STD 738
STD 738
STD 738
Energy Procedia 90 (2016) 179 – 184
5th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, ICAER 2015, 15-17 December
2015, Mumbai, India
Presently there is a continuous demand for the electric power consumption across the globe, however with the existing
distribution lines are reaching critical limits of ampacity and sag, it has become difficult in finding corridors to
construct new overhead lines in many industrialized countries including India. Replacing the existing ACSR
conductors with high temperature high current low sag (HTLS) conductors almost of the same diameter is one of the
recent methods. The present work a parametric study is conducted for steady state surface temperature, thermal time
constant, change of emissivity, absorptivity etc for various ACSR and HTLS conductors using the developed computer
code which is in accordance with IEEE Std.738. Some experimental study is also conducted and the results obtained
are presented.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors.Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility
responsibility ofthe
of the organizing
organizing committee
committee of ICAER
of ICAER 2015 2015.
1. Introduction
The increase in power requirement is becoming a great challenge for the utilities in terms of cost and capacity
where the existing lines have reached their maximum limit. One of the solutions is the installation of a parallel
structure like the existing towers, but this is not an economical solution. The other way to find a cost-effective and
more viable solution is in adopting high temperature low sag (HTLS) conductors for distribution systems [1]. These
conductors are different from conventional conductors in terms of material or structure or both.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-080-22932550; fax: +91-080-22932550.
E-mail address: [email protected]
1876-6102 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICAER 2015
180 B. Subba Reddy and Diptendu Chatterjee / Energy Procedia 90 (2016) 179 – 184
The significance of HTLS conductors is they can carry 2.5 times the current that of the conventional ACSR
conductors of same size and can withstand higher temperature (>200°C) with less sag.
One of the several advantages of HTLS over conventional ACSR is by re-conductoring an existing line with
HTLS conductor the power delivery capacity can be increased. But an HTLS conductor for long transmission is not
recommended as it will cause higher voltage drop and power loss due to high current. So increasing voltage level
will be wise. Several HTLS projects are being planned and implemented throughout the world including India [1, 2].
The study of HTLS conductor was first initiated by Douglass [3] explaining the practical applications used for
Connecticut Light and Power Company. Later Alwar et al [4] have discussed about conventional ACSR conductors
and the composite core conductors for low sag at high temperature. IEEE Standard 738 [5] explains several factors
that affect the temperature of bare overhead conductor. The equations to find the current temperature relationship
are given in this standard. Several researchers [6-9] discussed about the emissivity, radial temperature distribution,
corrosion and effective radial thermal conductivity in bare solid and stranded conductors. Ravi Gorur [10]
characterised the composite cores for HTLS conductors and studied surface temperature vs. time curve, core
temperature with current, with emissivity, absorptivity, thermal conductivity etc in accordance with IEEE Std
738[5]. Further Harvey and others [11-15] studied temperature creep and sag-tension performance of HTLS
conductors. Recent IEEE Standard 1283[16] gives the guidelines for determining the effects of high temperature
operation on conductors, connectors and accessories. It describes possible adverse impact on operating overhead
transmission line at high temperatures. Gerald et al [17] discussed about how HTLS conductors can be a solution to
the ever increasing power demand. A technical report [18] describes the structure and properties of aluminium
conductor composite reinforced (ACCR) conductors. Researchers [19-24] have used different models for calculation
of various parameters for HTLS conductors. Recently several planned projects [25] using HTLS conductors are
being implemented in the country. Hence this work was initiated with the view that the data obtained will be useful
for further implementation of projects as well as in enhancing the current literature.
2. Simulation Study
In the present work, simulation studies are carried based on IEEE-738 Standard [5]. The study consist of a
developed Matlab code to simulate: Surface temperature variation with time for a given current level, variation of
surface temperature with different parameters like ambient temperature, absorptivity and emissivity of the conductor
material, variation of temperature along the radius of the conductor etc. Separately (i) a graphic user interface (GUI)
is developed for use in optimal design of different transmission and distribution accessories to be used for HTLS
conductors which simulates temperature variation with current and different parameters also (ii) Simulation of
magnetic field near the conductor due to increased current in case of HTLS conductors is attempted.
