STD 4 Weekly Test Answers
STD 4 Weekly Test Answers
STD 4 Weekly Test Answers
5. 6. (a) 430 (b) 480
7. ( ) ( ) 8. 66 9. (a) 278 (b) 878
10. (a) ˂ (less than) (b) 11. (c) km
12. 3400m 13. 5kg 14. (a) 7:00 (b) 5:30am
15. (a) 16 square units
21. 20
22. (a) Shape c (b) triangular base pyramid (c) A and B (d) C
23. 7 24. (a) 12 (b) 36
25. (a) 25mm (b) July (c) 25mm (d) 120
9 – 13 – Free response
21. Youths 5-17 years - 5-17 years old should get at least 60 minutes of
23. Emperor 24. close? 25. us. 26. Caroni, 27. Jones’
30. verb 31. preposition 32. adjective 33. noun 34. adverb
35. want 36. written 37. have 38. crept 39. planted
Mathematics Test 2
1. (a) twenty three thousand, four hundred and nine.
(b) four hundred and three thousand, two hundred and thirty-six.
(c) one million, thirty-nine thousand, three hundred and eighty.
(d) seven hundred thousand and twenty.
2. (a) 422, 361 (b) 58, 604 (c) 70, 007 (d) 421, 501 (e) 500, 970
3. (a) 30,000 (b) 900 (c) 20 (d) 600 000
4. 3 5. (a) 9641 (b) 4169 (c) 8172 6. 5 7. 7050
8. Josh 9. 39, 300 10. 4770 11. 166 12. 1035
13. 324 14. 7:00 or 7 o’clock 15. cube 16. Shade any five parts
Language Arts Test 2
organisms by a fungus.
3. Mould can grow inside the bread and eating it can cause you to become ill.
4. You should avoid eating food with mould or coming into contact with mouldy
5. i. keep amounts that can be eaten in a day or two ii. freeze what is not used
Mathematics Test 3
1. (a) 42, 583 (b) 504, 750 (c) 735, 309 (d)
2. (a) (3 x 100 000) + (4 x 10000) + (5 x 1000) + (1 x 100) + (6 x 10) +
(4 x 1)
(b) (5 x 10 000) + ( 9 x 100) + ( 6 x 1)
(c) (3 x 100 000) + (6 x 10 000) + ( 7 x 1000) + (8 x 100) + (2 x 10)
3. (a) 800 (b) 80 000
4. (a) twenty-five thousand and forty-six
(b) three hundred and five thousand, two hundred and forty-three
5. (a) 850 (b) 9760 6. (a) 9300 (b) 6000
7. (a) 8000 (b) 244 000 8. 238 9. 300, 065
A. 1. bevy/collective girls/common
3. fragrance/abstract roses/common
7. equipment 8. spoonful
2. The dogs’ collars were removed before they were returned to the kennels.
I. 1. A Housekeeper 2. one to two years working for a family with young children.
8. elves 9. leaves 10. chefs 11. geese 12. god-mothers 13. luggage
2. The two heroes, Bob and George, were honoured by the president.
I. 1. Chapter 3 2. 4
3. Chapter 4 4. page 33
13. 14.
15. 360, 007 16. 41 17. 288
18. 65 and 55
3. He forced his way into the house when the younger brother opened the door.
4. They went through the window and ran to the neighbour next door.
5. Free response
Mathematics Test 8
1. (a) 9 (b) 36 (c) 100 (d) 144
2. (a) 2 (b) 11 (c) 7 (d) 5
3. 65 4. 12 5. 14 6. 5 7. 25, 36 8. 121
9. 5000m 10. (a) 3915 (b) 19 575 11. (a) 102 (b) 1 more
12. one hundred and thirty thousand and fifty-seven
13. 5000 14. (a) 4389 stamps (b) 2611
15. 8 vertices
16. (4 x 10000) + ( 6 x 1000) + ( 5 x 100 ) + ( 8 x 1)
G. 1. Mr. Tom Seller, the new manager, will be making changes to the staff.
H. 1. This watch, the only one of its kind, was bought in San Fernando.
D. 1. Free response
G. 1. This apple, the last one in the bowl, was for the teacher.
2. “When we get to the office, we will call your mother,” said Julie.
3. The house, the car and the land all belong to me.
3. More than twelve thousand homes were toppled, nearly two thousand and seven
hundred died.
4. three earthquakes
E. Free response
I. 1. Wednesday 2. 21 3. Saturday
D. 1. had been painting 2. will have been taking 3. has been picking
F. Free response
2. Hurray! We won.
3. I would like a banana, a cheese sandwich and an orange juice.
4. Mr. Lester Nilly and Mrs. Valery Pine are the new managers.
J. 1. The Magnificent Seven is a group of mansions located at the northwest corner
of the Queen’s Park Savannah.
2. 1904 3. Hayes Court
4. The diverse historical heritage of the twin island.
5. Killarney because it suffers from structural problems, the timber floor and the
roof structure are in need of immediate rehabilitation.
