Kristel Alyanna Ronquillo Learning Task Security

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BSIT 2-4

Learning Task 5.1. Food Security

1. What is the film all about?

➔ The film is all about Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated
approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests and
fisheries--that address the interlinked challenges of food security and
climate change. A growing global population and changing diets are
driving up the demand for food.
2. What are the advantages shown by using science and technology
➔ Climate-smart agriculture has three objectives: sustainably increase
agricultural productivity and the incomes of agricultural producers;
strengthen the capacities of agricultural communities to adapt to the
impacts of climate change; and, where possible, reduce and/or remove
greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Are there any disadvantages you think might arise from using
technology to alleviate food insecurity?
➔ The disadvantages: It is not quite sure that if the genes of interest are
extracted from the body, they will perform their duty in the same
manner at any other place.It is possible that the genes inserted in the
genetically modified food get immune to the pesticides and
insecticides and do not show the desired results. There is a possibility
of viruses transforming into more dangerous and virulent forms than
their existing state just because of the genetic modifications.
4. What are the impacts of science, technology and innovation to meet
the demand of society for food production?
➔ Technology has advanced into many areas of our lives, making
information more accessible, improving communication, changing
transportation, and the list goes on. While it is easy to sit back and
benefit from a plethora of technological advancements, it is crucial we
do not become blind to its effects on society

5. What are the issues/ concerns of the film?

➔ Changing rainfall patterns, increased evaporative demand and
reduced availability of water for irrigation all threaten agricultural
production, particularly in areas where water supplies are already
under pressure. Drier soil conditions will reduce growth of crops,
pasture and trees.

➔ The term climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has developed to represent

a set of strategies that can help to meet these challenges by

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increasing resilience to weather extremes, adapting to climate change
and decreasing agriculture's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that
contribute to global warming

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