Epic Destinies
Epic Destinies
Epic Destinies
Over many eons, in many bodies, with many names, you have The Immortal Hero
adventured and conquered. In an endless cycle of death and Proficiency
rebirth, you have attained the name "hero" in many lands and Level Bonus Features
many incarnations. When you die, you always return again, as 1st +7 Epic Boon
a new hero. You might be very different in each form, but a
common thread binds one soul to all these manifestations. 2nd +7 Epic Boon
You learn to draw on the strength and resolve of your past 3rd +7 Epic Boon
selves to fight off death itself. 4th +7 Epic Boon
Prerequisite 5th +8 Epic Boon, Continual
In order to attain your epic destiny as an immortal hero, you Resurrection
must meet the following prerequisite:
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery
of mortal abilities.
Immortality Immortal Hero Features
The Immortal Hero is remembered not only in the world of All Immortal Heroes have the following class features.
your adventures, but in your own mind as a player. Epic Boon
Immortality in Rebirth: Despite your ability to avoid it, you You gain an Epic Boon of your choice.
will eventually face death. It might be from a foe too powerful
to overcome, but whom you might face again in another life. Continual Resurrection
Or, you might have finished your destiny quest and realized You gain the ability to return from the dead. At dawn each day,
your work is done in this body and it is time to move on. if you are dead, you are restored to life (as the spell true
In either case, your soul returns to its true essence, and resurrection). You can choose to be resurrected in the place
you experience, briefly, knowledge beyond all mortal ken. you died, the current location of your body, or any place
Then, you find yourself once again in a new body. Does this sanctified to your deity or cause.
manifestation know anything about its past lives now or will it
learn more later on? Does this form resemble the last or are
they far different? All these might be questions to explore
with your next character.
The Long Wait of Immortality: Your destiny quest has
been fulfilled. Most likely, you fought off an evil that could
have destroyed your world, your plane, or all of creation. Your
work done, you pass into hibernation in an unknown place,
sleeping until you are needed once more. You've become a
legendary, godlike figure. The one who is prophesied to
return when needed once again. When another threat arises
that is as powerful as the last, you might rise to stop it ... but
you might need to be awakened. A group of adventurers could
seek you out to tap into the deep well of your immortal power.
And perhaps your new character can be one of these brave
Reliquary: At the end of your destiny quest, or at some point
Harbinger beyond, you die young as a hero or a martyr for your cause,
You are the chosen mortal servant of a god, a prophet to and choose not to be resurrected. Your final task complete,
spread your deity's message and increase its power in the your spirit ascends to your deity's domain, leaving behind
world. only a broken shell of a body.
Your remains are embalmed or otherwise preserved, and
From the day you embark on this destiny you can claim the maintained by your acolytes as sacred relics of the faith.
title of Saint, Doomsayer, Herald, or another title befitting Those who possess your remains are said to perform great
your position. Through dreams, omens, or angelic visitations, miracles, and pilgrims flock to your tomb in hope of receiving
your deity makes you known to followers around the world. some blessing. Your relics may, in time, pass down to future
Those who share your faith hold you in the highest regard, adventurers in the form of a magic item that holds a small
while the enemies of your god naturally view you as the most measure of your mortal powers.
terrible of foes. You might be a great crusader, a mighty Doom Fulfilled: You are drawn irresistibly to fulfill some
prophet, or a revered sage. You set a sterling example of your ultimate doom — usually the catastrophic destruction of a
deity's values and goals--whatever those goals might be. great creature, a mighty realm, or a legendary artifact. When
you triumph, fate repairs itself around you, and a new skein of
Prerequisites destiny takes shape. In such a weaving, you no longer have a
In order to attain your epic destiny as a Harbinger, you must place, and you are hurled out of existence. Nothing remains
meet the following prerequisites: of you, but you are remembered in the world’s myths and
legends as an agent of change and destruction. In some
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery future time and place, you awaken with the dreadful
of mortal abilities. knowledge that once again you must serve as doom’s
Divine Domain or Ki class feature. You must have a harbinger.
deep connection to a divine philosophy in order to become
its advocate.
Sacred Vow. You must willingly give yourself to the The Harbinger
service of a deity, cause, or other higher power, denying
yourself an ordinary life to better serve your highest Level Proficiency Bonus Features
ideals. This vow could be a commitment to your 1st +7 High Proselytizer, Halo
character's ideal, a sacred oath, or some other virtue (or
vice) like poverty or vengeance. 2nd +7 Disciples
3rd +7 Divine Blessings
4th +7 Sanctified Touch
Many who have been beatified into sainthood, or had their
prophesies come to pass, have done so using the methods 5th +8 Continual Resurrection
Patron Saint: In the mortal world, you have only the years
allotted by nature and fate. After great age, when at last death
draws near, you meet your end with joy-for now you go to the
presence of the deity you have served so long and well. Your Harbinger Features
mortal body remains uncorrupted, and seems to be merely All harbingers have the following class features.
asleep, even the most gruesome wounds slowly vanish,
leaving your body an imperishable symbol of divine grace. High Proselytizer
Your immortality lies beyond this world, where you will You gain proficiency in the Performance skill. If you are
stand among the highest of the elevated souls granted life already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency
after life in the divine dominions. In the dominion of your bonus to checks you make with it.
deity, you have a new, immortal body. You join his or her You can give a sermon, lecture, or otherwise evangelize to a
celestial court as a wise and valued counselor. Throughout crowd with magical effect. Your voice can be heard clearly by
the world you are regarded as an example of devotion and anyone within 120 feet of you, regardless of background
honor. When people face challenges and hardships similar to noise, and your speech can be understood by any creature
those you faced in your mortal life, they are heartened by your that can understand a language.
example. When you proselytize in this way for at least 10 minutes,
you can use an action to cast mass suggestion without
spending a spell slot or material components. Creatures must
have remained within 120 feet of you for at least 10 minutes
to be affected by the spell. Followers of your cause or deity
have disadvantage on their saving throws against this effect.
Once you make a suggestion in this way, you can't do so again
until you take an extended rest.
Halo Bless/Curse Water. You cause all water within a 5-foot-
You are cloaked in a radiant light or ominous shadow that radius sphere within 30 feet to be either turned into holy
marks you as a chosen servant of the gods. All who look upon water, fine wine, or blood. The water and wine are pure and
you know without a doubt that you favored by a power of the rendered free of poison and disease, but anyone who drinks
Outer Planes. The nimbus may take the form of a cloud of the blood is affected as if they had consumed a potion of
surrounding your entire body, or it may appear as beams of poison. Enough liquid is transmuted to fill up to twelve vials.
radiance around your head. Atonement. While you proselytize, you touch any number
You can extinguish this halo at will and reactivate it again of creatures who seek to atone for misdeeds. Atonement can
as a free action. You gain immunity to necrotic and radiant change a creature's alignment, restore a broken sacred oath,
damage while your halo is active. In addition, when you redeem a fallen angel, or otherwise grant supernatural
activate your halo, choose either Peace or Wrath. forgiveness.
While your Halo of Peace is active, you gain the following Investiture. You touch one willing humanoid. Choose one
benefits: spell you can cast, and expend a spell slot or ki points and any
material components as if you were casting that spell. The
Your radiance sheds bright light to a radius of 10 feet and spell has no effect. Instead, the target can cast this spell once
dim light to 20 feet. as if you had cast it, without having to expend a spell slot or
You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. use material components. If the target doesn’t cast the spell
Undead and fiends that move within 10 feet of you for the within 24 hours, the invested spell is lost.
first time on a turn or start their turns there take 10 points Ordination. You touch one humanoid who would willingly
of radiant damage. devote themselves to your ideal or your god’s service. For the
While your Halo of Wrath is active, you gain the following next 24 hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, it
benefits: can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save.
A creature can benefit from this ceremony just once.
Bright light within 20 feet of you is reduced to dim light. Penitence. Target any number of creatures that you can
You can cast the thaumaturgy cantrip as a free action, with see within 60 feet that have offended you in some way.
no limit to the duration or number of effects. Whenever a target makes an ability check, the target must
You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the ability
You are protected as if by the sanctuary spell (save DC 15). check. This curse remains until removed, or until a creature
This saving throw is a fear effect. atones.
Tongues. You can cast tongues on up to twelve willing
Disciples humanoids that are devoted to you or your deity, without
Your leadership can inspire fanatical devotion in your spending a spell slot or using any components. The duration
followers, and inspire them to accompany you on your is permanent, but comes with a curse. If a target ever
adventures. With the DM's permission, choose whether to be abandons their faith, they are struck deaf and dumb (cannot
escorted by either one Priest or Cult Fanatic, six Acolytes, or speak or cast spells with verbal components) until they atone.
up to twelve Cultists. They obey any verbal commands that
you issue to them (no action required by you), but if given Sanctified Touch
suicidal or obviously harmful orders, you must win a When you cast a spell with a range of touch or hit with an
Charisma contest to convince your disciple to do anything it unarmed strike, the effects are more potent. When you roll a
wouldn’t ordinarily do. If your disciples are killed, they can be 1 or 2 on a die for damage or other effect of your touch, you
returned from the dead as normal or you can recruit new can reroll the die. You must use the new roll, even if the new
ones if you spend at least three consecutive days proselytzing roll is a 1 or a 2.
in a town or city. Additionally, you can use an action to touch a living
In combat, roll initiative for your disciples as a group, creature at 1 or 0 hit points and either heal them or speed
which have their own turns. If you don't issue any commands their death. You can spend one or more of your hit dice
to them, they try to stay as close to you as possible and (rerolling 1s and 2s) to restore that many hit points to the
defend you from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no creature, or kill the creature and restore those hit points to
actions. The DM has the NPCs' statistics. yourself. In either case, you can't heal more hit points than
the target creature's maximum hit points.
Divine Blessings
While you proselytize, you can use an action to bless (or Continual Resurrection
curse) your followers. After you have proselytized for at least You gain the ability to return from the dead. At dawn each day,
10 minutes or after a short rest, you can cast any spell from if you are dead, you are restored to life (as the spell true
the Cleric spell list that has a casting time of one action, resurrection). You can choose to be resurrected in the place
without using a spell slot or any components (except you died, the current location of your body, or any place
expensive material components). Alternately, you can choose sanctified to your deity or cause.
from one of the options below.
You can use this ability once and regain it when you take a
long rest.
Legendary Sovereign
You are the long-awaited monarch destined to lead your The Legendary Sovereign
people into a glorious golden age. Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +7 Homeland
Legendary sovereigns come to power in a variety of ways.
Some are born to royalty—the scions of existing dynasties. 2nd +7 Mass Revivify
These sovereigns reverse the flagging fortunes of their 3rd +7 Legendary Artifact
homelands, defeat ancestral enemies, or usher in ages of
expansion and prosperity. Other sovereigns establish new 4th +7 Battletide
dynasties, building monarchies to heal a land or carve a new 5th +8 Not My Fate
kingdom out of the wilderness. A few legendary sovereigns
seize power by deposing tyrants and leading nations to
freedom. Finally, a handful of legendary sovereigns win their
thrones by acclaim. They are chosen by the people to take up
the mantle of leadership after performing deeds of renown Legendary Sovereign Features
and demonstrating wisdom and courage.
In the days before acceding to your throne, you won ever- All legendary sovereigns have the following class features.
growing renown throughout the land you were destined to
rule. An anonymous adventurer in other lands, you were a Homeland
hero to the people of your home. People crowded the streets With the DM’s approval, choose a nation or region in the
to catch a glimpse of you. You accrued accolades, honors, and world you are destined to rule. You have the legal right to rule
titles, and the people began to wonder whether you might over that land in the manner of your choosing, and you are
someday claim the throne. As threats arose, the people of the regarded as a great hero by your subjects. Within your
land sought your opinions and counsel. They treated you as a borders, you have advantage on all Charisma ability checks,
great leader, and soon, your destiny to become a lord was and gain the benefits of every background feature (Player's
apparent. Handbook Chapter 4).
Within your realm you also maintain a stronghold such as a
Prerequisites castle or palace. Your estates are sufficient to maintain an
In order to attain your epic destiny as a legendary sovereign, aristocratic lifestyle (Player's Handbook Chapter 5), including
you must meet the following prerequisites: the resources to maintain a household and a small force of
loyal retainers.
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery
of mortal abilities. Mass Revivify
Proficiency in the History skill. Great leadership As an action, you call out words of restoration that rally your
requires an understanding of your land and its past. companions to your side. Each nonhostile creature within 30
Renown. Your name and deeds must be well known in the feet of you that has died within the last minute or that has 0
region you intend to rule. hit points returns to life and consciousness with 1 hit point.
This ability can’t return to life a creature that has died of old
Immortality age, nor can it restore any missing body parts.
A legendary sovereign rules as you see fit, and your dynasty is Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you
recorded in the histories of your domain and the world. finish a long rest.
Patron to Adventurers: At the end of your adventuring
career, it is finally time to rest and let others brave danger for Legendary Artifact
you. As monarch, chieftain, or warlord, you set to work With the DM's permission, choose one non-artifact magic
managing your domain and attending to matters of item you are attuned to, typically a weapon or suit of armor.
significance. That item becomes an artifact associated with your legend,
When your realm is once again in peril, you send out a call that will appear where it is needed most to defend your
for adventurers, and soon another group of fresh faces stands homeland.
before you, ready to begin a new quest and eager for your The item's bonus becomes +3 if it isn't higher. The item
rewards. gains one major beneficial property, two minor beneficial
The Golden Age: Upon completing your final quest, you properties, and one minor detrimental property of your
ascend to the throne and begin your reign. For decades, your choice from the tables on pages 219-220 of the Dungeon
land flowers and your people prosper. Your victories shield Master's Guide. While attuned to the artifact, you can use a
your land from invasion and bring your ancestral enemies to bonus action to immediately summon it to your hand.
their knees. Your descendants will mount the steps to your You must designate a means by which the artifact could be
throne for centuries to come. When death comes for you at destroyed. Otherwise, the artifact is indestructible.
last, your tomb is a monument revered by your people, and
your chosen heirs strive to continue your legacy.
As an action, you radiate an aura of courage that steals luck
from your enemies and grants it to your allies. When you use
Mass Revivify, you can also activate this ability as part of the
same action.
The aura has a radius of 30 feet and moves with you,
centered on you. The aura requires concentration as if
concentrating on a spell, and lasts for a maximum of 10
minutes. While the aura persists, whenever a friendly
creature within the aura that can see or hear you (including
you) makes an attack roll, damage roll, or a saving throw, the
target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack
roll, damage roll, or saving throw. Additionally, whenever a
hostile creature within the aura that can see or hear you
makes an attack roll, damage roll, or a saving throw, the target
must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack
roll, damage roll, or saving throw. Hostile creatures that are
immune to fear are unaffected.
Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.
Not My Fate
When you would make a death saving throw, you can instead
spend one or more Hit Dice to regain consciousness. You
regain hit points from the hit dice as if you had taken a short
rest, and recharge any abilities that renew after a short rest. If
you have no hit dice remaining, you can't use this feature.
Such is your success, they bequeath onto you the
Punisher of the Gods punisher’s mantle, naming you their hand of vengeance and
You are a vessel of endings, a bringer of dooms, and eraser of dispenser of divine justice. To you it falls to seek out and
fates. destroy those who would threaten the gods and their
creation, whether it be primordial, demon prince, or even
Destruction swirls around you, and death dogs your steps. another god. In exchange for your service, you win a place
You are a herald of endings, a bringer of doom, the breaker of among the gods, free to move through the cosmos and attend
bonds, the destroyer, the killer, the divine hand of death, and the divine courts of your masters as a favored servant, and,
the ultimate slayer. Blood fills your footsteps, and a thousand perhaps eventually, as a valued peer.
screaming souls rage in your wake. It is almost an Deicide: You met your utmost challenge, and look who’s
unbearable burden, this task set before you; your duty is to dead and who isn’t. The proof is in the grave. Among those
seek out and destroy those who would oppose your will. that have a similar mortal origin, you are the greatest slayer
The choice to become a Punisher of the Gods was never in the universe. Maybe a deity or two has skills that compare.
yours to make; the powers themselves chose you for this task, Maybe.
naming you enemy of their enemies and their dealer of death. Sticking around to stir up the cosmos isn’t a bad idea.
As a weapon of the gods, you are not sworn to any one god, Powerful mortals, deities, demon lords, and primordials can
but rather you serve them all, good and evil, as well as those get complacent or uppity. The worst rest in their own realms
who choose not to take a stand one way or the other; or as a in smug satisfaction, and either cease doing what they should
godslayer, you may have been chosen by a demon prince or do or start doing something they shouldn’t. No one rests easy
other destructive force. You were chosen because you have an with you nearby.
unshakeable resolve and a drive that helps you see more Mortal terror has a way of inspiring decisive change, and
victories than defeats, and through your achievements, you you have a pointed way of rousing just such a fear. It’s not that
now have the chance for immortality. you need to threaten anyone in particular. It could just be
made known that you have a particular agenda. Working as a
Prerequisites free agent, you leave no entity safe from the prospect of your
In order to attain your epic destiny as a Punisher of the Gods, lethal prompting.
you must meet the following prerequisites: Even a little prodding is bound to be a boon to progress.
You could be just the wild card the world needs to keep
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery power in the right balance and affairs moving along smoothly.
of mortal abilities.
Extra Attack feature. Only characters focused on martial
prowess can become punishers.
Triumph in single combat. You must defeat a creature The Punisher of the Gods
with a CR of 17 or higher by yourself. Your allies can lend
you equipment or magical enhancements, but you must Proficiency
face the enemy alone and emerge victorious. Level Bonus Features
1st +7 Immortal Curse, Punishment
2nd +7 Punishment
Long success in the killing business earned a few nods of
approval from the movers and shakers in the universe, and 3rd +7 Punishment
probably a few nasty encounters with a lich, archdevil, or 4th +7 Punishment
another power with an axe to grind against you. By the time 5th +8 Bringer of Dooms, Eternal Pursuit
you grab the gods’ attention, you’ve accumulated so many
enemies that you have a hard time going anywhere without
facing another fight.
Hand of Vengeance: You drew the attention of not just one
god, but all of them. Perhaps they fear you or seek to control
you. Maybe they hope to channel your destructive energy for
another purpose, but whatever their motives, should you
accept the burden they lay on you, your immortality is
Through all your adventures, you’ve had the feeling you’ve
been doing work for a greater purpose and fulfilling a grand
design as laid out by a higher power or powers. What at first
seemed as dishing out payback became something more—
something almost holy. The revelation crystallizes when you
dispatch the last villain, a horrible wretch whose death was
long overdue, because the gods send their aspects to
congratulate you on your accomplishment.
Punisher of the Gods Features Faerie's Dream. You know whether your target is awake or
asleep. You can cast dream targeting the target of your
All Punishers of the Gods have the following class features. immortal curse (save DC 15). Once you do so, you can't use
this ability again for 7 days.
Immortal Curse Fighter's Mark. The target has disadvantage on attack
When you deal damage to a creature, you can choose to place rolls against targets other than you.
a curse of death upon your enemy—a sign that immortality is Mage's Grasp. You can cast resilient sphere targeting the
at an end. This curse lasts until removed, until the target target of your immortal curse (save DC 15).
drops to 0 hit points, or until you are no longer on the same If the target succeeds on its saving throw, you don't expend
plane, at which point you regain the use of this power. You this ability. Otherwise, you regain the use of this punishment
can only ever have one target of your immortal curse at a after a short rest.
time. Paladin's Smite. When you hit the target of your immortal
While the target is cursed, the target can't use teleportation curse with a weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 1d8
or planar travel. The curse doesn't prevent the target from radiant damage to the target.
passing through portals or openings into extradimensional Ranger's Quarry. You know the direction to the location of
space, such as that created by the rope trick spell. Doing so the target, as long as the target is within 1,000 feet of you. If
breaks the curse. the target is moving, you know the direction of its movement.
You can cast scrying targeting the target of your immortal Additionally, when you hit the target with a weapon attack,
curse (save DC 15) without spending a spell slot. Once you do the attack deals 1d6 extra damage of the same type dealt by
so, you can't scry on the target again until you finish an the weapon to the target.
extended rest. Rogue's Stealth. You are invisible to the target.
Warlock's Hex. Choose one ability when you invoke your
Punishment immortal curse. The target has disadvantage on ability
The target of your immortal curse suffers a punishment of checks made with the chosen ability.
your choice. When you gain additional punishments, the Additionally, when the target takes damage from your
effects stack; however you can't choose the same punishment weapon attack or a spell you cast, the target takes an extra
more than once. 1d6 necrotic damage.
Assassin's Venom. The target is poisoned. When you hit
the target with a weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 1d6 Bringer of Dooms
poison damage to the target. When you hit the target of your immortal curse with a
Avenger's Enmity. You have advantage on attack rolls weapon attack, you can choose to maximize the result of all
against the target. damage dice for that attack. You can make this decision after
Barbarian's Brutality. You can roll 3 additional weapon you roll for damage. Once you use this ability, you can't use it
damage dice when determining the damage for a critical hit again until you take a short rest.
against the the target.
Berserker's Frenzy. You can make one weapon attack Eternal Pursuit
against the target as a bonus action. If you die while you have a target under your immortal curse,
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can make you continue to scry on them from the afterlife. While you are
two attacks, instead of one, when you use your bonus action dead, this scrying cannot be disrupted by any means, even if
to make an off-hand attack against the target. the immortal curse is removed or the target travels to a
Champion's Accuracy. Your weapon attacks against the different plane.
target score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. After 24 hours, if you haven't been restored to life by then,
Cleric's Inquisition. You have advantage on Intelligence your body and gear vanishes. You reappear with all your
(Investigation) checks, Wisdom (Insight) checks, and all equipment in a secure location on the same plane as the
Charisma checks made to interact with the target. You can target, as if you had taken a long rest. You can choose a place
also cast detect thoughts (save DC 15) at will, detecting or on that plane you are familiar with, otherwise the DM selects
focusing only on the target of your immortal curse. a safe location where you can resume your hunt.
Once you steal the object of your Destiny Quest, you have
Thief of Legend fulfilled your role in the world. Only then can you once again
There is nothing you can’t steal—nothing. have the power to take what lies beyond the grasp of all
mortals, as you finally recall the full extent of the techniques
Long ago, there lived a thief who was so skilled at the art of that allow you to filch the intangible.
taking that nothing was outside his grasp. Some said that he Stolen Divinity: Against all odds, you steal immortality
could steal the throne out from underneath a king, make off from one of the greatest powers in the universe. As the
with the princess’s smile, and snatch the stars from the night unlimited power flows into you, you suddenly find yourself
sky—all over the course of a single evening! How much of the overwhelmed with the power and responsibility godhood
thief’s myth was true and how much has become the tall tales entails. You resign yourself to taking the place of that deity,
of legend is a matter of debate, but few take such stories perhaps usurping the position in a perfect disguise, or
seriously. Such tales border on the ridiculous for most boasting of your conquest and newfound powers. Either way,
people, but you know the truth: The legends are real, and you you take your place in the world's pantheon, removing
are that Thief of Legend reborn. yourself from your mortal affairs and beginning anew.
The Thief of Legend could do all of the fantastic things that
people today describe. This thief had fingers so light and
nimble that some said he could steal the crown off the queen The Thief of Legend
without her even noticing. His movements were so quiet that
death could not track him. His plans were so cunning that he Level Proficiency Bonus Features
outwitted the gods at every turn. Artifacts guarded by 1st +7 Theft of the Intangible
thousands of angels vanished from Astral domains, and the 2nd +7 Impossible Theft
only evidence that remained of the thief’s passing were the
faint echoes of laughter where treasures once were held. Yet 3rd +7 Minimus Containment
these feats have, on occasion, been reproduced by other 4th +7 Undetectable Thief
mortals. The true point of transition between master thief
and Thief of Legend came when this thief learned how to 5th +8 Steal Back the Soul
steal things that are intangible. So great was this legendary
thief’s skill that reality bent to his trickery. He discovered
ways to steal laughter, or memories, or the color from a
Now, generations later, that thief has been reborn, and you Thief of Legend Features
are coming to realize that you are the reincarnation of this All thieves of legend have the following class features.
famous thief. Over time, you have begun to recall the tricks
and techniques that you mastered in that former life, and you Theft of the Intangible
are growing once more into the master thief that the stories Already your ability to be the Thief of Legend allows you to
still describe. twist reality, giving you the ability to steal things others claim
to be impossible.
Prerequisites The first time you reduce a target to 0 hit points, you can
In order to attain your epic destiny as a Thief of Legend, you steal something intangible from that object or creature, such
must meet the following prerequisites: as the color of the creature’s eyes or its memories of its
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery kingdom. The mechanical effects of this theft, if any, are left
of mortal abilities. to the Dungeon Master.
Proficiency in the Sleight of Hand and Stealth skills.
Successful thieves must steal without being detected.
Theft of the Intangible
Immortality This feature grants adventurers the ability to steal
As you grow ever more enlightened about the thievery and intangible objects. Typically, the target of the theft
trickery that you had mastered in your past life, reality once is going to be something abstract, so the DM
again begins to bend around you, allowing you to steal things should be prepared to deal with the consequences
that others say can never be taken. of someone having memories stolen, or the loss of
The Greatest Prize: Despite the fact that your skills can their voice, and so on.
be used for greed and self-service, you have been spun back Typically, such a theft results in the creation of
into the world for some purpose. some small, physical object that serves as the
You have one great thing that you must steal—one bit of repository for the stolen intangible item. The form
thievery for which you were given a new life and incarnation. of this object can vary depending on the thing
being stolen, but usually uncomplicated objects
This prize is the subject of your Destiny Quest; you might be such as small vials of liquid or gems/crystals, or any
destined to steal the phylactery of an ancient dracolich or to object that can be used as a container and then
place your hands on the only artifact that can slay the dark opened to release the intangible object, work best.
goddess Lolth.
Impossible Theft
You deftly lay your hand upon the object of your desire and it
vanishes, whisked away to the place you determine. As an
action, you touch one unattended object or vehicle no larger
than a 15-foot cube. You teleport the target to a safe location
that you determine, which must be a place where you have
been and on the same plane. The teleportation fails if there
isn't room to hold the target. This effect cannot harm any
creature or the target.
Minimus Containment
You can cast the spell imprisonment (save DC 20), choosing
only the Minimus Containment option, without spending a
spell slot. Once you do so, you can't use this ability again until
you take a long rest.
Undetectable Thief
At last, you have reached the point where you can trick the
greatest of the gods. Even slipping into the Nine Hells and
snatching away the scepter from a Lord of the Nine’s hand is
not beyond you. If they discover something is missing, you
can stay hidden from sight, even when your prey is looking
right at you.
You gain a passive Stealth score equal to 10 + your
Dexterity (Stealth) modifier. Any creature that has a passive
Perception lower than your passive Stealth score, or that has
an active Perception check result that does not equal or
surpass your passive Stealth score, cannot perceive you
unless you choose to let that creature see you.
Steal Back the Soul
You can steal anything; even death holds no end to your
thievery. You can steal sighs from lovestruck maidens and
ambition from warlords, and you have stolen your soul from
the forces that claim it when you die—for safekeeping, of
course. As you begin to slip beyond the mortal realm, you
return what you have stolen so few notice it was ever gone.
You can't be possessed, dominated, or otherwise forced to
use your action to do something you don't want to. Your soul
can't be trapped or prevented from returning to your body.
When you die, after 1 hour your body and possessions
vanish. After 24 hours, you reappear alive as if you had taken
a long rest. You reappear at a safe place of your choosing, that
is familiar to you, and that is on the same plane where you
died. If there is no location that meets these conditions, the
DM chooses a location on the same plane.
The world and its echoes are but motes in the eye of a far The Alienist
grander, if more terrifyingly incomprehensible, vista. You are Level Proficiency Bonus Features
unafraid, nay eager, to risk even madness unending, if only 1st +7 Psionics
you can learn the underlying truth of existence.
2nd +7 Alien Mind
Lesser souls than you were overwhelmed by their study of 3rd +7 Aberrant Transformation
the Great Old Ones. Instead of commanding their own fate,
they were transformed into mere pawns and cultists. With 4th +7 Reality Warp
features shadowed under voluminous hoods, they toppled 5th +8 Ceremorphosis
glare-eyed and droolspeckled into the clutch of mad entities.
That is not to be your fate. You’ve divined a different truth in
the cold pinpricks in night’s endless void. Instead of pawn,
you intend to be the master. You plan to have your force of
will shine, burning forever. Unlike other stars that serve as Immortality
windows, perhaps, to monstrous entities of an impossibly
distant realm, your radiance is merely your own cognizance Ultimate knowledge, bereft of all filters, easy illusions, and
spreading ever outward. misleading metaphors is what you seek. Soon enough, it will
The unschooled believe an alienist is nothing more than a all be yours. An alienist might seek one of the following paths
servitor to the vast enigmatic creatures you court. True, to immortality.
others who have traveled your path have burned out, Radiant One: When you complete your final quest, the last
unleashing cataclysms that killed allies, corrupted monarchs, pieces of the puzzle of reality begin to fall into place. The fell
and even laid waste to kingdoms (and some whisper, previous stars themselves began to sing to you, their sibling. You begin
ages of the world). You know these cautionary tales, and so to gleam, as if your skin is but a shell covering a mighty lamp.
forewarned you are forearmed should any of the powers from Upon putting your affairs in order, you travel to a far place.
whom you draw your strength seek to suborn your will. Your Finally, you ignite in an explosion of stellar glory. Like a
allies have nothing to fear from you—if you are careful. demigod, you ascend into the night sky, becoming finally a
star yourself—one associated with eldritch wisdom. Or,
Prerequisites perhaps madness. Either way, your name takes its rightful
In order to attain your epic destiny as an alienist, you must place among the constellations and becomes one by which
meet the following prerequisites: future warlocks invoke your abilities.
Eldritch Abomination: You have infected minds across the
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery planes, and hold countless thralls under your control. You
of mortal abilities. have communed with the elder brains of the illithids, and
Proficiency in the Arcana skill. Alienists study consulted the deep lore of the aboleths. At the conclusion of
aberrations, which requires an understanding of arcane your final quest, you are ready to enact the next stage of your
lore. ineffable plan, one that will have unspeakable consequences
Able to cast 9th-level spells. The secrets of the Far for the world to come.
Realm can be unlocked only with the most powerful You descend into the heart of the Underdark or the Abyss,
magic. deeper than any mortal has ever gone, and use all your power
You must have made peaceful contact with an to tear a rift in reality to the Far Realm. The experience
aberration. Alienists must have the strength of sanity to annihilates your feeble body, and what remains of your
communicate with the unknowable, and survive the consciousness merges with that insane place. What
experience without being killed or driven mad. transpires next is beyond comprehension. Sages will
chronicle your transformation in the Book of Vile Darkness
and other forbidden tomes, recorded for all time as a
temptation and a warning to those that would follow in your
Alienist Features Ceremorphosis
All alienists have the following features. You can perform a ritual taking one hour and at least 1,000
gp of special materials to implant a parasite into a humanoid
host as a safeguard against death. The host must be either
Psionics willing or incapacitated for the duration. The parasite grows
You become aware the magic you wield is drawn directly to full size and maturity after 120 days, and remains passive
from the power of your mind. Study and preparation, words and endures indefinitely, as long as its host remains alive. An
and gestures; these are merely tools for lesser spellcasters to effect that removes disease can disintegrate the parasite if
tap into the potential you have unlocked. the host succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against
Your spells are considered psionic abilities, and no longer your spell save DC.
require components (except expensive material components). The parasite is harmless while you are living. At any time
You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other after the parasite matures, one minute after you die, your soul
magical effects that aren't psionic. transfers to the nearest mature parasite on the same plane.