6. Free response
Mathematics Test 13
1. b b
7. (a) 2 (b)
19. 114
Mathematics Test 14
1. (a) cylinder (b) cube (c) square base pyramid (d) cone
(e) cuboid (f) triangular base prism
Cube 6 0 12 8
Cylinder 2 1 2 0
Cuboid 6 0 12 8
Triangular base 5 0 9 6
Square base 5 0 8 5
Triangular base 4 0 6 4
Cone 1 1 1 1
5. 6. 3
7. three hundred thousand and thirty-two
8. 47 000 9. (a) 4000m (b) 4 ½ m (c) 8cm (d) 2 ½ km
3. frost action or frost shattering - water gets into cracks and joints, when it
freezes, it expands, opening up the cracks and pieces of the rocks split
5. Erosion is the act of moving rocks and sediments from one place to
Mathematics Test 16
1. 144cm2 2. 529cm2 3.(a) 35cm (b) 38cm
2 2
4. 12cm 5. 168cm 6. 12cm 7. 28cm
8. (a) 5208m2 (b) 1460m (c) 1km 460m
9. equilateral triangle
10. 2 11.
14. 5m 56cm 15. 9000 16. 516 17. 89
18. Isosceles 19. 13 468 20. 43 300
21. forty-eight thousand and thirty
2. 50-260 inches
5. free response
Mathematics Test 17
1. (a) (2 x 10) + ( 4 x 1) + ( 8 x ) + (5 x )
(b) ( ) ( ) ( )
2. (a) ( ) ( ) ( )
3. (a) 0.4 (b) 0.7
4. 0.2 5. (a) 8.7 (b) 14.3
6. 0.54, 0.52 , 0.42, 0.24
7. 34.87 8. 15.88 9. $11.85 10. 30.75
11. (a) 345 (b) 7.84 (c) 1300
12. 225 13. 0.12 14. 540m 15. 97
16. one hundred and forty thousand and fifty-eight
17. 80 18.
21. triangular base prism 22. 49cm2 23. 12cm
24. 7cm 25. parallel lines 26. 2 quarter turns/ half turn
Language Arts Test 17
8. chiefs 9. roofs 10. furniture 11. mice 12. measles 13. dregs
3. Please pack the following for the trip: bandages, antiseptic and gauze.
I. 1. A Bakery
2. seven locations
4. free response
5. free response
Mathematics Test 18
1. 10:12 2. 6:45
Mathematics Test 19
1. (a) 40% (b) 75% 2. (a) ( )
3. (a) 39% (b) 240% 4. (a) 0.125 (b) 0.15
5. 60% 6. 40 7. 250m 8. 75%
9. (a) $80 (b) $40 (c) $48
10. (a) 120 (b) 30 11. 40%
12. (a) $60 (b) $240 13. (a) $150 (b) $1350
14. $1000 15. (a) $3000 (b) $9000
16. $74 17. $8 loss 18. $162
19. 20.
2. The principal said that the boys would stay inside during the lunch period.
6. The teacher said that there are seven days in the week.
C. 1. Henry said, “I am fixing my car.”
2. The farmer said, “The birds have eaten all the seeds.”
3. The man said, “My dog has been barking all morning.”
E. free response
H. 1. We need to buy the following list of things: toothpaste, milk and bottled
Mathematics Test 20
1. (a) $2000 (b) $1200 (c) $1600
5. 2 right angles 6. equilateral triangle 7. square base pyramid
8. 32910 9. 9 10.
11. (a) 82 (b) 83 12. 13. 28cm
14. 3 15. 3 16. 8:20am
17. 18. (a) 9cm (b) (i) 54cm (ii) 162cm2
19. 16 20. $340
Common Decimal Percentage
Fraction Fraction
0.2 20%
0.75 75%
0.9 90%
Mathematics Test 21
1. 0.6 2. 403 208 3. 9816 4. 75% 5. 161 6. 74.75
7. 3450g 8. 4:25 9. 20 10. Y= 6 11. 28cm 12. 332
13. 12 14. $250 15. m 16. pumpkin 17. b
18. triangular base prism
19. 20.
21. 20.6 22. (a) 60 (b) 30 23. 24. 39, 46
25. (a) 11880 (b) 9 (c) 14256
26. (a) 168 (b) 14 27. 28. 3 games
29. (a) $120 (b) $360 30. three – quarter turns
19. square base pyramid 20.
