Dayang Nur Amira PT - 3
Dayang Nur Amira PT - 3
Dayang Nur Amira PT - 3
BDS 321
III Reading and Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the July 30, 2005 Board meeting accepted
As previously published and posted on and approved by unanimous
consent.. Minutes of July 30, 2005 Annual Meeting accepted as previously and posted on and approved by unanimous consent. (Ref RONR(10th Ed),p.457,L.
A. The committee has the requisite four members; Wanda Briegle, Patricia Watson and
Alicia Dempsey, with the President John McCann acting as chair.
B. Laverne Woods has volunteered to candidate for a second term as Vice President. Will
Smith has volunteered to candidate for another appointed term as Hospitality Director.
Terry Voss has volunteered to candidate for an appointed term as Media Director, should
Nobody else submit his or her name for that position. A candidate for Secretary has yet to
Be discovered.
V Unfinished Business and General Orders:
(2) An “Advance Ruling” was rendered. The advance ruling period ends June
30, 2009.
(2) Paul Jenks, previous owner, has offered to provide pro bono labor if
someone else provides the needed materials. John McCann will contact
Mr. Jenks to determine exactly what materials and supplies would be
needed, and the cost.
VI New Business:
A. Resignation – Jane K Williamson, Treasurer
(1) A letter of resignation has not been received. Under the bylaws no action
can be taken.
B. Appointments
(1) Appointments terminate with the appointing Board. Those now servings
as “Hospitality Director” and “Media Director” are reappointed for a
second term by consensus of the Board at this meeting.
(1) Present assets are around $28,000 of which about $22,000 resides in
various “allocated funds”.
(1) William Strating provided various archival documents demonstrating that
these funds, with the possible exception of a “Building Restoration Fund”
(which has thus far not been identified as to source or original purpose)
are all actually “donor advised funds”, rather than “restricted funds”.
Therefore, the Board’s prerogatives as to the use of these funds are not
limited in any way.
(2) Strating further provided documents indicating that uses originally advised
by realistic, practical or possible.
(3) Accordingly, Strating suggested that this money should now be re-
designated as “non-designated funds” and transferred to the General Fund.
(c) No action will be taken towards redesigning these funds until the
next Board meeting, after having allowed a reasonable opportunity
for comment, as mentioned above.
(2) The Secretary will draft a greatly simplified and plain worded document
based upon the example included in a tutorial by Kathryn A Miree, a
philanthropic advisory consultant of Birmingham, AL for consideration at
the next Board meeting.
E. Authorization of Activities for 2005/2006 Program Year
(a) Communication
(iii). Annual View from the Dunes mailing – discontinued. This was done
with the 2004 and 2005 issues as evidence of the new, improved
partner relationship with the Lakeshore. Having received few
questions or negative comments over the past several months, the
Board’s judgement is that membership is now comfortable in this new
(1) A draft budget provided by the Treasurer was reviewed as to format and content, and
was found generally acceptable as a working draft. Further development of the
budget will continue after the status of currents “funds” is clearly redefined (see item
VI.C.4 above.)
(1) Motion by Secretary Strating: “that the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Friends of the Manitous be held at the Township Hall in Empire, Michigan on
Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 1:00 PM.
VII Adjournment: