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A Remark On The Integration by Parts Formula For T

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A Remark on the integration by parts formula for the φ4 3-quantum field


Article  in  Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics · March 2006
DOI: 10.1142/S0219025706002275


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3 authors, including:

Sergio Angelo Albeverio

University of Bonn


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A Remark on the Integration by Parts Formula

for the -Quantum Field Model

Sergio Albeverio, Song Liang, Boguslav Zegarlinski

no. 245

Diese Arbeit ist mit Unterstützung des von der Deutschen Forschungs-
gemeinschaft getragenen Sonderforschungsbereiches 611 an der Univer-
sität Bonn entstanden und als Manuskript vervielfältigt worden.
Bonn, September 2005
A Remark on the integration by parts formula
for the φ43-quantum field model
Sergio ALBEVERIO ∗, Song LIANG †, Boguslav ZEGARLINSKI ‡

An integration by parts formula for the measure µ of the Euclidean
φ43 -quantumfield model is proven. It is also proven that the regularized
logarithmic derivative of µ when the regularization is removed does
not converge in L2 (µ).
Keywords: Integration by parts formula, quantum fields, φ43 -
model, continuum limits
AMS-classification: 81T27, 46G05

1 Introduction
Integration by parts formula for measures on infinite dimensional spaces have
been discussed since quite long time in many contexts, from general infinite

1). Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn, Wegelerstr. 6, D53115
Bonn (Germany), and SFB611,
2). BiBoS, CERFIM(Locarno); Acc. Arch. (USI), Mendrisio (Switzerland),
3). Dip. di Matematica, Università di Trento (Italy)

1). Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn, Wegelerstr. 6, D53115
Bonn (Germany),
4). Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University (Japan).
5). Financially supported in part by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) and
Grant-in-Aid for the Encouragement of Young Scientists (No. 15740057), Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science.

Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London (British)

dimensional analysis [8], [2], to stochastic analysis (they are the basis of
Malliavin calculus, see, e.g., [18]), the theory of Dirichlet forms (see [2], [5],
[17]) and the theory of quantum fields [11]. They are also a tool for showing
closability of certain singular Dirichlet forms, permitting to associate to them
certain stochastic processes. This has been used with success for generatic
the dynamics and for providing the stochastic quantization for quantum fields
models over 2 dimensional space-time [2], [5], [9], [10], for models of quantum
and classical statistical mechanics [4], hydrodynamics [1], as well as for mod-
els of polymers [3]. In all these cases, the integration by parts formula holds
because the measure describing processes have logarithmic derivatives which
are square integrable. A more singular situation arises when handling the
stochastic dynamics associated with Edwards-Westwater polymer measures
[6] in 3-dimensions. In the present paper, we shall precisely analyse the case
of a measure associated with a Euclidean quantum field over R3 and shall
show that, as different from the case of quantum fields over R2 (discussed
in [2], [5]), one does not have an integration by parts formula with resulting
logarithmic derivative in L2 (µ).
Let us explain better our result.
Let m0 > 0 be a fixed number and let µ0 be Nelson’s Euclidean free field
measure on R3 of mass m0 , i.e., the centered Gaussian measure on S  (R3 )
with the covariance (−∆ + m20 )−1 . Also, let λ > 0 be a constant (which later
will be taken to be sufficiently small).
We consider the φ43 -quantum field heuristically described by the proba-
bility measure
Z −1 e−U (φ) µ0 (dφ).
Here Z is the normalizing constant, and U is heuristically given by

λ2 2 2
U (φ) = dx(λ : φ4 (x) : + δm : φ (x) :), φ ∈ S  (R3 ),
R3 2
with : · : standing for the Wick product with respect to µ0 , δm2 is a (positive
infinite) mass renormalization term (see, e.g., Glimm-Jaffe [16], Simon [20],
Feldman [12], Battle [7]).

This heuristically described probability measure can be rigorously con-
structed in the following way. Let us consider a family of ”regularization
functions” hv ∈ S(R3 ), indexed by the subscript v ∈ [1, ∞), and a fam-
ily of space cut-off Λ ⊂⊂ R3 (i.e., Λ compact subset of R3 ). Let φv (x) =

φ(hv (· − x)) ≡ Rd φ(y)hv (y − x)dy for x ∈ R3 (which is well-defined). We
take hv (·) and Λ ⊂⊂ R3 such that hv (·) → δ(·) as v → +∞ and Λ → R3 (δ
being Dirac’s measure at the origin). Let

λ2 2 2
UΛ,v (φ) = dx(λ : φ4v : (x) + δmv : φv (x) :),
Λ 2
where δm2v is some positive constant depending on hv . Then for λ > 0 small
enough, the φ43 -quantum field probability measure described above is defined
as the weak limit on S  (R3 ) of
−1 −UΛ,v (φ)
µΛ,v (dφ) := ZΛ,v e µ0 (dφ)

as v → +∞, δm2v → +∞ (in a suitable way) and Λ → R3 , where ZΛ,v is the

normalizing constant such that µΛ,v is a probability measure (see e.g., [14],
[12] and references therein for the construction of µΛ,v and details). We shall
write this limit by µ.
Let P denote the set of cylindrical polynomials, i.e., functions that have
the form u(φ) = u(φ(f1 ), · · · , φ(fn )) with n ∈ N, u any polynomial on Rn ,
and any fi ∈ S(R3 ), i = 1, · · · n.
Also, let N (φ3 )v (x) ≡: φ3v : (x) + 14 λδm2v : φv : (x). Then by [14], we have
N (φ3 )(x) = lim [ : φ(x + ξ)φ(x)φ(x − ξ) : + δm2 (ξ)φ(x)], x ∈ R3 ,
ξ→0,ξ=(0,η) 4

exists, where δm2 (ξ) = 96 d3 zS 0,(2) (z+ξ)S 0,(2) (z)S 0,(2) (z−ξ), with S 0,(2) (y) =
(−∆ + m2 )−1 (y) standing for the free two-point Schwinger function. Also,
[14] gives us that as v → ∞ and Λ → R3 , (φ, N (φ3 )v ) under µΛ,v converges
to (φ, N (φ3 )) under µ, in the sense of moments with the restriction of ”off
diagonal” for the second component. (see [14] for details).
Now we are ready to present our results:

THEOREM 1.1 Let κ ∈ S(R3 ) and u ∈ P. Denote by ∂u ∂κ
the derivative
of u in the direction κ. The following integration by parts formula holds:
∂u 2
(φ)µ(dφ) = u(φ) φ((−∆ + m0 )κ) + 4λ dxN (φ3 )(x)κ(x) µ(dφ)
∂κ R3

for any u ∈ P.

Remark 1 In general, if the integration by parts formula holds for a proba-

bility measure ν with a logarithmic derivative −βν,κ in L2 (ν), i.e., ∂u ∂κ
dν =

uβν,κ dν for any u, then we have that the corresponding classical pre-Dirichlet
form Eν (in the sense of Albeverio-Röckner [5]) is closable, so there exists
a diffusion process (with transition semigroup generated by the self-adjoint
operator associated with the closure of Eν ) that has ν as an invariant mea-
sure, see [5]. However, Theorem 1.1 does not give us such a result, since we

do not know whether βµ,κ (φ) := φ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + 4λ R3 dxN (φ3 )(x)κ(x) is
in L2 (µ). Actually, the following suggests a negative result in the sense that
βµ,κ (·) might not be in L2 (µ).

PROPOSITION 1.2 For any Λ ⊂⊂ R3 , we have that

sup (φ)µΛ,v (dφ) = +∞.
u∈P:uL2 (µ =1 ∂κ
Λ,v )

The proofs of Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 1.2 will be given in the fol-
lowing sections.

Remark 2 Although our result can be interpreted as a negative one, it cer-

tainly clarifies the situation concerning the difference between the d = 2
and the d = 3 dimensional cases. The conclusion does not exclude that a
stochastic quantization dynamics for the φ43 dynamics with space-time Gaus-
sian white noise might be constructed, but it says that this dynamics is going
to be much more ”singular” than in the 2-dimensional case.

2 Proof of Theorem 1.1
We give the proof of Theorem 1.1 in this section. First, we have the following
result, about the integration by parts formula for µΛ,v .
Let F C 1 denote the set of functions that have the form u(φ) = u(φ(f1 ), · · · , φ(fn ))
with n ∈ N, u ∈ C 1 (Rn ), and fi ∈ S(R3 ), i = 1, · · · n. Then the following
Lemma holds:

Lemma 2.1 For any u ∈ F C 1 , v ∈ [1, +∞) and Λ ⊂⊂ R3 , we have that

(φ)µΛ,v (dφ) = u(φ) φ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + UΛ,v

(φ)(κ) µΛ,v (dφ). (2.1)
Proof. By the integration by parts formula for µ0 , we have for any
u1 , u2 ∈ F C 1

(φ)u2 (φ)µ0 (dφ)
= u1 (φ) φ((−∆ + m20 )κ))u2 (φ) − (φ) µ0 (dφ).

(φ)e−UΛ,v (φ)(κ) µ0 (dφ)
= u(φ) φ((−∆ + m20 )κ)) + UΛ,v
(φ)(κ) e−UΛ,v (φ)(κ) µ0 (dφ).

This combined with the definition of µΛ,v completes our proof.

We remark that the UΛ,v (φ)(κ) in Lemma 2.1 is equal to

UΛ,v (φ)(κ) = 4λ dx( : φ3v : (x) + λδm2v : φv : (x))κ(x)
Λ 4
= 4λ dxN (φ3 )v (x)κ(x),

hence by [14], for any u ∈ P, as v → ∞ and Λ → R3 ,


u(φ)UΛ,v (φ)(κ)µΛ,v (dφ) → u(φ) 4λ dxN (φ3 )(x)κ(x) µ(dφ).

Now, we get Theorem 1.1 by taking v → ∞ and Λ → R3 in (2.1), using

the fact that µΛ,v converges weakly on S  (R3 ) (see, e.g., Feldman [12]).

Remark 3 Notice that when taking the limit v → ∞ and Λ → R3 , although
the left hand side of (2.1) converges for any u ∈ F C 1 , [14] gives us the
convergence of the right hand side of (2.1) only for u ∈ P.

3 Proof of Proposition 1.2

Let us prove Proposition 1.2 in this section.
First we remark that by (2.1), it suffices to show that
φ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + UΛ,v

(φ)(κ) µΛ,v (dφ) → +∞, v → ∞.

However, by (2.1) (applied to u(φ) = φ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + UΛ,v

(φ)(κ)), we have
φ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + UΛ,v

(φ)(κ) µΛ,v (dφ)
= κ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + UΛ,v

(φ)(κ, κ) µΛ,v (dφ)
= κ((−∆ + m20 )κ) + dx(12λ : φ2v : (x) + λ2 δm2v )κ(x)2 µΛ,v (dφ).
Now, we get our assertion since every term in the expression above converges
as v → ∞ except for δm2v , and limv→∞ δm2v = +∞.
Acknowledgment We are very grateful to Professor Michael Röckner for
stimulating discussions. The second author gratefully acknowledges financial
support by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.

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