Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E Vi By: Ma. Stella L. Sanchez
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E Vi By: Ma. Stella L. Sanchez
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E Vi By: Ma. Stella L. Sanchez
I. Objectives:
1.Assess regularly participation in physical activities based on the Philippines
physical activity pyramid.
2. observes safety precautions
3. Executes the different skills involved in the game.
5. Who do we call the one who tries to avoid getting hit by the offensive
teams shooters until the 5 minute time limit expires in Batuhang Bola?
a. Deflectors
b. Defenders
c. Referee
d. Receiver
2. Review
What are the different target games?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Show a picture of the different target games.
2. Presentation of the Lesson
Target Game Target games are games that involve the players in
placing an object near or in a target to be able to get the highest
possible score. The players must propel the object with much accuracy
and control to hit the target. The players should also know how to
protect the object to prevent the other players from scoring. Target
games involve different manipulate skills like throwing, tossing, rolling,
catching, running, jumping, hopping, and stretching.
Batuhang Bola Children naturally love to play outdoor games. One of
the most common games is dodgeball. Batuhang Bola is the Filipino
version of dodgeball. It is a game that children usually play the most
because it is very enjoyable and exciting. It really makes children
active because it involves throwing, running, jumping, hopping,
catching and dodging which kids really love. It must be done skillfully to
have more fun in this game. What’s New9 Dodgeball or Batuhang Bola
is a game in which players on two teams try to throw balls at each
other while avoiding being hit. Dodgeball originated in Africa. It was
played there for over two hundred years ago. The original version of it
is deadlier and more painful because instead of rubber balls, they used
rocks or putrefied matter. That version is played by African tribes to
train them.
These are the safety precautions before playing Batuhang Bola:
1. Establish medical readiness
1.1 A self-reported health status
1.2 Free form any sickness
2. Proper Clothing
1.1 Avoid clothing that is too tight or that restricts movement.
1.2 For women, wear an exercise bra for support.
1.3 For men, consider an athletic supporter.
Skills needed in the Game:
1. throwing
2. running
3. jumping
4. hopping
5. catching
6. dodging
Mechanics of the game
1. To play Batuhang Bola you must first gather 2 teams and get a ball.
2. Players play in front of the end line, each them must have a space
behind them(5m).When the player is out they go and play behind the
other team. In order to get back in they have to hit an opponent
3. The first team should stand in the middle of the court, while the
second team should be divided into two and should stand at both sides
of the first team.
4. The second team should hit the players of the first team. If the
second team could hit a player in the first team, that player is out.
5. If that player catches a ball, his team will gain a ” life” and can be
used to revive another player or be used to continue to play on if the
ball hits him/her.
6. The team will win if it hit all the players and none of the players are
3. Generalization:
The following are the rules of Batuhang Bola:
1. Toss coin will decide who will be the Offensive Team or Defensive
2. Teams will be playing a 30 minute game with teams exchanging
position as Offensive and Defensive teams every 5 minutes or until a
team scores 5 points.
3. There will be a 5 minute halftime break.
4. Offensive Team will place 1 player each on the Shooter (S) position
and 2 players on Assist (A) position behind the shooter.
5. Shooters are only allowed to throw the ball at Defensive players
behind the line at the base of the triangle which is the designated throw
6. Assists are not allowed to throw the ball at the deflectors.
7. Defensive Team will field 5 players in the playing court as
8. Deflectors will try to avoid getting hit by the Offensive Teams
shooters until the 5-minute time limit expires.
9. Teams will be given two (2) three (3) minute time out each half of
game play. 10.Substitution can only be done on dead ball situations.
IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Write the following skills involve in the action (throwing, tossing,
rolling, catching, running, jumping, hopping).
1. Walking on the street when rain suddenly falls -
2. Chasing by a big dog - ______________________
3. Reaching for the fruit of the guava tree - ______________________
4. Throwing crumpled paper in a trash can - ______________________
5. To crossing over the flooded canal. - _______________________
V. Assignment:
Study in advance about the striking fielding games.