You can use the host's senses, and telepathically
Alien Mind communicate with the host if you choose. You retain your
Your contact with the Other has left your mind irreversably personality, memories, proficiencies, and mental abilities.
changed. You gain resistance to psychic damage and Your physical remains, if they still exist, become inert and
immunity to being charmed. can’t thereafter be restored to life, since your soul is now
Additionally, any time you succeed on an Intelligence, elsewhere.
Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can use your At any time thereafter, you can choose to either consume or
reaction to reverse the effect against the creature that forced destroy your host, to be reborn into the world and regain all
you to make that saving throw. The creature must make a your original abilities (but none of your original equipment).
saving throw against the effects you just saved against, using Consumption. In the course of 24 hours, the parasite eats
the same DC. On a failure, the effect takes place as if you had away the host's brain matter and essentially replaces the
used the spell or ability on the target. brain, erasing all of the host's personality and memory, but
Finally, when a creature attempts to read your mind, it leaving the physical body alive and under your control. During
must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, that your next long rest, morphological transformations occur and
creature is driven insane until it finishes a long rest. While the host becomes physically identical to your original body.
insane, it can't take actions, can't understand what other Destruction. In the course of 24 hours, the host starts to
creatures say, can't read, and speak only in gibberish. A feel unwell, its speed is halved, and it has disadvantage on
Greater Restoration spell ends this effect. attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. In the course
of one round, the parasite chews its way through the host's
Aberrant Transformation head or chest cavity, killing the host in the process, and you
When you gain this trait, your appearance becomes more emerge within 5 feet of the host in a larval state. Your
bizarre, such as turning your hair into tentacles, growing a statistics are the same as they were when you died, except
frog-like mouth and webbed fingers, or sprouting extra eyes that you are at full hit points, your size is Tiny, and you have
all over your head. You are subject to the effects of the spell vulnerability to all damage. Once you take a long rest, your
alter self once, and your chosen effects become permanent new body becomes physically identical to your original body.
(no concentration needed). Your type changes to Aberration,
and you gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
Reality Warp
Your dawning understanding of reality and the façadelike
nature of time and space allow you to take “shortcuts”
through time itself. At the end of another creature's turn, you
can spend your reaction to take an action, as if you had
chosen to take the Ready action on your turn (even if you took
your last turn normally without readying). You can use this
feature once, and regain the use of this feature when you take
a long rest.
Draconic Incarnation
You bear within you the spirit of a powerful, ancient dragon, The Draconic Incarnation
reborn in mortal form. Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +7 Draconic Ancestor, Dragon Form
Long ago, far back in the mists of time, ancient dragons
mastered the power of arcane magic and used it to shape the 2nd +7 Dragon Form
world around them. In those dark first days, the world was a 3rd +7 Dragon Form
primeval place, and these dragons held dominion over
everything they beheld. The races thought of as ancient today, 4th +7 Dragon Form
such as dwarves and elves, were but children when these 5th +8 Draconic Apotheosis
spellcasting dragons were at the height of their power. The
fabric of reality was reshaped by these dragons, who used
their arcane prowess to warp the world around them.
Those days of limitless power could not last, and soon the
mighty dragon sorcerers fell. Being jealous guardians of their Immortality
arcane lore, few passed on what they had learned to the other
dragons. Over time, as these dragons fell into obscurity and Your own soul is that of an ancient dragon—one seeking to
legend, the knowledge of their spells and magic likewise reclaim its former power and willing to use you as a vessel.
vanished from the world. Now, millennia later, archmages and Draconic Manifestation: You have listened to the words
sages occasionally unearth fragments of lore pertaining to whispered into your mind by the soul of an ancient dragon
these great wyrms and perhaps master a spell or two from within you. The secrets of the universe begin to unfold before
the dragons’ repertoire. Even the most powerful wizard, you, and now you are ready, in mind and body, for the
however, would be but a stage magician compared to the transformation that lies ahead of you. All that remains is the
ancient spellcasting dragons. completion of your Destiny Quest, the final achievement in
Now the winds of fate circle around once more, and the your life as a mortal that signals the time when the dragon
spirits of those long-dead dragons find themselves spun back within you can awaken.
into the world, this time in the bodies of smaller, mortal Once your quest is complete, the dragon soul flares inside
creatures. Although others might feel the call of arcane magic you, and you and the spirit of the ancient dragon become one
from the depths of their soul, you hear the whispers of the being, far more than the sum of your two parts. You might yet
ancient dragon spirit within you. It coaxes you, guides you, look like one of the mortal races, but clinging to you as tightly
and teaches you. Yours is not a quiet soul but a raging inferno as your shadow is the powerful spirit of the ancient dragon.
of arcane knowledge waiting to be released. Your dragon soul
awakens and remembers what it was like to be a master of all Draconic Incarnation Features
it saw. All draconic incarnations have the following class features.
Prerequisites Draconic Ancestor
In order to attain your epic destiny as a draconic incarnation, You have the soul of an ancient dragon, of a type dictated by
you must meet the following prerequisites: your draconic ancestry. Your dragon form benefits are
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery determined by the dragon type, as shown in the table.
of mortal abilities. Chromatic Dragons
Draconic Ancestry. Dragonborn and sorcerers with the Dragon Damage Breath Weapon Movement
draconic bloodline have the most potent dragon blood in
their veins, but its magic persists even if diluted over many Black Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Swim
generations. Blue Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Burrow
Green Poison 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Swim
Red Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save) Climb
White Cold 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Climb
Metallic Dragons
Dragon Effect Breath Weapon Movement
Brass Sleep 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Burrow
Bronze Repulsion 15 ft. cone (Str. save) Swim
Copper Slow 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Climb
Gold Weakening 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Swim
Silver Paralysis 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Climb
Dragon Form Draconic Breath
Choose from one of the following benefits: Draconic Body, You can use your action to exhale energy. Your draconic
Draconic Breath, Draconic Flight, Draconic Senses, ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type (if
Draconic Spellcasting, Draconic Presence, or an Epic Boon chromatic) or effect (if metallic) of the exhalation. If you
of your choice. You can't choose a benefit more than once. already have a breath weapon from a different source, you
can choose which effect to use when you breathe.
Draconic Apotheosis After you use one of your breath weapons, you can roll a d6
At long last, your transformation is complete. You assume the at the start of your turn. If you roll a 5 or 6, your breath
form of an Adult dragon, of the variety of your draconic weapon recharges and is ready for use on that turn. Your
ancestry. breath weapon also recharges when you take a short or long
Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the rest.
chosen dragon, though you retain your alignment and When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of
all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for
gaining those of the dragon. If the dragon has the same this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier +
proficiency as you, and the bonus listed in its statistics is your proficiency bonus.
higher than yours, use the dragon's bonus in place of yours. Damage. A creature takes 6d6 damage of the specified
You assume the Hit Points and Hit Dice of the dragon. You type on a failed save, and half as much damage on a
retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or successful one.
other source and can use them, provided that your new Sleep Breath. Each creature in the area must succeed on
draconic form is physically capable of doing so. You can't use a saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 minute. This effect
any legendary actions of the dragon. ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone
You can use your action to transform from your true dragon uses an action to wake it.
shape to your previous humanoid form, or back again. When Repulsion Breath. Each creature in the area must
you transform, you choose whether your equipment falls to succeed on a saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
the ground, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions as pushed 10 feet away from you.
normal. The DM determines whether it is practical for the Slowing Breath. Each creature in the area must succeed
new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the on a saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can't use
creature's shape and size. Your equipment doesn't change reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one
shape or size to match the new form, and any equipment that attack on its turn. Affected creatures can take either an action
the new form can't wear must fall to the ground. or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last
Lair. You can create a lair in an environment typical of for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
those of your dragon's race. So long as you have a hoard of at end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a
least 100,000 gp, you can use the lair actions of an adult successful save.
dragon of your type while fighting in your lair. The hoard need Weakening Breath. Each creature in the area must
not be made entirely of coins, but can be a collection of succeed on a saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength
treasure, gallery of art objects, library of lore, or vault of checks and Strength saving throws, and deal half damage
magic items. with weapon attacks that use Strength for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Dragon Form Benefits turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Choose from one of the following benefits, or an Epic Boon of Paralyzing Breath. Each creature in the area must
your choice. You can't choose a benefit more than once. succeed on a saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Draconic Body
Your skin, hands, feet, and head change to become more like Draconic Flight
a dragon, and you gain the following benefits. You gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your
When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You
Dexterity modifier. can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn, and
You gain an additional movement speed equal to your they last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your
walking speed, based on your draconic ancestry. You can turn.
breathe normally when using this movement, even if you You can’t manifest your wings while wearing armor unless
are underwater or burrowing through sand. the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not
You grow claws and fangs. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when
piercing damage (bite) or 1d6 slashing damage (claw), and you manifest them.
you are proficient with your unarmed strikes. When you
use the Attack action, you can make two attacks with your
claws instead of one, and can use your bonus action to
make another attack with your bite.
Draconic Spellcasting
Choose one spell of 7th level or below from the Sorcerer spell
list. You can cast that spell once without without expending a
spell slot or any material components. Once you do so, you
can't use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma. Your
bonus to hit with spell attacks is equal to your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma bonus, and your spell save DC equals
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
If you are a spellcaster, you are considered to always have
that spell known or prepared, and it doesn't count against
your limit of spells known or prepared.
Draconic Senses
You have the keen senses of a dragon, and gain the following
You gain a +10 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks.
You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
You have blindsight out to a range of 10 feet.
In addition, you can use the Search action as a bonus
action on your turn.
Draconic Presence
As an action, you can exude an aura of awe or fear (your
choice) to a distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute or until you lose
your Concentration (as if you were casting a Concentration
spell), each hostile creature that starts its turn in this aura
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Charmed (if
you chose awe) or Frightened (if you chose fear) until the
aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is
immune to your aura for 24 hours. After you use this ability,
you can't use it again until you take a short rest.
You fail to remain living, but also fail to die. Undead, you The Lich
ensure your powers can continue forever. Proficiency
Level Bonus Features
You pursue eternal life as an undead creature. Most who 1st +7 Phylactery, Rejuvination
search for and achieve easy immortality by way of esoteric
necromantic texts are evil, avaricious spellcasters who stop at 2nd +7 Undead Transformation, False Life
nothing to achieve their ultimate goals. For some, that goal is 3rd +7 Lich Resistances
lichdom itself. But you have a greater, nobler purpose. 4th +7 Paralyzing Touch, Siphon Energy
Unlike many who have become liches before you, you have
trained your mind to avoid succumbing to the madness that 5th +8 Phylactery Bond, Improved
necromantic preservation often brings. For instance, you did Rejuvination
not perform the foul ritual that traded your life for animation
the moment you found it; you waited until your power was
equal to the change. Nor did you accept the aid of a demon
prince or dark god to empower the ritual, but you waited to
find methods outside the control of others. In doing so, you Lich Features
escaped the touch of darkness, though you bear personal All Liches have the following class features.
enmity of such powers to this day.
Prerequisites You must spend 10 days and 50,000 gp to create a magical
In order to attain your epic destiny as a lich, you must meet receptacle called a phylactery that contains your life force.
the following prerequisites: While your phylactery is intact, you stop aging, you are
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery immune to any effect that would age you, and you can't die
of mortal abilities. from old age. Additionally, magic that resurrects or raises you
Proficiency in the Religion skill. Becoming undead from the dead has no component cost.
requires deep understanding of necromancy. You can choose to enchant your phylactery. Choose two
Able to cast 9th-level spells. Cheating death can be minor beneficial properties and two minor detrimental
achieved only with the most powerful magic. properties from the tables on pages 219-220 of the Dungeon
Sacrifice. The transformation ritual requires you to Master's Guide. Any creature in possession of your phylactery
murder an innocent creature for no other purpose than to gains these properties.
become a lich. This act of evil splits your soul for Your phylactery can be destroyed. It has 40 hit points,
preservation in your phylactery. immunity to psychic and poison damage, and resistance to all
other damage. The typical phylactery is a sealed metal box
Immortality filled with parchment inscribed with magical phrases written
When you complete your final quest, an age of the world in your blood. Phylacteries can come in other forms, such as
concludes. It is time to make way for new heroes. However, rings, gems, or amulets, but they always have the same
you do not recede too far. properties. If your phylactery is destroyed, you can make a
Archlich: You understand the nature of magic and reality new one by spending another 10 days and 50,000 gp.
in a way no mortal could conceive. Unsatisfied among the Rejuvination
living, you seek to build yourself a great crypt that serves as So long as your phylactery is intact, if you die and are not
your tomb and lair. Surrounding yourself with your acquired returned to life, 1d10 days later your bodily remains turn to
knowledge, treasure, and undead servants, you commit dust and you reappear alive within 5 feet of your phylactery, at
yourself to the study of magic and to some greater purpose full hit points and restored as if you had taken a long rest.
known only to you. In time, your dungeon becomes a
legendary attraction to cultists and adventurers.
Baelnorn: Having secured your legacy, you retreat to a
secluded citadel deep in the Shadowfell or in a far corner of
the Feywild, watching the world and all that goes on upon it
by means of a cadre of spies and magical sensors. You are
content to let the events of the world roll on, watching;
however, you are not completely indifferent. Now and then,
you can provide a clue to help those in need, an undead
defender unswervingly protecting your chosen interests for
Undead Transformation Paralyzing Touch
Your type changes to Undead. You gain darkvision out to 60 When you make an attack, you can make a special melee
feet, immunity to poison damage, immunity to the poisoned spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d6
condition, immunity to exhaustion, and immunity to all cold damage, and must succeed on a Constitution saving
diseases. You don't need to breathe, eat, or drink. throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
You no longer need to sleep, and can gain the benefits of an saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
extended rest by spending 4 hours engaged in only light on itself on a success.
activity such as reading.
Siphon Energy
False Life You can use your action to touch a willing or incapacitated
When you are targeted by a spell that would normally restore undead creature within 5 feet of you. The target undead takes
hit points but that has no effect on undead, you gain 5 6d6 radiant damage, and you regain hit points equal to the
temporary hit points per level of the spell. These temporary total damage dealt.
hit points fade after one hour.
Phylactery Bond
Lich Resistances While you are within 1 mile of your phylactery, you can take
You have resistance to necrotic damage and to bludgeoning, lair actions. The DM has the lich's lair actions (Monster
slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks. You Manual page 203).
gain immunity to the Charmed, Frightened, and Paralyzed
conditions. You have advantage on saving throws against any Improved Rejuvination
effect that turns undead. So long as your phylactery is intact, one minute after you die,
your body and possessions crumble to dust. The following
dusk, you reappear alive within 5 feet of your phylactery with
all your possessions, at full hit points and restored as if you
had taken a long rest.
All knowledge must be preserved. It must be saved and The Lorekeeper
protected, for knowledge holds the key to who we are, what Proficiency
we were, and what we shall become. Level Bonus Features
1st +7 Skill Proficiency, Lore Mastery
You are a font of knowledge, a peerless scholar, and a
custodian of legends, myths, and, above all, truth. Though you 2nd +7 Examination
content yourself with study and reflection, people come to 3rd +7 Perfect Ritualist, Impossible
you from all over the world, and beyond it, for an audience. Activation
They seek to apply your keen intellect and wisdom to any 4th +7 Shared Spellcasting
number of problems: locating a long-lost artifact, solving an
impossible riddle, or devising a strategy to overcome a horde 5th +8 Lorekeeper's Persistence
of raging berserkers. Others seek you out just to talk, learn,
and expand their own understanding.
With such knowledge comes grave responsibility, for some
truths are best kept secret. If you glibly reveal the location of
a powerful weapon lost since the fall of an ancient Lorekeeper Features
civilization, you might very well doom the world to witnessing All lorekeepers have the following class features.
firsthand that weapon’s power. If you withhold the cure to a
plague, the deaths of its victims rest upon your shoulders. Skill Proficiency
Ultimately, you must decide whether you hoard your You gain proficiency in all skills.
knowledge or dispense it freely, and whether you have the
wisdom to know what to reveal and what to hide. Lore Mastery
Whenever you make an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion
Prerequisites skill check, you can treat the roll as if it was a natural 20.
