival
upper right quadrant was instituted (Figure 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d). fibroblasts that seems to increase by gingival inflammation. The authors
Oral hygiene maintenance has improved a lot, which has resulted in suggest that the interaction between the drug and the gingival fibroblasts
absence of malodor, thereby significantly increasing the patient’s quality is calcium-dependent. In addition, drugs that affect intracellular calcium
of life. The actual results were found to be extremely satisfactory both metabolism or transport may stimulate gingival fibroblasts.(12)
esthetically and functionally. In the clinical case described, we would have a grade 4, according a
new classification index for gingival overgrowth.(13) At this classification, a
DISCUSSION severe gingival increase with extensive gingival thickening was observed,
the clinical crown being covered to a large extent, having a bucco-lingual
The gingival hyperplasia, with its potential aesthetic implication dimension greater than 3 mm and a depth of probing greater than 6 mm.
complicated by inflammatory changes due to plaque accumulation, Ideally, the best approach for gingival enlargment induced by the
presents an affliction for patients and health professionals. The reported medication would be the discontinuation of the associated medication
case is an exemplification of a progressive gingival enlargement caused used. However, this intervention is often not possible because of the need
by a drug-induced and complicated by inflammatory changes due to to treat the epilepsy.(14) The phenytoin and phenobarbital medications
plaque accumulation. used for the treatment of epilepsy of the patient were replaced effectively
Generally, the treatment plan in cases like the one presented, consist by valproic acid. Accounts of similar clinical cases, had already described
of conservative therapy with education on oral health, meticulous oral phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth.(15)
hygiene instruction and motivation in combination with scaling and The patient responded very well with the substitution of previously
root planing.(9) The use of a chlorhexidine solution has been shown to used drugs. With regard to medication, some researchers suggested
be a highly beneficial adjunctive regimen to mechanical oral hygiene that sodium valproate may be considered a safe alternative, regarding
Rev. Clin. Periodoncia Implantol. Rehabil. Oral Vol. 12(1); 50-52, 2019. | 51
Rev. Clin. Periodoncia Implantol. Rehabil. Oral Vol. 12(1); 50-52, 2019. Martos J. y cols.
the periodontal aspects, to phenytoin for the treatment of adult-onset replacement and with home oral care. However individuals who show
epilepsy.(16) clinical signs or symptomatology for a long time may experience partial
Among the anticonvulsants, gingival enlargement is seen mostly regression of the change. In cases where the substitution of the drug is
with phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin). The other anticonvulsants that not possible, or even after the change, the professional only observes
have the same effect are vigabatrin, sodium valproate, primidone, partial regression, gingival remodeling becomes essential.
and phenobarbital.(17) According to a report by American Academy Finally, it is important to highlights the importance of multidisciplinary
of Periodontology, occurrence of gingival overgrowth due to sodium management in these cases to achieve success. Interdisciplinary
valproate is rare.(18) It has been described that gingival enlargement is treatment in epileptic patient with a drug-induced gingival hyperplasia is
documented in more that 40% of patients on valproate monotherapy becoming an ever-increasing part of modern-day dental practice.(20)
compared to 16% of patients on phenobarbital.(19) It should also be
considered that, although the case presented evolved satisfactorily, some CONCLUSION
cases have been successfully resolved without the need to change the
drug but using complementary therapies.(15) Intensive mechanical control of dental plaque, oral hygiene orientations
When all the evidences are considered, there appears to be three and switchover to alternative drug for other medication are the best way to
significant factors that are important in the expression of these gingival control the gingival enlargement associated with medications.
changes, namely, drug variables, plaque-induced inflammatory changes in
the gingival tissues, and genetic factors that determine the heterogeneity CONFLICT OF INTEREST:
of the fibroblast.(8) Care such as professional prophylaxis should be
performed frequently during drug administration. Frame regression and None.
improvement of clinical signs generally occur four weeks after drug
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