The technical details of various types of HTLS and ACSR conductors used for the present work are given in table
1 below:
Table. 1. Specification of conductors used for simulation
Overall Dia (mm) 28.12 28.14 28.62 28.118 31.77
Resistance per length at 0.0728 0.0554 0.0674 0.0702 0.0431
25deg C (ohm/km)
Resistance per length at 0.0869 0.0662 0.0741 0.0843 0.0511
75deg C (ohm/km)
3. Simulation Results
The equations specified in [5] and the assumptions made, the thermal response and parametric variation of
temperature is presented. The thermal response of one ACSR and different HTLS conductors at 1750 Ampere is
given in Fig.1. Variation of steady state surface temperature of ACSR and different HTLS conductors with
emissivity and ambient temperature at 1000 Ampere are presented in Fig.2. The variation of steady state surface
temperature with both emissivity and absorptivity at 1000 Ampere for ACSR and HTLS conductor is given in Fig.
3. For the desired surface temperature it is possible to get the operating point and fix the emissivity and absorptivity
value of the conductor to get the desired temperature. From the results it is seen HTLS conductors perform better
over ACSR.
200 120
160 100
HTLS-1 70 HTLS-1
60 HTLS-3 60 HTLS-3
40 50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
time(minutes) Ambient Temperature (in deg C)
Fig. 1. Thermal time response for a step current of 1750 A Fig. 2. Variation of Steady State Surface Temperature of with
Ambient Temperature at 1000A
120 110
140 130
Steady State Temperature (in deg C)
Steady State Temperature (in deg C)
130 110
120 100
95 80
90 80
1 1 75
80 70
85 0 0.5
0 0.2 0.5 0.2
0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6
0.8 1 0 0.8 1 0
absorptivity absorptivity
emissivity emissivity
A Matlab based graphical user interface (GUI) has also been developed where in the environmental conditions,
conductor dimensions, accessories material properties etc, given as input to get the optimal dimension of the
accessories, and the time response of the conductor temperature.
The HTLS conductors operate at a higher current level, hence produce a proportionally higher magnetic field. A
3D magnetic field simulation is carried out using a commercially available FEM software COMSOL
Multiphysics®[26]. The magnetic field near the region of the conductor has been estimated with the distance. Both
the cross-sectional plot and 3-D plot of the magnetic field for single and double conductor setup are presented.
182 B. Subba Reddy and Diptendu Chatterjee / Energy Procedia 90 (2016) 179 – 184
International guidelines [27] for the permissible magnetic field through human body both for continuous and
discontinuous application help in deciding the approximate height of the conductors from ground level.
Simulation of magnetic fields in this work includes contour and 3-D magnitude plot of the magnetic field in the
cross sectional surface of single and double line. For all the cases, current through all the conductors is assumed to
flow 1750 Ampere and the region of interest is up to 6 meters in all the direction perpendicular to the axis of the
lines. Magnetic field contours for single and for the double transmission conductors are estimated Fig.4 shows for
double line. Similarly the magnitude of the magnetic field in cross-sectional surface of the conductor for double
lines in 3-D are shown Fig. 5 respectively. It is seen nearer to the conductor the magnetic fields are very high and
reduce with the distance.
Fig.4. Magnetic field contours due to double lines Fig.5. Magnitude of magnetic field in the cross sectional surface
each carrying 1750 Ampere of double lines each carrying 1750 Ampere
The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig.6, consists of a specially fabricated towers of height 1.5 meters
having a span length of 6.5meters with a provision for conductor tension. A specially fabricated high current source
of 6kVA, 2000A is used for the experiments. Two connecting leads of 25mm x40mm rectangular cross-section
aluminium busbars of length 3.5meters (approx) are used. For temperature measurement non contact type laser
instrument and a testo make thermal imager model 875-II were employed. Various samples of ACSR Conductors:
Bersimis, Zebra, Moose along with HTLS Conductors: GTZ ACSR GAP Conductor, INVAR Moose, ACSS Curlew
etc were used for the experiments. Also HTLS conductor accessories like Mid-Span compression Joint, End Joint,
Repair Sleeve, T- Connectors etc, were evaluated. Two types of experimentation (short term and long term) were
carried out on all the types of HTLS conductors and accessories.
