Exploring The Experiences of Graduate School Students On Online Classes
Exploring The Experiences of Graduate School Students On Online Classes
Exploring The Experiences of Graduate School Students On Online Classes
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Before the conduct of our study, the informants were Before conducting the actual in-depth interview, I
identified. The identified informants were the students in the made clear that ethical considerations were observed
Graduate School of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges correctly. I took these fundamental principles of ethical
who are having their online classes. Purposive sampling was issues considered in any research study: consent and
used to determine the participants based on a pre-determined confidentiality (Bloom and Crabtre, 2016; Bricki and Green,
criterion of the research study. In this case, they were 25 to 2017; Kaiser 2019; Mack, 2015). Since establishing rapport
35 years old, Teacher I position, with three to ten years of is essential in an interview, a preliminary meeting with the
teaching experience, first and the second year in the participants was made. I explained the details of the study,
Graduate School studies, residing at different places in which made the participants understand that everything
Region XII. I asked some referrals who could be the would be done in confidentiality. After gaining their trust,
informants in this study. After contacting these prospects, I the participants were asked to sign a written consent.
explained to them the drive of this study and they agreed to Rapport includes trust and respect for the interviewees and
participate (Saunders, 2015). the information they shared. It is essential to provide them
with a safe and comfortable environment for sharing their
To obtain excellence of qualitative research, personal experiences. I assured them that the interview will
considerable numbers of participants were selected, with be in a quiet room with privacy and away from distractions
five informants for the in-depth interview. The participants to comply with this requirement (Bloom 2016; Bricki and
were already substantial and adequate to provide credible Green, 2017; Kaiser 2019; Mack, 2015).
information and significant results and findings. With due
consideration, Creswell (2016) suggested that the researcher An in-depth interview was undertaken to gather
may adopt 5 to 25 people who had been through the same information from the study informants. An in-depth
phenomenon for an in-depth interview. It stated that in interview is a technique designed to elicit a vivid picture of
qualitative research, the researcher seeks knowledge by the participant’s perspective on the research topic. It is more
profoundly getting into the core of the experience, to look than just a method to understand the participants’
for the essence of a phenomenon, not “how many” people experiences. It also goes deeper into their thoughts and
have experienced such phenomena. Furthermore, important behavior, listening to their inner voice to explore new issues.
figures in the development of Psychology such as Freud, The researcher listened to the respondents’ descriptions and
Piaget, and Skinner built their theories based on research, then repetitively reviewed and considered the information as
including only a minimal number of subjects without relying they were transcribed through the interview process. This
on statistical analysis. (Creswell 2016; Englander 2015; strategy required time and space to draw portions of
Coleman, G. 2015; Richelle, 2016). experienced and insights from the informants. The
participants felt comfortable during the interview. It is
Before the actual interviews, as the researcher, I met essential to closely internalize what the informants would
some of the participants and informants, I had a little chat share, particularly on the problems encountered and the
with them to gain their trust and confidence and develop coping mechanisms they adapted.
camaraderie. It was also an opportunity to explain the
purpose of the study, the importance of their role in In the process of in-depth interviews, the participants
consequence of the research study, address their questions were asked if they can write their responses in as much as
and concerns, review some ethical considerations, and there was a survey questionnaire prepared in this special
complete the consent forms. It was also an excellent chance event. During the interviews, there might have been
to review the research questions with the participants. In this instances those specific details were inadequately expressed
way, they would have the time to ponder their experiences or missed out because the informants were inarticulate or
before the actual in-depth interview. It is essential in they are not well-equipped to communicate with people. It
qualitative research because establishing good rapport end might have created misconception and ambiguity. If
empathy is critical to develop a positive relationship during necessary, questions should not be repeated (Bloom and
in-depth interviews and, consequentially, gain in depth Crabtree, 2016) and confirmed with these participants about
information, particularly on the issues where the participants their answers to the questions to grasp the information they
have personal experiences. provided. The researcher should be flexible and should
adjust to the interviewees’ moods in every instance. Note-
I emphasized to them that they might encounter taking was applied to ensure that all the data were
problems along the way. Still, the study’s outcome would be documented thoroughly and no crucial details were missed
very relevant in solving the negative influence of peers (Fink, A. 2015; Gutsche Jr, 2015; Bensley & Lilienfeld,
related to school attainment, which most people are not 2015; Bloom and Crabtree, 2016).
aware that the problem exists. It was emphasized that their
The participants were asked to sign in the certificate of To establish validity is to actively seek other
consent that all the equipment like audio-tapes will be used explanations to what appear to be the research results. I
in the study with the assurance that the details in the would be able to exclude different scenarios, to strengthen
interview will be held in its highest level of confidentiality. the validity of the findings. Related to this technique is
The researcher strengthened the participant’s trust and requesting queries in an inverse format. While the
confidence. All the recorded tapes were played to determine techniques to establish validity in qualitative research may
their answers to the questions asked. They were asked if seem less real and defined than in some of the other
they wish to delete any details for their recorded answers. scientific disciplines, robust research techniques will, indeed
Even the notes recorded were shown to them for scrutiny assure an appropriate level of validity in qualitative
and affirmation. research.
