CSCI 1100 Section 01 Syllabus: Course Information
CSCI 1100 Section 01 Syllabus: Course Information
CSCI 1100 Section 01 Syllabus: Course Information
Course Information
2021_Fall Term [202109]
Term Start Date: Monday, 30-Aug-2021 Term End Date: Friday, 4-Feb-2022
Instructor Information
Wesley Turner
[email protected]
Uzma Mushtaque
Teaching Assistant(s)
Aitazaz Khan
O ce Hours: TBD
Dhruva Narayan
O ce Hours: TBD
James Oswald
O ce Hours: TBD
Brandon Rozek
O ce Hours: TBD
Vijay Sadashivaiah
O ce Hours: TBD
Shlok Shah
O ce Hours: TBD
Linh Tran
O ce Hours: TBD
Course Description
Course Text(s)
Text Details :
We will use the University of Toronto book, Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python
by Campbell, Gries, and Montojo. This is available in both print and electronic versions. While purchase of this book is
not mandatory, we will follow its order and coverage fairly closely. The examples we use in class will largely
complement rather than repeat the ones in the book.
Very important: The o cial text is the third edition, but if you already have the second edition it should be ne. You need
to have at least the second edition. The rst edition is obsolete and will not help you in this course.
Course Goals
Goals :
The main objective of this class is to teach computational problem solving using Python. Python has a simple syntax, a
powerful set of programming primitives, and a rich set of libraries, making it ideal for classroom learning and for rapid
Course Content
Content Details :
Learning Outcomes
Exam 4 1, 2, 3
Homework 9 1, 2, 3, 4
Labs 12 1, 2, 3, 4
Lecture Exercises 22 3
No student outcomes were de ned and mapped to this course by any published programs.
Grading Criteria
Criteria Details :
Lecture Exercises: 4%
Labs: 13%
Homeworks: 33%
Exams: 30%
Final: 20%
Calendar Details :
This is a tentative schedule and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class
Course Calendar
Attendance Policy :
Class attendance is strongly encouraged, but not required. You are expected to review the lecture recordings prior to
class and are encouraged to attend the online lecture sessions to get clari cation on troublesome topics or to explore
the material in more depth. Students must attend their assigned lab sections unless prior arrangements are made with
the lab TAs.
Lecture notes will be posted on the course web site in advance of each class. Students are strongly encouraged to study
these carefully, including the examples that are provided. Our experience in teaching this class has been that many
questions students ask are already answered in the notes.
You can log in to Submitty using your email address. You should be checking this site at least once a day for
announcements and discussion, and much more often when you are working on assignments and prepping for exams.
Better yet, sign up to receive email alerts of postings.
What to post on Submitty? What not to post? Use common sense. Please do post questions about lectures, labs,
homeworks and tests. Choose Submitty instead of emailing your instructor or your TA, and make sure that other
students can see your questions. (In other words, don’t use Submitty for a private chat with the instructors.) Your
posting can be anonymous to other students, but it will not be anonymous to the instructors. Before you post, check
what has already been posted so that you don’t repeat a question. Do not post a signi cant section of code you have
written for a lab or a homework problem, but instead post questions about how to nd and x an error or about what an
error message might mean. Help with debugging your code is best done one-on-one during o ce hours, lab and extra
help sessions.
Lab Sections: Each lab will be led by a graduate student TA, assisted by two or three undergraduate mentors.
Assignment of TAs to lab sections will be announced via the course web site. Get to know your TA, your mentors, and
other students in your lab sections. Your TA will get to know you. Your TA is your rst point of contact for this course.
You may attend the o ce hours of the instructors or of any TA, not just the one supervising your lab. O ce hours will be
posted on the course website.
Lab Late Policy: You must complete labs during the lab time to get full credit. Un nished components of labs may be
nished up to a week late for half the credit. The one exception is for the nal checkpoint of each lab. We will offer full
credit for the nal checkpoint so long as it is nished within a week of class provided that the student arrives at lab on
Grade Appeals: All grade appeals on labs and homeworks must be submitted within a week of receiving a grade.