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery
of mortal abilities. Examination
Proficiency in the Arcana, History, Nature, and As a bonus action, you can examine a specific creature you
Religion skills. Loremasters command knowledge of all can see. If you have examined a creature previously, you can
things. take one minute to remember that creature and examine it as
Ritual Caster feature. You must understand how to use if you could see it. You can examine only one creature at a
magic through labor and persistence. time; if you use this ability on another creature, you lose these
Immortality benefits for the previous creature.
You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Lorekeepers are among the most learned people in the world, Charisma checks made to socialize, track, or otherwise
and they rely on their vast knowledge to battle those who interact with the creature you are examining or recall
embrace ignorance and reject civilization. information about it. Your attacks against that creature are
Grand Library: The ultimate expression of your temporal never made with disadvantage, and it can never gain
power is the construction of a grand library to hold your advantage on saving throws against your spells or abilities
collection. By the time you complete your Destiny Quest, you (such rolls are made normally).
have acquired more books, manuscripts, and other texts than So long as you can see the creature you are examining,
you can catalog. The only way to prevent certain suspect once per round, on your turn, you can ask the DM for one
writings from falling into the wrong hands is to construct a clue about the creature's statistics. You can request its
place to protect them. Whether you build your edifice in the challenge rating or one ability score; maximum or current hit
mortal world, adrift in the Astral Sea, or hidden within the points; damage immunities, condition immunities, or
City of Brass, Sigil, or Gloomwrought, this grand library resistances and vulnerabilities; or the names of any traits it
ensures your immortality. The library reminds all who behold has, or actions it can use. If you spend at least one hour
its wonders of your single-minded commitment to preserving examining the creature, you can ask the DM for its stat block.
lore and your great deeds in pursuit of knowledge. The DM has final approval over what information you learn.
Living Construct: Your destiny complete and knowing
your time in this world is at an end, you seek to live forever,
not in undead flesh or incorporeal spirit, but in a constructed
body of metal and stone. You toil away on a new body for
yourself made of adamantine or another exotic material.
When at last your work is finished, you perform a ritual that
transfers your consciousness into your creation, allowing you
to continue your work unbound by your mortal frame.
Whether you become a golem that prowls the most ancient
ruins, or an artifact of your own design, you wait to be
encountered by the next generation of epic heroes.
Perfect Ritualist Lorekeeper's Persistance
When you cast a spell as a ritual, you gain the following When you die, you can cause your spirit to possess a
benefits. nonliving object. Choose one item you were carrying when
you died other than an artifact or sentient item. If the item
The spell takes only an additional 1 minute to cast, was a magic item that requires attunement, you must have
instead of 10 minutes. been attuned to the item.
The component cost, if any, is reduced by half. You can see, hear, and speak as if you were standing in the
The spell is cast as if using a 9th-level spell slot. item's space, though you can't move or take actions or bonus
You have advantage on any skill checks made as a part of actions. In addition, you can communicate telepathically with
the ritual. any creature that carries or wields the item. You are
Impossible Activation incapacitated while in the area of an Antimagic Field, and if
You disregard effects that prevent you from activating magic targeted by Dispel Magic, you must succeed on a Constitution
items. For example, you can speak a command word even saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall
when silenced, or activate a mental command item while unconscious for 1 minute.
dominated or unconscious. If your body is not returned to life within 24 hours, you gain
Magic items you wear, carry, or use function normally in an greater control over your new form. You can act as if you
antimagic field. Finally, whenever you use the last charge of a were standing in the item's space, and wearing or wielding
magic item that has charges, you never risk destroying the only that item. You retain your game statistics except as noted
item. here:
Your type changes to Construct. You no longer need to eat,
Shared Spellcasting drink, or breathe and you stop aging. You are immune to
You learn to share magical abilities among your companions. any effect that would age you, and you can't die from old
During a short or long rest, designate two of your age.
companions. While the three of you are within 30 feet of one You gain immunity to poison damage, the poisoned
another, each one of you can cast a spell that another condition, and disease.
companion knows, without requiring material components You gain a flying speed of 30 feet, and can hover. When
(except expensive material components). The shared spell you remain motionless and aren't flying, you are
must have a casting time of one action or one bonus action, indistinguishable from a normal object of that type.
and the caster must use that action to cast the spell. The If you are not possessing a suit of armor, your AC equals
companion that knows the spell uses his or her reaction and 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
spends the spell slot required for the spell. If that companion You can manipulate up to two objects within 5 feet of you,
is unable or unwilling to do so, the spell fails. but can exert no more than 10 pounds of force on any one
The spell uses the spellcasting DC and spell attack object. You also cannot benefit from any worn or carried
modifier of the character that knows the spell. If the shared equipment other than the item you are possessing.
spell requires concentration, the character casting the spell You no longer need somatic or material components to
maintains the concentration. When you or either of your cast spells, except for expensive material components.
companions make a concentration check and you are all
within 30 feet of each other, you make the roll with If your body is returned to life, you can choose whether to
advantage, except you may roll three d20 instead of two, be raised or continue adventuring as a sentient item.
taking the highest.
The shared spellcasting links are broken when any of you
take a short or long rest.
From nothing comes something, a dominion shaped by your The Planeshaper
mind and will. Proficiency
Level Bonus Features
The dominions are stars in the firmament of the Astral Sea 1st +7 Boon of Planar Travel, Astral Seed
and each houses a fantastic world that evolved first from a
seed of a concept and eventually blossomed into a unique 2nd +7 Portal Mastery
world reflecting the vision and imagination from which it was 3rd +7 Baleful Banishment
spawned. Though many dominions are in the Astral Sea, 4th +7 Shape Reality
others wait to take shape and join those already drifting
through the silvery void. You have discovered one of these 5th +8 Seed of Restoration, Biogenesis
unformed realms and it’s up to you to decide what form it will
The astral seed’s evolution is slow, gradually expanding
and transforming in response to your guidance. You cannot
rush its formation or it will rip apart and dissolve into the Planeshaper Features
silvery mists. You must also learn to hone your craft so you All planeshapers have the following class features.
can develop the precision needed to sculpt the realm
properly. Having the ability to create and alter the nature of Boon of Planar Travel
this dominion in the making breeds other talents that As an action, you can cast the plane shift spell (no spell slot
transcend your mastery over the Astral Sea, and you bring or components required), targeting yourself only, and travel to
these abilities to bear no matter where you go. You, however, the Astral Plane, or from the Astral Plane back to the
apprehend these forces of creation, at first through subtle Material Plane. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again
manipulation, but eventually through an unnerving mastery until you finish a short rest.
and ease foreshadowing your coming greatness.
Prerequisite Astral Seed
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery You have discovered, created, or otherwise claimed a small
of mortal abilities. dominion in the astral plane. You choose the shape of your
Proficiency in the Arcana skill. Manipulating the stuff of astral seed, including whether it is bounded or recursive, and
reality requires knowledge of the planes. it has an initial area of approximately 100,000 square feet.
Through force of will alone, you can grow and shape the
Immortality terrain as you see fit, but the process takes at least 8 hours of
work to add or sculpt another 100,000 square feet. You can
Though malleable in your hands, the world proves too choose any planar traits, such as the general shape, gravity,
limiting to one of your stature and talent, and so you climate, and environment. Your willpower can only cause
transcend your origins to embrace your destiny. changes to the terrain through force of nature, such as
Master of Reality: From the moment you discovered the terrain, rivers, and atmosphere; any construction, vegetation,
astral seed, you have spent a measure of your time and or creatures must be brought to your seed from elsewhere,
energy to crafting this realm. Although you and a few allies created by magic, or through good old-fashioned labor.
eventually became able to explore the product of your work, it Precious metals or gems you create must likewise be mined
isn’t until you complete your final quest that the growing and refined to reach their true potential.
realm awakens into a full-blown dominion—an Astral realm While you are on your astral seed, you or allies you
and haven for you and any you permit to walk its lands. With designate can make magical effects persistent, similar to the
your refuge ready, you gather your things and slip through the guards and wards spell. The spell to be made persistent must
planes to bring about its final form, raising mountains, not target a creature or object, and must have a duration of at
forming seas, and welcoming those creatures you like to least 1 minute. The caster casts the spell as normal and
share in its splendor for as long as they wish to remain. expends an additional 6th-level spell slot; that spell now has a
Being the master of your own realm and having complete duration of 24 hours. You can create a permanent spell effect
control over its nature finds you distancing yourself from your by casting a persistent spell there every day for one year.
roots. The squabbles between kingdoms, the rise and fall of
empires, and the drama of ordinary people are insignificant
next to the power you wield and the concerns facing you with
maintaining your ever-growing dominion. Moreover,
maintaining your dominion takes work and consumes much
of your attention until your forays outside your realm become
fewer and fewer and until you find yourself unwilling to leave
the paradise you create.
In your final days, you bind your soul to the realm to
preserve it forever after and thus your immortality is ensured
as a testament of your imagination.
Shape Reality
Planar Influence Your transcendent understanding of the universe empowers
Planeshaping is normally a downtime activity that you with the ability to bend and warp your environment. You
doesn't require ability checks. Generally, if gain an aura with a radius of 30 feet that allows you to
something is possible and there are negligible reshape reality as you see fit. Once during each of your turns
consequences for failure, it doesn't require a dice as a bonus action, you can alter the environment in any of the
roll; the character can simply try again.
If the planeshaper is defending his or her astral
following ways:
seed from attack, the DM can require an Change the temperature or return the temperature to
Intelligence check to make sudden changes, such normal. You can cause creatures that start their turns
as transmuting a boulder into lava or summoning within your aura to automatically take 10 cold damage or
acid rain. If multiple creatures are attempting to 10 fire damage (your choice).
influence the plane at the same time, an
Intelligence contest is appropriate.
Permanently transform any area of difficult terrain within
For the serious planeshaper, the Manual of the
your aura into normal terrain, or vice versa.
Planes from any edition has a wealth of information Create breathable air in any or all of the area.
on planar structure, laws, traits, and psychic Fill the equivalent of nine 5-foot-cubes with a solid
signatures that are beyond the scope of this mineral, such as stone or iron. If you fill a square with a
document. solid surface that is not attached to another surface (for
instance, you create a stone slab in the air), the surface
hovers in place.
Alter the terrain or atmosphere within a portion of your
aura to create effects similar to the entangle, fog cloud, or
grease spells. The save DC for these effects is 20 on your
Portal Mastery astral seed and 15 elsewhere.
Once per day, you can cast the Teleportation Circle spell
without spending a spell slot or any components. When you You can sustain any of these effects within your aura
gain this ability, you can create a teleportation circle on your indefinitely, but the DM chooses what remains after you leave
astral seed and learn the sigil sequence for it, in addition to the area; for example, temperatures may return to normal but
the sigil sequences you normally learn. difficult terrain would remain. The DM may allow other
changes in line with these effects, but should generally be no
Baleful Banishment more powerful than a 1st-level spell.
Whenever you hit a creature with an attack, you can choose
to also remove the enemy from play by sending it to a specific Seed of Restoration
location on your astral seed. The creature disappears and If you or any friendly creatures regain hit points on your
hurtles through an environment of your creation. astral seed, each of those creatures regains the maximum
At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the space amount of hit points for each die rolled.
it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. The
target takes 10d10 damage of a type of your choice from acid, Biogenesis
cold, fire, lightning, or thunder from the hostile environment. Your astral seed gains the spark of life, and you can now
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you create plant and vegetable matter. This includes grassy
finish a long rest. plains, forests, or jungles, but not creatures.
One minute after you die, your soul flees to your astral seed
and forms a new body for you over the course of the following
day. Twenty-four hours after you died, you may reappear on
your astral seed or on any plane in any permanent
teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you have
memorized, having teleported there from your astral seed.
Arcane Seclusion: When you complete your final quest, you
Spellcrafter retreat from the world to your sanctum sanctorum to give
As a spellcrafter, you lay claim to being the world’s most your full time and attention to the study of the ultimate
innovative magus. arcane formula, the Demispell, whose hyperplanar existence
encompasses all the lesser spells there ever were or will be.
Your lifelong perusal of grimoires, librams, tomes, and As the years flow onward, your study of the fundamental,
spellbooks has finally revealed the foundation of reality to deep structure of the cosmos removes you from the normal
you: Spells are each tiny portions of a larger arcane truth. flow of time. Eventually your material shell fades as you
Every spell is part of some far superior working, evoking just merge into the weave of magic itself. Thereafter, your name
a minuscule fraction of that ultimate formula. As you becomes tied to the signature spells you used in life, now
continue your studies, you advance your mastery of spells so used by lesser spellcasters.
much that they begin to infuse your flesh, granting you a
facility in their use undreamed of by lesser practitioners.
You are often called to use your knowledge to defend the
world from supernormal threats. Seeking ever greater The Spellcrafter
enlightenment and the magical power that accompanies it,
you are at times tempted by questionable relics, morally Level Proficiency Bonus Features
suspect spells, and ancient artifacts. Your destiny remains 1st +7 Archspell
yours to choose—will you be archmage or archfiend? 2nd +7 Expanded Arcane Tradition
Prerequisites 3rd +7 Anyspell
In order to attain your epic destiny as a spellcrafter, you must 4th +7 Mastered Archspell
meet the following prerequisites:
5th +8 Arcane Sanctum
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery
of mortal abilities.
Proficiency in the Arcana skill. Spellcrafting abilities
require extensive study of magic.
Able to cast wish. The power and versatility of this Spellcrafter Features
mighty spell is the first step to unlocking greater magic.
All spellcrafters have the following class features.
Spellcrafters are an idiosyncratic lot. There’s no telling what You have unlocked enough arcane secrets that you can
choices the preeminent magus of the age will make when develop your own custom spell that bears your name. Choose
they have completed their destiny. The following section a cantrip or spell of 1st through 3rd level on the Sorcerer,
details paths several Spellcrafters have walked, but your path Warlock, or Wizard spell list to use as a template for your
might vary. archspell. The spell's appearance and cosmetic effects can be
Arcane Academy: When you complete your final quest, changed however you like, as well as modifications noted
you thow your sanctum sanctorum open to the world. You below. The DM determines the new spell's school. You
might found a new order of mages for which you serve as the automatically know this new spell, and it doesn't count
High Magister, or you might found a university of magic, for against your limit of spells known. You always have your
which you serve as the headmaster. archspell prepared, and it doesn't count against your limit of
In either case, spellcasters from across the realms flock to spells prepared.
your doorstep, seeking permission to study under your If the spell requires a spell attack roll or saving throw, you
mentorship and consult your library of lore. When you finally can have the spell instead require a saving throw of your
pass away, the academy persists in your name. choice. Alternatively, if the spell targets a single creature, you
can have it require a spell attack roll instead of a saving
If the spell deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic,
radiant, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage
type with one other type from that list.
When you create your custom spell, you can choose to add Expanded Arcane Tradition
one or more of the following effects. Doing so increases the Choose one school of magic. You gain the 2nd-level features
spell's level, and the spell's lowest level cannot be higher than of the Wizard's arcane tradition for that school. You can't
5th level. Each modification can be applied only once. The choose an arcane tradition more than once.
DM may allow additional modifications in line with these
effects. Anyspell
Accurate (+1 level). If the spell requires an attack roll, you You gain a special 10th-level spell slot, which you can only
can specify a condition under which the attack roll has use to cast wish. You can use this wish to duplicate any other
advantage, such as the type of armor it is wearing. If the spell spell of 9th level or below. If the duplicated spell has
requires a saving throw, you can specify a condition under additional effects when cast at a higher level, treat it as if it
which the target has disadvantage on that saving throw, such was cast using a 10th-level spell slot. This spell slot cannot be
as the creature type. restored in any way other than through finishing a long rest.