With all the confidence and trust that focused on the Data from transcriptions were abstracted, vital data
field of interest (telling the story), equipped with the were deleted, and the content is transformed into an easily
essential knowledge and skills in conducting interviews, readable stuff. This pairing and shelving of data are often
group discussions, and note-taking, I remain to be objective. termed thematic analysis, sorting, and categorizing. With
I hoped that conducting this research would be a success. data reduction, a professional data analyst employed the
The participants were expected to cooperate and offer their expertise for data analysis. The process will help me manage
full support in this endeavor with respect afforded to them. and handle the data, particularly with the sorting and
organizing large volumes of qualitative data, retrieving, and
D. Ethical Considerations locating words and phrases. The data were consolidated and
I took this kind of research to capture the critical manageable after being sorted and categorized (Chen,
narrative of undergraduate students experiencing online Hoople, Ledwith, Burlingame, Bush, & Scott, 2020;
classes. Since this study has a personal sense to me, being a Loebbecke &Picot, 2015; Luo & Timothy, 2017).
teacher in a public school. I conducted this study augmented
the focal point of online class students to attain their voices Drawing conclusion and verification are the last steps
and freedom more meaningful on the positive and negative of qualitative analysis. It involved going back to consider
influences of their peers. what the analyzed data mean and assessing their aftermaths
for the questions at pointer while verification, integrally
As a researcher, I first identified the study participants linked to conclusion drawing, compulsory revisiting the data
and invited them to be part of this professional endeavor. I as many times as essential to cross-check or confirm these
collected the data by having in-depth interviews with all the emergent conclusions. At this point, no definite judgments
five respondents of online class students. I conducted the were made, but rather, the data speak for themselves by the
interviews, with the assistance of a colleague who took notes emergence of conceptual groups and descriptive themes.
during the interviews and served as one of our self- These themes were usually implanted in constructing unified
governing readers and analysts. I also asked for the service ideas that make sense.
Therefore, in the data analysis, the consideration is in There are four parts presented in this chapter. Part 1
the particular experience that focuses on and is interested in reveals the information about the participants of this study.
peer relationships’ influence on school success. The Part 2 encompasses the data analysis and the categorization
gathered information from the participants through in-depth of the emergent themes developed from the result of the
interview, made it more comprehensive using group interviews. Part 3 deals with the general, typical, and variant
discussions and note-taking. The common perceptions were responses to the in-depth interview questions. Part 4
identified through expert consultants’ help with the summarizes the informants’ and participants’ responses.
participants’ approval of the texts or explanations.
A. Participants
In other words, as relived in the participants’ minds, Key informants. There were five critical participants in
their experiences, which were tape-recorded during the this study for an in-depth interview, who were all students of
interview sessions, were searched through each subject, Ramon Magsaysay Memorial College – Graduate School
especially their relevant statements appeared particularly Department. For confidentiality, the participants were given
meaningful to the participants in describing their pseudonyms. In this study, there were five main informants,
experiences about the phenomenon of interest. Then, the whose ages ranged from 25 to 35, Teacher I position, three
researcher clustered these statements into themes. These to ten years of teaching experiences, the second year in
were the aspects of the participants’ experiences they have Graduate School, and reside at the different places of Region
in common. They described the fundamental features of the XII.
knowledge that have been told by most of the participants in
the study. Through the purposive sampling method as suggested
by Mack et al. (2015), I was able to find more referrals and
Lastly, the data analysis investigated the essential recommendations made by them. Through the help of the
structure of the phenomenon about the dynamics of peer Graduate School office, data and information collection
groups that influence the school success by interviewing the became manageable. The association with my colleagues
participants who had experienced this phenomenon. In helped me gain their trust, which is necessary in collecting
addition, clarity of issues was enhanced using the focused personal data and in sharing their experiences with peer
group discussions and notes. Then, relevant statements were influence dynamics. Though some of them were anxious at
extracted and then clustered into themes. The themes first, they eventually felt comfortable with my assurance of
integrate into a narrative description of the phenomenon. confidentiality. They were very cooperative in answering
These things were consulted with the other experts to help each of my interview questions. Some of them felt relaxed
sort out ideas with the final agreement of each participant. in answering the interview, some were interested, and some
thru their facial expressions, I could infer that they were
F. Role of the Researcher and Potential Ethical Issues happy with their friends (Mack et al. 2015; Zambrana, Ray,
I took this kind of research to capture the critical story of Espino, Castro, Douthirt Cohen & Eliason, 2015; Liu, Luo,
the Graduate School students who have an online classis in Haase, Guo, Wang, Liu & Yang, 2020; Altun, S. 2015).