Students will be able to see all of their grades on-line via Submitty.
Homework Late Policy: Homework assignments must be submitted electronically by the deadline, as measured by our
computers. Assignments that are a minute late are considered a day late! Each student will be given a total of three
days (whole or partial) of grace for late homework assignments for the entire semester. These grace days should be
used carefully, and no more than two may be used for any one assignment. Once the late days have been exhausted,
late assignments will not be accepted without a written excuse from the Student Experience o ce.
As an example, if student X submits his/her 1st assignment 26 hours late, X will have used two late days and have only
one day left. If X then submits another assignment 5 hours late, X will have used his/her last late day. If X then submits a
3rd assignment 1 minute late, it will not be accepted.
Students should use their late days carefully, saving them for the latter part of the semester or, better yet, not using
them at all. Save them for crashed computers, crashed disks, failed virtual machines, and late semester crunches of
having too many assignments due at once.
If there are extenuating circumstances, such as a personal or medical emergency, that cause your homework to be late,
please obtain an excuse from the Student Experience o ce. Crashed computers, failed disk drives, and overwritten les
are not considered valid excuses for late homework.
Academic Integrity
Student-teacher relationships are built on trust. For example, students must trust that teachers have made
appropriate decisions about the structure and content of the courses they teach, and teachers must trust that
the assignments that students turn in are their own. Acts that violate this trust undermine the educational
process. The Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities and The Graduate Student
Supplement define various forms of Academic Dishonesty and you should make yourself familiar with
these. In this class, all assignments that are turned in for a grade must represent the student’s own work. In
cases where help was received, or teamwork was allowed, a notation on the assignment should indicate
your collaboration.
Violations of academic integrity may also be reported to the appropriate Dean (Dean of Students for
undergraduate students or the Dean of Graduate Education for graduate students, respectively).
If you have any question concerning this policy before submitting an assignment, please ask for
clarification. In addition, you can visit the following site for more information on our Academic Integrity
Policy: Students Rights, Responsibilities, and Judicial Affairs.
Support Services
RPInfo - contains various resource links for students, academic resources, support services, and safety &
emergency preparedness.
Homework submissions should be your own work, but you are allowed to discuss the goals of an assignment and the
overall design, testing and debugging of the solution. Your code should be your own. Program submissions, especially
longer ones, that are too similar to have been written independently will be agged electronically (comparing all
submissions across all sections and potentially across semesters), and students will be asked to explain the cause of
the similarity. Students who do not submit their own work will receive a 0 on the assignment and will likely receive an
additional overall grade penalty, depending on the severity of the infraction. Typical penalties are 5 to 10 percentage
points subtracted from the semester average. Students caught a second time will receive an F in the course. All
infractions will be reported to the Dean of Students o ce.
Copying, communicating or using disallowed materials during an exam is cheating. Students caught cheating on an
exam will receive an F in the course and will be reported to the Dean of Students o ce.
Students who do not submit their own work will receive a 0 on the assignment and will likely receive an additional overall
grade penalty, depending on the severity of the infraction. Typical penalties are 5 to 10 percentage points subtracted
from the semester average. Students caught a second time will receive an F in the course. All infractions will be
reported to the Dean of Students o ce.
Students caught cheating on an exam will receive an F in the course and will be reported to the Dean of Students o ce.
If you have any question concerning this policy before submitting an assignment, please ask for clari cation.
All questions that require attention from the instructors or the course coordinator must be sent to:
[email protected]. This alias goes to all instructors: Wes Turner, Uzma Mushtaque and Shianne Hulbert.
Please include your name and section number in all your emails.
Excuses and exceptions: If you are going to miss an assignment or an exam, you must notify your TA and instructor as
soon as you know this is happening. You may be allowed to make up a missed assignment or exam only if you get an
o cial excuse from the O ce of Student Experience. Remember crashed computers or forgetting the day of an exam
are not valid reasons for an excuse!