Careful (+1 level). If the spell targets all creatures in the
area of effect, you can change it to instead affect only Mastered Archspell
creatures you choose. Choose one of the following benefits. You (and only you) gain
Distant (+1 level). If the spell has a range of 5 feet or that benefit when you cast your archspell.
greater, you can double the range of the spell. If the spell has Irresistable Casting. Your archspell bypasses the damage
a range of touch, you can make the range of the spell 30 feet. resistances, damage immunities, and condition immunities of
Distracting (+1 level). Targets affected by the spell have any creature.
disadvantage on their next attack roll. Penetrating Casting. Targets of the archspell can never
Empowered (+2 levels). If the spell rolls dice for damage, gain advantage on saving throws against your archspell, and
increase the spell's damage die by one stage, to a maximum your archspell bypasses damage resistances (but not damage
of d12. or condition immunities).
Extended (+1 level). If the spell has a duration of 1 minute Quick Casting. If the archspell has a casting time of 1
or longer, you can double its duration, to a maximum action, the spell's casting time is now 1 bonus action for you.
duration of 24 hours. Renewed Casting. If the archspell is 2nd-level or below,
Injurious (+1 level). If the spell doesn't already deal you can cast the archspell at its lowest level without
damage, and targets no more than five creatures or has a expending a spell slot. Once you do so, you can't do so again
radius of no more than 30 feet, creatures that fail their saving until you finish a short or long rest.
throw or are hit by the spell attack each take 1d4 poison or Spontaneous Casting. If the archspell is a 1st-level spell,
psychic damage. you can now cast the archspell at its lowest level without
Reliable (+2 levels). If the spell rolls dice, you can instead expending a spell slot.
maximize the result of up to half of the dice instead of rolling
them. Arcane Sanctum
Shocking (+1 level). A target affected by the spell can't To aid your study, you build, discover, or otherwise acquire a
take reactions until the start of its next turn. sanctum sanctorum. The sanctum provides the benefits of a
Slowing (+1 level). Targets affected by the spell have their permanent magificent mansion with a teleportation circle
speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. whose sigil sequence you know.
Subtle (+1 level). The spell requires no somatic or verbal At your option, your retreat provides you complete
components to cast. seclusion, and thus could take the form of a tower in the
Twinned (+1 level). If the spell targets only one creature Feywild, an earthmote adrift on the elemental planes, or a
and doesn’t have a range of self, the spell can also target a demiplane accessible only through a hidden portal. However,
second creature in range. you might desire to retain a tie to the mortal realm, and thus
Widened (+3 levels). If the spell has an area of a cone, find a sanctum with a connection to the world.
cube, cylinder, line, or sphere, any numeric measurements of One minute after you die, your body and posessions vanish
the spell’s area increase by 100%. and reappear in your sanctum sanctorum. Your servants
restore you to life within one day, if you aren't raised sooner. If
you die within your sanctum, you don't reappear.
The Archmage
An excellent archmage epic class is available at the
following link:
The DM may allow you to use those class features
in tandem with this epic destiny's immortality
Sample Archspells Let Go of Me
These example archspells are provided for your inspiration. 1st-level abjuration
Template spells: Subtle Shocking Grasp, Thunderwave
Body Puppets Casting Time: 1 action
3rd-level necromancy Range: Touch
Template spell: Twinned Crown of Madness Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 120 ft Make a melee spell attack against one creature within
Components: V, S, M (a marionette) range. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute grappling you. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 force damage,
and you automatically escape from one effect restraining,
Ethereal strings fly from your outstretched hands and latch grappling, or immobilizing you that was inflicted by the
onto one or two humanoids you can see within range. Make a target.
ranged spell attack against the target; on a hit, the target At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
becomes your puppet for the duration. of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each
Your puppet's movements are jerky and uneven, and it can’t slot level above 1st.
attack you or target you with harmful abilities or magical
effects. The target must use its action before moving on each Riddle
of its turns to make a melee attack against a creature other 2nd-level enchantment
than itself that you mentally choose. Template spell: Hold Person
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional humanoid Casting Time: 1 action
for each slot level above 3rd. Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S, M (a tuft of fur from a sphinx)
Hellball Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
5th-level evocation You pose a riddle to a humanoid that can hear you within
Template spell: Empowered Fireball range. The magic of the spell translates the riddle into a
Casting Time: 1 action language the target knows. The target must succeed on an
Range: 150 ft Intelligence saving throw to answer the riddle correctly, or be
Components: V, S, M (A tiny ball of sulfur and guano from a paralyzed for the duration while it does nothing but ponder
fiendish bat) the riddle. At the end of each of its turns, the target can
Duration: Instantaneous attempt to answer the riddle again and make another
Intelligence saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the
You point your finger at a point within range and a sun- target.
bright, fist-sized globe of energy streaks forth, expanding into At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
its full area when it reaches that point. Each creature in a 20- of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid
foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 2d8 30 feet of each other when you target them.
acid damage, 2d8 fire damage, 2d8 lightning damage, and
2d8 thunder damage. Creatures that succeed on their saving Thunderbolt
throw take half as much damage. Unattended objects also 4th-level evocation
take this damage. Template spell: Reliable Acid Arrow
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 9th level, the hellball deals 3d8 damage of each type. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 ft
Components: V, S, M (A bit of fur and a rod of amber,
crystal, or glass)
Duration: Instantaneous
A spark of crackling light leaps out of nowhere toward a
target within range. The target must make a Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 2d4 + 8 lightning
damage. At the end of its next turn, the target takes 1d4 + 4
thunder damage, with a loud boom audible out to 300 feet.
On a successful save, the target takes half as much lightning
damage and no thunder damage.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, the damage (both initial and later)
increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 4th.
Synthesis. After so much time acting as a single being split
Beastlord into two bodies, you and your companion unite into one,
You and your companion are like twin aspects of one being, greater whole. In a dreamlike trance, your spirit leaves your
acting in perfect accord. Any separateness is an illusion of body as your companion, too, manifests a spirit that
space and time—a seeming that might one day be erased. encompasses the values your companion symbolizes. You
merge with the creature exemplified by your nature, and in so
Your valiant allies fought alongside you and, in time, doing, you take the shape of a great spirit of nature, pristine
triumphed. In their midst, you have known friendship and an and immortal.
interdependence that few people can even imagine. With Your form is thereafter as you wish it to be—person,
these treasures, you might have even saved the world you monster, two at one time, or an amalgam thereof. Forever, you
love. But even this seemingly perfect camaraderie, this endure in the wild places of the world as a guardian and an
example of flawless alliance, pales in comparison to your inspiration. Perhaps you’ll be an exarch of a god or patron, or
relationship with your creature companion. you’ll remain distinct from any deity, an example of a creature
You, like no other among your epic peers, know true unique to the world.
companionship and trust. The being at your side is more than
a friend and ally. It forms an extension of your own soul.
The Beastlord
In order to attain your epic destiny as a beastlord, you must Level Proficiency Bonus Features
meet the following prerequisites: 1st +7 Epic Companion
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery 2nd +7 Boon of Shared Luck
of mortal abilities. 3rd +7 Fused Fate, Mind Merge
Proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. Beastlords
must be able to understand and empathise with non- 4th +7 Epic Bonding
humanoid creatures. 5th +8 Shared Life
Companion creature. A special connection to a non-
humanoid companion, such as a Ranger's animal
companion, Warlock's familiar, Paladin's mount, or
Artificer's mechanical servant. The DM may allow other
companions, provided your character has a deep intrinsic Beastlord Features
bond to the creature.
All beastlords have the following class features.
Epic Companion
Some Beastlords pass into the mists of death, as is natural, During a long rest, you perform a special ritual that can turn
believing that they’ll one day be reborn when the world has your companion into another kind of creature. With your
need. A few go on to attain a form of unity, in body and DM's permission, choose a creature no larger than Large
consciousness, as described here. with a challenge rating of 9 or lower, such as a young dragon,
Manifest Dualism. When your final task is complete, you shambling mound, or gorgon. Your companion's game
have proven that humanoid and creature are inextricably statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the
linked. Savagery and civilization, order and chaos, knowledge statistics of the new form. It retains its alignment and
and wisdom--all are dependent upon the other and draw personality. If your companion's new form has an Intelligence
meaning through contrast. Even as you and your companion of 5 or less, its Intelligence becomes 6, and it gains the ability
grow old together, your exploits become the stuff of legend. to understand one language of your choice that you speak.
Those who tell your story give an account of how the two of Class features and traits that would apply to your normal
you illustrated this truth by becoming one. In fact, they companion also apply to the companion's new form.
whisper that what became apparent in the end was always The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the
so. nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take
Those who follow your model hold you in mind when they any other action that requires hands or speech unless its new
travel and fight alongside their own bestial companions. They, form is capable of such actions. Your companion can't use
and others who revere nature and its creatures, look to you as any legendary actions or lair actions of the new form.
an archetype and a guide. Perhaps somewhere in the future, The transformation is permanent. If your companion dies,
your two reincarnated souls will once again find each other. you can choose a new form for it when it returns to life.
Boon of Shared Luck
You can add a dl0 roll to any ability check, attack roll, or
saving throw either you or your companion makes. You can Choosing a Companion
do this after you see the result of the roll, but before the DM The new form for your companion should not be
tells you whether it succeeded. Once you use this boon, you chosen lightly. Talk to your DM about your
can't use it again until you finish a short rest. relationship with your companion before browsing
the Monster Manual.
The DM might decide your ranger's loyal animal
Fused Fate companion has been a gold dragon in disguise the
Whenever a spell targets only you or your companion, you entire time, testing your worthiness to receive
can choose for it to target both of you or either one of you Bahamut's blessings and prepare for your destiny
instead of its original target, as long as you and your quest. Or your DM might prepare a short list of
companion are within 100 feet of each other. forms for you to choose from, such as your choice
of fiend for an infernal warlock's familiar.
Mind Merge The DM could instead require you to choose a
While your companion is on the same plane as you, you can humanoid form (or monstrous humanoid, such as a
communicate with it telepathically. As as action, you can see medusa) for your companion. Such a creature
through your companion's eyes and hear what it hears until behaves like a member of the adventuring party,
the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special and could maintain the ability to change shape
senses that the companion has. During this time, you are deaf from its prior form to its new one.
and blind with regard to your own senses.
You can also use your action to take total and precise
control of your companion. You can either command your
companion mentally using your own senses, or control it
directly using your companion's senses. Until the end of your
next turn, the companion takes only the actions and
movement you choose, and doesn't do anything that you don't
allow it to do. During this time, you can also cause the
creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your
own reaction as well.
Epic Bonding
Choose one of the following traits for your companion.
Warded Familiar. Your companion is constantly under the
effects of the sanctuary spell (saving throw DC 15). If the
spell ends, you can reactivate it with a bonus action.
Bonded Mount. While you are mounted on your
companion and aren't incapacitated, you gain the benefits of
the Mounted Combat feat. Additionally, you can't be
dismounted against your will, and it takes only 5 feet of your
movement to mount or dismount.
Coordinated Action. You can use your bonus action to
direct your companion to act. Your companion uses its
reaction to take an action, which can be used only to take the
Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or
Use an Object action.
Additionally, if your companion attacks a creature you have
already attacked this turn, your companion has advantage on
the attack roll.
Shared Life
As long as either you or your companion has at least 1 hit
point and are on the same plane, the other can’t be killed,
regardless of actual hit points or failed death saving throws.
Keep track of hit points and failed death saving throws as
normal; if you both are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, the
failed death saving throws immediately take effect.
Emergent Primordial
You carry the essence of an imprisoned primordial, a being so The Emergent Primordial
vast, so terrible, that the gods imprisoned it forever. Proficiency
Level Bonus Features
There is no full accounting of the primordials sealed away 1st +7 Elemental Awakening, Elemental
in the far reaches of the planes. Their roster is endless, their Kinship
exploits too terrible to dwell upon. They are too powerful to
die, too dangerous to live. The gods sealed them in the 2nd +7 Elemental Rage
deepest depths to ensure that they would trouble the planes 3rd +7 Elemental Affinity
no more. During their imprisonment, the primordials have 4th +7 Primordial Rage
never ceased their efforts to escape and to resume the
struggle against the gods they hate. 5th +8 Primordial Rebirth
In exploring elemental magic, you have been touched by a
primordial's essence. Perhaps only a dream has settled in
your mind, or maybe a shard of a fallen primordial became
lodged inside you. When you attain the epic tier, the shard
awakens and begins merging its identity with yours until one Emergent Primordial Features
day you become like a primordial. All emergent primordials have the following class features.
Prerequisites Elemental Awakening
In order to attain your epic destiny as an emergent An elemental essence awakens inside you and lends you its
primordial, you must meet the following prerequisites: power. The essence transforms you, turning you into a
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery suitable vessel for its emerging presence.
of mortal abilities. Your type becomes Elemental. You gain darkvision out to
Able to speak Primordial. You must have a natural 60 feet and immunity to poison damage, the poisoned
kinship with elementals. condition, and all disease. Additionally, choose one damage
type from the following list: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
Immortality thunder. You gain resistance to that damage type.
Although the primordial within you seeks to annihilate your Elemental Kinship
identity, it has no choice but to bend to your will. At the same You have advantage on all Charisma checks to interact with
time, your growing power awakens the primordial in your elementals. You may consider any Elemental with an
thoughts, gradually drawing it out from its long slumber until Intelligence score of 5 or less to be a Beast, with regards to
its presence pervades your consciousness. By the time you your abilities or spells. For example, you can use a Wisdom
complete your final quest, you might be ready to surrender (Animal Handling) check to calm an angry fire elemental, or a
your body and soul to the primordial- or descend into the Circle of the Moon druid could transform into an air
Elemental Chaos to confront and destroy it for good. elemental.
Unbound Power. You and the primordial share a common
goal, and at the height of your power you fuse with the Elemental Rage
essence inside you, merging into something greater. Now that Your elemental essence breaks free when you are under great
your elemental nature is unfettered, it might seek to resume stress, granting you additional powers.
its war against the gods, claim a layer of the Abyss, or turn its You can cast one of the following spells as a bonus action
malign attention against other enemies. without requiring a spell slot or components: investiture of
Willing Incarceration. Your struggles to contain the flame, investiture of ice, investiture of stone, or investiture of
primordial within you prove too much for your mortal frame wind. The rage has the normal duration of the spell and ends
to take. Your destiny quest is a pilgrimage to the gods of law if your concentration is broken. The saving throw DC for
and justice, throwing yourself upon their mercy. Just before these abilities equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your
the primordial rage within you takes over your body, you proficiency bonus.
surrender yourself to be imprisoned forever, protecting the
world from your uncontrollable power. Elemental Affinity
Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage of the
type chosen by your Elemental Awakening. When you cast a
Elemental Evil spell or use a special ability (such as the dragonborn's breath
The Emergent Primordial epic destiny uses spells
weapon) that deals damage of that type, you can add your
from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, a free spellcasting ability modifier to one damage roll of that spell.
supplement available here: Additionally, you can cast all of the following cantrips at
http://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/ will: control flames, gust, mold earth, and shape water.
EE_PlayersCompanion.pdf Constitution is your spellcasting ability modifier for these
Primordial Rage Primordial Rebirth
The primordial essence strains against your body's Death cannot claim you as long as the primordial shares your
limitations, demanding release and battering your psyche. body. If you fall in battle, the ancient and terrible force within
When you give in to the primordial's demands, you become a you is freed, to your enemies' detriment.
monstrous creature, an elemental nightmare towering over When you die, your body and equipment disappear and
the battlefield. your true primordial form appears in your space. Your
When you activate your Elemental Rage, you can also primordial form has the statistics of a Huge balor demon with
choose to enlarge. This growth increases your size category the following changes:
to Large, and your weight is multiplied by eight (or sixty-four
if you were Small). If there isn't enough room for you to fully The primordial has an appearance matching your chosen
enlarge, you attain the maximum possible size in the space element.
available. The primordial is an Elemental instead of a Fiend.
