1) On Ice , On hold
On Ice : Placing a job ON-ICE will release any job that depends on that job's success
On hold : Placing the job on hold will hold the batch or cycle which next to it.
2) What will happen when you Off ice and Off hold
Off Ice – the job will run in the next schedule
Off hold - release the job(start to run) if its dependent job is in a success.
Using future send even we can do all the actions with the particular time given.
4) How to check is everything (Primary , event server and the database) are fine ?
Using command chk_auto_up on the command line. It will give you like this :
bash:ftwpsauto:PRD-> chk_auto_up
autoping –m machinename
Autosyslog –e
8) To check who handled the last action of a particular job – for ex: who force started the job?
autotrack –J jobname
Start : it will start the job once the job met its requirement.
Force start : It will start the job immediately regardless of the requirements.
9) Be sure with some basic Unix commands : for ex : to get error logs from the particular path.
Here is the location where we get the error logs for our autosys jobs :
std_out_file: >/export/home/autobtch/produser/$AUTO_JOB_NAME.out
std_err_file: >/export/home/autobtch/produser/$AUTO_JOB_NAME.err
Let them know that you always follow process and procedures of your company.
For ex:
Perfect in incident management – will input all the details in the tickets.
Call the application team within 15 minutes and send them an email. If you are not able to get the
first person then move on to next up to the manager until you speak to some one.
Using command line in Unix
to force start jobs, to kill job , On ice , Off ice , set to success……… using Alias
1 ) aj jobname
ex :
bash:ftwpsauto:PRD-> aj OMEGA_MIGUPLOAD_D
2 ) ale
Ex :
4) fsj jobname
5) fkj jobname
To kill a job
6) fij jobname
To On ice a job
7) foij jobname
8) fohj jobname
9) css jobname
Ex :
#owner: usradmin
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th
start_times: "22:15"
std_out_file: >/export/home/autobtch/produser/$AUTO_JOB_NAME.out
std_err_file: >/export/home/autobtch/produser/$AUTO_JOB_NAME.err
alarm_if_fail: 1