Fig.6. Experimental arrangement (ACSR & HTLS) Fig.7. Typical measurement using thermal imager
For short term experimentation the conductor is connected in between the two towers with span of 6.5 meters and
the end terminations suitably connected with the bus-bars to the high current generator to provide a closed path
(Fig.6). For ACSR conductors, the input current is varied from 0 to 600 Amps in steps 0f 100 Amps after every 5
minutes. The temperature is recorded at different points on the conductor, busbars, end terminations etc. For
temperature measurement a thermal imager Testo-875II model was used along with non contact laser based
B. Subba Reddy and Diptendu Chatterjee / Energy Procedia 90 (2016) 179 – 184 183
instrument. A typical measurement carried out on one of the sample using thermal imager is shown in Fig.7. From
the measurements it was observed the temperature was higher mainly at the connecting joints. In case of HTLS
conductors input current is varied from 0 to 1000 Amps in steps of 100 Amps after a gap of 5 minutes and the values
of temperature are recorded with the laser and also thermal imager. Similarly for the experimentation on conductor
accessories, the experimental setup remains same except the accessories are connected suitably between the towers
using conductor joints and appropriate sleeves.
The long term experimentation was planned to obtain the thermal time constant for different ACSR and HTLS
conductors using the same electrical connections as used in short term experiments. For ACSR conductors a step
input current of 400 Amps is applied and the surface temperature of the conductor is measured at every 10 seconds
up to 5 minutes and the temperature variation with time is obtained. Then the applied current is reduced and
switched off and allowed to cool down for 30 minutes. The experiment is repeated for 500 Amps and 600 Amps
respectively and the values of temperature variation are obtained.
In case of HTLS conductors a step current input of 400 Amps is applied and the surface temperature of the
conductor is measured at every 10 seconds till 5 minutes and temperature variation with time is obtained. Then the
system is cooled down for 30 minutes and the experiment is repeated for 500Amps, 600 Amps and 1000 Amps
respectively. Similar experiments were carried out for various accessories and the values obtained are reported.
Experiments for HTLS were limited to 1100A as it was seen that temperature was high near the connecting joints.
The results obtained are analyzed and presented individually. Variation of steady state surface temperature of
different ACSR and HTLS conductors with currents is presented in Fig.8. and variation of steady state surface
temperature for different HTLS conductors accessories with current is shown in Fig.9.
Fig.9. Variation of steady state surface temperature of different HTLS accessories with current
6. Conclusions
In the present work effort has been made to study and compare the performance of different types of HTLS and
ACSR conductors. A new experimental facility was established for the investigations.
It was seen for the application of same current, the steady state surface temperature of the HTLS conductor is
lesser than that of the ACSR conductor of similar rating. The thermal time constant is low for HTLS conductors in
comparison to the ACSR conductors of similar rating as it depends on resistivity, radial thermal conductivity and
shape/surface of the conductor.
The difference in average temperature between core and strand is lower in case of HTLS conductors. It is not
more than 2 degrees for application of 1750 Amps, while for the same in case of ACSR conductor it is nearly about
184 B. Subba Reddy and Diptendu Chatterjee / Energy Procedia 90 (2016) 179 – 184
10 degrees.
With the change in emissivity, absorptivity and ambient temperature the change in steady state surface
temperature of HTLS conductors are similar to that of the ACSR conductors.
With increased emissivity, surface temperature of the conductor decreases and with increased absorptivity,
surface temperature of the conductor increases.
The accessories subjected to same current level acquire less temperature than the conductor.
Magnetic field near the vicinity is similar for both ACSR and HTLS conductors, but only the magnitude
proportionally increases because of the higher current in case of HTLS conductors.
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