Until your Primordial Rage ends, you have advantage on In place of its normal fire immunity and cold and lightning
Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Your reach resistance, the primordial is immune to the damage type
increases by 5 feet, and your weapons also grow to match of your Elemental Awakening and resistant to the other
your new size. While these weapons are enlarged, your four types.
attacks with them deal another 1d4 extra damage of your The primordial's traits and attacks that would deal fire or
Elemental Awakening damage type. lightning damage instead use your Elemental Awakening's
Your Primordial Rage ends early if your turn ends and you damage type.
haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or Your primordial form is an engine of rage and destruction.
taken damage since then. It is under the DM's control and acts on your turn. It is hostile
to all creatures, even your allies, but prioritizes attacking your
enemies and especially whatever killed you. (The DM may
choose to give you control over your primordial form until
your enemies are defeated.) It rampages until destroyed,
knocked unconscious, or somehow restrained. If the
primordial form is destroyed, your normal corpse appears in
its space.
Twelve hours later, the primordial form returns to your full
control, and has your personality and alignment. Twelve
hours after that (twenty-hour hours after you died), if your
primordial form has not been destroyed, it vanishes and you
reappear in its space with all your equipment. You are in the
same condition as when you died, except you have as many
hit points as the primordial form had when it vanished (up to
your hit point maximum).
Reincarnate Champion
You remember the exploits of your earlier incarnations, each
a champion of the spirit way. It's now time to teach the world The Reincarnate Champion
a new heroic story.
You know that some primal souls leave the world behind to Level
Bonus Features
join the mystery after death. Other transcendent heroes join
the spirits, flowing through the world to give it life and 1st +7 Past Spirit
preserve its natural order. Still other primal champions 2nd +7 Past Spirit
reincarnate into new bodies, returning as new exemplars of
nature. 3rd +7 Past Spirit
You long suspected that you were one of the spirits who 4th +7 Past Spirit
regularly return to the world in new bodies, though you could 5th +8 Many Perspectives, Swift
not be certain until the day you attained epic power. As your Reincarnation
epic destiny opened before you,so did the memories of your
past lives, a long chain of heroes, leaders, humble souls, and
conquerors who lived in harmony with the spirits.
You are a champion of the spirit way, a defender of the
world's primal cycles. In this life, you finally have the chance
to put the knowledge and power of all your incarnations Reincarnate Champion Features
together. All reincarnate champions have the following class features.
Prerequisites Past Spirit
In order to attain your epic destiny as a Reincarnate Choose a race other than your own from the reincarnate spell
Champion, you must meet the following prerequisites: table. If the race has a subrace, choose one of those also. You
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery are considered a member of that race for the purpose of
of mortal abilities. meeting prerequisites, and learn one language spoken by that
Minimum ability score 15 in the ability or abilities race.
required for multiclassing into your class(es), per Chapter You can increase one ability score by 2, or increase two
6 of the Player's Handbook. You need to be qualified for ability scores by l each, that must correspond to the ability
your character class in the event your reincarnated race score increase available to the chosen race and subrace. For
isn't suited to it. example, a Half-Elf Past Spirit could increase their Charisma
Reincarnation. You must have died and been by 2, or any two ability scores by 1 each. Ability scores can
reincarnated at least once, either by the reincarnation now be increased above 20, up to a maximum of 30.
spell or other means. You also qualify if you have rolled up Each time you gain this feature, you choose an additional
a new character after a previous one was killed in the race other than your own or your other past spirit races, and
same campaign. gain these benefits with it.
Storm Sovereign Immortality
You are the storm of vengeance—the manifestation of raw The primordial spirit rages against your self-imposed bonds.
destructive potential. It will be free and when it does escape, you had better put
distance between yourself and the world.
You are the scion of storms, the master of thunder and Divine Wrath: You discover that you are the reincarnation,
lightning, and a lord of the elements. Others are like you— offspring, or chosen scion of the god of storms in your world.
others who feel an uncommon bond with the elemental The tremendous power afforded to you is a test of your
forces who spawned the world and who harbor a measure of responsibilies and self control. With great effort, you have
elemental power within them. Some don’t yet realize the fate restrained, harnessed, and channeled your inherent
in store for them, while others might never attain their destructive power, and completed your destiny quest without
potential, but you are different, because your eyes crackle losing yourself to the storm.
with lightning, your hair stirs as if in a breeze, and your voice Having proven your worth, you gather a hurricane the likes
thunders. The primordial heirs, as some might call you and of which the world has never seen. At the eye of the storm,
those like you, might find comfort in the mountain heights or the heavens themselves open to you, and you ascend in a
in the ocean’s deeps, but your connection is within the savage blast of radiance to take your place among the gods. The
storm and those blistering explosions of wind and rain, of people of the world watch the skies warily, making offerings
blinding lightning and deafening thunder—storms in which in your name and giving thanks each time a thunderstorm
you feel truly free and your purpose never more clear. passes, sparing them from your wrath.
As you come to know your place in the wider world, you Primordial Power: Long have you endured the suffering
connections to mortal creatures strains. Your home is not caused by the angry presence inside you. You have fought
among the civilized cities or in the darkened wilds, but it is in back the unnatural urgings to destroy and rage, testing the
the sea of possibility that is chaos. The elemental forces limits of your self-control. In the final battle against your last
straining within you seek to destroy any who do not kneel foe, you nearly slipped and unleashed the primordial entity
before you. Only your purpose can hold back these wild onto the world and only through a supreme act of discipline
impulses, and only your sense of duty and the burden of did you retain control of yourself.
responsibility can ground you. One day, though, you’ll escape When the dust settled, you knew you could confine the
and embrace the nature you have long suppressed. monster no longer and that it would soon break through your
flesh and awaken, bringing utter ruin to everything around
Prerequisites you. Knowing the only place you could loose the primordial
In order to attain your epic destiny as a Storm Sovereign, you without fear of the consequences, you quit the mortal world
must meet the following prerequisites: to seek out the Elemental Chaos. Far from any living
creature, you relaxed yourself, surrendering your body and
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery soul to the primordial, allowing it to unleash the storm’s fury.
of mortal abilities. You thought this would mean your annihilation, and in a
Natural flight. You must be able to take to the air without way, the freeing did end your life, but your consciousness
the aid of an item or having to prepare a spell ahead of lives on by merging with the elemental entity, to give a mind
time. A flying speed or abilities like the barbarian's Eagle to the mindless storm, and life to the personification of
Totem qualify, as do spells you can cast without prior violence. Thus do you become a new primordial—a master of
preparation, such as the sorcerer's spellcasting. the elements and agent of creation and destruction—and thus
do you fade from the world to emerge as a great power in the
Elemental Chaos.
Storm Sovereign Features
All storm lords have the following class features.
You have immunity to lightning and thunder damage. You can
also cast thunderwave (save DC 15) at will, without using a
spell slot or any components.
Cyclone's Master
You gain a fly speed equal to your speed, and can hover. You
do not need to land except to take a rest.
Additionally, you can cast the spell gaseous form, targeting
only yourself. After you use this ability, you can't do so again
until you complete a long rest.
Storm Strike
As a bonus action, you charge an attack with elemental
power, as if concentrating on a spell. The first time you hit
with a weapon attack or spell attack while you are holding the
charge, the attack deals an extra 2d6 lightning damage to the
target and emits a crack of thunder audible out to 300 feet.
The target you hit must also succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or become stunned until the end of your next
Static Charge
As an action, you can cast levitate on up to six targets within
range, including yourself (save DC 15).
The first time a levitating target hits a creature with a
melee attack or is hit by a melee attack, the creature making
contact with the levitating target takes 2d6 lightning damage
and can't take reactions until the start of its next turn. This
ends the levitation for that target.
Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you
take a short rest.
Storm Discorporation
One minute after you die, your body and gear discorporates
into a storm of elemental fury. You are able to control weather
within a 5-mile radius as if you had cast the spell, even if you
weren't outside when you died. The duration of the spell is 24
hours. At the end of the duration, you reconstitute your body
from base elements and descend from the storm clouds at
full hit points with all your equipment, as if you had taken a
long rest.
Fate of Levistus: For whatever reason, your plans went
Winter Monarch awry. An old foe returned, or new ones arose while your
Snow and ice are your servants, for you are winter’s ruler. attention was elsewhere. These enemies best your servants
and confronted you in your own throne room in an epic
The greatest forces in the Feywild are the archfey, who are battle.
powerful and wise custodians of the bright echo, and At the brink of your defeat, when you entered your Icy
sovereigns over the wild and free spirits dwelling in these Tomb, there was nobody there to save you. Your frozen body
lands. Each archfey governs an aspect of the Feywild, laying was hurled deep into the sea or a forsaken crevasse, where
claim to the mountains, the forests, the Feydark, or even the an iceberg or glacier formed a prison around you. From the
seasons themselves. outside, you appear only as a dark shadow within the deep
Your life’s work places you on the path to join this august blue ice. Trapped and unable to move, you plot your revenge
society by transcending mortality and becoming an immortal until you can influence some fool or hero to release you.
guardian of the Feywild. Your future role could be anything,
but your fate is to become the Winter Monarch.
The moment you realized the life you would one day lead,
you have bent your efforts to understanding the Feywild and The Winter Monarch
its denizens, while also working to master the elements you
will have to wield. You might study under the Queen of Winter Level Proficiency Bonus Features
or Prince of Frost, or you might secretly work to usurp the 1st +7 Frozen Heart
role, leaching power from your rival for the fateful moment 2nd +7 Ice Shape
when you supplant the monarch and stake your claim to the
dark season. However you go about learning your role, your 3rd +7 Winter's Bite
mastery over winter’s power only grows. 4th +7 Snow Shape
Frozen Regalia. Jewels of dazzling beauty crown a creature Snow Shape
you touch. The jewelry can take any form you wish, but You can perform a special ritual that takes 10 minutes to
always appears wrought of silver and platinum, set with create a snow golem that acts as a loyal servant and defender.
diamonds. The jewels grab the attention of all creatures For the duration of the ritual, you must touch an area of snow
within 60 feet that can see them, causing them to have at least 10 feet square and 5 feet deep, and imbue it with
disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom magical life. If you create a new golem and already have one,
(Perception) checks. Creatures that can’t be charmed are the previous one melts away.
immune to this effect. The golem is a construct that obeys your commands
A creature wearing the regalia can cast suggestion (save without hesitation and functions in combat to protect you.
DC 15) without using a spell slot or material components. The magic that gives it life protects it from warm
Once this ability has been used, it can't be used again by the temperatures, but not from fire damage and it is otherwise
same creature until it takes a short rest. not magical.
Rime Armor. You touch a willing creature who isn’t The golem uses the statistics of your choice of either a
wearing armor, and it is clothed in enchanted ice or snow. Winter Wolf or a Yeti, but it can look however you like, as long
The armor can take any appearance you like, such as a snow- as its form is appropriate for its statistics. The DM has these
white gown or a crystalline breastplate. creatures' statistics, with the following modifications:
The target’s base AC becomes 14 + its Dexterity modifier,
and it is resistant to cold damage. If a creature wearing this It is a construct instead of a monstrosity.
armor is hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes 10 cold It can’t be charmed.
damage. It is immune to poison damage and the poisoned
Wand of the White Witch. You create a magic wand, condition.
which can act as a spellcasting focus. As an action, you can It gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet if it doesn’t have
make one melee attack or melee spell attack with the wand it already.
against a creature within your reach. On a hit, the creature It understands the languages you can speak when you
begins to turn to ice and is restrained. create it, but it can’t speak.
At the end of its next turn, the target must make a DC 15 If you are the target of a melee attack and the golem is
Constitution saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. On a within 5 feet of the attacker, you can use your reaction to
failure, the creature is petrified (the target is frozen in ice command the golem to respond, using its reaction to make
instead of turned to stone, but all other effects of the petrified a melee attack against the attacker.
condition remain). The petrification ends if you die, or with The golem obeys your orders to the best of its ability. In
greater restoration or similar magic. combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own.
Winter’s Bite Over the course of a short rest, you can repair any damage
You can choose to have any of your spells, abilities, or to the golem so long as you have access to water. If the golem
weapons you wield that deal necrotic damage to instead deal is reduced to 0 hit points, it melts away.
cold damage. Additionally, when you deal cold damage to a
creature, its speed is reduced by a cumulative 10 feet until Icy Tomb
the start of your next turn. When you fail a death saving throw, you can choose to
entomb yourself in ice. You are alive, stable, and petrified,
except for the following changes:
Elemental Evil You appear to be encased in ice instead of stone.
You are immune to all damage except fire damage.
The Winter Monarch epic destiny uses spells from Nonmagical flames within 30 feet of you are automatically
the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, a free
supplement available here:
You are conscious and aware of your surroundings, and
EE_PlayersCompanion.pdf can telepathically communicate with creatures that touch
your icy tomb.
You cannot teleport or use planar travel.
At any point after 24 hours have passed, you can cause the
ice to melt away and you return as if you had taken a long
World Tree Guardian
The wise and powerful World Tree finds a kindred spirit in The World Tree Guardian
you. In your pledge to defend that ancient spirit from harm, Level Proficiency Bonus Features
the wider world falls under your protection. 1st +7 Bark of the World Tree
You have seen the World Tree, the most ancient primal 2nd +7 World Tree's Growth
spirit of the forest. Legends say that the roots of the World 3rd +7 Boughs of the World Tree
Tree are the roots of the world itself and that any harm done
to this ancient entity shakes the earth and cracks the sky. You 4th +7 World Tree's Awakening
chose to defend the World Tree, and in doing so, you were 5th +8 Boon of the World Tree
able to speak to it and gain its favor. You can now call on its
power, granting you the strength and resilience of nature
itself. The World Tree is intertwined with the world so that
any harm to one hurts the other - an outcome you are sworn
to prevent. World Tree Guardian Features
Prerequisites All Guardians of the World Tree have the following class
In order to attain your epic destiny as a World Tree Guardian, features.
you must meet the following prerequisites:
Bark of the World Tree
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery You gain resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage from
of mortal abilities. nonmagical weapon attacks. Additionally, your AC can't be
Proficiency in the Nature skill. Only those with less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor you are
knowledge and attunement of the natural world can find wearing.
the World Tree. As an action, you can choose to take on a more plant-like
Speak with Plants. You must have made peaceful contact appearance, such as rough, bark-like skin, grassy green hair,
with a plant or plant creature. or the smell of pine. If you do so, you gain advantage on
Charisma checks to interact with beasts, plants, and fey.
Immortality Returning to your normal appearance requires you to
The World Tree has existed since the beginning of time. If physically remove these growths through washing, trimming,
you have your way, it will live longer still. or magic.
The Tree's Counterpart: You become the World Tree's
counterpart among the races of the world-a primal symbol World Tree's Growth
oflife and a worldly representative among the great spirits of As an action, you cause your feet to take root until you use
nature. Accepted into the company of the most powerful and your action to uproot yourself.
ancient primal spirits, you abandon your mortal form to While you are rooted, you are immobilized and can't be
become a being of pure primal essence. forced to move from your space. You regain 1 hit point at the
You are no longer as active as you once were in shaping the start of each of your turns (10 hit points each minute), or 1d4
fate of the world; the actions that led to your immortality have hit points (10d4 hit points each minute) if you start your turn
kept the world safe for some time. Instead, you sleep soundly in bright sunlight.
in verdant groves or walk the wider world invisible to the eyes
ofmortaL. However, when the greatest dangers threaten the
world, you heed the summons to convene with other great
spirits to rally against those perils.
Become the World Tree: Catastrophic events have
shattered the World Tree, but you overcame those threats and
defeated the enemies of life. Now, you stand on the tree's
stump or its burnt-out husk, and take the ultimate sacrifice as
its guardian. As you root yourself into the remains of the
World Tree, your legs knit with the roots of the world, and you
feel yourself stretching to the heavens. Your consciousness
soon fades as you become the new World Tree, guardian and
protector of all.