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges. This study has a
personal significance to me as a student of this college and a The interview took place in different places depending
public-school teacher. The main focus of this research is to on the participants’ preference, in the quiet area where they
get the opinions of the participants and be heard and to were assigned. I used a cellular phone as a recorder, one
better understand their peers' positive and negative laptop, and one camera, and my notebook to write down
influences. important notes and observations during the interview. I
asked an assistance of an Information Technology expert to
As a researcher, I first identified the study participants assist me for the note-taking, as recommended by Speziale
and invited them to be part of this professional endeavor. I and Carpenter (2017), using more than one person to collect
collected the data by having in-depth interviews with all the the data, thereby increasing its reliability (Gerber, Hayes &
five students who have online classes. I conducted this Bryant, 2019; Filipan, Boes, De Coensel, Lavandier,
How do the participants describe their experiences Participant 2 said that they are actively participating.
during their online class? We work together with my classmates
To find out the experiences and the challenges of Graduate actively and collaboratively. (Participant 2,
School students on their online class as the respondents of Line No. 190)
this study, the following questions were asked during the in-
I. Open Communication
depth interviews: How do you cope with the loss of internet
The second cluster theme under the experiences in an
connectivity during your session? How do you manage the
online class is open communication. It has emergent themes
loss of internet connectivity during your session? How do
based on the responses categorized as teamwork. Open
your classmates help you in your online class?
communication is essential. It allows you to be more
engaged. Effective communication will lead everyone to be
on the goal, a personal value and unique definition of
success at any organization. Open communication is related
to job satisfaction, organizational performance, and role
clarity. The rationale was based on the idea that open
communication is one-dimensional phenomenon (Caron &
Light, 2016; Quirke, 2017; van Hoorn, 2017).
Participant 4 said that they are helping each other. Participant 5 said that she would adjust to a new usual
My classmates send me links, way of learning as time goes by.
assignments and other activity of task Keep going because as times goes
that we need to be accomplished. by you can adjust the things that what
(Participant 4, Line No. 485 – 486) you are doing. (Participant 5, Line
Participant 3 said that they are interacting. No. 569 – 570).
Interactions with my classmates are
important because through them you Participant 4 said that it is normal to struggle today
will be updated of the happenings. with time. It goes by, and she will overcome it.
Theycan help you in your assignments Do not wait for tomorrow what you
andalso if youconnection is not good can do today. It is normal that they
theyare willing to give you struggle but they will just overcome
screenshots of thetopic being discuss, it as days goes by. (Participant 4, Line
and during reportingthey are willing No. 526 – 527)
to present your presentationif our K. Well – Informed
connection is not stable. (Participant The second cluster theme under the successful stories in
3,Line 318 320). online classes is well-informed. It has emergent themes,
Generally speaking, the participants describe their categorized as workable based on the responses.
experience in an online class as that they rely on their They were having or showing much knowledge about a
classmates for help with their tasks, resulting in a sense of wide range of subjects or about one particular issue.
synergy in their classes. They maintain open lines of the Therefore, for these lower-achieving students, any efforts on
message with their peers and lecturers, particularly during the part of the instructors to give more information about the
discussions. lessons is needed (Meyer, Kamens & Benavot, 2017;
Knoblauch & Chase, 2015; Svanum, 2016).
How do the participants define their successful stories
in online classes? Participant 1 said that it is good to learn from my
To find out the success stories of graduate school students professors and classmates.
in an online class, the participants of this study come up I can enjoy in the same time you can
with themes. The themes are as Workable Setting. It has learn from your professors and
three emergent themes: challenging times, well–informed, classmates and improve your
and urges to learn more. personality because I’m trying my best
__________________________________ to do good at all time. (Participant 1,
Cluster Themes Emergent Themes Line No. 111 – 113).
III. Define their Successful Stories in
Online Classes Participant 3 said that it helped add the knowledge she
A.Workable setting needed to know about the educational system.
1. Can adjust things as time goes by1. Challenging times It helped me to add my knowledge
2. It is normal to struggle and can overcome and expertise to the things that I
it as days go by wanted to know. (Participant 3,
3. I learned from my professors and 2. Well - informed Line No. 389 – 390)
4. It helps me add my knowledge and L. Urges to Learn More
expertise The third cluster theme under the successful stories in
5. It bridges me to continue my dreams 3. Urges to online class urged the students to learn more. It has
learn more emergent themes based on the responses categorized as the
6. Develop my professional group workable setting. Urges to learn more is solid with—a
Table 3:The participants define their success stories in strong will, especially difficult or possible to control. Not to
online classes make blanket statements about millennial persevere
teachers, but rather to understand these more fully. Find out
J. Challenging Times what their students want to know more about their own
The first cluster theme under the successful stories in an experiences and optimism to learn (Victor, Scott, Stepp &
online class is challenging times. It has emergent themes, Goldstein, 2019; Clark & Byrnes, 2015).
categorized as workable based on the responses. It is normal Participant 2 said that she has a strong will to continue her
to struggle as long as it moves towards your dreams. The study.
Real Challenge is Motivation from a practical standpoint,
building a homepage is an easy and quick task for a teacher
to include at the beginning of an online class. Students need