21. 3 litres 22. b and c 23. 14 24. 11:35
25. (a) 168m2 (b) 90m2 (c) 78m2 26. 2 of each
27. (a) $15.00 (b) $65.00 28. Isosceles triangle
29. $3600 30. Pen = $5.00 Pencil = $2.00 each Eraser = 2
VAT = $2.50 Total with VAT = $22.50
8. t h e P e a n u t P r i m a r y S c h o o l. A t e a c h e r s a w h i m a n d
9. a s k e d, “W h a t a r e y o u d o i n g t h e r e? ” H e t o l d h e r t h a t
10. h e w a s w a i t i n g f o r a t a x i t o g o h o m e. S o o n a f t e r,
11. a t a x i s h o w e d u p. “B y e M i s s,” h e s h o u t e d. W h i l e h e
12. w a s a b o u t t o g e t i n t o t h e c a r, M i s s w a l k e d a w a y.
13. doesn’t – don’t 14. needs – need 15. him – them
16. while – but 17. interacted – interact 18. best – better
19. Land develops, plantation owners and loggers
20. wood for timber, land to build houses, grazing cattle, pulp for
making paper and extract minerals. (Any two)
21. Drought
22. Carbon dioxide
23. Free response
24. Free response
25. a very long period without rainfall.
26. A computer
27. When the machine cannot be repaired, it is thrown away.
28. Free response
29. Children using forbidden sites/ Other suitable responses.
30. They come with big brain, small brain
They cost money to get better and get viruses too,
31. They get viruses.
33. Men, women and children
34. A bee product – honey/bee’s wax
35. Grubbiest
36. free response
Mathematics Test 23
1. four hundred and twenty thousand and fifty-eight
2. 651 3. 36 4. 3 5. 2 6. 13.01 7. 39.4
8. ¼ 9. 169 10. 366g 11. cm 12. 6:17a.m.
13. 12 14. 9cm
8. b o r n i n P r i n c e s T o w n, T r i n i d a d. H e w a s b o r n o n
9. J a n u a r y 2 8th, 1 9 2 2. A f t e r y e a r s o f r e s e a r c h, h e
10. d e v e l o p e d a d i s e a s e - r e s i s t a n t b r e e d o f b u f f a l o.
11. C a n y o u b e l i e v e t h i s? L a s t w e e k, t h e m i n i s t e r o f
12. a g r i c u l t u r e s a i d, “W e h a v e t h e s e a n i m a l s h e r e.”
13. face-faces 14. provided – provide 15. was – is
29. It hurt you/ crush and break a person’s soul/ anger you/ feel bad
about yourself.
30. Tell a teacher, a parent/ spread peace, love and joy/ be positive
The advice was give so that you will not hurt others – Any other
suitable response.
to children.
29. (a) $160 (b) $800 (c) $140 (d) $105 (e) $1205
30. (a) Kisha (b) 90 (c) ( ) % (e) Kisha
8. s u p e r v i s i o n a r o u n d w a t e r . W h e t h e r t h e w a t e r i s i n a
9. b a t h t u b , a w a d i n g p o o l, a n o r n a m e n t a l f i s h p o n d o r
10. t h e b e a c h, y o u n g c h i l d r e n a r e a t r i s k. “Y o u m u s t n’ t
11. l e a v e t h e m a l o n e, ” s a y s t h e l a w. P a r e n t s, a l o n g w i t h
12. o t h e r a d u l t s, m u s t e n s u r e t h e i r s a f e t y n e a r w a t e r.
Mathematics Test 25
1. 341 2. 506, 033 3. 520.63 4.
6. 31 7. 120 8. 9. $1200 10. 30
11. 10cm 12. 4050g 13. 216cm3 14. b
15. $11.83 16. cylinder
17. JUICE -//// //// //// // WATER -19
18. 744
20. (a) $2400 (b) 21. (a) ( ) ( )
22. 12 23. 7.07 24. 59
25. (a) $250 (b) $750 (c) $5750
26. (a) $100 (b) $400
27. (a) 160 (b) 40
28. (a) 60 (b) 40
29. (a) $2000 (b) $3000 (c) $5000 (d) $3000 (e) $1500
30. Needle - $20 Scissors - $20 each Thread - $5
VAT - $10 Total - $90
8. s a i d, “I t’ s r e c o g n i z i n g o u r e m o t i o n s, h a v i n g s o m e
9. c o n t r o l o v e r t h e m, h a v i n g e m p a t h y f o r o t h e r s a n d
10. m a k i n g g o o d c h o i c e s a b o u t o u r s o c i a l b e h a v i o u r.”
11. T h e s e a r e c r i t i c a l t o s c h o o l a n d l i f e s u c c e s s. I t i s
12. b o t h p a r e n t s’ d u t y t o t r a i n t h e i r c h i l d r e n.
20. The word ‘mime’ is just a shortened version of the word ‘pantomime’.
21. Make-up was used in early theatre to make actors’ faces more easily visible
from distances.
22. These days, live theatre uses high-tech, artificial lighting to make actors’
faces easier to see from a distance. In television or movies, they just use
close-up shots.
23. Free response 24. Free response
25. Sad
26. Fathers
30. There are no fathers in the family to help raise the children. Absence of
31. The family needs a mother and the father to raise children.
32. two times 33. five times 34. orange, cantaloupe, banana