Boughs of the World Tree World Tree's Awakening
Gnarled branches burst from the battlefield, granting benefits You can use your action to touch a Huge or smaller tree and
your allies and hindering your foes with twisting vines. turn it into an Awakened Tree, as the awaken spell. If you
As an action, you conjure up to four Huge boughs of the awaken one of your Boughs of the World Tree, the Awakened
World Tree in unoccupied spaces within 100 feet of you, and Tree has the same number of hit points as the bough it was
at least 20 feet away from one another. Once you use this formed from, and retains all other benefits of the boughs until
ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. the hour duration expires. You regain this ability when you
The boughs resemble trees and are solid obstacles, and the finish a long rest.
ground within 10 feet of them is difficult terrain for your
enemies. When you use this ability, also choose one of the Boon of the World Tree
following benefits. Any ally within 5 feet of a bough gains that Once per day, you can die in place of an ally. The moment an
benefit. ally dies, you can choose to die instead, and that ally's hit
Endurance. You have advantage on Constitution saving points equal your hit points at the moment you died (up to its
throws. You gain 10 temporary hit points when you start your hit point maximum).
turn within 5 feet of a bough, or when you move within 5 feet When you die, a sapling sprouts from your corpse,
of the bough the first time on your turn. preventing it or any of your gear from being moved from that
Shelter. You gain a +2 bonus to your AC, and have spot. Your allies within 5 feet of the sapling gain one of the
advantage on Dexterity saving throws. This is in addition to benefits from your Boughs of the World Tree ability, chosen
any bonuses granted by cover from the bough. by you when you die. The sapling has AC 9, 10 hit points,
Wisdom. You are immune to being charmed, frightened, or resistance to piercing damage, and vulnerable to fire damage.
possessed, and have advantage on Wisdom saving throws. If the sapling is destroyed, you're dead and can't use this
You can see the true form of any shapechanger or creature ability again until returned to life by some other means.
concealed by Illusion or Transmutation magic. Over the next day, the sapling grows to resemble your
normal form, its branches and roots growing through your
The boughs can be attacked. Each has AC 13, 60 hit points, equipment. 24 hours after you died, you awaken in your new
resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage, and form as though you had taken a long rest, and your type
vulnerable to fire damage. changes to Plant if it wasn't already. If the sapling is magically
A bough remains magical in this way for 1 hour, after Awakened before the transformation is complete, you are
which it turns into an ordinary tree. A bough also loses its conscious and aware of your surroundings, but can't move or
magic when it dies; when you die or are more than 120 feet take actions.
from the bough; or when you use a free action to end the
Dark Wanderer
You stride the eerie paths of fate. Until destiny meets you on The Dark Wanderer
this road, you’ll roam forever. Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +7 Dark Road
You left home ages ago, saying goodbye to the comforts
that a simpler life might have held. Following an unspoken 2nd +7 Supernatural Explorer
yearning, you took to the road with other vagabonds. Your 3rd +7 Environmental Adaptation
way led along sinister paths and to fateful deeds. In time,
perhaps you and your companions came to be called heroes. 4th +7 Not My Destiny
Still, dark strands of fortune draw you onward to an unknown 5th +8 Long Walk Back
end. Until that end comes, you wander the world as a
shadowy presence, turning up where you’re least expected or
most needed.
Prerequisites Dark Wanderer Features
In order to attain your epic destiny as a dark wanderer, you
must meet the following prerequisites: All dark wanderers have the following class features.
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery Dark Road
of mortal abilities. You can walk to any destination you desire in a single,
Proficiency in the Survival skill. Dark Wanderers must uninterrupted 24-hour period of walking. No matter how
be self-sufficient when wandering far from home. distant the location, or how many planes separate you from it,
you reach the destination 24 hours after you begin, finding
Immortality shortcuts, portals, or other modes of transport previously
Providence saved you for the final struggle. When you reach unknown to you. You do not require any rest, food, or water
that doom, who knows where it might carry you? during this travel, unless you choose to take a short or long
Roaming Wyrd. Your wandering days are not at an end just rest. During your journey, you are safe from hazards, attacks,
because you’ve caught up to your predestined future. From a and other dangers.
young age, you have been a cat’s-paw of fate, an unwitting When choosing a destination, you must be specific. If your
agent of luck and ruin. You followed your calling where it led destination is within a structure, such as a particular room
you and did what was required, and now you’ve finished what within a castle, the long walk leads you to the structure’s
dark kismet has set before you. Those who know your story main entrance, not inside the structure. You can choose to be
see you as fate personified. accompanied by up to five companions, all of whom share the
The tapestry of your exploits in life follows you, colored by benefit of this feature.
your final act. If, ultimately, you brought good to the world,
your legend is one of how fortune favors the bold. However, Supernatural Explorer
your story might have a darker hue from the inescapable pull Your travels have made you adept at exploration of planar
of grim destiny. terrain, and you gain all of the following benefits.
You wander the cosmos, held as a patron or intercessor by You are unaffected by exceptionally hot or cold
those seeking or avoiding fate. You could be the agent of a environments and can exist comfortably in such
power related to luck or predestination, such as a deity of conditions.
travel or fate. More likely, though, you have cut the threads of You ignore difficult terrain.
the inevitable and transcended the snares of chance. You cannot be surprised in combat.
Now, you drift free, straying wherever you wish for once in You gain a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to
your life. In so doing, you serve as an example to those who your walking speed.
wish to make their own way free of the ensnaring strands of You have tremorsense out to 30 feet.
fate and destiny.
Additionally, if you are in the natural world or a parallel
plane (including the Shadowfell, the Feywild, and the ethereal
plane) you can cast the spell commune with nature as a ritual.
If you are on a different plane, you can instead cast the spell
commune as a ritual, contacting the ruling deity or dominant
Power of that plane.
Environmental Adaptation
Your body has extraordinarily adapted to even the most
hostile environments.
You no longer need to breathe and are immune to
drowning, suffocation, and the poisoned condition.
You gain the ability to move up, down, and across vertical
surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving
your hands free.
When you fall, your rate of descent slows to 60 feet per
round. You take no falling damage and can land on your
You also gain immunity to one or resistance to two of the
following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic,
poison, radiant, or thunder. Each time you complete a rest or
cross into a different plane of existence, you can change your
Not My Destiny
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks. You also have advantage
on saving throws against spells, abilities, and other effects
from creatures with a challenge rating of 20 or less. There’s a
final purpose in your existence, and it’s not random death.
Long Walk Back
If you die and are not returned to life within one minute, your
body and possessions disappear. 24 hours after your death,
you arrive, equipped as you were when you died, having just
walked back from wherever it is you and your DM decided
you awoke after you were slain. Your condition is the same as
if you had just finished a long rest. You can choose to arrive at
the place of your death, at the location of any of your allies, or
at any location you consider home.
Shadow’s Price: Your interests in the Shadowfell have only
Darklord grown over your long career and in return, you learn to tap
The Shadowfell wraps you in its chilling embrace, welcoming into its grim power to augment your other capabilities.
you as a lord and master of any realm you choose. Dabbling in dark forces exacts a dread price from you, for you
have paled and grown thin—the cost of embracing the
Some say that the Shadowfell reflects darkly the mortal darkness.
world and is an imperfect echo of that realm suspended in During the last conflict with your enemy, you pulled out all
reality’s heart. Where others fear the unexpected twists, the the stops, using every tool at your disposal to win the day, but
deep shadows, and the scuttling creatures that emerge from in doing so, you cemented the Shadowfell’s hold over your
hiding only in the darkest of nights, you embrace it all, feeling soul. When the battle ends, as the dawning horror of what
at home in the plane’s pervasive chill and gloomy ambience. you've done begins to sink in, mist wells up from the ground
Regardless of the reasons for your unhealthy obsession with around you in silvery tendrils, each wrapping chill fingers
shadow, the kinship you experience blossoms into something around your legs, crawling up your torso until it shrouds you
more as the Shadowfell reciprocates your affection and completely. As quickly as the mists appeared, though, so do
blesses you with its power. they vanish and when they do, they take you with them.
The Shadowfell isn’t free with its gifts and only gradually The Shadowfell’s price is to stake a claim on your soul and
infuses you based on your achievements and successes. As to demand you spend eternity as a Darklord, a ruler of the
you prove your worth, you find yourself changing, embracing gloomy plane. You claim your place as master of your Domain
the cool darkness and rejecting the bright radiance of the of Dread, a dark and mysterious figure of uncertain loyalties
sun. You become withdrawn and cold, even to your closest commanding your domain as absolute ruler, monarch of
comrades, while your connections to the Shadowfell night, and prince of darkness. Thus you spend the remainder
strengthen. Dark impulses might breed darker acts, but there of your days in your home, attempting to rekindle the light, or
is nothing to fear: The Shadowfell chose you to become its as an architect of evil, as you decide.
steward, and should you accept, your immortality is ensured. Damnation: You find yourself addicted to the power that
comes with rulership over your domain. Your people would
Prerequisites kill for you, would die for you, they serve your every whim and
In order to attain your epic destiny as a darklord, you must tolerate any abuse. At the end of one particularly great and
meet the following prerequisites: terrible day, your realm is treated to one final sunset, after
which the mists well up around the edges and the eternal
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery night begins. Your Domain of Dread is shunted into the
of mortal abilities. Shadowfell where all your fears and regrets are made
Unforgiveable Sin. You must have committed some act of manifest.
great evil, either during your adventures or at some point Your power over the domain grants you anything you want,
in your past. Murder of a loved one, betraying a benefactor, except that which you most desire, as the ghosts of your past
breaking a sacred oath, or vile acts of depravity might all torment you and force you to relive your personal tragedy
be sufficient to condemn your soul. again and again until the end of time, a hell of your own
The Shadowfell manifests a shadow realm suited to your
accomplishments and failures, producing a darkly twisted
alternate reality that for you is both frightening and
comforting, and that reflects all that you have done as a The Darklord
mortal and laying the foundation for what you will do as an Level Proficiency Bonus Features
In time, your people forget about the outside world, 1st +7 Domain of Dread
becoming superstitious and paranoid of strangers and 2nd +7 Shadow Stride
retreating into the familiarity of their homes and neighbors. 3rd +7 Ghostwalk
Entering or leaving your realm becomes more difficult and
perilous, with wild monsters and hostile terrain rendering 4th +7 Thrall in Death
travel almost impossible. Eventually not even magic can cross 5th +8 Return from the Shadowfell
the bounds of your domain, and you become both master and
prisoner of the Shadowfell.
Darklord Features Shadow Stride
All darklords have the following class features. As an action, you can cast the misty step spell, without using
a spell slot or any components. Once you do so, you can't use
this feature again until you finish a short rest.
Domain of Dread Additionally, when you teleport (using this feature or
With the DM’s approval, choose a part of the world deeply another) into an area of dim light or darkness, you can
associated with your personal tragedy. You might choose the immediately make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide.
valley in which you were born, a coastal island where you
buried the secrets of your past, or an entire city you once Ghostwalk
called home. When you next seek to return to that part of the When you teleport, you can choose to become ethereal, as the
world, you find that a shadowy duplicate has taken its place, etherealness spell. The spell ends early if you take damage,
one that both entices and repels you. attack, or cast a spell.
Within your domain, the people regard you with awe or
fear. Each humanoid who has spent at least one year in your Thrall in Death
domain is either Charmed or Frightened of you (your choice Such is your mastery over the Shadowfell that when you kill
when you meet them), and will faithfully obey your orders to a foe you can cause that enemy to rise from death. Once,
the best of their ability. If given suicidal or obviously harmful when you reduce a target that is not undead or a construct to
orders, you must win a Charisma contest to convince your 0 hit points, at the start of its next turn the enemy
subject to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. This automatically stands in the square in which it died with 1 hit
enchantment cannot be broken by any means other than point.
forcibly removing the person from your domain, where it can The target is dominated by you as if by the dominate
be removed as if it were a curse. monster spell, without requiring concentration. After 8 hours
or when the thrall takes any damage, it moulders into dust
and you regain the use of this ability.
Dark Deeds
You don't necessarily need an evil alignment to
Return from the Shadowfell
become a Darklord; perhaps you have kept a dark
When you die, you wake up in bed at home, as if it was all a
secret from your companions, and have spent your bad dream.
entire adventuring career attempting to atone for One minute after you die, your body and all your equipment
your past. Or your character may be misguided, vanish and you appear in your Domain of Dread, restored as
having been manipulated by dark forces into if you had taken a long rest. However, neither you nor anyone
committing seemingly heroic acts without else are able to leave your domain by any means. Choking
knowledge of their terrible consequences. mists surround your domain preventing mundane travel, and
magical teleportation and planar travel fail to function.
Twenty-four hours after you died, the mists dissapate and
you are free to leave... for now.
Exarch: Prior to your ascension, one or more gods might ask
Demigod that you serve them as a probationary exarch while you work
A divine spark ignites your soul, setting you on the path to toward your own divine goals. You gain access to a divine
apotheosis. connection that might grant you information helpful for
completing your quests, but also the responsibility to answer
Your flesh becomes more than mortal and partakes of the to a higher power.
divine vigor enjoyed by the gods themselves. Your epic-level At the conclusion of your final quest, you are taken up into
companions are fast, strong, and smart, but you have the the realm of an established god who welcomes your strength.
spark of godhood that sets you ever so slightly above all You join that god’s pantheon and take on an aspect of the
mortals. god’s portfolio, worshipped as a new addition to that deity's
Deities from every plane eventually learn your name, your exalted family.
nature, and your goals. Some might monitor your progress to
observe whether you possess the mettle of a true demigod,
and a few could throw roadblocks in your path. It is in your
hands to impress the lords of creation, or disappoint them. The Demigod
If you survive, overcome all challenges put before you, and
reach the heights of ability achieved by few mortals, you are Level Proficiency Bonus Features
worthy to ascend to the ranks of the divine. 1st +7 Divine Body, Demigod's Bane
2nd +7 Divine Abilities
In order to attain your epic destiny as a demigod, you must 3rd +7 Divine Immunities
meet the following prerequisites: 4th +7 Miracle
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery 5th +8 Indestructable
of mortal abilities.
When you reach the end of your destiny quest, you become a
true deity (if a minor one). Perhaps you create your own Demigod Features
divine domain and portfolio, holy symbol, and other trappings All Demigods have the following class features.
of your own faith before the campaign ends, and share those
with the group when you finish your destiny quest. Or Divine Body
perhaps a deity you had a close connection with gives you a You cannot die from natural causes. You are immune to
piece of their power in respect for your incredible service. disease, cease to age, and do not need to eat, drink, or
Divine Transformation: When you complete your final breathe (though you can if you want to). You do not need to
quest, your divine nature yearns to complete your apotheosis. sleep, and can gain the benefits of an extended rest by
Upon ordering your mortal affairs, the astral flame spending 4 hours doing light activity, such as reading and
smoldering within you detonates, consuming all that remains keeping watch.
of your mortal flesh and leaving behind a fledgling god, flush
with the power only the truly divine can comprehend and Demigod's Bane
wield. Soon, your transcendent senses soon discern mortal Your status as a demigod comes with a weakness. Whatever
prayers directed at you. powers you may gain, you can never negate or reverse the
When you reach godhood, the adventuring life seems effects of the imprisonment spell without the intervention of
quaint compared to the power you wield. Your character's another demigod or deity greater in power than yourself.
need to travel and battle mortal threats is finished, but her
influence on other adventurers might not be. Perhaps the
deity you've become will even be a major player in your next
Divine Abilities
You increase all your ability scores by 1 each. This can
improve your ability scores above 20, up to a maximum of 30.
After you apply this increase, any of your ability scores of 9 or
lower become 10.
Divine Immunities
You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks, and immune to being
charmed or frightened. You are also immune to
polymorphing, petrification, or any other effect that alters
your form against your will. Any shape-altering powers you
might have work normally on yourself.
You can call upon your own divine power to reshape reality.
