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A functional organization is a type of organization that organizes and manages employees in groups

based on their areas of expertise.

Functional requirements are the features of a product that it must have in order to function properly.
These are determined by the way in which the product will be used by end customers.

An example of a Gantt chart is a bar chart that depicts all of the tasks that are involved in a particular
project. Tasks are listed vertically, with the horizontal axis denoting the passage of time between them.
The lengths of task bars should be proportional to the lengths of tasks. (See also the bar graph.)

A moment in a project at which it is decided whether or not to proceed with the work is known as the
go/no go point.

Historical information consists of data from previous projects that is used to plan for future ones.

Human resource management plan - A human resource management plan outlines the roles and
relationships of the individuals who will be working on a project, as well as how they will be managed. It
is included in the project management strategy.

When it comes to project success, key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that are used to
measure project success. In order to commence project execution, key performance indicators must first
be developed.

An activity's lead/lead time is the amount of time it has that it can be brought forward in relation to the
activity that it is dependent on.

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