As an action, you can cast wish, without spending a spell slot
or any components. The DC for any saving throw required by
the spell is 15, and spell attacks are made with a bonus equal
to your proficiency bonus.
You are never at risk of losing this ability. However, if you
produce any effect other than duplicating another spell, you
can't use this feature again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can use
it again after you finish a long rest.
You can still be wounded, but your body cannot be decayed,
disintegrated, or otherwise destroyed. You automatically
succeed on death saving throws, and any effect that would kill
you instead renders you unconscious and stable.
You are immune to effects that would reduce your
maximum hit points, and any severed or removed body parts
(arms, legs, organs, and so on) are regenerated after 1d4
hours. If you are beheaded or completely dismembered, you
are incapacitated until someone holds the stumps of your
severed parts together, whereupon they knit together after
1d4 minutes. You need your head attached to at least half of
your body for regeneration to continue functioning.
Exalted Angel
Your wisdom, courage, and devotion have earned you an Exalted Angel Features
honor granted to only a handful of mortals across all the ages All exalted angels have the following class features.
of the world—you are transformed into an angel.
Aspect of the Deity
By the favor of the gods, you transcend mortality and join Your appearance changes to become more like your deity. For
the angelic hosts. Your mortal flesh and blood are example, if you serve a god of life and peace, your appearance
transformed into immortal substance; even though you still becomes more perfect, removing scars, blemishes, and the
have your mortal appearance, your spirit shines inside your effects of age. On the other hand, if you serve a god of war,
perfected body like a blazing fire in a crystal vessel. As an your appearance may become more fearsome, with flashing
angel, you no longer age, and all the infirmities of mortality red eyes and fangs. You can also choose to disguise these
fall away. In time you learn to assume more and more of the features and appear as a normal member of your race.
appearance and powers of angels. Whatever your appearance, you always have advantage on all
You are closely bound to the god who raised you up. You Charisma checks.
can continue to pursue the quests and goals of your mortal In addition, you stop aging and can no longer die of old age.
life, but from time to time your deity summons you to specific You suffer none of the frailty of old age, and you can't be aged
missions or dispatches you on important errands, and you magically. You also no longer need food or water.
are expected to answer any such call. Because you were once
mortal, you can resume your mortal appearance whenever True Speech
you wish, hiding your immortal nature. This attribute makes You understand all spoken languages, and any creature that
you a valuable servant, since you can go where other angels can understand a language can understand what you say.
cannot; exalted angels often serve as spies or advise mortals Additionally, you always know when you hear a deliberate lie.
on important matters without ever revealing their true nature.
Angel Wings
Prerequisites You gain the ability to sprout a pair of wings from your back,
In order to attain your epic destiny as an exalted angel, you gaining a flying speed equal to your current walking speed.
must meet the following prerequisites: You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn.
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your
of mortal abilities. turn. The wings might be physical feathered or bat-like wings,
Channel Divinity class feature. You must have a natural or appear ethereal, as you wish.
ability to channel the energy of the divine to fully embrace Celestial Nature
your destiny. Your type changes to Celestial. You are immune to being
Immortality charmed, diseased, exhausted, or frightened. You have
resistance to radiant damage, and gain darkvision to a
Even saints and other elevated souls know the bitterness of distance of 60 feet and truesight to a distance of 10 feet.
death, but you are spared that fate.
Divine Ascension: For a time you walk the world, an agent Unlimited Channeling
of whatever cause your deity holds dear. But eventually you You can use your Channel Divinity feature at will, with no
are called away to serve your patron in the astral dominions, limit on the number of uses.
leaving the affairs of your mortal life behind. In addition, with the DM's approval, you can choose one
You ascend, blazing like the sunrise (or darkening the skies additional option for your Channel Divinity feature from a
like an eclipse, if your inclinations run dark). Streaking into Cleric domain or Paladin oath aligned with your deity's
the Astral Plane, you join the host of angels and archangels portfolio.
that serve your deity, to receive your eternal reward.
Divine Word
You can cast divine word once without using a spell slot. If a
creature lies to you, you can use your reaction to cast this
The Exalted Angel spell targeting only that creature.
Once you have used this ability, you must complete a long
Level Proficiency Bonus Features rest before you can do so again.
1st +7 Aspect of the Deity, True Speech
Reborn in Light
2nd +7 Angel Wings When you die, your body and all equipment disappear in a
3rd +7 Celestial Nature flash of light. A sunburst explodes centered on yourself as if
4th +7 Unlimited Channeling
you had cast it, without using a spell slot or any components.
At the next dawn, you descend from the heavens on a ray of
5th +8 Divine Word, Reborn in Light sunlight in a location of your choosing near any of your
friends or allies, restored as if you had taken a long rest.
Messianic Return. At some point in your future near the end
Feyliege of your natural lifespan, you may be mortally wounded, or
You command legions of powerful eladrin, tapping into the else choose to enter a deep slumber resembling death. Bards
magical potential of the Feywild. prophesy that you will someday return in an hour of great
need. Someday far in the future, some other heroes may find
Your mastery over the mystical arts that twine through the your forgotten tomb, and your body perfectly preserved, ready
Feywild has earned you the respect of eladrin and other noble to rise again to fight one last time.
fey creatures. You are seen as a great leader in the sometimes
fanciful, wondrous echo of the world. Where castles of eladrin
nobles raise their gleaming spires, your name has been
bandied about as a potenial lord of great power. Where The Feyliege
shadowed hillocks cover twilight tunnels into the brooding
Feydark, your name is also whispered, but as a curse. Level Proficiency Bonus Features
As a lord or lady of the Feywild, you are sometimes called 1st +7 Fey Nature, Eternal Youth
upon to use your power to defend the interests of the faerie 2nd +7 Fey Step
realm. However, your interests are wider still, and you often
use your knowledge and ties to aid you in your own quests 3rd +7 Dominion Over the Mind
and errands. Sometimes, a future version of yourself steps 4th +7 Chronomancy
back through the world lines to offer aid, and in so doing
provide a glipse of what one day might be in a fey echo of 5th +8 Eternal Monarch
In order to attain your epic destiny as a feyliege, you must
meet the following prerequisites: Feyliege Features
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery All feylieges have the following class features.
of mortal abilities.
Fey Ancestry or Archfey Patron. Only those that are fey Fey Nature
themselves, or have been specially blessed by the Feywild Your type changes to Fey. You are immune to being charmed
powers, are eligible to rule in that realm. It is unusual, but or magically put to sleep, and gain darkvision to a distance of
not unheard of, for gnomes and firbolgs or priests of the 60 feet.
elven gods to accepted into the fey courts. Under truly You can speak and understand the Sylvan language, and
exceptional circumstances, an "elf friend" may be can cast animal friendship and charm person (save DC 15) at
accepted through acts of great service, or marriage into an their lowest level at will, without using a spell slot or any
elven noble family. components.
Immortality Eternal Youth
You don't appear to age, and gain the following benefits.
Upon completion of your final quest, you retreat to the
Feywild for good, but your coming is foretold. Indeed, the You suffer none of the frailty of old age.
Court of Stars, that storied city that crowns the Feywild's You can change your appearance at will to be youthful,
heart, has sent envoys, invitations, and inquiries regarding venerable, or anywhere in between.
your bloodline. There are intimations that you might be, in You are immune to the time warping effects of the Feywild,
truth, of the lineage of Lord Oran or Queen Tiandra. and can't be aged magically.
You have a choice before you. You could find a secluded If you die, your corpse is protected from decay and can't
spot and build a towering edifice among the trees, then live become undead. Time spent dead doesn't count against
out a peaceful life in the mists and shadows behind the world. your maximum lifespan or the time limit of spells such as
You could take the guise of a simple traveler, passing from raise dead.
settlement to settlement in the Feywild and in the natural These benefits come at a cost; you can never truly stop
world, appearing as an itinerant elderly nomad, but one aging, change your actual age, or extend your natural
capable of dispensing great wisdom. Or, you could accept lifespan, and you still die of old age when your time is up.
your destiny and the summons from the Feywild's heart, and
take a seat of wisdom and power in the Court of Stars, a seat
that will someday be the one that overlooks all others.
Fey Step
As a bonus action, you can cast the misty step spell, without
using a spell slot or any components. Once you use this
feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short rest.
Dominion Over the Mind
While a creature is charmed by you, you can choose to
dominate the creature as if it was affected by the dominate
monster spell. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again
until you finish a long rest.
As an action, you can choose to manipulate time in one of the
following ways. Once you do so, you can't use this ability
again until you finish a long rest.
You can remove the time warping effects of the Feywild or
reverse magical aging on up to ten humanoids of your
Your touch can magically change a humanoid's age by
1d4x10 years, either ageing or restoring youth. If the
target is unwilling, you must succeed on a melee attack.
You grant a humanoid the ability to cast haste or slow
(save DC 15) once, without spending a spell slot or any
components. This ability is lost if not used by the end of
the target creature's next long rest.
You can cast the time stop spell without expending a spell
slot or using components. When the spell ends, you can't
move or take actions until after your next turn, as a wave
of lethargy sweeps over you.
Eternal Monarch
When you die, you can choose to have an older, more regal
version of yourself steps from the mists of time to take your
place. Your future self cannot attack or cast spells, but
otherwise has all your statistics and is under your control. If
you die of old age or while in the form of your future self,
you're dead.
After 24 hours have passed, if your body is still present and
you haven't been returned to life, your future self restores you
to life as if you had taken a long rest.
Once you have been returned to life, your future self
disappears back into the mists of time. If your body is
missing, you will need other magic to return to life, but you
can continue adventuring as your future self (using your
statistics) if you would like to do so.
When you reach the height of your powers, Asmodeus
Prince of Hell summons you to his grim palace in a puff of brimstone
Better to rule in hell, than to serve in heaven. smoke. The Lord of Nessus demands your fealty, compelling
you to intone the blasphemous oaths of service whether you
One way or another, you’re going to Hell. The reasons are want to or not. In recognition for your mortal deeds, you are
many. You might have drawn the fell attention of an archdevil awarded a domain within the Nine Hells, perhaps as a vassal
who seeks to name you as its heir. You might have made an to another archdevil or replacing an archdevil as a lord of
unwise bargain, selling your soul in exchange for temporal Hell, gaining its lands, vassals, and armies to use as you wish.
power. Or you could be a devil’s lost scion, only now realizing You ascent is not without its peril. Hidden enemies plot
your heritage’s full potential. It might not be fair and could be against you, while you might find it hard to stomp out old
a gross injustice, but you can’t change fate. Your place lies loyalties to the one you supplanted. As well, the devils are ever
within the fiery dominion and only by accepting your destiny working against one another, each casting hungry eyes at
can you use it to your advantage. their peer’s lands. In theory, you will live forever as an
Undoubtedly, your curse (or blessing) has manifested itself immortal steward of a brooding land, but some are ready to
in omens and the behavior of those you meet. Babies cry, slip a knife in your back or send armies to shatter your
animals grow uneasy, and your eyes have a tendency to flash legions. At any time, another ambitious fool with designs on
red when you’re angry, all pointing toward darkness in your your demesne might be prepared to use the luck and favor
blood. Consultations with seers and soothsayers offer granted by the same dread forces that raised you up.
glimpses of what’s in store for you, including grim warnings
of plots and treacheries fomented by hidden rivals and enemy
archdevils who fear your ascent. Indeed, the emergence of a
new archdevil comes at a price to those who hold their own The Prince of Hell
kingdoms in the Nine Hells, and none are willing to
surrender their might to an upstart mortal. As a result, Level Proficiency Bonus Features
enemies lay in wait to all sides, plotting and conniving to 1st +7 Infernal Form
bring about your downfall. 2nd +7 Hellfire Master
Contrary to what you might expect, you don’t have to be evil
to rule in the Nine Hells, though being all dark and nasty goes 3rd +7 Summon Devil
far to making sure you hold onto what you take. Anyone with 4th +7 Hellgate
a firm hand can claim a place in the infernal realms, and
maybe, just maybe, change the dominion in a small way, at 5th +8 Infernal Aspect, Hellpyre
least until the Lord of Nessus smacks you down.
In order to attain your epic destiny as a Prince of Hell, you
must meet the following prerequisites: Prince of Hell Features
Character level 20th. Epic powers require total mastery All Princes of Hell have the following class features.
of mortal abilities.
Able to speak Infernal. The language of the fiends is Infernal Form
necessary to speak the oaths of fealty to Asmodeus. Destiny’s weight presses upon you and you begin the subtle
transformation into a devil. Apply the following changes:
Immortality Your type becomes Fiend, and you gain the Devil subtype.
There are many paths to joining the archdevils’ ranks, and You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet. Magical darkness
they include murder, betrayal, treachery, and everything in doesn't impede your darkvision.
between. The following describes one possible route to a You are immune to poison damage, the poisoned
palace overlooking a sea of fire. condition, and all disease.
Infernal Apotheosis: Knowing what’s in store for you, you You are immune to fire damage. If you are already
spent your career working to secure a place of power within resistant to fire damage through a racial trait or class
the Nine Hells’ hierarchy. You might take a hand in infernal feature, you may exchange that resistance with your
politics, moving through mortal spheres to pit the archdevils choice of acid, cold, or lightning damage.
and their dukes against one another, or you might wage war You stop aging, and can no longer die of old age. You no
against a particular archdevil, vowing to end the dark lord’s longer need to eat or drink, but can if you wish.
evil regime. Regardless of the method, your final enemy’s
defeat brings about the appointed hour and your time in the
mortal world is at an end.
Hellfire Master Hellgate
Your spells, abilities, and any weapons you wield that deal fire You can cast the gate spell once without expending a spell
damage ignore fire resistance (but not immunity). slot or material components. If you are not already in the
You can choose any spell you cast that deals radiant Nine Hells, the gate must open to the topmost layer of
damage to instead deal fire damage. Additionally, you can Avernus. You regain this ability after you take a long rest.
cast guiding bolt at its lowest level at will, without using a
spell slot or any components. The attack bonus equals your Infernal Aspect
proficiency bonus plus your Dexterity or Charisma modifier You answer Asmodeus' summons and become a ruler and
(your choice). prisoner of the Nine Hells for all time, with absolute power
over your domain yet unable to leave. However, you are
Summon Devil blessed with the ability to project a part of your
As an action, you summon fiends that appear in unoccupied consciousness, called an aspect, across the planes to do your
spaces that you can see within 60 feet. You choose one the bidding.
following options for what appears: one barbed devil, two The aspect has all your statistics, including simulacra of
bearded devils, three spined devils, or six imps. A fiend your equipment, and is under your total control. For all
summoned by this ability persists as long as you maintain intents and purposes, the aspect is your character; your
concentration (maximum duration of one hour), or when it original character becomes your aspect's distant patron.
drops to 0 hit points, at which point it vanishes in a puff of You can have only one aspect at a time. If your aspect is
smoke. Once you have used this ability you must take a long destroyed, you can create a new one with a ritual that takes
rest before you can use it again. 24 hours. The new aspect appears restored as if it had taken
The summoned devils are friendly to you and your a long rest. You can then use your own Hellgate ability to
companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a send the aspect back into the world at the place where you
group, which has its own turns. They obey any verbal died, near any creature you consider an ally, or at any place
commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). considered sacred to Asmodeus.
If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend
themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no Hellpyre
actions. Devils you summon can't summon other devils. When you or your aspect die, the body and possessions are
The DM has the creatures' statistics. consumed by hellfire that fills a 5-foot cube centered on your
space for one minute. Once the hellfire is extinguished,
nothing is left but ash.
Any creature that enters the hellfire’s space for the first
Layers of Baator time on a turn or ends its turn there must make a DC 15
While the infernal realm is strongly associated with Dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 fire damage, or half
hellfire, some layers have affinity for other damage on a successful save.
elements. At the DM's discretion, a prince of one
of the following layers can replace the fire damage
benefits of Hellfire Master with another damage
Minauros or Maladomini: Brimstone (acid)
Stygia or Cania: Hellrime (cold)